THE There is no other otner man su badly abused by the Oregon n wspapers as E. H . Harriman, The and now because he is making N E W S ublished every Thursday by Washington County Publishing Co., ______ Incorporated. .nan. The Forest Grove Rea W EEK BUYS Estate Company a column Fa- cific University 15 inches, John Anderson 10 inches^Abra ham Bros. 10 inches, besides various other advertisements to the extent — of — about 10 columns. me <-*^**»- T h is high class drop head sew ing m achine bought b y us in large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low a trip through Central Oregon he’s the best fellow ever. .ntered at the post-office at Forest Mavbe uiai M aybe it is tne the aouse abuse that Grove, Oregon, as second class brought t him but its more nxiu And yet the bim here; hprp- hut i. merchants ought to mail matter. likely for his own benefit that he tell the people something i they ought to put in a “ decent ¡ubscrfption $1.00 Per Y ear came. ad.” The simple fact remains A dvertising ra ta s mada kn o w n on __ j a pplication. 1 W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in m onthly in­ stallments till $ 2 5 . 0 0 is paid us. W h y send east or to Portland when you can buy at home T he First National Bank stat- that the merchants are not lack- Ifficial Paper of City of Foresi Grove ment appears in another columnj ing in public spiritedness; they E. NOtlRSE.......................MANAGES •f. F. woods .............................. e d i t o r TH U RSD AY. AUGUST 29, 1907 Notice. Beginning October 1, 1907, the subscription price of The Washing- 1 ton County News will be $1.50 per i year. This rise is due to the fact that the cost of everything that goes into the making and publish­ ing a newspaper has so far advanced that the rise is absolutely neces­ sary. Print paper has advanced from time to time until now it is 4 j cents per pound whereas it used to be purchased for 2 cents. This and other rises cannot be met without materially lowering the standard of The News which we re­ frain from doing. That the News is one of the best country papers pub­ lished in this state goes without saying and we feel confident that our patrons will gladly a ide by the rise in price which is imperative. From now until the above date The News can be had at $1 per year and we trust that all will take ad­ vantage of the hour and secure it another year at the old price. Editor L. A . Long of the Hillsboro Argus who last week ungirted the belt of moulder of public opinion, will be greatly missed. He will not only be missed by his fellow publishers but by a great many others by whom he was held in the high­ est regard as an editor and pub­ lisher of a bright newspaper. I Mr. L on g had the knack of say- : ing things— while not always in | strict accordance with, we are compelled to say, common de- ' c ;n cy — they were to the point Femember, you can do more, and conveyed an abundance of _____________ ~ | meaning. He is a man of T he popularity of “ Bill” is strong personalities ( this is not an obituary) and is liked by crowding that of “ Teddy.” ___________ _ everyone. The News predicts W hen you open up the pages for him in his new chosen field of this paper and read over the1 a better and higher faculty than bright advertisements of the ; a mere “ saying things” . Here numerous merchants aren’t you j goes a tear. atisfied that they are progress- ive and the town generally, is On the face of it the Tim es is prosperous? well patronized by the mer­ chants, as a glance at the pa­ From the present indications per will verify and if they are Pacific University will have the not getting returns it is cer­ largest enrollment this year of tainly not the merchants’ fault. any in its history. A campaign T he Tim es man is complain­ of advertising was inauguarated ing by a circumlocutory route— last spring that has set the in­ through a pretext of remarks by stitution before the public in a “ strangers” — that the town way that speaks out loud. “ lacks public-spiritedness,” the side walks are in poor condition Gov. Chamberlain’s appoint­ and by this condition a