A S S A S S IN N O T C A U G H T . veyed by two of his acolytes to the ron- vent gate, and the good-hearted porter hud not refused him admission, but, on O f f ic e r » Confident Slayer o f B ro w n li the contrary, had eagerly given him all Still in B aker. the assistance his condition seemed to Baker C ity, Oct. 4.— Out of the tan-1 reecial Assistant Attorney General R. ant?” without being seen, and hid it in the hol­ in a furious passion with all his people, bates by S . P. railw ay, tc have C hief Traffic Agent R . Kush, of Omaha, opened for the gov­ ... “ Who am I. niadara? the brother of low of his hand. After kissing the good and more particularly with himself. Ban Francisco, Oct. 4.— John H . ernment, and, when he had concluded By an accident, too portentous not to Luce placed on the stand yesterday at. Helena, that is to say, a man in whom abbess for the last time, the young ladies you can place the most entire confidence.” took the lack seat, and Don Martial tha have been arranged beforehand, not one the close of the taking o f testim ony by M arble, one of the attornys represent­ a two-hours’ address, the defense an­ Commissioner ing the Federal governm ent in the in ­ nounced that no argument would lie front, as did M. Rallier, after previously of his horses could be mounted; three Interstate Commerce W “ Go on, caballero.” & “ The guardian of Dona Anita, either whispering to the coachman, that is, to were foundered, four others had been bled, Lane. The com missioner made his rea­ vestigation being conducted in this city made on behalf of Mr. Botah. Both that he has suspicion, or for some other Curumilla, two Indian words, to which and the last three were without shoes. In sons for doing so plain. by Interstate Com met ce Commissioner prosecution mid presiding judge were ‘ I f M r. Luce was placed on the Franklin K . Lane into the subject of surprised by this move, and the latter motive, wrote to you yesterday, ordering he replied by a sinister grin. Then, at a the midst of this the capataz arrived you to prepare her to marry him within signal from the abbess, the convent gates with a look of alarm, which only height­ stand,” he said, “ it m ight raise the secret railroad rebates and other abuses, ordered a reeess of an bout in which to twenty-four hours. Since the receipt of wore opened, and the carriage started at ened his master’s passion. Carnero pru­ question of im m unity. I t would lie said today that tfie officials have suffi­ pre|iare his instructions. J this fatnl letter. Dona Anita has been full speed, drawn by six powerful mules. dently allowed the general’s fury to grow Im proper and inexpedient at this tim e cient evidence to convict officials of the Iu these he tcld the jurors the c ir ­ It was about seven o’clock in the morn­ a little calm, and then answered him. plunged in the deepest despair, a despair to give M r. Luce the bonefit of immun­ Southern Pacific Railroad company of cumstances depended upon to connect He proved to him in the first place further heightened by the sudden depart­ ing. The fugitives— for we can give them it y .” such violation in at least 50 cases, i t an accused |>erson w ith a conspiracy ure of my sister, the only friend in whose no other name— galloped in silence for that he would commit a serious act of im­ M r. Dunne said that M r. Luce could is understood the m atter w ill be re­ must p rin t exclusively to guilt. If prudence by himself starting in purtuit the first tm or fifteen minutes, when the ? arms she can safely reveal her heart’s com plete the explanation of the special ferred to the Washington authorities they were inconsistent, it was the duty of the fugitives in the present state of af­ Frenchman gently touched his compan­ |rsecrets. Did you not receive a visit or inside rates which had been p a rtially very shortly, and that United States nf the jury to acquit. A conviction, ■«yesterday from Don Serapio de la ion’s shoulder, and offered him the paper fairs, and especially on the eve of a pro- made by J. C. Stubbs, and pleaded at District Attorney D evlin w ill be asked Judge W h itson declared, could not be nunciaraento which was about to decide he had found in the carriage. Honda?” M r. to present the facts to the F’ ederal found upon suspicious circumstances. his fortunes. Then he remarked to him length that he should l>e sworn. “ Read,” he said. r ftj “ Yes, that gentleman deigned to visit Mr. M arble called atten­ It was not sufficient, the court held, The paper only contained two words, that six peons, commanded by a resolute Lane declined to adm inister the oath. grand jury. me a few moments before I received the Another sensational incident o f the tion to today’s testim ony of J. C. that a man should he shown to have man, would be sufficient to conquer two fatal letter to which you have referred.” hurriedly written in pencil: men probably badly armed, and, in addi­ hearing occurred when John D illon, Stubbs, assistant freight agent of the corruptly engage in it, an to have had “ Take care.” “ Did not Don Serapio, on leaving you, “ Oh, oh,” the Tigrero exclaimed, turn­ tion, shut up in a carriage with two la­ one o f the chiefs of the M ille r & Lux Southern Pacific, who showed the dis- guilty knowledge of its objects. say these words: ‘ Be kind enough to in- dies, whom they would not expose to the corporation, asked for perm ission to crim in tion and rebate's in favor o f the * form Dona Anita that a friend is watch- ing pale, “ what does this mean?” The ju ty was out 14 m inutes. Dur­ “ It means that in spite of our precau­ risk ©f being killed. These reasons being take the star’ d so as to amend his testi­ large shippers. Ing over her; that this friend has al- ing this tim e no one left the court good, the general listened and yielded to Í ready given her unequivocal proofs of the tions, or perhaps on account of them, mony. H e then said he got a reduc­ “ W hen it comes to favoring the room, a verd ict o f “ not g u ilty ” having interest he takes in her happiness, and for in these confounded affairs a man them. tion on the published rate on ludKl large shipper and discrim inating been freely predicted and expected after “ Very good,” he said; “ Carnero, you that, on t!.? day when she again sees the never knows how to act in order to de­ shipments since the Hepburn act. against the smaller shipper conditions a very brief deli iteration. As soon as A Franciscan monk, to whom she confessed ceive the persons he fears, we are dis­ are one of my oldest servants, and to you ‘ And I must say,” he added, “ this are worse in California than anywhere the words ‘ ‘ not g u ilty ” fe ll from the once before, all her misfortunes will be covered, and probably have spies at our I entrust the duty of bringing back my influenced me to g ive the interstate else in the United States,” said Mr. lips of the clerk ihe cheering broke nice*.” heels.” ended?’ ” businees to the Southern P acific.” M arble. “ I do not see how it is possi­ forth. A t its conclusion the judge ( T a be continued.) “ And what will become of the young “ Yes, Don Serapio did utter those A fte r hearing evidence cf other sh ip ­ ble for the sm aller concerns to exist at sligh tly reprimanded the audience for ladies in the event of a dispute?” words.” pers, several of whom adm itted teceiv- a ll under the circumstances.” “ im proper conduct,” but said he would “ In the event of a fight, you mean, for E c l i p s e In M i d o c e a n . “ Well, madam, I am sent to you, not ing rebates on shipments w ith in the not attem pt to punish anyone for con­ there will be an obstinate one, I foretell. only by bin, but by another person, who Well, we will defend them as well as we “ Ft was like fairyland In mldor'eau,” state, the hearing was closed. tem pt. P rim ary L a w Invalid. Is no less than the President of the Re­ said Captain Lockhart, o f the British can.” Springfield, III., Oct. 4 .— The new public, not only to take away my sister, steamship Erroll, arriving from Ycko- H o ld * S. P . Guilty. “ I know th at; but suppose we are C oal N e a r Manila. prim ary law passed at the special ses­ but also to ask you to deliver up to me hama. In describing a meteoric shower killed?” San Francisco, Oct. 3 .— Interstate San Francisco, Oct. 5.