9 B y s 1 ru E G V s T R ] C D A V E A 1 1r i R A 1I L MONEY FLOWS BICK1 .. . . . sMpmMit. u ,„ GRANTS INJUNCTION î M A K ? I. groat and noble heart. Now let death R O A D S H IT B A C K come, and I shall accept it gladly, for I feel convinced that heaven will have pity on me on account of my sincere repent­ __________ «her N otice. I ____ ance. Be happy, niece, with the husband of your choice. Senores, all accept my Bellingham , Wash., N ov. 1.— N o ! thanks. I>on Valentine, once more I thank you. And now leave me, all, for 1 uo longer belong to the world, so let Northwest until furthei notice. This me think of my salvation.” is tiie order sent out to all agents oi the “ But one word,” Valentine said. “ Gen­ company last night. eral, I have forgiven you, und it is now This m ove of the N c-th ein Pacific is my turn to ask your pardon,” “ What can you mean?” junction issued “ I have deceived you !” by the Federal court in Beattie Thuis- I “ Deceived m e!” day night, making it com pulsory on I "Y es; take this paper. The President of the Republic, employing his sovereign sitania Sails tor N tw Y ork With tlie part of tiie railroads to charge the | Aciion by Judge Har.ford in Wash- old rate of 40 cents on lum ber from right of mercy, has, on my pressing en­ $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 — Each City Hus­ irgto n C oncurred in by Judge term inal points on tlie Pacific Coast. treaty, revoked iho sentence passed on Tlie railroads had issued u new sched­ W olverton, o f O regon . you. You are free.” bands Its Own Supp y. ule of iates that were to be effective His hearers burst into a cry of admira­ tion. The general turned pale. He tot­ today. Tiiis new schedule was fought tered. and for a moment it was fancied by tiie lumbermen and resulted in the New York, N ov. 2.— The tinanrial Seattle, Wash , Oct. 31.— Federal that he was about to fall. A cold per­ situation is gradually clearing without issuance of the tenqioraty injunction. Judge Hanford yesterday at a special spiration stood on his temples. The railrouds have eviden tly found “ Fathers,” lie said, turning to the showing any striking features. Huns anot tier method of com liatting the lum­ session of court, granted tlie injunction monks, “ lead me to your monastery. on the lainks and trust companies are bermen. The latest move is tlie refusal prayed for by the W ashington & Ore­ General Guerrero is dead, and iienceforth practically over; money, which was to accept any shipments of lumber at gon Lum berm en’ s associations to pre­ vent the roads of the Harrimnn system, tem porarily w ithdrawn from batiks sub­ I shall be a monk of your order.” any rate. T iie roads figure they would tiie Burlington, Norttiern Pacific and Tw o days after the scene we have de­ ject to runs, is flowing to the stronger be taking too great a risk to allow the Great Northern railroads, from placing scribed Valentine and his companions left banks, and currency is being provided excess freigh t to accumulate until a Mexico and returned to Sonora. On in most cases where the demand for it in effect tlie new rate on lumber which final decision on tlie rate is ma le, as reaching the frontier the hunter, in spite is considered legitim ate. was to have become effective Novem ber they say that litigation w ill ensue be­ of the pressing entreaties of his friends, Further engagements of gold by Boe- 1. .separated from them and returned to the ton and other points have brought up fore Hie matter is settled, and many This rate wus 50 cents, as against the of the lumber Aims may have gone out desert. the total engagements abroad under the present rate of 40 cents from the Sound oi business. Don Martial and Dona Anita jettled recent movement to $20,550,000. The and W estern Oregon points to St. Paul, in Mexico near the Kalliers. A mouth Lusitana, which sailed from Liverp ool and t'ie lumliermen feel that they have after Valentine’s departure Dona Helena C O U R T S IG N S O R D E R . yesterday, lias on boaid about $10,000,- ga ne 1 one of the gieatest victories of returned to the convent, and at the end 000 in gold, one of the largest single the 1 mg tight against tlie raihoads. of a year, in spite of the entreaties of Prices of e x ­ Grants Injunction Asked by the O regon In concurring, Federal Judge W ol-- her family, who were surprised at so shipments ever made. Lumbermen. verto r, of Oregon, practically decided strange a resolution, which nothing ap­ change were firm during the early part Portland, N ov. 1. — Follow ing the de­ tlie Oregon case of like nature, which parently explained, the young lady took of yesterday and did not y ie ld seriously at any time. The fact that ttie stock cision tendered by the United States comes up todav in that state. the vows. Judge Hanford dealt with tlie various When 1 met Valentine Guillois on the exchanges of London and Paris were Circuit Court at Seattle Wednesday, banks of the Rio Joaquin some time after closed on account of A ll Saints day pre­ Judge W olverton, of the Federal court, objections interposed by the railroad the events recorded in this long story, he vented any comparison of quotations on granted an injunction yesterday re­ attorneys and held that some of them was going with Gurumilla to attempt a arbitrage operations. straining tiie railroads from putting in were matters for grave consideration. hazardous expedition across the Rocky Balances w ith the clearing house the advanced lumber iates to the East He dirreted that tlie order be pre­ Mountains, from which, he said to me, have settled down to a normal condi­ until the merits of the ease can be set sented to him for signature this morn­ with the soft, melancholy smile which tion, but tiiere is s till som ething of a before the Interstate Commerce com­ ing at 8 o'clock, and fixed the bond at he generally assumed when speaking to blockade in domestic exchange through mission and a hearing be held. The $250,000 to protect tlie railroads in me, he hoped never to return. the unwillingness of New York lianks restraining order was asked by the Ore­ ease the Intristate Corrmerce commis­ I accompanied him for several days, to pay currency on drafts from other gon A W ashington Lum ber Manufac­ sion takes action in their favor. and then we were compelled to separate. cities and tlie unwillingness of other turers’ association, and upon his return W hen Judge lluuford concluded, F. He pressed ray hand, and followed by his cities to pay out their c u r e n e y upon frem Seattle yesterday m orning Judge C. D illare, special interstate commis­ dumb friend, he entered the mountains. The condition W olverton announced that the prayer sion lawyer for tlie Harrinian roads, For a long time I looked after him. for drafts from New Y ork. asked if tlie roads would be punished L involuntarily felt my heart contracted of affairs indicates a continued pressure of the lumbermen would be granted. Judge W olverton ordered tlie associa- if they enforced tiie tate on lumber by a sad foreboding. He turned round for currency rather than a breakdown for the last time, waved his baud in fare­ of credits, but reasonable demands are tion to put up a bond for $250,000 tHat concerns not parties to tiie defendant to The reply was in effect well and disappeared round a bend' of lieing met for regular customers of the w ill be called for in the event tiie r a il­ tlie action. the track. I was fated never to see him l>anks. roads finally win. This money w ill be that they would not. and tlie lum ber­ again. The possibility of lis te n in g the e x ­ used to pay the difference between the men are telegra th in g e v ir y lumber Since then nothing has been heard of port movement of wheat and cotton present rates and the proposed tariffs, company not a party to tlie action ad­ him nor of Gurumilla. All my endeavors s till enguges the attention of foreign should the railroads finally w in . vising that they order th eir lawyers to to join them or even obtain news of them exchange dealers and also of tliose who Lumber companies in the state not tile suit in intervention. were vain. endeavor to keep in touch with the gen­ members of tlie association are advised Are they still living? No one can say. eral situation. to file suits in intervention as soon as M E A D P R O C L A IM S H O L 'D A Y S . Darkness has settled down over these two possible, in order that tlie railroads magnificent men, and time itself will, D E L IV E R Y A T J O L IE T . w ill not be enabled to enforce the pro­ in all probability, never remove the veil Bankers H .v e T w o Days S e t Aside posed freight rates on firms not parties that conceals their fate. For all, unhap­ in W ish irgton . to tlie suit brought by the association. pily, leads me to suppose that they per­ Suprem e C ourt Decision Turns L oo se O lym pia, W ash., Oct. 31.— Governor The advanced rates, as announced by ished in that gloomy expedition from IOO C h icago Crim inals. the railroads on all lumber shipments Mead yesteiday at ill o'clock issued a which Valentine hoped, alas! never to Chicago, 111., N ov. 2.— The doors of return. to the Missouri and Mississippi livers, proclamation declaring yesterday and tlie Joliet penitentiary sw ing open to ­ were to have gone into effect today, today legal holidays. The issuance of (T h e End.) day ami the first batch of nearly 100 but the injunction w ill postpone them tlie proclamation came ns a decided sur­ murderers, highwaym en, burglars and indefinitely. The increase was pub­ prise to the state officer*, as tiie gover­ SOME JO K E S ON R O Y A L T Y . other crim inals w ill lie turned loose lished some tim e ago and tariffs issued nor had refused positively to take tuo'i as a result of a recent decision of the Even the German Katoier Cannot by tiie railroads. Appeals were made action. By telegram and long distance Supreme court, which lie Id that the O v e r a w e the F u n n y Man. direct to the Interstate Commerce com calls lasting until after m idnight re­ Rulers do not always escape toe m unicipal courts of Chicago could not mission to postpone the enforcement quests were made that the holiday be practical joker, altliougli royalty, as a legally try cases in which the indict­ of tlie rate, but as no com plaint was declared. These requests were made on behalf rule, Is impatient o f trifling und sensi­ ments were returned by a Cook county before the commission, it could not act of the Imnks at Spokane, Davenport, tive to ridicule. Even the Kaiser is grand jury. upon the appeal. The situation :s one of the most seri­ I’alouse, Pullm an, Dayton, Kllensburg, ruffled, now and then, by au Irreverent ous that ever confronted Chicago. If C olfax, W alla W alla. Vancouver, Che- M O N E Y IS EASIE R . Jest at, liis expense. the decision of tiie highest couit is to Hal is, Centralia, Aberdeen and llo - What makes these jokes the funnier stand, it means that on the eve of w in­ qniam. The statement was itinde that to the world In general Is the fact that ter footpads, murderers, and crim inals Acute S tage o f Financial C risis O ver tlie banks which have balances deposit­ the Joker lias to beware the diverse of all elassse are to lie turned loose on in East. ed in Portland and other cities were and dreadful penalties for lese majeste. the streets of the c ity . N ew Y ork, N ov. I .— Indications that unable to have the apeeie shipped and The monarch himself may not notice the availab le supply of cash would be State's Attorney John I. H ealy, how­ feared the consequences of a run. The them, but there are alwuys obsequious ever, lias decided to take drastic steps m ateria lly increasid wthin a short tim e holiday was asked to g ive lim e to se­ officials who think to recover the royal to prevent the wholesale liberation of w ith imports o f gold and the increase cure the actual coin. dignity by pursuing the humorist rim ioals. f ie construes tlie decision of tlie lan k note circulation, and that A couple o f years ago a German to mean that the Supreme court never the movement of cotton and grain crops C O N F ID E N C E IN B A N K S . paper, presumably for a Joke, publish­ intended that convicted crim inals would be facilitated in every way pos­ sible. with the result of increasing our ed a paragraph to the effect that tlie should be given liberty, but that each Portland D ep ositors M ake no Attem pt fnvnrlte flower o f the K aiser was a anil every man must stand trial again— credits abroad, were the salient feat­ to W ithdraw Funds. ures o f today's financial situation. It red carnation. The paragraph was this tim e in the C rim inal court. seemed to be recognized everywhere Portland, Oct. 31. — Portland showed copied In almost every paper In the that the acute stage of the crisis was onfidenen in its I links yesterday to a L IF T S TH E EM BAR G O . country, and when, a few days later, o v tr and that a ll that remained was to rem arkable degree. T here was no in­ the einiieror visited Alx-la-Chaiielle. all obtain sufficient currency to resume dication of a run at any o f the institu­ those deputed to receive him wore red Northern Pacific D t c d e s to R eceive currency payments upon a broad scale tions when they opened for business at carnations in their buttonholes. Lum ber Shipm ents. A ll and thus to restore conditions p revail­ the usual hour after the holiday. The K aiser frowned angrily, but no Bellingham , W ash., N ov. 2.— The ing before th e c iis is . resumed business as ti-ual w ith the e x ­ one knew until next day, when some order of the Northern Pacific railroad The engagements of gold made in ception ol the T itle Guarantee A Trust one, a little wiser than the rest. In­ refusing to b ill out any carloads of N ew Y ork, Chicago and elsewhere company, which preferred to take ad­ formed them that the flower was the lumber from the Northwest, was in brought np the total import movement vantage of tiie five-day hank h oliday in emblem o f his pet abominations, the force just one day. Last night just within the past week to $23,750.000. order that there m igh t he no doubt as Social Democrats. iiefore the office of the company closed, As the amount o f gold w ill afford a to the lega lity of the business transact­ One o f the most extraordinary the order was riscinded. Tiie N orth­ basis of credit to four tim es the ed. As real estate transactions come hoaxes on record Is said to have been ern Pacific w ill now accept lumber amount, or about $95,000,POO, it w ill up very largely in this hank, it was played upon the Dewan L alla MoolraJ, shipments at the new rate, but w ill not in itself afford much relief to the e x ­ thought best by President Boss to avoid a native potentate o f the Punjab, dur­ he aide to collect tlie 50-eent tariff isting pleasure. possible legal entanglem ents. pending the der ision o f the Interstate ing the sei'ond Sikh W ar, In the win T lie ie was in uneasiness apparent The injurie- ter o f 1H4S-1849. The Rrltlsh army, j Commerce commission. aiiont the c ity yesterday, and the hanks Calls R ivers C on gress commanded by Sir Hugh Gough, had lion issued by the Federal court in Re­ In fact, Cincinnati, O ., Nov. 1.