W. H. HOLLIS, to mention. TERMS OF SALE: LAWYER P U B L I C S A L E S year’s time on approved notes bearing Preqa-e II at Home By Shaking In­ EVERY. MORNING r “ “ l te s 7 per cent interest on sums over 810; Real Estate and Corpo- OFFICE over gredients Well in a Bottle. ition Lax v Hifles Store under $10 cash. Free lunch at noon. Public Sale. What will appear very intesesting to • • • • W. P. SPAULDING, Owner. A Bad Back 1« Always Worse Forest Grove, - * O regon At the residence of W. H. Stratton, many people here is the article taken J. W. Hughes, Auc. G. Naylor,Clerk. In the Morning. Forest Grove August had come! The musical sea- Cornelius, Oregon, at 10 o’clock, on from a New York daily paper, giving a People are Finding Relief. Work w as Suspended. son was at its height. The grasshop- unlay, October 19, 1907, the fol- simple prescription, as formulated by The rocking of Pacific Avenue was a noted authoritV, who claims that he A back that aches all day and causes per chirped nil the morning, the locust ]owj pr 0 perty, to-wit: sang in the afternoon, while the tree yearling heifer, twe cows, suspended last week on account of rain has found a posjtive remedy to cure FA SH IO N S T A B L E S discomfort at night is usually worse in I toad w a i t preparing for an engagement Horse ana year g ’ Forest Grove 3 spring calves, cow 8 years old, fresh, when but about half the work was done. | ajmosj any case of backache or kidney Pacific Ave. the morning. Makes you leel as il I evenings. W ithin the drooping houghs of a cop- cow 6 years old, fresh, No. 1; cow 3 Neat Turnouts What work is done, however, seems to Qr bladdeir derangement, in the follow- you hadn’t slept at all. Can’t cure a bad back until you I per heech bung a hammock, and In yeKJ old> fresh. heifer will calf Dec. be of the quality that will last indetin- jng simple prescription, if taken before the hammock lay a girl. There was j heifer will calf March 3, ’08; heifer itely. Thos. Todd, the supervisor is ^ stage of Brights disease: cure the kidneys. Doan’s Kidney rw.t h hit of color In her attire, from Pills cure sick kidneys—make you feel “he lace about her neck to her white calf eight months old, gasoline spray- in charge of the work, and he claims i Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half (RSTABI.IS1IED UWS.) better, work better, rest better and shoes. She had promised him a game, jng outfit on trucks, gasoline dray and that it is the best of its kind and the ounce. Compound Kargon, one ounce; Forest Grove, Oregon but It was very hot and Instead of cjrcuiar sawing outfit on trucks com- only of its kind in this part of the coun- Compound Syrup Sarsparilla, three sleep better going on to the grounds her steps had i ^ feed cutterj one cierd mill new, ty. The slowness of the county court ounces shake we!) jn bottle and take A general banking business transacted I. N. Rldtfrway, with the Oregon Nursery Com­ pany and living at 205 Commercial St.. Salem. Or.. luteiest paid on time deposits. been deflected to the h a m m o c k . timber jack stump puller, 100 feet says: “ | knew l had kidney trouble because there bids fair to leave Forest Grove s main ¡n teaspoonfu| doses after each meal were pains in the small of my bgck and What's that triangulating on the J _ Accounts invited. •hen I stooped or lifted Even at tennis court? White trousers like a of hose, Bain 2 j in. single wagon, 3 in. thoroughfare in bad shape for so.tie and agajn at bedtime, •ere still there and mornings I arose lame I tired easily and felt languid and was WMttmW pair of dividers give an appearance of wide tire Mitchell half truck wagon, time unless the weather should clear ^ well-known druggist here at home, dreadfully nervous. OccaaWdlly 1 bad ^**df ^ * and at such tunes my sight would be b lu rry V * " trlangulatlon. The owner of the new; ,w0 sea, buggy, heavy single har- for a sufficient length of time to finish wben asked regarding this prescription, was also a sediment in the secretions My exper trousers Is