Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 03, 1907, Image 1

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    W ashington
attendants met the waiting groom and
best man in the back parlor which had
been tranaformed into a fairy bower
with evergreen, autumn leaves and
flowers. Rev. J. M. Barber performed
the ceremony, using the impressive
ring service.
Matrimonial M arket On Rampage all The organ played softly during the
Day Yesterday.
congratulations and after serving ice
cream and cake, songs and recitations
were given by some of the guests.
The presents were numerous and
The bride and groom took their de­
parture under the twinkling stars and
Prominent Young People of Forest through a shower of rice.
After a few days in Portland and
Grove and Vicinity Get Notion
Washington they will be at home to
at the Same Time.
their friends at Hillside.
The brides bouquet was caught by
Miss Lena Loynes and Miss* Annie
Higher and higher grew the matri­ Dunsmoor, much to the regret of sev­
monial watermark in this city yester­
eral other ladies.
day until the people got actually an­
xious as to the finale, for the flood
broke over the dam at 11 o’clock and
The first wedding of the day took
v s still raging last evening at 8 place at 11 o’clock at the home of Mr.
o’clock. It was the highest this city and Mrs. A. W. Russell, when their
and near vicinity has witnessed in the daughter Miss Mabel became the bride
memory of the oldest inhabitants five of Ora Fields, Rev. Gould officiating.
blushing brides being led to the The bride came here a few months ago
hymeneal altar by five blushing from Washington with her parents.
The groom is popular with the young
Ministers were at a premium and ! set here and The News extends con­
the price for their work good. Not a gratulations. They are now on their
groom acted like the McMinnville fel­ honeymoon, but will reside in Forest
low who passed over a dollar and Grove.
waited for the change, but they oiled
the hands of the good folk who did
Mrs. Byroads was wedded to Cap­
the tying with a nice piece of the oint­
tain Pesers of Portland. They went to
ment that speaks louder than words,
Dallas to have the knot tied and will
a n l then a chicken dinner or two were
make their home in Portland. Mrs.
the order of events.
Byroads has lived in this city for sev­
Long before night the different mer­
eral years and has many friends here.
chants had run out of “ lice” , as the
Chinaman would call it, and so great
was the drain on old shoes that many
A very pleasant occasion was the
freaks of the Fall cut of 1907 were gathering of a nice company of friends
considered obsolete and hurled after and relatives at the pretty mountain
the Mesdames and their hubbies as
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Soehren
they started away for their honey­ about two miles north of Backs, to
witness the marriage of Mrs. Soehren’s
Five in one day, think of it! Wed­
sister, Miss Elma M. Staley of Hillside
nesday, October 2, 1907, won’t that tg Mr. Harry Leiopold of Portland, on
be a date to be remembered by the Wednesday, October 2, at high noon.
future generetions of this city as along
The ceremony was performed by
with the discovery of this country by Rev. J. M. Barber, and after a sumptu­
Mr. Columbus? And if the drain on ous wedding dinner which was enjoyed
toe unmarried folks continues the way by all the happy couple took the train
it has within the last two days, for a for Portland, their future home, fol­
couple of days, how many old maids lowed by the best wishes of all present.
and bachelors will be left in town, that
Groveites Are Buying Stock.
is the question.
S. A. Milton, president of the Tean-
At high noon yesterday Miss Emma away-Roslyn Lumber & Coal Co., of
Staehr and Herbert Dale McNutt of Seattle, and W. C. Meacham of
this city were married at the beautiful Tacoma, also connected with the corn-
residence of the bride’s parents, Mr.
™ e in the city yesterday and
a id Mrs. K. N. Staehr, on Fifth street, rePort lhat several of ,he PeoPle o(
R.-v. H. L. Gould officiating. The Forest Grove and vicinity had availed
raoms were beautiful in autumn leaves. themselves of the opportunity of buy­
The bridal couple marched in, to ing some of the stock offered by this
tie strains of Lohengrin’s wedding company and which was mentioned in
march played by the bride's sister. The News last week. This company
Miss Marie. Miss Una B. Jackson of owns 2679 acres of real estate of which
Blckleton, Wash., acted as maid of 1,000 acres is coal land; 80,000 000
honor and Mr. Harold Jensen of this feet of timber, two saw mills and two
N ews
School opened Monday
Additional Local News.
When the telephone was a novelty
Ex-County Clerk Met Death in Log­ with a good attendance in the differ- there might not have been much con-
ging Camp at Buxton.
ent rooms as follows: First grade, demnation for people eaves dropping
George A. Morgan, ex-county clerk
and predecessor to Mr. Godman the
present incumbent, was instantly killed
last Monday morning at the logging
camp near Buxton by being hurled un­
der a rolling log which passed over his
body and crushed out his life.
