/ more capital to have a herd of the best breeds and costs but little more to feed fíne cows than common stock, the enlightened farmer soon finds tin t to have a herd of 4Ü or SO good cows yielding from Í 0 0 to 600 pounds each of butter fat is much better than hav­ ing the same number of inferior cows yielding on an average 200 pounds each. The only way to improve a herd of cows is to possess a blooded bull. The bull is half the herd. The importation of these fine bulls and cows has meant thousands of dollars to the farmers of Oregon. “ As to the selection of a breed I can say little. Every farmer has his particular favorite— either Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire or Guernsey— and soon finds by a little care and observa- ; tion which breed is best adapted to his surrounding. When he finds the breed that does best on his farm, that is the breed he should tie to. “ In the Eastern country, dairy farm ing is conducted in most localities as an incident; in this favored state dairy­ ing can be carried on as the principal business of the farmer with certainty of big returns. I would not be surprised tD learn that in a few years the grain fields of Eastern Oregon had been abandoned to the raising of dairy prod- F O r e g o n S t a t e P a ir September 16-21 inclusive, Salem, Oregon The 46th Year of Progress 25,000 PREMIUMS and PURSES S ix D a y s o f R a c in g Free evening entertainment and camping space. Live stock entries close September 9. EX C U R SIO N w. H. D o w n in g , ON A LL p r e s id e n t . R A ILRO A D S. F. A. WELCH, Secretary. ~ S TA TE A C TIVITY NOTES. = A Dr. Via s 3ig Salmon. My! but l ow Oregon is growing! Dr. W. P. Via, Mr. and Mrr. G ry The same glad note ol progress—new Via and baby of Portland, went over on buildings, new people— comes from the Wilson River fcrty miles from this many sections. place last Saturday returning Monday, Great interest is manifested in the and according to W. P., suh, he hrd 0 r e Bon lig a tio n A s s o c ia te at Grants j one of the best times he has ever had ucts. Continuous crops of grain w will u fiStel'a illi* Pass — this week' I “ ‘“S ll,e’ 1^ surely wear out the land, just as was Secretary Taft's I aft s reception reception by the »re camped over there. They fish.d, hunted and did what not. Doc sajs the experience in the Southern States Oregon Development League broke all that he saw all the fish he caught, at d in the matter of cotton. Now, when records. Many people went to the killed ail the deer he saw, but he 1 the lands referred to give out, the Armory as early as six o’clock. The would not make any statement as to ftrmers will go in for daitying, and in entire state was represented upon the the exact number for fear the g a n e - a few years their lands will again be | platform and in the audience by weil- known Oregonians, and all of them wjrdt‘n might be after him for exceed- brought into good shape, as dairying is have a better understanding of the P a -; in* ‘¡mit. Doc was reciting his the most intensive farming in exist­ nama Canal than ever before. deeds Iuesday evening in front of ence. An answer to the probability of Senator Haines’ money house when The advertising habit has certainly j grain farming giving way to dairying Mr. Wells happened past. Mr. Wei's might be too valuable for the latter struck Oregon. Almost every bank, j heard the word fish and stopped to list- purpose. I would say that in Europe, business house and factory in Portland j en to the fish tales, and if Ike Baldwin where lands are so high in price, dairy- and throughout the state are distribut­ had been there the trio would have ing pays best. As an object lesson let ing leaflets in their correspondence. been complete. Doc said that the | me say that a fair to good cow will pro The note(j Kikujiro Ishii, Cheif of place where he was camped was tl e S E C R E T A R Ÿ OF WAR WILLIAM H. TAFT. duce 20 pounds of milk a day, worth ^ e Japanese Bureau of Foreign Com- best place he had ever fished. “ Yes,’’ on an average 25 cents; a steer on merce, was recently entertained here , remarked Mr. Wells, "over there neai Tax Notice. th e same feed gains cnly two pounds and pains to say that war between 0 , . . . 1......... ............ tn r *v,____ . . . , ., „ : , o. . Stanley s I have seen them four fgr' The taxpayers of Washington Coun- There is a great outlet for the prod­ his country and the United States long— awful fellows.” And Docstrokcc j ty, Oregon, are hereby notified that ucts of this state, and it is constantly impossible. LAWYER ! the last half of their taxes for the year his beard and said, "Y e s suh, the daj increasing. You have now practically Real Estate and Corpo­ OFFICE over 1906, and levied in January, 1907, Both the wheat and hop crop were we left I was lookin’ out on the ri\ er. Oregon as a Dairy State. the whole Coast drawing on you lor much less injured by the rain than was ration Law a Specialty. Hines Store I are now payable and will become delin- which was broader than from this her< Professor Larsen of the Brookings, cheese— from California to Alaska— and at first reported. O r e e o n I 06111 on the first Monday in October, Forest Grove, - bank to Goff’s store” and pointing t( ” i 1 f in 7 rtf r r r L in k t in s o ln t o r o c t o t fit P 1 1907, at which time interest at tbe