lazily dancing a teunis hall tWQ 350 e g g Petaluma incubators, lence proved that Doan’s Kidney it. Labor is scarce this time of the stated tjlat tbe ingredients are all perior for curing k.dney complaint ^ * * 5 ”** For the Rest. Up to date Work. They are just the thing every sufferer from these 1 on a racket. lie wonders why she j new; 120 egg Chatham incuba- troubles should use. Nothing oould have suited my year but it is likely that the road will harmless, and can be obtained at a Baths Pacific Ave, Forest Grove. doesn’t come. Presently be strolls to- " . , . case better. They went right to the seat o the trouble and completely relieved me. Doan s Kidney I ward the bouse to look for ber. He tor, 3 brooders, 12 Ui. plow, nearly be finished within a month. Teams j small cost from any good prescription A. I. W irtz, Proprietor Pills have my endorsement.” I doesn't find ber on tbe porch, so be en new; 50 tooth steel lever harrow, 2 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ters tbe hall anil calls to ber. Xo an- cu]tjvatorSi one 14 tooth: two 30 gal. and help is wanted. Apply to Thos pharmacy, or the mixture .would be Todd. cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, swer. He returns to the porch and ^ kc;tl put up if asked to do so. He further 10xl2 , ent. pair 2500 lb. ¿5. A . A lo u lt o n New York, sole agents for the United stands looking out at anything, every . nlatfnrm stated that while this prescription is Thm STORY OF TWO DUELS. States. I thing, nothing. Then be catches sight wagon springs, 800 pound platform often prescribed in rheumatic afflic­ Remember the name—Doaxu an*f of something white moving under the scale, 12 in. plow and harness, jointer, V L e a d i n g A S w o r d T h r u s t , a B u lle t W o u n d a n d tions with splendid results, he could take no other. at branches of the copper l>eech. He trl- 50 -tooth steel harrow, 12 in. steel beam a n E x t r a o r d in a r y S e q u e l. see no reason why it would not be a angulates there, moving with more qj -ver |ow_ jq strawberry crates with I ' n r c s l (Jro v o When dueling was uu actual factor s.-lendid remedy for kidney and urinary animation than before, and, lifting a runs, two cross cut . saws, (0_n AT THE CHURCHES , u two hands Darreis In the social order of this country ft bough, looks under the green roof. She bad many worthy and notable expo­ troubles and backaciie, as it has a i * * . , M X O i \ , D e n t i s t Bleeps. Intent on the lovely sight be- lime and sulphur solution spray, 3 bar- nents, Including uo less distinguished peculiar action upon the kidney struc­ M. E. Church fore him. It doesn't occur to him that rels lime, 770 lbs sulphur, household personages than Henry Clay, Andrew Forcet G-ove, Oregon Regular preaching services at the Methodist church ture, cleansing these most important the vibrations had stopped rather sud- and kjtc|len furniture and other articles Jackson, Alexander Hamilton, He W itt every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p. m. Stinda sift and Clinton, Stephen Decatur aud others organs and helping them to deuly So still is she that life Is evl- ' I hr re i H .lirv't xiore. school at 10 a. m.; Epworth League 7:00 p. m ; Mid week I too numerous to mention. . U r « Y M. hiit«' of the same type, but nowhere on this fi)ter bom , he blood tlle fou] ac|ds and dent only by the rising and falling of Service, Thursday, 8:00 p. m. Terms of sale:— Under 810, cash. continent was It so much on establish­ REV. H. GOULD, Pastor. her bosom. The mouth Is In an adinlra- waste matter which cause sickness and Cerman Lutheran Church hie position to lie kissed, the head Over 810, one year's time on bankable ed Institution as in that peculiarly ro- j mantle old city of New Orleans. It suffering. Those of our readers who The German Lutherans hold services on the 2nd and thrown back and partly over the ham- note a; 8 per cent interest. 2 per was woven Into the very fabric of the Eczema and o re 4lh Sundays of each month at 2:30 p. m. suffer cm make no mistake in giving mock's side. The birds above siug life of tbe community, aud many a II. C. EBELING, Pastor. Knowing what It is to suffer I will ¡¿ivt cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon. FREE FREE love songs to one another: the Insects OF CHARGE, to any *fi‘ «im >«l- crumbling tombstone In the antiquat­ it a trial. Christian Church. I dve #ure for Eczema, Sail Rheum Erysipelas, hue* W. H. STRATTON, Owner. on the lawn give a fantasia in the ed creole cemeteries !>ears grim and SCHEDULE OF SERVICES. W i ' on M iller’s mother. Mrs. Clark- «nd Skin D u ra * « Instant relief Doo t suffer nyei ............................ _ vvi . o n m illC I a IIIUUICI, i v ii a . Write f w . w illiam a. 400 Maohaiuu Avenue. New J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. A. T. silent same strain. The man—well, the man witness to ............................f the fact, though to Bible School, Su nd ay........................................10:00 a. m. understand the situation more clearly ¡son and Miss Winifred Palmer of Van- Yo,k- EncU*« stoops and kisses the girl. Communion arid preaching............................... 11:00 a. m. Stratton, Clerk. Junior Mission Band............................................ 3.00 p. m She does not awaken, and he kisses one should breathe, so to speak, the couver were guests at the Abernethy Christian Endeavor............................................. 6:30 p. m her again. SUMMONS. Auction Sale. Preaching.............................................................. 7:30 p.m . t» ~ Thrice he kisses her, and the third Prayer meeting on Thursday night. I will offer at public auction on the a district Judge and general of the I Don’t forget the foot-ball game Sat- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE CF time she moves. Then after a bit she REV. SIAS, Pastor. Loulslann legion, was the victor in The team needs OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY, opens her eyes and blinks at him. the A. H. Johnson place, about 3 j several encounters in which the tern- | Congregational Church Emily J . Fleming, Plaintiff, "Why, where did you come from?” miles southeast of Gaston and one mile per of the period cuused him to l>o en- ¡and the business manager needs your vs. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Preaching Ser "From the tennis court, where you James A. Fleming. Defendant. vice at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 p. m east of Wapato station on Wednesday, gaged. Oue In particular is note- | quarter. Everybody come—double, were to have Joined me.” To James A. Fleming, the above named defendant: Young People's Meeting held at 6:30 p. m. Mid week worthy ou account of the part it p lay-j _ . , „ , , October 9, the following described ed In an extraordinary freak of for- j Mr. Glenn Bnedwell came down for In the name of the state of Oregon, you ate hereby service on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. “It’a loo hot for tenuis.” REV. H. W. BOYD. Pastor. that the above named plaintiff has filed a com­ “1 think so too. Much pleasanter property, to-wit: tune. Alexander Cirallhe was the of- | the opening reception Friday night, notified plaint against you in the above entitled court, and you here. I might have won a pair of 4 Horses— 1 sorrel mare 5 years old fending party, though the Insult, or, ! He is to enter the engineering depart- ! are hereby required to appear and answer said com­ Free Methodist rather, provocation, for gentlemen sel- . gloves.” plaint on or before the last day of the time prescribi d weighs 1400, 1 sorrel mare 12 years dom There will be preaching services in the Free Metho­ insulted, would in this day be of j merit at the University of Oregon this by the order of publication hereof, to-wit: on or before “You wouldn't do that.” dist Church every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. old weighs 1000, 1 brown mare 12 scant concern. But some cause of ac­ year. the Uth day of October, 1907. "Why?” REV. H. K. BOWMAN, Pastor. You are further notified that if you fail to appear and years old weighs 1200, 1 bay horse 3 tion was present, and each was sure "Because you are n gentleman.” Mr. Howard Markel has entered the Christian Science. answer the complaint herein, or plead thereto, the “Would you never have forgiven years old 1150, 1-2 year old, 1 sucking that a deadly meeting would certainly follow. They rmle together in a car­ medical deprtment of the University of pi«‘»tin win rauic your default to be mtcrrd andwiii Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m . me?” 1 * 4 1 1 . • I pray the court above mentioned for the relief prayed colt; 9 milch cows, 4 of these fresh, 3 riage with ladles, who, after the duel, at the Christian Science Hall, U SSoith Fifth Street California. Prank Markel has a posi j (or lhe cnmpIlln, therein, ,h„ „ My, (or , )ude. “Never—that is, unless we hud been 2 year old heifers, 4 yearling heifers, commented on their mutual affability mcn’. and »v-m st you forever diMciving the engaged.” during the eutlre trip, which only tion as first assitsant book keeper for a bonds of matrimony now existing between the above Assessors Notice. He thought a moment, then said, 2 steers, 5 calves; 19 hogs; 1 binder, serves to show how delicately adjust­ San Francisco firm. Dimed plaintiff and yourself, the above named defend­ 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 drill, 2 culti­ ed was the code of etiquette, especial­ and for such other relief as the court may deem ( Equalization of 1907 Assessment.) “There was no temptation under the The popularitj o foot-ball at Pacific ant, circumstances”— ly In the presence of ladies. vators, 1 drag harrow, 1 disc harrow, 1 equitable in the premises. To the Tax payers of Washington They fought nt The Oaks, and ns is most noticeable on account of the The date of the first publication of this summons is "No temptation! How complimen­ disc plow, 1 roller, 1 3| Studebaker County, Oregon: soon as the weapons had been crossed large crowd of young ladies in the Thursday, August 22nd, 1907, and that of the last pub­ tary!” wagon, 1 lA Milburn wagon, 1 low lication hereof is Thursday, October 10th, 1907. ami the impressive “Ailez, messieurs,” Notice is hereby given that the "I mean that knowing I would Incur grand-stand during practice hours. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. your displeasure If I kissed you 1 truck wagon, 1 fanning mill. Hay fork pronounced Grallhe, who was high Board of Epualization for Washington W. Goodin, County Judge of said County, said order R br and rope, 3 acres potatoes, hay and strung and hot blooded—doubly so un­ This encourages the boys greatly. having been made in chambers, August 20th, 1907, on ve County, Oregon, will convene at the wouldn't think of doing so.” der the stress of what he regarded as "Oh!” ch* Mr. F. Fletcher, another old P. U . account of the absence from this county of the C ircuit oats, 1 6-bottle milk tester, 2 14-inch n grievous provocation—lost his tem­ Clerk’s office at the Court house in Ho was sitting ou a wicker chair be­ plows, 3 sets work ham ess; cross cut per aud furiously charged his antago­ student is registered as a Junior at Judge. « I W. H. HOLLIS, Hillsboro, on the 21st day of October, side her hammering the ground with Attorney for the Plaintiff, saw, 1 30-gallon iron kettle, household nist. Augustin, on the contrary, was Whitman. Mr. Fletcher was one of 1907, the same being the third Mon­ his racket absently. cool, collected and agile, parrying each Forest Grove. Oregon. :. t y "What are you thinking about?” she and kitchen furniture and other articles savage thrust until by a temps d'arret the strong members of our foot-ball day in said month and the time fixed i *h (sudden pause). Judiciously Interpolat­ team and will add much to the Whit­ too numerous to mention. by law for the meeting of said Board asked. Notice for Publication. “1 once kissed a girl In a hammock,” Terms of Sale:—All sums under 810 ed Into a vicious lunge of Urailhe's, man aggregation. United States lan d Office, of Equalization, which will continue he pierced him through the chest. he said, "aud I wasu't engaged to her Portland, Oregon, Ju ly 3U, 1907. its sessions from day to day, exclusive either. She was asleep, Just as you cash. Over 810, one years’ time Ornllhe, with one of his lungs per­ Rev. C. F. Clapp, left yesterday Notice Is hereby given that In compliance w ith the n » (f of Sundays and legal holidays, until were. I kissed her three times, and without interest if paid at maturity, forated, remained for a long time hov­ afternoon for Etise, Idaho, where he provisions of the’act of Congress of June 3, 1378, en- ering between life and death, and when tiiled "A n act for the sale of timber lands in the States the examination and corrections and the third time she awoke. She knew otherwise 8 per cent interest. at last he did come out of Ids room will continue his evangelistic work, for of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington T erri­ hr d very well I'd kissed her.” Free lunch at noon. equalization of the assessment rolls for he was bowed like an octogenarian. Pre the next three weeks. Mr. Clapp is a tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act “What did she do?” It was now only a question of time very interesting speaker and will no of August 4, 18*72, Mark Bailey Eu np of Hillsboro, P. W. W a t k in s , Owner. said year shall be completed: wliirh I "She didn't do anything.” county of Wathington, state of Oregon, has this day J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer; Geo for the wounded man. as an internal doubt do much good in our neighbor­ filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7514, for the said Board will continue in session for C “And what did you do?” abscess had formed where It could not purchase of the lot five and the southeast quarter of the one month from said date, unless the "I didn't do anything eittier nt the N tylor, Clerk. be reached—surgery then was not what ing state. S northwest quarter of section No. six , In township No. it Is now— and the doctors despaired of time. Itut that evening It was moon­ labors thereof are sooner completed. Èjf 'lo g 3 N range No. 3 W W illamette meridian and w ill offer The P ’reshmen class has elected the saving him. Some time after he bad Public Sale. jg/** i proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Petitions or applications for the re­ light. She went to sleep on the wicker been up and about a quarrel with t'olo- following officers to shoulder their trials its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lounge on the porch- and well, 1 kiss­ I will offer for sale on the old Will uel Mandevllle de Marigny resulted In duction of a particular assessment shall ed her again.” and responsibilities this semester: Pres. to establish his claim to said land before the Register be made in writing, verified by the It was now her turn to do the think­ Chalmers’ place, at the old Dudley his challenging that distinguished citi­ Fred Knight; Vice Pres., Miss Bowie; and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th day of November, 1977. oath of the applicant or his attorney, ing. mili, about five miles north of Cornel­ zen. This duel was also fought at The He names as witnesses E. W. Howell, of Monntain- \ T Oaks, but as Grallhe was too weak to Sec , Richard Abraham; Treas., Helen “I suppose,” she said presently, “that ius, on Thursday, October 10. Sale do himself Justice with a sword the and filed with the Board during the dale, Oreg , J. H. Howell, of Mountaindale, Oreg.. . J.* Bollinger; Serg.-at-arms, Paul McCoy. Emil Seifert of Bacona, Oreg., D. D. Bump of Forest first week it is bv law required to be so long us you had kissed her once be­ begins at 10 o’clock sharp. The fol- weapons chosen were pistols, nt fifteen Oregon. , . fore"— The P'ourth Years’ held their first class Grove, paces, each to have two shots, advance Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above in session, and any petition or applies l iwing described property to wit: "Three times." five paces and fire at will. At the described lands are requested tc file their claims in this i t tion not so made, verified, and filed Team of mares in foal to Black Dia­ first shot, fired simultaneously, the un­ meeting Thursday afternoon. A broad office on or before said 9th day of November, 1907. “It didn't make so much difference ¡• t t smile came over the faces of the class ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. shall not be considered or acted upon about the fourth kiss that is, from mond, weight 2800. One three year fortunate man fell forward, pierced (Date of first publication Aug. 29.) by the Board. you aud since she was asleep It old colt, 6 cows in milk, 4 yearling by his adversary's bullet, which had when Pres. Gould announced, that wasn t her fault anyway." entered the exact place of his former there was to be several new members G eorge H. W ilcox , If you should go to sleep on the heifers. 1 heifer calf, ail Grade Jerseys and yet unhealed wound. Mariguy. — At Bailey’s, >or ladies’ hand sewed After discussing Assessor for Washington County, wicker lounge on the porch tonight and Large sow with 7 pigs, 10 shoats, half wl,h I>lsto1 ,n band and placid us added to their class. goodyear welt, patent leather oxfords. I Oregon. I2t4 l Shouu kiss you you wouldn't be to truck wagon, nay .ack, sulky plow 14 * m“rbl* 8,n,uf- advanced to the ut- several matters of business the follow­ Cuban heel, Blucher cut. bln nit*, would you/” " ** most limit marked out, when Grallhe, ing officers were elected: Pres., S. inch, disc harrow, spike-tooth harrow, who was suffering greatly, exclaimed': "Certainly not. But you?" — Brick for vale at Peterson’s $7 per "h, maybe I’d tie to blame, but walking plow and other articles too nu- “Fire again. You have another ahot.” Bryant: vice pres., Helen Bollinger; j — Hoff man & Allen for good good thousand. since you didn't know anything about sec., B. Gould; treas., C. Brown; sar and lowest prices. Bring your wool and mohair to us It there wouldn't be any harm done." "I don’t know about that.” Une years time on bankable notes! the air, saying with frigid politeness, geant-at-arms, L. Gardner; reporter, L. \ ------------------- ---------------------------------- - We will give you the most for it.— I Hope. Or. J. J. Murray, V. S. bearing 8 per eent interest on sums i “* never strlke “ fallen foe." B ailey's. in * The moon shone down on a corner over 810, under $10 cash. ^ ______ ' M°re ,U*a<1 than allve’ the *trk'ken Whitman college exspects this year V e te rin a ry Surgeon and Dentist — Brick at Peterson's yard $7 per of the porch covered with wistaria, or. I wo Per j duelist was carried home by his friends Graduate of American Veterinary Collate t) put the best foot-ball team in the cent ott lor cash. Free lunch at noon, and consigned to the care of his phy- thousand. rather, the moon shone on the wistaria N. V. City. 1SSI. or while the corner was In deep stiadow. TlIOS. P h il ip , Owner, Slclaua; but. Instead of sinking rapidly, field in its history. —Money to loan on farm security Ind. Phone 7M Office, Hancock * Gordon ■ o n »., r> V I 88 was « p e tte d , he really began to This distinction may seem trhlal. but I J. W Hughes, Auctii Bell J3 Forest Groye. Ot. W. H. Hollis. oncer, Oeo. Nay- mend and by the folloW|nK mornlng t i it u Dot in till*» cast, for on i wicker Bi W h o W a s L y i n g T h e re . was much Improved. The ball had — Men s patent leather button threr lounge in the corner a girl lay asleep lor, clerk. ^ The Veracious Verger In the far cor­ at » qjarteta boxing cloth top, very neat Trm'- on r tiu.v ray struggling through penetrated to the abscess which had B lu n d e r s of the T y p e s , ruDUC bale. threatened his life and made an exit ner lies William the Conker; be'ind the Oxfords at ° Bailey’ *. —*- -* - ;l—’ ■ ••a* ''n e touched tier