He was associated with Lytle and
Hare in a saw mill in Hillsboro and
went out to the camp Monday morn­
His untimely death was a great
schock to his many friends and ha had
them in all comers of the county, men
who regarded him as a tireless worker,
gentleman and a man who labored for
the county’s interest.
He served as County Clerk for two
terms and was a prominent member of
the Modern Wooman
regarded as one of the influential men
of Washington County.
His funeral was held yesterday after­
noon at Hillsboro and was largely at­
tended, with interment in the I. O. O.
F. cemetery near the city.
Mr. Morgan carried a three thousand
dollar life insurance in favor of his
wife and two children who survive him.
46; Second grade, 28; Third grade,
finding out their neighbors busi-
40: Fourth grad -, 44: Fifth grade, 55; ness for they did it just to get the fun
Sixth grade, 38; Seventh grade, 36; out of the instrument, the same as we Askiny F. G. TrjnsForllon Cumja y
Eighth grade, 38; Ninth grade, 18; rode wheels for a long time. But now
tu Ballast Tracks
since it is used as a necessity and is
Tenth grade, 8; total 351.
The High School shows a greater not a novelty the time has come when
eave dropping over the phone is just j
gain than any other room.
The number registered the first as bad as peeping through the key
hole or listening to private business
week this year being 27 com­
when not said over the phone.
pared to 14 last year. There are at
least four others who will enter the
Compamy Promises to Build Line on
High School within the next few
of Portland eliminates this unpleasant i
College Way— Other
Hazel Aldrich the talented musician feature of the phone— be it known 1
however that this is not an ad for any |
of last year’s tenth grade is reviewing
company— . Why should people^ be
some of her studies.
so inquisitive about other people’s pri- j
Prof. Ben Kori has promised to talk
vale business.
They should have
The Council met ¡n specia, session
to the upper grades next Tuesday
enough business of their own to keep last Friday >t ca„ of the mayor for
moruing, at 9 o’clock. Arrangements
special business with all present but
will be made by Mr. Wilkerson to have out or other s.
treasurer Gorl.
some one speak to these grades every
Applications for water were filed by
alternate Tuesday morning. We are
Lewis and E. Saltier on seventh
more than entertained by these talks.
south of Pacific Avenue. Coun­
We are inspired with higher ideals.
Walker moved that they le
There is a scarcity of books in all
the rooms.
About 75 new volumes says that nowheie is there a place where granted on usual term and city furnisfi
will soon be added to the library. life is so sweet and the general condi J ¡n. pipe to tap main. Carried. Ap-
There are few public schools that have tions so good as in Oregon. And from plications also granted to Miss Mary
the great mfl ix of eastern people from Sias and P. Peterson for their new resi-
a better library than ours.
climates, this year, and their satis j deuces.
Likes Oregon Better.
The boys are organizing a football
we believe that our Mr. Beach
The following resolution was read-
Joseph Avery and wife of Manitoba, team. It is a rough game, but they
Council Chamber City of Forest
Canada, have been visiting at the home must engage in some sport, and that
of Mr. McKibbin having arrived from seems to be the only game suited to turn to their homes in the east because Grove Or.
John Bull’s territory recently. Mr. Av­ the season. The boys, too, are eager of homesickness, but in nine cases out j "Whereas the Forest Grove Trans-
ery when asked how long he had lived to begin their manual training, but the of ten those same people will boom 1 portation Company are tardy and neg-
in that territory replied that he and his tools have not yet arrived, and it may and boost Oregon when they return to ligent in fixing their railroad as agreed
ancestors had lived there so long that be two or three weeks before every- their old hearthstone and not only re to in the terms ol their franchise sec.
turn themselves but bring others with 4. aud “ whereas, a part of the streets
he had forgotten the date.
i thing is in readiness.
"And which country do you like the
The reorganization of our Literary them or sow the seed which will reap upon which the franchise extended are
not used at all or only in part.
better” was a question he didn’t pon- j Society will take place Friday after Oregon immigrants.
“ Resolved that the franchise so far as
der over long before the emphatic an- noon. The contest for the position of
swer came "W hy here of course.” If president promises to be very inter­ different kinds of field see ls distributed | it applies to College Way shall be null
I had the power I would take a large esting. This society will meet every among the school children with the ' and void on and after Dec. 1st. 1907;
sledge hammer and knock down the two weeks on Friday afternoon at 2:45 view of seeing who could raise the provided if the road is completed by
stakes that hold the line seperating o’clock. Visitors to these meetings best product by their care and nursing. | the above date the franchise shall be
And now next Saturnay at the reg in full force. “ Resolved, that if said
Canada from the United Slates. Back are welcome.
ular monthly meeting of Gale Grange ; tracks are not planked nor ballasted by
I will go to Canada, if the test vote
Rev. Garrigus Returns From East.
prizes will be awarded.
