E S T A B L IS H Washington County News S M A L L F O R A R B IT R A T IO N Tells Operators President Roosevelt Can End Strike. OREGON STATE HENS OP INTEREST Hague p r iz e c o u r t . Peace Conference Votes on Great Tribunal. »¡LL PROTECT CHINA The Hague, Sept. 23. The sixtli plenary sitting of the peace conference Chicago, Sept. 24.—“ I have positive tedav attracted an unusuully large au­ F O R E S T G R O V E ......... O R E G O N inside information that the coinpan it - dience. The members of the Interna­ E A R N IN G S O F S L E E P E H S . easy to g et c a r s . tional Seismologioal and Dairy con­ are reedy to arbitrate, and I predict to gresses, which were meeting here, were you now that you will all be at work Pullman Company Reports to State Line Proves Great Aid to present. In the course of the discus­ Railway Commission. within ten days, and that victory will Trolley Freewater Shippers. sion regarding the establishment of an Salem— The state railway commis­ be yours.” , Freewater — The several packing sion has issued an order extending the international prize court, Benor F.steva This was the information given cut (Mexico) announced that the Mexican by President S. J. Small, of the strik- houses in this city have about complet­ time given the transportation compan­ delegation would now vote ill favor of ed their season's prune packing and ing commercial telegraphers, ut the ies of the state to file their annual re­ best attended meeting held since the will now begin on the apple crop. ports to October 10. Only six compan­ the proposition, as tlie modification Japan Blustered About S ch o o l Q u es­ strike was declared. There were loud Over 100 carloads of fruit, chiefly ies sent reports, the Wellp, largo, the permitting a country interested in a tion in C alifornia Only to Get •aee to have its own judge on the tri­ A R siu m a o f the Less Important but cries of “ No arbitration” when Presi­ prunes, peaches, pears and plums, have Denver A Rio Grande, the Salem, rails Free H and in China. bunal lurgely does away with the objec­ dent Small began speaking, but these been shipped from here during the past City A Western, the Pullman, the Cen­ Not Lesa Interesting Events tionable features of the earlier pr< po­ 20 days over the O. R. A N. and the grew weaker as he said: tral Railway Union, and the Oregon A o f the Past Week. “ I think I have heard that cry be­ Walla Walla Valley trolley line via Sunset Logging company of Clatskanie. sition which he said contravened tiie San Francisco, Sept. 24.—That tiie fore, but I want to say something on the Northern Pacific. Letters have been received from the principle of the equality of nations. The shipper-i say that since the ad­ Portland Railway, Light A Power com­ Senor Esteva addl'd that while Mexico Japanese question has not been settled the ether side. If President Roosevelt An Anglo-Rusaiau treaty has been should ask the companies to arbitrate, vent of the traction company ami their would support the preposition to estab­ pany and the Rogue River Valley Rail­ signed. and they consented, what position ability to furnish Northern Pacific re­ road company saying reports liad been lish a prize court, she did not withdraw but is merely in its infancy is tiie be­ frigerator cars, troubles have ended re­ sent, but so far they have not been re­ tier opinion, repeatedly expressed, lief of a large number of naval officers Rebel Moors have at last accepted would it place you in if you refused’.’’ against the project to establish an in­ »ho have arrived at San Francisco with 1 don’t know that you will gel a garding the securing of cars as the O. ceived. the French terms of peace. ternational oouit of permanent arbitra­ the udvance guard of the fleet that is to K. A N. agents have “ loosened up chance to arbitrate," Ire said as the The Swift Refrigerator Transporta­ The San Francisco city jail has been cries continued. “ If Colonel dowry wonderfully, and even take the trouble tion company tiled its report under tion, if bassd on a principle contrary be mobilized in Pacific waters. Ac­ condemned as unsafe. has his way about it you won’t be given to call up the growers over the long