Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 03, 1907, Image 7

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    of changing your dress, for the one you
wear is slightly too worldly tor the place
î T R A I L ?
C H A P T E R X X I. — (Continued.)
“ Have you learned any important news
•inoe our last interview?”
"Only one thing, but I think It is of
the utmost gravity for you.”
"Speak, my friend.”
“ What I hnve to tell you Is short and
gloomy, senores. The general, after a
secret conversation with his man of busi­
ness, ordered me to carry a letter to the
Convent of the Bernardines.”
"T o the convent?” Don Martial ex­
“ Silence,” said Valentine.
“ Do you
know the contents of this letter?”
“ Dona Anita gave it me to read. The
general informs the abbess that he is
resolved to finish the m atter; that wheth­
er his ward be mad or not, he means to
marry her, and that at sunrise on the
day after to-morrow, a priest sent by
him will present himself at the convent
to arrange the ceremony.”
"W hat is to be done?” the Tigrero ex­
claimed sadly.
"Silence,” Valentine repeated. "Is that
all, Carnero?”
“ N o ; the general adds that he requests
the abbess to prepare the young lady
for this union, and that he will himself
call at the convent to morrow, in order
to explain more fully
"V ery good, my friend, I thank you
for this precious information ; it is of the
utmost importance that the general should
be prevented from going to the convent
before three o'clock.”
“ Do not be uneasy, my dear Valentine;
the general shall not go to the convent
before the hour you indicate."
" I count on your promise, my friend ;
and now good-by.”
He offered him his hand, which the
capntnz pressed forcibly.
“ My friends,” Valentine then said, “ we
have now arrived nt the moment for the
final struggle which we have so long
been preparing.
We must not let our­
selves be led away by hatred, but act like
judges, not as men who are avenging
themselves. Blood demands blood, it is
true, according to the law of the desert,
but remember, however culpable the man
whom we have condemned may be, his
death would be an indelible spot, a brand
of Infamy which would sully our honor.”
"B ut this monster," the Tigrero ex­
claimed, "is beyond the pale of human
“ He may re-enter It to repent.”
"A re we priests then, to practice for­
getfulness of Insults?” Don Martial ask­
ed with a fiendish grin.
"No, my friend; there are men in the
grand and sublime acceptance of the
term ; men who have often been faulty
themselves, and who, rendered better by
the life of struggling they have led, and
the grief which has frequently bowed
them beneath Its iron yoke, inflict a
chastisement, but despise
which they leave to weak and pusillani­
mous minds. Who of you, my friends,
would dare to say that he has suffered
more than I? T o him alone will I con­
cede the right of imposing his will on
me, and what he bids me do I will do.”
"F orgive me, my friend,” the Tigrero
answered, “ you are ever good, ever great.
Heaven, in Imposing on you a heavy
task, endowed you at the same time with
an energetic soul, and a heart which
seems to expand in your bosom under the
blast of adversity, instead of withering.”
"Through my own sufferings, I can
understand what yours are. I, too, often
feel my heart bound with wrath and in­
dignation ; for, believe me, my friend, I
have a constant struggle to wage against
myself, not to let myself he led away
to make a vengeance o f what must only
be a punishment. But enough on this
head ; time presses, and we must arrange
our plans so as not to be foiled by our
enemies. I went to-day to the Palace,
where I had a secret conversation with
the President of the Republic, whom, as
you are aware, I have known for many
years, and who honors me with a friend­
ship of which I am far from believing
myself worthy. A t the end of our Inter­
view he handed me a paper, a species of
blank signature, by the aid of which I
can do what I think advisable for the
success of our plans.’
"D id you obtain such a paper?”
" I have it In my pocket. Now, listen
to me. You will go at sunrise to-morrow
to the house of Don Antonio R a lller: he
will be Informed of your coming, and you
will follow his instructions.”
"And you?”
"D o not be anxious about my move­
ments, good friend, and only think of
your own business, for, I repeat, the de­
cisive moment is approaching. The day
after to-morrow begins the feast of the
anniversary of Mexican
that is to say, on that day we shall do
battle with our enemy, and meet him
face to face; and the combat will be a
rude one, for this man has a will of
Iron, and a terrible energy. W e shall be
able to conquer him, but not to subdue
him, and if we do not take care he will
•lip through our hands like a serpent;
hence our personal affairs must be fin­
ished to-morrow. Though apparently ab­
sent, I shall be really near you, that is
to say. I will help you with all my pow­
I trust that you have beard and
understood me, my friend?"