The child Dec. 1st. 1907 as ptovibed in sec. 4
ever comes to decide the desire of old
Rev. J. Garrigus of Fir Grove, north having the largest pumpkin will get 81 of the franchise, the recorder is hereby
Canada to be annexed to the United
of Banks, returned from his extensive and the same amount will be awarded [ instructed to take such action as will
States, back I will go and cast my bal­
trip through the middle stites Tuesday
for the best display of corn. Last rescind or forfeit the rights of the com­
lot in favor of the annexation.
and has great things tu tell of exper­
month Miss Encell Todd was given pany according to sec 17 of the fran­
the old man who always lived in Cana­
iences had there. H e had not been
the prize for the most perfect aster. chise.”
da said these words with emphasis
back for forty-two years and only met
President Haines of the F. G. T.
This is a fine scheme to get the chil­
pointing to the land of his nativity.
five people that he recognized on the dren interested in the culture of plants Company was present and explained at
streets, but scores of his friends wel­
No More the Champions.
and vegetables and those who have length the difficulties that had prevent­
The Hillsboro ball team, the alleged comed him after it was explained that pumpkins and corn should see if they ed the company from completing the
champions of the county, are no longer he was the J. Garrigus that had left for can not land one of the prizes.
planking and ballasting of their tracks
they had expected to do.
the “ its” if they were ever entitled to the wild and wooly west forty years
Two more big real estate transfers
that honor; for on last Sunday at the ago.
were made last week when W. H.
In Valisca, Iowa, he pitched his tent
county seat in the presence of a mixed
Green sold the old McCrum property
audience the Banks team snatched the during the county fair and did not get to Mr. . Fordice of Portland.
Councilmen Starrett and others ex­
eagle from the pole and he is now to see the stock exhibits because of Green purchased the property last sum­ pressed the view that they did not wish
perching on their standard.
The way the flood of old friends that crowded mer and will still remain in town. Mr to require anything unreasonable of the
his teht. Never did he lose sight of
the score stood was 11 to 9.
and Mrs. Fordice and daughter will company but were simply desirous to
while in the east. When he
’Tis true that some of the Colts
move to this city soon. Another large hai e the streets put into proper con­
played with the Banks contingent. was joshed about the mud and rain he sale was the 31<* acre farm of Mr. Lit dition as soon as possible.
Eazy Moore was on the firing line and always had some shot to hurl back at tlehale to Mr. Roberts of Dilley. Con­
Upon motion of Hollinger the Conn
Getter rece'ved them. Willie Schultz them that made them sit up and take sideration 8!6,'HH>.
Mr. Littlehale cil accepted proposition of Pres. Haines
and Bullock were there with the goods notice of things in the west.
lived on the place for five years before to lay the staight part of the track
In Indiana he says that he only saw
also. Vanblaracomb, Henderson, and
coming here: The ranch is considered along College Way before Dec. 1 1907
Carstons constituted the rest of the one tree and that was a poplar and it one of the best in Washington County. the switches and curves to be omitted
would take two of them to make a
until later.
The State Eldership of the Dunkards
City |as best man. The bridesmaids shin*le mills- dailT capacity of «0.000
Bettis was in the box for Hillsboro fence rail. 1*X) trees had been sold
Pres. Haines called attention to
is now being held at Fir Grove north
were the Misses Beatrice Olden, Carl­ feet of lumber and 1*00,000 shingles, and was knocked sky high in the eight there for 86UOO. “ The Pacific Ocean
some things connected with the man-
is the biggest thing in the world and of Banks. Each day a sermon will be agemet of the lights that he thought
ton; Faith Tandrop, Portland, Bessie donkey engine, tugboat, two stores, inning and Downs went in.
Oregon comes next,” is the way Mr. preached, the subjects to be chosen an injustice.
Ritchie of this city and the bride’s etc. 50,000 shares are being thrown
Lights at the college
In the Municipal Court.
