Hunters T he hunting season is about here and when you tnink of ammunition, guns, etc., come to this store where we can fill your orders promptly. W e will get your hunting license for you. Make application here. Cool evenings and chilly mornings bring to mind that your stove is not up, consequently you Ammunition fresh from factory are now wondering how you can heat your house to best advantage. kinds and prices. We have stoves of many The Universal is the best and will give out more heat with less fuel than any ,ß f The Canton Disc plow will do more and better work than any other make, besides the * easy running feature is worth the price of the plow the first season. W e bought our heaters when the price was right and can save you mo ley on your stoves this year. Our display room has all kinds and styles and we invite you to come in and see them. goods end we give you the W e have a large line of iron beds and mattings. W hen you rearrange your spare room this fall you will need advantage of the cash dis- count» something in this line. FOREST GROVE, OREGON satisfied only when you are Correspondence. to the crime. ITe would have quite SUM M ONS. E AiiKS confessed but for Aunt Sally. She re­ A new arrival in Banks, congratula­ M. E. Church fused to prosecute. She insisted that IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E STA TE O F be couldn’t be guilty, and she wasn’t < Regular preaching »ervlces at the Methodist church tions, Ervel. OREGON FO R W ASH INGTON COUNTY, going to have him bulldozed into mak­ ♦{very Sabbath at 1 1 a .m . and at 8:00 p. m. Sunda GASTON [Copyright, 1907. by McClure Newspaper ing a confession. The fellow would Miss Millie Lazo'.te of Buxton spent Em ily J . Flem ing, P laintiff, I Chool at 10 a. m.; Epworth League 7:00 p. m.; Mid week S y n d i c a t e .) vs. off!' (ervice, Thursday, 8:00 p. nt. Measles are prevalent in Gaston. Aunt Sully W arner was n pliyslogno- have been discharged on the spot, so Sunday at the home of Miss Rose James A. Flem ing, Defendant. REV. H. GOULD, Paator. far as she was concerned, hut the au- | To James A. Flem ing, the above named defendant: nilst. Whi'ii n p«Idler offered her I Sjhleg al. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby German Lutheran Church tliorlties had a suspicion that he was Gladys Everest has the measles. (roods she looked him In the face In­ vini " The German notified that the above named plaintiff has filed a com­ School will begin next Monday at Lutherans hold aervicea on the 2nd and mixed up In another case, and It was Miss Eva Bacon returned to the stead of nt tils wares and usually told decided to hold him for n few days. plaint against you in the above entitled court, and you I ith Sundays o! each month at 2:30 p. m. Grove a ;tt r spending several days with are hereby required to appear and answer said com­ him to go on. H. C. EBRLING, Pastor. Aunt Sally went home with her Jaw Gaston. ami plaint on or before the last day of the time prescribed One day u peddler came by whom “sot.'’ She had said the peddler was A. W. Henry was in Forest Grove Miss Florence Dooley of Greenville. * Christian Church. by the order of publication hereof, to-wit: on or before C she looked In the face and said: honest. She had passed her word to SCHEDULE OF SERVICES. Monday. Hop ¡s aimost a thing of the the 11th day of October, 1907. O 'l r “You nre the only holiest peddler I *Hble School, Su nd ay........................... stand l>y him. The fact that the hired i Hoppicking in this vicinity is about past with everybody's pocket book full You are further notified that if you fail t o appear and 10:00 a.m . Communion and preaching..................... man went around with a grin on his 11:00 a. m. have seen In ten years. You can bring answer the complaint herein, or plead thereto, the fi. in io r Mission Band.................................... 3:00 p. m. face angered her and made her mors | finished. me In six milk (inns." and we wish the growers the same pla'n tiff will cause your default to be entered and w ill trip Christian Endeavor................................... 6:30 p. m. pray the court above mentioned for the relief prayed “But how do you know that 1 nm determined than ever. She slept n o t' Charles Gerrish is getting out piling success. •‘r e a c h in g .................................................. 7:30 p. m. for in the complaint therein, that is to say, fo r a Judg­ all that night. She turned from! for E. L. Crocker of Hillsboro. honest?” queried the man, wondering nt Prayer meeting on Thursday night. m ent, and decree against you forever dissolving the side to side and made plans and per­ bm The School house-will be under con- If she was making game of him. REV. SI AS, Paator. bonds of matrimony now existing between the above fected them. 1 om C armichael and wile attended struction this wee t an i it will not be named plaintiff and you rself, the above named defend­ “By your looks.” Congregational Church During the next day Aunt Sally hunti- All tin peddlers buy sheepskins. ed out tiles from the tool box lu thé I the state lair at Salem last week. long before we hive a building to be ant, and for such other relief as the court may deem Sunday School , t 10 a. m. Mutnln, Preaching S o - equitable in the premises. Aunt Sally bad one nailed iqi on the - «. at 11 o'clock Evening service