Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 12, 1907, Image 5

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    Bills Allowed by the County Court.
Following bills weie allowed:
Forest Grove N'at’l Bank, r and h.
$ 1000 00
John Heard, r end h ............................
4 00
Eugene Dietzgcn, c h ........................
21 U 2
H k t-indley. D A
4 00
Fred Sigtuthaler, engineer..............
7 So
Eight room modern house,
Delos D Neer, cour* house .............
10 00
large lot, splendid location.
Glass & i’ rudhomme, c h ..................
21 00
W H Lyda, bridges.............................
16U 00
A home to be proud of: « « p n n
Beal Si Co., r and h ..............................
2 50
Ro .well & Co, r and h ........................
4 40
o n ly .................................. 0 2 ,O U U
Bushong Si Co., stationery..............
V 50 I
C S Re> nolds. r and h ...........
4 05
Jo* *r Marsh, bd of E x ........................
JO 10
Josephine S Case, bdof E x ................
30 00 I
Relinquishment of Tim ber
7 48
Conxclmann Bros., bridges................
partly improved,
Tualatin Mill Co., bridges.................
47 7* !
Ivan Simon, c h ....................................
8 25 ,
o n ly ...........................
Fred Scheur, r andh............................
13 50 I
268 50 !
C A Cavel, assn and c o l......................
88 20 I
Clarence Miller, r and h .....................
Beal and Co,, r and h ..........................
27 50 I
W M Jackson, salary..........................
SO ix
W W Kyals, r and h ............................
234 00 j
A C Sargent, r and h ...........................
10 65 I
4 00 I
Reeves and Reeves, relief................
B B Reeves, relief...............................
21 42
Eugene Dietz gen, surveyors office. .
21 00 I
J W Connell, r and h ........................
7 00
4 00
John Burwick
Phone 294, Forest Grove, Oreg< n
Thomas A McBride, cir c t ................
20 83 I
J W Sewell, r and h ............................
4 00
Beal & Co, r and h ...............................
7 00
Henry Jones "
8 (X
Goff Bros
“ ................................
33 01
The Forest Service and the Bureau
G A Patterson, c h ...............................
20 40
The Delta Drug Store, relief............
3 75 of Animal Industry are working hard in
Riley Cave, c h .....................................
2 5(
A A Morrill, r and h ...........................
14 60 an endeavor to eradicate or diminish
The Wheeler Mfg Co, c h ................
18 75
the com m on forms of stock distase
Geo H W ilcox, salary.......................
100 00
L W House, c h .................................
2 (X found on the western ranges and their
Climeax Mill, c o .................................
21 40
Bushong & Co, stat.............................
17 51 effort' are meeting with much success,
Hillsboro Argus, printing.................
14 (X ft is anticipated that a large number of
E J Godman, elk and sal....................
231 1(
Beech & Keffer, r and h . . ................
22 81 stockmen will avail themselves of this
Jake Reichen, r and h .......................
10 (X
latest oiler of assistance and as a result
A M Collins, sal...................................
A J Roy, relief.................................
100 (X the loss of stock will be greatly reduced
C H Jeremiah, r and h ........................
1 5t
Beech and Keefer, r and h ................
J9 5‘> and range conditions improved.
R H Greer, relief...............................
5 18
F W Live, more, r and h ...................
30 9F
M C Case, trav e x ...... .........................
11 (X
Bud Sames told the local quill
sal etc.
10 2 S'-
A E Mead, r and h .........................................
20 00 pusher in
Portland Sunday that he
G W Hines, sup sal.............................................
42 5i
John Nyberg, * ...............................................
18 75 would not play foot ball with the Mult­
Tualatin Mill Co, r and h ....................................
4 7( nomah Athletic Club this year.
S E Olson, r and h ...............................................
16 (X
Geo Jack, r and h ................................................
5 01 will be a great loss to the club (or
H L Russell, r and h ...........................................
286 25
Thos Sain, sup sal................................................
51 3( "B u d ” was ihe star of the bunch and
Hoodenpyle & Johnson, bridges.......................
15 84 won most of their victories by his al­
Thos Said, loan to dist......................................... 2000 0(
A Reverman, sup sal...........................................
6 25 most all powerful boot.
J W Sewell, sup sal.............................................
7 51
J J W Connell, e x ....................................................
34 45 depends upon the punter according to
D W Bath, ptg ...................................................
10 81 the revised rules and Bud has no equal
Mrs Murdoff, relief.............................................
4 i:0 •. .
Henry Boge, r and h .............
9 oo \ i n h i k i n g t h e o v a l o v e r t h e goal.
J B Phillipps, r and h .................................
* v ^
oo I *‘
* c Moulen, who by the way will not
Dao Leisev, r and h .....................................
Buxton Lumber Co, bridges...............................
47 62 1 r e t U m to Oregon University and who
Fred Haase, r and h .............................................
2 m oo scored most of the points for the U. of
John Ennis, r and h .......................................
I Peter Grossen, refund tax..................................
28 06
Bud has used the drop
Big 4 Lumber Co, bridges....................................
9 20 O. last year.
J J Krebs, bridges..................................................
8 0L almost entirely instead of the place
W illis Ireland, sai and d ep ..................................
136 65
A team, without a punter, now
Chas W esiott, ct c t .............................................
12 25 kick.
City Water and L Plant, c h ..............................
22 50
is worse than a home without s aking
W W Ryals bridges.............................................
16 64
| J W Connell, sal...................................................
225 00 fluid in Portland on Sunday when the
W M Killingsworth, relief.................................
2 1 00
Ward Downs, ass and col ..................................
63 75 thermometer is up in the torrid re­
Adam Beil, bridges...............................................
5 50
gions. So Bud will be greatly missed
Hillsboro Lumber Co ct h ...................................
2 9f I
G W Hines, bridges.............................................
75 00 ( by his winged “ M ” colleagues.
Star Lumber Co, bridges.....................................
12 60 j
S T Finegan, bridges...........................................
17 43 |
H . J. Blaesing of the Blaesing Gran-
A C Shute, ct h .....................................................
7 5f
T he season of hop picking is here and the crop this year is abundant.
mand for pickers than ever before.
plies that will meet all demands.
There is a better de­
Real Estate,
W e foresaw this and have consequently laid in a stock of sup­
Before you g o to the fields come to our store and we will make
you comfortable, happy and satisfied for we have everything you need to make your hop picking
carnival a success.
Gloves, leather and canvas, guantlets, hats, shirts,
shoes rubbers, two grades; straw cuffs, blankets, quilts,
sun umbrellas. In fact* you can’t name an article we
haven’t got.
The GROCERY Department.
You don’t* want to forget your stomachs—neither
have we for you can get everything of the choicest* here.
pay you to start from
our big store
I ite Go. of Portland, was here last w eek
and erected a fine polished Gray
i n g K in k n e x t S a tu r d a y n ig h t , S e p t e m - i
Scotch Granite Monument in the burial
b e r l l .
W a l k e r ’ s O r c h e s t r a w ill fu r ­
lot of H . F. Gordon in the Naylor
n is h t h e m u s ic .
Cemetery, weighing 7500 pounds. It
1 is a substantial and artistic memorial
I Further Improvement of Conditions on
! and reflects much credit to the firm,
Western Ranges.
who have the reputation of doing first
Washington, September 11.— Fur­ i class work.
ther evidence of the governm ent’ s con­
Oscar Baldwin has gotten into his
cern over the improvement of range new rooms in the Paterson building and
conditions in the National Forests is has his rooms splendidly equipped and
shown in the announcement just made intends to add still more stock and fur-
that stock owners will be furnished free | " ; ” 're " He win’ run a mTs”sion"’ uttice
of charge supplies of vaccine for the WQrk up tQ (he border on the walls
treatment of stock afflicted with black ieavjnfc, an opening for the ice cream
leg, tuberculosis and other animal dis­ parlor in the rear room.
This arrangement has been i 1
— Dr. Large reports a son weighing
made by the Forest Service with Dr.
A. D. Melvin, chief of the bureau of nine pounds, born to the wife of John
Ranes at Gales Creek, the 7th inst.
Animal Industry.
