WASHINGTON COUNTY NEWS VOL. V FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., NEARLY LOST HIS LIFE IN FIRE! RECEIVED THE STUDENTS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1907. NO. 12 Additional Local News. FOREST GROVE COLTS ARE THE CHAMPIONS At a meeting of the football squad Pacific's First Reception Well At­ of the college Monday, Virgil Water­ man of The Dalles, was elected to suc­ tended— Enjoyed by All. Old School Building Burn id Last ceed Harry Humphreys as captain of close by, saw smoke coming from the Last Friday evening occurred the this year’s football team. Waterman house and ran to investigate. He regular term reception to new students was elected without a dissenting vote. | pulled the body from the stove but life 1 and friends of Pacific University. The ; For several years past he has played in Hu i the Pe iiiiinl ut ttie Stute Fair was extinct. All the clothing was chapel was a veritable behive and the the line of the varsity eleven and last | burned from the body. hum could be heard from eight o’clock Lust Week. year he played full back. He is a Coroner E. C. Brown held an in­ till the hands neared the mid-hour. member of the Junior class and affili­ quest and the jury found that Mrs. The bevy of girls that were at the re­ ates with the Alpha Zeta literary soci­ Hogan’s death resulted from her fall­ ception was surprising and there were ety. The loss of Humphreys will be ing upon the stove while suffering not enough boys by a score or so to go ; keenly felt as he had the strongest Booze lamberee Nearly Caused Two from vertigo. around. boot on the squad last year and played The program was very entertaining one of the half positions. He will not Deaths— Lam,) Accidentally Letter From J. Garrigus. and out of the usual order as the “ hot attend school this year. Overturned. Valisci, Iowa, Sept. 17th, 1907. coffee” march was dispensed with and L. J. Corl & Son are busy at work Salem Cl. b which only Played in the I am at this place waiting for a west a conversation scheme substituted in­ Preliminaries Lay Claim to tearing down their ex-bike shop pre- bound train. It may be a surprise to stead. Slips of paper on which were Daratory to having a concrete brick put Coveted U n. written six subjects for conversation George Carlton, a remittance man, some of your readers to know that I am were passed around to both ladies and up on the same site. Excavation will who was sent by his relatives to the among the cornfields of Iowa, but it is gentlemen. begin as soon as the old house is And it was definitely ( M a t r i x by c o u r t e s y P o r t l a n d J o u r n a l . ) Orient from New York a few years ago a fact and such a crop they haven’t stated by Prin. Bates the interlocutor razed. They have moved their repair Tne Forest Grove Colts” Baseball Miss Maud Hollinger, daughter of shop to the Hyde building. The on account of his dissolute habits and had for years but is a little late, but if that each “ date” a fellow made with a the high standing of his family in so­ this dry, warm weather continues one coed was not to last over three min­ Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger, and a gentleman who handles the city’s coin team is the champion team of the stale ciety, was fatally burned last night more week the corn will be out of dan­ utes so the entire six would take up successful contestant ir. the Portland got off a pretty neat pun on a fellow fair. They played the series at Salmi when the old school house on Main ger. I attended the fair in Page coun­ eighteen minutes, but some of the fel­ Journal educational contest, who won the other day. “ What are you going last week with Woodburn, Corvall s, Street and owned by N. Wellman was ty and saw hosts of old friends that I lows were not prone to give up in the a scholarship in the conservatory of to do with your building, Corl, move Salem and they came home last Sun­ could not have seen otherwise." I also music at Pacific University, which was , it I suppose?” asked the resident. day with mòre celebration money in burned to the ground. three minutes and intend to extend the Carlton's left ear and left arm were visited my old home in Indiana that I con at some other date. The topics | offered by that paper. “ No,” said the treasurer, " I will raze their jeans than any of the teams. However, they were not awarded burned to a crisp, the left part of his had not seen for forty-two years. for discussion were “ The New Hall,” | WASHINGTON CAPITALIST HERE. it.” “ Raise it. O h,” And the fel­ fice and eye are terribly burned and Time had made many changes there •“ How we Spent Our Vacation,” “ Non-! low went out and took a peep at the the pennant by Hon. T. B. Kay who his hair and whiskers completely and there was but very few old land­ sense Rhymes,” “ Postal Cards,” "My Is Said Will Offer Stock in Big Cor­ shop returning