MORE EVIDENCE. It Is' Coming In Rapidly in Forest Grove. Evidence on the following subject will prove of interest to every Forest Grove reader. So many people go through the same experience daily. This public statement should be proof positive to every wavering doubter. Read it carefully. F red L andruck, liv in g on T h ird St., H illsboro, O re­ gon, says: “ My w ife suffered from kidney and blad der trouble for a long tim e and no m atter what she tried , got no relief. Sh e suffered from pains i n h t r back and lim bs and to bend o r stoop over was impossible. At tim es, she was so lam e and tired out at n ig h t, that she could not tu rn over in bed. She also had trouble w ith the k id n ey secretions w hich w ere very freq u en and irre g u la r. All the d ifferen t rem edies she tried du h e r no good and she also used plasters and linim ents bu failed to find relief. At last she heard about D oan’ K idney P ills, and procured a box. T hey helped hei from the tirai and it was only a short tim e, before sh« was e n tirely free from th e slig h test sym ptom of th« com plain t. I also used D oan’s K idney P ills and th« results were also h ig h ly satisfacto ry in m y c a se .” Jasper Williams has left school. Miss Sewell has returned to school. Miss Hartley was in Portland over Sunday. Jasper Williams has been on the sick list again. FARMERS W EEK LY OREGONIAN OF PORTLAND V For the general newsol the , W o rld a l s o f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t kow to obtain ik e best r e s u l t s in cultivating the soil, £ took Raising, Fruit Growing etc . You can secu re t h i s e x c e l l e n t Mr. Hahn went to Eugene Friday to act as an official in the U. of O.- Corvallis foot ball game. University of Washington plans de- Oates with the University of Colorado and Whitworth college, P ^ P e r ; a n (j j iThe Presidents of O. A. C. and ol For sale by all dealers. Price SO U. ol W. have both placed strict rules cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, to be enforced against betting on New York, sole agents for the United games. States. The Northwest championship in loot Remember the name—D jan's- -and ball seems to rest between Whitman ; take no other. College and the Oregon Agricultural I College. AT THE CHURCHES C o u n ty N ew s fo r s h o r t t im e f o r R eg u lar p rea c h in g s e rv ic e , at the Methodllt church every Sabbath at 1 1 a .m . and at 8:00 p. m. Sunda school at 10 a. m .; Epw orth L eague 7:00 p. m.; Mid-week S ervice, T h u rsd ay , 8:00 p . m. W a s h in g t o n a $ 2.25 Forest Grove, OFFICE over Hines’ Store O re g o n - HANCOCK & GORDON FASH ION S T A B L E S Pacific Ave. Forest Grove Neat Turnouts E. W . Haines Bank (ESTABLISHED 18»8.) Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted Interest paid on time deposits. Accounts invited. City Shaving Parlors For the Best, Up-to-date Work. Baths. Pacific Ave, Forest Grove. A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor ¿S. A. .Moulton The HUWt’S OBSERVATIONS. (lam ina Sidm a. M. E. Church th e LAWYER Real Estate and Corpo- uioii Law a Specialty. READ THE Gordon Brown enjoys a walk by the “ Lake” every evening about seven o’clock. “ Bob” Weatheied took Mr. McCoy on one of his famous hunting trips Saturday. Many ol the students are attending the phrenological lectures given in the Christian church. W. H. HOLLIS, A good husband is nearly always Under the New Rules of Order Gam-! gossip. ma Sigma conducted its meeting Thursday evening. A large number of \ Tell the truth or someone will tell members were present and each one it for you. * * renewed allegiance to make the society Fashion plate: Small checks are all a benefit and help to all concerned. Tue “ Gcod of the Order” consisted of the style. a declamation by T. Denny and D. C. Men like to pluck a sucker, but how Brown gave a thrilling picture of his they despise him. summer’s experiences. The question | debated was Resolved: That the Army I No man was ever strong enough to Canteen should be reestablished. conquer his own prejudices. Messrs. Mills and Reeher supported ] the affirmative while Messrs. Robinson ! If you are miserable, you are exact­ and Elliot advanced argument for the ly what your enemies want you to be. L e a d in g T o n s o r ia lis t K- T H E LITTL E S C H O O L M A ’A M [C o p y r ig h t, 1607. b y M a r y M c K e o n .] Î The girl v.ns while as a sheet aud trem bling al! eve", hut she fought buck i her emotions and ntie. a : mute said: “ It w as all for Mary. Mary !s my sister, and she i : a « ipple. She hitsu’t j had the etiu ■ ■ f l ... | o her girls have had. rud I