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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
Our New Fall Cloaks (8> Jack ets are Here. Come and Inspect Them BOYS’ CLOTHING SCHOOL SHOES If you want to be sure of the boys’ clothing you buy— sure to get the kind that will serve most faithfully and look best while it serves— we would kindly ask you to try a Boys double breasted dark mixed 2-piece suits for Have you ever tried to read, study or work with a pair of shoes on your feet that do not fit. It is really hard to even keep sweet. An ill-fitting pair of shoes are not only troublesome but they will not wear half so long. Here we fit your feet perfectly; give you shoes that will please. E. X. Harding, manager of the Gas ton Milling Company has had an order in for csrs for the past six weeks, and has not received any yet. Neal Brown has traded his butcher- shop and property for W. C. Freeman’s farm two miles west of town, and is storing his household goods in the old drug store preparatory to moving to Portland. W. C. Freeman will con duct the meat market. GET YOU A HOME $2000— A fine hom e, good location, larg e lot. W ould e x c h an g e for p ro p erty of like v alu e in M edford. $^50—Good house, w ell located, 7 rooms e le c tric lig h ts, c ity w ater. $1350- Good house, w ell located and larg e lot, p le n ty of fru it. $800 Good hom e, ne a r business, corner lot. $750— Nice lot, fair houae, choice location. $650—-Lot and fair house in good location. W A N TED — Houses for ten a n ts that a re w a iting MONEY TO LOAN, Musical Course at P. U. Edward Baxter Perry is the greatest American pianist. He has given over Real Estate, twelve hundred concerts in the last ten years. He has appeared in Germany Phone 294, Forest Grove, Oregon with the greatest success and is the only American pianist who has played Additional Teacher Employed at the Imperial court in Germany. Owing to the crowded condition of Mr. Perry, before playing each piece, the Fifth and Sixth gradrs of the pub - gives a short analysis of the number, tells the story, then plays the piece. lie school, making it impossible for He is said to have much talent in his the teachers to handle the grades prop lecture work as well as in his playing. erly, Miss Inez Luce has been en He is as well known in Europe as in gaged to take 20 from the Fifth and America and has won his laurels in the 15 from the Sixth grades, and her class great art centers—Mr. Perry is the room will be in the addition, which greatest üianist coming to the North has been finished up for that pur west this year and the greatest pianist pose. Miss Luce will have charge of ever booked for Forest Grove. It is the class until her mother returns and hoped that the size of the audience (or then Mrs. Luce will teach until the Mr. Perry will be in proportion to his ' nd °* l^e ^ ° " eRe semester as Miss worth artistically. I Luce is le n d in g the University ai d Mrs. Pauline Miller-Chapman, wishes to finish this semester's work. THOMAS * HOGE mezzo-soprano-dramatic, gives the first ! Miss Luce formerly aUended *he Acad- recital in the College Music Course. emy and has had experience in teach This will be Mrs. Chapman’s only ap ing so comes amply fitted for the du pearance in concert in Forest Grove ties of her new position. Boys’ double breasted suits, in the new brown shades, this year. Mrs. Chapman has made a at In sizes, 8 to 12 and 12 to 2 at Mrs. D. B. Adams spent seveial wonderful advance in her Lieder and days at Seattle and Bremerton, Wasl aria work— which work is her specialty. last week visiting her brother who is Mrs. Chapman will largely repeat the Every pair we sell is fully guaranteed to give good program she gave in the large Mozart stationed at the Puget Sound Na- y service if properly cared for no matter how low the price. hall in Berh'n—on which occasion she Yard and is one of the marine guards Mis. received such notices from critics as on the battleship Nebraska. Adams had the pleasure of spendii g vouchsafed to but very few in Berlin. that Mrs I an hour on the big ship which is new New line just in for the boys and girls. The kind It was on this occasion Did we say “they won’t wear out?” No but we do Chapman received the large Laurel in dry dock. that will make you look swell. Large line to select from. wreath from her "musical friends and ! say that for service they are hard to beat. w admirers in Berlin.” It is hoped the 1 Such brands as Armor Plate, Eifel, Rough & Ready. ÿ H eadquarters for Tablets, Slates, Pencils iA program, no number of which has been -d and School Supplies Sizes 6 to 10, at 15c, 20c and 25c. o presented by Mrs. Chapman in Oregon, i will be as pleasing to the people of >> d Forest Grove as it was to the musicians i cd in Europe. Mrs. Chapman has a rich mezzo soprano, considered in Germany | cd Prices Reduced R egardless o f Cost, Rem em ber only a few days more of the most beautiful voice, and for which ' Q> they pay the highest prices. E d ith ! BARGAIN SELLING Walker, mezzo-soprano of Hamburg, j another and earlier pupil ol Prof. Lam- perti receives the highest price of any N opera singer in Germany. A more ex tended notice will be given later of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cheney, the New York soprano, and the other artists who d o appear in the music course. S 03 Mrs. Chapman’s recital comes in the OT 0> o middle of November, Mr. Perry’s lec- J. W. H. Adkins left home Saturday consider trade for good pasture land. ■ ture piano recital, December 20. PQ a c 1 on an extended visit to Missouri. For price and terms call on or address Mr. Hermon Witham of the Univer A. W. Gillis, Forest It is *11 sm ooth s a ilin g w hen yo u p lac e a L in er Ad the owner. Caroline Her is visiting Mr. and sity has the business management in THATCHER in th is colum n. A few words h e re w ill reach 5,000 14-tf readers and th e results are c e rta in . 5c lin e 1st Grove, Ore., R. F. D. No. 2 Mrs. Frank Wescott at Roseburg. his charge and should be seen for Insertion, 2 Mi c en ts ra c h s u b seq u e n t in se rtio n . The first day of October; Cole Willis M inim um Charge 10 cts. PERSONS desiring some one to stay course tickets. Our school teacher. Miss Myrtle with children, or to do any evening killed eight China Pheasants. Corum, is staying with Mrs. Sargent. —J. P. Vanderzanden, the City “ WANTED —Salesmen. Many make work, please apply to matron at Her Thatcher dairymen attended the Mr. and Mrs. Greene Lilly of Hill Restaurant man. ; 100 to $150 per month, some even rick Hall. 13t4. stock show at Forest Grove Saturday. 15tl* side, visited on Gales Creek Sunday. tiore. Stock clean; grown on reserva- Allen Hayden and wife attended the LOST —a shotgun, hammerless, be ion, far from old orchards. Cash The prune rush is over for this year, dvanced weekly. Choice of territory, tween Forest Grove and Thatcher Set- funeral of their cousin, Mr. Leander all the dryers being through except address Washington Nursery Company, urday night. Return to Hancock it Enis of Banks. one or two, which are finishing up. 'oppenish, Washington.” Gordon’s stable for reward. 15t2* Mrs. Frank Bennet, Miss Adelaide The Hazelwood Co.’s cream wagon, SALE— Good work horse well FOR SALE— 6 milch cows part Jer McDonald and Henry McDonald'went which has been making two trips a nd set of new work harness— seys; all in milk. Inquire of C. H. to Portland last Saturday to visit Mrs. week from Gales Creek to Forest Grove, een used. On the Old Carey O’Neil Jr., 1 mile southeast of Dilley. Bennett’s brother, Mr. C. Kern, on now goes once a week. place. 8-tf East Side. 15t3p K. N. S t a e h r Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hundley have Felix V erhoeven OF FI CE A T T H E H A T A AH, N E X T T O P O S T O F F I C E been visiting Mr. Hundley’s folks. FOR S a l e .— T horoughbred regis- Girl Wanted—To do general house $ WATT DISTRICT. red heifers. Out of the herd of dairy work in small family. Inquire at J. One of Mr. Hundley’s nephews ac ttle which have the highest test in Mr. and Mrs. R. McCracken spent companied them home. Knight’s on Fourth st. 15-tf* e county. Address box 16 R. r'. D. a few hours, Monday, at Allan Rice’s. Farming is rather on the standstill p. 1. Cornelius. tf Auction Sale. Forty acre farm with good Eighty acre dairy farm, 6 miles as the ground is too dry to plow, but This district was well represented on house and barn for only $1000. out with good buildings and fine Having sold the Sloan Hotel I will Do You Want the most perfect mod- Patrons’ Day at the condenser Satur- [ nevertheless everyone is making good sell at public auction, at the hotel in 60 acres of land, 6 miles from orchard. Price $4000. use of the good weather. i equipped and best located small Forest Grove, Oregon. Saturday, Oct. day. Carlton with good house and Six room house with barn ry farm in Washington county? A 26, beginning at 1:30 sharp,* the fol The first visitor at school this year | Mr. Lockwood and family have bam, 25 acres in cultivation, 20 on good corner lot for sale for tutiful home one mile east of Forest lowing described property, to-wit: moved into the house formerly occu acres slashed, balance in timber. $ 800 . was Mrs. A. T. Buxton. Who will be Mirror about 28x36, hanging lamp, 3 ve on Base Line road and proposed pied by Lorenzo Parsons. Mr. Lock- Good orefard with fine fruit. Plightyacre larm, 34 miles the next? Price $1800. Will exchange for from Forest Grove, 30 acres