T R U S T IS W ITH SPRECKLES. Vashington County lews Has Large Interest In Spreckels Com­ pany, but Docs Not Compete. Han Francisco, Sept. 10. — John ! SpreckleB, president of the Western hwMrf r « * w « t FOREST GROVE. .. OREGON OREGON STATE ITEMS Of INTEREST Irrigation Congress Turns Down Free Lumber Resolution. Sacramento, Sept. 9.— The effort to have the 15th irrigation congress puss a resolution presented by Judge Raker, calling fur the withdrawal of the duty- levied on lumber failed. Another im­ portant action of the gathering Satur­ day was ita decision to eliminate a res­ olution protesting against the enactment of any further legislation favoring Phil­ ippine Bugar. W ith this latter excep­ tion, the report of the committee on resolutions’ was adopttd as^read and the policy of Pres dent Roosevelt and his administration in relation to reclama­ tion, conservation of water and forests and other matters was endorsed. Judge Raker withdrew his motion for tlie purpose of harmony, but tlie sugar question was only settled after great discussion, the friends cf the beet sugar industry milking a strong tight in their interest. Tlie sentiment in favor of eliminating politics from the con­ gress was responsible for the withdraw­ als of the lumber and sugar proposi­ tion!. Arthur Briggs succeeded in getting the congress to pass his resolution in the interests of California fruitgrowers, in relation to tho use of sulphur in dry­ ing fruit. The resolution aekH the de­ partment of Agriculture not to enforce the regulation of the pure food law in the matter without further investiga­ tion. The congress adopted unanimously tlie report of the committee on perma­ nent organization. The newly elected officers are: Frank C. Goudy, of Den­ ver, president; George E. Barstow, of Texas, first vice president; John E. Baker, of Modoc county, California, second vice president; Herbert K. Strain, of Montana, third vice presi­ dent; A . B. Fow ler, of Arizona, secre­ tary. Albuquerque, N. M ., was selected as the meeting place of the 16th irrigation congress. The only city named in op­ position was Walla W alla, Wash. Dr. Blalock, of the Washington delegation, extended the invitation on behalf of that place. Hon. R. E. Twitchell, of Las Vegas, N. M ., made an eloquent appeal for Albequerque. With the ex­ ception of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, the state delegations voted for Albequerqne. California was excused from voting at the request of Chairman Estudillo, who said the delegates did not care to be discourteous to the repre­ sentatives of the two cities, as they were their guests. After a few other matters were dis­ posed of the congress adjourned. BIO BLOOD MOUSED O rien tals In B ritk h C olum bia A rm A gain st W hites. F A IR G R O U N D S A DELIGHT. I G O O D O U T L O O K F O R OREG O N. Sugar Rcllmng company, testified yes­ terday be ore United States Commis Large Freshman Class Fn ers State sioner Richards in regard to the reia Attractive Plan o f Beautifyirg is Being University 1 his Year. Carried Out tions existing between bis company and Eugene— Prospects are the best for a Salem— Not the least important of the American Sugar Refining company of New York, the so called Havemeyer the many improvements being made at banner year at tiie University of Ore­ sugar trust. It xras established by his the fair grounds in preparation for tlie gon. The freshman class w ill in all testimony that Mr. Havemeyer and Ids Greater Oregon State fair, September probability number 200, an increase of Japanese Purchasing Stock of Arms men own a large minority oi the stock 16-21, is the transformation of the un 50 per cent over last year. One favor­ and Trouble Is Feared When A Resume o f the Less Important but of tire Western Refining company, hut sightly and barren wastes of dry grass univers- Next Steamer Arrives. he denied that either lie or his father, and weeds into beautiful landscape able sign of the growth of tlie Not Less Interesting Evems Claus Spreckles, has any interest in effects. This) is the first appeal to tlie ity in attendance and in its standing o f the Past Week. the American Sugar Refining company. artistic sense that has been attempted among the institutions of the West is He declared that the price oi sugar along this line, and, although it lias Seattle, Sept. 10.— A special to the the fact that a large number of Port- Secretary Root has returned with on the coast was field low enough to been found impossible to make all the attending Times from Vancouver, B. C., says: land students who have been pievent competition from Mr. ilave- needed changes in one year, the most restored health. As a result of the disorders Saturday meyer, except in u few special grades, glaring faults have been remedied. 