at 7:30 p. m. barn and made certain other prépara- | Clyde Raymond of Gaston, has just right proud of. f M'* T he date of the first publication of this summons is '~'**l\>unH People's Meeting held at 6:30 p. Mid week barn door, and after a tilt of chaffering tlons, uud at night, as soon ns the I recovered from an attack of measles. Thursday, August 22nd, 1907, and that of the last pub­ Mrs. Killingworrii’s sister was out R M » I " vice on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. ; about the price she went out to get It. hired man went to lied, she hltchsd lication hereof is Thursday, October 10th, 1907. «KV. H. W. BOYD, rasiot. leaving the man on the pUuzn. When up a horse and drove Into the village Ned Brown, the butcher, has closed from Portland last week and was a T h is summons is published by order of the Hon. J. I she returned the exchange was effected She had passed the Jail many times, his shop here owing to other business visitor in Mr. Carsten's hop yard and W. Goodin, County Judge of said County, said order usi« Free Methodist having been made in chambers, August 20th, 1907, on and the peddler departed. lie thanked and she reached It without being seen. in Portland. T h rrr »III I» p,v a c h ili atrvlcaa in Ihr F rrr Mat ho enj jyed the trip very much. account of the absence from this county of the C ircu it So far as she knew there was only I her for her compliments aud confi­ iia l Church avrty Sunday at 11 ». m. and 7:,lo p. m. Judge. one prisoner there. She couldn't tell tod; E. J. Ward went to Salem last Fri- J . q . Schulmerich and wife returned dence, and he was told t»> call again what cell he occupied, but she slanted K B V . M . K . B O W M A N , rattoy. W . H. H O LLIS. Attorney for the p laintiff. If he came that way. There was no a board against the wall and climbed i da> to attend the fair. Mrs. Ward is Monday from a visit to Mrs. Schulmer- K Christian Science. Forest Grove. Oregon. ruction uutll ah,nit sundown. Then up to one of the barred windows. It I visiting in Portland. Doc S e r v ie r, rv rry Sunday at II a. m. and 7 JO p m . j rv.ii o u u iu . They re- ich’s a aiaici sister neat near iiu Hillsboro. Aunt Sally dtscovoreil that silverware, was summer, and the sash was raised. at Ih, Chrlalian Seltn er Hall, I IS So lili Fifth S tir n T Notice for Publication. cutlery aud other thlugs were missing. As she softly called out a prisoner Rev. Edward Cunan, formerly of the p u t having had a delightful time. offic , ,. c ... ,, It had taken her alsiut fifteen min­ came to the window, and she put the Condon , Tim „ es, will K preach next Sun- Nob u ur Hill n is looking United State« Land Office, fine with the Portland, Oregon, July 30, 1907. utes to get tlm slusyiaklu. during which flies In Ills hand and said: day at the Union church. !, . , . , H two new houses nearing completion N otice la hereby given that In com pliance w ith the time the peikller was alone on the “1 am not the woman to lenve an waa The Gaston Rod & Gun club is and when Mr. Purdin gets his pretty provifion, of the'act of Congreee of June 3. 1878, en- honest man to languish In prison. Get ! piazza. She fl\-nied It out In tier own "A n act for the sale o f timber landa in the Statee day. to work with these tools and make making preparation for good shooting house moved over, it will simply be of riiled uilud that no one else could have taken your California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington T e r ri­ way out of this." What a Heap of Happiness 11 the stuff, aud she vowed to have him to r y ." as earended to ail the Public Land States by act the swel|est street in Banks. ''Woman, I'll never forget you!” on Wapoto lak« this winter. w. : of August ♦, 1892, Mark Bailey Bump of Hillsboro, pursued to the ends of the earth. Nev­ whispered Would Bring to Forsst the man. Hon. B. F . Purdy, E . J . Ward and -r. o u d o h . \ a ertheless when the hired man agnssl "No blarney, but make things hum." The Banks Base Ball team played a county of W athington, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this dice his sworn statement No. 7514, for the Grovo Homes. R. Brown were among t h o s e ____ , , e , ... .. n •„ with her and snld It was a straight Aunt Sally returned home without Mrs. purchase o f the lot five and the southeast quarter of the , , . . „ _ * . game last Sunday with the Greenville who attended the State Fair from Gas- . , - . „ „ . . case she bristled up and replied: northwest quarter of lection No. sia , in township No. discovery She got up with a smile oti team and Forest Grove Colts combined. Hard to do housework with an ach­ 3 N range No. 3 W W illam ette meridian and will offer “Jim Davis, you lire a fool! That her face and a song lu her heart but Tne score was nine to seven in favor proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ing back. peddler never took ’em. I'll wager my that lienlgn state didn't last long First F . S. Harding, who is managing of Banks. While Banks was disap- its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and II Brings you hours ol misery at leisur« life he's an honest man. Some one came it constable with the newt that to establish hls claim to said land before the Regieter he had recovered the plunder. It had uxust have climbed Into a » Itidow and been found In the hay mow of the e iitor of the