1 / Alfred Heisler is visiting his father and picking hops. Mrs. h u ikers of Forest GET YOU A HOME Grove, $2 j OQ- - A fine home, good location, large lot. Wou d exchange fur properly of like value in Medford. visited relatives on Gales Creek Sunday. H om er Pratt of Salem, has Gales Creek been Adkins. $y5L—Good house, well located, 7 rooms electric lights, city water. was jubilant when it $'.350- Good house, well located and large lot, plenty of fruit. visiting his sister, Mrs. J. J. heard the motor line was a sure ‘ g o .” Charles Lilly returned $800--Good home, near business, corner lot. to M cM inn­ ville where he will attend school $ 50— Nice lot, fair house, choice location. this $650— Lot and fair house in good location. WANTED—Houses for tenants that are waiting winter. MONEY TO LOAN, Mrs. Jacobsen is preparing to move to Portland where she will run a board- ■ Be prepared for the ring o f the school bell. ing house. Have One of H undley’ s shot in the shoulder by the children all fitted oat, carefully and thoroughly. Don’t wait until the last moment,. Mr. cows W il­ things. Heis- lers. BOYS’ CLOTHING SCHOOL SHOES If you want to be sure of the boys’ clothing you buy— sure to get the kind that will serve most faithfully and look best while it serves— we would kindly ask you to H ave you ever tried to read, study or work with a pair of shoes on your feet that do not fit. It is really hard to even keep sweet. An ill-fitting pair of shoes are not only troublesome but they will not wear halfiso long. Here we fit your feet perfectly; give you shoes that will please. I $2.50 and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aged 13, picked 265 _____ , ^ ^ — — — i— — —— — CHILDRENS’ HOSE Did we say “ they won’t wear out?” N o but we do say that for service they are hard to beat. Such brands as Armor Plate, Eifel, Rough & Ready. Sizes 6 to 10, at 15c, 20c and 25c. — Headquarters for Tablets, Slates, Pencils and School Supplies G o o d s S till pounds in one Th" ALLEN Judge W ood of Hillsboro, ! ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G oes O n M. The talk is that the Thatcher T3 O -Q L. at the stone crusher went on a boys strike I last week. j Friday for their old where Mr. home in Canada Farthing has property t o ! Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY FINE WORK DONE CHEAP — PRICES * 8 to 15c - . . 10c Drawer* - - 10c White Waist* - 10 to 20c Soft " - White Skirt* - 10 to 50 Underskirt* - 15 to 25c - - 2Vic Undershirts - - - 8c Stocking* 2c Handkerchiefs . - 2c Collar* - - - - - - - 25c Men’s While V ein 10 15c Psnis - - 15 20c Coals . - - - 10 20c Dusters Towel* - - - 20c Do*. Napkin* - - 20c Do*. The following article* 50 c per do*. Pillow Case*. Bed Sheet*, Table Cloth*. Night Gown*. W omen’* Drawer*. Underwear, Aprons and Corsai Cov*r* Forest Grove PROPERTY % PEOPLE Large or Small Tracts Dairy, fruit and hay farms, hop yards. List your place with me and have it sold. M. L. Noble Real Estate Office Main street, one dcor north Russell's Shoe Store Forest Grove Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Forest Grov« Tim« Tabl« No. No. No. No. NONTH BOUND. 7 depart* 6:*0 a. m .t arrive* at Portland 8:00 a. m. 10:26 a. m 1 ** 8:47». m.t m m ** M 1:5 0 » m . 9 ** 1:30». m ., m M - M 5 :5 0 » » 1 '* 4 :10». m.. No N No. No. SOUTH BOUND. 2 lv. Portland 7:00 a m hr. For*»t Grore 8 3« a 8 '* “ 1 1 0 0 a. m . ar. ¡j • 4 " 4 :1 0 » . m ., hr. t# 5*0* 10 " *' 5 V » . « » • * : m. ™ »■ ■ E. C. S im pso n , Agent. W E. COMAN. General freigh t and Passenger A g ent. Portland.____________ — your — your For Sale— R eg i.ter.d J.rser bull, years and 4 months old. Inquire W. Pollock at J. F. Forbes’ ranch. 10t3 It is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad in this column. A few words her« will reach 5,000 reader* and the results ara certain. 5c line 1st Insertion, 2\b cents each subsequent insertion. Minimum charge 10 cts. White shirt Pacific Avenue l l i m n I L I a I 11 1 A baby girl is reported at the home M. m OJ di -O LL ■0) >> L Miss E. HILLSIDE Correspondence. c E The bell is now heard ringing at the , Thatcher school house. com m enced Monday. n Ö A School look after. OREGON r in the Û a j Roberts. Pechin of Nebraska, will teach. I ¡ n / ? r L I I H l I building This is a move w was caller at the stone crusher Monday. COMPANY FOREST GROVE and right direction, we want o tr straw in Mr. J. Farthing and family left last ®> Farthing Friday for their farmers have been straw sheds. moved into Mrs. Barnhard’ s house. Prices Reduced Regardless of Cost, Remember only a few days more of BARGAIN SELLING HOFFMAN J. stein calves. 12, picked 207 Mrs. Will Gillett of Astoria, is visit- S a le o f S u m m e r Mrs. Lulu, left the manure pile. George Culver, the hop drier a t ! [| ~ ......... .. . ’ I Mr. B. Goff had to take his steam Mr. Heisler s was seen the other night bojler t0 Cornelius ta t week to have a I I " A 1- --- Ct — A M — 4 C . . 