certain ment of a democrat to the va­ “ stranger” would not locate, cancy caused by the death of where he would have invested Judge Sears, should not sur­ $20,000! It censures the mer­ prise anyone— republicans es­ chants for not putting in a “ de­ pecially. If the governor is a cent sized ad and make it tell democrat— which he is— let him the people something,” when at use his office as a republican the same time that paper is car­ would. H e has played on both rying two half page ads and sides of the fence, that’s true, a large number of smaller ones. but when he bobs up for U. S. G off Brothers have a half page, senator— then the republican» B. F. W a gley a half page, Bai­ should rt me nber. ley’s B ig Store a column and a Every sack guaranteed Made of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, it produces more loaves of bread than any other flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Be­ cause of the increased quantity of bread produced the cost is no higher than for other flours. THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. AS LOW Here is your chance to get a good SUMMER SUIT - W e must move W e have econom y and Mason fruit jars the best in the market. NELSON B. LA COURSE . Oregon THE BIG ECONOMICAL STORE O regon Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in W ashington County. Forest Grove Restaurant i-et u s Tell Y ou About It JU S T O P E N E D J. H. PARR, Proprietor If you need anything M e a t s at a Hours in the line of D rugs, C hem icals, K odaks or Cam era Supplies, you O r First Avenue North near First National Bank. can g et them at right The government is so fierce in pro- hibiting matter of the nature of a lot­ tery going through the mails, we won- er it doesn’ t hold up love letters. Women are smarter than men: A woman can take care of her household and attend a crying baby, but a man can’ t go on with his work if there is a sack of nuts on his desk. * * * EILEHS liREAT AD SALE OF PIANOS prices, at Fur Two Wucks Only. Starting Friday, August 29, ’ 07, The Eilers Piano H ouse will run an i advertising sale of one full carload of j pianos at a reduction of $100 to $150 from the tegular retail price. W H AT IT MEANS TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF FOREST GROVE AND VICINITY. by Every man’ s friends are divided a line: Those on one side who show their years by advising him to save his Automobiles are being sold in Bor­ money, and those on the other side neo. The wild man will be right in who show their youth in calling him a his element as a chauffeur.— Atlanta tight wad. Journal. EDITUKIAL COMMENT. Dr. H in e s ’ STORE Our new Refrigator insures the best T en der, Ju icy, Steaks R oasts and Stews, Sausage and Bacon A ll kinds of Fresh V e g e ta b le s G r o c e r ie s W. F. SCHULTZ Good Eatables at Low Prices E v e ry b o d y knows that we keep the best Meats to b e had, but this is to rem ind you to g iv e us a call. Saelens & Co. FOREST «ROVE N A T IO N A L C O L U M B IA RACYCLE RAM BLER P R IN C E T O N For all kinds of b icy cle wo k and in d 1 c of G eo W Ebberts $1000. No man was ever brought up in Bicycles sundries try Watkins’ Bicycle Shop. Josephine Watson et al to Polly Es­ I what he regards as the proper way Back of the Oregon Land Com pany, tf tella Watson lot 13 in Fruitvale add to i when he turns out to be a failure. Forest Grove $900. Final Notice. Cornelius Blaser et ux to John Lak- No one can properly enjoy eating Notice is hereby given that C h irlej Hinei and Cicero son et al 81.54 a d l c of Tilfin Beau F or cash and on the install­ corn off the cob unless he can stretch Hinej, executor» of the estate o f Thomas M. Hines, de­ champ t 1 n 3 w $3750. an octave with his mouth. ceased, have filed their final report and that Monday, the ment plan. James I H oopes to I S Ramsey 100 * * * JJth day of September, 1907. at 10 o’clock a. m. o f said a in John Walker J 1 c t2 s 3 w $5000. / - 11 / B " . 