Stockmen holding permits for graz-1 Parties wishing the attendance of Dr.
ing in the National Forests will now be Large in this class of cases, will greatly
furnished with an effective means of oblige him if convenien', by engaging
combatting without cost all of the most his services two or three months prior
dangerous diseases to which stock is to th i expected event.
subject. The vaccine can be obtained
Sam Show who went back east a few
simply by applying to the supervisor
months ago to tty and find some climate
of the Forest upon which the stock is
better than Oregon, returned last week
Men are wanted at the stone crusher. grazed, who will at on ce forward the
. to the Grove satisfied that this is one oI
approved request to the Bureau of Ani­
' the best spots on G od’ s great ball.
Thatcher can boast of its fine roads
mal Industry where it will be filled.
made of crushed rock covered with
— The new school books are now c; a
Full directions will be furnished for its
sale at The Bazaar.
Farmers are busy hauling cord wood
to Forest G rove; they make two trips a
— T h e r e w ill b e a d a n c e a t t h e S k a t - j
After the crop is harvested come to us where we can
fit you as no other store can.
Quong Lee’s
Liner Column
It 1« all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad
In thi* column. A few words here will reach 5,000
readers and the result* are certain. 5c line 1st
Insertion, 2Mi cents each subsequent insertion.
Minimum charge 10 cts.
- 10c Drawer* - - 8 to 15c
White shirt -
10c White W«i«t* - 10 to 20c
“ - - „
White Skirt« - 10 to 50 Underskirt» - 15 to 25c
- 8c Stocking«
- - 2Väc
Undershirt« -
- 2c Collar» - - - - -
. - - 25c
Men * White Vest» 10 15c Pant« -
- 15 20c
Coat* - - - - 10 20c Duster«
Towel« - - - 20c Dot. Napkin« - - 20c Do*.
The following article« 50 c per do*. Pillow Cases,
Bed Sheet«. Table Cloth*. Night Gown«. W omen'«
Drawer«, Underwear, Apron» and Corset Cover«.
For Rent— Four good rooms. 210
3rd Avenue and 2nd Street South.
Lost— A littlle white bear skin coat
trimmed with silk braid, brass buckles
and buttons, between Forest Grove
ball grounds and Patton’ s cam p. Will
‘‘W A N T E D — Salesmen. Many make give suitable teward. Inquire Mrs.
$100 to $150 per month, som e even James Broderick, Cornelius, Oregon.
' more.
Stock clean: grown on reserva-
10 2t
I tion, far from old orchards.
For Sale— Good horse.
Inquire of
1 advanced weekly. C hoice of territory.
1 Address Washington Nursery Company, F. W . Daniel.
! Toppenish, Washington.”
For Sale— Registered Jersey bull,
Lost— Left silk, ivory handle um ­ years and 4 months old.
brella on Forest Grove Local August W . Pollock at J. F. Forbes’ ranch.
F«f“ ‘ &t0TC ' 7th. If finder will return to this of-
j fice a reward will be paid.
Cider Apples W anted— For partic­
For Sale— Pure bred Poland China ulars WTite or call on Ingham Vinegar
boar 16 months old. O. C. Schofield, C o., 64 Albina ave., Portland, Ore.
2 miles west of Forest Grove.
6 tf
Pacific Avenue
FOR SALE— G ood work horse well
FOR SALE.— Thoroughbred regis­
broke,and set of new work harness— tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy
. never been used. On the Old Carey cattle which have the highest test in
j Porter place.
the county. Address box 16 R. F. D.
i F o r R e n t o r S a l e — T e n t 1 2 x 2 4 . No. 1. Cornelius.
Large or Sm3ll Tracts
Dairy, fruit and hay farms, hop
Inquire at Pacific Art Studio.
For Sale— 3-horse power gasoline i
engine and chopper. New. E. J.
Ayres, Gales Creek, Or.
M. L. Noble
Real Estate
Office Hain street, one 4cor north Russell’s
Shoe Store
Forest Grove
Forest Grove Tim* Tibie
n orth bound .
7 d-»»r-« 6 «0 ». m ., a r r i» « « Vorland 8 00 a.
10:10 I
S:47 a. m.. M
1.50 a
9 “
I.J 0 » . « . .
5 5 0 »
« 1 0 » .« ..
No 1 1». P orlia d 7:00 a in 1». T o r « ! Crore S 1* »
No. S ’ ’
1100 a. « .. a a .
„ p
N o .«
« : i 0 » . » . . •».
Na. i o 1“
J J 0 » . « . . a».
t ¥!i>
List your place with me and have
it sold.
