I — ■ FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K F o re st G ro v e , O regon Ï Ï What Wher ly respe make su it mus1 reader: M rs L. * d e rtd condii back. 1 f el was trouble« pa n s woulC su ffe rin g , as th ese o r | e rly . 1 am back is stro m g th is te p ills very d ise a s e ." For s cents. New Yo States. Remi take no R égulât e v e ry Sab school at S e rv ic e , 1 T h e Gei 4th Sunda Bible Sch* C ornu, u n i< Ju n io r Mi C hristian I're a c h in i P rayer Sunday v ice at Young P« s e rv ic e Oi T h e re » lis t Chur S e rv io •t the C A R. On« a«ltlic aloiul ward alón, the 1 cani, back WT w as Lord ed t who lord« seal was ley, T1 ble and lilt som beg. a tut Ion, say “I I d cert I it 8 thli tha wa th e voi net J od hti im sal do I **' f f0 l IB M hi Capital Surplus Resources . . • - t m B y $ • - 25. 000 00 10.000 00 250.00000 THE in the city. W i will gjarantee the price, goods and fit. We have all the well known brands of high class tailored suits. To the first boy under 8 years of age, bringing this ad to th is sto re betw een 7:45 and 8:00 o’clock Monday morning, Nov- 11, we will g iv e fre e o ne suit of clothes. _____________________ John ------------------------- - “ T h e headquarters of the Pacific E. B. Tongue and Ade Siegrist of Metal Worker, whose manager is Harry Hillsboro attended the hop here Thurs- F I)#vis> has been transierred (rom Portland to Can Francisco. Frank ! Peters «fill be ‘.he northwest represent­ ative. Judge D. J. Haynes, Patriotic In ­ structor for the Department of Oregon Grand Army of the Republic, will de­ liver a lecture tc the Public school ch il-; ' New Fall Goods Received Blankets, Comforts, Heavy Underwear, Very fine Dress and Suitings. School Shoes for Children, also capital line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes Also the finest line of groceries in town. Everything guaranteed or your money refunded. Get your fruit jars—Mason and Economy—from us. ABRAHAM BROS Forest Grove - - Oregon RASM JAM ES Dealer in F L O U R tm d F E E L ) Forest Grove, Ore., - Pacific Ave. toves and Ranges Our line of heating stoves is getting low but we still have a few good ones to pick from. If you do not need one for a week or two come in and pick one out and we will hold it for you. The Toledo Range Beats anything for the money that we ask for them. We guarantee it for ten years; ask your neighbor about them. If they have not one we can refer you to dozens of satis­ fied users. i F o r t if ie d Address GROVER MEDICINE CO., V / o o d b u m , Ore. ™ We sell them on the Easy Pay­ m ent Plan making the terms t o suit the purchaser. Monday. All of the concrete woik on Corl’s new building is completed and ready for the brick. Frank Shepard, formerly of this county, was out from Portland Sunday visiting friends. Anderson, THE TAILOR. I A: For Sale by «11 Druggists. Price 50 cents. Let us send vou our little booklet, "Renew Your Vitality,” which tells you whf.t IRON-TONE is and what it will do. You can have it for the asking. : CLO TH IN G M i i You will want a new suit for this date any­ way, so come in and let us show you one of the best lines of CITY Iron-Tone is an impregnable fortification a/ gainst disease be­ cause it keeps every organ of the body in perfe ct condition. I Will Soon Be Here letter from Lair Gregory from San Fran­ cisco. He has offers from different dailies in the Earthquake city, but will look over the situation before making a choice. TH E BOOK STO R E Pictures for passe partouting- in great variety. p » Thanksgiving ordinary gift of winning romantic cases A G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s in e s s T r a n s a c te d — for his friends. When he was corn- *nK UP on tbe bolt bom Stanford L ni- Director*: R. M. Dooly, J. E. I.oomis, H. C. Wortman, versity he met a young fellow that had Frank E. Dooly, R. M . Dooly, Jr. Harry Clinton Sawyer, who is quite been attending Berkeley and was en- well known here having visited at the route to Portland. After arriving at the Darling home a few years ago, was one Rose City they became room mates of the many attractions at Pantage’s and Fred took his chum over across ‘ theatre in Portland last week as an im­ the beautiful Willamette to see some girl friends of his. One of the maid­ personator and singer. ens and Everson’s friend seemed to Miss Pennfield has on display some have a special affinity for one another fine prints from great artists among and it was not long before Cupid as­ which are: Fuch’s Madona, Haul’s sisted