"Yea, Don Valentine.”
“ And you will act as I recommend?”
" I promise It.”
"Reflect that you are perhaps risking
the lows of your future happiness."
“ I will not forget your recommenda­
tion, I swear to y o n ; I am risking too
great a stake in this game, which must
decide my future life, to let myself be
Induced to commit any act of violence.”
“ O ood; I am happy to hear you speak
thus; but havs confidence, my friend, I
feel certain that we shall succeed.”
“ May heaven hear you 1”
“ It always hears those who appeal to
It with a pure heart and a lively faith.
Hope, I tell you ; and now, my dear Don
Martial, permit me to say a few woras
to our worthy friend, Belhumeur.”
" I will withdraw.”
“ What for? have I any secrets from
you? You can hear what I am going to
say to him.”
"You have nothing to say to me. Val-
*ntine,” tlie hunter said, with a shake of
his head, “ nothing hut what I know nl-
read.v; I have no other interest in what
is about to take place beyond the deep
friendship that attached me to the count
and now to you.
You think that the
recollection I have preserved of our un­
happy friend cannot be sufficiently en­
graven on my heart for me to risk my
life at your side iu as-nging him; but
you are mistaken, Valentine, that’s all.
I will not abandon you in the hour of
combat; 1 will remain at your side even
should you order me to leave you, I tell
you that I swear, aud have taken an
■wtth to that effect, to make a shield of
ray body to protect you, if it should be
necessary. Now. give me your hand, aud
suppose we say no more about it?”
Valentine remained silent for a im>;
rnent; a scalding tear ran
down his
bronzed cheek, and he took the hand of
the honest, simple-minded Canadian, and
merely uttered the words;
“ Thank you, I accept.”
They then rose nnd returned to their
carriage, after Valentine had warned his
faithful bodyguard, Curumllla, by a sig­
nal that he could leave his hiding place,
as the interview was over. A quarter of
an hour later the three gentlemen reach­
ed the house in the Calle dc Tacuba,
where Curumllla was already awaiting
C H A P T E R X X II .
On the morrow Mexico awoke to a
holiday ; nothing extraordinary. In a coun­
try where the year is a perpetual holi­
day. This time the affair was serious,
for the inhabitants wished to celebrate
in a proper manner the anniversary of
the Proclamation of Independence, of
which the day to which we allude was the
A t sunrise a formidable bando issued
from the government palace, and went
through all the streets and squares of
the city, announcing with a mighty clam­
our o f bugles and drums, that on the
next day there would be a bull fight with
“ Jamaica” and "Monte Parnasso” for
the leperos, high mass celebrated in all
the churches, theaters thrown open gratis,
a review of the garrison, and of all the
troops quartered sixty miles round, and
fireworks and illuminations at night, with
open-air balls and feria.
Don Martial, In order to throw out
the spies doubtless posted round Valen­
tine's house, had left his friend in the
middle of the night, and gone to his lodg­
ings. nnd a few minutes before day pro­
ceeded to the house of M. Ralller.
“ You are welcome,” the Frenchman
said cordially, on perceiving Don Mar­
tial ; “ I was busy with our affair. My
brother Edward Is just off to our quin­
ta. whither my mother and my brother
Auguste proceeded two days ago, so that
we might find all in order ou our ar­
Although the Tigrero did not entirely
understand what the banker said to him.
he considered it unnecessary to show it,
and hence bowed without answering.
“ A ll is settled, then,” M. Ralier con­
tinued, addressing
brother; “ get
everything ready, for we shall probably
arrive before mid-day— that is to say,
in time for lunch.”
"Your country house is not far from
the city?” the Tigrero asked, for the
sake of saying something.
“ Hardly five m iles; It is at St. A n gel;
but in an excellent position for defense,
in event of attack. Y'ou are aware that
St. Angel Is built on the side of an ex­
tinct volcano, and surrounded by lava and
spongy scoria, which renders an ap­
proach very difficult.”
