Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 10, 1907, Image 1

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    W ashington
N ews
NO. 14
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dunsinoor
the year 1856 they both gave their COUNCILS REGULAR MEETING
Hillside. The couple stood beneath
hearts to God and determined to love
arch oJ evergreen while Rev. Bar­
and serve their Master in all trying
of this city pronounced the cere­
hours of grief and sorrow.
They had
after which they were congratu­
the consolation to know that God does , The council met in regular monthly
Once in awhile a bunch of addle
the forty guests which were
all things for those that love and serve session Tuesday evening with all mem- pates come out from Portland who have
Mrs. Newberry was one of
I him. In the year of 1862 they emi­ bers present.
the impression that they can take the
Guod Crowds Every Day and Like­
Killing Stuck and all uf the Ma’er- grated to Iowa. They located near
ladies of Hillside and
In a statement from Prof. Marsh rep- town without any opposition as they
wise Fair Weather
ials arc Ordered
Davenport on the line between Scott resenting the board of directors of the think that when out of the outskirts of Mr. Newberry is a business man of
and Cedar Co.
They lived there free public library, he said that Prof. Portland the people don’t know much Seattle. The bride and groom left
about ten years and then sold out and Wilkerson had resigned from the board about anything but coudtry butter and Monday for their wedding trip to Port­
moved to the north western part of the and that the board requested that Mrs. fresh milk—this only happens once in land and other places before going to
state, locating in Ida Co. where they Belle T. Hoge be appointed to the va- awhile and is not typical of the school their home on the Sound.
lived for 11 years until their health be- \ cancy; also the terms of H. W. Boyd boys of the Rose City.
Additional Local News.
gan to fail, so they thought they would and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger were expir
But the bunch that came out to play
Dr. Withycombe and Prof. C. E. Big Pumpkins, Potatoes and App'es
Road to Salem is About Completed move to a milder climate and came t° ing and their successors should be ap­ Pacific University Saturday were cer­ Bradley of the Experiment Station at
Predominate while Amuse­
When Forces are to be Switched
Oregon in 1884,locating in Bloojning pointed. Upon motion Mrs. Hoge, tainly of this stripe and all but got a Corvallis, Hon. E. T. Judd of Portland
ments were Good.
south of Cornelius. In the year 1899 Mr. Boyd and Mrs. Hollinger were sniff of the jail for their different stunts. and William Schulmerich of Hillsboro
to Forest Grove Line.
his wife died and went to rest and now unanimously elected.
On their arrival they marched down to were registered at the Laughlin hotel
sleeps in Cornelius cemetery waiting
The report of Treasurer Corl cover­ the telephone office and after consider- Monday and started out, for the Neha-
During the last three days of last
Talk is cheap and therefore people the resurrection morn.”
ing the month of September shows the able rough house work grafted a paper iem Tuesday morning to hold a series
week the Hillsboro Street Fair was
The children living are: Mrs. Jos­ following:
have been building an electric line
I of farmers’ institutes. They set out in
held in this city. Through the eneigy
Miss Feta McCrum phoned Mrs a covered topped wagon with Sculmer-
$ 887 79
between here aud Portland by that me­ ephine Johnson, Farmington; Mrs. On hand Sept 1 ...........
of the citizens here, and the kindness
McCrum that the bunch had taken the j ¡ch and “ Doc” at the helm. Insti­
dium of exchange for—well since who Mary Wilson, Forest Grove; Lawrence
of the people of the surrounding coun-
204 00 paper weight and the manager of the
knows when. But at last it seems that Bailey Portland; Mrs. Alice Schulmer-
tutes wi.l be held at Vernonia, Natal
16 25
t-y and neighboring towns the Fair was
fines and license..
the Oregon Electric Line, which will ich, Hillsboro; Daniel Bailey, Bloom­
3 (K) team was notified that some one wished Mist, Pittsburg and Fishawk. Then indeed a great success, a credit to
sales supplies. . . .
have their roid from Salem to Portland ing; Nora Pearson, Oakland; Ida Baker
$1316 75 to talk with him at the long distance the delegation goes to Clackamas Hillsboro and a benefit to the entire
conpleteT b / December 1, is the one Wapato; Laura Crawther, Oakland.
387 11 telephone. Thinking that some one county. Prof. Bradley will speak upon county.
which will stop gabbing and get to
929 56
the formation of the soils and how they
Perhaps the most interesting of all
Special Fund.
work. According to the Oregonian it
was not slow in getting to the office. should be handled; Hon. Judd who is
exhibits to the greatest number was
Mrs. L. Van Kirk visited Mrs. D.
is the intention of this company to
| But the “ hello’ came from a different an authority on draft hordes wiH speak
40 96
the garden and vegetable products.