'Hie Berkeley and Stanford w ill this fall Tfie Frenoli government has decided which tlie Western does not manufac­ concessions have all been removed to transfer to Oregon. Freshmen from and Sunday evenings, the situation that Morococ must [ray damages to for­ one district, and dozens of unsightly ture. here with regard to Asiatics is increas­ Portland w ill number about 50. eigner. shacks destroyed. New walks have Mr. Spreckles’ testimony is to be ing in menace. The Japanese have A great advance is also noticed this Owing to the strict quarantine main­ used in a suit brought Eiy the receiver been laid throughout tire grounds, the notified Chief of Police Chamberlain tained Han Diego lias little fear of the of tlie Pennsylvania Sugar company idea being to combine beauty with con­ year in the standing of the high schools that police protection is inadequate and Buildings throughout the state. Scarcely a high plague. against tlie American Refining com­ venience as far as possible they w ill take steps to protect them­ have been moved whenever necessary, pany for $30,000,000 damages as the It is likely that Canada will have to school from Roseburg to Pendleton but selves. Chinese and Japanese em­ pay heavy damages on account of the result of the Havemeyer interests get­ ami other conditions made to conform that w ill send from i ne to a dozen stu­ ployed in hotels ami restaurants have Tlie walks ting control of the Pennsylvania con to the new arrangements. Vancouver anti-Ja|>ane8e rioting. withdrawn from woik. It is said that ecru ami shutting down the plant. The will all be of fine gravel, dressed with dents to tlie university. The unsettled China has just sent representatives suit is lioth for conspiracy and for vio­ Orienlal leaders have instructed them status of the normals w ill also contrib- granite sand. k- to a number of countries for the pur­ lation of the Sherman anti-trust law. they must not work under penalty of The main improvement is noticeable pose of studying the constitution ques and is brought in tlie United States in the square between the main pavil­ ute to the attendance at Oregon. $100. The Japanese are purchasing Accommodation for the increase has firearms and the aspect of affairs is tion. ion and the dairy building, which has District court of New York. threatening. been moved to a site northeast of its been seen to, and a good sized women’s Messenger boys at Tacoma have Steamer Monteagle, duo to ar ¡ve old position. Tlie visitor is no longer dormitory has just been completed. struck and the telegraph company is GATHERING A T SARATOGA. Wednesday or Thursday with many confronted with the row of candy stands The new library, which has been under considering the advisability of using Orientals cn board, w ill be met by a and lunch counters of all sizes, ages construction since ubout June 1, has girls. Fifty Thousand Grand Army Veterans and colors, and the expanse of dry been completed and accepted. hostile demonstration. It is freely de­ The The Wetern Union still claims to be clared that the Orientals w ill not be Expected at Encampment. grass which formerly assailed the eye. time for moving in has not been defi­ getting its old men back all over the allowed to land. There is growing un­ Haratogn, N. Y ., Sept. 10.— Amid The only remaining relic of the old nitely set. oountry, hut the service does not im­ easiness in the city. The feeling is in­ g a i l y decorated streets, veterans of the regime is the fountain, with its fam il­ Tlie campus this year will be a great prove. creasing that, in view of the number of Grand Army of tlie Republic have been iar figure in the center, but even this improvement over the past. Captain Japanese, phincse and Hindus in Van­ Conrgessinan Longworth says the arriving all day for the Forty-first Na­ lias been repainted and remodeled until Briggs bus kept a small force steadily couver, tlie minister of m ilitia should Roosevelt will net become a candidate tional encampment, which will be held it is hardly recognizable, and is now at work on the grounds all summer, for a renomination unless tire whole here this week. Fifty thousand veter­ surrounded with a bed of tlowers, and a and is getting them in splendid condi­ tuko steps to protect them. Several country demands it. restaurant keepers met this morning winding path. tion, in appearance very much like the ans are expected. and resolved to employ nothing but There are many other flower beds Lew.s and Clark fair grounds. Ttiis may lie the last encampment A Harvard scientist has found that white labor. spleens are edible and says his discov­ held anywhere but in Washington. At also, in the shape of crescents, stars Early reports of the disorders Satur­ ery will add 50,000,000 pound to tlie tlte business session of the organization and other designs, and all w ill be in T U T T L E A C T INVALID . day night were exaggerated. The a resolution probably w ill be introduc­ blossom fair week. The big center bed nation’s annual meat output. crowd amounted to ubout 10,000, but