“ I must confess my ignorance of the
“ In a country like this, where the
government is bound to think of its own
defense before troubling itself about in­
dividuals, it is well to take one's pre­
caution, and be always
guard. And now be off, my dear Edward,
your weapons are ail right, and two res­
olute peons will accompany you ; besides
the sun is now rising, and you will have
a pleasant rid e ; so good-by till we meet
During this conversation
the peons
had put the horses in a close carriage.
• “ Get in.” said M. Ralller.
“ W h a t!” Don Martial replied, “ are
we going to drive?”
“ Do you think I would venture to
go to the convent on horseback?”
"B ut this carriage will betray you.”
“ I admit i t ; but no one will know
whom it contains when the shutters are
drawn up, which I shall be careful to
do before leaving the house. Come, get
The Tigrero placed himself by the
Frenchman’s side; the latter pulled up
the shutters, and started at a gallop in
a direction diametrically opposed to that
which it should have followed, in order
to reach the convent.
"W here are we going?" the Tigrero
asked presently.
"T o the Convent of the Bernardines.”
" I fancy we are not going the right
•That Is possible, but, at any rate. It
is the safest.”
” 1 humbly confess that I cannot under­
stand it at all.”
M. Ralller began laughing.
"M.v good fellow,” he replied, “ you will
understand at the right time, so be easy.
You need only know that in acting as I
am now doing I am carrying out to the
letter the Instruct Iona of Valentine, my
friend and youra.”
" I have no repugnant to obey yon,
Senor Don Antonio,” the Tigrero an­
"The confidence our common
friend place* in you is a sure guarantee
to me of your intentiona. Hence dispose
of me as you think proper, without fear­
ing the slightest objection on my part.”
"That is ths way to talk.” the banker
said, with a laugh. "N ow , to begin, my
dear senor, you will do me the pleasure
I ished by the reclamation service and by
the forest reserve policy of the govern-
merit, w h ich is elim in atin g touch oi
the range from pubiio nee.
J. C.
Lloyd, an extensive sheep grower of
this county, estimates that not more
than 25,000 iambs w ill be shipped to
Eastern markets this year from the
country between Elleneburg and Pasco,
whtreas five years ago over 200,000
tiead were shipped y ea rly. Th is is
partly due, however, he says, to the
fact that more lambs are now shipped
to the coast than a few years ago, a l­
though the total shipm ents there this
year he thinks, w ill not exceed 50,000,
“ The range is being so d im in ished.’ ’
said Mr. Lloyd, “ that none but those
who own their land can afford to taise
sheep in any quantities. Much o f the
form er range is being converted into
good fanning land through irrigation,
an i the forest reserve policy o f the
government is shutting the sheep raiser
out o f a large part of the range. I
should say that the elim ination of tills
land by the government has cut down
the number of sheep on that land by as
much as 25 per cent.
“ The sheep in this section are being
raised as much for mutton now as for
w ool, and there is a greater demand
for good mutton than there used to bs.
The price, too, has advanced, which
makes it a profitable business to pur­
sue.’ ’
t0 “ C han V 'eu " ed f e lr r : ' the Tigrero ex- Addi“ °"* ' '^ c u l t u r a l S p . C . l l t l . . A r.
claimed. “ Y’ ou ought to have told me so
A dded at C crvalhs.
at your house.”
I Agriculture is being given
Unnecessary, my dear sir. I have all prominence this year at the Oregon Ag-
you require here.”
re-organization of the wotk anil addi­
"H ere?”
“ Well, you shall see.” he said, as hs tional agricultural apeilulieta have be<n
took from one of the coach pockets a added to the faculty. There w ill now
Franciscan's gown, while from the other be ft ur men instead of tw o devoting
he drew a pair of sandals aud a cord. th eir tim e exclusively to livestock,
"H ave you not worn tills dress before?” dairying, field o o p s and poultry
“ 1 have.”
' is hoped to add a till further to the ag ri­
“ Well, you are going to put It on cultural staff at the college eo that the
again, ami for the following reasons: Q
institution may fu lly meet the
At the convent people belteve (o r Pretend, dt,mandg of the ,armerB o( ,h e state for
C orresp on d en ce Is T h at o f William
to believe, which comes to the same
competent direction along agricultural
S w ee t, One o f the', Men
thing) that you are a Franciscan monk.
For the sake. then, of the persons wtio lines.