protest, as not being a common carrier. to tiie equity cf tho states. cording to these authorities, the fleet Heney feels confident of convicting the ciiar.ee. We have had some bitter distance telephone to ask if they can The proposition to establish an in- The Sunset Logging company reports Tirey L. Ford, of the United Railwnys, experence with arbitration, but if it supply them cars. Such a state of earnings of $10,‘J14.05, operating ex­ ternational prize court was ultimately bus lieen ordered to the Pacific not so now on trial. comes this time with the stamp of the affairs has heretofore been unknown in penses $84,810.88, a deficit of $53,- approved, Brazil alone casting a vote much as a warning to Japan for her against it. Russia, Japan, Siam, Ven­ paet actions as for a flouting protest Standard Oil lawyers say it is not United States government on it^ I be­ this city, and of course the shippers 8 !)«. 83. lieve we can afford to accept it.’’ appreciate it. the policy of that company to drive Tire Pullman company gives its gross ezuela, Turkey and Persia abstained against her contemplated seizure of China. In faet, those naval men inter­ Although he did not say so, Presi­ The apple crop is a good one and top earnings in operating cars wholly in from voting. rivals to the wall. dent Small gave the inference that Pres­ notch prices have already been ottered Oregon at $57,479.08, gross earnings On the motion of President Nelidoff, pret tiiat the presence of tiie fleet on The Russian government has resum­ ident Roosevelt was in a fair way to and accepted. The apple trees have the resolution in regard to convening tliis side of tiie continent as a message ed its policy of shooting suspected re­ end the strike. He said it had already lieen well sprayed this year and the on all lines entering Oregon $1,373.- the third peace conference, introduced to Japan clearly saying: “ Thou sliait 840.04, Oregon’s proportion of the volutionists without trial. good derived thereby is already allowing cost the companies $ 12 , 000 , 000 . September 19, was unanimously adopt­ not steal China.” Chairman Wesley Russell said the itself by the absence of scale. There latter $323,289.49, receipts from car ed, together with the expression of These authorities bring forward a The United States Circuit Court of mileage on lines entering Oregon Appeals has decided that the Great cotton growers of the South are clamor­ will lie over 100 car loads of apples $711.74, Oregon’s proportional share gratitude to Emperor Nicholas, as tiie number of interesting facts to support Northern must pay its tine for giving ing for better telegraph facilities, and from this point. Hay shipments are $80.34; total expenses of operation initiator of tiie conference and to Queen their contention. In the first place that many Southern associations had becoming general, the rancherB con­ they point out that a treaty existed be­ rebates. $859,356, Oregon’s share $197,037.26; Wilhelinina for her hospitality. ap|>ealed to President Roosevelt. The Prior to the vote, M. Tsukui, head of tween the United States and Corea Pennsylvania and Kansas are assured situation, he said, looked decidedly signing their hay to points on Puget property owned by the company in sound where prices are good. tiie Japanese delegation drew cordial which was tiie nearest thing to an alli­ of a 2 -cent pasHengear rate by action of Harvesting has begun on the third Oregon used in the operation of cars applause because of his expression of ance that the United States has under­ the executive oiiicials of the roads in­ hopeful. $112,25175. The cost of the cars could M. J. Reidy, of lioston, and S. K. alfalfa crop which promises to be above appreciation of the personal initiative taken. This treaty under a possible terested. not be stated. Konenkauip, of Pittsburg, [members of the average y ield. of Emperor Nicholas in bringing about construction pledged tiie American The Standard Oil announces that as the national executive board, said the government to protect Corea against the meeting of the convention. C a n ’t Get Care at Albany. soon as present suits are finished it strike would be over in two weeks. Money in