Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 12, 1907, Image 6

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We carry t»he Old Hickory and
Weber, one and two horse wa­
They have many ad-
vansaces over all others. Come
B u g g ie s .
The famous Anchor, Pontiac
and Lion. W 3 can suit you in
quality and price.
The Canton Disc Plow is the best,
and v/e can prove it,!
This plow
will run just the same whether the
N o tic e !
ground is wet, or dry. W e also carry
i,he Superior Grain Drill.
g oods and vvr give you the
advantage o f the cash dis-
satisfied only when you are
Regular pre
JÄ fv t ‘1 v s. libati»
hop) at 10 ».
rrvlce, fhu ri
4 It Sunday» ?
Bible Schoo
Junior Miss
Christian K>
Prayer m
Sunday Sch
vice at U o
Young People
service on Th
There w ill l
dist Church e
Utile things and occasionally would fly
Into a sudden hurst of passion, bo Im­
M l'
potent, so unreasonable, that he was
Regular preaching services at the Methodist church
For purpose of weather foreeasthi • unite umused. Instead of flaring up
every Sabbath st 11a.m . and at 8:00 p. m. Sunda
the Ilrltlsh Isles are divided Into eleven himself he would sit and laugh at her.
«Ile rchuol at 10 a. m.; Epworth League 7:00 p. m.; Mid week different
Then when he had had enough of this
A great mart to I«» devoted wholly to summer tempest on a millpond he
REV. H. GOULD, Pastor.
the sale o f autos and accessories Is to would take her to his arms and cover
German Lutheran Church
Is* hullt In London. It Is to I k * an her face with kisses.
The German Lutherans hold services on the 2nd and
n uto-"Tn t tersa 11 s."
POI 4th Sundays of each month at 2:30 p. m.
The next time he called he would
The gross receipts of London thea­ probably And her former self—ready
H. C. EBEl INC, Pastor.
ters are about fl.ToO.OOO yearly. Of with her sympathy and pra ctica l ad­
Christian Church.
this sum actors take fully half, but vice as to his affairs, her expression of
P i*
authors get no more than one eight­ those strong womanly principles for
Bible School, Sunday
which she was so valued by the world
nmunion and preaching
P*3U I
at large - Indeed, all that she had
T.& m . istian Endeavor
valued at $32,G0n.(iun. There Is a pro­ thrown off, nothing that she had as­
W i l l ,h ln®
posal to tear It down, build a seven sumed, during their last meeting.
One evening when he called-he had
wan ro' aycr meeting on Thursday night.
story structure on part of the site and
REV. SIAS, Pastor.
witnessed the evening before one of
land o
sell the rest.
Congregational Church
A maximum penalty of ik’d or tin her April storms, with a bit of thunder
for three months Is pro mid lightning thrown in—and found her
her own steady self he deliberately set
Jai vice at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. vtiled by the ltrltlsh spurious sports about to make her angry. She looked
Young People’s Meeting held at 6.30 p. m. Mid week bill In the case of any person who as
service on Thursdays at 7:30 p. nr.
slsts In hunting, coursing or shooting at him with a dignified astonishment.
REV. H. W. BOYD, Pastor.
any animal which has I s sm i kept In He kept on with Ills prodding till Anal­
confinement and has been released for ly she arose and with a pained sur­
Free Methodist
prise. mingled with contempt, walked
this purpose.
out of the room. He sent n maid for
There w ill be preaching services in the Free Metho­
at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
her. but she declined to return, and he
ex dist Church every Sunday
REV. H. K. BOWMAN, Paator.
went away without seeing her.
He did not sleep that niglit, for he
Christian Science.
was much troubled. Her treatment of
Servlcea every Sunday at II a. m. and 7:30 p.m.
hlm had repelled him. If she was to
sei at the Christian Science Hall. 115 South Fifth Street
lw» alw ays this serious self he was
COrtglnal ]
quite willing to release her from her
This Is h story something like dupli engagement. Hut he could not give up
onto whist, which Is intended to ellm- that lighter Harriet who rented him,
Inale ehance In the game of whist and a,UU!' « 1 him and of whom all he asked
give a eorapnrisen of pure skill. This w"8 to *’e 1ov,h1- However, the matter
What a Heap of Happiness If story eliminates the phvslenl uerson- n!,s
the next evening when he
alitj in the game of love and leaves all i-itlltsl by it greeting fur more démon­
Would Bring to Forest
strative than she hail ever shown him
to disposition.
