Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
hibiting a striking resemblance to Wal- James Young were returning to Hills ter Wellman’s air ship.— Anaconda boro and were on the bridge with a frisky horse when they saw the speed Published every Thursday by The Standard. wagon coming. Both of the men got Washington County Publishing Co., ' Although Mr. Bryan appears to have T his high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in out of the rig and Mr. Bailey went Incorporated. a clear case of nonsupport against the large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low ahead to signal the lads to slowfup. Entered at the post-office at Forest democratic party, he is showing no dis* price. ^ _ But instead of obeying the signal the Grove, Oregon, as second class position to apply for a divorce. Wash" chauffeur threw open the valve and let mail matter. ington Post. the machine whiz by with so much »»I Subscription $1.50 Per Year Mr. Fairbanks thinks the country is rapidity that neither the doctor nor Mr. W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station suffering from too much politics. Evi Adytriislng rat«» mad« known on with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in Young could count the number of peo or application. dently the Fairbatks boom has failed stallments till $ 2 5 . 0 0 is paid us. ple in the auto. attract much public attention.— to W hy send east or to Portland when you can buy at home Ba< Official Paper of City of Forest Grove I Chicago Journal. Now Suh, Be Good Suh. just as cheap. ne’ A. E. NOHRSE.................... MANAGER! Many Democratic papers are worry" ’T' Monday was punctuated with start J. F. WOODS............................. EDITOR j ¡ng about what the president may do Do ling points all the way through and not _ 'with Oklahom. Under the enabling least among the hair raisers was the Forest Grove . . . Oregon THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1907 le act he has the power of veto over state- fistic combat that occurred in the after n Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in Washington County. j hood. If, in his judgment, the con Ir noon in front of Miller’s drug store— Mr. Haines has spoken II I stitution conforms to that statute, and that is it started there and ended in has set forth his position on the jif it provides for a government that front of Frank Allen’s. tu electric light controversy, from would be republican in form, as that TI The trouble is said to have arisen which will be seen, it throws term is understood in a legal sense, he over an old debt which one of the men will approve the constitution. Other tried to collect from the other who the entire responsibility upon wise, he will veto it, and statehood Latest styles in hats. N ice line of caps just arrived, claimed he had paid the bill. You are cei the city. If the charges are would be defeated. Thus the fate of all sizes and prices. Rem odeling a specialty. well, he said the same thing that N« true, it is the business of the city the proposed state, so farjas regards its Roosevelt did to the nature faker and St« Misses S peishart »S r Thompson council to remedy them. Com chances of coming into the union in supplemented the “ liar” with a punch. 19*>7, rests in the president’s hands.— plaints are numerous, and not Main Street Forest Grove, Or. ta l This led from bad to worse until the without just cause, about the St. Louis Globe'Democrat. two were engaged in the liveliest fight condition of Forest Grove’s that has occurred in this city in many COUNTY COURT NEWS First report filed and approved. H U H O OBStKVATlOYS. a day. It was such an unusual thing lights, and there is no question Estate of N Stolt, deceased. In- j As a matter of fact, there are no for this city that the onlookers—and but that Mr. Haines has had to ventory and appraisement filed and [ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS very big fish in small puddles. v there were a bunch of them— were not bear the brunt of severe criti Nettie A Haines et al to Dora R approved. evt prone to separate them. Upper cuts, tch Guardianship of John Mazzei. Ar A fool is the greatest nuisance in Barber part of blk 28 Forest Grove, cism, and if he is not to blame, bn under cuts, solar plexus blows and $ 600 . thur