ed fixing that place as the permanent contains large, spreading palms. Where Secretary Root’s health is fully re­ the temper displayed was merely bois­ meeting place cf the organization here­ there are no (lowers green lawns have Unequal Assessment Makes New Road stored. Law Unconstitutional. terous. The crowd surged through the after. It is also probable that within been planted. Water has been piped streets in the Oriental quarters, cheer­ Senator Depew says he favors Roose­ a few years the annual encampment to this section, and the work of beauty Salem— In a decision just rendeerd ing everything white and hooting and velt for another term. will become only a meeting of delegates, is lieing rapidly completed. Judge W illiam Galloway, of the State denouncing everything coloted. A t in­ A pretty feature is the statues which A fire in the Esperanzas mines, Mus- for tlte veterans, it was stated by Grand Circuit court for Marion county, de­ tervals from some indistinguishable Army officials, are becoming too feeble w ill he placed in this square. Just quiz, Mexico, cost 27 lives. point in the crowd brickbats would to attend tlie meeting» in a body and to east of the main wing of the pavilion, clared the Tuttle good road« law, as en­ The rival sultans of Morocco are to take part in the annual patuile. Hurtle over intervening heads and crash the large, reclining figure, representing acted by the legislative assembly of settle their olaims iu a big battle. through windows. Chief of Police The encampment program begins to­ the state of Oregon, w h b seed last year, 1906, unconstitutional, because of lte Chamberlain, recognizing the inade­ and will again occupy the same posi­ provisions of unequal assessment of A crusade is to start to exterminate day. quacy of the force at his dispoeal, re­ tion. In front of the pavilion, the costs for such improvement. The ques­ the Monte Carlo gambling house. lied on diplomacy. Fearful of arousing fountain and its small statue have al­ tion was raised in the case of the St. NEW RULES TO BEGIN WAR. Britain is considering the advisabil­ the passion of the mob, he directed his ready been noted. Rack of this foun­ Benedictine Abbey vs. the Marion ity of giving back the Stbetland islands men to lay aside their truncheons and Hague Conferen Requires Notice to tain, tlie large standing figure of Ceres, County court and other county officials, to Norway. goddess of agriculture, which last year in connection with the proposed con- exercise moderation. I-ater the order Enemy and Neutrals. C L IF F HOUSE IN RUINS. was located in the pavilion, but seemed sttuction of a macadam road between Haney is expected in Portland soon regarding truncheons was revoked, hut Tire Hague, Hept. 10.— The fifth ple­ rather cramped and out oi place, will In connection with the Oregon land at no stage did the police and iiopulace nary sitting of tire peace conference was be set up. On either side of this statue Marquam and Silverton for a distance Flames Entirely Destroy Famous San fraud cases. come to blows. held today. The wltole American dele­ two smaller images w ill be placed, of four miles. The law provides ttiat Francisco Resort. Vancouver, B. C., laborers are mob­ gation was present. Tiro following making five pieces of statuary in all. the cost of such improvement Bhall be Han Francleco, Sept. 9.— The famous assessed to the property located witbln bing Japanese and international trouble rules regarding the opening of hostili­ FRAU D 3 IN F O R E S T LANDS. They w ill be set upon suitable bases a radius of one mile upon each side Cliff House, of this city, San Fran­ threatens. ties were adopted, a few countries mak­ and bordered with tlower beds. A ll an.l at each end of the proposed im­ cisco’s first attraction for tourists, was A new telegraph company lias been ing reservations: these statues were secured from the Valuable Timber Land Secured Under "T h e contracting powers agree that Lewis and Clark exposition of 1905 in provement, and the plaintiff com­ burned to the ground Saturday evening. formed in Chicago that hopes to extend Guise o f Mineral. Fire broke out in the building about plained that, under this system, Its service over the entire United hostilities must not begin without pre­ Cortland. property owner at either end of the 4:45 o’clock and an hour later a black­ Helena, Mont., Sept. 10.