1 . . . T, . . . " day is set for the final hearing of said report. Where- You are more apt to hear any woman Repairing of all kinds C w Pitch et UX to Randolph Oppli- ,ore any one having objections to said report will file j rave ovtr a doctor than the woman who ger 30 a in sec 4 1 1 3 W $4000 “** *»mt ln writing with the County Court on or before has to earn the money to pay the bills. C L N e s h t o E L Perkins se J o f 1’ “'“ *"' • • • J sec 6 3 n 3 w!$l. j in sizes from 36 to 39. All good goods. this lot. C om e in and see them. . B R O T H E R S W E S E LL T H E - Ask your Grocer for It. . G O F F Forest G rove HIWE’S OBSERVATIONS. OLYMPIC FLOUR - T he progressiveness of Geo. Paterson, the baker, should be a source of gratitude to the entire city. T o o much cannot be said in his behalf when we stop a minute and think of the condi­ tion the lots were where his sub­ stantial brick building now stands and is almost ready for occupancy. H e came here some two or three years ago and started a small bakery in the face of what seemed would be a flat failure, but by hard work and persistence gave us choice loaves every morning since. H e purchased in a short time, the lots where he was located and last spring begun the erec­ tion of a brick building that will accomodate four separate busi­ nesses and which are all rented. This is a record that Mr. Pater­ son may well feel proud of and a fact The News is pleased to chronicle. __________ You can now purchase a high grade standard make piano that you were ex­ pecting to pay $400 to $500 as low as $248. This sale is run wholly as an ad­ vertising proposition, each instrument sold on a year’ s trial, you can make Mr. Harriman’ s word is challenged COURT HOUSE NEWS. your own terms and the prices are the so frequently that he should hire an ex­ same cash or time, if you have an old PROBATE COURT. pert to tell the truth for him.— Chicago instrument to trade in you are allowed Estate of John Sommers, insane, News. the same as cash, each instrument is | Petition to sell real property not al- sold under the Eilers Guarantee if not , At this date John D. Rockefeller lowed as represented and satisfactory in every may yet have reason to regret that he Estate of Grace Mabel Rigsby, M i­ feature, your money is promptly re­ spurned that withess fee.— Milwaukee nor. Josephine Wright appointed funded or a new piano. Sentinel. guardian. Bonds fixed at $1200. Each instrument is brand new and Of course “ Uncle Joe,” Fairbanks Estate of Catherine Senften, de fresh from the factory consisting of the | and the others still have a show, but ceased. Christian Zurcher appointed following well known makes, the Kin -! it’ s not so strong that they could bor­ administrator. Bonds $2000. E I row any money on it.— Los Angeles Kuratli, J C Kuratli and a Reichen ap­ ball, Hobart M. Cable, J. Doll, Ma - shall, Wendall, Schumann, Haddorf, Times. pointed appraisers. Clarendon, Bans, and others. It is j Estate of Samuel Everett. Final It is said in behalf of the candidacy j hardly necessary to explain the reputa­ settlement, and estate closed of record of Uncle Joe Cannon that he "has felt tion of the Eilers house as they are ab- Estate of Seth H eywood et al, mi­ the pinch of poverty.” However, in I solutely the largest dealers on the | nors. Report of guardian filed and or­ politics it is not the pinch but the j coasl, cont oiling stores in every prin­ cinch that counts.— Kansas City Jour­ der of sale made. ciple city, last year’ s business shows | nal. that we sold over 72 per cent of the MARRIAGE LICENSES. Contemporary asks, “ What is a ‘ lal- Ray Taylor and Bertha E Galloway; pianos sold on the coast. Starting Friday evening Aug. 29, lipaloozer’ P” Maybe it is one of those W R Davis and Christina E M cCor­ democrats whom Bryan has driven out mick. I we will give a free concert from 8 un­ of the party for rejecting the initiative til 9 o ’ clock, every one is cordially in- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. and referendum.