from stable. Use land plaster daily in lime and sulphur solution spray, 3 bar­ gutter and on floor. rels lime, 770 lbs. sulphur, household and kitchen furniture and other articles MILK HOUSE BUSTER too numerous to mention. 10. Have a light, clean, well ven­ Terms of sale:— Under 810, cash. tilated and screened milk room, located Over $10, one year's time on bankable so as to be free from dust and odors. BLUE RIBBON 11. Milk utensils should be made note at 8 per cent interest. 2 per Forest Grove Shoe Store Only Four More Days In w h ic h y o u can get THE NEWS fo r $ I Per Year. Y ou Better W. H. HOLLIS. Hurry! Tax Notice. The taxpayers of Washington Coun- | ty, Oregon, are hereby notified that LAWYER^ the last half of their taxes for the year I Real Estate and Corpo­ OFFICE over 1906, and levied in January, 1907, Rules for Dairymen. ration Law a Specialty. Hines' Stör« are now payable and will become delin­ quent on the first Monday in October, Oregon Instructions from the dairy division, Forest Grove, - 1907, at which time interest at the Uuited States department of agriculture, rate of 12 per cent, per annum will be charged, in addition to 10 per cent to dairymen, and which the division l penalty, which said interest will be urges should be posted in every barn F A S H I O N S T A B L E S computed from the first Monday in where emDloyes can see them, are as Pacific Ave. Ferait Giova April, 1907. follows: Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, August fCeat Turnouts T H E COWS. 30, 1907. HANCOCK GORDON Dairymen's Corner BROWN of metal and all points smoothly sol­ dered. Never allow utensils to be­ come rusty or rough inside. Use them only for handling, storing or de livering milk. 12. To clean dairv uteusils, use only pure water. First rinse the uten' sils in warm water. Then wash in­ side and out in hot water in which a cleaning material has been dissolved, and rinse again. Sterilize with boiling water or steam. Then keep inverted in pure air and sun, if possible, until wanted for use. MILKING AND HANDLING MILK. 13. Use no dry, dusty food just previous to milking. 14. The milker should wash his hands immediately before milking, and milk with dry hands. H e should wear a clean outer garment, kept in a clean place when not in use. Tobacco should not be used while milking. 15. Wipe the udder and surround­ ing parts with a damp cloth immed iately before milking. 16. In milking be quiet, quick, clean and thorough. Commence milk­ ing at the same hour every morning and evening, and milk the cows in the same order. 17. If any part of the milk is bloody, stringy or unnatural in appear­ ance or if by accident dirt gets into the milk pail, the whole should be re­ jected. 18. Do not fill cans in the stable. Remove the milk of each cow at once from the stable to the milk room. Strain immediately through cotton flannel or cotton. Cool at 50 degrees Fahrenheit as soon as strained. Store at 50 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. 19. Never mix warm milk with that which has been cooled, and do not al­ low milk to freeze. 20. A person suffering from a dis­ ease, or who has been recently exposed to a contagious disease, must remain away from the cows and the milk. More New Stock. Ì SHO ES cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon, w. H. S t r a t t o n , Owner. J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. A. T. Stratton, Clerk. Large Crowd Delighted. Rev. A. J. Folsom, superintendent of the Congregational H. M. society, who recently served a popular pastor­ ate in Omaha, delivered a splendid ad­ dress at the Congregational church in Hood River Thursday evening, on the subject, “ Our Heritage.” He held his hearers spellbound as he presented his theme with earnestness and ele­ gance of language. Dr. T. C. Douglass was to have de­ livered the address of the occasion, but was unavoidably detained in Seattle. At the close ot the services in the church, the congregation was invited to attend a reception at the Congrega­ tional manse at which Rev. Folsom was the guest of honor. The large crowd that attended the social had a royal good time under the efficient di­ rection of Rev. Gilmore and wife.— Hood River News Letter. is a place where you can buy shoes No mix up here A ll S h o e s You know Emerson says: “ If you preach a better ser­ mon, write a better book, or make a better mouse trap than your neighbor though you build your house in a wilderness, the world will make a beaten path to your door.’’ I guesss it’s a fact. The\ seem to be making tracks to wards the SHOE STORE where you can get as gooc shoes as can be had in th< W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & Assessors Notice. $3.50, DR. R EED S’ CUSH­ (Equalization of 1907 Assessment.) ION SO LES & A. A. CUT To the Tax payers of Washington T E R S heavy wear shoes. County, Oregon: Notice is hereby given that the with all the nove'ties in fint Board of Epualization for Washington shoes. County, Oregon, will convene at the Clerk’s office at the Court house in Hillsboro, on the 21st day of October, 1907, the same being the third Mon­ day in said month and the time fixed by law for the meeting of said Boa:d of Equalization, which will continue its sessions from day to day, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, until the examination and corrections and equalization of the assessment rolls for said year shall be completed; which said Board will continue in session for one month from said date, unless the labors thereof are sooner completed. Petitions or applications for the re­ duction of a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the applicant or his attorney, and filed with the Board during the first week it is bv law required to be in session, and any petition or applica­ tion not so made, verified, and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Board. Ed Goff of Hillside, has just re­ ceived another registered Holstein which he will add to his herd. This time he received a 3 months old heifer calf from the Pierce Land and Stock Company of Stockton, California. The mother of this animal was imported from Holland and is one of the best in G eorge H. W ilcox , this country. Mr. Goff intends to Assessor for Washington County, keep adding to his herd until he has Oregon. 12t4 one of the best dairy ranches in this part of the state. H e is certainly POINTED PARAGRAPHS. starting right. jer un­ ites got the and :ts” the .34 .52 .4 7 .60 .60 .54 .53 In fact without any boasting yc have right here in the Forest Grovt Shoe Store as good and large an as sortment as you will fiud in an' town four times the size. .49 BUSSELL THE SHOE MAA The citizens of the great Harm y country have made an urgent appeel to the prople of all parts of the State to make a special effort to visit Bums October 7th to 12th, when the Fair is in session, and see the products ol Oregon’s b'ggest county. An effort will be made to send a delegation from Portland. Artesian water has been found at a depth of less than 300 feet in Harney Valley and the people are rejoicing. At least ten towns in Oregon have established permanent exhibit rooms at which good speci.. ens ol fruits, veg­ J. w. C o n n e l l , 1. Have the herd examined at Sheriff of Washington County, Ore­ etables and other products are shown. least twice a year by a skilled veterina­ gon. Others are making a temporary show­ rian. Promptly remove animals sus­ iESTA B LISH E D IS««.) ing on account of the large number of Time for Closing Mails. pected of being in bad health. Never Forest Grove, Oregon colonists taking advantage of the low Following i i hours for closing add an animal to the herd until certain A general banking business transacted rates now on, and in each instance it mails: Interest paid on time deposits. it is free from disease, particularly tu­ gives the new-comers a place to con­ Eastbound Southbound berculosis. Accounts invited. centrate, where they are assured a wel­ 8 a. tn. 8 a. m. 2. Never allow a cow to be excited Y our »on» p ro b a b ly p le a se you a s come, and as a result a large majority 12.50 p. tn. 5 p. m by fast driving, abuse, loud talking or — Dr. C. L. Large reports a daugh­ w ell a s you p lea se d y o u r fa th e r. 3.30 p. in. I f you d o n ’t look c a re fu lly u f te r y o u r locate permanently. unecessarv disturbance; do not expose ter weighing nine pounds, born to Mr. Greenville and Buxton, 9 a. m. For the Best. Up-to-date Work. ow n nffulrs, w ho do you Im ag in e w ill? Gales Creek, 12:50 p. m. her to cold and storms more than nec­ and Mrs. Roy Tolson of Gales, on the Baths. Pacific A ve, Forest Grove. A good ninny people try to a d m in is te r H . C . ATW ELL, P. M. essary. 