For Sale— G ood 12-room house,
1 bam , 1 acre land, all kinds friuit. In
! quire at this office.
For Sale— 74 acres good improved
land, 9-room house, barn, windmill and
water system. Inquire at this office.
Lost— Light-weight brown overcoat,
on Greenville road near Forest Grove
Finder please leave at Oregon Real
| Estate office and receive reward.
For Sale— 8 yearling highgTade Jer­
sey heifer calves, and one yearling bull
—* Three 2 year old heifers, com ing fresh
a «• within a month, and 4 milch cows.
T h e young heifers are from cows
averaging 380 pounds of butter per
E. C. S im p s o n , Agent.
Have also a 3 horse power gas
W . E. COMAN. General fre ig h t and year.
oline engine for sale. Enquire at resi J
Passenger Agent. Portland.____________
den ce of M. Sommer. 3 miles north­
west of Banks, Ore. (Form erly Hubert
— Hoffman & Allen Co. will buy
W hitney’ s Farm .)
your pears and apples.
Lost— Fob with $ 2 .5 0 gold piece
— Try Schultz’ s g-ound bon e for
attached. Return to this office.
your hens. It will make them lay.
S h
M ore help n eeded at the hop yards.
Men and women make $2 and $3 per
Allen Hayden had a new phone put
in his house last week.
H elp is also wanted in the prune or­
chards to pick and dry prunes.
Real E state
K . N . S ta e h r
Mrs. M. S. Roberts was called to
Portland last week on account of the
serious illness of Mr. R obert’ s son’ s I
Card of Thanks.
T o those friends and neighbors in
j Cornelius and Forest Grove who in so j
| many ways helped to lighten our care |
i and sorrow in the long illness and death
of our beloved husband and father, and
for the beautiful floral offerings, we ;
I truly feel grateful and ever shall remem
! ber. Especially do we wish to thank
i the members of the I. O . O. F ., Re-
I beccas and relatives.
Mrs. L. S. Foster and family.
— There will be a dance at the Skat­
ing Rink next Saturday night Septem­
ber 11.
Walker’ s Orchestra will fur­
nish the muse.
F e lix V e rh o e v e n
Som e of this w eek's Bargains
Twenty acre farm, 4 miles
from here; 15 acres cleared,
house and barn. $1300 takes it;
$500 down, balance on 6 per
Forty acre farm with good
house and barn for only $1000.
Good 6 room
for $650.
in town
Large house in town with 4
acre lot. Best location in For­
est Grove, $1150.
Fifty-three acre farm, with
house and barn 4 miles from Gas­
ton; 40 acres in cultivation; bal­
ance in good pasture.
cows, chickens and farm im ple­
ments go with the place. All
for $ 3 00 0; $180 0 cash, balance
to suit.
Twenty-three acres, 2£ miles
from Forest Grove;
15 acres
cleared, fair lou se, good new
All for $1600. Terms.
— Ladies’ hand turned patent leather
plain toe.
Bailey's Big Store.
j oxfords,
, ®
— M oved, next door to Peterson'
hardware. W . E. Bowman, the har-
. ness man.
9 -3 t
■ Good new 6-room house, hard
wood finish, hot and cold water,
b*th a. s. f. J acre lot with beau­
tiful shade trees. G ood barn.
Price $1400.
Thirty-eight acre fruit farm, 3
miles from Forest Grove, with
81500 house and good new barn.
2000 grape
vines, 900 prune
trees, 100 bartlett and 300 other
bearing fruit
trees. This place
will bring its owner a yearly in­
c om e of $1 80 0.
Price $5000.
Half down.
Eighty acre dairy farm, 6 miles
out with good buildings and fine
orchard. Price $4000.
New six
room house with
two lots for $1000.
Eighty-five acre«, 3 miles from
Banks, 55 acres in cultivation,
10 acres in prunes, 3 acres fam­
ily orchard of all kinds of fruit.
Good 8-room hous , new barn,
good timber and running water.
On mail and milk route.
I ele-
phone on place. Price $3600.
Eighty acre larm, 34 miles
from Forest Grove, 30 acres
cleared, *0 acres slashed, bal­
ance in timber.
House and
Good spring by the house,
sold before Sept. 20, $3000 takes
it. This place is on milk route.
Houses for Rent