— New York Herald | vited to attend and inspect the slock Oscar Sodernark to Henry Miller [ ana hear the wondeful Pianolas trans- Dr. Ben Tillman is perhaps the late the old masters pieces and accom - et ux tract in sec 6 t l s 1 w $4000. poorest political diagnostician practic Henry C F Rohr to H Rhor 10 a in the violin. ing in this country. He says Folk’ s Sale and concert held at Ihe Bazaar enemies in Missouri would make him sec 1 t 1 n 4 w $800. Ann L Eahy to John Lasky 7.81 a next to postoffice. Forest Grove, Or. a weak candidate for the presidency. H ollenbeck & S hipman , Bless you, Ben, they’ d elect him.— in se è of sec 35 t 1 nr 1 w $1. Caroline Drube et al to John Rness j Advertising managers of Eilers Piano St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Jr w J of sw J of sec 31 t 2 n 1, nw House. i of nw i of sec 32 6 1 n 1 and ne I j M en’ s patent leather button three of ne i of sec 1 1 n 2 w $1. It’ s very, very easy to be foolish. Archie T Courtney et ux to Charles quarters boxing cloth top, very neat Better watch out. H Nelscholz et al l°t 5 in J A Reed s Oxfords at Bailey’ s. * * • Eive Gak Subdivision $1. Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and After a man becomes a real good Hillsboro Creamery Co to L P Hei- Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ orator, his mouth is nearly always too cel part of lot 6 blk 5 Sissons add $150 pliances in office. Calls answered big. Peter J Brown to A W Donelson night or day. * * • lots 3 and 4 blk 2 Humphreys add — Roy Watkins has opened a bicycle You can tell a married man when he $1800. j shop back of the Oregon Land C om - | passes through a screen door by the Ida K en to James F K en tract in E way he fights flies. pany’ s office and is prepared to d o all [ Tucker and Stewart's add $200. * * * kinds of work. u Estella Price to Prospere Lafrene et Never get into an argument over M en’ s canvas oxfords also canvas | ux part of lot 2 in blk 14 F G $1700. i religion with aityone of whom you may Charles Knester to Edward A K ince- shoes the latest, styles swing and [ some day want a favor. noyer et ux blk 11 in Bohart’ s Subdiv straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey’ s. Most Grooers Soli Forest G rove just as cheap. of this paper and shows a gain are putting in decent ads of $17 000 in deposits over the and are telling the people some- statement of last May. T h is , thing but the Tim es pessim.s- not only speaks well for the tic attitude is not well founded; bank but is conclusive evidence for the fault lies at its own d o o r , 1 that Forest Grove and the sur- of which it well knows. 1 rounding country is in a pros- 1 perous condition. Four years , •• i ago we had but one bank %V 1 today we have three and all in first class condition and growing rapidly. If anyone tells you that there is “ nothing doing” here just point to the banks. $60 machine for $25 charlm hines L. J. CO RL & SON m i A lr * CICERO HINES Summer resoits are becoming about W A Bellinger et UX to John C Pid- | » t e u t o n of the «ta re of Thoma. M. Hines, deceived. as disagreeable to take as pills. They Langley li Son. Attorney* Forest G rove, Oregon cock 5.94 a in sec 36 1 n 4 w $1800. are sugar-coated, but they cost money J C Pidcock to H B Grinnold 18.63 and are disagreeable. a in W m Geiger and S Emerick d i e 1 s 3 w $2300 The shabbiest thing in the world is Mike Campbell to M J Kinney ne 1 a worn out welcom e, but the people sec 8 2 n 3 w $25. who wear it out do not seem to notice Charles A Wygan et ux to 29 59 a anything wrong about it. IN T H E sec 4 2 s 3 w $250. • • • Jeannie Whitla et ux to Alfred Ladd It is wonderful how a school teacher 37 a in sec 2 t 1 n 4 w $2200 will regard the importance of spelling Lawtence Strand et ux to Frank Col- MUTUAI. r’ IWI! R K U B F A M R - overestimated after she ha* a lover felt 6 a in sec 20 2 s 1 w $1650 who can’ t spell. Hannah J Laughlin to J E Bates part • • • of blk 16 Forest Grove $1750 — •m t h B ~ " .............................. - When Father scolds, the girl*, in­ John Boyd et ux to August Love- stead of seeing any justice in his com ­ gTen 2 am sec 25 1 * 2 w *100 plaints, blame Mother for ever bringing Mr Thompson to J J Wisner 160 a him into the family. in J B Hall d l c *80 00 FIRE IN S U R A N C E BUNKERS AND MERCflUTS Of F o rest G rove, O regon Best and Cheapest k