ctric car line. S. P. trains stop four bed room sets with springs, blank wood is going to milk Mr. White’s Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rogers enter ets, comforters, couch, wool matress, Forest Grove property. hin J mile; milk route, rural deliv- cows. cleared, 30 acres slashed, bal number of dishes, pillows. Twenty- tained relatives, Sunday, from Corne House and Fifty-three acre farm, with ance in timber. ’, electric lights, telephone. House five pigs, all full blooded Yorkshires. Wm. Lyda has the sympathy of the lius, Greenville and the Watts district, j Good orchard. house and barn 4 miles from Gas good barn. s 7 rooms, bath, pantry, closets, two Terms of Sale— Cash in hand. people of this place in the loss of his ton; 40 acres in cultivation; bal Good spring by the house. If Mrs. McCale, who has been spend mill which burned down Sunday night. ge porches, all nicely finished, parlor GEO. O. SLOAN. Owner, ance in good pasture. Horses, sold before Sept. 20, $3000 takes ished in natural ash. Wood shed J. W. Hughes, Auct. Geo. Naylor, Clk. ing the summer with her daughter, This is his third loss of this kind, the cows, chickens and farm imple it. This place is on milk route. Mrs. R. M. Bisbee, returned to her first occurring at this place six years x20, barn 20x55, rustic siding, doors ments go with the place. All Fifty acres with house and For Sale— Two full blooded York i windows cased and moulded, oanel home in Portland Saturday. for $3000; $1800 cash, balance barn and good orchard, only 3 ago. shire sows— each with seven pigs six to suit. outJor $3500. Terms. Drs, fitted for 10 cows and 3 horses, Mrs. L. Van Kirk and Miss Liver -1 months old. Inquire G. 0 . Sloan, or GASTON Forty-three acres of land with ggy room, poarch, feed room, 2 New six-room house ith more called on Mmes. Brick and phone Ind. 181. 15-1* good house and barn only l i about 2 acres of land adjoining Miss Etta Bear was a Grove visitor is, drive-way, mow for 35 tons hay, Peachem, who are new residents of our town. Fine garden and fruit. miles from R. R. station. 20 Sunday. > at end of barn 9x26, water tank on $1000, cottage, five rooms, pantry, neighborhood, last Thursday. Most of the ground out in En acres cleared, 10 acres slashed, > of silo, feed cutter and elevator in closet, good attic, chicken park, fruit The measles are still raging in Gas glish walnuts. It sold at once. balance in timber. Good spring GALES CREEK water piped into the house. •n, gas engine cuts feed and pumps trees, two lots. Box 131. ton and vicinity. 15-2* $1300 takes it. Price $25<>0. Concrete floor back of cows' Maude Lilly spent Sunday at home. M. W. Hunt and family left Mon Eighteen-acre fruit farm with Good 6 room house on one of iger fitted with patent ties and wa- — The City Restaurant is located Born—To Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lee a day morning for Tillamook alter a visit house and barn and good fruit the best streets in town. devise; automatic manure car- west of Nelson B. LaCourse’s store, be son. drier, 6 miles from here. Price with Mrs. I. J. Raymond. Thirty-two-acre (arm with house 11500. 2 good wells, fine chicken house tween John Anderson’s tailor shop and and barn, close to Roy station, Mr. Erickson went to Portland last A. L. Thomas, principal of the Cor park, shop and store room 14x22. Ed Boos’ feed store. House and two lots in Forest 18 acres cleared for only $2500. 13t4. week. nelius school, was renewing old ac This is a snap. Grove for only $750. buildings and fences nearly new quaintances in Gaston Saturday. P. P. Lilly returned home from Port — Ladies’ hand turned patent leather in A 1 condition: 144 acres all in land Monday. A big crowd of dairymen attended i state of cultivation, good assort- oxfords, plain toe. Bailey’s Big Store. the Patrons’ Day celebration at the Tom Johnson has moved his family — Hoffman & Allen Co. will buy it of fruit. This splendid home Forest Grove Condenser Saturday. into Mrs. Her’* house. it be seen to be appreciated. Would ' your pears and apples. $2.50 STAR BRAND, JOE MILLER, UTZ & DUNN’S None Better $3.50, 4.00, $4.50 $5.00 and $6.00 HATS and CAPS 1.25, 1.50 2.00 and 2.50 CPBLDRENS’ HOSE NO. 16 ans, to The t condi li much ans and opinion - points ial; that P O W C '. trouble by is it good as r times quire a s good \ they d here nd op- excel- d with Û Sale of Summer Goods Still Goes On HOFFMAN ®> ALLEN COMPANY OREGON FOREST GROVE Liner Column C o rre s p o n d e n c e . DJ m c E DL is >> L r?n th Û t) - ajc gan wed _ Strea 'j/enini w in ev regare FO R EST GROVE R ea! E s ta te Go wet ' the pt .ultid S o m e o f th is w e e k ’s B a rg a in s th For- Ve * « ’ 3y the ’ Corn- piece af »re ng at 3 the tat is Todd build- ” ruttai V h