Indicted fo r Fraud.
are not in the secret. It is necessary that I Dr. James W ithyeom be, in ad lit ion
I should be accompanied by a monk, and to hia duties as director o( the e x p e ri­
more, that they may be able, if required, ment station, w ill have charge o f ths
Boise, Sept. 28.— H a lf a score of let­
anim al husbandry work of the college
to take their oaths to the fact.”
ters which the governm ent attorneys in
I ’rofessot F. L . Kent,
“ I obey you. But will not your coach- j and station.
tlie trial of Senator W illia a m E. Borah
man be surprised at seeing a Franciscan heretofore assistant agriculturist, has
declare go to show the com p licity of ex-
emerge from the carriage iuto which hs been made professor o l d airyin g and
G overnor Steutienberg in the alleged
| w ill give his full tim e to that subject.
showed a cabellero?”
tim ber land fraud conspiracy were in ­
"M y coachman? Pardon me, but I do j
Professor H . L . Seudder, of the A gti-
troduced in evidence late yesterday and
not think you looked at him."
! cultural college of Kansas, has been ee-
“ Indeed I did not. All these Indians I lected to till the new chair of agron­
lend to tlie jury.
The letters were
are alike and equally hideous.”
written by W illia m Sweet, cne of the
o m y , and his wotk w ill be along the
“ That is tru e; however, look at him.” I line of field crops and farm machinery.
indicted men, who, it is reported, w ill
Don Martial bent forward and slightly Protestor S iu ld e r is a graduate of the
take the stand as a witness lor the
lowered the shutter.
United States. Tlie documents were
IUinula college of agriculture, and after
"Curum llla!” he cried. In amazement,
produced by J. H. Richards, tiie local
leaving college spent some tim e in the
as he drew back. “ He, and so well dis­
attorney, to whom they were written
em ploy of the United States depart­
and who acted as legal adviser to
m e n t c f agriculture, his work taking
"D o you now believe that he will be
O r fg o n Irrigation C on gress.
Sw eet.
him into neatly every agricultural re­
The first irrigation congress of Oregon
Most of the litters were dated from
gion ot the W est.
In C aliforn ia he
“ I was wrong.”
was held at Giants Pass on September New Y’ c ik and Boston and several of
"N o, bupt you did not take the troubls made an extensive study of irrigation 10 and 11.
At tlie close of the session them w ere replies to letters or tele­
and soilcu itivatio n . Professor Seudder
to reflect.”
a permanent organization wus effected, grams urging him to return to Idaho.
“ Well, I will put on the gown, since I w ill lie of gteat assistance to the farm-
with Dr. W ithyeom be, of the Oregon
“ I can’ t seo why I should come back
must. Still with your permission I will ets of the state as w ell as to the students
Agricultural college, as president; M r. unless it is in regard to tim ber, and
in the class loom .
keep m yweapons under it.”
"C asplta!
My permission? On the
that is a ll in tlie governor’s hands,”
For the new departm ent ol poultry
contrary, I order you to do so.
But husbai d y James Dryden was selected. president, and Mr. O. 8. Blanchard, of wrote Sweet in one of his notes. Then
It is pro­ he proceeded:
whut are they?”
T h e poultry industry is a great wealth Giants Pass, as seiretury.
"Y ou shall see. A machete, a knife, producer iu this state, and the college posed to hold annual meetings to dis­
“ As to the money coming to me, put
and a pair of piatols.”
proposes tc aid in its developm ent by cuss irrigation and forestry problems. it in the hank. 1 have absolute faith
“ That is first rate.
I f necessary, I the dissem ination o f inform ation on A com m ittee was appointed to confer in the governor, lie came to my assist­
with the com m ittee of the Forestry as­ ance and helped me out of a mess I
shall bo able to find you a rifle.”
belter methods and in the investigation
While talking thua, the Tigrero had
of problems connected w ith poultry sociation with a view to merging the never ought to have got in.
I don’ t
changed his dress.
I t was felt that ir­ kr.ow what I would have done if it had
keeping. Professor Dryden comes from two organizations.
“ There,” the Frenchman continued,
ths Utali Agricu ltu ial college whete his rigation and forestry had interests in not been for the governor.”
“ you are a perfect monk."
Much good should come
ental work was so successful as common.
In another letter Sweet gave the
" N o ; I want something more, some­
from this organization.
amounts lie was “ in” on tiie tim ber
thing which is even indispensable.”
reeognition fer its poultry work.
deal. Tiie total umount was about
"W hat's that?”
W estern A p p les Best.
spent some tim e at the Montana station
429,000, including a $7,500 note signed
“ The hat.”
The official report o f the department by h im self nnd Steunenberg. Shortly
iu establishing a poultry department,
•‘That's true.”
of Agriculture on the condition o f tlie after this Sweet wrote to his attorney
“ Thnt part of my costume I hardly and from there w ent to New Y ork state
to start a poultry farm for the Cyphers apple crop on Septem ber 1 fu lly confirms that he had read in the papers of a
know how we shall obtain.”
Man of little fa ith !” the Frenchman Incubator company, returned to tlie earlier estimates o f a poor apple crop tim ber inspector lieing sent to Idaho.
smile, "see, and be con- Utah station last year upon being offer­ throughout the United States.
said with
Borah's iimiie was drawn into the
ed superior inducements. He believes average condition is reported as 34.7 case for tlie first tim e just before ad­
While speaking thus he raised the there is room for great developm ent of per cent. Few if any of the states have journment, when H enry 8. W nithm an,
an average crop.
The Pacific states another local attorney, took the stand
front cushion, opened the box it covered poultry husbandry in Oregon.
show up best— C alifornia 75 per cent, and produced more letters from Sweet.
and pulled out the hat of a monk of St.
Francis, which he gave the Tigrero.
Oregon 70 per cent, Washington 88 per In one letter to W orthm an lie wrote:
T H E S T A T E F A IR .
"And now do you want anything else?"
cent. The M iddle Etates are the poor­
“ Richards used his power of attor­
"Indeed, no. Why, your carriage is a
est, the lowest of a ll being Kansas, ney to turn all m y money, $10,000,
perfect locomotive shop.”
Exhibits, W hile C red itab le, Did Not which is 2 per len t, and Missouri,
over to Steunenberg, and it is like
The Frenchman opened the door, for
which is 9 per cent. The report is a pulling a cat through a stocking to get
D o State Justice.
the carriage liad stopped in front of the
T h e Oregon State fair was a credit­ good advertisement for Oregon and it back. I wish you would see W . E .
Convent of the Bernardines.
Tw o or
Washington. It w ill serve to direct
three 111-looking fellows were prowling able showing of the products of the further attention to this territory as a Borah about this and get him to make
a little statement of the governor’s ob­
about: and. In spite of their affected In state. The county exhibits, though
favorable apple country.
ligation to me. He is tlie governnor'e
difference, it was easy to recognize them not as numerous as they should have
attorney, but is a first class gentleman
for spies. The Frenchman and his com­ been, showed a great profusion of pro­
The contract has been let for the
panion were not deceived. They got out ducts of the highest excellence. The
and knows a little statem ent is only
with an indifference as well assumed as people of the state don’t half appreci­ construction of a college barn at the fair to me. T ell him I haven’t the
that of the spies, and approached the ate the state and its marvelous re­ Oregon Agricultural college. Th is w ill scratch of a pen from Steunenberg to
door slowly, which opened at their first sources. I t is doubtful if any other lie one of the most com plete barns at show that he has $10,000 of my money.
knock, nnd closed again behind them with county in any other state of tlie Union any o f the colleges, and w ill help the He said tlie copy of our agreement was
a speed that proved the slight confidence could show such a great variety of pro­ livestock and dairy work greatly.
the sister porter placed in the individuals ducts of such h u h quality as any one
left outside.
of the county exh ibits at tiie Salem
car shortage by ke ping more poultry,
“ What do you desire, senores?” she
feeding the grain to the chickens and
asked, politely, after curtesying to the
Tlie Agricultural college exh ib it was
newcomers with a smile of recognition.
send the eggs to m arket by express or Federal Grand Jury at San F ran cisco
The exh ibit fiom tlie
“ My dear sister,” the Frenchman an­ an educator.
Finds 124 Counts.
swered, “ be good enough to Inform the Eastern Oregon experim ent station was
San Francisco, Sept. 28.— T h e Fede­
holy mother abbess of our visit, and ask
D e v o t io n .
ral grand jury yesterday returned five
her to favor us with an interview for a tural resources of that section.
