X A Cu ö ATE j 8 «. o’ ut th« ’Kress hi¡. the th« dele- ■ »tei. A not he r Carload o f B i JGGIES Has A rrived! th« of ’P- id- 0. al el it We buy in large quantities which enables us to sell vehicles at less than do others; And w e 1)0 B. E. WAG LEY, is, it would not be correct to take the total ammount of milk for the month and multiply by the average of the two LAWYER tests, proof of which follows: The aver- Real Estate and Corpo­ OFFICE over age of 4.1 percent, and 3 .8 percent Hines' Store ration Law a Specialty. would be 3 .9 5 ; .039 5 x 9 1 7 5 pounds Forest Grove, - Oregon j Most of the milk and cream sold equals 3 6 2 41 pounds, which is not ---------- — nowadays outside that put directly on exactly the true amount. This is so the market for immediate consumption, is paid for according to its butter fat because an average of the two tests is P A S H I O M S T A B L E S content. This brings forth the fact not consistently applicable to the unlike Pacific Ave. Forest Grove that the majority of dairv farmers in the ¡ amounts of milk. If the amounts for W. H. HOLLIS» HANCOCK & GORDON Meat Turnouts E . W . H ain es B ank (B S T A M IS H S O ;8 9 8 .) Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted Interest paid on time deposits. Accounts invited. City Shaving Parlors For the Best. Up to date Work. Baths. Pacific Ave, Forest Grove. A . I. W irtz, Proprietor S . A. Moulton Thu Leading Tonsoria/ist ut F orest G ro v e R. MXOiN, Dentist Forest Grove, Oregon Three <1fw% am'h houis fron- i B a ile y 's store, A ? to « P M Dr. J. H. Knox, D. V. S. Veternary Surgeon. m STATE ACTIVITY NOTES. The Santa Fe Railway has made ar- rangements to send the manager of its tie and timber department, Mr. E. O. Faulkner, to Australia to make a study of the Eucalyptus trees of that country with a special view to their value as a tie timber. The Eucalypts is a native Oregon sent a magnificent delega- tion to the National Irrigation Congress at Sacramento, California, led by Gov- ernor Chamberlain who is president of the congress, and many of them will stop to attend the Oregon Irrigation meeting at Grants Pass, September 10, 11 and 12. of Australia, but have flourished in the southwestern part of ihe United States, and especially in California. The tree grows rapidly, is tall and straight; and certain species resist decay and are ad- mirably fitted for railway ties. ' It is not the purpose of the Railway Company to import ties from Australia, but to study the trees, note the best Secretary Taft’s visit to Oregon is attracting sta‘ e-wide attention. All will be welcome to hear his address at the Armory, Friday evening, Septen - ber 6th, at 8 o’clock p. m. where there is room for 6 ,0 0 0 people. His audience promises to be the largest in recent years. The 85 u00 offer jn cash prizes for yet introduced in the United States, This railroad began tree planting last year on a large scale, and will plant a half million more trees the coming winter in southern California. The species of Eucalypts imported into the part of the United States in newspapers prjnted outside of and Wash_ ington< is open tQ every Cltize„ of Oregon, and must not be (orgotten lhere are eighty chances ,Q win xhis has been stated be(ore but there United States up to the present time are suited only to planting in Califor- nia, and in the southwestern part of the United States. They do not thrive in the Northwest, the Mississippi Valley or the East. seems t0 be a general misunderstand- ing abollt it> judging (rom the letters received here. planting in the United States. OREGON ■ Australian All of the 40 0 ,0 0 0 leaflets advertis­ ing the low rates to Oregon will be in This undertaking by the Santa Fe circulation before the close of this marks another step taken by the rail­ week’s record in advertising never be­ roads of this country to provide ties by fore excelled in the United States. growing them. The demand at present The prominent citizens of New York “calls for more than 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 