1 1 t L /\ 4 rt e— K Pf t .4 ' with a coflee pot full of hot coffee in new flue put in. He has been digging one hand and a lantern in the other, a new well in the canyon and fixing up i W hen asked where he was going, he his water works, a small gasoline en- i gine does the work. replied, ” 1 am looking for the person Mr. John Loznes has been making who picked so many dirty hops.” the wood fly the past week. H e l as his new sawing outfit set in G. Lilly’ s THATCHER slashing and is now fitting up a diag We all wbh Mr. E. J. Bonshu and wife made a saw to cut large timber. him success as a wood sawing outfit is business trip to Hillsboro Monday. a boon to the farmers. Mrs. A. Agrer of Portland, has Every pa ir we sell is fully guaranteed to give good service if properly cared for no matter how low the price. New line just in for the boys and girls. T he kind that will make you look swell. Large line to select from. and day at Mr. Heisler’ s hop yard. 1.25, 1.50 2.00 and 2.50 _ season will soon be over pounds in one day and Willie Heisler, None Better $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 $5.00 and $6.00 the Norman Lilly, aged In sizes, 8 to 12 and 12 to 2. at | Mr. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith of For­ home in Ontario. W e hope too see est Grove made the campers at Mr. them back. Heislers’ hop yard a pleasant call Mr. E. Goff has lately installed a Monday. separator in his new bam. H e wants H op picking is progressing rapidly the milk to raise his thoroughbred H ol­ STAR BRAND, JOE M ILLER, UTZ & DUNN'S i -----------------------------------------— --------------------------------- I® Boys’ doubly breasted suits, in the new brown shades, Grove, Oregon Will O ’ Brien, Fred Robinson and If you want to see the finest garden Dr. MoCorperel of Portland, went hunt­ truck going, call and see M. M ickle. ing and fishing over on the Wilson Ri­ We hid the pleasure of a visit from ver. the condenser man last week. Come Mr. and Mrs. Walton of Portland again soon and tell us some more good W e have plan­ are visiting their sister Mrs. Will Boys double breasted dark mixed 2-piece suits for Phone 294, Forest an unknown lia m s and picking hops at Mr. m trya Real Estate, w as: character. ned for your needs and are ready to help you. £gj THOMAS £ HOSE N -M iw •rH £ a lì o to O O PQ to 0> o ’C f t of Green Lilly. BUXTON Farmers are all busy plowing and FOR SALE.— Thoroughbred regis­ The Manning school begins Sept. sowing tares for hay. tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy 30. Mrs. Goff, Sr. and daughter, Mrs. cattle which have the highest test in “ W A N T E D — Salesmen. Many make A . Matthews have been visiting friends Everybody is returning from the hop the county. Address box 16 R. r’. D. $100 to $150 per month, som e even yards. at Hillside. No. 1. Cornelius. tf more. Stock clean; grown on reserva- The hotel in Buxton is now in tion, far from old orchards. Cash For Rent— Tw o good farms. In ­ | advanced weekly. C hoice of territory. charge of Emmett Q uick. \ Address Washington Nursery Company, quire W . H . M cEldow ney, Forest Tw o brothers of S. Paisley, came out Grove. 12t2 Toppenish, Washington.” last week from Dubuque, Iowa. ‘5 0 j FOREST GROVE Wanted— One woman to assist in F o r R e n t o r S a l e — T ent 12x24. Mrs. J. Mills and daughter, Lulu kitchen work at Herrick Hall. For Inquire at Pacific Art Studio. 8-tf took a trip to Hillsboro Monday. particulars inquire of matron. 12t2 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stewart and Mr. FOR SALE— G ood work horse well For Sale— 4 j cords of dry fir wood Dave Breidly of Portland Sunday. broke,and set of new work harness— sawed in stove length. Mrs. A. Bul­ never been used. On the Old Carey Edgar Hannan will give a dance in lock, North 4th Street. 12t2 ; Porter place. 8-tf the new hall, Saturday, September 28. Auction Sale— The undersigned will sell at public auction on the premises 4 j miles west of Forest Grove on the Gales Creek road, on the old Burk place, on Saturday, Sept. 28. beginning at 10 o ’ clock a. m. sharp, the following j property to-wit: Nine head of horses, one gray horse six years old, weighs about 1400; one sorrel horse 11 years old, 1150 lbs; sorrel mare and one brown mare, sorrel horse nine years old, weighs 1500; two yearling colts, two j spring colts, 20 head of cattle consist- mg of five milk cows three giving milk since the first of July, two dry cows will be fresh in D ecem ber, three com ing three year old heifers will be fresh the \ last of D ecem ber, eight yearling heifers, ! three yearling steers, one Champion binder, one M cCorm ick mower and rake, two three and a quarter Rushford wagons, plows, harrows and other ar- ! tides too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and less, cash. Over $10 one year’ s time, notes 8 per cent interest, with approved security. Property to be settled for before be­ ing removed. E. H . Burk, Owner. J. W . H ughes, Auctioneer. G eo. Naylor, Clerk. For Sale.