“ Dear,” said the wife, " I really don’t
udictments of 124 counts against tiie
livestock e x h ib it on the whole was
few moments.
The d raft and believe you would marry again If you Southern Pacific com pany and the Pa­
" I t is still very early, brother,” the worthy of tlie state.
cific M ail Steam ship com pany charging
nun answered, “ and I do not know if coach horses made a splendid showing. were to lose me.”
iulatiotis of the interstate com merce
“ Oh, I ’m devoted enough,” replied
holy mother can receive you at this mo­ A good showing was made by dairy cat
tie , but h trdly enough o f dairy pro­ the husband, “ hut there are others.” law. These Indictments, if follow ed by
“ Merely mention my name to her, sis­ ducts. O f beef animats the exh ibit
" I wasn't thinking o f that,” she re­ convictions, are sufficient to render tiie
ter, and I feel convinced that she will was not as large as it should be, hut plied sweetly, "hut that t don't know corporations liable to tines aggregating
make no difficulty about receiving us.”
some fine animals were shown.
Tlie uuotber woman who would huve you,” from $124,009 to »2,480,000, the m in i­
“ I doubt it, brother, for, as I said be­
mum fine presiribed by law on each
swine e x h ib it was moat creditable. — Philadelphia Ledger.
fore, it is very early. Still, I am willing
count lieing $1,000 and the m axim um
The sheep exh ib it was good, but many
to tell her, in order to prove to you my
line $20,000.
llen l P h ilo so p h y .
o f the sheep were not in show condi­
readiness to serve you.”
The defendant corporations are ac-
“ A real philosopher,” said
" I feel deeply grateful to you for the tion. The poultry building was well
used of secretly cutting to $1 the pub­
patronized and the e x h ib it war fairly Eben, "kin ullus find sumpln’ to be
kindness, sister.”
good. The alm ost entire abeence of glnil nbout. I used to know a man dat lished rate of $1.25 on through ship­
(T o be continued.)
farm m achinery was noticeable.
A found a heap o' satisfaction
in his ments of m attin g from Kobe, Japan, to
strong exh ib it of farm m achinery should wooden leg, ’cause It l e f him dat much San Francisco ami thence through the
B loch U sed W e d i l l n * G ift.
T w o indictments of
A Providence girl who has been mar­ be a feature of every good fa ir.
less room fob de rheumatism.” — W ash­ United States.
eigh t counts each were returned.against
ried about six mouths had wedding
ington Star.
tiie Pacific M ail Steam ship company,
cords a short time ago from an old
W illam ette Valley's Reputation.
which transported tlie cargo from Kobe
school friend who hnd given her a wed­
Not E a ro u ra zln f.
The W illa m e tte valley has a reputa­
to San Francisco, and one indictment
“ I have made up my mind,” said Mr.
ding present which, o f course, demand­ tion a ll over our country as one of the
of eigh t connts and tw o indictments of
ed one in return. Among her wedding most productive regions in the world, Tlniuiid, “ that I shall speak to your
50 counts cacti were returned against
presents the Providence girl had dupll- \ T h at reputution seems to have been father soon.”
the Southern Pacific company for for-
"Y es,” replied the dear girl, "fa th e r
cates In the shape o f two sliver card ! bared on past achievements rather than
w aidin g tlie cargo in broken lot ship­
This is
trays, and In a spirit o f economy she on its present day farming.'
ments from this c ity eastward.
decided to give one o f these to tier not true of all sections of tiie valley,
friend. I t was marked with her own but as a whole the v alley is not produc­ out an accident-insurance policy in my
D ecisive V ictory f o r State
initials, but It would be only a m atter ing one-half of what it m igh t easily favor.” — Philadelphia Press.
Omaha, Sept. 28.— Judges T . C.
o f a few minutes to have them removed
M onger and W . I I . Munger, in the
Goes W it h o u t S a r i n * .
and the proper monogram cut.