Grove Homes.
When the engagement of Harriet before. Indeed. It seemed that the tsmd
Hartwell and Stun Thatcher was an­
Hard to do housework with an ach­ nounced every In sly said that It was a u as her lighter self had been flimsy
M< ing back.
fool match. Harriet was a high prin­ had suddenly become unbreakable;
ciple.! girl, steady, dignified, full of that they were now the fetters of a
Brings you hour* of misery at leisure noble aspirations, which she made a real mutual ecstatic love.
"Sweetheart." he said, "what hag
good show In carrying out. Site was
J or at work.
brought about this change?”
If women only knew the cause—that wealthy, and her surplus Income went *Tui pledget! not to tell.”
where It wonld do the most gttntl
tu t
Backache pains come from sick kid­ Thatcher was also * steady going fel .^ e could get nothing front her. but
low. with no evil or weak traits about * "''I’,"’'''1 n” ‘»«P o tio n to relapse,
him. III. life purpose being to achieve 1 r"ni ,hat " » » ' 1111
In-fore the
Ml Twould save much needless woe.
success am! do his duty bv his fellows redding be saw no more of her other
Doan’s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys
Notwithstanding the opinion of the
s,“lf S,”‘
t'1'’ "-'uie light,
world the engaged vt'uple failed to
Mra M.tv Biunnrdnvt. of 414 Ware, Street. Sa
lew. Ore , u t t "I hav« found tVwn a Kulnev
grow together Harriet studied when
Pitta a remedy that la worth, of a. 1 ronMenrf aant
with her fiance to be Interested In wbat
an .leased to endorse them ao that «he» luRrrera
Iron kidney mni.lamt way know ho. to ,ei relief
he was Interested In. to accord with
I procured Uonn'a Kidney Pills at a d r„ «ore >od
him In his views In short, to make her
•ever.I member, of out family havr used rhem with
the m at yralifym , results I look Them myself foe
self a part of him.
a tired arhln* back and a J r . , , . , down faelln ,
There came a period when Thatcher
that manes from Irregular amt deranged k'dneya
_T he require sere of the beet The aching and . we'
noticed that Ills flancee was different at
veaa were banished and the kldneya . . r e rendered
different times. At one evening when
hbemal. My health became better in every way."
he called she would manifest her usual
For tale by all dealers. Price 50 Interest In what Interested him or what
cents. Fostcr-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, he was siip|>oscd to prefer to talk
about, and the next she would chatter
New York, sole «gents for the United lightly, principally about what she was
U fi
V W tH
And notwithstanding occasional
herself Interested In. Thatcher was go.sl
April storms she was In the main a
Remember the name—Doans—and rested by this setnlfrlvolity and per model o' amiability When Thatcher
miffed her to chatter to her heart's
uke no other.
content Then. too. she manifested a would Sjuak to her about her former
.ii.^ s .t .u -
a ... a
. I *»‘:f
1 1 ielight that It sepmeil ta
imposition to have her own way «hont ,UV(. f,j C eJ , w„ trvxn her she wonld
A Matter oî Disposition.
et the CP'
A Be
L it i
A b
th« m
y o u hr
c u re
Pill» c»
sljep I
I N, •
t ' sn
• ere
were *
I It*«
»i*d m
was a
tenet » .
p r r i o t Pc
I hrv are
trouble« «1
Pili« bavd
For st.
New Y
•ake no
W e have the b e st assort­
ed and most, complete
¡me o f Stoves and Ranges
in the county.
A fine
Universal R.ange with
high warming closet, and
reservoir for only
W e have new Heaters
coming in every day. W e
bought our heaters when
the price was right and
can save you money.
hide lier iaoe on t l a breast and say-
At last the m arriage was set for a
month In advance. The next time
Thatcher called on his fiancee he was
astonished that as she had been for a
time a double disposition, so she was
now double In the flesh. One of the
two advanced to meet him.