a year, composing the Brooklyn League went _ and the most suitable woods have al­ away delighted with Oregon. ready been so heavily drawn upon that A report comes from Chicago that they can no longer supply the de­ the Trans-Continental Press Association mand, and inferior woods are taking will never again make colonist rates their place. after those now in effect and to con­ The railroads are looking ahead and tinue until October 31st, so that the they see that the supply will grow p;ople of Oregon should make the most smaller and the demand larger from of the present opportunity. year to year, and to provide against a Reports received from many of the tie famine, some of the larger railroads, other than the Santa Fe, are planting cities and towns throughout Oregon in­ dicates enormous building .......... activities trees on a scale commensurate with : >ug hope both within their limits and throughq their future needs. Such a step as this, and thi taken by railway companies, indicates the surroundin8 countty the remarkable progress and develop- every assurance of a very active and ment of the idea of commercial forest prosperous fall a id winter. Sel 1 f Q ^ o n , and this that )n]y ter, Railway a n H iii | Miss Grace Thompson of the Paris Millinery Parlor, who has been visiting j relatives at Kelso. Wash., returned to Forest Grove the first of the w e e k Both city and farm realestate is in demand all over Oregon, but it ht‘»h.'‘ued^ there will be no stiff advance in price Ice Price List. ; which will detor the thousands of colo­ 10 lbs and under, l i cts per lb; nists bound this wav to find a home in IS lbs 20 cts; 20 lbs 25 cts; 25 to 40 ■ Oregon. lbs 1 ct per lb; 50 lbs 45 cts; 60 lbs 50 cts; 75 lbs 60 cts; 100 lbs 75 cts; — Men’s patent leather button thiee cik e lots 8 1 .2 0 per cake. Ice de­ quarters boxing cloth top, very neat livered every morning but Sunday, for Oxfords at Bailey’s. sale at all times at the Ice-house — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and Phone your orders not later than 8 a. Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ Both phones. Walter Roswurm lm pliances in office. Calls answered * . _________________________________ night or day. 4 j h X Final Notice. N o tice is h e re b y g iv e n th at C h ir le s H in e s and C ic e r o H in e s , e x e c u to r s o f th e e sta te o f T h o m as M. H in e s , de­ ce a se d , h a v e filed th e ir final report and th at M onday, the 30th d ay o f S e p te m b e r, i9 0 7 , a t 10 o ’c lo c k a . m . o f said day is se» fo r th e fin al h e a r in g o f said r e p o rt. W h ere­ fo re a n y o n e h a v in g o b je c tio n s to said rep o rt w ill file th e t i m e in w ritin g w ith th e C ou nty C ou rt on or b efore Wanted! Farms to be listed with us — Roy Watkins has rp-ned a b ic y c le / £< shop back of the Oreprn Land Com- ■! pany’s office and is pri| arid to do all Ì'-' i kinds of work. tf I 3 — Men’s canvas oxiords al30 canvas , I shoes the latest styles swing and straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey’f. country have"a knowledge more or les's j the two halves of the mon,h were eclual- said d a te . — We have always paid the high­ C H A R L E S H IN E S est for wool and mohair.— Bailey’s. specific of the method by which the fig- j an avera* e of the two tests would fiKure C IC E R O H IN E S ures indicating this butter fat content out exactly the same as each one fig- E x e c u t o r * o f the e sta te o f T h o m as M .H in e s, deceased . Because we can sell them. L a n g le y * S o n , A tto rney s Time for Closing Mails. Because we advertise extensivelyi are arrived at. The latter is no d ou bt! ured « P ^ t e l y . Because we have inquiries fro X • l.o rrs for closing Following the case— that is, seven out of every ! Neighbors A and B are prosperous, !No, M(Mf> Eastern people who are coming mails: ten farmers, who sell their product on intelligent farmers and make a study of Oregon. Southbound lastbound Report of the Condition of the butter fat plan, have only a very j their business; they understand the how | Because we have the customers ✓ a. m. 8 a. m. I of figuring their semi-monthly and T h e F i r s t N a tio n a l B a n k a t F o re st G r o v e , in the sta te hazy idea of what it means. In view and want to locate them in Wash­ 5 p. m . 50 p. m. O re g o n , at f.h e clo se o f b u sin e s s, A ugust 2 2 , 1907. of all this a few illustrative cases may monthly statements from the factory; ington County. 3 .3 0 p. m. R eso u rces D o llars and have saved themselves considerable Greenville and Buxton, 9 a. m. not come amiss. Lo ans and D is c o u n t s ............ .................................$ 1 3 5 183 98 120 14 Gales Creek, 12:50 p. m. I have three neighbors. A, B and C, less in the monthly dividends by going O v e r d ra fts , se c u re d and u n se c u r e d ................... carefully over the factory man’s figures s- BondI ,0,' cu" circulate», H. C. A t w e l l , p . m . each of whom have a good sized work­ j Prem ium s 00 U . S . Bonds .................................. 825 00 1 and proving them up. Bonds, s e c a n t ] e s, e t c ................................................ 21 438 68 ing dairy herd. On account of a good Neighbor C has as many cows as i B a n k in g honors, fu r n it u r e and fix tu re s . . . . 3 348 80 cream market at a considerable distance 3 151 oo ; I O th er r e a l e s r x t r o w n e d ......................................... either A or B, but he never has t i m e I D ue from S t a t e .B a n k s and B a n k e r s ................. 1 382 41 I w - neighbor A separates his milk at home 73 866 80 I D u e from appr*>v ed r e s e rv e a g e n ts . . and ships the cream. His buyer pays to make a study of his business. He . C h e c k s and o ff»e r cash ite m s ................................ 157 59 j 1 610 00 , o f 0th Year of Progress fit II are YC1 f in * 're 25,000 PREMIUMS and PURSES Six The last half of July he sent 3 .8 per in* but more Profitable as w e l l .- F . I. Office at Hancock & Gordon’s livery cent. In the first half of the month stable. the test of 4.1 per cent means that in Calls promptly attended to Day or every 100 pounds of his milk there Night. were 4.1 pounds of butter fat; in each pound of milk the butter fat would be .0 4 1 . Thus, .0 *1 x 4 1 2 5 equals 169.- 125 pounds. The second half of the trp F P R a m t a i what 1« !• » tuff et. t will (Iwa ‘ r v i-L . r R E X O r C H A lO X . t• n X lfl:lct<*tp <>• • - month he sends 5050 pounds milk tlTe a tre for t c i e n » . Salt Rheum, i m p e l a i . Ft ita and Skin Due»,«« Inatto! rtliaf. Don't faff«» ino*»» testin g 3 .8 percent; .0 3 8 x 5 0 5 0 pounds Writ« r. W . Wllllama. « X Maahattaa A n a u c , Hew TM tocloaa S u a » , equa's 191.90 poutrls of butter fat. So the total amount of milk for the — See Hoffman k Allen's windows. They contain new creations in skirts month was 9175 pounds, which pro­ of all kinds. duced 3 6 1 .0 3 pounds of butter fat. Eczema and Pile Cure — Men’s p in metal, Blucher cut j The figures for the first half of the oxfords, medium high heel the latest month and those for the last half must at Baileys. I be obt ined separately as above. That Austln- j _ Brick fw M,e at Peteraon-s $ 7 ,per thousand, I. R . M . D o o ly , p r e s id e n t, o f th e ab o v e -n am e d b a n k , do so le m n ly sw ear t h a t t h e above sta te m e n t is Live stock entries close September 9. to s the best o f m y k n o w le d g e and b e lie f. R . • M. ivi . D W O O L Y . P re sid e n t. n . r L i O O M IS . E X C U R S IO N ^ ¿ F R A N N K E. D O O LY. C o rre ct A ttest \ — Bring your wool and mohair to us. We will give you the most for it.— Bailey's. tru e Days of Racing r m ON A LL RAILRO AD S. D O O LY. Jr . D ir e c to r s. Su bscrib ed and sw orn to h r fo re m e th is 30th day o f A u g u st. 1907. M. A. S H A N N )N . N o ta r y P u b lic . St w. H. D o w n in g , = p r é s id e n t . F. A. WELCH. Secretary. : MMMMNMI «MM • • • • • • • • • ! — enrod • « 1 A