lips. T • ---- He — was sit orgtn, where you can’t see 'em, are An author who has a scrapbook de- tmg tx-slite tu>r. This time ho was In I will offer st public auction nn th . for 1,8 Pol8onoU8 accumulations. Some to typographical errors was — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and the hammock. UU UU m e t time !m o o f t A r t l ’ flP il h he a VI-n 11-«A n out .. * _ of a his the tooms of Uny Fox. Robin 'Ood and voted afterward walked Dan Baker place, 3 i miles west of room as erect as ever and soon re- Cardinal Wolsey. Now, does that showing the articles to a friend, Surgeon. X-Rav and all electrical ap­ "Asleep?" he n, Wwi ln a ,ow tone. as I sees you Yve In your One Item concerned a dance. Tbe pliance* in office. Calls answered There was no reply. Banks in Cedar Canyon on Friday Oc- * alnwl h,a llpalth and stately bearing guidebook 'and tell you who is lyin' here, sir? word “bonnier” was misprinted, with night or day. He bent forward sad kissed her. tober I I , beginning at 10 o'clock “jL>ntury >‘ a*“ ‘my Tlie Skeptical Tourist—No, but I can this deplorable result: "There were no She awoke. guess Iximlon Mail. bonier ladles present than the mayor's — M en’s canvas oxfords also canvas following described property, property. I ! ' ■ rn kissed m e." »he sstd. sharp, the --------- P s y c h o l o g y of Gsmblmg. ------------------------ 0wn daughters, and this fact was fur- shoes the latest styles swing and "I did not A ray of moonlight was to-wit: Light cows giving milk, three The fundamental haais of the injnry She Was Fed. ther emphasized by the perfect fit of straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey s. kissing yon right on the lips. 1 kissed nice heifers coming fresh soon three done by *"ml>,lnK I" a tendency to over- Mistress—Did you rememl>er to feed the shepherdess costumes they wore, r8} I a„, , l . „ . , , . * rate the chance* of winning When a the cat every day during my absence? — We have always paid the high­ "Oh. A country paper, after telling how n in that case”- dr> l0W5' lhree and three steers man n on man speculates speculates hr hy etakln* staking, ...V say, £1 est for wool and mohair.— Bailey’s. Servant Every day hut one, mn'nra. cow got In front of a train, said, "As "It wasn't so had, was It?” one year old, three hogs, and three »he chance of winning i inn. observes nn M istress \nd didn’t the p«x»r tiling the safest course under the circum- “I suppose so." But she looked trou­ nigs 6 months old. one truck wagon. Kn*"*h wr'ter In Nature, the notion of — If you have real estate mottgsgesr lav e anything to eat all day? Servant stances the engineer put on full steam, c« for ale, call at Langley's office 1 lt2 bled. Oh, yes. m a'am ; she ate the canary — dashed Into the cow and literally cut It •Well, since you seem to hare tome |or,e ormick mower ami rake, onr on h,* m ml and -ntaas somethiiig more Into two calves " Chicago News. — Mrs. Fdrrondron would like to do doubt about It you might make It all *»*«1 tooth harrow, one crossing plo real to him than the M m that the odds • sí * A New York society editor, misprint­ wo k by the day. I hoi e No. 392. 11 tf right by marrying me ■re 200 to 1 against him, say. He on* h*y fork, rope and pulley, one ing the word "chill,” published thla » * P e n a lt y o f L o a n in g . -M e n ’, gun metal. Blucher cut ^ ,h* dM' ^ UITCOKU I » ™ . , . ; » o u » . , “W hat’s twcoiue of your umbrella? statement: "Mrs. Astor was unavoida­ 'v » ... bly absent from tne reception, being “I loaned It to Tompkins." oxfords, medium high heel the latest saw. gTind stone and various kinds of **m* P,<'»«re to his mind. Consequeut- kept at home by a bad child.” “W hy doesn't he return It?” at Baileys. i 1 foiks, and other articles too numerous *** , xaKP’rates bls proapecta. "The owner caught him with It and demanded I t”—Milwaukee ScntlsaL EA SY TO M IX TH IS mi HANCOCK & GORDON E. W. Haines Bank City Shaving Parlors -so r/ ¿ lis t Pile •II. r ~ “™ T'» ' <* “H a «,7. s r z z * z I