Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Forest G ro v e , Oregon Capital . . . Surplus • * Resources • - PERFECT Forest Gro Reast $ • 25. 000.00 10.000.00 250.000.00 A General Banking Business Transacted Directors: R. M. Dooly. J. E. Loomis, H. C. Wortman, Frank E. Dooly, R. M. Dooly, Jr. — Dance at Vert’s Hall Saturday evening. 75 cents. 15-1 will work in a sawmill. He said that he wanted to keep posted on the do ings of the town and subscribed for The News before he left. Frank Peters, who is attending the Oregon Law School in Portland was out to the Founders’ Day exercises at the college. He has gone into the real estate firm “ Pioneer Investment School Apportionment On October 7, Supt. M. C. Case ap portioned to the schools of Washing ton county 823,690.07. This gave to each district in the county 850 district fund, 85 to each district having an institute certificate on tile and 83 per capita to each child of school age as shown by the last school census. The respective districts of the county received sums as follows: 1 C le rk ’s Name. Chas. H olcom b................. .$283 00 (Fail Clothing I have just laid in one of the best lines of Fall Clothing for' M en, B oys an d Youths . . . a*u oU H orace G. F itc h ............ ness. 2 . . . 207 OO M. N. Bonham ................. 3 Do you know A. K evertnan................... Dr. C. L. Large says that the 4 . . . 175 00 O. M. G allow ay............... 5 To find quid office boxes will soon be here, as they 6 328 00 Kob.. Thom pson............... PRIDE This season’s styles are beauties and will .1008 00 p e te r buscow ................... were shipped from the east October 5. 8 7 To correct d . . . 211 CO Lewis Bow ers................. . 225 23 They are the latest design comb Joseph C o n n e ll. . ................ V satisfy the most fastidious. T his is the best To surely cu based upon Abner B rig g s................... 10 tion, sixty in number, and will be in of the . . . 172 25 E. X. H a rd in * ................. 11 Just one way- achievement is place to buy your new suit for fall and win .. 292 00 E. H. H ero ........................ stalled on the right side of the Post 12 . . . 307 00 A. C. C arstens ............... 13 Have used I justifiable. That is Office. ter. 241 (0 J W V andervelden......... 14 L. J. C o rl............................ 13 Have proved why we have a . . . 275 00 Mrs. R. S. Alexander of the Fern ! 16 Louis W ilcox ................. . . . 271 00 G eorge J. J a c k ................. You certainly have and are Here’s Fore! right to be proud Leaf Fruit Farm, presented The News 18 17 . . . 292 00 ; J. b. D ow ning................. J. S. T rum ble. 292 00 j giving me a very liberal pat Jam es H. S e w e ll............. ! w office with three boxes of the finest of our “ For some tim e I A. W. W rig h t.................... . . . 151 50 ! 2U jt loins and hips act strawberries we have ever seen grown 21 ronage for which I desire to S. A. D. M e ek ................. . . 208 UO , m y kidneys. Tb« W m . T r u e .......................... . . . 327 00 1 PHOTOGR APHS at this time of the year. They are 22 tlon and I was foi extend my heartfelt thanks H. B. T ig a rd ...................... . .. 494 17 j 23 jt n ig h t to pass th« 24 Mrs. J. J e p p e s t n ............... . . . J18 UO ; large, red and sweet as the berry of to m e . T h e tro u l You’d be proud and I assure you that in the H C P e a rs o n ........................ .. 157 00 25 down In heaith. June. Mr. Alexander has established Alonzo W ir th .................... .. 422 43 1 26 jt advertised that I • too if your picture a reputation for his splendid fruits and 27 future as in the past will do A. T . B u x to n ........................ . . . 250 0U I I noticed a great W . A. J o h n sto n ............... . . . 220 00 tim e and after tal had a place among vegetables, for which there is always a ¿8 my best to give you a fine as 29 Mr. J. M illa r...................... . . . 339 00 unusually well, M ark C ox............................. 30 m endation as a ki our collection. great demand. sortment of shoes as can be | 31 E. J o l t ................................. . . . 167 00 i J, E. B a te s.................... For sale 1 Why not have it found in any town twice the Miss McCreary gave a farewell party .>2 J. C. J o h n so n ...................... 33 . . . 190 00 Jos. B u rg h o lz e r................. cents. Fo! . . . 110 00 1 size of Forest Grove. there? You ought in honor of the "D oc’’ Shipley family 34 J. O. G u s tin ...................... 35 jt . . . 52 69 New York, s at her home Tuesday evening. Differ 30 jt N. L. W lle v ........................ 49 82 to have some new PRICES SH A L L BE AS L. S. B ie rly ...................... 39 . . . 247 00 ent games were played and a very de 40 States. G. A. P lie th ...................... photographs and LOW A S GOOD GOODS A. C- W ir tz ......... ........... lightful time had after which a lunch 41 Rememb C has, C. C la p sh a w ......... . . . 181 00 you can choose nu was served. Mr. Shipley and family 42 CAN BE SOLD. John D o rlan d ...................... 43 take no oth 44 Benton P h illip s ............... . . . 223 00 better time than came here a few weeks ago but got 46 jt L ouis F i n ig a n .................. You must understand that I. L. L in d say ...................... 47 . . . 202 00 now. We mean homes sick for Nebraska and started 48 we are now living in an age H . G. V in c e n t.................... .. 878 00 AT for there today. A rthur H i l l .......................... 49 . . u u uo today. 49 jt Geo. M. H o lt........................ of the most prosperous times . . . 72 50 R. H. Austin of this city purchased 50 W . W . J a q u ith .................... . . 256 00 in the history of our country G. P E s s n e r........................ .. 104 00 Pacific Art Studio the old Lancefield property across the 51 G erhard G oe tz e .................. 52 .. 232 00 ' R egular prea* and work and material is all Phillip K a la sc h ................. 53 .. 208 00 street from the old Indian school from Forest Grove, Oregon e v e ry Sabbath 54 John S chneider ................. on the high wave as labor is, W. H. McEldowr.ey Tuesday for 55 A lfred G u e rb e r.................... school at 10 ». o .. 265 00 J K D a lla s............................ 55 It .. 42 18 S e rv ic e , TbursC 83500. The sale was made by Ed so you will find prices a little M S B arn es........................ 57 Glenn Briedwell writes that he is set . . 223 00 58 W m S te v e n s........................ .. 181 0U Blankets, Comforts, H eavy Underwear, Very fine Dress tled at Eugene and has taken up his ward Seymour, manager of the Oregon 59 ligher than five years ago. Chas. M ille r........................ . lOU 00 Gent Land Co. This property is one of the 60 K. S. L o c k e .......................... .. 154 00 work in the engineering course. and Suitings. School Shoes for Children, also capital T o make it as easy as pos The Germ an 61 C arl B e rg g re n .................... few whole blocks that have not been 62 G eorge K ie n i...................... jt 4th Sundays of Harry Wescott, Sr., the hustling sible we sell you shoes with line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes 63 J. I. N o rth ru p ...................... cut up into small lots. 64 W. K. N e w e ll...................... out any extra expense doing mercantile man of Gaston, was shaking 66 B erihold F le is c h h a u e r. . . If Doc Large keeps on the way he i Also the finest line of groceries in town. hands with old friends in this city 67 jt J, A. Jo h n so n ...................... .. 2 6 61 our own labor. has for the past two weeks he will soon 68 K a th e rin e L e n n e n ........... Tuesday. Everything guaranteed or your money refunded. C, S. B a te m a n .................... Bible School, S be an expert cement man. He n o -' 69 Come and see us this fall 70 F red B u rg d o rfe r............... Hoge Sexton and Miss Ethel Crier Com munion an Get your fruit jars— Mason and Econom y— from us. J. P A y d e lu tt...................... or any other old time it will j of Portland, were visiting with Hoge’s ticed a little flaw the other day in the 71 Junior Mission 72 walk that had just been laid and had a I. C, C lu tte r ........................ C hristian End* j parents, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. hole drilled out so he could refill it 73 74 do you good as well as us. T E rw in R itte r ........................ P re a c h in g ---- A. B. G a rrig u s .................... 75 . . 235 00 Sexton. Should be glad to have Prayer meet W in. K e lly .......................... .. 151 00 with cement. The walk is getting 76 D. H. B a ile y ........................ .. 184 00 News has been received that Mrs. along nicely with Dr. C. L. Large at-1 77 you make yourselves at home 78 C. M. Scofield...................... . . 115 GO 79 S. P. R e e d e r........................ .. 157 00 Co in our store. It’s a pleasant i A. Taylor and children who now live tending. 80 Jake M e ssin g e r.................... . . 160 00 I near Corvallis, were hurt in a runaway Fred B e rg e r......................?. Sunday Sch« The funeral of Clarence Elliot Mills, 81 Forest Grove place to rest a few moments. recently. Oregon 82 W . E. S h a v e r...................... .. 163 00 v ice at 11 o M rs. G. W illia m s ............... who died at Pine Valley, Ore., Oct. 9, 83 . . 10. 00 We are proud of our little Young People 84 jt P aul H e u s k h k e l................. ■ The series of discourses to the young . . 155 55 S e rv ic e on Tht store ol a five year’s growth at the Christian church is being re of typhoid fever, was conducted from 86 F re d L a n g e r ........................ the Christian church of this city Mon 88 89 J. N. M ille r....................... and will be pleased to have ceived with favor and is obtaining a day with interment in the Naylor cem- 90 Otto P a rso n s........................ 91 good hearing. D e th le ss................. you if not already a customer, tery, Rev. Sias preaching Jhe memo 93 jt A W. lbert W. P a r re tt................... T here w ill 1 94 —Those having accounts at Dr. X. A. G a ssn e r..................... rial services. He was a son-in-law of customer ol the A P. C h riste n se n ............. . 193 00 d ist C hurch e Hines Drug Store, that have been run Mrs. Lambert of this city. He was 95 96 John Schjneltzer . 109 00 VV, A V a n d c fv c lie n ........... . j9 3 oo r ning for several months will please born in Iowa in 1878 and came to 97 , 98 R. B a ile y .......................... . 113 00 l Dealer in 99 call and settle. 15t2 Oregon in 1902. , R oberts....................... 166 00 ] 4 lr M endenhall................. 70 50 S e rv ic e , e FLOUR «nei R E E D The younger set gave a delightful Two well known people of this coun-! . 41 34 r T hom pson.. .. , t th e Chrl« t M urdor' 21 60 t hop at Verts Hall Friday night. Tney ty were united in marriage when Miss c< ■ 47 52 Forest yjruvc, Grove, KJTC., Ore., intend to make it a regular function Maud A. Cawrse became the bride of n - IJacitlC Pacific A ve ve. . J , every two weeks this Winter. — Met J. W. Milne at Hillsboro Tuesday of oxfords, Miss Judith Scott, daughter of Mr. this week, Rev. Belknap officiating. at Bailey and Mrs. H. W. Scott, came out from The couple have gone to Los Angeles Portland yesterday, and is the guest of for their wedding trip after which they — Hoi H. w. S parks , local editor . will return to North Plains where Mr. her friend, Miss Luella Stevens. foi the li Arthur Stilwell left Tuesday for Ok Milne owns a large wheat ranch. E. F. Seifert is in town. —The And Cupid still continues to slay . Miss Bessie Mills of Rov, is visiting lahoma on business, and before return ing will visit his old home in Nebraska. the good people of this city if he has good thm friends jn thjs ci(y to go out of town to do it. Frank He will be gone about two months — Dance at Vert’s Hall Saturday «V» Carl MiChaux, who formerly worked , ®rown Forest Grove’s talented car- Ich». evening. 75 cents 15-1 in Dr. Hines’ drug store here but who 1 toonist and charcoal artist is the latest terrvi L. L. Hollinger was in Portland is now doing similar work in Carlton, v'ct' m and Miss Rose Marg^aft of Monday on business. spent Sunday with friends in this city. tBenwood, ¡s his partner for life. Mr. Elliot of the first year class was 1 W. E. Bowman and wife last week They were recently married at Hood 4th in Portland over Sunday. enjoyed a visit from their old Kansas r !ver’ *”.Q " L ^ e 1 elr ° me ln W. A. Williams was visiting with friends, Mrs. Alec Gigonx, now of Me LUenwood. Mr. Brown lived in this home folks for a day last week. Minnville, and Joe Gigonx of Enid, city lor several years with his parents Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown until he went Miss Hattie Schofield of Cornelius Okla. Bib! on the road as a charcoal artist. He was visiting in this city yesterday. Com Roy, this county, is to have a new has worked with his pen on the Tele Juni Our line of heating stoves is getting low but we still Mrs. W. H. Baker of Kansas City, Catholic church. Parties from there gram. The Seattle P. I. and other Chrl were in the city today and most of the publications and is a very clever artist. was a Forest Grove visitor Saturday. have a few good ones to pick from. If you do not need Wardie Dempsey was out Sunday money for the building has been sub A reception was given Friday even one for a week or two come in and pick one out and we the j from Portland with a hunting garb on. scribed. ing at the Methodist church under the will hold it for you. which Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ward of Pres W. H. Wycoff ol Port Towsend, was auspices of the Ladies’ Aid society to 84,551,- 8u a guest at the Baber home over Sun cott, Arizona, are here visiting Mrs. the pastor Rev. Hiram Gould, who has v ice ,ioer valuation Ward’s mother, Mrs Fanny Clark. day, been assigned the charge in this city Youi j.e r four and one scivi Miss Morrisy of Cornelius, was doing V Ward is a mining engineer in for another year. A. G. Hoffman made quan .........or, nearly one quarter shopping in this city the fore part of the ‘ nzona' a speech on behalf of the church ex- j a lecture to young pressing pleasure and satisfaction for of the entire tax roll. Last year’s week. a Man assessment was 811,393,690, the rcll Treasurer L. J. Corl was in Mon men will be given at the Christian the return of the pastor for another: this year being a raise of 86,364,089. ' Th. chapel next Sunday night. The morn year, and Rev. Gould responded in a \ mouth Monday disposing of his prop dut C ing theme will be "Intimacy with the few well chosen words saying that he erty there. on their appearance here next week. Savior and its Effects.’’ was glad of the assignment because he All up the valley they were given riot P. W. Watkins, who sold out his M. Peterson and wife spent several liked the people and the plaie. Miss farm stuff at Gaston, Oct. 9, has moved ous receptions, and the manager ot the days the first of the week visiting their Pollock rendered a reading very d e to this city. theatre at Corvalis recommended them daughter, Mrs. W. B. Shiveley at lightfully and light refreshments were very highly to the management of the •* Ward Downs and Adolph Siegrist of Portland. Mrs. Shiveley returned served. Crescent theatre in Hillsboro, where * Hillsboro, attended the hop here Fri- home with them for a visit. The National Stock Company which they will appear the latter part of next day evening. Charles VanDoren, a brother-in-law Beats anything for the money that we ask for them. We J Willie Pope of Portland, spent a few of Grant Bailey who purchased the will appear here Oct. 21, 22 and 23 in week, as ladies and gentlemen and 1 days this week with Will Bellinger, David Hill place last summer, has Vert’s Hall is one of th^ high class their shows as the best on the road, guarantee it for ten years; ask your neighbor about them. traveling theatrical companies and will They have 12 members in their com- 1 hunting for Chinas. bought the old Tom Bellinger ranch no doubt be greeted with full houses . pany. If they have not one vye can refer you to dozens of satis Mrs. James Dempsey spent several of twelve acres on the David Hill road. fied users. ■ days last week with her parents Mr. Mrs. Will Haines, who was operated |a n d Mrs. Levi Smith. upon in the North Pacific Sanatorium Shorthand taught in four weeks. P. two weeks ago, was brought home O. lock box 377 city. Both phones: Monday and her many friends will be < Ind. 242; Bell 217. 15-2p glad to know that she is getting along Albert F\ Doughty was married to very nicely. Fine Line LO CAL and O R E G O N P O S T C A R D S, 25c doz »Miss Esthea Brown at Hillsboro, Oct 8, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hay of Tacoma, N ew Folder with 16 views; special 60c dozen. ¿R ev. Belknap officiating. are visiting Mrs. Hay’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Ed Ward is visiting her husband and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher. They have I Phon«; -411 H. P . P E N P IE L D " a t Coos Hay, where he is engaged in a just returned from an extended trip to logging supply house. New York, Massachusetts and the Art Caples has "gone to Portland and Southern states, will go in with his brother Jesse Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Ora Fields left the |des, in the investment business. first 0f ,he week for Rainier where Ora fo Our Friends & Customers FORGST GROVE SHOE STORE John Anderson, THE TAILOR. Received ABRAHAM BROS J A MHS RA K Forest Grove Shoe Store 2 . V. B. R u s s e ll 1 TH E C IT Y loves Ranges The Toledo Range % LA If: TIIE 1H »< >Iv ST( )RE A G ood M e m o ry Loss of memory is due to a run-down condition of the nerve dree. Iron-Tone strengthens the nerves and increases memory power. For Sale by all Druggist*. Price 50 cents. Let us send you our little booklet, “ Renew Your Vitality,” which tell» you what IRON-TONE is and r »hat it will do. You can have it for the asking. Address G R O V E R M E D IC IN E CO., W oodbum, Ore. W e sell them on the Easy Pay ment* Plan making the terms t*o suit* the purchaser.