South Dakota college ot ol Agriculture, I believe the Orient will be knocking A Tillamook cheese is on display the hardware store he continued “ « : rate o l } 2. P“ “ “ 1- Pe,r T n m Wi" bC, ! visited this state last week and pro­ at your doors more vigorously in the I charged, in addition to 10 per cent here which weighs 356 pounds, and salmon swam up the stream and triec j penalty, which said interest will be | nounces it as one of the best states in near future. This state is not so de­ represents the product for one day to turn around in that bend, suh, bu F A S H I O X S T A B L E S j computed from the first Monday in the Union for Dairying. We take pendent upon the railroads as we of of 190 cows. It will be cut and sold his head and tail both struck the banks from the Oregonian excerpts of his the East are, and that' is a great advan­ Pacific Ave. Forest Grove | April, 1907. at retail for Thanksgiving. Seeing that he couldn’t turn around hi j Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, August- opinions as follows: tage. Neat Turnouts flopped his fins throwing might; The Country Club & Live Stock As­ i 3 0 , 1907. “ I was very favorably impressed with J. W. CONNELL, I “ Oregon,” said Wr. Larsen, is pe- streams in all directions and the Vij sociation have bought a site for their Sheriff of Washington County, Ore culiarly favored, both in location and what I observed in Washington County. amily was drenched to the skin ani [ home and work will begin at once. m I climate, to make it one of the leading ; That county is more improved in the ( gon. driven to return to the Grove.” Anr Travel is enormous. Many families ( E S T A B L I S H E D ¡B«8.) states in the production and disposal way of buildings for the proper care of Mr. Wells wended his way up the Tim e for Closing Mails. the cows— they are fed in stables more i are coming to the State and (or many Forest Grove, Oregon of dairy products, I was particularly street. hours for closing w | than in some other localities visited. hours during the day the Union Sta- A general banking business transacted j Following i struck with the evidences of prosper mails: Ialeresl paid on time deposits. “ I must say a word about my enjoy- tion shows an activity similar to that Hillsboro’s Street Fair will be helc Southbound 1 ous dairy farming in Tillamook County. . Eastbound Accounts invited. 8 a . m . The farmers there are improving their ment of your climate since coming to witnessed at a great national convention. October 3, 4 and 5, being Thursday 8 a. m. 5 P- ra herds rapidly and as there is an abun- Oregon. I have never been anywhere They are ticketed to all points through- Friday and Saturday. 12.50 p. m. 3 .3 0 p. m. dance of feed for milch cows and an before where one has such Perfect out lhe State and thls travel wl11 COn' The Hillsboro hotel was last wt-eh Greenville and Buxton, 9 a. m. absence of severe weather, the country j sleeP- 1 nse in the morning refreshed ( t.nue until the close of the colonist For the Rest. Up to date Work. Gales Creek, 12:50 p. m. sold to Ed. Schulmerich, Will W ile is well adapted for the very best results 1 and entirely rested, no matter how rates, October 31st. Baths. Pacific Ave. Forest Grove. Ft. C. ATWELL, P. M. and John Bailey. J. W . Bigelow .0 obtainable anywhere. It was a matter busY 1 may have been the Previous Portland artists are to be congratu- A. I. VVirtz, Proprietor Portland has leased the property ani — Brick for sale at Peterson’s $7 per of elimination with the farmers of that daY- 1 pronounce the climate as near- lated upon securing better photographs will conduct a first class hostelry. thousand. ideal as wel1 could b e-” of Secretary Taft than have ever been county. They discovered, after exper- A . M o u lt o n W. J . Gregg’s hop house, about ! -------------------------- ! taken before. None of his pictures in — Bring your wool and mohair to us. im tnting with the soil, that grain-grow­ ine We will give you the most for it.— J . L. Umschied of Gales Creek, was the Eastern papers compare with those nines northeast of here was burned la- ing was not as profitable as dairying j . in town Saturday. He brought in a prjnted here, and pictures made here Thursday. The contents and buildini T n n s o r i a l i s t Bailey’s. L e a d in g could be made, and as a result each ut few sample peaches and some prunes w;n t,e used by the correspondents were covered by insurance and the los — Brick at Peterson’s yard 87 per year found more and more herds on thousand. F o r e s t G ro v e that were just as good as can be raised who accompany the Secretary from is estimated to be abaut 82000. the slopes and greater attention paid to — Money to loan on farm security . .. , anywhere. He has a good crop. Mr. thjs time forward. The Hillsboro council will pass ai W H Hollis producing butter fat. Cheese-making R. N IX O N , D e n tis t Umschied is starting an English wal ordinance at its next meeting for thi — M en’s patent leather button three became an important industry, and in quarteis boxing cloth top, very neat fact, is today one of the most impor nut grove and will soon have 350 trees morei the fead¡n({ industrial paper of building of concrete walks on botl Forent Grove, Oregon out. H e thinks this will yield him ■ tbe South, devotes two pages to Port- sides of Second