Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 14, 1907, Image 7

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    is he peeied through the curtains, trery
B E S T A S S E T S A S S IG N E D .
void uttered by the party below was dis
inctly audible.
“ Look here, Harriet,
P re fe rr e d C re d ito rs Get C ream o f
what on earth am I to do?
R esou rces o f Portland Bank.
Roupell is corning to see how you are.
In a minute she will be here.”
Portland, Nov. 8. — Developments
B y
A u s t y n
G r a n v i l l e
Harriet’s cheeks blanched for a mo
ycsteiday in t ‘ e bank failure of the
pent, for from her station near the door
T itle Guarantee A Trust company were
of the chamber she could already hear
as fo llo w s :
Mme. Roupell’s footsteps ascending the
I M-trquatn building,
$ piu,0PU asset, is not availab le for
“ Come here,” she cried to Van Lith,
Charlie, you mustn’t say a word against
■ m eeting claim s o f depositors, because
It was a fin«* night toward tht? latter Aunt Ruth in my bearing.”
mutically. “ There is uo one sleeping in
held as security by Ladd A Tilton , fur
part of May. During the daytime there
Ran across the ha!
“ Harriet,” he said, “ you are quite right your old room.
$007,000 debt.'
had been clouds over P a ris ; but on the to stand by her. It would be but a poor
juickly, and hide yourself there until I
Three deposito-s of broken hank, d is­
approach of evening the sun had come return on your part for all her kindness
•ill you.
I will lock you in. so my
satisfied w lili appointm ent ol George
out. and. descending in a blaze of glory
luut will have to go the other way. You
to you if you didn’t ; but in wronging
tinged the housetops with a fiery glow me she has wronged you as well.
In must return through her sitting room to F lam e» O riginate in G reat Northern II. H ill as receiver, petition Federal I Liabilities Placed at $ 2 ,5 6 0 ,0 0 0 and
and burnished the waters of tlie Seine opposing our union, she not only wrecks the corridor. You cau do it easily, for
D i-triet court for invo'u ntary bankrupt­
S tora ge Plant, Containing 6 0 0 ,-
A ssets $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 —State
with a golden,, mellow light. The small my happiness, but yours.”
c y , th eir object being to supplant the
she is a sound sleeper.”
•uburh of Vllleneuve, distant from tin*
Van Lith ditl as he was directed. Har­
receive! w ith trustee appoiuted by
Had Funds in Bank.
0 0 0 Bushels o f Grain.
lie was «piieter presently. In the soft-
French capital but fourteen miles, shared • niug influence of Harriet Weldon's pres­ riet had barely time to turn the key on
j bank’ s creditors.
this generous halo of brilliaut coloring. ence his evil genius seemed to desert him. him. return to her chamber, seat herself
V a lid ity is doubted o f assignment to
I t lacked just fifteen miuutes of eleven
I he angry expression of his features re­ and snatch up a book, when her aunt’s
Duluth, M inn., Nov. 9.— Fire of an State Treasurei Steel fo rs e c u iitv for
Portlan d, N ov. 7.— Distress of the
o’clock when the moon, which was nearly laxed. They sat side by side and began footsteps were hoard in the corridor, and
$395,000 state deposits, of tim ber land
at the full, rose with slow and majestic to talk. Still pleading with him. Harriet a moment late* the old lady entered the unknown origin last night destroyed
T itle Guarantee A
Trust company
the G reat Northern elevator “ A ” in
Motion above the horizon, and hung sus­ M eldon strove to persuade her lover to apartment.
reached a clim ax yesterday when Judge
pended between earth and heaven like a abandon his intention of immediately
“ Awake yet, my dear child? Can’t you
So much of assets of hank nre assign­ W olverton of the United states District
huge silver lamp. The great trees which leaving France.
sleep? Oh! You are thinking of that els of grnin, principally wheat, a ll of
ed to preferred creditors that it looks court ordered the institution into re­
almost surrounded the chateau \ illeneuv«*
Well, I which whs fully covered by insurance.
“ I have given you all my heart.” she young scamp I ’m afraid.
cast across the smooth and velvety lawns said, tearfully, “ and now you are going wouldn’t if I were you. lie isn’t worth Tire elevator was owned by tb e Great us if depositors w ill suffer heavy loss. ceivership, on application of Nathan
their deep shadows. From the chateau away, perhaps forever— but hark, what it. Besides, if you don’t go to bed earlier Northern railroad but was leased to tire I State Treasurer Steel exacted only L’oy, a stockholder, through Joseph Si­
$10(1,000 security for $395,000 deposits mon, attorney.
Judge W olverton ap­
Itself, the light of a solitary lamp, pal
xournl is that?”
whore will the roses go to?”
A . D. Thomson com pany of Duluth.
of public funds, thereby violating tire pointed as receiver G eorge H . H ill,
lng to a few mere twinkling rays, shone
She leaned out of the window and list
She stooped and kissed her niece ten
T i e spat ks scam ignited the ««la n d
fitfully. It came from a window in the °ne«l intently for a moment. The sound «lerly on both cheeks, and then went to
vice president of the bank.
Kept b ic m ill on T o w tr Bay slip , the
left wing of the building. Remote from of wheels on the carriage drive was dis­ the window.
It se-ms likely that Treasurer Steel's matter was taken into tbe Federal court
Great l.akes D ie ig e A Dock com pany’s
the great metropolis, the hush of a pro­ tinctly audible. She rushed to the man-
“ I mustn’t keep the horses out all dock and the Duluth Superior Storage Irondstitett w ill be called ott by the because Coy is a nonresident of Oregon,
found peace was here upon everything, tlepiece where a little clock stood ticking night. Jean ! J«*an !”
company, which contained the finish­ state to make good the loss of public livin g near Boston.
save when stirred by the soft breeze from away the precious moments.
The coachman turn«»d on the box and
The hank closed on Monday o f last
ing p a it of the Webster C hair com ­
the south, the leafy branches of tenderest
“ It is long past twelve.” she exclaim­ look«*«! up at the window.
The American Surety company has week, w ith only $9,000 liank money in
green rustled and moved gently to and ed.
“ That’s their carriage we hear.
“ \ou can go to the stables. Monsieur
' given bond for $050,000, and six Port­ its vaults anil $9,000 due from other
The tire started at the southwest cor­
They’ ve come back from the opera. O, Chabot will not return to the city to­
land men for $50,000— J. Tnorburn banks, out of deposits aggregating $1,-
ner of tiie elevator dock, and befoie it
In the deep shade of an enormous oak Charlie, go. go, I beg you, while you can night.”
Ross, W allace McCainant, Louis G . 800,000.
In the succeeding holidays
Mme. Roupell closed the window again was noticed had communicated to the Clarke, J. 11. Peterson, M. B. Rankin
which seemed to keep watch and ward get away.”
proclaimed hy the governor, the bank,
over the sleeping inmates, stood a young
Van Lith turned at once to go. For
ami J. W . Cook.
Koss’ liability, is unlike the other money institutions of
four tire tugs responded, but ow ing to
man named Charles Van Lith, to whom a moment ouly, he hohl her to his breast. sitting.
the city, rt mained closer).
every familiar object but conjured up to Into that brief interval of time were com­
“ Monsieur Chabot
here to­
District Attorney Manning
The trouble of the liank was precipi­
his ardent imagination the interior of pressed a hundred different emotions, night?” inquired Harriet, in a tone of of the slip and devoted a ll th eir ener­
that faintly illuminated apartment. This which stirred him as he had not been apparent unconcern, while her heart was gies to saving the adjoining prop erly. that the Lank received deposits while tated by tire call of State Treasurer
silent watcher continued to gaze for some stirred for many a day.
really beating violently.
“ Where will
Th e steamers W . A . Parent and W . insolvent, and that there were swind Steel, on the last day it was open for
ling operations, and w ill make investi­ business, for $100,000 of state funds.
moments in the direction of the chateau.
“ I cannot, yet I must leave you,” he you put him, aunty?”
A . Rogers were in the elevator slip
Ills demeanor was that of one undecided cried.
The slate lias on deposit $395,000. This
“ Can't he have Monsieur Van Lith's loading wheat and the latter was to gation.
as to w hat course to pursue. Tvs ice he
money, says J. Thorburn Ross, presi­
He bowed his head a little and kissed old room, dear?”
take out 200,000 bushels of wheat.
stepped from the shadow of tho tree and her twice upon the lips. She trembled
“ Not very well. Rut the chamber off
dent of the company, and other bank
The fire was under control by 1
placed his foot upon the gravel walk, and violently, but thrust him away from her, your own is read}', and the sheets are
officers, is am ply secured by surety
o'clock and the damage is placed at
as many times retraced his footsteps.
repeating in tones of entreaty:
bond in Treasurer Steel’ s favor for
At length he issued forth more boldly,
S en ator Heyburn M akes V igorou s A p ­ $100,000 and by tim ber land collateral
“ Re careful! (). do be careful!”
“ Very well, child, then I will give di­
though not without caution, to prevent
II«* was himself once more. He placed rections that he he lodg«»d there. And
peal to R oosevelt.
made over to him in the last few days,
the crunching of his shoes upon the the half-fainting form of the girl upon now goo«l night. Don’t sit up reading:
N ov. 8.— Senator H ey from the assets of the bank. How
gravel, and stood beneath lhe window. the sofa, and hurried away.
He was but try to sleep.”
much depositors w ill get of their mon­
Picking up two or three small pebbles, about to commence his descent from the
Mme. Roupell turned and left the C ord ition s o f Title Guarantee & Trust burn railed on the President yesterday
to protest against further deposits of ey depends ort the handling of the
he threw them against the glass.
His window, ami had already swung the old- apartment. It was the last benediction
C o to Be Investigated.
governm ent money w ith New York bank’s assets, which are e f a kind that
heart beat somewhat faster than its wont fashioned. dlamond-paned sash half way that was to fall from the lips of Harriet
as. after the third essay, a girl of about open, when Ilarri«*t. in whose agitated Weldon’s benefa«*tress; for the shadow’
Portland, Nov. 9. — Developments banks until those institutions consent cannot he turned quickly into cash.
nineteen years of age. who had been road
mind the fear of discovery overcame all of an awful crime was even then hovering yesterday in the affairs of the T itle to pay reserves of Western hanks in T hey consist chiefly of real estate. The
lng by the light of the lamp, left her feminine weakness, rushc«! forwanl, and, over the <*hateau.
Guarantee & Tiust company were a fo l­ cash instead of cashier’ s checks. The liab ilities are placed at $2,560,000
seat and. opening the swinging casement, catching hold of his arm, exclaimed:
piesident requested the senator to pre­ and the assets nt$ 3,000,000.
(T o be continued.)
lows :
looked out upon the night.
on are too la te ! Come back. Re
The failure o f the Oregon Trust A
D istrict Attorney M anning says he sent his views in w ritin g , which lie
“ Who is there?“ she asked, in a tone quick, or you will be seen.”
Savings bank last August,
A P l n v n e o f C lo c k * .
w ill cause the arrest of officers o f the did as follow s:
which indicated some alarm, but singu­
Van Lith had just time to close the
W e had been settled but a little bank today on com plaint of 0 . F.
“ On helm lf of the people of the a run on the T itle Guarantee A Trust
larly sweet and musical.
window when, through a chink in the cur­ while in our Indian clearing, and had
Ehman, w ho deposited $1,330 the day Western statee, and especially those of company, resulting in w ithdraw al of
“ I t ’s I— it’s Charles,” replied the young tains, he saw a hooded barouche, drawn
the Northwestern states, I would urge $485,000 deposits up to October .8 .
fellow ; “ don't be frightened. I must see by two powerful horses, sweep rapidly Just acquired a deed to It bearing the before the liank closed. Flhinan agrees
that no further deposits of money from This exhausted the bank’s supply of
^ you, if only for a moment. I am going aroun«! the bend of the avenue and draw signature o f Andrew Jackson, says to sw ear to com plaint charging the liank
Boston officers w ith having accepted deposits 1 the treasury of tlie United States he ready funds and it was unable to realize
away. I am leaving France.
I return up at the main entrance of the chateau. “ Joaquin” II. M iller In the
made in N ew Y ork banks except on on its several big projects.
to America to-morrow.”
From the vehicle there alighted a gentle­ Transcript, when one day a big, raw- when they knew the bank to he insolv­
the condition that such banks shall
“ Oh, nonsense,” exclaimed the girl.