with “ well, it be pretty looked afttr the management of the tournament. According to the agree­ b trned off, and there is very little hope marks that I could recognize and fewer Favorite Diversion,” and “ As You low alright.” poration in that State. people as there was only three that I ment between Wirtz and Kay, prelim­ of his recovery. Like It.” Forest Grove was well represented inaries were to be played and then on S. A. Milton of Seattle, and presi­ » Last evening a few men were seen could call by name on sight, but I The pantomime of Lochinvar given at Salem— not in the stock and vege­ Saturday was to be played the finals to enter the building and about nine soon got acquainted and found nieces by different students under the aus­ dent of the Teanaway-Roslyn Lumber table shows but in men. Eight or to decide the right to the pennant. and nephews by the score. We had a & Coal Co., and W. C. Meechan of o’clock Judge Henry Wirtz went over pices of the Senior class was a laugh- reunion of the Garrigus family, where Tacoma were in this city Tuesday on ten tents were pitched in the Capital If a team won one game it was entitled to get the remainder of his effects as provoker and as read by Miss Yancy, business connected with their com­ city by Grove people and not a few to play in the finals. The Colts weie he had moved out yesterday morning there was more than a hundred des­ the new instructor, was capital. cendants of Jeptha Garrigus present, pany. This company besides operat­ stayed at hotels. I he weather was | (ie[eated ¡n their game with Salem, bi.t H e heard Wellman, the owner of Refreshments were served. ing sawmills, shingle mills, stores, etc., delightful, the races and ga mes capital j won a glorious victory on Thursday the building and Carlton engaging in a two of hi3 sons, Samuel and myself, own 2500 acres of standing timber and and the displays good. Mort Hallett, with Woodburn. This entitled them Public School Outlook Good. pretty lively conversation as if they a sister of Grand Junction, Col. and 1000 acres of coal land, the latter to who has been fond of the races ever j |0r the final with Corvallis on Saturday were having the customary jamboree L. C. of Portland, Ore., absent. Our Professor Wilkerson of the Public father was born in 1776, and was the be opened up immediately. This since he was knee high to a grasshop- and they eased it into that bunch, which Carlton is wont to have. School says that he believes there will Thus it was up to Salem to play the father of 20 children. If this Joes company have recently purchased a per and who has attended twenty of The two men were pretty well “ load­ be 400 or more students enroll the first the State Fairs in Oregon, says that i Colts for tney had only played in the ed” and Wellman retired to his room not find the waste basket I may write week of school which begins next sawmill from Wm. and Geo. Russell of the one whicl has just drawn to a preliminaries which gave them J. Garrigus. no this city. and went to bed, according to Well­ again. Monday, September 30th. These gentlemen expect to be back close, had them all beaten by a city claim whatsoever to the pennant, but man’s story this morning. Reba Hoff­ Last year there were more pupils Notice. only the right to enter the finals. in Forest Grove the first of next week block. man, who lives with her parents across enrolled than any year previous, and and it is understood that a limited “ Sharkey” Billinger, who started Woodburn didn’t win a game and the street, had not retired for the even­ To the Patrons of the Public School: from Mr. Wilkerson’s observation there Parents may save themselves some will be many more this than last year. number of shares of this company’s out when he was in his swaddling couldn’t enter the finals. So it was ing and at eleven o’clock she heard a stock will be put on the market in or­ clothes to see the country and who l°r Salon and the Colts to play for the annoyance and expense, if, before pur­ terrible racket as of some one beating Two new teachers will be members on tin cans, but she paid little atten- chasing new books, they carefully ex­ of the faculty, Miss Pearl Cook will der to develop their coal fields, in saw everything seeable when he lived i pennant but they did not show up which event the people of this section in this city with his parents, has at last | after the drubbing of Corvallis and they to the noise as she thought that it was amine their children’s report cards. teach the Fifth, and Miss Carolyne New pupils not having promotion Brown the Sixth grades. Miss Brown will be given an opportunity to invest. done the prodigal son^stunt and re­ •vere probably wise in so doing for on the regular booze fest Carlton was in the habit of giving. But in about fif­ cards will be required to furnish evi­ takes Miss Sorenson’s place as teacher The company stands high both in as­ turned to his father's home in Port­ a dry field the lads from this city would teen minutes she heard the same noise dence of their preparation before they of the Sixth and Miss Sorenson goes to sets and ability of carrying on a big land. Sharkey was in San Francisco likely have bent them over the staves. Instead of trying out for the pen­ repeated with shrieks of "fire! fire!” are given a place in any grade. I the Second grade. Another teacher undertaking. The par value of the during the earthquake. He has done nant they kept under cover while Hon. stock to be offered is 85 per share, should like to have these pupils or some scrapping in the Southern Cali­ Pulling back the curtain she saw the should be engaged, says the professor, old house partly enveloped in flames their parents call on me at any time, to teach divisions of the Fourth and but it is understood that it will be sold fornia towns; thence going to Chicago T. B. Kay put up a spiel for them ar­ and Carlton staggering back and forth Saturday forenoon, at the public school. Fifth grades, for there are too many at $2 with a written guarantee that it and other eastern cities where he fell guing that they had defeated the Colts into the window dressing art and at in the first game and that entitled All last year pupils who were pro­ children in these grades for one teacher will pay 8 per cent from the start. in the yard swinging his cane. igei last is back in Portland. She notified her rather, A. G. Hoff­ moted conditionally, will be expected to handle properly. There is a fur­ Wirt', sat on that proposition good and Buys Big Farm. man, and he turned in the fire alarm to complete their examinations Mon­ nished room which would do for this Professor Orr, head of the public hard arguing rightly that according to immediately, then rushing to the scene day afternoon of the opening day. One of the biggest sales of realty speaking department of the college extra class. j the agreement the preliminaries were Very respectfully, of the burning. “ Where is Wellman” A splendid manual trainer will come that has been made this summer was arrived from the East last Saturday | but to sift the good from the bad for a J. B. WlLKERSON, Prin. he shouted, and Carlton in his miser consummated last Saturday when C. R out from Portland to instruct classes in evening. He will coach the debating final tryout. The Colts won this try­ able condition pointed to the burning different lines of work which is un­ Cox purchased the old Dan Baker teams and the orators again and should out and claim the championship of the Address by Dr. Douglas. building shrieking in despair, “ He is doubtedly a great feature added to the place at Cedar Canyon west of Banks get some good orations from the bunch series and have filed a protest to that in there,” but Mr. Hoffman stumbled At a special meeting of chapel held public school curriculum in this city. from W. P. Spaulding. of orations that were handed in last effect to recover it from them. onto Wellman on the south porch, at the college last Friday morning, There are two hundred and forty spring and which he has given some Woodburn was slated to play the asleep and apparently dead. He two interesting addresses were given acres of land to the place and it is one time tf.is summer. Pacific will de­ Salem team Thursday but both teams Dwight Thomas Dead. dragged him out of danger of the on church work by Rev. T. G. Doug­ of the best dairy farms in the county. bate Wh.tman again in this city and a exchanged players and such a scheme Word was received here announcing flames and rushed to Mayne Abbott’s las, the State Superintendent of Home Mr. Cox had just sold a place in Kan­ debate may be taken on with Idaho. would not work. While the Colts ware for assistance. In the meantime Carl­ Missions of Iowa, and Dr. G. E. Sopher, the death of Dwight H. Thomas at sas but has been living on the farm 1 the only strictly straight team that Carlton this morning after an illness of H. E. Witham was elected to suc­ ton had been aasisted to E. A. Hyde’s trustee of Pomona college, California, which he has just purchased for some residence across the street and placed and pastor of the Congregational church several weeks. His remains will be months and knew just what he was ceed D. I. Aller as business manager ! p laved. The first ga ne was played between brought to this city tonight and the on a couch. Doctors were sum­ of that place. buying. The place is peculiarly situ­ of the Index, the college weekly, at a j Salem and the Colts on a field of mud moned and dressed the wounds of Unlike many of the professors of the funeral will be conducted from the ated and one would not think for a meeting of the student-body Tuesday Carlton. He is in a precarious condi old school—not to exclude President Congregatoinal church tomorrow morn­ minute in driving along the main high­ afternoon. Aller is employed by the and stubble. Score 6 to 1 in favor of tion and while he is resting easier than Elliott of Harvard—Dr. Douglas does ing at 9:30 o’clock with interment in way that such a fine farm should lie at First National Bank of this city. Mr. I Salem. Up to the Sixth canto the Witham is thoroughly fitted for his po­ i score stood 1 to 0 in favor of our boys last evening it is very doubtful whether not abhor nor is he frightened by the Buxton cemetery on the hill. the foot of the hill. Mr. Thomas has been working in sition as he has done considerable work ) but after that the Colts by a few errors he will recover. broken and bloody noses of the foot­ Dan Baker, who lives on the Cor­ It is thought that Calton went to j ball arena, though he is silvery headed the mill at Carlton and received an in­ nelius road, is the man that first set­ at solicting and spent last year with ! permitted Salem to cross the rubber six times. bed with his two lights burning as he himself. Rather does he admire the jury a few weeks ago from which re- j tled there and made the place what it R. M. Dooly. Thursday’s game was the star exhi­ wont to do and that he fell asleep tip­ hideous college yell and the strenuous suited blood poison and death. is. A few years ago he sold it to W. Miss Lucy Broad, a delegate from bition as everybody admitted. This He resided in this city for several ping both lamps over. His table was sort of athletics, according to his talk. P. Spaulding. Mr. Cox purchased the British Women’s Temperance Associ­ j was the chapter that the Colts won out on the left side and is supposed that He said he would like to tell the years and was principal of the public place through the Oregon Land Co. ation of London will give an illustrated aver Woodburn by a score of 2 to 3 he lay on his back for the left side is story of Albert Shaw, the brilliant edi­ schools of this city for several years and lecture on “ Our Work Under the ' and Woodburn’s run was made by an WAT T DISTRICT. terribly charred. tor of the Review of Reviews, who was principal of the public school for, Cross” in the Congregational church overthrow to first. The ball was lost some time and ^was also graduate of j Carlton, it is said, comes from one graduated from Grinnell; that he would Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Buxton and sons on Wednesday evening, Oct. 2. Miss of the first families of New York. His like to tell the story of Joe Wallace, Pacific University receiving his bache-, returned from the State Fair Sunday Broad comes well recommended and land the man trotted clear around the : paths. lor’s degree with the class of ’92. He brother is worth several millions of the grinder at Grinnell, who won the evening. will both please and instruct all who On Saturday the finals came and the dollars and is a ship owner and im first Rhodes scholarship in Iowa. But was a star football player and a brilliant The woodsaw was at Rice’s, Adams’ attend. Admission 15 cents, children \ Colts drubbed the Corvallis team and porter. Carlton went to the orient he chose rather for his subject “ How athlete all around. 10 cents. and at the school house last week. I should have played the Salem team to ieveral years ago and was a tea drum­ a Home Missionary, Joseph Ward, con­ News Job Room Appreciated. The Public Library and Rest Room decide as to which aggregation was Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rogers were mer in Japan and China. He was em- 1 quered a Commonwealth.” Ward was ' has undergone a cleaning and ovei- entitled to the pennant, but Salem re­ The News job room will print The in Forest Grove Monday. ip lo y e d in Calcutta, India, for some a brilliant fellow; a man of wonderful hauling recently. Clarence Hoyt, the fused to play alleging that she had the » tim e and was offered the embassy to possibilities as a professional man but Weekly Index, the Pacific University Mis Webster of Portland, is visiting furniture rnan, has given a fine paper largest per cent. It is true that she publication, this year. Notwithstand­ if that place by President Grant. he consecrated his life to the conquest Mrs. M. Bisbee. rack to the library which should save had the largest per cent, but accord- jH Wellman sold the lot to Gallaway of South Dakota then a land of wilder­ ing the fact that our prices were higher Mr. Pechin of Dilley, has rented the much time and bother if one wishes to ing to the agreement the pennent was than any other office in Washington ■ the gTOcer, this morning for $600. ness. look up the recent numbers of the not to be decided on percent, but by The building was built in 1862 and Together he went with his wife to County, the contract was awarded us Rhoderick place and is now moving > was used by the college for the South Dakota and there founded Yank­ from the standpoint of efficiency in his hay and grain and later will move ! The News or other papers taken by finals. The preliminaries were simply the library. The books have been ar- to see which teams were entitled to the Academy. It was sold in 1870 to the ton College^ By his influence schools printing. H. E. Witham, the busi­ his family and household goods. finals. In accordance with this fact ranged and the shelves painted. local district school. Miss Freda Reuter of The Dalles, is were established and academies found- ; ness manager, who is in his junior Manager Wirtz has registered a com­ year at Pacific University, is one of the The W. C. T. U. invite the ladies on a visit at the home of her parents,! ed, Ward Academy bearing his name. I plaint. When Salem did not pray in Burns to Death on Cookstove. of the different Missionary societies Mrs. Ward was a woman of sacrifice bright and hustling students of the col­ Mr and Mrs. A. Reuter. the finals she »as not even entitled to and Ladies Aid societies to meet Miss Mrs. Mary Hogan, aged 76 years, and devotion and left her Rhode Island lege and undoubtedly will make the Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bisbee accom­ second place. who lived with her son, Patrick Hogan, home to be a companion with her hus­ Index a success from a financial stand­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Hickstrom and | Broad, the “ Round the World Worker” between Cedar Mill and Portland on band in the development and making point. He was nominated by the In­ baby, left Monday for an outing at th« in the Congregational church parlors Somethi g Doing. dex board and elected by a recent on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 2:30. M ss the Barnes road met a horrible death of South Dakota. coast. They expect to be gone about YOUR BEST JUDGMENT will Broad will tell at this time of “ Women last Wednesday by being burned alive Rev. Sopher said that there were meeting of the Student Body. H ie ten days. prompt you to act at once when you publication will be issued as usual on looking on, afar off.” on a cookstove. She was alone in the two classes of people in the world, the know we can furnish ten, 10 share c«r- A family by the name of Brick are house, about five o’clock in the after­ lifters and the leaners. both in the re­ Tuesdays and the first issue is expected F. M. Starrett has sold his beautiful tlficates of American Telegraphona occupying the Frank Singer house. noon, and was preparing the evening ligious and commercial world. We to appear next week. residence on Depot street to Mrs. stock at $10 per share. Also anypart I meal. From all indications she seems need more lifters; men who will put We understand that two petitions Reed of Portland. Mr. Starrett will go of 500 shares of Unite I Wireless Tele­ Married. to have been standing at the front of their whole soul into religious work in are out to have the milk routes to Southern Oregon for the winter for graph stock at $6 per share. ¿g. the stove and suffered some attack that stead of leaning that way. Men are Mrs. Lillian Paterson North was changed to their former tim e. Miss Lulu Starrett’s health and we sin­ We can save and make you rnomf produced sudden dizziness. At all needed not only in the ministry to married to Dr. G. G. Crist of Portland, cerely hope that he will return to the on all mining and industrial stock*. Archie Markee returned from near Grove in the Spring. events, she fell forward, her head strik­ preach the gospel but in all lines of Tuesday. September 17th, at Oregon If you want to sell, buy or get informa­ ing and dislodging one of the stove activity, in the work shop, at the desk, City, Judge Dimmick tying the nup­ Eugeue, last week, and has registered tion write or wire F. J. Chat.eri.n * There will be a meeting of the in the Academy after cutting out last lids. The smoke thus permitted to and in every line of activity. tial knot. teachers of the Forest Grove Public Co., 125 Alvington Bldg., lortlar.d, escape must have suffocated her and Mrs. Crist has lived in this c:ty for year to work for the Southern Pacific School for the purpose of talking over Oregon. ________ .. rendered her unable to arise. Her Henry Haney went to Beaverton to­ several rears and has many friends here. as its agent near Eugene. He has plans of organ,zation. next Saturday. _ hind tumed patent leath. r body. face, hands and arms were liter- day to look after one of his fine horses i Dr. Crist has quite a lucreative prac­ sucked up enough money to last quite Sept. 38. Meeting called at 2 p. m. ^ Briley’. Big Store, a while and says that he will go till he which took ill there a week ago. The ally burned to a crisp. tice and The News extends congratula­ in the principals room. v finishes his Academy work. John McLeod, wno was working hom e is valued at $350. tions. GEORGE CARLTON THE VICTIM BUT ARE DENIED THE CUP