rsal Heaters Cool evenings and chilly mornings bring to mind that your stove is not up, consequently you are now wondering how you can heat your house t jt/ * y i B siijiji . *^iiN ''V , \ iSmlt 1 j (« g Ë j | j i y ”5 TA j to best advantage. kinds and prices. We have stoves of many W e have stoves From $2.0 0 to 16.00 FLA*" ~ u n iV E R ^ i profit, are three of the many reasons why our trade is growing rapidly. Come in and let us show you our goods we are here to please YOU. Plowing made E asy The Canton Disc plow will do more and better work than any other make, besides the easy running feature is worth the price of the plow the first season. The Universal is the best and will give out more heat with less fuel than a n y other make. Out of the high rent district; we pay spot cash for our goods; satisfied with a small WOOD CHOPPERS TOOLS Simonds’ cross cu t saws, Adkin s Wedges and Sledges of all sizes. W e bought our heaters when the price was right and can save money on your stoves this year. Our display room has all kinds styles and we invite you to come in and see them. S:—Universal, Imperial and Great Western ranges are the best built and the best bakers on the market. Fuel savers and best, results ob­ tained. FROM $27 satisfied only when you are Collin’s Axes N o tic e ! Only a few choice pat­ terns of high grGde mattings leit. Deal with us and scve 5 cent s a goods and we give you the advantage of the cash dis count FOREST GROVE, OREGON A i.olled« B.iml O ria m /w l, | that the furnishing of so large a build­ Sheehy, Miss Sewell and Miss Lieser meet Portland High School on the home grounds. As this is the first Under the direction and lead?rship ing in a manner appropriate to the dig­ in the piano department and Miss foot ball game Pacific has h id with the of Vernon Gould, a University band nified plans of the architect is made Hartley in the vocal department. Miss L ifte d f ro m th e W e e k ly Index, th e C o lleg e P ublication possible. high school foi several v irs it is up t > has been organized. It is the first T Sheehy comes here from Portland and the students to back the football team time in our history that the institution was for some time a student under Wil­ The greatly increased number of Sanskrit and other languages. Prof. girls who have applied for rooms is liam Sherwood the noted pianist and with that "do or die spirt” which can- has had a purely student band. The PROF. FRANK TAYLOR not lose. Every man should be out on students in the company represent Taylor comes to his present position sufficient assurance that such a home teacher of Chicago. Miss Sewell and Miss Leiser are the field for practice every day from nearly every class in school. The C l i o s o n a s P r o f . M a r s h ’s S u e e e s s o r from a successful thirteen ye^rs as is a necessity of college life. Many of academy principal at Weeping Water the girls were in the old Hall at the students of our own conservatory and now on. We owe this both to our band is composed of the following M iss V a n e e y S o n r e d s M r. C oons. Nebraska. The school feels confident time of the fire. Their appreciation of being among the most talented of those coach and onr “ alma mater.” members: Gould, Markee, Hope, C. Professor Frank C. Taylor of Nebras­ that they have secured in Professor the new home is shared by all the oth­ studying here are sure of success in Brown, Fowler, Knight, Gwinn, Bry- CAP AND GOWN CAUSE ROW ka succeeds Joseph W. Marshas teach­ Taylor a valuable m -mber to the Uni­ er girls and their cheerfulness under their work. Miss Hartly is also a stu­ a it, J. Ward T. Holmes and Jessie. S e n i o r s .il h a e l t i e O ver j er in Latin and Greek, who had held the versity. temporary inconvenience has been dent of Pacific University conservatory, (,>ui slim». F jot-baii with Portland High School chair of classics /or more than forty Miss Yancey of Missouri takes Mr. most helpful to those who have the and of Mrs. Walter Reed, the well The question of cap and gown is Saturday, year in Pacific University. Prof. Tay­ Coons place as instructor in the acad­ household in charge. It is eighteen known contralto of Portland. This last threatening to disrupt the senior class. Miss Gladdys Hartley was a Portland Miss Yanc ey was graduated lor began his schooling in Massachu­ emy. months since the fire and it is refresh­ year she has had a large class of her Following the time-honored custom of visitor Suuday. setts, combined it in Michigan and lat­ from Hardin College in 1903 of which ing to see the eastern side of the cam­ own in Hood River. this university one faction of the class, ] M;ss Grace Paynef a former stu(lent er in Nebraska. His preparation for institution her father is president. Be­ All the conservatory work is under pus enlivened with the girls who are together with certain members ol the ¡g afeain in school. tween the years 1903-07 took work at college was made at Franklin Accad- again at home. Sunday afternoon the the personal supervision of Prof, and faculty, hold that it would not do (or emy. In 1890 Prof. Taylor received the University of- Missouri receiving Mr. Adams, of Oregon City has reg­ chestnut tree