Bigjnami appointed guardian ad this world, And there are quite a few steps should be taken to locate what not were wielded, with no re of them. John E Bailey et ux to Lulu E Al litum. the fault and make the correct spect for pugilistic etiquette or rounds. len lots 4 and S blk 2 Bailey’s Add to MARRIAGE LICENSES. The cucumber is so worthless that They went together, clinched, went ion. There is no other city in Forest Grove, $600. J. J. VVirtz and Mrs. Lizzie L. Ma- the state that is hampered with we wonder it does not ripen as early as up into the air and came down with a Albert Schmidlin to Edgar Hannan crum; Thorwold Klinker and Anna dull sickening thud. As they were on as poor lights as this place, and the radlsh- 167 acres in sec 6 t 3 n 4 w, $1. Mayer; Robert Harper and Bertha Bi their descent to the sidewalk they now that the question is open, 1 Ever remark that O L Doan et ux to Grant Mann 25 Morrie; Edward Sy and Lena Matthies. Ce in summer time struck one of Allen’s signs and knocked Ju acres in t 1 s 3 w, $2462.50. The News would suggest that people who travel by railroad are Cl it off into the street. Bang! bang! Miss Flora Fairfield, a charming Louisa Partlow to S. E. Olsen lots 5 Vi the matter be settled only when nearb aI1 ue1y? went the bunch of angry humanity leau- ] f and 6 blk 3 Humphrey’s Add H ills-; young Chicago actress plays the ; lead- the Forest Grove lights are the A mule dra; ing ' a l0 'p buggy looks against the peanut roaster; it tottered DRUG | ing role in “ Thorns & boro, $450. best in the state instead of the as unnatural as the average picture on but remained standing. The pugilists STORE Blossoms” company which comes to Ina Ila Isa Rowell to U W Groat 40 arose alter a grapple and walked away poorest What are y o u g o in g a magazine cover. the Crescent Theatre, Hillsboro next I acres in sec 9 t 2 s t w, $1. vi a few feet apart as though all was over Yi to do about it? Hattie A Stanton et al to J R Seaver Saturday. October 19th. Miss Fair-! After a man has eaten of a meal that —and ali was over— not yet but soon. Our new lot 28 Millard & Vanschuyver Tract, field has been identified with several of j The sulphuric discourse began. But One of the biggest events to was I,repared only ior women- he is the N jw York successes and is said to $ 600 . still hungry enough to go out and rob Dr. W. P. Via the great pacificator, take place in this city in a long Jacob Weigel et ux to Investment possess remarkable talent. The com- the mouse traps. stepped into the breach between them Co 9.86 acres in W W Graham D L C Pany comes more than well recom-j time was that of Patrons’ Day and poured oil on the troubled waters. t 2 s 1 w, $1000. insures the best mended, having but recently closed a | It is the easiest thing in the world at the condenser. Almost ev Without stroking his beard he said- Mary S McGilvery et al to Geo C remarkably successful run at the Acad- ery farmer and dairyman it this for a woman to fool a man; but when “ Now by— gum, suh, be good, suh. Gray 49 acres in secs 37 and 18 t 1 n emy of Music, Chicago. Scenically, j a man fools a woman, the magazines You have had enough of this fightin’.” section came to enjoy the good Thorns & Orange Blossoms” j 4 w, $2500. print pieces about it. And he slammed one of the fellow’s program prepared for them by * # # Mary A French et al to G W Russell is one of the few really large produc- | Tender, Juicy, Steaks Calling yourself a fool every day is hat on his head and led him away. the Condenser management. 35 acres in R S Tupper D L C t 1 s tions on the road this season. The | Roasts and Stews, 4 w, $2500. play, as is well known, was dramatized Good speakers were on the pro like repeated doses of medicine: soon Big Sale of Angoras. loses its effectiveness. Self-discipline from Bertha M. Clay’s famous novel of Eve E Curtis to Wm. H Green lots gram and we venture the aser- Ed Naylor returned the first of the Sausage and Bacon calls for a graduated scale of punish 1, 2, 3 and 4 blk 18 South Park Add the same name. week from Medford, Southern Oregon, tion that the dairymen have ment. Forest Grove, $600. Portland is planning to ercet a build- ! where he took a car load of his prize * » * been well repaid for their at John W Fuqua to J M Barber part of ing at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo All kinds of Fresh winning Angora goats. Ed says that We never knew but one woman tendance at this most success blk 40 Foresrt'rove, $1. sition, and install therein a municipal \ who said her husband was too good Jackson county is a place where goat ful meeting. W e hope the con J H Morrissey et ux to Geo L White exhibit. Spokane, Tacoma and sev- ! for her. But women who are too raising would be very profitable owing denser management will make good for their husbands are quite com to the climate and general conditions 1 acre in S Enrich D L C t 1 s 3 w, eral of the other large cities of the Pa- $150. I cific Northwest will also do the same. Patrons’ Day an annual feature mon. but as yet there are very few goats in Merritt Roscoe Wagner et ux to S I in this city. that county and he is opening up The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi Although the sight is a common good market. Medford is a thriving Berdan part of blk 10 Forest Grove, tion will not ask Congress for a loan or one it is always pathetic. We refer place and has a splendid business $975. will it solicit any money for expendi-1 EDITOKMl COMMENT. Mary Hayes et al to Grant King 1.80 to the tiny, skinny arms that are dis block, but Ed is inclined to believe ture by the corporation. Uncle Sam Persons discussing presidential pos played below short sleeves every day that Forest Grove has it skinned a Salt acres in M Moore D L C t 1 s 2 w, wj[[ simply be asked to participate in sibilities no longer ask, “ who’s $ 1200 . on the street. Lake City block when it comes to the the same manner as foreign govern- Hughes?” — Louisville Courier Journal. • » • Jane Bernard et al to Lola B Stokes residence portion of the town. Mr ments and the different states. If the United States navy is really Heaven will not suit the girls un swi $ec 24 t 1 n 5 w, $12<JO. Naylor is an expert on goats and never buying its coal in Wales Mr. Baer will less the nectar and ambrosia are 100 Couple Wanted. F M Starrett et ux to J M Pollock at feel keenly the trials of a patriot.— served at a soda fountain with straws, attends a fair without pulling down et al part of the Elam Young D L C The K. 0 . T. M. of Greenville, will' Chicago News. a red cherry and Véronique wafers as prize. He is well informed on all t 1 n 2 w, $3100. give a Grand Dance Saturday n ig h t,! breeds and is a close student of their Sir Thomas Lipton wants to race trimmings. German Saving & Loan Society to October 19th. Orchertra from Port- habits and life. He has just shipped again next year. Apparently he wants Everybody knows that John Dahlquist 111 acres in secs 2 and land. Bounteous supper. Prizes for' It is rather peculiar that another 2241 pounds of mohair to Lowell to|keep ahead of Colonel Bryan's rec 3 t 1 s 1 w, 6000. the best dancing couple. Prize for' we keep the best Meats Poitland lad should get into a mixup Massachussetts, where the big plush ord of defeats.— Omaha Bee. Thos G Todd (executor) to F M best looking girl. Prize for best look-! in this County right after the peanut factories are located. Mohair sells for to be had, but this is to If there is any prospect of the nomi Starrett et al part of Elam Young D L ing boy. Everybody come. Wel- episode of the week before. But last thirty cents a pound in the local mar C t 1 n 2 w, $611.50. nation of Parker, let’s make it Parker come. Saturday a bunch of academy boys who ket and he will get a better price in remind you to give us and Davis, and everybody take to the S E Hoover et al to Andrew Chris were coming up to the foot-ball game the Lowell market. This is the larg Archie Clark is clerking in Hatfield’s a call. woods.—Atlanta Journal. tensen tract in R Wilcox D L C t 1 n grocery store. ran into the law as they were crossing est shipment made by a single indi Count Oknma asserts that President i the long bridge this side of Hillsboro, vidual in Oregon this year. The mo 3 w and other land, $900. Lizzie A Fuller et al to F S Estep et $ 1 0 0 Reward $ 10 0 . Roosevelt has sadly disappointed him. and the owner of the machine is out hair is baled into a block about the W t T h r reader« of th li paper w ill be p lea te d to le a rn that fobeit move 6 The count talks like a trust magnet or on his own recognizance subject to a size of a hop bale for shipment and ux part of secs 9 and 16 t 1 s 1 w, th ere is at least one dreaded d isease th at selence h a t $1500. a democrat.