have al.vavs pitied : her. If you knew her and knew how good n n l patient she is you couldn’t help h u t love her. Soon after I came | to teach school a young man fell i«i love 1 w ith tier. We are very poor hut very , proud a t home. I wanted this young m an to m arry Mary- I wanted it, oh, so bad, and I—I stole the tilings aud j money to buy her clothes. T hat w as it—th a t’s all. Y’ou can take me to Jail now. We are all ruined and Mary cau’t get married now." T he detective sat there with his face iu his hands and his eyes on the ground for long minutes, while the little school- m a’am trembled and gasped and sobbed. Finally he reached out his hand and touched hers and said: “No one knows it but you and I. I have the ring and the watch, and they can he sent to the losers through the mail. As for tin* money, we will pay It hack together, half and half. W hen we have got it together I will tell you how. Go on with your teaching. T hat’s all.” T hat's all the reader need know, ex­ cept that Mary w as m arried six months later and th a t a m ystery greater th an file robberies still hangs over the boarding house. M. QUAD. ut Forest drove R. INIXOIN, Dentist Forest Grove, Oregon She w as n teac h er In one of the pub­ OFFICE T hree rtooit no ith of B a ile y ’s store. Office lic schools in the city, h aving a "B ” German Lutheran Church b outs lion* ^ A M. to 1 P M. class, and she w as referred to as “th a t T he O erm an L utherans hold serv ices on th e 2nd anC little schoolm a’am " ofteu er than as Slh Sundays or each m onth at 2:30 p. m. Miss S u th erlan d She w as h ard ly above H . C. EBELINO, Pastor. eighteen y ears old, and th ere w ere Christian Church. those w ho tlioufTtt It curious th at guch SCHEDULE O F SERVICES. FPLT* K now ing w hat It Is to su ffer. 1 will give a slip of a girl should h av e secured the 1 *>>*-*- FR EE O F CH ARGE, to any alllicted a posi­ Bible School, S u n d a y ...................... 10)00 a. m. tive c u re for E czem a, Salt Rheum E rysipelas, Pilei positlou. T hera may have been a Com m union and p re a c h in g ................... 11:00a. m and S kin D iseases. Instant relief Don't sutler longer Junior M ission B and................................... “pull” som ew here, but us she w as per­ W rite F. W. W illia m s, 400 M anhattan A venue, New 3:00 p. m C hristian E ndeavor. ........................ York. Enclose S ta in s fectly com petent to till the place no 6:30 p. m. P re a c h in g ............................................. 7:30 p. m one had any rig h t to com plain. P rayer m ee tin g on T h u rsd ay n ieh t. The little schoolm a’am w as one of REV. SIAS, Pi istor. six teachers boarding w ith good Moth­ e r W illiam s. She hail kept a boarding Congregational Church house for schoolteachers for m any Sunday School at 10 a. m . M orning P re ac h in g Ser negative. The decision was rendered Every man believes, way down deep, long y e a rs and had come to be reg ard ­ vice at 11 o ’clock. E v en in g s e rv ic e a t 7:30 p. m in favor of the latter. A. C. Allen in Young P eo p le’s M eeting held at 6:30 p. m. Mid week that he is mighty attractive to the wo- ed as a m other to th a t class. She took service on T hursdays at 7:30 p. m. a very forceful manner pointed out the Miss S utherland under her w ing a t ( men. REV. H . W. BOYD, Pastor. once, and no incident of note happened many faults of the speakers. One o f' • • » for the first th ree m ouths. T hen a dia­ Free Methodist his main criticisms was the necessity Some men need a big humiliation mond ring belonging to one of the oth­ Dairy, fruit and hay farms, hop T here will be p rea c h in g se rv ic e ! in the Free Metho of force and emphasis in a debate. 1 about so often to keep them reasona- er teach ers In th e house w as suddenly yards. list C h utch ev ery Sunday at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. missing. T hree m ore articles w ere ; bly modest. REV. H. K BOWMAN, Pastor. m issed; then a detective w as called In. List your place with me and have K .ip p a D rlt.i. . „ H e w as not ten m inutes m aking up his Christian Science. it sold. an exception The Kappa Delta Society held a | say there is mind about It. Service» e v e ry Sunday at 11 a m. and 7:30 p .m . “The three robberies w ore com m itted il the C h ristian S cien ce H a ll, 115 South F iflh Street very interesting meeting last Thursday 1 Pvery ru'e- Who is an exception by th e sam e person, and th a t person is evening. The program opened by 1 l^e ru'e l^at a" must die? your Susan," he said. “The fa c t th a t Panic in Wall Street recital of famous quotations in answer j » What is h; me ; ithou*t , mother?” she has been w ith you for five years may have some effect upon the banks, to the roll call. Miss Mizpah Aber-; Ask the new]y manied couple, and and has never stolen an y th in g before m akes no difference. Men live stra ig h t but when you put your money into nethy sang a beautiful solo which was ' . THE SPEAKER'S MACE. Office Main street, one dcor north Russell’s ... . .. . . will tell you it is simply delight- lives for :'.fty years and then com m it Shoe Store real estate in Washington County you followed by a review of „ The Awaken- they [uj crimes. Le* me tak e h er to the statio n O r i g i n of t h e E m d . e m of A u t h o r i t y Forest Grove Oregon are sure to get value received for your ing of Helen A. Richie,” by Ethella house, and I can m ake her confess . . . Used In C o n g r e s s investment, and big interest besides. Stearns. Miss Thomas and Miss Avery ; We long to be invited out to a sup- w ithin h a lf an hour.” A t the right of the speaker’s desk M other W illiam s would not listeu l i The Oiegon Land Company has a few favored the society with a duet, enti- per so old-fashioned that for dessert this. She not only refused to m ake a In the hall of the house of represent­ atives in the cupitol a t W ashington good bargains that will pay big divi tied “ Good Bye Annie Laurie.” Their there will be floating island and marble com plaint, but gave the teacher tho : Stands a large cylindrical pedestal am ount she Bad lost and kept Susan In dends. Edward Seymour, Manager, voices are sweet and very harmonious. cake. m ade of highly polished green m arble. her place. The robberies w ere, of W hen the house Is called to order Forest Grove, Oregon. * » * The debate followed upon the question course, a su b ject of conversation There is nothing a woman enjoys am ong the Wnchers, b u t th a t any one each day. the sergeant a t arm s or one Resolved: That Coeducation is Bene­ j of his deputies places upon the podes- Notice. 1 getting so much as a letter from some should suspect another w as a thing i till the mace, which Is tlie sym bol of ficial. The affirmative was upheld by FINE WORK OONE CHEAP - FRICES Impossible. It w as a m onth before married woman that is stained with | au thority in the house. W hen the body During the winter months, we shall Misses Hawley and Peterson. The an y th in g fu rth e r happened. T hen a 1 adjourns he rem oves it nml keeps It In W h ite s h ir t - - - 10c D raw ers - - 3 »0 !5c tears. close our store at 6 o’clock; when we debt of $70 w as paid to Mrs. W illiam s ; safety until the house m eets again. Soft ” . . . 10c W hite W aists - 10 lo 20c negative was supported by Misses D. # # # in cash. A s she had no bank account, W h ite S k irts - 10 to 50 U n derskirts - 15 to 25c close at 6:30 it makes it late, both for Tills mace is of very ancient and Abernethv and Keoner. The affirma­ U n dershirts - - - 8c S tockings . . . 2**c When a woman wears a hat for the she put the money In her tru n k in her honorable origin. U nder th e old Ro­ us and our clerks to get home to sup­ H a n d k e rc h ie fs - - 2c C ollars . . . . 2c tive received a unanimous decision. | first time, and her friends say: “ It room. In Just n week It w as missing. man republic the m ag istrates passed M en’s W h ite Vests 10 15c Pants . . . . . 2$c per and trust the public will appreciate Miss Helen Chandler acted as critic. She couldn’t say w ithin th ree days of on foot from one place to an o th er ad­ Coats - - - - 10 20c D u ste rs - - 1 5 20«: looks very pretty in the back,” is that th e tim e it w as taken. It w as there this fact. Yours truly, Goff Bros. m inistering Justice, trying public of- Tow els - - - 20c Doz. N a p k in s - - 20c Doz. nil right o f a Monday, but on T h u rs­ a compliment? — Hoffman & Allen for good goods i fenders and im posing penalties. T h e follow ing a rticle s 50 c p e r doz. Pillow Cases, 18t2 day she looked for It In vain. The * # • Bed S heets, T able C loths, N ig h t G ow ns, W om en’s Each of these m agistrates w as nt- and lowest prices. door of h er room w as never locked, D raw ers, U nderw ear, A prons and C orset Covers. Good news travels; not so rapidly as I tended by a sm all body of men known — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and and on T uesday afternoon w hen she — Try Schultz’s ground bone for bad news of course, but still it travels. ns lictors. whose duty it w as to make Pacific Avenue Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ Forest Grove w ent o u t t ’> m ark et she rem em bered way for tire officers of tho law, pre- pliances in office. Calls answered your hens. It will make them lay. Do a good thing and the people will th a t she left the key in her trunk. 