Clover Seed. just such a coup as Japan lias carried Albany—Though local shippers of will reorganize and enlarge its ccapital, Albany—Local dealers are building perishable goods are successful in get­ to a successful lonclusion. It is said »Iso that earnings will lx) published. J O H N D. T O T E S T IF Y . up a lucrative business in handling the ting cars, the car shortage for grain tliut immediately alter the Portsmouth H A G U E M E E T IN G B A R R E N . clover need produced by the growers shippers is now worse than ever. Pres­ treaty was signed, in which, by the Judge Lochien, of the United States court, has issued an injunction which Delegations Go to Peace Conference of this section. Carter A Robson, of ent conditions here are pronounced Federal Government W ants to Know way, Japan guaranteed the independ­ this city, have made a specialty in sup­ worse than that which prevailed last ence of Corea, tiie island empire busied suspends the Minnesota rate law pend­ Of Standard Oil. Without Preparations. plying alsyke ami red clover seed to one year, so far as grain dealers are con­ herself tying the hands of all the big ing a final settlement of the case in the New York, Sept. 23.—John D. Rock­ FI iropeau powers by means of treaties The Hague, Sept. 24.—After having of the largest seed concerns in Wiscon­ oourts. cerned. Now the condition has readied been in session for over three months, Should it lie possible to obtain such a point that exporters of grain efeller, genius extraordinary of the and alliances. Tiie United States gov­ Grover Cleveland’s illness has be­ and adjurnment probably a month in sin. the cars, a total of 240,000 pounds wi l cannot even get cars for Oregon ship­ gigantic Standard Oil trust, will be ernment was tho only big power with come very serious. forced to take the witness stand and un­ the exeption of Germany not included the distance, it is recognized generally have been sent to Milwaukee by the ments. It is only in the paet few days A mining plant at Jonplin, Mo., has and even by the most optimistic in the end of this week. The local film seeks that this condition lias existed gene­ der oath divulge certain secrets of tiie in this arrangement. combination’s history, which he, better peace movement, that the Becond inter­ to purchase sufficient seed to make out been blown up by dynamite. Tiie naval officers above referred to rally, though one shipper has had an than any other, is able to render ac­ national peace conference lias been and The king of Siam is visiting in Ger­ will lie at its conclusion, barren of re­ a shipment of seven carloads with order in for 25 days for one car for an curately. Other leading figures in the give it as their opinion that the ill feel­ total valuation ol atiout $25,000. This ing Btirred up between the United many and spending money lavishly. sults leading to permanent measures of opens up a new market for the clover Oregon shipment and no car has come. trust, who, it w*s expected, would es­ States and Japan was the work of the Several orders have been in a week and Chicago, Milwakuee A St. Paul offi­ lienetit to the praee of the world. cape the ordeal, also will be called to Japanese government. seed mised in this section and will While Japan Even the proposition for a future have a tendency to strengthen the local are not being realized. cials expect to sen that road fininshed lace Deputy Attorney General Frank was belligerently protesting against the meeting of the conference, which was market and bring the top price to the to the coast In 1909. Bellegg’s formidable inquisitorial bat­ attitude of tiie Californians toward the Rich Strike in Quartzville. unanimously adopted has lieen so alter­ valley growers. It is said that the tery. Mississippi has ordered the Gulf ed Japanese, it »as doing nothing more or Albany—A rich ledge of quartz has as to suppress its most important Those in charge oi the government's less, r.cording to tiie authorities cited, Compress company to withdraw from part, namely, the periodicity oi meet­ supply is not ecpial to the demand and been discovered in the Quartzville min­ case in tiie Federal suit to dissolve that a lucrative business