— Los Angeles Times. been able to cure in all its stag es, and th at is C a ta rrh . call to return to this county for violat every fleece must be kept separate as I Stephen E Hamlin et ux to Fred M H an s C atarrh C ure is the only p o sitiv e c u re know n to Even Henry Watterson must admit ing the speed law and disregarding the the different grades make different the m edical f ra te rn ity . C a ta rrh b e in g a constitu tio n a l Lane part of sec 4 t 1 s 5 w. $3-'0. that Minnesota Johnson's boom disease, .e q u ire s a con stitu tio n al tre a tm e n t. H a ll’s Ca ex- stop signal. Dr. F. A. Bailey and grades of texture. t Fred M Lane et al to G F Sanborn tarrh Cure is tak en in te rn ally , a c tin g d ire c tly upon the and m ucous su rfa c e s of the system , thereby des c Co 6*' acres in sec 4 t 1 s 5 w, $1500. blood Wirtz-McCrum. troying the foundation of the d isease, and g iv in g th e j NATIONAL Moses Goldberg et ux to Louis M. patient s tre n g th by b uilding u p th e c onstitution and COLUMBI \ Monday morning Johnie Wirtz, assisting n a tu re in doing its w ork. T he pro p rieto rs | Goldberg part of sec 24 t 3 n 4 w and have so m uch faith in its e u ra tiv e pow ers th at th e y | c RACYCLE manager of the Colts baseball team, Bicycles offer O ne H undred D ollars for a n y case th ey fail to other lands. $3500. 1 RA M BLER and Mrs. Lixzie McCrum took a spin cu re . Send for list of testim onials* PROBATE COURT. Address F. J, C heney & C o., T oledo, O. PR uvCE i ON. to Hillsboro and returned as one. Not Sold by a ll d ru g g ists, 75c. il Estate of Donald Martin, deceased. T ake H a ll’s F am ily P ills for c o sstip atio n . a soul in town but Aunt Ann Smith ■ t For cash and on the install- knew anything of the nuptial knot that W ithin the next thirty days we will sell 12 suits of the was to be tied and on Sunday Mr. and . I nt Brownsville Woolen Mills makes sizes 36 to 39 Q Q C Ian. Mrs. Wirtz had dined with Mr. and Ih regular price $15.00. This sale only - . _ J ■ J 0 Repairing of all kinds Mrs. Chas. Roe in celebration of their > W e have 25 suits o l] good summer and fall quality, well wedding anniversary and the topic of fitting. Former price from $ 7 .50 to $10.00. This r nn the day was weddings—but Johni L . J. CORL & SON sale only .................................................................. J i j O • kept mum as to the event that took Our higher priced suits are in. W e can give the best | place at the county seat Monday. • Fo-est Grove, Oregon * * suit for the money. W e guarantee fit and quality of goods. I Rev. Be!knap performed the ceremony, j C O M E IN A N D IN S P E C T T H E M i Mr. and Mrs. Wirtz will make their ! home with her mother. Mrs. Smith. 1 Johnie is a very busy man handing out J n a repertoire of latest and best plays. Engagem ent will open t cigars and receiving congratulations. with military drama, 1 Parties wishing 16, 2 foot Thanks for our “ Export.” If THE ___________ rv r p ^ X X / W E E K B U Y S IT w $60 machine for $25 GOFF BROTHERS The Paris Millinery Parlors QUALITY and R.ICHT PRICES Are what you will get in Drugs, Toi let Articles, Sta tionery and Kodak Supplies at o„n„ | j r H in es’ R e fr ig e r a to r 1 1 fvt •choi irr G r o c e r ie s 1 4th j W. F. S C H U L TZ Bib) Con Jum Chr F rn Good Eatables F. •i v ice Vnu f •CIV Th diti • V** % \ \ 1/ A i; i disc thè you . c curi Pili» he» pan MVI whe imi 1 »ft d»es ind WM g trmil rape trmil Filli Fc enti few tate Re ke V e g e ta b le s ! i Low Prices Saelens £ Co. WE SELL T H E - Two Big Bargains VERTS HALL ", Three nights starting with OcL. 21 T w o P henom enal B a rg a in s NELSON B. LA COURSE I r ! r Forest Grove - - Oregon THE BIG ECONOMICAL STORE Big National Stock Co. “ For Love's Sake” or "A Brother's Revenge'' Dr. Lowe the opician. has gone to New York to uke . Post Graduate A host of clever specialties, singing, dancing and popular N a- course and will be in Forest Grove 'tional Quartette. Reserved seats at Allen’s Confectionery ~ store again about tht 15th of January. | at popular prices, 2ÖC, 3Ö C, ÖOC. WOOD FOR SALE or 4 foot w ood, oak, ash or fir should see or phone Walter Roswurm