W ith a soil o f great native fertility
Conan Doyle had just notified Sherlock United States court tonight denied the
She took It to the jew eler and ex­
injunctions Hiked for by tiie railroads
and w ith a clim ate suited to the high­ Holmes o f bia approaching marriage.
plained what was to be done. He est production, it would look as though
"O f course," he said, " I Deed not tell ofierating in Nebraska to prevent the
picked up the tray, looked at It closely there were no excuse for a crop of you that I have selected you as my best state railroad com m ission from enfoic-
and smiled.
wheat yield in g less than th irty bushels man. Tbs position naturally belongs to ing the laws reducing grain rates. The
restraining ordei issued some tim e ago
"M adam e,” said he, ’ it w ill be Im­ an acre, and the w iite r lias seen a yield you.”
"Quite so.” assented Sherlock Holmes, by Judge T . C. M unger was dissolved.
possible. I have already changed the of less than fifteen bushels.
initials on this same tray five times
The trouble is that the W illa m ette absent mindedly shooting a charge of Th is is regarded as a decisive victory
for the state, although it is presumed
nnd It has worn so thin that I can not valley lias iieen farmed fo r fifty years dooe into his left arm.________
the case w ill be ap|>ealed by the ra il­
do It again without cutting through ths w ith little or no effo rt made to give
•STatnr* F a k e ,
hack to the soil the fe rtility t hat years
bottom.— Providence Journal.
A member of the proletariat was ad­ road com panies to tlie Supreme court
o f the U n ited States.
of successive cropping has taken away
Had more clover and a lfa lfa been
"8 ir,” said he, “ the wolf has been at
H o r s e s I n c r e a s l n * In B in rab er.
O p p o s e B reaking C ontract.
During the last seven years the num­ grown, the W illa m e tte v a lle y m ight my door for months.”
C hicago, Sept. 28.— Three members
ber o f horses in the country has in­
the world. W h ile a crop o f wheat or the fat capitalist. “ Such is not the na­ of th e national executive Imard of the
creased about 30 per cent, from 15,-
Y'ou have evidently Telegraphers’ union
declared today
other grains leaves the soli poorer, a ture of tha wolf.
000.000 to 23.000.000 but value has In­
crop of clover or alfalfa actually leaves been reading unscrupulous literature.” — that they would vote Hgainst calling a
creased about 112 per cent. The aver­
strike of union operators employed in
It richer. T h is lesson does not seem Philadelphia Bulletin.
age price on the farm In 1900 Is stated to have been w ell learned in the “ Fam ­
broker aud niw spaper offices, in which
at $44.50. In 1007 it is $»4.50— the ous W illa m e tte V a lle y .”
T h e W a r At It.
event, being a majority of the board,
Husband (d u rin g tlie s p a t)— I sup the request of tiie striking New « o f *
highest price o f which there Is any o f­
pose I am never to buve my way about operators w ill tie refused.
ficial record.
No official
action has been taken, for the reason
C on v en ie n t.
W ife — O f course you are. You can that no communication has yet been re­
“ So you have three pairs o f glasses, G reat F leck s N ea r E ilen tb u rg a Thing bare your way when It Is the same as ceived from the New Y'ork local.
o f the P ast.
a*y way, but when our ways are d iffer­
Sheep raising in the Y ak im a section ent I intend to have my way.
C ru iser C o lo ra d o Arrivss.
One pair to read with, an­
San Francisco, Sept. 28.— A wirelesa
other for nearsightedness and a third Is undergoing im portant changes, due
message from the armored cruiser Co -
pair to look fo r the other two w ith ."— to conditions which have arisen in the
a * tZ iM ta s r .
last 10 years.
W h ile it « t ill continues
orado, o f Rear Adm iral Dayton’s squad­
Fliegende Blaetter.
“ T h ere Is one thing to be said in fa ­
an important industry in K ittita s coun
ron, received today at the naval *r* ' n
vor o f a boy going to a circus w ith bis
ty and other parts of the Y ak im a val
ing station in this harbor, reports that
L ik e A t t r a c t in g L ik e.
"D o you see any good reason why a ley, it is Dot carried on so exten sively Events and T h in gs; "he don't have to all on board were w ell and that the
voyage from Honolulu had been un­
as a few years ago, snd the number of
doctor should not be also a poet?”
the tenL” — Yonkers eventful. The vceeel w ill arrive here
"C ertain ly n o t; Isn't poetry a drug ■hesp growers is m aterially decreasing. Statesman
in the m arket?” — Baltim ore Amcrlcam T h s ranges are being gradually diinin-
Goverimei.t Troduces Leiters
Siiowlrg His Connection.
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‘hing. /
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