— Th e N a­ were not pressed lor money. shut up the Dewan and his forces In "H ie forbids the collecting o f more tional Rivers and Harbor* congress Inis the fortified city o f Mooitan. One day than the old 40 cent rate. T o w n I* D estroyed . is«ue the chaplain, whom the place whither I am going at this mo­ he is at liberty to roil verse with, if he ment.” likes; if not, he remains perfectly quiet, “ Would it be indiscreet to ask you— ?*’ ^f-and nobody pays any attention to him. "W here?” the hunter interrupted him during a period more or less long, and de­ with a laugh. "N ot at a ll; I am going termined by the rejection of his appeal. to lead you, Dona Anita, and the persons Tli« n. one fine morning, when he is least here present to the capataz in which thinking of it, the governor of the prison General Guerrero is confined.” announces to him, when lie wakes, as tie- "T h e capilla?” the Tigrero exclaimed most simple thing in the world, that Il ­ in amazement, “ for what purpose?” ls to be executed that same day, and “ What does that concern you? The only an hour is granted him to recoin general has requested to see you, and mend his soul to the divine clemency. The you cannot refuse the request of a man fatal toilet is made by the executioner who has but a few’ hours left to live.” and his assistant, the condemned man is The Tigrero hung his head without an­ .aced in a close carriage, conveyed to swering. the place of execution, and in a twinkling “ O h! I will g o !” Dona Anita exclaimed launched into eternity, before he has had impulsively, as she wiped away the tears a moment to look round him. that ran down her cheeks. When a man is condemned to death "Since you insist. Don Valentine, I that moment he is, d< fa to, will go.’’ said the Tigrero. from that society to which lit* no longer " I do not insist, my friend; I only belongs, through the sentence passed on ask, that is all.” him; he is consequently separated from his fellow men. C H A PTE R X X V III. lie is shut up In a room, at one end of Valentine, Dona Anita, M. Kallier and which is an altar; the walls are hung Don Martial got into the carriage. The In black drapery, studded with silver two Canadians and the chief followed tears, and here and there mourning in them on horseback, and they proceeded "Tpcriptions, drawn from Holy Writ. Near it a gallop to the chapel where the con­ his bed is placed the coffin in which lu> demned man was confined. body is 10 be deposited after execution, All along the road they found marks while two priests, who relieve each oth of the obstinate struggle which had del­ er, but of whom one constantly remains in uged the city with blood a few’ days pre­ the room, say mass in turn, and exhort viously : the barricades had not been en­ the criminal to repent of his crimes, andl tirely removed, and though the distance Implore Divine clemency. This custom was in reality very short, they did not which, if carried to an extreme, would reach the prison pntil nightfall, ow’ ing appear in our country before nil, bar to the detours they were forced to make. barons and cruel, perfectly agrees with Valentine begged his friends to remain Spanish manners, and the thoroughly bo outside, and only entered with Dona lievkig spirit of this impressionable na- Anita and the Tigrero. The general was i tion ; it is intended to draw the culprit impatiently expecting them, and testified back to pious thought, and rarely fails U> a great joy on perceiving them. produce the desired effect upon him. The young lady could not restrain her •),The general was, therefore, placed in “ motion, and threw’ herself into her un­ capilla. and two monks belonging to flu it’s arms with an outburst of pas/ton order o5 St. Francis, the most respected ate grief. The general pressed her ten­ and, in fact, respectable in Mexico, en­ derly to his bosom and kissed her on the tered it with him. forehead. The first hours he passed there were] " I am the more affected by these marks terrible; this proud mind, this powerful of affection, my child,” he said, with organization, revolted against’ adversity, much emotion, "because I have been very and would not accept defeat. Gloomy and harsh to you. Can you ever forgive me ailent, with frowning brows, and fists the sufferings I have caused you?” clenched on his bosom, the general sought “ Oh, uncle, speak not so. Are you shelter like a wild beast in a corner of not. alas! the only relation I have re­ the room, recalling his whole life, and maining?” seeing- with starts of terror the bloody “ For a short time.” he said, with a victims scattered along his path, and sac sad smile, “ that is the reason why I rificed in turn to his devouring ambition, ought, without further delay, to provide sadly defile before him. for your future.” Then he reverted to his early years. “ Do not talk about that at such a mo­ When residing at the Palmar, his inag ment. uncle,” she continued, bursting into nificenr family hacienda, his