— Evidently vious unequivocal notice having been States. stretch of road to be improved would ened heap of ruins was all that re­ suspeeting frauds in connection with given, either in form of a declaration Better Train Service Ordered. J. K. Hall, president of the Bolding of war setting forth its motives or in be doubly assessed in ease the improve­ mained of the structure. the location of mining claims in the Hail Manufacturing cotupauy, Chicago, the form of an ultimatum with tire Salem— Orders have been issued by ment be extended. The house was built of wood, and, Helena forest leserve, the national gov­ hai appropriated $.115,000 of the com­ the railroad commission requiring tlie fanned by the lively ocean breezes, the ernment has sent Arthur J. Collier, of additional declaration of war. pany’a money to his own ime and a re Many Hops Moldy. flames made such headway before the Washington, D. C., to ill it) city to con­ " A state of war must lie notified Southern Pacific company to put on a ceiver now has charge of affairs, Aurora— The hopgrowers in the An- nearest fire department arrived that it duct an investigation. The Helena for­ without delay to tlie neutral powers, special train out of Roseburg to make Jerome lias called a grand jury to in­ tlie effect of tlie latter beginning after the run to Portland whenever north rora, Hubbard an.l Butteville districts was realized that the place was doomed est is among the largest in the state dict traction trust otlicials. they receive notice, which can tie given bound overland express train No. 12 is are in the hardest kind of luck tide sea­ and more attention was paid to saving and includes the Butte field, where a even by wire. In any case the neutral two hours betiind schedule time of ar­ son . The weather for the past weok or adjoining property than-to the burning strict investigation w ill be conducted Commissioner lane is to inquire also. [lowers cannot protest against the lack rival at Roseburg and also to require 10 day» has been an injurious factor in bnilding. Into rebating on Western railroads. The C liff House had been closed for The main purpose of the government of this notice, if it is established that the O. R. A N. company to run a pas­ the ripening of the crop, and in a num­ senger train each way daily between The eases against the Standard Oil they undoubtedly knew that a state of ber of the yards mold has appeared to some time, as the new lessee, John is to secure restorations to the public Portland and Pendleton, the eastbound such an extent that the yards w ill not Tait, was remodeling the interior. dornairr where it can be shown that company of Oliio w ill he tried soon. war existed.” Tbc On»»*; train to leave Portland in the morning be picked. In fact the yards are very Workmen were about the place until under the guise of locating mining 4 th S u m í* y s C . F.xtreme measures are teeing adopted and the westbound to leave Pendleton scarce where there is not more or less noon and then departed for tlie day. claims, valuable timber rights have In Han Francisco to stamp out the in the morning, and requiring the mould. MOB SAILORS IN JAPAN. This is the second house to be de­ Ireen availed of, the law permitting The prairie yardB are the plague. trains to stop at each station, either freest from mold. stroyed by fire. The building just actual prospectors the right to the ne­ The International Harvester com­ Four Mon From Cruiser Chattanooga regularly or by signal, for the accom­ burned was erected by Adolph 8utro, of cessary timber in the development of Bible School, pany has just |grid a tine of $35,000 to modation of travel between these and Sutro tunnel fame, 12 years ago. It their claims. Communion i Flee for Their Lives. PO R TLA N D M ARKEST. Texas lor teeing a trust. intermediate points. Junior Mlapfc was owned by the Sutro estate and was Therefore, no more patents to min­ Tokio, Hept. 10.— W hile the United Christian En valued at $50,000. Mr. Tait estimates ing claims w ill be granted except where W illiam H. Taft, secretary of war, Slates cruiser Chattanooga was at Hak- Wheal— Club, 82c; blnestem, 84@ Preaching.. Fruit Goes Out by Carloads. his loss at $50,000, on which there is the good faith of the locator is proved. was royally entertained while in Port­ ixlato on her way here from Vladivo­ Frayer me Freewater— The Freewater Canning 85c; valley, 81c; red, 79@80c. land cea his way tee the Philippines. $35,000 insurance. Where timber lands have been eecured stok, four of her men liad a thrilling Oats— No. 1 white, $23.50(3)24; gray and Preserving company has leased its The C liff House was ranked as one of in ttiis manner the government will Government officials at Washington experience and a narrow escape from cannery to the Webber-Russell Can­ $ 23(3)23.50. C the best known resorts of America. endeavor to effect a restoration. hettevve tlie liean cef $1,000,000 tee the serious injury at the hands of a Japan­ Bariev— Feed, $22.50@23 per ton; Heated on a rocky promontory beyond ning company of Seattle. This firm is Referring to the investigations and Sunday Sch Jamoetown fait can never be recovered. ese mob. brewing, $24.50@24.75; rolled, $24.50 shipping by carloads peaches, pears vice at U o the Golden Gate, directly above the classifications of the coal lands of East­ In a dispute over prices, one of the @25. A Wisconsin woman after leeing in and prunes tc the coast cities. Ranch­ Young People lashing waves of the Pacific ocean, and ern Montana and Western North Da­ Corn— Whole, $28 per ton; cracked, uffording a close view of the seals, it service on Th priaon 16 years convicted of murder, American sailors struck a Japanese ers everywhere are complaining of their kota, Mr. Collier said that the work shopkeeper. A mob quickly formed, has been found innocent and released. inability to secure pickers, and a far $29. was a strong attraction for visitors, and has been undertaken by the govern­ armed with clubs, and started after the Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1 , $17® from its broad porches hundreds of ment with a definite policy of prevent­ Twelve persons were killed and as assailant and his three conqianions more serious shortage in fruit boxes. 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, thousands of people obtained their first ing the coal companies and railroads of many more Injured in the wreck of an Two of the sailors were forced to jump However, the fruit season In this vicin­ There will I ity has tieen unexcelled for three years, $19@20; clover, $11; cheat, $11; grain view of the raightv waters. express train on the Rock Island at from a dock and swim to a sampan. the West from monopolizing the West­ disi Church e snd six and seven carloads are being hay, »11@12; alfalfa, $12@13. Norris, Iowa. The magnificent Sutro baths near by, ern coal lands as those of the East have The others were rescued from the Butter— Fancy creamery, 32}^®35c were not damaged. shipped daily to eastern points. been. Pickpockets on a Rock Island train mob by the police, who took them per pound. aboard the ship. In^Nebraska rotriced many sleeping |ws- Veal— 75 to 125 pounds, 8@8>£c; S ervirei e Has Brood of 220 "Chinas” Great Corn Exposition. sengers and alter a tight with the eon- Message From Explorers. at thè Chris Albany— Chris Van Dran, of this 125 to 150 pounds, 7 ,' ac; 150 to 200 doctor eecapod. Chicago, Sept. 10.— At the National pounds, 6@7c. New York, Sept. 9.— Confirmation of Car Shortage Again. city, has raised 210 Chinese pheasants Fork— Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8@ the report that the Stefansse expedition Com exposition, Chicago, October 5 to Chicago, Sept. 10.— A New York this season. A monument to Win. McKinley has He lias been more suc­ the most elaborate decorative is safe is given in a message received at 19, special to the Record Herald been dedicated at Buffalo, N. Y . says: Is cessful this year in hatching and rais 8 'jc ; packers, 7J,@8c. the prosperity of the country again to Poultry— Average old hens, 13@13)tc the offices of the American geographical scheme ever seen in Chicago will h* ing the birds than ever before. Van Tire moral effect of the change in the threatened this fall anil winter by •ban was one of the pioneer pheasant per pound; mixed chickens, 12»^c; society in this city today from Vilhjal- presented at the Coliseum building and police administration of Han Francisco a shortage in freight equipment and spring chickens, 12@12v$c; old roost­ mun Stefanssen, the ethnologist and annex. This decorative work will cost la apparent. raisers ot Oregon, but ttiis is the larg­ This mes­ in the neighborhood of $30,001), and ciist merchants and farmers untold mil­ est brood he ever raised in one season. ers, 8@9e; dressed chickens, 16@17c; leader of the expedition. A Ba A group of American capitalists with lions'1 This question is being asked turkeys, live, 15@16c; geese, live, 8® sage was dated at Eagle City, Alaska, corn w ill be the dominant decorative The demand for Chinese ptieasants is 9c; ducks, 14c. which is on the Upper Yukon river, material. In addition to a miniature Thomas F. Ryan a the head is said to in high railway circles in the Fast and such that he could easily sell twice as be preparing a typewriter trust. Eggs— Fresh ranch, candied, 28c per and reads as follows: “ Expedition is corn farm in the center of the building, on Wall street, and, as a rnle, it is many as he raises and could contract Pe all safe. Stefanssen.” Officers of the one end will contain an ancient tempi* dozen. The French Meet lias bombarded the being answered in the affirmative. Men for all his broext in advance. A b; Fruits— Apples, $1@1.50 per box; geographical society said they supposed dedicated to the goddess of corn, where Moorish fanatic stronghold ol Matagan in the traffic world who control vast cantaloupes, $1.26@1.50 per crate; the message had been forwarded by at certain times of the day the virgins and almost completely destroyed the systems are shaking their heads and sd- aiscQtn Railway Loses Franchise. of the sun w ill offer sacrifices of corn. peaches, 50® 85c per crate; prunes, 50 messenger from Herschel island. rnittlng that a recurrence of the disas­ town. the mr Albany— The city council has au­ trous car shortage is threatening. @75c per orate; watermelons, 1