awaits grow­ the state as it is a trust. ings, merely providing for the calling ers who will specialize in the glowing ing district by Grant Lindley, a resi­ Standard Oii^as a corporation violator than holding America at a distance with one hand while with the other it dent of Leiianon. Lindley came out of Dewey does not favor disposing of of a third conference, but establishing oi clover for seed pm poses. of the Sherman anti-trust law decided the mountains this week witli samples today that the issuing of more subpe- »as choking tiie life out of Corea. the Philippines and Hays there is no nothing with reganI to convening of the Tiie naval officers hold that as soon oi some remarkably rich ore, hut said nas is necessary. Although Mr. Kel­ danger of war with Japan. future conferences. Freighting at Klamath. as Japan tcok possession of Corea Mr. little aliout the mine, as he had not The prevailing opinion as expressed The Japanese Foreign office has de­ Klamath Falls—An average of 150,- yet filed his notices of location. He logg would not tell who will be com­ Roosevelt was convinced that the next cided to leave Ambassador Aoki at by one of (lie leading delegates is that 000 pounds ol freight every five days is lias now returned to the site for that pelled to testify, tho fact remains that move would involve China, and accord­ the alisenee of results in the conference Washington for the present. being hauled into Klamath F'alls by purpose. Tire samples of ore Lindley the only men in possession of many ingly began preparations for active in­ on tlie gieat (|Uestiong was due to the The Englinali steamer I.usitania lias lack of preparation by all the countries the J. M. McIntyre Transportation iound have not yet lieen assayed, but much sought secrets who have not been terference. The United States sat started on her return trip to Liverpool represented. This, lie raid, was esptc- company. Other freighters are carry­ the discoverer expects it to prove richer subpenaed are John D. Rockefeller, quietly by while Japan put Corea in and her officers hope to establish a new iaily stiiking in the ease of the Ameri­ ing smaller amounts. The merchants than anything yet found in the Quartz- William Rockefeller, W. H. Flagler, its hack pocket. It will not sit quietly Oliver H. Payne, John D. Archbold by if Japan makes tiie effort to deal in are stocking up for winter trade, as the record. can delegation, which was supposed to freight rates are higher during the had ville country, and says he has plenty and H. H. Rogers. of the ore. the same manner with China. The govrenment has seveial experts have come here in complete accord with roads season. The McIntyre comiiany It is believed that, with the possible Tiie big fleet of warships to be gath­ examining the liooks of the Standard the Latin-American countries. is keeping 13 teams on the road, each exception of William Rockefeller and Brown Again Land Board Clerk, ered on tiie Pacific coast will serve to Oil coni|iany between ttie yeais 1882 making a round trip every five days. H. H. Rogers, all these men can lie 1 and 1808. Salem—The state land board at its forced to appear in court. William remind Japan that the entity of China H IS V A C A T IO N D A Y S O V E R . After October 1 tlie freight will be un­ is one of the cardnial foreign policies of o f!i< loaded at Keno, 18 miles down the lust meeting re-elected George G. Rockefeller suddenly disappeared from the Helena, Mont., labor unions have American government. To just Brown clerk of the iioard and George the city the other day and Mr. Rogers ■ d river from Klamath Falls, and brought Î otdered a strike on all industries in President Roosevelt Returns to W ash­ what lengths the country will go to Mitchel, of The Dalles, deputy clerk. up on the steamer Klamath. While is declared to he in no condition to un­ preserve the Chinese empire from Ja­ ington and Hard W ork. via: town to enforce a boycott on the tele­ tire haul from tire end of ttie track of Tiie application of H. T. Hemlryx and dergo examiation. phone company. pan is yet to be determined. Oyster Bay, L. L, Sept. 24.