life passed tea rs. away calm, pure, gentle and tranquil, “ On the contrary, my child, it is at without regrets, and without desires, this moment, when I am going to leave among his faithful servants. Then he you, that I am bound to insure you a wait so glad to be nothing, and to wish protector. Don Martial, I have done you to be nothing. great w rong; here is my hand, accept it By degrees his thoughts followed the ns that of a man who has completely bias of his recollections : the present wa • recognized his faults, and sincerely re­ •ffaced his contracted features grew soft pents the evil he has done.” er, and two burning tears, the first per The Tigrero. more affected than he haps this man of iron had ever shed, liked to display, took a step forward and coursed slowly down his cheeks, which cordially pressed the hand offered him. grief had hollowed. He fell into the “ General,” he said, in a voice which arms open to receive him, exclaiming, he tried in vain to render firm, “ this mo- with an expression of desperate grief. nont, which I never dared hope to see. Impos le to render: fills me with joy, but at the same time “ Have mercy, heaven ; have mercy !” with grief.” The struggle had been short but terri ‘ Well, you can do something for me ble ; faith had conquered doubt, and hu by proving to me that you have really v a n ity had regained rights. forgiven me.” I The general then had with the monks “ Speak, general, and no matter, if it a conversation, protracted far into the is in mj* oower----- ” he exclaimed, warm night, in which he confessed all his ly [brinies and sins, and humbly asked par 'I believe you, I>on Martial.” Don don of God whom he had outraged, and Sebastian answered, with his sad smile. before whom he was about to appear. “ Consent to accept my niece from my The next day, a little after sunrise, hand and marry her at once in this one of the monks, who had been absent hapel.” about an hour, returned, bringing wtih One of the monks had prepared every­ him the general’s capataz. It had onh thing beforehand. been with extreme reluctance that Gar When the hunters and the French nero had consented to come, for he justly hanker entered, followed by Gurumilla dreaded his old master’s reproaches. His and the officer commanding the capilla aarprise was therefore extreme at be in:.’ guard, who had been warned beforehand, received with a smile, and kindly, and he general walked eagerly toward them. on finding that the general did not mak- “ Senores,” he said. " I would ask you the slig itest allusion to his treachery, to do me the honor of witnessing the which tli- evidence before the court mai marriage of n y niece. Dona Anita de tial had fully regaled. Torres, with this eabellero. One mo­ Carn' 'o looked inquiringly at the two ment. I have something more yet, if monks or he did not dare put faith in you please. I now wish to make you hia n>- er'» words, and each moment n witness of a great reparation.” »acted to hear him burst out into re They stopped and looked at the gen­ pi eral with the greatest surprise as he O f the sort took place; the general con walked up to Valentine. tiaueri the conversation a* he had begun “ Caballero.” he said to him. “ I know It. sp- ing to him gently and kindly. all the motives of hatred you have A t he moment when the capataz wa« against me, and those motives I allow to about to withdraw, the general stopped be just. I am now in the same position Mm. in which I placed Count de Prebois ••One moment/’ he said to him ; “ you Crance, your dearest friend. Like him, know Don Valentine, the French hunter, I shall be shot to-morrow at daybreak, for whom I so long cherished an insen but with this difference, that he fell as ■tie jbarrt d?” a martyr to a holy cause and innocent “ Y. Carnero stammered. f crimes of which I accused him. while **B kind enough to ask him to grant I am guilty, and deserve the sentence me the favor of a short vis it; he is a pa seed on me. Don Valentine, I repent pnbl parted man. and I am convince»! from the bottom of my heart the iniquit­ __ It ous murder o f your friend. I>on Valen­ t t a d if he consented to bring with him tine. do you forgive me?“ ( Martial, the Tigrem. ^ is ‘General Don Sebastian Guerrero, I ^h cause to complain of me. as well forgive you the murder of my friend,” ay niece. Dona Anita de Torre«. Will the hunter answered in a firm voice. undertake this commission, the last “ You forgive me?“ Hb ill doubtless g ve you?” “ I forgive you the life of grief to which J T * * * . general.’* the capataz answered, I am henceforth condemned by you.” iff* red in spite of himself by such gen “ You pardon me unreservedly?” “ Unreservedly I do.” B N « > s go; be happy and pray for me. ‘Thanks. W e were made to love In­ lor ve shall never meet again.** stead hate one another.” ^ B b e capataz went out in a *ry differ “ Yon think so now.” m fnuna of mind from u»at in which j " I misunderstood you ; but yours U a celebrate their diamond wedding. i ber Rites 10 CenK ROADS GET BOND OF $250,000