“I am Harriet Hartwell,” she said,
"and this Is Florence Kirk, We met
accidentally and were astonished at our
sim ilarity. Suspecting that my dis­
position was not suited to your require­
ment*. I persuaded her to personate me
alternately with myself, she wearing
my costumes while doing so. She has
proved conclusively that she Is capa­
ble of making you happy. I am not.
tVe alternated In receiving you until
you ahowed on one occasion a mental
constitution with which I could never
be In accord. Then I told Florence that
I would resign you to her. She had
meanwhile grown to love you. and the
feeling that she was to possess yon
cemented the bond.”
Tosslbly Harriet was Florence’s an-
prrlor. Tbet Thatcher was not en
rapport with the former and needed
the latter does not Indicate that he was
any the less a man. He needed not a
^lIPUeato of himself, but his cotnple
To Forest Grove
Words of Praise
For the several ingredients of which Dr.
Pierce’s medicines a r e composed, as given IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF
by loaders In ali t h e several schools of
medicine, should have far more weight Emily J. Fleming, Plaintiff,
than any amount of non-professional tes­
timonials. I ) r . Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ James A. Fleming, Defendant.
tio n has t h e liA lx jE o f h o n e s t y on every To James A. Fleming, the above namad defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby
bottle-wrapper, in a full list o f all I ts in­
I notified that the above named plaintiff has filed a com­
gredients printed in plain English."
If you aro an invalid woman and suffer plaint against you in the above entitled court, and you
from frequent headache, backache, gnaw- j are hereby required to appear and answer said com*
Ing diStr/& in Stomach, periodical pains, plaint on or before the last day of the time prescribed
disagreeable, catarrhal, pelvic drain, by the order of publication hereof, to-wit: on or before
draggiifg/down distress in lower abdomen the 11 th day of October, 1907 .
or pelvjjf, perhaps dark spots or specks
You are further notified that if you fail to appear and
dancing before the eyes, faint spells and answer the complaint herein, or plead thereto, the
killdfol symptoms caused by female weak- pla'ntiff w ill cause your default to be entered and w ill
ness, o t f t h u f d e r a n g e m e n t of the feminine pray the court above mentioned for the relief prayed
Organs, Vf"/ can not do better than tako for in the complaint therein, that is to say, for a judg-
D r. P iC fyC K t avorite Prescription.
j ment, and decree against you forever dissolving the
The h/s/iital, surgeon's knife and opera- I bonds of matrimony now existing between the above
ting tatf(/raay be avoided by the timely named plaintiff and yourself, the above named defend­
use of vf avorite Prescription" In such ant, and for such other relief as the court may deem
cases. Th'-reby tbe eiuv \i-.>ns examin­ equitable in the premises.
ations ami Inf ill TTi-at.lii;~uIS l'f til" family
The date of the first publication of this summons is
1 l.v -ii-ian can he avoid* d and a thorough Thursday, August 22ud, 1907, and that of the last pub­
cunr.v' of successful treatment carried out lication hereof is Thursday, October 10th, 1907.
liitl-e urm lcy 0I_ tlk- humi'7 -’ Favorite
This summons is published by order of the Hon. J.
s S S I f f i S h 's i s
science for the cure of woman's peculiar
been made in clumber,, auru « toth, iso.
county of the Circuit
ailments, contains no alcohol and no
harmful or habit-forming drugs.
Do not expect too much from "Favorite
Prescription; ” it will not perform mira­
Attorney for the plaintiff.
cles ; it will not disolve or cure tumors.
Forest Grove. Oregon.
No medicine will. It will do as much to
establish vigorous health in most weak- !
nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to j
Notice for Publication.
women as any medicine can. It must bo
United States Land Office,
given a fair chance bv perseverance in Its
Portland, Oregon, July 30, 1907.
use for a reasonable length of time.
Y on c a n 't affo rd to :L,-,-cpt. n .n .T r t n r .,. j ( Notice is hereby given that in compliance w ith the
trnm as a Mil-tit'il*- f..r ilo- r. m.-ly
1 provisions of the'act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en-
ytinwn cunil'iisitlTn.
tiiled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Of
California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terri*
Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond­
ence is guarded as sacredly secret and i tory,” as extended to ali the Public Land States by act
womanly confidences are protected by j of August 4, 1892, Mark Bailey Bump of Hillsboro,
professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. county of Wathington, state of Oregon, has this day
Pierce, Buffalo, N. V'.
j filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7514, for the
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the beat purchase of the lot five and the southeast quarter of the
laxative and regulator of the bowels. northwest quarter of section No. six, in township No.
They invigorate stomach, liver and 1 3 N range No. 3 W W illamette meridian and will offer
bowels. One a laxative ; two or three a
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for
cathartic. Easy to take as candy.
From Kansas City. St. Joseph,
Leavenworth, A tchison,Coun­
cil Bluffs, Omaha, Sioux City,
St. Panl, Minneapolis, Du-
t •\
luth and Winn ipeg .
Des Moines. Ia ..................
St. Louis, Mo ........................
Oklahoma City, Ok......... . . . 3 0
Peoria, 111 .............................................. . . . . 31
| its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
Chicago, 111............................ . . . 33
' to establish his claim to said land before the Register
Evansville, Ind....................... . . 35
| and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th
Notice for Publication.
, day of November, 19 7.
Indianapolis, Ind..................... . . 3 5 85 I
United St; tea Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
January 9, 1907. ' He names as witnesses E. W. Howell, of Monntain-
Memphis, Tenn................... . . . 3 7 so Notice is hereby given that in compiiancewith
th r j , dale, Oreg , J. H. Howell, of Mountaindale, Oreg..
’ provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 187«, en j Emil Seifert of Bacona, Oreg., D. D. Bump of Forest
Louisville, K y....................... . . . 3 8
t titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the State | Grove, Oregon.
I of
l California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Terri I
Cincinnati, O ........................................ . . . 3 8
Tory.” as extended to all the Public Land States by a r’ j Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above
August 4 , 18Q2, George W. Lo:kwond of Por’ and ! described lands are requested tc file their claims in this
Detroit, Mich .................................... . . . 3 9 30 of
county of Multnomah, state or Oregon, hay this day filett I >ffice on or before said 9th day of November, 1907.
thi» office his »worn statement No. 7167 for the pur 1
Cleveland, O ................................. . . . 3 9 75 1 oha«e
of the nl a of nw
and swVg of nw ’ » of Sertior I
Date of first publication Aug. 29.)
and se 1 1 of ne*» of Section No. 10. in Town !
Nashville, Tenn ............................. . . . 4 0
»hip No. 1 N Range No. 5 W , and w ill offer proof fr I
»how that the land »ought is more valuable for it* timber j
Pittsburgh, Pa .................................... . . . 41
or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish 1
hi* claim to said land before the register and receiver o* I
Toronto, Ont ............................... . . . 41 95 thi*
— At Bailey’s, <or ladies’ hand sewed
office at Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, the i«th
September. 1007.
tuffalo, N. Y ....................................... . . . 42 50 day He of narn-s
as witnesses C. H. Osborn of Portland, Or., ! goodyear welt, patent leather oxfords.
Miller of Portland. Or . W J Lockwood cf '
lirmmgham, Ala ............................. . . . 4 4 50 James
Cuban heel, Blucher cut.
Portland. Or . A. G Lefler of Portland. Oregon.
.*ny and all persons claiming adversely the above- j
tlantt, G a ........................................... . . . 4 6 75 described
land* are requested to file their cia:ms in this
—Hoffman & Allen for good goods
sheville, N. C ............................... . . . 4 6 75 office on or befor- said l<>th day of September, 1907 .
and lowest prices.
lobile, Ala ........................................... . . . 4 6 85
\ Date of First Publication July 18 , 1QQ7.
'ashington, D. C .................... . . . 4 8 25
When you travel the*Wil«on Fiver Road stop at
Montieal, Q ue. . . .
. . . 4 8 60 j —Takt vour Mohair and Wool to
Philadelphia. Pa. .
. . . 4 9 75
32 rr les from Forest Grove. Rates meals 25:,
Baltimore. Md. . . .
. . . 49 25
iodgtng, 25c. Board with room per week $6 00
H-’ tsc *. -earn over night, hay and grain $1.50.
90 j
Hay al-me, 75«. Hot and cold water piped
at the
through h u r t . Modem bn»h etc. Trleph ne
New York City, N. Y
. . . 5 0 00‘
the proprietor, J. F.
T h e White Mouse