Wieser Semi-weekly pointed in three of their men not be- and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th in * or at work. rot.lied the house.” November, 19 7. farmer's barn where the peddler had S gnal has been visiting his brother, ¡n|i present and had to put in three of day He of names If women only knew the cause— that as witnesses E. W . Howell, of Monntain- The hired man smiled pityingly and the Banks’ second nine. They proved d tie, Oreg . J. H. H ow ell, of Mount; Indale. C reg .. Fo Backache pains come from sick kid­ disdainfully, but hHd nothing further lodged the night of the robbery. Me E X . Harding. followed by n messenger from tbe 1 Emil Seifert of Bacona, G reg , D. D Bump of Forest b o i t neys. to say That night, however, without was Justice of the pence that the honest Mrs. H . H. Paget of near Gaston what they were capable of doing even G rove, Oregon. __ whtl u hint to Aunt Sully, he set a country Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above had made a confession A will be principal of the school here though the combination team did have described 'Twould save much needless woe. constable ou the trail. Next morning, l>eddler lands are requested to file their claim s in this Doan’s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys without « word to him. the widow went third party called to announce that a this year and Miss Etta Bear of Forest picked men Irom the two teams. i fT.ce on ur before said 9th day of November. 1907. charged with h .rse stealing ALGERNON S. D R ESSER . Register. to the village to consult the authori­ prtnoner | Lynn Bullock pitched a snappy game Mr«- Mary Bumgardner, of 42« Water Street. Sa and lodged In Jail the night before had Grove will be assistant again. (Date of first publication Aug. 29.) tom. Or«., Says " I have found One a s Kidney ties The justice of the peace and the filed off the bars of hls cell a,„| recaiu. f i l l i • remedy that la worthy o i all confident e and prosecuting attorney agreed with the ed hls liberty, leaving the f l i e s behind i Mr. Cutler, who lives four miles for Banks and Herman Bernard as tm pteaard to endorse them so that other sufferer« hired mail. They pointed out the fact from kidney complaint may know Km tc get relief was one more announcement west of Gaston has ripe strawberries catcher could not have been better, — At Bailey’s, »or ladies’ hand sewed 1 procured Doan’S Kidney f ills at a drug ttore and that It would have been utterly Im­ It There several members of our family have used 'hero n o b came Jim Davis, the hired and plants in full bloom, quite an un- The Banks team expects to cross bats goody ear welt, patent leather oxfords. possible for any oue else to commit man. He from the moat gratifying rrnulta I took •hem mvse.’f foe with the Hillsboro team next Sunday. had been down to the pas­ usual thing for September. a tired aching back and a down fe e in g Cuban heel. Blucher cut. the crime In Jier heart she thought that comes from Irregular and deranged h Inwya ture to salt the sheep and rame back so. too. lait her reputation as a physi­ The reeulra were of the beat The aching and txre- A. L. Thomas, former teacher of the to exclaim reas n erc banished and the kidneys »e re render«* ognomist » a s at stake, and she turned "Aunt Sally, some one stole our bsy Gaston schools but who will be prin­ No meeting devoted to irrigation has — Hoffman & Allen for good goods r ®ormal. My health became better ia every way.** ott them with: horse during Inst night! It -wan prob- cipal ol the schools at Cornelius this ever attracted such general attention and lowest prices. "You are a couple of Idiots to talk as ably For sale by all dealers. Price 50 throughout the United States as the fellow who broke out of Jail y you do. The peddler Is as Innocent ns Aunt the Sally Into her bedroom year, was visiting at the Hibbs home last convention of the National Irriga- When you travel the,W l!«on River Road stop at » cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, a ha lie. W hat you w ant to do Is to and sat down went for an hour to think Sunday. Nnar York, sole agents for the United look for n ts-etle I row ed man with a , lion Congress at Sr.cramento, and Ore- T he White I louse things over At the end of that time straight nose and a weak chin." * States. she rose up and said to herself; If you have real estate mortgagesr R°n '* indebted to Malheur and Klam- 32 n r lr * fr^ro Forest Grove. Rates: mes s 25c, They kgikrd for the peddler Instead, 25c. Board »ith room per week S6 00 give up that I was wrong, j for sale, call at Langley’s office. I l t 2 ath counties for making a showing lodging. K Remember the nam« -Doans— and ’earn over night, hay and grain $1.50. and they found him He was brought but “I'll I never I'll devote more time to — Mrs. F-dmondson would like to do vhich won big prizes and caused the Horse* Hay ’ lone, 75c. Hot and cold water piped no other. back In . tiVirs They didn't And the sewing guess through house. Modem bath etc. Telephone carpet rags and putting up pn-pnetor, J. F. Reeher. W ilaon. Oregon. goods on him , but lie almost confessed , pickled peaches [ work by tite day. Phone No. 392. l l t f State to be geitrously advertised. after this!" t< AT THE CHURCHES Aunt Sally’s Peddler. 1 1 io IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW j