I f t Miss Birdie Gray of Hillsboro, was united in marriage yesterday to Will THOMAS & H0GE C. Varney. Rev. Belknap officiating. Real Estate Loans Mr. Varney is a fireman in Portland Forest Grove, Oregon AN0 INSURANCE and they will make their home there. Phone 294, Forest Grove, Oregon Capital . . . $ 25.000.00 10.000 00 Surplus George Carlton, who was so seiiously 250,000.00 Resources burned here several weeks ago that it appointed agents A General Banking Business Transacted was thought he couldn’t live, was com­ for We 1HE have been AMERICAN INSUR You will want a new suit for this date any­ pelled to have his left arm amputated ANCE COMPANY of Newark, Directors: R. M. Dooly, J. E. Loomis, H. C. Wortman, way, so come in and let us show you one of Frank E. Dooly, R. M. Dooly, Jr. last Saturday in order to save his life. one of the strongest and best in N. the J. the best lines of S. Levy was tripped last week by a country, and will be pleased to pro­ sidewalk board flying up, between tect your property. The American CLOTHING Leabo’s hotel and the new bank fall­ has a record of paying over $1,000,* ing headlong with such force that it 00U of losses in the San Francisco cut a deep gash in his knee cap and disaster as soon as they could be in the city. We will guarantee the price, bruised his face. adjusted and without a single suit. goods and fit. We have all the well known Fine new Stock at Good Prices. Better select now Jesse Wiswell, a mining man from brands of high class tailored suits. South Djkota and an old friend of Felix Verhoven has gone out of the P h o n « -III lì. It. P U N F IU L D Edward Seymour, is here visiting. real estate business and is now devot­ Last spring he was out here and re­ ing himself exclusively to his flower turned to Dakota, but ir, all probability garden on Third Avenue near Depot CONFIDENCE A crowd of y°'>ng fellows from this he will send for his family and locate street. Now is the time to plant roses THE TAILOR. in the superiority iCitjyaUendedthe dance ^ Banks Sat- in this city. and he is offering some low rates to of our portraits , urday evening. Homer C. Atwell and his splendid make room for raising winter lettuce. causes us to invite Prof. Orr who gave “ If I Were box of Baldwin apples took a handsome Two year rose bush 25 cents apiece; you to test our King,” at Corvallis last evening met silver cup at the apple show in Port­ twelve varieties our selection, $1 by skill in with great success. land last week. The apples were on palms, begonias, etc., at one PHOTOGRAPHY Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Scheiffelin display at Olds, Wortman & King. mail; half price. Sale lasts two weeks. The mere expos­ of near Glencoe, were registered at the Mr. Atwell raised them on his fruit Rev. Barrett, pastor of the Free ure to the camera Laughlin last week. ranch southwest of town. Methodist church of this city, has ex­ is only a small part of our method A neat business office is being con­ Next Monday there will be a grand changed charges with Rev. Harry We print on th; structed by Goff Bros, in the center of shooting match at the Forest Grove Krieder of Portland. Rev. Bariett has baseball grounds, near Naylors grove poor health and it was necessary for best papers, tone their commodious building. up the likeness to which everybody is invited. to go to Portland for treatment. till it nearly speaks Judge W. H. Hollis attended the Among the prizes that will be given him Rev. Krieder is a Forest Grove boy, of Fall aid vV.u. . t dress goads. Children’s, Ladies’ and and finish the pic- ótate Bar Association meeting in Port- are 45 turkeys, 300 pigeons and 25 having spent his boyhood days here Gents’ Shoes; nice line of shirts. tures as daintily as iand T„es(jay and Wednesday. boxes of apples. Clay pigeon and possible. Would and his parents reside in this city. He you not like some Toots Cardiff, who has been painting rifle shooting. VER Y PINES G L A S S W A R E has been preaching for several years portraits of your­ at Raineer, is here visiting his grand­ Chet Dixon, who runs the electric and is a graduate of the theological self to distribute parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Wagner, plant at Carlton, is home for a few school at Seattle. Table linen for Thanksgiving. a m o n g y o u r Frank Miller of Gaston made this days’ visit. He says that they have friends? Come and Also the finest line of groceries in town. ( COUNTY COURT NEWS see how well we office a very pleasant call Tuesday the best lights in the state up there Everything guaranteed or your money refunded. have done for He reports things rather quiet at Gcs- and use steam power. The big mill, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS others. ton. which employs about 300 men. is shut Rena Capíes et a! to Cora F Symms B. H. laughlin, our popular mayor, down this week but will start up Mon­ lot 3 block 20 South Park Ad to For­ est Grove, 8100. P a c ific A r t S tu d io , is spending a lew days in his native day. We wish to spend Thanksgiving at [ county, Yamhill, visiting relatives and H T Grewell et ux to J W Allen wj F o r e s t U ro v e , O r e g o n home and give our employes the op­ of nwi sec 30 t 3 n 2 w, $500. | friends. Oregon G. W. Parker of Vernonia and Wm. portunity of eating plenty of turkey, so P S Anderson to Alvin M Frank lots T H E C I T Y i Elliott of Pittsburg were among the will go to press a day earlier, Wednes­ 3, 4, 5 and 6 block 2 Reedville $800. l guests registered at the Leabo hotel day of next week. Our advertisers Wm R Whitney et ux to Charles I- w m m m m m • W; i d W % w .% W % W % k % w . w H. W. SPARKS, LOCAL EDITOR. Friday. will accommodate us greatly if they Gittere swj of nwi sec 11 t 2 n 4 w, will bring any change of ad in as early $1600. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Heidel of Hills- as possible before Wednesday. i - A full line ol Comforts at Bailey s. b0|Of attended the s£)ng reci(aI ^ Susana Trachsel to Jacob Trachsel —The finest ol Cotton Blankets at by Mrs. Chapmon here Thursday It was announced at the Methodist 10 acres in aec 31 t 1 n 1 w, $1. Dealer in church last Sunday that next Sunday Mattie A Ross et al to Maggie Ste­ Bailey’s. evening. F L O U R iin c l R E E D being "The World’s Temperance Sun­ lots 11 and 12 blk 7 South W « Get that umbrella repaired at Corl’s The boys and girls of the Bible day” the day would be given over to phenson Park Add to Forest Grove, $840. Forest Grove, Ore., - Pacific Ave. n 18t4 school of the Christian church will ren­ the question of the saloon—program in L M Miller to H E Rogers 80 acres I i •*_»' Ira Purdin of Portland, is in town to der their Rally Day program next Sun­ Sunday school and program at the in secs 20 and 29 t 2 s 2 w, $1500. f c - :;- « a* • • W mm . . m m W M M M M _M M M • day night. day. preaching hour in the morning, and an Thos Tucker to M F Bonham lot 1 —Wool Blankets $3.50 to $9.00 at Miss E. M. Elliott is unable to at­ address at night by the pastor on the blk 3 Stewart & Tucker’s Add to Hills­ J. E. Bailey’s. boro, $300. tend to her duties at the Oregon Land Saloon, A. Gramse of Hood River, was in this Company this week because of an at­ The home property of the late J. B. Allen C Davis et al to August Love- Scott on the Gales Creek road just out gren part of secs 35 and 36 t 1 s 5 w tack of the grip. city last week. of Mrs. Henry Wirtz is visiting the Robert Stevenson, the newly ap­ town has been sold to W. H. Green $ 100 . for a consideration of $5500. Mr. L J Pape et ux to Wm True 40 Judge this week. pointed state game warden, is now Green will take posession next week acres in sec 30 t 2 s 1 w $4500. Charles Noble was a Portland visitor located in his office in the Forest Grove and Mrs. Scott will go to California for Wm True to Mrs L B True 10 acres Sunday and Monday. National Bank building. a visit. Sale was made through the in sec 31 t 2 s 1 w $1000. —Mrs. Bullock would like sewing to J. H. Morgan and wife of Geneva, Oregon Land Company. Chas True et al to Henry Knittel 12 do. Fourth street, city. 18-4p Nebraska, are visiting at the home of F. M. Starrett returned the first of acres in sec 31 t 2 s 1 w 81000. Mr. Porter, the real estate man, was S. G. Morgan of this city. The two the week from Medford, where he had Marcellus Savage to N E Bennett over from Dilley yesterday. gentlemen are cousins. gone to locate, thoroughly satisfied 13i acres in sec 13 t 2 s 3 w $425. Dr. Leonard is having office rooms Miss Olson, daughter of A. S. Olson that the Southern Oregon town was not S W Shute et ux to E G White Tract fitted up in the new bank building. of Hillsboro, was married yesterday by the place for him. He says that he 19 Amended Plat Fairview Add to 8450. A. Lawrence and wife of Newport, Rev. Bearv to a Mr. Peterson of Carl­ has traveled a considerable and tak­ Hillsboro Milo Kelsey et ux to Edward Sey­ ton. where they will reside. ing all things into consideration For­ were in this city Thursday of last week mour et ux part of blk 30 Forest Grove est Grove has all the towns beaten. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. F The Women of Woodcraft of Cor­ Oregon $1. Paul Dempsey and little to year old Woll of Buxton, November 10, a fine nelius will give two dramas, a “ Bur­ Thos W Fisher et ux to Nettie C glars Alarm” and "Hamlets Brides,” son Paul are here visiting friends, hav­ Fisher boy. 40 acres in sec 2 t 2 n 4 w ing recently leturned from the Philip­ Miss Katheryn Myers spent Sunday in Alpha Hall, Thanksgiving. $600. pine Islands where Mr. Dempsey has in this city with her father, W. H. H. The Cornelius, Wright & Co. real been the employ of the government Nellie Tober et al to F. A. Markiey Myers. estate dealers, have opened up offices for the in past eight years. Little Paul lots 1 and 2 blk 2 Reedville $300. Charles Walker attended a Club on the upper floor of the new Forest is as bright as a whip and rattles off Percy Allen to Western Oregon dance at Murlock hall in Portland, last Grove National bank building. sayings in the Filipino language Trust Co Tract 1 to 49 Virginia Place week. $ 1 . Mr. Hartrampf of Hillsboro, who fluently. Chet Johnson is in Salem working had a severe attack of appoplexy a few The Artisans held an open meeting Henry Scheurermenn, Sen, et ux to Owing to the fact we have recently re­ for the Pacific States telephone com weeks ago, is getting along nicely and in Odd Fellows hall Tuesday evening Henry Scheuermenn 40 acres sec 15 t will soon be able to be about again. and everybody who was there reports a 1 s 3 w $3000. pany. ceived back orders of stoves that we Mr. Gray, the pioneer blacksmith o( Mr. H. Matsuoka, of Japan, and one very enjoyable time. Walker’s Or­ MARRIAGE LICENSES. don’t need, our entire stock of stoves will Dilley was doing business in this city of the b ight students of P. U., wants chestra rendered several pieces of mu­ Paul Fessier, Minnie Sears today. to keep posted on the doings of this sic and speeches were made by Rev. W C Varney, be sold at 10 per cent reduction for cash. Gray; Charles O. Roe & Co’s, furniture county, hence he has subscribed for H. Gould, C. B. Stokes and Levi Alvah L Kinton, Birdie Dora Wodell; store is the latest to receive a capital The News. Walker. Alter a bountiful supper W F MeCov, Etta Dilley; Our assortment is better now than at gold leaf sign. H. S. Newberry and wife of Baker games were played. There were about Edward Waite, Maud Davis; Charlie Stevens has closed his bar­ City, were registered at the Laughlin 60 persons present. Martin Vanderbrook,Marie Meeuwsen any time this fall, so if you are in the ber shop at Buxton and is now with hotel last week and went on out to W. H. Greer who moved from here market for a stove you will get the bene­ Sam Moulton. Hillside for a visit with their daughter, to Nebraska over a year ago coming —Dr. C. L. Large reports a daugh­ back to Medford, last spring, was in ter born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ihrig of —More new pictures at the Book Mrs. George Poole. fit of the reduction. Store. Call in it will cost you nothing Treasurer L. J. Corl's building is this city for a visit last week and near this place, the 16th inst. Parties the attendance of Dr. Large to look at them. progressing very rapidly, all the brick thought that he would locate in Mc­ desiring in this class of cases, will greatly oblige Minnville. but the magnetism of this Ailene Hoffman, the little daughter work having been completed. He him, if convenient, by engaging his city would allow him to go no further of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman, is has an excellent cement basement services two or three months prior to and he informs us that Forest Grove quite seriously ill. where he will have his bicycle shop. the expected event. will be his home. Mrs. Willis Goff entertained the — Dr. E. H. Brown. Physician and Quienientos Club last Friday evening Surgeon. X-Rav ard all electrical ap­ with all members present for the first pliances in office. Calls answered Iron-Tone treatment for weak, run-down people is strictly a time this year. Mrs. Hines wor. the night or day. first prize. The members are: Mes Money to loan on farm security. home treatment. No one else need know anything about it. dames A. B. Caplet, J. McCrura, i W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove. For Sale by all Druggists. Price 50 cents. Let us send you our little Hines, Mavne Abbott, W. Goff. —Hoffman & Allen for good goods booklet. "Renew Your Vitality,” which tells you what IRON-TONE is and Charles Frank Gordon, Misses Joe Baber, Ber­ and lowest prices. what it will do. You can have it for the asking. tha Williams. Dollie Hinman, Minnie —Try Schultz’s ground bone for Address GROVER MEDICINE CO., Woodbum, Ore. Myers and Maud Buxton. your hens. It will make them lay. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK t a a g P * n / a P It T* N fc C( D tlw I». at I" in Is m ai in or at; id Ca wl CO Cr« t\v l of i caI ell M M il e ed. coi tb« C tnt ÍO’ IM*. Stil th< lee tío Ri ever te ho Srrv Til 4th í Cnmn Christ B ib le Junio Preñe Pra Sun vice ; Yotini ■ervlc The list Cl »t the Sere Surgi plian night W. í and 1 your Trier $ 2.0 fora read and Thanksgiving Will Soon Be Here T I I E H O O K ST< )R E “ WOOD to B U R N 99 lohn Anderson, LATEST SHADES an« BEST FABRICS AB RAH AM BROS ■! I JA M E S R A S M U S E N 0 Per Cent» EDUCTION on Heating Stoves H o m e T re a tm e n t Golf Bros. HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, - OREGON