B. Adams Thursday.
build on to Eugene, but not until the
source. Mrs. McCrum told him that upon the breed and care of horses; Mr.
282 73
There was one pumpkin on exhibit» n
Hillsboro Forest Grove-Portland road
! if he did not return the paper weight Schulmerich the dairy herd and Dr.
Library Fund.
produced on Washington county soil
is completed. Here is what the Ore- several days last week,
150 53 immediately she wonld have everyone Withycomble will give addresses uprn
I On hand Sept. 1 ...............
that weighed 92 pounds and others of
gonian says upon the construction of
Miss Maggie Weston and two girl j Totai balance Oct. 1 ............. 1362 82 of them arrested. He returned in a general agriculture and organization.
smaller size but equal in quality/ The
this line:
friends were visiting at Mrs. Rice s
He is a strong advocate of the State
Finance committee reported favora- | few minutes with the paper weight,
exhibit of grain, corn potatoes, toma­
Then again at Laughlin’s hotel they Grange and organization, not neces­
“ When electric trains are running Sunday.
bly on the foliowing bills:
toes and indeed vegetables of every
| took napkins, towels and other things sarily to control the prices of commod­
to Salem, the construction forces now
R. Holscher and D. Bleed are the E W Haines, water and lights
variety, common to this soil were ex­
822 *» 5 0' out of the closet, tied the clothes in ities but for general helpfulness by ex­
at work on the main line will be busiest men in the vicinity getting
Hugh Smith, hauling gravel. .
2 62 knots and distributed them all over the changing ideas.
switched to the branch already sur­ their grapes to market.
Th apples were equal to those grown
85 house. Mrs. Laughlin had to keep a
E Baldwin, error on hauling.
veyed to Hillsboro and Forest Grove,
Last evening the firemen ol this city
Etnest Burk has moved into the J C Latta freight and drayage
1 00
it Hood River and foretells one of the
and this feeder will be built just as fast house recently vacated by George L J Corl, salary and coni . . .
19 29 very close watch on the contingent had a general jolly-up and banquet at coming industries of this county.
the I.eabo hotel and all repott one of
as the weather will permit. Work will Schock. Mr. Burk will work for Mr. J G Lenneville, salary...........
10 00 during the entire stay of the bunch.
The art dispLy consisting of paint­
29 77
Their last act was ftle boldest of all, the best times and feeds ever had at a
Fobes Supply Co., supplies.
be carried on throughout the Winter. Adams.
and drawings was the work of
Pacific Electric Const. Co.
when they looted a lot of cigars, fruit, banquet. The rooms were tastefully
This branch road will be 21 miles long
R. M. Blsbee and wife and J. Heck-
10 45
Washington county artists and was an
peanuts and other perishable goods decorated. Mr. and Mrs. Kertson ret-
and will enter Washington County just trom and family returned from Iheir
. 33 41
Crane & Cox, suoplies ..
inspiration to all art loving visitors.
from the confectionery of Oscar Bald- dered duets and solos and Miss Bertha
south of the Portland city limits. It 1 trip Saturday. They report a very Library board rent Aug.
There were many relics of pioneer
will serve a section of country now 1 pleasant time.
50 00 win. Mrs. Baldwin was tending to the Leabo presided at the piano during the
Oct. 15. L. fund.........
lays and much fine embroidery work.
without transportation facilities and will i
Upon motion eight warrants were store as her husband was at the street course of the dinner. The menu:
Richard Wilson returned last week
The exhibit of fine horses, cattle, sheep,
traverse a rich dairy and agricultural
ordered drawn for the several amounts. fair in Hillsboro, and the mollycoddles Oyster soup, celery tomato salad,chick­
hogs and chickens was the most con­
from a two weeks’ visit at Tillamook.
The committee on streets and pub­ almost took possession of the establish­ en smothered, potatoes mashed, corn
spicuous of all exhibits and wo tld be
He reports much rain in that country
“ Final locations for the Forest Grove
lic property reported that they had ment. She says that they took about on the cob,pumpkin pic, grapes,cheesi,
hard to surpass anywhere.
while he was there.
line, the first of the many feeders to j
furnished a man to help the county on $3.50 worth of goods but she did not coffee. Those present were: Messrs.
Various games served as sources of
S. Ridgely has moved from A. T. some of the grading where it was ma­ notice it until they had gone.
Kertson, Saunders, Baldwin, Watkins,
be added later to the main trunk line,
and the Hillsboro Cornet
She phoned Mr. Baldwin at Hills­ Sears, Purdin, Lee Sparks, Carol Mc­
have been made and all the material:
cadamizing; they also recommended
Band furnished excellent music during
for this branch has been ordered from
that a man be engaged for a month’s boro and he and the deputy marshal of Nutt, Lenneville, Willielmson, ano
the entire Fair.
Councilman that place sprinted down to the depot. wives, and Ed Wirtz.
the Eastern minufacturers. A b o u t j who came from Minnesota a few weeks j ™ k on fhe 8treet|
The attendance and standard of the
75 per cent of the material has arrived >8°- wil> work the Buxton ,arm
j Wirtz moved that the committee be The high school fellows were outside
Some bloodless person broke into
far surpassed the expectations
School began Monday with M 'ss Authorized to engage a man for a month celebrating their victory with their “ ra, the old livery stable last* Thursday
and is all ready to put into the new
ra, ras,” when Baldwin happened on night and killed Topsy, the pel dog ol
road. Rails, machinery and copper Martha Traver at the helm. That we at a salary o[ g5(). Motion carried.
wire for trolleys are here and cars have will have an excellent school is already
An animated discussion over elec­ on the scene and questioned them as the Schultz family. The dog was tak­
A Sad Death
known as Miss Traver has taught in tric light service was indulged in by to the result of the game. He says
been ordered.”
en from the building killed, skinned
Young died at the home
this district for the past three years.
councilmen and outsiders but no ac­ that they called out 6 to 0 enthusias­ and then cast on the street near the
Rev. A. M. Grubbs on
PATRONS’ DAY AT CONDENSER The members of the school board tion was taken.
tically and then he asked them who corner of First avenue south and Sec­
David’s Hill, last Friday evening from
1 and several men of the district raised a
J. M. Barber and Harve Baldwin was their manager. A bunch of them ond street. No motive can be thought
She had come with her
Goad Program Arranged and Capital
flag pole on the school grounds Thurs- were granted water on the usual terms. pointed at Bruce Schuman. Baldwin of but mere cussedness on the part o!
home at Echo but
Lunch Pregared.
day. The stars and strjpes wju now
The National Wood Pipe Co. of nabbed him and another fellow,and the tbe person who did the killing, for the
a few days before, lor a visit with her
Next Saturday, October 12, will oc- float each pleasant day of the school Tacoma- from whom the city had deputy a couple of others, and demand- dog always stayed at home and did not
parents. She was married the Ninth
Patron's Day year.
cur the second annual Patrons
! bought wood water pipe, sent bill and ed that the high school boys pay for moiest anyone.
The Schultz family of March to F. J. Young a son of a
Grove and
Celebration of the Forest
Forest Grove
The people of this community were letter claiming a balance of $14.35 the goods they had taken. The quar­ had had it for several years and would
prominent pioneer family of Echo, Um­
Hillsboro condensers, to be held here, i sbocke(i to learn of the death of Mr. ] still due. The recorder was instructed tette offered to give Baldwin $1.50, as not have taken a great deal for the lit­
atilla County.
This occasion bids fair to be a strong Qrubb>s youngest daughter, Friday to reply that the casting in dispute was that was all they had, but nothing short tle white fox terrier.
She was twenty three years of age
meeting and a thousand or more peo- evenjng she came home last Mon- ordered on the representation of the of $3.50 would appease him. The
Grand Master of the Odd Fellows, and was born in Indiana. The funeral
pie are expected to be present.
Last day and was very sick during the few agent that it might be returned if not train had already started up and two
Richard Scott and W. H. Beckwith, was held in the Methodist Church of
year over 600 patrons attended the . days preceding her death. The fun- needed. It was not needed and was fellows swung off and came to the as­
grand Chief Patriarch of the Encamp­ this city Sunday afternoon with inter­
Celebration and the outlook for this , eral was held Sunday from the M. E. held here subject to the orders of the sistance of their fellow sufferers. To­
ment met with the local lodge Mon­ ment in the Buxton cemetery.
one is far brighter.
Dairymen from ! church at Forest Grove, with interment 1 company.
gether they scraped up the desired day for a splendid session.
The two Gould preached the sermon.
all over the whole county are comtrtg ¡Q tbe guxtoiv cemetery. Her death
The petitions of Bellinger and Wm amount and the sextette spent the | I gentleman spoke and there was a feed
and a good piogram is arranged with i ju raost serious blow to her husband, Smith for water at their residences on evening in Hillsboro.
following the meeting.
About fifty
capital lunch.
Byron ^Hunter, one of as well as to the parents and other rel- j Firth avenue and east of Second street
members were present.
An Encamp-
Michael Klinger, aged 68 yean,
Four More are Married.
the leading agriculturists of the coun­ atives.
were granted.
ment, a higher degree of the lodge, died at his home near Cornelius Satur-
try, will speak upon “ Winter Feeds”
Washington county lost another will be established.
Senator E. W. day evening of heart failure. He had
Hillsboro-C ornehui Game.
eveninff ^
and other speakers will be on the pro­ Bothers Meet After Thirty Years.
Haines was initiated into membeship. , been troubled with his heart for the
A dozen thorough bred regis-
Alvin Brown, one of the earliest
Sunday the Cornelius baseball team g va £ Urtiss 0f Hillside, became the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaFollette and , past year but not seriously until a day
tered Holstein cattle will be on exhi- pjoneers 0f Oregon and the grandson branded the Hillsboro oval tossers with wde Qj
Thompson of Oregon
baby are visiting friends here. Mrs. or two before his death. He was held
of Tabitha Brown, the founder of Pa- a real live burning, excruciatingly hot j city, at lbe bome 0f Andrew Catto of
LaFollette was formerly Miss Lennie in high esteem by his friends. His
cific University, had a visit this week “ 23” iron and it is not at all likely Portland.
Writes His Own Obituary.
LaChape'.le. He was Senator Fulton’s funeral was conducted from the Cath-
from his brother, Henry Brown, whom that the manager of the county seat eon-
Rev. Staver, formerly pastor of the
Knowing that his time on earth was
at the last session of con- olic church at Verboort Tuesday and
he had not seen for over thirty years, j tingent will ever lose any of his colts. Hillside church but n0, of the Fitsl
limited to a few months Calvin Bailey
i gress and they made their home in Rev. Father Verhaag preached the
After a visit with his brother here Mr The score was 23 to 7. Cornelius did Congregational church of Portland,
___K . ________ _
Per Washington.
memorial sermon. Mr. Klinger waa
whose death occured Sept. 27 at his
Brown went to Salem and there met a not have any respect "hapoe
formed tne ceremony in the presence
---------- -------------| born in Germany and when he came
home in Blooming, wrote his own obit­
o( near reu ,1Ve, and (riends. Mr; and
To Whom „ May Concern.
^ ^ ^
^ WllconlÜJ>.
sister whom he had not seen in a long Tom Williams « Freeman_who
uary last June and did not reveal it un
pje time and together they came to Forest twirling for Htllsboro.
abou« fif.ee»
til a few hours before his death,
Grove Tuesday for a short stay and onto the leather for two ^aggers by t e Oliver Curtlss and Mr and M„ c B schoo,
statjoneryi mai{azineS( | yeafs a(?0 where he |jyed un,n h¡,
was 86 years old.
The funeral ser­
visit leaving yesterday morning
Easy Moore made the star Curtiss, the parents of the bride, at sheet music and other small goods will death
His wife is dead
He leaves
vices were held in the Cornelius
Their father came to Oregon in 1843 play of the day when he made a catch tended the w e d d j n g lrom here.
be 50,d (rom The 0Miar on)y fQr cash ^ ^
f Come|jus and one daU)fh.
Church with interment in the Cornelius
and Alvin Brown, only fourteen years of a long difficult drive out in the gar-
The bride j$ we„ known and has ,
The unsamfactory way of Uiming | ,w Qf F j M m
Cemetery. His autobiography rollows:
of age at that time, stayed at their old den. A big crowd was present. Cor-
bojt 0, friends herCi havinK been
sma„ children with goodSt ,hat per.
“ Calvin Bailey was born in Penn­
home in Missouri and tended to the nelius’ line up: Getter c; Cornelius p; udy for Hoffman & Allen Co. and N. B. haps they are getting without their par-;
macadamizing Fifth Ave­
sylvania, Clearfield Co. in the year of
farm. His father returned to Missouri Vanblaraeomb lb; Willie Schultz ss;
Mr Thompson is in the ents consent, have made it necessary nue was begun Tuesday. It i* the in­
1831 July 26th. He lived with his
and brought the family back to Oregon Henderson 2b; Rudy Schultz 3b; Bier- ■ |[roeery business at Oregon City, where to cut out all credit on small goods,
tention of the court to go the length
parents until he was 23 years of age
the street at once. Men and
then married Lavica Ellinger Feb. 19th
teams are now available and work is
1854. To them were born eleven
Youghbour were bora. _____
ber f¡fty acre farm l0 Qeo. C. Gray
ments as usual, by signing the cus progresting nicely. Sipervisor A. B.
children, nine girls and two boys, two
Todd has the work in hand and when
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson of.ofD illey, for 12000. The sale was
Sunday evening at 8 o’clock Miss toroary lease contract for same.
children dying when infants and one
the street is finished it will be worth
married daughter.
In Oregon eight Portland were visiting with Judge made by Staehr & Verhoeven, The Malissa Duns moor was married to James Forest Grove, Oct. 1'*, 19!>7.
its cod to the city.
1 P. Newberry at the home of the bride’s ¡
Forest Grove Real Estate Co.
are still living to mourn his loss.
In Langley and family last week.