Street from Washingtoi Oxfords at Bailey's. tant in the whole state. n ,ji H • i 'e y s «lo re. OFTICR Tb»re - jand and Northwest in a recent is- to Lincoln and on Main to Third whicl hou - D r . E . H Brown, Physician and . ' The population ¡, composed o( greater returns than anything else. W. H. HOLLIS, HAN30CK & GORDON E. W. Haines Bank City Shaving Parlors the Î Í is iator a Í ithin fibeen tn ha* „toute ,h n of ,ij last anee him riet. i 3 ' this -l!iing. - nacted ri ’ were îe çtt— j , Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap- . , „ _ , . L . I Miss Nellie Hoople and sister from sue. The Saturduy Evening Post will takes in the entire business section 0 pliances in office. Calls answered numbers of New Englanders, that had Vancouver, British Columbia, arrived discuss the same subject in its issue of that city. i night or day. struggled long and laboriously in the in this city the first ol the week. They j Saturday, September 21st. The club girls of Hillsboro gave oni I — Roy Watkins has opened a bicycle | almost hopeless task of getting a bare will make Forest Grove their home dur- ■ of the most enjoyable hops of the sea j shop back of the Oregon Land C o m -1 living from the rocky and worn-out The home of Mrs. Anthony Tongue, ing the college yeai. Miss Hoople ‘ on in the opera house at the count' 1 pany’s office and is prepared to do all lands of that section of the country, widow of Congressman Tongue, six Office at Hancock & Gordon’s livery will be a student in the conservatory of seat last Saturday evening. Messrs : kinds of work. tf and who soon found that Tillamook miles north of Hillsboro was burned to stable. music. Rollo Peterson and Frank Fletcher at — Men’s canvas oxfords also canvas County responded with half the effort the ground last Thursday afternoon. Calls promptly attended to Day or One day last week, while H. F . tended from here and Ralph Duqa: shoes the latest styles swing and and gave a hundredfold more profit Mrs. Tongue came near being severely Night. ! formerly ol this city but now a dentis straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey’ s. There are also numbers of Swiss. Danes who lives a mile north of town, burned as her clothing ignited while of Portland attended. A large crow — We have always paid the high­ and Germans in the farming districts, was WOrk‘n* ln the barn’ * Waf!° n she was trying to save some of the of the po, ul»r s .t enjoyed the ligh est for wool and mohair.— Bailey’s. and they inherit the khowledge ol ton* ue which was ProPPed a* alnst the 1 house. Assistance arrived but not upper floor, fell and struck him on the fantistic cheese-making. soon enough to save much. There K TD C p Knowing whxt It It to roffer. I will f lm top of the head inflicting a bad wound. I IX L L FF ER OF CHARGE. to «ny tiflct«4 ■ posi­ Final Notice. " I consider the improvement in the was no insurance. tive jure fqr Eczema. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, PllM and Skin IXseasts. Instant relief. Don’t suffer longer Notice is hereby given that C h irles Hines and Cicero A. C. Davis of Patton Valley, was | Write F. W. Williams, 400 Manhattan Avenue. New herds largely due to the progressive Mrs. DeFord and daughter will ar Hines, executors of the estate of Thomas M. Hines, dr York Enclose Stem» * in town Saturday and paid The News a ; ceased, have filed their final report and that Monday, the methods employed by the Ladds in rive here the last of the week from Na 30th Bay of sop.™v,. wo?.« loo'ciock a m. of bringing in their fine stock. I am told call. He has recently sold his place tional City, California. Miss DeFord But wa have — See Hoffman & Allen’s windows. dav is set for the final hearing of said report. Wh re paying there and will next month move t o ! They contain new creations in skirts fore any one having objections to said report *111 file that the big dairy farms are ; has been a student in French at Paris the same In w riting with the County Court on or before «Î* H u s t l e more attention to improvement In Roseburg, where he has purchased a 1 of *11 kinds. i for the past two years and in all pro­ said date. breeds since the importation of the poultry farm, CH A RLES HINES and try to mix bra ni with them. bability will assist Professor Ben Kori — Men’ s gun metal, Blucher rut CICERO HINES Dr. Brown’s new residence is about Our motto is "keeu busy and oxfords, medium high heel the latCSt j Executors o f the estate of Thomas M.Hines, deceased. blooded stock reached its present pro- in the French class. "aq u ile diabng.” portions. Since it requires but little ready for occupancy. Lan gley Ar Son, Attorneys at Baileys. Tom Rogers, the genial druggist, If you wish to get good farm 1 arrived Friday and will be engaged at lands and make some mrney , Miller’s drug store while the latter is now is your time, and we are the people, for we hi e th away on a hunting expedition. Tom bargains. i is not running his hop yard this year morn- .it Dr. J. H. Knox, D, V. S. Veternary Surgeon. Eczema and Pile Cure WE HAVE NO FÜLL oo6ctaa>»^«os s s s s s s s s s s s s » f s s s s s enro i but has it rented. Mayor Bock of Tillamook, was in town Thursday evening, having arrived via stage. He attended the Taft meeting Friday. Who are we? V” OREGON UNO COM Forest Crove « J :oln, I *n h ill ; this I uild-