—Presi the California Northeastern railway to other for the purchase of approximately r threatens armed intervention dent Roosevelt's summer vacation ut navigable water, and thence by treat to 2,400 acres of tideland on Cathlamet and la Russia Persia. liis Sagamore Hill home will end at 10 Klamath Falls, would be easier than hay, on tiie Columbia river, at the rate N O E F F O R T S T O H ID E F A C T S . L A S T T E C H N IC A L I T Y F A IL S . 0 Prohibitionists aim to make Wash­ a nr. Wednesday, when he, witli Mrs. the present one it is not likely that of $2 per acre was s I bo taken up again Roosevelt, members of the family and there »ill be any change in the present and the final action contiued until the O in ington, 1). C., dry. San Francisco Health Officials Will Suprem e C o u rt U ph o lds Indictments tho executive staff, will take a s|ieiittl route until spring. hoard could make a visit to the land in­ Tell Truth About Plague. A The crown prince of Japan is to visit train for Washington. of Accused Bribers. volved and ascertain tiie real value. trip Corea to investigate affairs there. During the three and a half months San Francisco, Sept. 23.—At a joint Ran Kraniscco, Sept. 24.—The state Railway Route to Lakeview. 3U PO RTLAND M ARKETS. meeting today of the F'ederal, state and Supreme court iRte yesterday rendered China has taken a decided step to­ the president lias occupied the home­ Í Klamath—Engineer Journey and his stead lie lias had the quietest and at municipal authorities to discuss the a decision upholding the validity of the ward parliamentary government. bua eor|>s cf engineers, who are surveying a Wheat—Club, 82c; bluestem, the same time the busiest vacation he 84c; bubonic plague situation, the following so-called Oliver grand jury. On this line of railroad from Klamath Falls Many Kasteru Democrats are uniting valley, 82c; red, 80c. has indulged in sinee ire lava me an oc- T resolution was unanimously adopted: decision depended tiie fate of the in­ on Governor Johnson, of Ohio, for pres- cajiant of the White House. The re­ east to Lakeview, have just succeeded Oats—No. 1 white, $23.500 24; gtay, lift “ Resolved, That it be the sense of dictments found subsequent to March after four survey» in finding a grade ldent. $ 2 3 0 8 3 . 50 . cords show that since June 12 the pres­ this meeting that the fullest authorized last. Barley—FeeJ, $23(323.50 per ton; publicity be given to tiie plague situa­ d The Standard Oil impiiry at New ident 1ms received 125 persons at Saga­ of 1 per cent through [angelI valley The attack was made on the grand and thence into lakeview. The sur­ more Hill. Horne of the callers have brewing, $24.50024.75; rolled, »24.50 tion in the city at all times; that the R«r> Y ork shows Rockefeller’s income to lie jury by William M. Abbott, of the vey will be comparatively easy. En­ (125.60. la err distinguished foreigners ami a few •bout $40,000,000 a year. newspapers be requested to publish 1 have made purely social calls, bat the gineer Journey is quoted as saying that Corn — Whole, $29030; cracked, such reports as may be furnished by United Railroads; F'rank G. Drum, John Martin and Eugene De Sabla, of Fanatics a t Zion City have been ar­ majority of them tune ivetr olliciu.s on as near as he can determine his instruc­ $30.50. usii the department of public health; that tiie San Francisco Gas company, and rested for torturing a woman to death strictly government business. tions are to finish to Lakeview and then Hay—Valley timothy, No. 1 , $170 the interests of the city are best served other defendants ^to teBt tiie validity of I in order to drive the devils out of her While visitors have been ccuqiara return over the route to Klamath F'alls. 