— U ncleSam is sion of the legislature in 1906 was d e­ Dona Anita, who will accompany her.” and an eclipse o f the moon which took “ A h ! there is that chance: but I never “ Heaven is my witness, señor, that I to undertake the m ining of coal on his clared unconstitutional today by the Commerce Commissioner L in e held a place while his ship was on the long would be d?lighted to do whflt you ask think of that until after the event.” iwn atcount from deposits found on Supreme court, which revezsed the session yesterday at w hich it was dis­ Dona Anita bid her head in her voyage. On the night o f October 1 one of the southern islands in the P h il­ lower court’ s decision and remands the closed that the Southern Pacific had a of me. UnLippily* it is not in my pow­ there was a shower o f meteors that ippine group. Ralph John M acken zie, case. The cou rt.left nothing of the act “ private arrangem ent” for certain cus­ er; Dona Anita was eptrusted to me by friend’s bosom. “ Reassure yourself, señorita,” the lasted sixteen seconds, followed by the m ining expert for the W ar department, upon which a new law can lie construct­ tomers w ho were interstate shippers. her sole relation, who is at the same time her guardian and though he is unworthy Frenchman said, “ and, above all, be si­ moon eclipse, and there was a furore is here on his way to the Philippines. ed. The court holds that the law v io ­ The testim ony disci sed tw o or three of that title, and my h**art bleeds in re­ lent, for the sound of your voice might among the Chinese crew o f forty-seven These coal m ines,” says Mackenzie, lates the constitution because it speci­ instances of this kind. The specific fusing you. it is to him alone that I am be recognized, and change Into certainty men. W hen the ship touched at Hong- are on the island of Hainan, about fies m ore than the title . It says the charge up for investigation whb that what may still be only a suspicion. Be­ bound to delirer her.” K ong the entire crew walked from the 200 m iles to the southward of M anila. title does not confine the operation of the Southern Pacific shipped lumber “ 'This objection, madam, the justice of sides, remember that if yon have enemies The coal is bitum inous. There is one the act to the actions of political par­ from C lea rv ille , C aliforn ia, to Verdi, which I fully appreciate, has been fore­ you have also friends, since they took the ship. Captain Lockhart sat disconso­ Nevada, hut ilid not com p ly with the Now, in all lately In his cabin a few hours later six-foot seam, and it is supposed to he ties. seen by th* pt rsons whose representative precaution to warn us. regulations, b illin g from Reno, instead ¿ I am. Hence tiiey consulted on the means probability, this unknown offer of advice when word was brought him that the a very cheap w orkipg proposition to M e m orial to U . S G rant. of from San Francisco. to remove the srruples by entirely releas­ will not have stopped there but thought forty-seven bad returned, laden with m ine it. ing you from ri sponsibility. Father, give of the means to come to our assistance in Chinese Incense. Joss sticks and fire­ C incinnati, Oct. 4.— In the presence this lady the paper, of which you are the the most effectual manner.” L u m b e r T r u s t ’ * Black B o o k . 0f B distinguished gathering that in- M u s t A n s w e r C h a rg e * works o f all sorts. General IX>n Sebastian Guerrero had bearer.” Minneapolis, Oct. 5.— The F'ederal eluded many old army associate», a me- N ew Y o rk , Oct. 3.— The Western F or days a fter the ship had sailed Without utteilng a word. Don Martial organized a band of spies composed of through the R ed Sea and Indian grand jury today resumed the Investi- morial tablet at the birthplace of Pres- Union Telegraph company and the Poe- took from his picket the blank signature I leperos and scoundrels, who, however, gation of the " l i t t l e black to o k ” ident U . H. Grant, at Point Pleasant, 1 taI T elegraph coinpHtiy were ordered Valentine had on trusted to him, and j possessed acknowledged cleverness and Ocean, the men would hold a dally ser skill, and if Valentine had escaped their vice w ith their multicolored gewgaws, which, catalogue houses dealing in in C lerm ont county, was unveiled to- ! today by Justice Furil, o f t in H apM lH handed it to the abbess filled up. surveillance and foiled their machina­ A fte r they had become habitual the lumber and manufactured articles al- day. I t wus the first of three days’ court of N ew Y