— Three good milch cows. R. W . Traver, west end Third avenue North. 12t3* Auction Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bundy of Ray, N. D ., are visiting with their uncle, J. T . Lucas. The mother of Mrs. Sam Stowell ar­ rived last Saturday having com e alone I will offer at public auction on the from South Dakota. the A. H . Johnson place, about 3 j miles southeast of Gaston and one mile j Work was resumed M onday at the east of Wapato station on Wednesday, ' Donald Lumder Co. which closed down O ctober 9, the following described j during hop picking property, to-wit: I 4 Horses— 1 sorrel mare 5 years old W . Hanlon of the P. R . & N. left weighs 1400, 1 sorrel mar# 12 years this week for Pullman, W ash., where ' old weighs 1000, 1 brown mare 12 he will attend school this winter, : years old weighs 1200, 1 bay horse 3 Mrs. M. Parker of Greenville came I years old 1150, 1-2 year old, 1 sucking up Sunday to take care of her sister j colt: 9 milch cows, 4 of these fresh. 3 2 year old heifers, 4 yearling heifers, Mrs. Charlie Peterson who is very ill. 2 steers, 5 calves; 19 hogs; 1 binder, Mrs. John Beck of Portland, accom - ’ 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 drill, 2 culti­ panied by her two children, is spending l vators, 1 drag harrow, 1 disc harrow, 1 disc plow, 1 roller, 1 3 i Studebaker a few days with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. i wagon, 1 l j M ilbum wagon, 1 low N. R. West. truck wagon, 1 fanning mill. Hay fork Gladys and Neil Crossley who have j and rope, 3 acres potatoes, hay and been staying with their grandfathers, oats, 1 6-bottle milk tester, 2 14-inch plows, 3 sets work harness; cross cut Tus Hines, left Saturday with their fa­ $1090— Cottage and furniture, five rooms and attic, two lots, chicken park and fruit; $340 cash. Box 131, For- H olm an & Allen Co. will buy est Grove, Oregon. * llt 2 pears and apples. ----------------- —----------------------------------------- For Sale— G ood h on e. Inquire o f ; Try Schultx’ s ground bone lor F. W . David. 12t2* It will make them lay. hens. saw. 1 30-gallon iron kettle, household and kitchen furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale:— All sums under $10 cash. Over $10, one years’ time without interest if paid at maturity, otherwise 8 per cent interest, Free lunch at noon. P. W . W a t k i n s , Owner. J. W . H ughes, Auctioneer; G eo. Naylor, Clerk. ther for Tacoma. Marion Crawford took a trip back to Denver, Colo, with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. McElwan, who visited few days with Lew Crawford, a GALES CREEK Born to the wife of Green Lilly, Sept. I 14 a daughter. Real Estate Qo K. N. S ta eh r F elix V erliotven O F F I C E TIT T H E B A X T t T f R . N E X T T O F O S T O F F I C E Som e of this w eek's Bargains Twenty acre farm, 4 miles from here; 15 acres cleared, house and barn. $ 1 3 0 0 takes it; 8500 down, balance on 6 per cent. Forty acre farm with good house and barn for only # 1 0 0 0 . Good 6 room for $650. house in town 60 acres of land, 6 miles front Carlton with good house and barn, 25 acres in cultivation, 20 acres slashed, balance in timber. G ood orchard with fine fruit. Price $1800. Will exchange for Forest Grove property. Fifty-three acie farm, with house and barn 4 miles front Gas­ ton; 40 acres in cultivation; bal­ ance in good pasture. H orses, cows, chickens and farm in iple- ments go with the place. All for $3 00 0; $1800 cash, ba lance to suit. G ood new 6-rocm house, hard wood finish, hot and cold water, bath a. s. f. è acre lot with beau­ tiful shade trees,. G ood barn. Price $1*00. Thirty-eight acre fruit farm, 3 miles from Forest Grove, with $1500 house and good newha-n. 2000 grape vines, 900 prune trees, 100 bartlett and 300 other bearing fruit trees. This place will bring its owner a yearly in­ c om e ol $1 80 0. Price $5000. Half down. Eighty acre dairy farm, 6 miles out with good buildings and fine orchard. Price $4000. Six room house with barn ( >n good corner lot for sale for $725. Forty-nine acres, 1 mile from Gales City, 23 acres cleared of rich bottom land, balance in timber, 4-room house and new ham, their cost $500. IS ton of good hay in barn go with place. T eleph on e in the house. Only $ 2000 . . Kighty-acre farm, ->4 m iles from Forest Grove, 30 acres cleared, 30 acres slashed, bal- House and ance in timber, Good orchard, g ood barn. G ood spring by the house. I f „ M M o ., Sep, 30. I * » it This nlace is on milk route. Houses for Rent