1 serve order, m ake a rre sts and Inflict night or day. —Cotton Blankets 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, hear of it in time. Tills lust robbery m ade things look punishm ent on condemned citizens. serious ImUcd. E very one clam ored Each o f these lictors carried w ith Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. — Money to loan on farm security. prices 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, fo r an o th er detective to be called In. PRINTED BY REQUEST. him a hunch of rods tied together $2.00, at Bailey’s. N otice is h e re b y g iv en th a t, by v irtu e o f a lic e n se W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. a n d the girt Susan, w ho felt th a t she xvitli thongs and having ail ax tioiind ind order sale duly m ade and e n te re d by th e C ounty 1: Recipe is Easily Prepared at Small m ight be u n d er suspicion, declared ■ to tlie outside of it. The thongs were Court o f W ashington c o u n ty , O regon, on O ctober 22, th a t she w ould not rem ain another , used for scourging and the ax for 1907, lic e n sin g m e to s e ll, a t p riv a te s a le , fo r cash in Cost, and Many Swear By It. day unless a thorough Investigation É f e u WE WE beheading. Sentences liiqiosed by the land the h e re in a fte r d escribed rea l e s ta te , b e lo n g in g to w as made. BUY Mix the following by shaking well in j m agistrates w ere a t once carried out. W illiam Z iegler, a sp e n d th rift and in co m p e te n t p e rso n , y l f o r sp o t riuth. T here a re detectives an d detectives. ------- 1 0 to 6 0 % m o ro m o n ey f o r yon to Hhli* R aw Fnrw on«! ITMoa to n a th A n to Those bundles of rods w ere know n as [ w ill, from and a fte r M onday, D ecem ber 2, 1907, p r o ­ a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses »»•Il itt h o m e. W r i t e f o r P r i c e L in t, M a rk e t R e p o rt. S n ip p in g Tug», Hint ul>out o u r The second one called, heard the p a r­ fasces. When the Homans conquered ceed to se ll, at p riv a te s a le , for cash in h and, to th e highest bidder, all th e follo w in g d e scribed real e s ta te , H pacta, UN T E R S ’& T R A P P E R S ’G U I D E ^ r ^ a i after meals and at bedtime: ticulars of all the robberies and did B ritain the use of the fasces ns a sym ­ leather hound. Beat thing on the auhject ever written Illustrating all Fur Animal* Alt aNnit Trapper* Seoretta, Deo>v*. Trap*, (lame U w i How and where to trap, and to become a anc- not lay any one u n d er suspicion. He bol was brought w ith them , and many situated in W ash in g to n c o u n ty , O regon, to -w it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ce»* fill trapper It a a regular Encyclopedia Price. $2 To on r n i . turners, f t 25 Holes tanned into The east h a lf of th e n o rth e a st q u a rte r of se ctio n 10, said he w ould th in k It over and roe other Roman custom s rem nlned w ith heautitnl Roher Our Magnetic Bait and Decoy attract* animal* to trap*, f I 00 per bottle. Ship your T. 1 N. R . 4 W , W ill. M er. Also th e follo w in g d e ­ Hites and Furs to us and get highokt price*. A u d i r m h llr v a ., D e p t. * | , \ l I n n ,» p u lls , M in n . j ounce; Compound Kargon. one ounce; w h a t cottlil be done. H e talked w ith tho B ritish people. scribed tra c t of land: B e g in n in g a t a p o in t on th e w est j Compound Svrup oarsaparilla, three th e serv an ts and th e teac h ers and \\ Idle It w as no longer used for In­ line 38 rods so u th of th e n o rth w est c o rn e r o f the D. L. ounces. A local druggist is the au­ agreed wltft them th a t it w as a m ys­ flicting punishm ent. It continued to lie of John L ou«ignont and w ife , in T . I N . R. 4 W . terious case. T w o w eeks had gone M ost Grocers Sell W ill. M er,. a nd r u n n in g th en c e east 15 rods, th e n c e thority that these simple, harmless in­ by and he had not been h eard of again used ns a symbol by the early English south 31 rods, th e n c e w est 15 rods, rh eu c e n o r:h 31 rods m agistrates, an d when an officer ap­ gredients can be obtained at nominal w hen th e little schoolm a'sm took a peared carry in g the fasces his a u ­ to the plac e of b e g ln in g : E x c e p tin g fro m th e above i' A tiook In her h and o f a S aturday a fte r­ thority w as Immediately accepted by described lands the fo llo w in g , to -w it: B e g in n in g at a cost from our home druggists. noon nud w ent Into one o f the public all. It w as. In effect, his badge of point the n o rth e a st c o rn e r of th e n o rth e a st q u a rte r if section 10, T . I N . R . 