was the meeting place Mrs. Chapman and with such advan­ i the class to be graduated without ap- i her A. B. degree in 1907- istered in the academy. tages it is expected that this year will both for young men and young women, j pearing in scholastic garb. These say be the most prosperous ever enjoyed. Miss Ethella Stearns spent Saturday while Miss Yancey read “ The King of 1 that the robes lend dignity to the com­ T he New Mull. the Golden River.” Until the parlors and Sunday in Portland. mencement season and that a long es PROSPECTS FOR FOOTBALL The opening of Herrick Hall was can give a common meeting place it is Mr. Clarence Allen is registered at tablished custom should not lightly be most informal nevertheless family life l hoped fine weather will permit Sunday ( la m e .Saturday w ith lliijli S c h o o l. the University of Califorhia. thrown aside. goes on with the old time regularity. afternoon readings under the chestnut Last year, prospects for foot-ball in There is another faction that main- The Chalmers girls K ve bachalor Although part of the house is still un­ tree. In a few weeks, however, we Pacific looked rather gloomy, only two tains this custom i; undemocratic and quarters at the Metzker lx e. finished the girls’ rooms on the second promise our friends a house warming or three of the entire squad were foot­ should be discarded. They say that it Harry Humphreys has ar. ed and and third floors are practically in order. which will afiord an opportunity to see ball men. This year out of the squad is needless folly and expense, and that 1 the foot-ball men are jubilant as well The dining room, also, is complete, how attractive a home is provided for of IS first team men of last year, it is time tne Universi.y broke avav as so,ne other people. even to the light fixtures. The furni­ the young women of Pacific University. twelve are present. Last year it was I from it. This latter faction lias ob­ Prin. Bates occupied the pulpit of ture and pretty china provided by the necessary to whip a team into shape tained many supporters among the un­ the congregational church Sunday, both C o n s e r v a t o r y N o te s . generosity of a Portland gentleman out of entirely green material. This dergraduate body, and the outcome ol morning and evening. make it the most attractive dining room The music department of Pacific year the following named gridiron vet­ j the fight is awa'ted with interest. P r o f . F r a n k ( '..T a y lo r Miss Bain wishes to call attention connected with any of our colleges. University has a more promising erans are present and will be out for The question caused a stormy time to the course in china painting which Even with the parlors still unfinished opening than ever before in the history strenous practice from Monday ou, at the meeting for the organization of his A. B. degtee from the University is to be given this year. Lawrence, the senior class, which was held behind of Nebraska, making the classics his the general comfort of the family is of the conservatory. The registration Humphreys, Waterman, greater than under the cottage plan of Miss Carotin Fitch, class of ’07, 1 s [ of the past week was unusually large, Bryant, Gwynn, Abrahams, J. Ward, closed doors. The discussion gtew so major work. He took special work in last year. Each day now sees some the position as teacher of latin and and if it is continued as customary C. E. Ward, A. C. Allen, Brown, Al- warm that order was maintained with advance in details that give complete­ mathematics at St. Mary’. We also have difficulty, It was not settled, how­ throughout six or eight weeks, will give ler, and H E. Ferrin. ness to the spacious building and it will W. H. Rasmussen law strdent at a large percentage of increase over the addition of Jasper Wiliams, who ever, and still hangs fire to come up not be long until the whole house is in University of Washington, yesf may played star ball on Columbia Univers­ preceding years. The large number of again at a future meeting. The class Older. The ladies of the First Con­ was elected manager of the foot ball ity team last year. Besides these sever­ students already studying in this de­ was organized and the following oflioeis But we have gregational church of Portland have team. partment has necessitated the purchase al are eligible to foot-ball honors, with elected: President, Herb»--: Haves given furniture for the parlors which Cfc Hustle Miss Bain was in Portland Saturdiy the necessary practice. Archie Hahn is Arnston; vice president, r E. Sil- or rent of several additional pianos. will sojn be finished. They will be making the final arrangements foi tne expected the first of the week. Games There are now on the conservatory verman; secretary, Cord > l Cla ; • trev. and try to mix brains with them. homelike and beautiful. The Working I. an exhibit to be held here this se n* are scheduled with several teams of staff eight teachers. Those beginning urer, D. I. Allen; sergemt-at arm-, S. Our motto is "keep busy” and Society of the Congregational church the state. Next Saturday Pacific will 1 ester work here for the first time are Miss square dealing* B Lawrence; class po-1, F an • CLi