20th inst. Parties wishing the attend­ fo rg iv e n e ss a n d p u n is h m e n t a t th e Notice. A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor 3. Clean the entire body of the ance of Dr. Large in this class of cases, aum e tim e. Beginning October 1, 1907, the — Brick for sale at Peterson’s $7 per A b o u t all Rome m en g e t for th e ir cow daily; hair in the region of the ud­ will greatly oblige him, if convenient, subscription price of The Washing­ thousand. effo rts to be dignified is a re p u ta tio n S . A . M o u lto n der should be kept short by clipping. by engaging his services two or three o f h a v in g th e sw elled head. ton County News will be $1.50 per — Bring your wool and mohair to us. year. This rise is due to the fact Thm 4. Do not allow any strong flavored T h e g re a te s t triu m p h fo r a boy Is months prior to the expected event. We will give you the most for it.— that the cost of everything that th e privilege o f b ein g a c c e p te d ns a n food, like garlic, cabbage or turnips to Leading T on son allst : Bailey’s. Public Sale. e q u al by boys so m e w h a t o ld er th a n goes into th# making publish­ vt h im self. — Brick at Peterson's yard $7 per be eaten, except immediately after ing a newspaper has so far advanced At the residence of W. H. Stratton, F o re s t O ro vt milking. Changes in feed should be D on’t beg in to w o n d er how o th e r j thousand. that the rise is absolutely neces­ Cornelius, Oregon, at 10 o’clock, on people c an affo rd so m a n y th in g s th a t sary. Print paper has advanced , — Money to loan on farm security made gradually. you c a n ’t ufford. T h a t Is a big sto p In from time to time until now it is R . INIXOiX, D e n t i s t I W. H . Hollis. 5. Provide fresh pure water in abun­ Saturday, October 19, 1907, the fol­ th e d irec tio n of g ro w in g e n v io u s a n d 4 j cents per pound whereas it used — Men'« patent leather button three dance, easy of access and not too cold. lowing property, to-wit: sour. Forest Grove, Oregon to be purchased for 2 cents. This Horse and yearling heifer, two cows, quarters boxing cloth top, very neat W e h a v e n o tic e d th a t p e o p le w h o d o T H E STABLES. and other rises cannot be met OxfoTds at Bailey’s. O FFIC E Three 4 om m ot tfjilx y '« «tor«. Ofl 3 spring calves, cow 8 years old, fresh; e x a c tly ns th ey p lea se , w h e th e r th e ir h n u t J ’ i fwr « A M. ■*> « P M. without materially lowering the frie n d s like It o r n o t, g e t a lo n g a b o u t 6. Dairy cattle should be kept in — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and cow 6 years old, fresh, No. 1; cow 3 sta- da-1 of The News which we re as w ell ns th o se w h o a re a lw a y s tr y in g a stable, preferably without cellar or I Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ years old, fresh; heifer will calf Dec. to p le a se .—A tc h iso n G lolie. frain irom doing. That the News is pliances in office. Calls answered storage loft, and where no other ani­ 22, heifer will calf March 3, ’08; heifer one of the best country papers pub­ I night or day. mals are housed. lished in this state goes without T o b a c c o S m o k e P o is o n o u s . calf eight months old, gasoline spray­ It Is o fte n s a id t h a t to b a c c o sm o k e —Roy Watkins has opened a bicycle | saying and we feel confident that 7. The stable should be light (four ing outfit o d trucks, gasoline dray and V eternary Surgeon. l shop Is a p o w e rfu l g e rm icid e . T he com ­ back of the Oregon Land Com- j square feet of glass per cow) and dry, our patrons will gladly a'dde by the circular sawing outfit on trucks com­ p o sitio n o f to b ac co sm o k o is co m p lex , rise in price which is imperative. Office at Hancock & Gordon’s livery ] pany’s office and is prepared to do all with at least 500 cubic feet of air plete, feed cutter, one cierd mill new, th e p rin c ip a l c o n s titu e n ts b e in g o ils o f From now until the above date The i kinds of work. tf stable. a ta r r y n a tu re . N ic o tin e its e lf Is a space per animal. It should have air 1 timber jack stump puller, 100 feet News can be had at $1 per year — Men’s canvas oxfords also canvas s tro n g g e ru iirid o , h u t th e q u a n tity of Calls promptly attended to Day or and we trust that all will