State Treasurer S teel’s violation of im m ediately make availab le in money
a great show of attention he first assist­ hat come to us hy way o f the State
**You are saying this just to try me.”
“ I am not, upon my word, Harriet,” ed a young lady, evidently still in her road, with a load o f clocks In a car­ law in depositing $300,000 school funds to the banks in such W estern states tbe
nswered Van Lith. “ My passage is al-
riage. lie had a big. Impertinent boy
San F rrn ciscars Unite in S u pport o f
trict A ttorney Manning, of M ultnom ah, such New Y ork hanks on account of
eady taken. I sail from Havre to-mor­ solicitude placed his nattily gloved hand
with him, and pleaded sadly that both
M ayor Taylor.
at the disposal of the third occupant of
and D istrict Attorney M cNary, of M ar­ such Western banks.
row afternoon.”
o f them were Blck.
“ The tyin g up of many m illions of
ion, as basis for crim inal prosecution.
“ Why did you not let me know the carriage, a gray-haired lady, evhlent-
San Francisco, Nov. 7.— The election
M other was very good to them, pull­
ly well advanced in years, for she loaned
earlier?” she asked.
O pinion that Steel should resign is dollars of Western money representing of M ayor T aylor, D istrict A ttorney
[ “ I was afraid to write.
You know heavily upon the shoulders of both her ed out the trundle-bed to the middle held in numerous quarters and is shar­ the reserves of the Western banks held Langdon and the greater portion o f the
companions. She shivered slightly as she o f the floor, had us children sleep nt ed by G overnor Cham berlain, but Steel by New Y ork banks must inevitably re Good Governm ent ticket appears to
your aunt strictly forbade it. But, lia r
riet, can’t I get in, if only for a few stood upon the gravel path in the moon­ the foot o f her bod, and treated the says he w ill not resign. Resignation suit in em powering the N ew York have inaugurated an era of good feeling
light, notwithstanding that the night was strangers as if they had been her own
would enable the state to sue bondsmen banks to determ ine tlie tim e and condi­ in San Francisco. The bitterness of the
blood. Itut they both walled and moan­ for indem nity.
“ I really don’t sec how you can----- ’’ warm.
tions o f free resumption of banking campaign has vanished overnight, as
There were traces yet of extreme beau­
Ha rriet Weldon began, when the faint re­
ed bitterly, and begged father to take
Governor Chamberlain w ill continue functions by the W estern banks, where­ though hy magic
Men and journals
monstrance died away upon her lips.
the clocks and di*|K>se o f them at hi9 holidays indefinitely, and probably w ill as, if the reserves of the Western hanks who led the opposition to Dr. T aylor
Seizing the strong stem of a thick vine
issue one proclamation for all of next could be converted into available mon were outspoken today with pledges of
leisure to his neighbors.
which ran near the window, and assisted the club rooms in fashionable New* York.
ey at once, the financial situation of loyalty and co-operation. P . I I. Mc­
There was a whole carriage load of week.
by the trellis work, the young athlete be­
the W est would he free from domina Carthy, the defeated candidate of the
low commenced an ascent which to an
tion on the part of the F.ast.
Union Lai o r party, in a signed state­
older man would have proved an impossi­
ment, promised his services tonight to
ble feat. In a few moments his hand was haughty, yet kindly withal, sat upon the treble, his money, our confiding fath ­
Jewels flashed er, not knowing one thing about the
the adm inistraiton.
Daniel A . R ysn,
on the window sill and the next instant mobile, nervous lips.
M A Y C A L L f X T R A S E S S IO N .
S ecretary C ortelyou Sw ings Club O v e r
upon her still firm neck and her little
the defeated Republican candidate, also
real prlee or value o f such wares,
he had leaped lightly into the chamber.
wrists. She held herself erect and her
Eastern B ark ers.
assured Dr. Taylor of his co-operation.
Harriet, the first raptures of their meet­
pje.s flashed proudly, as she looked upon signed a note and became a “ merchant.”
Gillett to Consult B in k e rs — Gold Is The Evening Post, w hich has fought
ing over, begged him to be gone; but he,
N ov. 9.— The W eet is to
At the end o f the year that hatchet-
her splendid home.
Circulated in San Francisco.
T aylor during the campaign, published
sitting beside her on the low window seat,
“ Emily, my dear, I have left my shawl facod man came hack and exacted his receive all the assistance at the com ­
urged his plea for further time so elo­
San Francisco, Nov. 8.— At a confer- last night an ed itorial in w hich the
in the carriage. W ill you please han«l money with
Interest, al­ mand of the Treasury departm ent to
quently that she yielded, and could not
it to me? Monsieur Chabot, your arm.” though father had not yet sold a single meet the great demand for money to em e with members o f the d e -rin g m yor was highly praised.
find It in her heart to dismiss him at
move ihe crops.
Secretary Cortelyou house and leading husinesH men today
The youtig«*r lady at once sprang light­
one«*. The lovers, too, had a hundred ly into the carriage, and returning with clock.
discussed the situation with the piesi- (iovern or <iille tt w ill lie urged to cull
Years later, when we set out to
confidences to interchange. Harriet told the shawl, wrapped it closely about her
dent yesterday. Htid has formulated a un extra session of the legislature to
Van Lith how, since his quarrel with h«*r aunt. There was an inexpressible ten­ cross the great plains, those old clo ks.
plan, which w ill lie carried into effect, Like some action regniding the present
aunt, the persecutions of a certain M.
Executive B oard Asks Authority to
with hut a single one missing, took up unlesB the K.agtern banks rise to the
derness in the action.
financial situation, in view of the fact
Chabot had become well-nigh intolerable.
End S trik e,
“ How thoughtless of me. dear. Y’ ou more than half the wagon space. W e occasion and show leas selfishness. that taxes become delinquent N ovem ­
She was afraid, moveover, that Mine. might have tak«*n cold. Don’t ring, Mon­
hauled them from Indiana almost to Mr. Cortelyou is of the opinion that the ber 30.
Chicago, N ov. 7.— The national ex-
Itoupell favored his suit.
sieur Chabot. I have a latch key. Ah, the top o f the Kooky Mountains, and large importations of gold and the
Local liHtiks are much more optim is­ ccutive hi ard o f the Com mercial T e le ­
“ And now j?ou are going to America. here Is Pierre. Pierre, are you sitting
then, one night. In a terrific snow­ houeecleaning which has been done in tic over the situation toduy, and the graphers’ union of Am erica yesterday
Charles, and there will be no one to up? I hope there’s some supper ready,
storm. when the wagon had upset, we New York have placed the hanks there fact that business does not appear to be prepared a circular letter for issuance
stand between us. I am sure the man for I ’m hungry as I can be. Come, aun t;
found a use for them.
Brass, wood, in a m aterially improved condition. seriously disturbed by the use of the to a ll I- cal unions asking them to vote
has not even the excuse of loving me. It let’s go in.”
is my dowry he is after. He is, no doubt,
Rut something seemed to have attract­ glass and varnish all went to feed a The governm ent no longer feels the ne­ clearing house scrip is givin g them upon the question of granting authority
•ware that Madame Roupell has made a ed Mme. Roupell’s attention. She with­ (ire. And so pence to their sounding cessity of aiding the Kastprn situation, much encouragement. The new pin pier to the Ixiaril to call off the strike which
but is impress*d with the importance money is being accepted everywhere lias been or. for the pai-t three months.
will in favor of Emily and myself.”
drew her hand from the arm of her male brass, rest to their brazen faces!
Charles Van Lith could only clench his escort, and adjusting her monocle, a
of m eeting the situation which exists without question and business is going Ih e letter w ill Is- sent to all heals to­
fist in impotent rage.. To the house where dainty toy of gold an«l ivory, gazed stead­
in the W est, where there is pressure ahead as usual.
day and the official order ending the
H a d H e a r d f h e .Na m e.
he had once been an honored and wel­ ily at the upper windows of the chateau.
Fiotn the suhtrea-ury here $945,000 strike w ill lie issued as soon as two-
The stage conch that carries the for cash for crop-m oving purposes.
come guest he now had to come like a
“ Isn’t it rather strange, my dear, that mail between Kent s hill and Kemlfleid
went out in gold yesterday. Interior thirds of the b o ils have isgnified th eir
th ief in the night to seek a farewell in­ there's a light in Harriet’s room?
I station In .Maine drew up along the
cities got some of this coin, and the willingness to end the fight.
N ew Lem on T ro u b 'e.
terview with the only being on earth who thought she was going to bed.
I f her
balance went into the hanks here.
yet loved and trusted him. In his mind headache was no worse than that, she roadside and the driver accosted a
San FrarcD co, Nov. 9 — A new lemon
there was a burning sense of injustice. might ns well have accompanie«! us this little old man working in a field, says infection, termed “ brown ro t,”
Pcrtlar d O p e ra to rs Return.
has M ore w ill Ire paid cut today.
T h e « old and severe tones in which Mme. evening. When I was a young girl. Mon­ Everybody's Magazine.
b e n dircovered by the U n iversity of j
Portland, N ov. 7.— A fter l* rn g n u t
Roupell had dismissed him seemed still sieur Chabot, it would have taken some­
Japanese F e t lir g s Hurt.
“ Do you know who Mrs. Abby B. California agricultural experts, which, |
for 87 days, the cotn m eicial telegraph­
ringing in his ears.
if not checked im m ediately, w ill injure | Vancouver, It. «1., N ov. H — The riot ers o f this c ity , at n m eeting last night,
thing more than a headache to keep me Brown Is and where she lives?”
“ Do not go.” pleaded Harriet. “ I am away from the opera.”
Tire old man considered.
"Brown. lemon growers in the Southern part o f damage com mission today ended in decided to c i l l the strike off so far as
certain that it will not be long before my
M. Chabot smiled, and showed his Abby It. Brown?" be repeated. “ You the stale thousands of dollars.
For 1 speechmaking.
For an hour Howard Portland is concerned at 8 o'clock this
cunt will relent ; that, after all. she really white teeth pleasantly.
many years it has been thought that Duncan, counsel for the Japanese g ov­ m orning. T h e m eeting was attended
thinks a great deal of you ; stay, and I
“ Madame can still teach us inexperi­
“ No, Mrs. Abby B. B row n; we've got the peculiar di-ease was “ blue m old ,” ernment, declared that the rneie dam ­ by alxiiit 20 o f the strikers and the
will myself go to her on the first oppor­ enced people how to enjoy life,” he re­
another common fungus growth w hich 1 age to property was not h'r u moment action that was voted re-pre-eents the
tunity which offers and
your marked. gallantly. “ It remained for the a letter fo r tier.”
infects lemons. It haa been discovered to be compared to the grave injury to work *>f tbe tedegrapliers as individuals
"B., you say the m iddle letter Is
Cnited States to send to France another
that brown
rot is contagious and the finer feelings of the Jnapanese. rather than a- ho official prece-eding on
1 “ You are more hopeful than I am.” Ninon D’ Enclos, to prove that channing B.. do you? I know a whole lot o f spreads like w ild fire, w h ile blue mold
Com missioner K ing replied with Hie the part o f the P o itla n d lecal. The
replied Van Lith, bitterly. “ I f I had women never grow old.”
Browns that live on the other side o f is non-contagious and does not spread.
statem ent that anything he could award strikers w ill im m ed iately \eu-ate the
been treate«l with any show of justice,
“ Really, Monsieur Chabot, I am over­ the road, hut there ain't any Abby It.
in the way of monetary damages could rooms they have lieen eccupying in the
why, I would not care. But your aunt whelmed.
For simplicity and natural- among them. You don't mean Abby B.
Union P » c fic D rrp s M inlrg
not po“sibly be o f such balm as the Esmond hotel as head |iiartors.
is prejudiced against me.
I am well | mss in compliment, my dear Emily, let
Smith, do you? She lives over----- ”
Chicago, N ov. 9.— It is announced cabled explanation already sent by Sir
aware that Monsieur ( 'habot has sought me recommend this flatterer.”
"N o. It's Abby B. Brown. W e ll find here that the Union Pacific baa ar­ W ilfr id Ijtu rier to Tokio.
to undermine her confidence in me. and
F o res t F irs is Raging.
Mme. Roupell's favorite pastime was
h* has succeeded.
I tell you, Harriet. to make M. Chabot believe that his ex­ her somehow. Thanks.”
ranged to retire from the commercial
De-ad wood, S. D ., Nov. 7.— Reports
Brhcn I think of all these things It mak«*s aggerated praises of her as a great lady
The stage driver started his horses, coal business on January next. As a
Germ an W arship Blown Up.
from the lumlx r camps of the McLaugh­
xn> a desperate man.”
struck home. One of her sayings was, hut before the corner was reached a prelim inary, orders have been issued
K ie l, N ov. 8 — The boilers of the lin T ie A T im b er company at Westhant,
K He had been pacing the floor restlessly “ I like Monsieur Chabot. He is such a faint “ H ello” caused the passengers to for the construction of a branch line 20
German school ship Bleacher exploded 26 m iles south of he-re, tell of a heavy
With long, impatient strides.