Garrigus talked to the people in the by the individual ministers. Assign­ dormitory are not burned according to
eldest sister, Miss Anna. There were on the market at this time for the pur
ments will be made to different
pose of opening up the coal lands, and
Municipal Judge Hoge had a neigh­ east.
seventy-five guests present.
arrangement and a meter ought to be
Those in attendance are
On his return he visited friends all
Mr. and Mrs. McNutt left on the the shares are being offered at 82.00 borhood row case up before him for
put in. Business houses should turn
Reverends Garrigus, Banks; Smith,
evening train for their new home at each which accounts for the sales made settlement Saturday wherein Anna M. along the way.
off all except 50 candle power; also
Portland, McEntire. Ferndale, Wash.;
North Bend where the groom is em­ here the past few days. The par Taylor, was the complainant and
Pat Cronin who used to handle the Batson, Alfalfa; Larden, Salem. The should not use gas in store and run a
Master Tom Aeger, the defendant.
ployed in business.
big stick” in the capacity of c ity ! meetings began this morning and will few window lights all night, he said.
The bride is a charming brunette s,ood that the company guarantees a
Mrs. Taylor alleged that young marshal here was in town Tuesday and last till over Sunday,
The recorder was requested to pre­
and one of Forest Grove’s most tal­ dividend of 8 per cent from the start.
Aeger had used threatening and ob­
a list of those who have not paid
says that farming has agreed with him | The White Sewing Machine Com
ented musicians. The groom is a
George Carlton Getting Better.
scene language in the presence of her nicely. Although he has been help- pany of Cleveland Ohio, today brought special street assessments on streets
popular young man and the son of Mr.
George Carlton, the well known re­ boy Lewis, and herself, but the testi­ ing the neighbors husband their crops j an action against Geo. Patterson of that have been worked.
and Mrs. Elmer McNutt of this city.
mittance man, who was supposedly mony of the witnesses rather favored and dry hops he weighs more and feels . Hillsboro for breach of contract. The
Dr. Leonard treated The News force
fatallv b u » ed a week ago last evening, the defendant and Judge Hoge dis­ better for it. The altitude and water action was filed in the Circuit Court
watermelon the first of the week.
Wednesday night, October 2, has is apparently getting better, although missed the case admonishing both par-! is conducive to health. H e will only and the amount sued for was 8208. He thumped a half dozen and got the
been looked forward to with a great physicians say that he is liable to drop ties to go forth and sin no more.
have to live on his claim for a year as The Eclipse Paint and Manufacturing choicest in the peddler’s bunch. Dr.
The case grew out of a football
deal of anticipation by the people of off at any moment, because of weak­
his three years service for Uncle Sam Co. also filed an action against Mr told a story on himself when he was on
Hillside for the past few weeks, be­ ness of the heart. His bums are get­ game oa the lot of Mrs. Taylor. There is credited.
Patterson for breach of contract and his fathers farm in Illinois that was not
cause at 8 o’clock on that evening ting better and he is cheerful under has been considerable scrapping back
poor. His brothers had planted a nice
Mrs E. S. Bargelt, the Grand Wet- ,he amount asked for is 8108.
was to occur the maarriage of Mws the care of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hyde »nd forth and the game merely brought thy Matron of the Eastern Star, whose
Judge Card of Tacoma was out to big patch and one day his mouth was
Clarinda C. Loynes to Mr. Chas. C. and his nurses Misses Stewart and matters to a focus.
home is at Marshfield visited the local this city Monday in interests of B. F. feeling just right lor a water vegetable
Clapshaw at the home of the brides’ Buxton. In reply to Dr. Brown's tel-j Mr. Frank Fletcher is a student in chapter Saturday.
Prof. Dunn the Wagley, the vehicle man who left here so he went down to the melon yard
parents. The appointed hour arriving
Carlton s brothers in New York Whitman College, Walla Walla. Frank Grand Patron was to have been here suddenly a few weeks ago, owing some plucked a big atriped fe low of an ap­
found the home filled with interested 1a d m e d ,h e doctor to have the best of ¡, a bright student and will no doubt but received word from his home at bills here. Mr. Card got statements pealing nature and then hiked for the
Dr.’s mouth was watering
guests and at the strains of the wed-
brother and they make good with the debating team of Eugene that some of the family was ill from the different creditors.
Wagley cornfield.
pulled out h.s knife,
ding march played by Miss Bertha w0'J *d meet al‘
Whitman. He has good exremporan-! and had to depart for there.
Mrs. is in Portland according to bis state-
when it
Landis, the bride leaning on the arm
Wanted, A girl, it Hughes’ telej eous ability and that today is a mighty Bargelt spoke to the lodge an 1 a ban- ment working for the St idebaker com-
Uy before him lor n aaa a citron.
of her father preceeded
phone office
. pany.
strong feature in college debating.
quet was served.
1 -
1 .
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/ ' were