take ad shoes the latest styles swing and | inlets and outlets, so arrsnged as to of hose, Bain 2 j in. single wagon, 3 in tills poison In to b ac co sm o k e Is m lu iitu Night. vantage of the hour and secure it straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey’s. give good ventilation without any wide tire Mitchell half truck wagon, T h e oily m a tte r w hich a c c u m u la te s In another year at the old price. — We have always paid the high­ drafts of air on cows. new; two seat buggy, heavy single har­ a to b a c c o p ip e Is h ig h ly p o iso n o u s, b u t does n o t c o n ta in a n y a p p re c ia b le q u u u est for wool and mohair.— Bailey’s. 8. The floor should be tight and ness, two 350 egg Petaluma incubators, tity o f nico tin e, th e c h ie f c o n s titu e n t constructed preferably of cement; the nearly new; 120 egg Chatham incuba­ o f th is re s id u e b e in g a v e ry p o iso n o u s C rD U p K now ing what It Is *• tuff*». I will f t* « Final Notice. i FR EE OF CH AB GS. m any a fl;c tc 4 a past* i walls and ceilings should be tight, tor, 3 brooders, 12 in. plow, nearly oil k n o w n a s p y rid in e . T o b a c c o sm o k e liv e eure for E c iem a , Salt Rheum . E ry tlg elaa. P U « c o n ta in s a d e cid ed q u a n tity o f c a r H etic« Is h ereb y f iv e » th st C h srle# H in e s a n d C icero n d Skin Dtseaaea. ins tarn relief D oa’t tu ffe r nm gm clean and free from cobwebs, and white , new; 50 tooth steel lever harrow, 2 b o n m onoxide, w h ich Is n p r e s e r v a tiv e W rite F W . W ilU a a a . 400 M anhattan A venue. New H in e s, e x e cu to rs of th e e sta te o f Thom s« M H in e s, d e­ T o rt Hare as few cultivators, one 14 tooth; two 30 gal a n d w hich m u st p o ss e s s g e rm ic id a l ceased, h a v e filed th e ir Anal rep o rt and th a t M onday, the washed twice a year. p ro p e rtie s . O ne o f t h e p rin c ip a l c o n ­ But we have JOtb day e f S ep tem b er, 1907, at 10o 'c lo c k a m. o f said dust catching ledgei, projections and iron kettles, 10x12 tent, pair 2500 lb s titu e n ts a c c o u n tin g fo r th e g e rm ic id a l day ie set for th e final b e a rin g o f said re p o rt. W h e re ­ —See Hoffman & Allen’s windows. fore a n y o n e h a v in g object tens to said re p o rt w ill flic corners as possible. Push H u s tle wagon springs, 800 pound platform p ro p e rtie s o f to b a c c o sm o k e is th e p o w ­ They contain new creations in skirts th e acm e in w ritin g w ith th e C ounty C ourt on o r befo re 9. Allow no dusty, musty, or dirty scale, 12 in. plow and harness, jointer, e rfu l n n tls e p tlc fo rm a ld e h y d e .—N ew said date. and try to mix brains with them. of all kinds. litter, or strong smelling material in the 50-tooth steel harrow, 12 in. steel beam Y ork H e ra ld . CH A R LES H IN ES Our motto i* “ keep busy" ai d — Men’s gun metal, Blucher cut CICERO H IN E S stable. Haul manure to the field daily, Oliver plow, 50 strawberry crates with “ square d ia ing.” H it Logie. oxfords, medium high heel the latest | E x ecutor« of th e e sta te o f Thom as M .H inee, deceased. or store under cover at least forty feet cups, two cross cut saws, two barrels L a n g le y k Son. A tto rn e y s A k e e n b u sin e ss m un Isju g h t a t a at Baileys. If you wish to get good farm low p ric e a t h e a te r t h a t h a d lo n g been lands and make i some money u n p ro fita b le a n d by e co n o m ica l m a n ­ now is your time, and we are a g e m e n t p u t It im m e d ia te ly on a p a y ­ the people, for we have the in g b a sis. B u t he w a s v ery e co n o m i­ bargains. c al. H e w a tc h e d th e e x p e n s e s w ith th e s h a n ic s t eye. T h e first m o n th 's Who »re we? Why Just the E . W . H a in e s B a n k e *• l- a. ?o >1« ch ite .50 .53 .41 .48 .49 .50 Ï „ou* City Shaving Parlors Dr. J. H. Knox, D, V. S, Eczema and Pile Cure e x p e n se a c c o u n t c o n ta in e d th e Item : " M e a t fo r c a ts, to p ro te c t th e sc e n e ry a n d p m [ie rtle s fro m th e r a ts ' ra v a g e s. $2 '’ T h e p ro p rie to r s tru c k th is Item • u t. w ritin g on th e m a rg in : “ I f th e cat* e a t th e ra ts , w h e re fo re th e m e a t? I f th ey d o n 't, w h e re fo re th e c a ts ? " Fi » ' ‘ inCo »fpie ret* •f h WE HAVE NO PULL A OREGON UNO COMPANY U Fo est G rove * Oregon