Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 05, 1907, Image 6

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    We carry t*he Old Hickory and
Weber, one and two horse wa­
gons. They have many ad-
vansages over all others. Come
We have the best* assort­
ed and most* complete
line of Stoves and Ranges
in the county. A fine
Universal Range with
high warming closet* and
reservoir for only
B u g g ie s .
The famous Anchor, Pontiac
and Lion. We can suit* you in
quality and price.
The Canton Disc Plow is the best*
and we can prove it*!
This plow
i will
run just the same whether the
N o t ic e !
ground is wet* or dry. We also carry
We pay spot, cash for our 1 t*he Superior Grain Drill.
| goods andl we give you the
J advantage of the cash dis-
1 count*.
Buy one and raise
larger crop than ever
The house that is satisfied only when you are.
Ganderbones Sept. Forecast.
ivo7 by c. it.R icth*)
The old school bell is soon to ring.
th« poets all arise and sing, the frost
will soon displace the dew, and the
wind jam through the peek-a boo.
Untutored youth, with tears of brine,
returneth sadly to the mine, and the
new school ma am prepares to whack
the bad boys where their pants are
S. E. Church
i Regular preaching service« at the Methodist church
® B evcry Si bbarii at U a. m. and at 8:00 p. in. Sunda
■ f hool at 10 a. m . Epworth League 7:00 p. m.; Mid week
■%' : vu-f, Thursday, 8:00 p. m.
C.oi » an Lutheran Church
4th Suud. 1 /* of r
lerans hold services on the 2nd and
li month at 2:30 p. m.
H. C. EBEl ING, Pastor.
Christian Church.
1 he
Congregational Church
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Preaching Ser
vice at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 p. m
Young People's Meeting held at 6:30 p. ui Mid week
aeivice on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m.
REV. H. W. BOYD. Pastor
Free Methodist
There will be preaching services in the Free Mctho
dist Church every Sunday at 1 1 a . m. and 7:30 p m.
REV. H. K. BOWMAN, Pastor.
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p .m .
at the Christian Science Hall, 115 South Fifth Street
banks will continue to pass the grand-
stand every seven seconds sucking but-
termilk with a nipple out of his pneu-
made shirt front.
1 he war with Japan
will sleep fretfully, and Uncle Sam will
sit by the cradle crooning soft lull»-
byes and giving paregoric with a fun
The coming county fair is billed.
The big prize hog is co ned and swilled
A back that aches all day and causes I he pumpkin that will lift the prize
|Is watched with proud and hopeful
discomfort at night is usually worse in
the morning. Makes you leel as il
I ^nd th* family mare to win the pot
you hadn't slept at all.
| Is training for the county trot.
Can't cure a bad back until you
The autumnal equinox will come in
cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney
Pills cure sick kidneys— make you leel on time on the 24th, and Mr. Harri-
brtter, work better, rest better and man will absorb all water that falls to
use in floating stocks for development
slgep better
I N. Ridgeway, with the Oregon Nursery Com
of our natural resources. The Stand
party and living at 205 Commercial St . Salem. Or.,
savs " l knew I had kidney trouble because there
ard Oil Company will place a twenty-
A Bari Back Is Always Worse
i.) the Morning. Forest Grove
People are Finding Relist.
were puns in the small of my back and twinges
when I «looped or lifted. Evea al night the pains
were still their and mornings I arose lame and sore.
I tired easily and felt languid and was sometimes
dreadfully nervous. Occasionally I had heads* hat
»ltd at such times my sight wtwi M be blurred.' Thera
was also a sediment in the secretions
My eapet
lenre proved that Doan's Kidney Pills have no «u
MVtbf for curing kidney complaint and backache
They are lust the thing every sufferer from tbea#
troubles should use. Nothing couid have suited my
rase better They went right to the seal of the
trouble and completely relieved me
Doan » Ktdoey
Pills have my endorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents (or the United
Remember the name— D oue— and
'ake no other.
$ w e m a m ¡H
neighborhood will bet ten per the men
were only joshing her.
The lucky wives of millionaires
Will put up jam and pickled pears,
But the most of us denied these boons,
Will pass the winter full of prunes.
Some red-hot sealing wax, alack,
will fly down Nancy’s tender back, ex-
ploring where the flesh is bare, and
three shrill screams will pierce the air.
The men a-washing at the pump, will
football player lets his hair
hasten thither on the jump, but Nancy
into autumn unrepair,
'mid the fruit o'erturned, will not di-
the more athletic college cops vulge where she is burned.
students with the largest mops.
President Roosevelt, fresh from Oys-
I h e moon will be full on the 21st, ter bay, will issue on the 20th a proc-
and the password for the month will be lamation officially opening the oyster
Soak Standard Oil.
Everybody will season. Turnips and football players
run a little harder for President. Mr. will run to tops. White duck trousers
Bryan's smoke will continue an inter- will begin to migrate. A comet will
esting spectacle. Mr. Roosevelt will make one-night stands in the north­
drop a wasp into the hip pocket of Mr. east sky. The weather and politicians
Taft, and that laggard will move up a will become very agreeable. Nature,
couple of places in the race. Mr. Fair which has been in the nude for the
Bible School, Sunday...........................................10:00 a. m.
Communion and preaching.................................. 11:00 a. m.
Junior Mission Band ............................................ 3:00 p. m.
Christian Endeavor ............................................ 6:30 p. m.
Preaching.................................................................. 7:30 p .m .
Prayer meeting on Thursday night.
REV. S1AS, Pastor.
v e .r 4 per cent mortgage u p o n jh e
earth and will pay the *2 9 .4 0 0 .0 0 0
fine imposed by Judge Landis. Sen-
ator Beveridge will , ml his honeymoon
i abroad and return to the affairs of the
Republic, which will restore that feel-
j *“ «
The summer girl— romantic thing!—
will homeward come upon the wing.
and show her neighbors lor a week
where some (el ow bit heron the cheek.
The freckles on her arms (and leg s?)
resemble those on turkey eggs, and the
We have new Heaters
coming in every day. We
bought our heaters when
the price was right and
can save you money.
cause their families spjent the summer
at the seashore at considerable ex­
pense, while the men played poker at
home at even more expense. This
left the Greeks badly in the hole and
the only way they could get out was to
have the new year begin September 1st
and swear off drinking and smoking at
that time. This enabled them to save
in September what we save in January,
and was a much better plan than ours.
Cheer up, cheer up, the summer’s
o’er, the piping quail is up at 4, Sep­
tember sweet is on the job, and the
green corn ripens on the cob.
October crisp will soon be here
With softly-falling leaf and sere.
With frosty morn and hunter’s moon
And pumpkin pie, not yet but soon.
W-& WWW}
most intelligent people to use only
mei ¡nos of If now n oompoMtion. Ther<* j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF
Dr. Pierce’s medicines, tke
ich print every ingredient i Emily J. Fleming, Plaintiff,
hem upon the bottle wrap-
pers a
its correctness under oath, j James A. Fleming, Defendant.
are daily gr ing in favor. The com- To James A. Fleming, the above named defendant:
position of I
Pierce’s medicines is open
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby
to everybody,' ~>r. Pi'-rce lu ing desirous uotiliuLdfat the above named plaintiff has filed a com-
of h.it ing tin " a f ’li light of inve-tiga- I plaint against you in the above entitled court, and you
Ton turned fully upon his formula?, being are hereby required to appear and answer said com­
confident that tin1 1 ■ 1 1 ■ r tin' cuninnsitlon plaint on or before the last day of the time prescribed
oi triese medicines is known the more , by the order of publication hereof, to-wit: on or before
will their great curaTive merits be'recoil I the 11th day of Octobex, 1907.
nizi'd. Being w holly made of Hie active j You are fuither notified that if you fail to appear and
medicinal principles extracted from na­ answer the complaint herein, or plead thereto, the
tive forest roots, by exact processes i pla;ntifF will cause your default to be entered and will
original with Dr. Pierce, and without the | pray the court above mentioned for the relief prayed
use of a drop of alcohol, triple-refined and I tor in the complaint therein, that is to say, for a Judg-
chemically pure glycerine being used In­ j ment, and decree against you forever dissolving the
stead in extracting and preserving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the above
curative virtues residing In the rmits
employed, those medicines are entirely I named plaint iff and yourself, the above named defend-
\ ant, and for such other relief as the court may deem
free from the objection of doing harm
j equitable in the premises.
by creating an appetite for either a l­
The date of the first publication of this summons is
coholic beverages or habit - forming
drugs. Examine the formula on their Thursday, August 22nd, 1907, and that of the last pub-
Imttle wrappers—the same as sworn to by | lication hereof is Thursday, October 10th, 1907.
This summons is published by order^of the Hon. J.
Itr. Pierce, and you will (ind that his
"(•olden Medical Discovery.” the great, W . Goodin, County Judge of said County, said order
blood-purifier, stomach tonic and bowel having been made in chambers, August 20th, 1907, on
regulator—the medicine which, while not account of the absence from this county of the Circuit
recommanded to cure consumption in its Judge.
advanced stages (no medicine will do that)
Attorney for the Plaintiff,
yet doe* cu re all those catarrhal condi­
Forest Grove. Oregon.
tions of head and throat, weak stomach,
torpid liver and bronchial troubles weak
lungs and hang-on-coughs, which. If neg­
lected or badly treated lead up to and
Notice for Publication.
finally terminate in consumption.
United States Land Office,
Take the "(¡olden Medical Discovery"
Portland, Oregon, July 30, 1907.
fn (fine and it is not likely to disappoint
yon If only you give it a t/nmo/p/i and ! Notice is hereby given that in compliance w ith the
fnir trial. 'Don't expect miracles. It ; provisions of the'act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en-
won’t do supernatural things. You must j 'tiled "A n act for the sale of timber lands in the States
exercise your patience and persevere in Its I of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri-
use for a reasonable length of time to get
its full benefits. The Ingredients of v hich j to ry ,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act
Dr. Pierce's medicines are romposed have l of August 4, 1892, Mark Bailey Bump of Hillsboro,
the unqualified endorsement of scores of | county of Wathington, state of Oregon, has this day
medicaf leaders—better than any amount , filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7514, for the
of lay, or non-professional, testimonials. purchase of the lot five and the southeast quarter of the
They are not given a wav to be exinTi- ! northwest quarter of section No. six, in township No.
mented with hut ..........Id hv all dealers in | 3 N range No. 3 W Willamette meridian and will offer
medicines at reasonable prices.
DOMINOCARDS— The new house­
hold game that combines and excells
both Cards and Dominos. Canvasseis
wanted to introduce in every commun­
ity. Sample game and particulars, post­
outdoor painting season, will put on a
paid, 50cts.
thin gossamer, and the Corn Huskers’
1807 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Union will promulgate a new wage
To Forest Grove
*cale by which they will get the corn
From Kansas City. St. Joseph,
and the farmer the husks,
Leavenworth, Atchison,Coun­
The boys on Saturday are loose
cil Bluffs, Omaha, Sioux City,
T o stain their hands with walnut juice,
St. Panl, Minneapolis, Du­
The cider swollen apples drip,
luth and W innipeg.................. *2 5 00
The pig squeals for a morning nip,
And the Billy goat by Autumn cheered Des Moines, la ..............................29 0 0
30 0 0
Lets cool winds frolic with his beard. St. Louis, Mo ...............
30 00
Summer excursion tourists will come
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for
home in a chair car with their skull Peoria, 111....................................... 31 00
its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
1 to establish his claim to said land before the Register
grass full of carbon mites, the aisle full Chicago, 111....................................... 33 00
Notice for Publication.
and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th
of braided legs, and the sawtooth chair Evansville, In d .............................. 35 00
day of November, 19J7.
United States Land Office at Portland, G regor,
back embossing the name of the railroad Indianapolis, In d ............................ 35 85
He names as witnesses E. W. Howell, of Monntain-
January 9, 1907.
Notice ih hereby given that In compiiancewith ’ i e dale, Oreg , J. H. Howell, of Mountaindale. O reg..
on their spines. The Big Dipper will Memphis, T e n n ............................. 37 50 provision*
of ihe act of congress of June 3, 1*78, en­ Emil Seifert of Barona, O reg.. D. D. Bump of Forest
An act for the sale of timber lands in the States
appear in the heavens upside down, Louisville, K y .................................. 38 00 titled
Grove, Oregon.
of California. Oregon. Ne\ada and Washington Terri
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
to*y." as extended to all the Public Land State* by act
which will encourage Prohibition to Cincinnati, 0 .................................... 38 00 of
August 4. 1892. George W . Lo:kw.vxi of Portland j described lands are requested tc file their claims in this
of Mul’ nomah. state of Oregon, has this d a y /
,m'** r.n nr before said 9th day of November, 1907.
resume hi. war paint and extend the Detroit, M ich .................................. 39 30 county
in thi* office hi* «worn statement No. 7167 for the
of the n 'x of nw
and s w 'i -f n w ’ t cf S-
booze drouth. John Barleycorn will Cleveland, O .................................. 39 75 chase
U and *e1« of n r 1» of Section No. 10. in T
No. 1 N Range No. 5 W . and w : offer pr<*
return to his gun, with a Booker Wash- Nashville, T e n n ............................. 40 00 i »hip
»how that the land sought is more valuable for ¡s t
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to est •
ington lint undei ^
and his
his claim to said land before the regts'rr and rper-.-.
this office at Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the
pants torn, and the Kentucky Colonel Toronto, Ont ................................. 41 95 day of September. i907.
He names as witnesses C. H Osborn of Portland
will toss in his mint bed while Carrie Buffalo, N. Y ..................................... 42 50 James
Miller of portend. O r . \V } i ockwo
O r.. A. G. Lefler of Portland. Oregon.
Nation ride, a nightmare through the
F n y an d all persons claiming adversely the a
are requested to file their c'aims ir
windows ol his boudoir,
75 office on or lands
before sa’d IQth day of September. ]O07
The cotton fields with boll and stem
Date of First Fublicaricn luly 18, 1907.
Mobile. A l a ..................................... 46 85
Are beckoning to dusky men,
And soon from cotton seed we'll boil Washington, D. C .......................... 48 25 ¡
— T ak t vom Mohair and Woo
Montreal, Q u e................................. 48 60
The pure, imported olive oil.
Hoffman and Allen Co.'» for hig
The Greeks began their year in Sep-
Baltimore. M d................................ 49
trm ber.
Our I F 1* Day was their
Boston, Mass ............................... 49 9 0 ,
— We buy wool and mohair at
New Year's Day. ^ er,ul pwa~ *hts be­ New York City, N. Y ................... 50 00
highest prices.— Bailey.