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothv, by this course.” the indictments charging them with todl body. tively few, tire work which the prosi $19020; clover, $11; cheat, »11; Tiie decision henceforth to encourage bribery. They contended that in Feb- To Mine Coal Near Medford. France and Cansda have Just signed dent lias accomplished in other direc­ grain hay, $ 11 0 1 2 ; alfalfa, »12013. * a new commercial treaty. France is publicity is in line with the views ruary last tiie names for a new grand tion has been great. His annual me«- Medford—The Pacific Coal company, Fruits—Apples, »101.50 per box; held from the beginning by the federal 1 “ Doc given many more favorable terms than sage to congress is practically com­ of l.os Angeles, has bonded for $50,000 jury were drawn and tiiat, while the cantaloupe*, 75c0$1.26 per etate; authorities. Oliver jury had not been discharged, before. pleted. The document nods only fin­ the coal mine at the base of Roxvaun, peaches, 6Oe0$1.26 crate; prunes, 50 0 1 The total number of verified cases of its powers lapsed with the first step Flaatcrn critics can’t pievent the voy­ ishing touches, and but few of them four miles east of here, belonging to the 75c perorate; watermelons, 101 >gc per plap»e to date is 39; deaths, 22; un­ taken to impanel its successor. offlc Medford Ccal A Miningcoinpanv. The pound; plums, 500 75c p«r box; verified suspects, 23. age of the Imttleship fleet to the Pacific, Justice McFarland filed a dissenting Ixw Angeles company is capitalized at gtnpee, 5Oc0$1.5O per crate; casabas, F as Kooeevelt Is determined it shall Thirty-two Hurt in Wreck. opinion. $1,000,000. The deal was closed by R. $2.25 per dozen. was nyake tho trip. Washington, Hept. 24 —Thirty-two Japan Excludes Foreigners. Vegetables—Turnips, $1 25 per sack; passengers were injured, none serious­ E. Dorn, manager of the California day. Emma Goldman, who lias been at ly, by the derailment of tiie Chatta­ company, which agrees to thoroughly carrots, »1.25 per sack; beets, $1.25 Has New Rebate Evidence. London, Sept. 23.—A dispatch to the tending an anarchist congress at Am­ nooga A Washington limited train on explore tiie interior of tiie property, to per sack; cabbage, 1 H 0 1 V per Times from Pekin today says that the New York, Sept. 24.—I t is under­ W. sterdam, may not lie admitted when the Southern railway, just north of begin work within ten day* and path it pound; celery, 75c0$l per dozen labor troubles at Vancouver are being stood that Frank B. Kellogg, the gov­ she attempts to return to the United Ryan s Siding. \ irglnia. early today. with proper diligence at all times. corn, $101 .60 per sack; cucumbers. 10 billowed with much interest in the Far ernment’s counsel in its suit to dissolve Stales. A broken rail was the cause of ’the ac­ 016c per dozen; onions, 15020c per East, where an analogous problem has the Standard Oil company of New Jer­ Gettirg Factories for Town. Delegates to The Hague are unani­ cident. The entire train, composed of dozen; parsley, 20 c per dozen; peppers, now arisen between China and Japan. sey, has important evidence in his pos­ mous for holding regular conference«. Woodbmn—Since its recent organi­ 8 610c per pound; pumpkins, l t , 0 Japanese imperial ordinance No. 325, session bearing on alleged relationship a bagggae ear, day coach and three England is prs|«ring to build a sleepers, being almost destroyed by zation tiie Wood burn Commercial club I V per pound; radishes, 20 c per doz­ of July 27, 1899, vigorously forbids ail betweenjrailroad rebates and the profits A special train was quickly has done gtxxl work. It lias circulated en; spinach, 6 c per pound, squash, 50c foreigners, whether Europeans, Ameri­ of the corporation in the last eight I fourth battleship of the Dreadnaught fire. made up and proceeded to this city 6,000 leaflets in the East, and is al­ 0$1 per box; tomatoes, 40060c per can or Chinese, from working in Japan years. It is also said that this phase elaaa. with all the paseergers of tiie limited ready getting good returns, parties hav­ box; sweet potatoes, 2 V per pound. as laborers in argiculutral, fishing, of Mr. Kellogg’s case is being reserved in ¿ Russia is to spend $10,000,000 con Hie track was blocked several hours. ing come here on the strength of the mining, manufacturing and other class­ until the line of questioning he pur­ Onion*—$1.50 per sack. ■true'nig new fvrtlllcatinoa at Yladi leaflets and purchase land in this vicin­ Mr. Potatoes—New, 80090c per hundred. es of industry outside of the narrow sued iast week is finished. Fc vottok. ity. The club has also induced two Leased Wire Men to Remain. Kellogg has had subpenas served on Butter—Fancy creamery, 27 >*035c residential settlements. bo »i several railroad men. New York, Sept. 24 —A determined 1 men to Pat in at point .. per ponnd. Burbank, the horticultural wiaard whit Get After the Paper Trust. resolution calling ont l’reatTO,ï> * * cream factory and cold Veal—75 to 125 pound», 808 Vyc; has an apple tree on which 73 varietiee «dort to pa*« on strike recaní Ira. „f their contact* '•'"rage plant. An effort is also lieil 125 to 150 pounds, 7 l,c ; 160 to 200 Several M ay Defend Cup. New York, Sept. 23.—Members of are grown all newspaper wire ,„d broker office made for a first class hotel. pounds, 607c. the American Newspaper Publishers’ New York, Sept. 24.—Preparatkns The Wee*cm Union elaltna to Is 1 able operators, was made at a meeting of Pork—Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8 0 association have appointed a commit­ for the defense of the America's cup New Salmon Industry. to handle promptly all business east ol the local telegraphers' union today tee and instructed it to call the atten­ has begun. At least one syndicate is 8 Sc; packers, 7 »,08c. Buffalo and north of Washington. After a long debate, the nM ution ■ Astoria— Another industry has just Poultry—Average old hens. 14014 »yc tion of President Roosevelt to what the being organized and possibly more. Japan may annex Corea to end the whuh na* U'for»» txvn introtlnc*! at been f stero l er developed through the per pound; mixed chickens, 13(sTl3He; association asserts is an unlawful com­ Everyone appears to be of the opinion meetings of the strikers, was again canning nr salting of salmon. It is the *pitng chickens, 1 3 0 1 3 v ,c ; old rooet- bination of paper manufacturers to that the management will be vested in rebellion. tallied, but it was said later witli the saltlng of salmon heads and exportig . err, 8 0 9 e , dressed chickens, 1 8 0 1 7 c; keep up the price of white paper and E. D. Morgan. Those mentioned as Attorney Dolmas may defend Thaw understanding that it would be taken them to Sweden on orders received from ! turkeys, live, 1 5 0 1 6 c ; geese, live, 8 0 to demand relief from what they con­ generous subscribers are Edward H. at his second trial. np at a meeting tomorrow. thsre. ri e prices paid are very re- 9c; ducks, lftc. sider an oppressive burden. The ac­ Harrinran, Colonel Robert M. Thomp­ mur.erative ami if the experiment is U|«s— Freeh ranch, candled, 30c per tion is the subject of no melons opin­ son, C. K. G. Billings and Roy A. Rai­ A wreck on tha Mexican Central rail­ •luvo-sful the cost of salmon cheeks dozen. ions here from both sides. M oorish C am ps Burned. ney. The cost of producing the Reli­ road near the northern boundary of II tw greatly enhanced to out local Hope—1907 Fnggles. 6»y07c per ance would be upward of $500,000. Casa Blanca, Sept 24.—Negotiations will Mexico resulted in the death of 32 per­ buyeie. per pennd; 1907 cluaters, 708c; olds. Army of Shoew orkers Out. for the cessation of hoatilities having sons. 4 0 6 c . failed. General Drude today resumed St. Louis, Sept 23.—A conservative First Sno w in Chicago. Eastern Oregon Appointment H. If. Rogers' breakdown is said to the offensive, and burned the Moorish Wool—Eastern Oregon, average beet, estimate places the number of shoe fao- Chicago, Sept. 24.—A few flakes of Salem—Governor Chamberlain be due to immense losses on a new rail­ •amps at Midi Rrahim, south of Gasa appointed II. M. Coekburn a oommlV ’ brink 1 to,y w o r k ^ s 7 u t 2 W The ,inow fell here late yesterday. The fall road he was hacking. He hat lost $50,- Blanca, and dispeised tiie tribesmen, sinner of the Third (Eastern Oregon) ' ness ; m ? L * . . , • ---------------- w»< not large enough to tie reoognired meeting n -----, today, , decided d ne«s; mohair, 000 , 000 . CDoice, .9030c per , not to accede to any demands made by , by the weather bureau, but for several who offered but little resistance. District Agricultural society. pound. the strikers. ■ minutes it was plainly visible. Is s u e d E a ch Week NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers. ñ ü fr P resid en t R oosevelt C ognizant of Ja p a n ’s G am e. COREA ONLY A STEPPING STONE