His face sincere humbug.” but she must have really
torn around. The old man, hoe In miles in length from Reck Springs to this m orning w h ile the ve«sel w s near tim lrer fire raging to the west of the
Ira- flushed with anger. With the mem- been a little moved on this occasion, for
an extensive coal field in the north M urw ick. The vessel has recently been cam p anil close tei the W yom ing (order.
#r> of Mme. Koupell’s merciless treat- her smooth, white fingers on the French­ band, was pursuing the stage.
A t a late The e-ompany sent out a special train
“ Brown, Mrs. Abby B. Brown, did owned almost exclusively by independ­ used as a receiving ship
aroused anew within him, be could man s coat sleeve tightened their pressure
Heretofore tbe policy hour tonight 10 bodies bad been found w ith 75 men to save its preserves, but
you say?
Why, I know her. She's ent operators.
W r i'r restrain himself.
and her face lightened wonderfully.
of the road has been not to run branch on board the ship and a roll 1 * 1 1 of the the train was check**! by (lames. Tbs
^B**£he is worse than unjust,” he con- j
Harriet, sheltered by the window cur­ my w ife.”
tines to independent Helds.
! “ she aas deliberately opened her tains. looked at Van Lith, who ground
crew showed that not other m en were company has 500,090 feet of cut tim|«er
to the# tales of Chabot’s and as | his teeth so furiously that, notwithstand­
H , W « « |n L a p g ,
m issing. Several of the wounded men lying in the path of the flames, which
M iih -ra te lj shut them to my explana- ing the gravity of the situation, the girl
eventy Survive.
are not expected to recover.
Three w i'l proliably I k - lost.
“ My heart and hand are priceless,'
She has magnified my smallest could not forbear laughing. Mme. Rou­ said the sentimental maid.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 9 .— A d isiatch hundred o f the crew were [a I merit man­
.Mi- \ meanors into great faults.”
pell below was still smiling at the French
Japanese Land at Manila.
“ I ’m glad o f that,” replied the prac­ re<eived today from Samark and by the euverin g.
“ You must not blame my aunt to me. man’s compliment.
Manila, Nov. 7.— The Japanererrnia-
official teb graph agencies says that a '
Recollect that to ua girls, at
“ I^ t us go inside.” she said, at last.
ers wh*ch were sent to the Jamestown
Reclam ation o f Z u yd ertee.
special rej ree r.tative of a local news-1
not be able to raise tbe price.”
1 st. she has ever been good and kind. “ No doubt we shall find some supper
exposition, have anchored in Manila
wonder what would have happened to somewhere. Poor H a rriet! I trust she
W i i r k l n , fh e Iharra.
Hiasar di-Orict of Bokhara, which was has presented to parliament a b ill for Imy on their way home. A s e rif« of
m when mother died, if it hadn’t been is not siek. I will go right npstairs and
entertainments has been planned Tor
The W id ow — Thirty-live la the moet destroyed by a landslide follow in g tbe the reclamation of a portion o f the Zuy-
r her? Few women would have cross- see how she is.”
The th eir officers end men and every roar-
earthquake of October 21, reports that dersee at a cost o f $11,209,000.
1 the ocean as she did to fetch us. for
“ That’s comforting tidings, anyway.” charming age In woman.
teay w ill be shown them by tb* manlaf
ier dead sister’s sake; and she has been thought Van Lith. who had again cau- \ The Bachelor T h at’s right. I t ’s hart 3,400 persons perished an 1 only 70 es- work w ill occupy seven years and w ill
y ield about 40,000 acres of fertile land. arm y and navy.
g«>od u • mother to ua ever aiace. No. lioualy opened the window, and to whom. to get away from a woman o f that age. caped.
The Roupell Mystery
E levator?, M ills and D ocks Burn
a i S u p erio r, M inn.
R eceiver for Title G uaran tee &
Trust Co. ol Portland.