-'-T'*” Dal Adams, whose parents live north The Misses Darling are camped in | Harris’ hop yard where they are strip­ oi Cornelius, and who attended Tuala- I tin Academy here, left this morning ping the bitter product. for Ann Harbor, to take a four years' Will Barrett brought a friend of his course in the medical department of Forest Grove, Oregon out from Annapolis and they are visit­ the University of Michigan. Caai tal . . . $ 25. 000. 00 ing ‘‘Bill’s” parents in Hillsboro. Clarence Allen, who attended Paeific Surplus - • • 1 0 .0 0 0 00 Paul Baker of Hillside who has been University last year and who was elected Resources • - 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 selling views and scopes at Astoria will editor-in-cheif of The Index which A General Banking Business Transacted attend Monmouth again this year. sheet the local editor of The News was | cheif pencil pusher last year, is now Directors: R. M. Dooly, J E. Loomis, H. C. Wortman, Misses Auna and Belle Johnson have Frank E. Dooly, R. M. Dooly, Jr. registered at St. Mary's Academy of at Stanford University. Portland, which began last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. J. A. Guy Via and wife and Dr. Via left Thornburgh of this city and Mrs. Mary s h « * •« ••» # « eyes m w w *• « early Saturday morning for Tillamook Gillis of Portland, left yesterday for for a few day’s outing. They returned Grand Ledge, Michigan, for a three months’ stay. Mr. Whitney has not Monday. been back to his old home for twent; - Mrs. W. B. Haines arrived home one years. last Thursday Irom Philomath, where Under new M a n a g em en t Mrs. Antona Vandenberg, the wife she has been quite sick. She is much of John Vandenberg, died last Friday improved. Post Card Photos, $ 1 .00 Per Dozen at her home in Centerville. She was Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson and born in Holland 72 years ago. The 18 large Stamp Pictures 25 cents granddaughter, Maud Hollinger, left funeral was conducted from the Catho- Wednesday for a visit of several weeks lis church with interment in the Ver- • Bring us your Amateur Work in Seattle. boort cemetery. S ARCHIE BRYANT, Prop. Main Street A new combination wood and gas The Lutheran people of Cornelius range is being installed in the Ladies are building a splendid church build­ new Dormitory by Goff Bros., the hard- ing in the town which will be a credit are dealers. to the place. It is very likely that the Pete Peterson has sold his black building will be ready for dedication D r. H . F . L e o n a rd driver to a party in Portland and it is in six weeks. W. Bierman and Fred understood that he got a good round Harris are doing the work. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN figure for her. Thomas Ryrie, a traveling man whose l.nughlin Motel PORTLAND, OR. Mr. Ross and family of Portland home is in San Francisco, was in the MONDAY M O H AW K BLDG. have moved to this city and are living city Tuesday making the town for dry- W EDNESDAY Phone Main 70? FR ID A Y goods. He intimated that it would be on Fifth avenue. —There will be a dance at the Skat a hard matter to make it for wet goods Forest Grove,Oregon ing Rink next Saturday night. Septen - and thought Forest Grove was one o f ber 11. Walker’s Orchestra will fur the prettiest towns on the coast, and we think he is right. nish the music. Joe Gans, the charcoal fighter Fred Laughln, a cousin of Bedford S tatm nt of th Condition Laughlin, who lives in Stockton, Cali­ handed Jimmy Britt a crate of lemons fornia, was visiting with his majesty, and a few choice jolts Monday when the two met in the ring in San Fran­ the mayor, last week. T H E F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K cisco. Britt was totally outclassed and Miss Camilla Abernethy returned went out in the fifth round with a last week from her vacation. The feigned broken wrist. OF FOREST GROVE, OREGON family have been at their summer — Mrs. M. McKenzie has opened a home in Coos county. At Call of the Comptroller, August 22, 1907. millinery store in the Marsh building Misses Lucile and Bess Dooley re­ near the Postoffice and will have her turned home Thursday from St. Paul fall opening next Thursday and Fri­ RESOURCES LIABILITIES and other Minnesota points, alter day, September 19 and 2(), to which Deposits............... 2 2 4 .2 0 8 .0 1 Cash on hand and due spending a delightful vacation. she invites the Ladies of Forest Grove Capital paid in .......... 25,000.00 from Banks ........ 9 5 .3 2 1 .9 9 and vicinity. 10t2 Arthur J. Prideaux who is head of United States Bonds. .25,000.00 Surplus....................... 10,000.00 the Commercial Department of Willam­ The young daughter of Mr. and Loans and discounts. 135,304.12 Undivided profits..........1,431.58 ette Universitv, was visiting friends in Mrs. Miller who live about a mile Bonds and Securities . 21,438.(8 Circulation ................. 25,000.00 this city Saturday and Sunday. Premiums (U. S. Bonds)..825lWk south of tha depot, fell on a rake tooth Furniture and Fixtures. 3,348.80 Mrs. Fannie Clark and her son yesterday and cut a bad gash in her Real Estate...................3,151 00 Frankie, were in irom Thatcher the knee. Dr. Hines was called and was Due from U. S. Treas.. 1,250 00 first of the week and said that they obliged to take several stitches in or­ der to close the wound. would soon return to the Grove. W. P. Wagner, the genial Oregonian Wray Humphrey and wife who went Total $ 2 8 5 .6 3 9 .5 9 to Nebraska a few months ago, have solicitor and his wife have just returned returned to Oregon with the intention for Tillamook County where thev have Correct attest: been attending the fair. “ Pete” has of making Forest Grove their home. taken unto himself a slice of Uncle | Williard Wirtz who is reporter on the Sam’s domain and while he was over | Journal will attend the Oregon Law to the coast he proved up. He has a Miss Grayce I-add and Miss Bertie School this winter and also retain his good piece of timber. .lohnson spent Sunday at the Spring Hill position with the Portland publication. J. W. Taylor, a laborer of Hillsboro farm. H . W. SPARKS, LOCAL EDITOR. —There will be a dance at the Skat­ all but lost his life in the Hazelwo )d j The News’ liner column is growing ing Rink next Siturday night, Septem­ fire in Portland Monday morning. in popularity because of its ‘‘pulling ber 11. Walker’s Orchestra will fur­ Taylor was working on the third floor Banks is to have a saloon. power. and did not notice the fire till the flames i nish the music. Trespass Notices for sale at this drove him to a window as the only ave­ Wilson Miller and young Williams All members of the Women’s Club office. He leaped for life of Seattle, will be back to school again wishing to join the Shakespear depart­ nue of escape. with only a severe jar as a result. M: Lein Wagner was a Portland this year. ment will meet at Mrs. L. L. Watt’s v ,::toT Sunday. E. C. Wasson of Clanton, Illinois,1 Mrs. Buxton of Portland, was visit- tomorrow, Friday, at 3 o’clock. has begun work for Mr. Davis in his Dr Hines uas in Portland Tuesday >nK her baughter, Mrs. Geo. Sloan, H. D. Logan and family of Sunny­ shop on First Avenue South. Davis is i last week. ami Wednesday. vale, Calif., have moved into the Cald­ one of the best mechanics and he is Charlie Mill was a Portland visitor ; Z. Wing has sold his place on Gales well residence and will reside here able to do work that would make many i Creek to Will Douglas, and will move during the winter if not permanently. o ie day last week. of the profession blush. He has a 1 to California. A. lff'uan made a business C Franklin Koch of Portland, brought transit in his shop that he made him­ Mrs. S. Levy and Harry were visit­ one of his prospective students out to self out of old scraps of material and it I trip to . yesterday. ing friends in the Rose City Saturday see the college Saturday and has a does very accurate work too. Noah R f Hillside was doing and Sunday. “ string" of them he will lead out next b u sin e ss in city yesterday. Preaching at the Congregational ! Miss Marie Staehr of Portland spent^ week. Church next Sunday morning by Prin. Tl. H. Situ, s residence on south Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bates. At 7:30 p. m. the services will Fifth street i jgressing nicely. Mrs. Helen Hartke. aged 67 years, K. N. Staehr. consist of a program on the missionary died Saturday last at her home near work among the islands of the Pacific, Giro Mi'ne lias returned from Cal­ Gaston and was interred in the ceme­ Miss Goldie Fields is home from gary, Canada, the first of the week. presented by the Ladies’ Missionary Newport visiting her parents in the tery there. Her husband died about Society. Sunday School at 10 a. m People trom all over the county are Watt District. twenty years ago. Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. m. using The News liner column. Read it. Haskell Ferrin and brother, Holman, Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at Grovtr Cleveland Rogers who for­ Ira Purdin and daughter will leave merly worked in this city is now work­ who have been working at the Gear­ 7:30. hart Hotel this summer, have returned today for the east for an extended visit. ing in Portland. — W. E. Bowman has moved his har­ home to get ready for schoul which Mrs C. L. Large is visiting with the ness shop into the building next to M. C. E. Bradley of the Experiment begins next Wednesday. Doctor's mother in Portland this week. Station, was visiting friends in this city Peterson & Son's hardware store. 9-3t j Anderson Baber of Hillside made the first of the week. Trespass Notices for sale at this — Ladies' white canvas oxfords in the this office a very pleasant call Monday office. Miss Livia E. Perrin left today for and renewed his subscription to The latest styles at Bailey’s. H. T. Botts, the mayor of Tillamook, Pendleton where she is instructor in News as many others of our patrons Quite a number of our citizens have continue to do every day. was registered at the Laughlin last Mon­ Pendleton Academy. taken advantage of Eiler’s ad sale on day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Renshaw and little pianos during the past week. Seven S. G Dorris of LaFayette, a relative — Money to loan on farm security. I of Dr. C. L.' I.arge, was visiting with son of Portland together with a couple have purchased beautiful new pianos of friends from San Francisco visited and we are proud to note that Forest j W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. i Doc one day this week. at Mrs. Renshaw’s parents Mr. and Grove and community is taking an ac- 1 Mrs. H. H. Clark last Sunday. tive interest in one of the greatest ac­ J. H. Lee and wife have moved to complishments and also giving the this city. He will take the place of younger generation a chance to devel­ Brakeman Clark who recently died sud­ op their talent in the music study. ; Iron-tone builds up and strengteens the whole system, impart" denly when just about to make tl e run Following is a list of those who have purchased up to the present date: ! on the local train to Portland. ¡ng that vigorous, ambitious feeling. Miss Grace Dixon, purchased a beau­ All club women who are interested tiful sweet-toned Clarendon in a Ma For Sale by all Druggist*. Price 50 cents. Let us send you our little in having a study class to take the hogany case; Prof. Wilkinson, a style booklet, "Renew Your Vitality," which tells you what IRON-TONE is and complete program course—the coming R., Hobart M. Cable, in a new Colon­ what it will do. You can have it for the asking. are requested to meet with Mrs. John ial mahogany case; Mrs. H. Dixon, a Abbott next Saturday at 4 p. m. handsome Clarendon in a style ‘M’ Address GROVER MEDICINE CO., Woodbum, Ore. Misses Maud Buxton and Bessie walnut case; Mr, Ed Fisher a Jacob Stewart, who are students at the Good Doll, in a beautiful C X inlaid walnut Samaritan Hospital are in the city vis­ case, upright Grand size: Mr. Robert iting at the home of Miss Buxton’s Alexander, a Schumann, style G, in a parents, Mr and Mrs James Buxton. handsome roahoganv case. Exposition A C. Schofield brought a coll»ction style front: Mr. Shipley, a Marshal & of apples to this office Tuesday that Wendall in a beautiful Golden Oak for size and perfection beat anything case, style L. Hollenbeck & Shipman, we ve ever seen. They were raised who have charge of the sate here, re­ T h « Lending Business College on Mr. Stiver's place on Gales Creek. port they are pleased with the interest ELKS HL IL L IN G . POSI 1 AND, 0 * 1 0 0 N taken in this line and will have four L. Ausburn and wife of Denver. Col­ more samples of standard makes of pi­ O u r faculty I m .stronger than ever orado, who have been touring the anos in this week. They hope to be j W # b « v f |u*t •e tu re tl th « » e rv ier* « f I wo h l« h M lart#d. p ta c ltr a l w e n , a» « e li a» rad m g bu»iw a s country for some weeks will arrive in able to place ten pianos here on the rdtif a tera. from th e t i l l W e leav e no atone u n tu rn e d . this city some time this week for a advertising list. The sale and free con- I W e are now f t v i n i you th e beat th at m oney cnn m e u t e . visit w.th the Abrahams who are rela­ certs are being he'd every evening at ' H. W 8C H N K K . P i t i . SEN D FO R C A TA L O G U E I M W A LK ER, P ill, tives of Mrs. Ausburn. the Bazaar store. Clothing FIRST N A T IO N A L BANK 1 P a c ific A r t Studio SfOre * ! THE Ì ■ cl ;« Hit,! Com Junk Bit ChrOU P r e til Pray« Si-« vie* You T> dial .¡V. 4 dir th, yor cut Pll bei *1* S tre n g th If eei N®, Sut C IT C re a to r I have just laid in one of the best lines of Fall Clothing for M en , B oys a n d Youths This season’s styles are beauties and will satisfy the most fastidious. This is the best place to buy your new suit for fall and win­ ter. John Anderson, THE TAILOR. Nice Cool Press Go ods Dimity and lawns of all kinds. A new shipment of trimmings, the very best tha t money will buy. Laces and embroideries. Big stock of SUMMER SHOES Also the finest line of groceries in town. Everything guaranteed or your money refunded. Get your fruit jars— Mason and Economy— from us. ABRAHAM 1 BROS Forest Grove Oregon Now is the time to do your plowing. Ground plowed at» this time of the year is as good as sum­ mer fallow. You can do it» easier and bet»t»er wit»h a Disc Plow and have your grain sowed before you could start, w ith th e Walking Plow. We carry Sanders and Benecia Hancock the two best plows made. Call and see them. We also handle the TRIUMPH SULKY and GANG PLOWS, JOHN DERE WALKING PLOWS, J. I. CASE HAR­ ROW S, HOOSIER DRILLS and everything in the line of implements for working your land to the best advantage. X GOFF BROS. FO R E S T GROVE, O R E G O JV S to re The Progressive :ñl JAM ES RASM Dealer in [ F LO U R and F E E D Forest Urove. Ore., - Pacific Ave.