Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 28, 1907, Image 5

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S. F. Van Meter spent Saturday in
the Rose City.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Van Meter of
Preaching in Banks every two weeks, Portland, spent Sunday at the home o f'
E. F. Willis made his weekly trip to Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Van Meter.
Thanksgiving services were con- j
Holiday Linens
;V ;.'
When you serve your turkey on
Thanksgiving Day you will want
your Linens to he especially nice.
Our stock comprises all the new and
dainty designs in Table Cloths, Nap­
kins, Tray Cloths, and all the other
linens that go t>o make your meals a
Mr. Douchey has been on the sick ducted at the M. E. church Sunday
list for several weeks.
morning by the pastor, Rev. C. L.
Mrs. M. Turner has been quite sick Creesy.
but is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Burchill of Port­
J. F. Carstens is on the sick list land, spent Sunday at the home of
and is being treated by doctors in the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Dr. W. M. Burger has been in Port­
J. A. C. Freund, who has been in
land the past week purchasing a stock Southern Oregon for the past year, has
of holiday goods.
returned and is visiting his family at
Sorry to say that Mr. Hollenbeck, ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc-
who moved near Vancouver Washing­ Namee.
ton, is very low.
Miss Emma Gordon, who has been
Ole Hopkins has remodeled the old teaching the principal department of
school house which he and family will our school, resigned last week, and her
place is being filled by Mr. Scott of
occupy this winter.
Earl Wilson and Cltll Carstens can McMinnville.
be seen every Sunday morning in hunt­
Kansas City Items.
ing suit making their regular trip for
A deer was seen on our streets early 1
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Willis and daughter Ruth vis­
David O’Donnell of Buxton, was vis­
ited with friends in Hillsboro the past iting in this vicinity Sunday and Mon- ;
week and report having had a delight­ day.
ful time.
Jennie Mann has gone to Portland
We understand that Ralph Kinton is where she will visit with friends and
buiiding a boat for the purpose of relatives.
hunting ducks. We wish him success
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton spent Sun- j
in his new enterprise.
day visiting at the home of Mr. and
Miss Elpha Schulmerich has been Mrs. E. Hughes.
quite sick for some firne, but is im­
Mrs. F. Lewis, who has been sick
proving under the skillful and attentive for some time, is still improving but |
care of Dr. W. M. Burger.
is not yet able to be up.
The ladies of Kansas City attended
J. C. Schulmerich is erecting a
at Greenville Monday afternoon
water tower on his premises which will
course enjoyed the rain.
supply water for his house and farm.
We are glad to see these improve­
Alta and Annie Inkley was visiting
ments go on as the place builds up.
at F. Lewis’s Sunday, remaining over
The new school house was dedicat­ night at C. H. Hamiltons’ and return­
ed last Monday. Rev. Creasy opened ing home Monday morning.
the program with a short prayer and
made a very beneficial talk. R. M.
C. A. Raymond left for Portland this
Banks, E. F. Willis and W. S. Inkley,
were called upon for remaks and res­
A. L. Thomas was shaking hands
ponded with short speeches for the
good of the school. Prof. Ladd, the
Charles Moore of Hood River, is
principal of the school, made a
very interesting speech, which was visiting ftiends here.
thoroughly appreciated by all pres­
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Brown of Port­
ent. The school children came in for land were visiting here over Sunday.
their part of the programme with I Wade Everest of Cornelius, came 1
songs which is always enjoyed.
up to hunt ducks the last of the week.
In the Grocery Line
- S . p . t
< ^ \ S
You will find all t*he choicest products of the farm and garden, canned
goods of the richest and all the accessories to the Thanksgiving dinner.
Our prices are right and our service is the best.
Latest Line o f Ladies’
In Soisette, Mercerized, W ool Batiste, Mix­
ed Silk, Sateen, and Cordarette.
new est designs and handsomely tailored.
Prices, $2.25, 2.50, 3.25, 4.50, and 5.50.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis returned
“ Rat" Rhinehart, a former O. A. C
after several weeks absence, having student was the guest of Hal Hibbs I
spent their honeymoon on their home­ Sunday.
stead in Grand Ronde. All the good
About a dozen fellows went down
people of Banks and surrounding coun­ to the shooting match Monday and j
try turned out with the regulation succeeded in winning quite a few tur­
charivari outfit. Mr. and Mrs. Davis keys.
were looking forward to it and enjoyed
Mrs. John Blum of West Chehalem, ters lots 6, 7 and 8 blk 7 Hillsboro
it even more than the merry makers. died last Friday from internal blood $1400.
The bride and groom treated the crowd poison. She leaves a husband and
Frank X Dillman et ux to Michael
bountifully to refreshments and all had two small children to mourn her loss. Foerster part of blk 1 Middleton $225.
a good time. Some thought that one
Thos R Johnston et ux to Edgar A
A pleasant party was given at the
evening of jollification was not enough
43 acres in sec 16 t 1 n 4 w
home of Mrs. L. Russell in honor of
so decided to turn out the following
Mrs. Felix Kertson and daughter.
night but after several attempts td
Wm Richter et ux to Bertha Dailey
Everybody enjoyed themselves to the
bring them forth found the house of
in Fairview Add to Hillsboro
fullest extent.
the bride and groom vacated. Never­
A surprise party was given at the
theless the music by the Banks band
Rosetta Wallace to Henrietta Van-
of F. A. Everest in honor of Mr.
was enjoyed by the community just
dehey lots 9 and 10 Henry’s Add to
Everest’s birthday and Mr. and Mrs.
the same.
Cornelius $95.
Everest’s ann versary. A very good
Erick Fagerstrom to John Reichen
J. C. Schulmerich is erecting a wa­ time was reported.
8 acres in sec 1 t 1 s 1 w $3000.
ter tower and will use a gasoline engine
Word was received here that Har­
C Rhoades et ux to Roy L Greear
ley. the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tract in Moore D L C in Hillsboro
instead of wind mill.
Myron McGregor, the former Cream- E. H. Jeter, died at his home in Port­ $250.
eryman was out on a short visit with his land as the result of a severe burn
Fred S Olsen et ux to George Har­
received over six weeks ago. Mr. row 10 acres in sec 2 t 1 s 3 w $1500.
friends in Banks.
The people of Banks have suspended and Mrs. Jeter formerly lived here.
Frank W Emerson et ux to D F
heavy eating pending the approach of
Fleck 5 acres in sec 4 t 1 s 3 w
the Thanksgiving turkey.
Cairie V Fuller to Albert N Stanton
H E Higby to Estella Elliott 5 acres
Misses Anna and Katie Burrus have
returned from Portland where they 64.33 acres in Thos Hart D L C t 1 s in B H Catching D L C t 1 n 4 w
3 w
have been visiting relatives.
J W Shute et ux to Wm Richter 5
Ernest G Ruedy et ux to Geo P
John Carstens has stored his large
hop crop in his hop house awaiting acres in Fairview Add to Hillsboro Fetzer 5.75 acres in sec 11 t 2 s 1 w
$ 1 .
the raise of the financial blockade.
Hans Peterson et ux to R T Simp­
Mathias Ulmen et ux to August
No cessation of business in Banks—
Erickson part of sec 4 t 1 s 1 w son Tract in sec 4 t 2 n 4 w $1500.
checks, clearing house certificates,
Alanson Hinman et ux to Carl F
hogs, veal, butter, eggs, hides or cash
John L Schuleman et ux to Geo P Pfieffer part of Alvin T Smith D L C
all goes.
Fetzer 5.75 acres in sec 1 t 2 s 1 w t 1 s 3 w (sixteen acres) 83200.
Mr. Turner reports no sign of m on-! • j
ey stringency in his business.
The | Mjtfy L Dods<jn {0 A j Roy part of
We repair and cover umbrellas, L.
only trouble ts in keeping the goods John Harris D L c t j n 3 w 8600.
J. Corl & Son.
to supply the demand.
t r*
a u-
Roy L Greear to Wm A Finney
The Banks band has institutd a ser- Tract jn M Moore D L c $155.
ies of serenades under the auspices of
Nancy I Banks et al to Trustees of
the “ Newly Wedded Club” thai is Methodist church lot 2 blk 1 Banks
very interesting to the inhabitants and $ 1 .
no doubt improving to themselves.
Alma Beegle et al to Alberta R Lin­
Dr. Killingsworth and Ralph Kinton
hunched their fishing yacht today.
Its a craft of their own construction to
be used on the waters of Kiilins lake.
The launching took place with suit­
able ceremonies and the breaking of a
bottle of soda water to the name of
“ Clipper.”
coln lot 14 blk 4 Thornes Add to
Hillsboro $150.
J W Shute er ux to L E Shute Tract
13 Fairview Add to Hillsboro $600.
John Hensley et ux to F Rutsch­
mann 40.75 ac*es in Walter Pomeroy
— More new pictures at the Book
D L C t 1 n 2 w $3800.
Store. Call in it will cost you nothing
P M Jackson et ux to John W Mas to look at them.
Liner Column
— Mrs. Edmondson would like to do
—Money to loan on farm security
work by the day. Phone No. 392. ll t f W. H. Hollis,
It is all sm ooth s a ilin g w hen you plac e a L iner Ad
In th is colum n. A few words he re will reach 5,(XX)
readers and th* resu lts a re c e rta in . Sc line 1st
Insertion, 2 hi c en ts ea ch su b sequent in se rtio n .
M inim um charge 10 cts.
We’ll cover that umbrella. Corl &
— Buy Wool Blankets of Bailey and
keep warm.
— Don’t you think a nice Wool
Blanket would feel good these cod
$100 to $150 per month, some even
nights? Bailey’s.
more. Stock clean; grown on reserva­ & Son clean your bike.
tion, far from old orchards.
Cash ,
advanced weekly. Choice of territory, j
Address Washington Nursery Company,1
Toppenish, Washington.”
WANTED —Salesmen. Many make
F o r SALE —Good work horse well j
broke,and set of new work harness— .
never been used. On the Old Carey
Porter place.
Guns repaired by Corl & Son. 18t4
1 Rea! Estate
F or SALE. — Thoroughbred regis­
tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy
cattle which have the highest test in
the county. Address box 16 R. F. D.
No. 1. Cornelius.
K . AJ. S t a c h r
H e lix V e rh o e v e n
o r f i c i - /IT T H E HA7.AAH. N E X T TO P O S T O F F IC E
FOR SALE—Good house in South
Park; 5 bed rooms, 2 sitting rooms,
kitchen and lot 100x100; good barn,
price $1550. Also good 6 room house,
corner lot, 1 block from car line,8900.
Some choice building lots. T. H. Lit-
tlehaies, Forest Grove.
Four acres of land, close to
town, no buildings. Fine loca­
tion. $900.
will expect a photograph of you this
Christmas— Pacific Art Studio.
21 tf
nished free to employers.
Registration Bureau, entrance to offices
1* Selling-Hirsch Bldg., 386 i Wash­
ington Street, Cor. West Park, Port­
land, Ore.
Fir W ood
S o m e o f th is w e e k 's B a r g a in s
Fifty-three acre farm, with
hons>e and barn 4 miles from Gas­
ton; 40 acres in cultivation: bal­
ance in good pasture. Horses,
cows, chickens and farm imple­
ments go with the nlace. All
for $3000; 81800 cash, balance
to suit.
Twelve and one half acres,
with fine house and good barn.
Family orchard, only one-half
mile from town. All the land is
under cultivation and in fine
shape. Price $3500.
Fightcen-acre fruit farm with
house and barn and good fruit
drier, 6 miles from here. Price
New 5-room modern cottage,
all plastered, hot and cold water
largfc lot in fine location. $1300
takes it if bought soon. 1 his is
a rare bargain.
Gome good notes’ secured by
real estate for rale.
Both Phones
Eighty acre dairy farm, 6 miles
out with good buildings and fin*
orchard. Price $4000.
Good new 7-room house with
two lots on car line lor only
1000 .
Eighty acres of fine land, 6
miles out, no buildings. Fine
water and orchard on place.
Price $35 per acre.
Three acres, close to town
with good 8-room house and fine
orchard. $150*>. Will exchange
for town property.
Four acres ol land, close to
town, with house and barn, good
orchard. An ideal location for a
fruit and chicken ranch. Price
Five acre tract with house and
Good loca­
barn, one mile out.
tion. $ 1600.
One hundred and forty-seven
acres, 3 miles from Forest Grove,
55 acres in cultivation, 40 acres
in pasture, house and barn and
six acres in prunes. Two live
parings on the place. Can be
id for $35 per acre.
cash. Balance cn time to suit
H ouses fo r R e n i
Walter Roswurm t ® « * &&&»& j*©*®**®*