4 W , W ill M e r., r u n n in g The mixture is said to cleanse and parks. She had been read in g for h a lf tv e r y so ck guorunteed officer th en c e south 8 rods, th e n c e w est 36 rods, th e n c e n o rth ' strengthen the clogged and inactive an hour w hen a m an sa t dow n on th e The English form of the fasces w as 3 rods, th en c e east to th e p lac e o f b e g in n in g : Also a Made of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Blad­ bench beside her. She looked up to slightly changed In th a t the ax w as s trip of land 25 feet 9 in ch e s in w idth ly in g and b e in g it produces more loaves of bre.,d than any other recognize the detective. H e w as a on th e w est side of th e above d escribed land, th e der veakness and Urinary trouble of all m iddle ngo/l m an, o f fath erly look, placed Inside of the bundle of rods, sam e r u n n in g from n o rth to south lin e s th e re o f, a nd flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Be­ w ith the blade protruding from the being 25 fee t 9 in ch es w ide, the land to be sold being 80 kinds, if taken before the stage cf and. though engaged in dot ♦ i n g and top. cause of the increased quantity of bread produced a cres, m ore or less. p unishing evil doers, it w as ev id en t i Bright's disease. The g reat councils of the early Dated a t H illsboro, O regon, th is O ctober 28, 1907. the cost is no higher than for other flours. th a t ho had a kind h eart. A fter a few Saxons gradually developed Into one H . G. K IN G , Those who have tried this say it po- casual rem ark s had passed he said: general lxxly. which In the fourteenth G uardian of th e Person and E state of W illia m Z ieg- A sk your G ro c e r for It. "M iss S u th erlan d . 1 have been w a it­ century becam e know n as the house e r, a S p e n d th rift and In co m p e te n t P erson. ' itively overcomes pain in the back, clears the urine of sediment xnd regu­ in g for th e Inst th ree days to see you of commons. In all these earlier coun­ W . N. B a rre tt, alone. H ad I called a t the house aud THE PORTLAND FLOURING M ILLS CO. A tty. for G uardian. lates urination, especially at night, cur­ had a p riv ate conversation w ith you It cils the use c f the fasces w as con­ (First Fub. Oct. 31) 5-t tinued. b u t It then cam e to tie know n ing even the worst forms of bladder m ight hnvs been em b arrassin g ." as the mace, w hich has rem ained ns “B u t w hy should you w an t a p riv ate the em blem o f legislative au th o rity in weakness. conversation w ith m e?" she asked. th a t body dow n to th e present day. Every man or woman here who feels "A bout those robberies, my dear. I The house of representatives of the have found w here the rin g and the that the kidneys are not strong or act­ U nited S tates w as modeled closely ing in a healthy manner should mix w nteh w ere paw ned. I have the d ates a fte r the house of commons by the w hen jnA ex p ress« ! the money to fram ers of our constitution, and the this prescription at home and give it a y o u r siste r M ary.” Usage of the m ace w as borrow ed from trial, as it is said to do wonders for “S ir:“ exclaim ed the girl, rising. the E nglish custom. "Sit down, child, and d o n 't a ttra c t a t­ and merchants The first mace adopted by th e house many persons. tention. Von c a u 't tie vicious by n a ­ M l r i A l . I ' l R I ! M R U K P A .H H IN . The Scranton (P a .) Times was first ture. Yon hav e not spent a cent of w as destroyed by Are when the Brit- -h burned the cupitol in 1>»14. From to print this remarkable prescription, th e money tin yourself. It has all gone l ^ l l until ls|_> a iiiio-e of painted wood to some tfho else Tell m e w hat a c tu ­ did service, but in the la tte r y ear the in October, of 1906, since when all the ated yon* l am here to p ty more than I» TM B leading newspapers of New York, Bos­ to accuse. I can 't lid iev e th a t you present m ace w as m ade a fte r th e model of the original o a t.—C leveland Plain ton. Philadelphia. Pittsburg and other realized the heinousness of your of­ D ealer. cities have made many announcements fenses. D on't weep and d raw a tte n ­ tion. h u t 1’is t tell nie all abou t it." J REV. H . GOULD, Pastor. Eczema and Pile Cure PROPERTY iff PEOPLE Largejjr Small Tracts M. L. N o b le Real Estate Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY 5 ! u: F U R S -H ID E S O L Y iV iP ïC R FÏRF -. IN S U R A N C E 1 llV J L i BANKERS O f F o r e s t G ro v e , O re g o n B est and C heapest of it to their readers.