ork, to show cause on “ What is this?’ she asked. “ Madam,” the Frenchman answered, tions. it was solely through the habits captain discovered that the Chinese, be­ le g f, ha* been used by the lumber trust celebration of the centennial and home-1 Friday why the state’ s attorney gene- “ that paper is a blank signature of the which be contracted during a lengthened lieving that the meteoric shower and in an effort to ruin the m ail order busi- com ing of C lerm ont county, and thous- ral should not he perm itted to sue President of the Republic, who orders you life in the prairies, and which had he­ eclipse was a dread sign o f the gods, ness. It is now known that there was and* of native sons joined in paying them for forfeiture of th eir charter* on a secret m eeting of Jumtier dealers in honor to the county’ s most illustrious the ground that they have formed a roine an intuition with him, so far did to deliver I>ona Anita into my bind#.” w ere attempting to propitiate the spir­ com bination to inertasa telegraph tolls. Minneapolis last w inter and later a warrior son. “ I see it.” she mid. sorrowfully; “ un­ he carry the quality of scenting and un­ its.— N ew Y ork Telegram. Attorney General Jackson alleges the sim ilar m eeting of about 60 lu m lerm en fortunately this blank signature, which masking an enemy, whatever might be com bination was made January 1, 1907. in Chicago. would everywhere else have the strength the countenance he borrowed. C o o k s J o u r n e y to P o le . The State o f Washington produced The Convent of the Bernardines had of the law. ia powfTless here. W e only N orth Sydney, N. H., Oct. 4.— The indirectly depend on the temporal power, naturally become for some days past the 10.500.000. 000 shingles lu 1906 fiscal As he and B ro w n Out on BsH Enjoin Reduction o f Rates. Am erican au xiliary schooner yacht but are completely subjugated to the spir­ center of the surveillance, as it was the year, or 68% per cent of the total out San Francisco, Oct. 8.— R- I’ortar Sioux Falls, S. D ., Oct. 5.— A ll lead John R . Bradley, which left here early itual power, and wa can only receive or- spying headquarters, of I>on Sebastian’s put o f the United States. Washington were South in Arctic regions, arrived Ashe and Luther G . Brown, who • •• izv uasi Da- * ** in July il il i y for lot the ino / » ih il irjiiuiin, .« * agents. The arrival of a carriage with has 459 mills, with a dally output of Ing railroads having lines in ders from it.” united action ______ here _____J û te yesterday. The Bradley _____________ © ______ p ___ ___ , lai d- indicted by the grand jury for tne IW - The Tigrero took a side glanro, full of closed blinds at the convent at once gave 47.040.000, or 18 per cent more than kota have commenced _ J.............. J . . . ■ ____:_____ i t __ .____ « i t l . l d. s r r e e t- dsspsir, at his companion, whose face the alarm ; and though M. Rallier was 1906. In no other State does the year, in the United States court In this c ity ed Itr. F. I I. Cook, who is in command nnping of Fremont Older, were * rr®* * for a permanent injunction preventing of an exploration expedition at Sm ith ’ s ed at the sheriff s office tnarnyvai ’ not personally known, the fact of his be­ is still smiling. ly output approximate 1,000.000. the state (surd of railroad commission- sound, latitude 7 » north. The expedl- seqiiently released on » a ‘ “ What would you require, madam,” he ing a Frenchman was sufficient to roust ers from putting into effect (X'tober 16 continued, “ in order to consent to give suspicions. ' , r" “'l ,« d 7 e China has ten railways In operation While the Frenchman an4 the monk up this unhappy young lady to me?” an order reducing •xts»enger rates in early In the spring snd w ill attempt to visor* W d-*"" reach the pole by way of the Polar tea. accepting bribe#, are . t i l l at liberty. “ Alas, señor, it is not I who refuse were conversing with the abbess, a lepero with a total mileage of 2.235, or about the state from 3 to 2% cents a m ile. ■ampkanc«. Heaven ia my witness that preundeU ' jo hurt himself, and was con­ uue-tentb that of Great Ur 1 tala. Bo!se R“!lie810 Congralulate Their Senator. Killed to Terrorize Enemies ol M in ers’ F ederation . BELLS RING AND WEAVING 4 s