in the case, and the day was won. P h o n e 411 1 -, B . P B N P 1 E L D Madona, Raphael’s Sistine, Magnus- Again the ex-student of Pacific Univer­ sen’s Moonlight on the Pacific and sity showed himself a good friend of Dicksee’s Nearing Home. Cupid Rose, the licenie man of Port­ — Don’t you think a nice Wool AN INFANT Cleo Milne, who now lives with h s land, when he ferried an alumnus of 1 Blanket would feel good these cool is a source of daily parents in Portland, has been made Pacific, a graduate of Harvard, and a nights? Bailey’s. study. In repose, freight baggage man for the O. R. & lawyer of Portland across the YVillam- Hon. B. F. Purdy of Gaston was ] M . ... , , . D when laughing or N. and his run will be between Port­ i ette. The graduate of Harvard, like w h e n the c r y transacting business Dusiness in this city the land and Huntington. The position the Roman of old, came, saw and con­ comes it is con-. f0re part of the week, cirries with it a good salary. tinuously under quered. And now there is but one observation. The j Cotton Blankets 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, The Ladies’ Working Society of tne girl left in the family and if the little greatest event of prices 85c, 81.00, 81.25, 81 50, Methodist Church, spent a delightful story should end as they generally do its life though, is 82.00, at Bailey’s, afternoon Wednesday, in the country in story books, who will be the one to when it has i Mont Stewart, a former resident of with Mrs. Little. After the business win her? A First fhotograph this city but now of Monmouth, was of the day was over a bountiful and The Title Guarantee and Trust Com­ visiting here last week. taken. The pleas­ delicious lunch was served by the pany’s Bank of Portland went to the ure is enhanced if A new gas lighting plant has been hostess. wall yesterday and was placed in the we take the pic­ installed in the new Paterson building R. V. Hoyt, the new furniture man, hands o< receiver, George H. Hill, tures. There’s a charm about our for the use of its patrons. is busy this week unpacking his stock vice president of the bank. Heavy baby pictures. Owing to the poison oak on his hands of furniture. He has ordered a large investments on which officials could Its because we Loren Watkins has had to give up his stock and when everything is in readi­ not realize quickly, and steady drain have the knack. ness he will be able to show you an up on deposits were the cause of suspen­ Bring baby in and work in the barber shop temporarily. sion. Several people of this city are have some taken. Archie Bryant and L. L. Hollinger to date line. Notice his ad in this small depositors in the defunct bank issue of The News. have strung a sign across Main street, having saved money by small dribbles Rev. Arthur J. Folsom, the Congre­ Pacific Art Studiu emblematic of their respective busi­ in the “ toy” banks that were dis­ F o r ili Grovi, Oregon nesses. gational Supe.intendent of Home Mis­ tributed by the money institution’s Frank Watrous returned the first of sions for Oregon, will speak in the agents here last cummer and then the week from the Sound country Congregational church next Sunday turned their savings into the Portland where he did a big business with his morning In the evening there will bank. be a lecture on “ John Wesley and the H. w. s p a r k s , l o c a l e d it o r . post cards. T. H. Littlehales has opened up a Lessons of His Life.” Mrs. D. D. Martin returned Tues­ real estate office in the new Forest — A full line of Comforts at Bailey’s. day from Seattle, where she had been Our Dr. C. L. Large not only has the Grove National Bank building. —The finest of Cotton Blankets at visiting her daughter Mrs. Cole.for the distinction of having his name in the Panic in Wall Street Bailey’s. mouths of all up-to-date and anti-alma­ past nine weeks. C. C. Beers of Mitchell, Neb., is in Web Hughes conducted a very suc­ nac theatrical joke artists, but he is may have some effect upon the banks, U the city. cessful sale ior John Miller, on the old unique in holding a piece of property but when you put your money into Robert Dugan was in the Gro\ e Stott place, Tuesday. Both seller and 25x100 that is sandwitched in by the real estate in Washington County you goli-links of Cambridge near Portland.; are sure to get value received for your buyers were satisfied. Tuesday. The club owns property all around investment, and big interest besides. Thomas Adams, formerly of the firm Get that umbrella repaired at Corl’s. “ Doc’s” lot, but they will have to act The Oiegon Land Company has a few 18t4 of Woods & Adams of this city but just right with Charles L. financially good bargains that will pay big divi­ K. N. Staehr was a Portland visifor now president of a Vancouver bank, speaking, if they get the lot. dends. Edward Seymour, Manager, was in the Grove last week. yesterday. The dance at Verts Hall Halloween Forest Grove, Oregon. Robert Hartrampf of Hillsboro, has There will be a dance in Vert’s hall purchased a lot on Main street in that evening was one big success from be- Notice. Saturday night. ginning to end. There were about city, and will soon begin the erection During the winter months, we — Wool Blankets 8-5.50 to 89.00 at thirty five couples present all of whom of a 50x100 feed store building. close our store at 6 o’clock; when J E. Bailey’s. report a very enjoyable time. The Mr. and Mrs. Krieder and Herschel close at 6:30 it makes it late, both We repair and cover umbrellas, L. decorations were entirely in keeping came in from the logging camp on us and our clerks to get home to sup­ J. Corl & Son. 18t4 with the occasion. Chinese and jack- Pumpkin Ridge Saturday evening and per and trust the public will appreciate o-lanterns were suspended from the Dr. Hines and son were Portland Mrs. K. remained at home but the Goff Bros. ceiling and ferns festooned diagonally this fact. Yours truly, visitors Sunday. others went back. 18t2 across the hall. Jack-o-lanterns along The 5e funny with Miss Manche Langley was a Hills­ King" at the Orego i Agricultural Col- tne result of giving his wife an unmer­ n tough gent from the I-'ourth w ard.”— boro visitor yesterday. , lege, Corvallis, F’riday evening. His ciful flogging. Judge Cameron lives Philadelphia Press. Dr. and Mrs. Hines and son were rendition of this drama last year at in the same neighborhood as Beard A ll D e a r to H im . Pacific was brilliant. Portland visitors Sunday. and he was notified that Beard was W ife—The doctor orders me to the John Beal, who moved here this Fall killing his wife. Cameron hurried to m ineral baths a t C arlsbad, and you re­ Arthur Stratton of Cornelius, is put- rom Cornelius, was presented with as the spot and Beard was sent to jail. fuse me the m eans to go. T h at shows ting up a new residence. how little you value me. H u s b a n d - — Mrs. Bullock would like sewing to | tine a box of apples as Roosevelt might Beard had beaten his wife up so badly On the contrary. 1 do not wish to lose do. Fourth street, city. 18-4p want’ ,he first oi the week by his that she is not able to appear in court a pound of yon.—FI legend* B latter. , and the case has been postponed till Eld Carlyle was out from Portland b,otber Gales Spur. — Money to loan on farm security. Rollie Watson, the former editor of j Nov. 15. He should be given the Saturday visiting relatives. W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove. the TillamooVc Herald but now -in the same treatment that he has been giv­ H . W. Sparks, our Pat. was doing — Try Schultz's ground bone for real estate business in the "cheese- ing his wife and Judge Cameron will Portland Saturday and Sunday. your hens. It will make them lay. making” city was in the Grove last most likely give it to him. A new cement walk is being laid in — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and week rounding up some land buyers. Fred Everson who formerly attended front of Dr. Hines’ drug store. Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ Hillsboro will send quite a delega- college heie, but is now practicing law pliances in office. Calls answered John Williams of North Yamhill, I lion to the horse show in Portland in Portland, seems to have the extra- night or day. was in this city the for.-part of th e ; | Friday and Saturday. Bert Tongue week. t M a tr ix b y c o u r t e s y P o r t l a n d J o u r n a l . ) 1 will enter a couple ol horses. Steeds ! Miss Hattie Kreider went to Port- wiu be eriteied from ov„ the whole land Saturday afternoon and returned Coast. day evening. ». n . • Concert= Course dren at Vert’s Hall on Saturday No­ vember 16, ’07. The closing address will be made by Rev. H. P. Blake of Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman, mezzo soprano dramatice the M. E. church at Woodstock, t 2 Marsh Hall, T ursday, Nov. 14 The local editor is in receipt of a Goff Bros. This head of Cabbage weighs 51 pounds and was raised by Peter Evers, in Washington County. HAR.DWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON