Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 29, 1907, Image 3

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    I years or such a .natter to good advan­
tage. This treatment serves to kill
There is great interest throughout
the bulk of the parasites and thus the entire Northwest in the visit of
grcatlv reduces the loss incident to Secretary Taft. He lands in Portland,
these organisms.— Ex.
on the evening of September S and re-,
mains here all day the 6th. The pub­
WHAT TRAIN DO YOU TAKE? lic will be given a c lance to hear himent delega-
at 8 o ’clock in the evening at theon -o g r e s s
In W iring Give Its Number, Name of Armory. A rate of a fare and a thiide<^ hy Gov-
Road and T im e of Arrival.
When you telegraph a friend the has been made from Roseburg andPres‘dent of
next time you are going to visit hint points north, and from Pendleton and them will
and that you'd he delighted to have points west.
n Irrigation
him meet you at the train the next day.
Tillamook held a most successful September
for heaven’s sake telegraph htm intelli­
celebration last week. The showing
If the money, Irritations and disap­
of dairy products and live stock was Oregon is
pointments of the year were aggre­
gated for the United States In hope especially attractive to the large d ele -ltlon-
lessly unintelligible telegrams o f this gation of Portland business men who address at
kind, the average political economist
made the trip in automobiles.
T* Septen •
would have a tit. When the average
m. where
person lu the small city or town de
The Portland Commercial Club once
cides on the jump to go to see a friend
Opie. His
circulated 3 2 7 ,0 0 0 leaflets in thirty
in the city and decides to telegraph
e largest in
tliut friend what train to meet, he lie days. The club will begin today the
comes an unconscious Imltedle.
circulation of 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 somewhat simi­
W ill leav e fo r C h icag o to n ig h t on 8:30
lar prints in twenty days. The central Prizes for
tra in . M eet me.
This is the text of a ten word mes feature of this leaflel, a copy of which* and this
sage which I received the other night it is desired shall accompany everytewspapers
from a friend in an Ohio city, lie had
started for Chicago before the tele letter that goes out of Portland and10^ Wash-
Another Carload of
Mas Arrived!
W e buy in large quantities which
enables us to sell vehicles at less
than do others;
gram was received by me, "and while I
wanted immensely to meet him at the
station instead of tanking the least ef
fort to do so 1 took it out in swearing.
In sending a telegram announcing an
arrival the name of the road and the
train number are the two absolute os
sentíais. It will he a help to the recip­
ient of the message in most cases If
the time of the arrival of the train lie
given also. Frequently, as lietween the
two stations Involved In such a mes
sage, a difference of one hour In stand­
ard time otherwise ndght confuse. But
ns lietween the number of the train
nnd the numerals In the hour of ar­
rival the telegrapher has a chance of
error, and in writing the message
these two sets of numerals should lie
separated by the name of the road.
Tuking the ten word message as the
standard of length, then, any person
going anywhere from any station on
any railroad may use the one set form
of telegraphic announcement of a r­
And we
A rrive No. 6. L a k e S h o re, due 8 o'clock
M onday m orning.
Ordlnnrily no possible further Infer
■nation is necessary In the' greatest
railway center In America. The train
number is unchangeable on Its own
system. Any railway employee any­
where will identify the train In a mo­
ment. If the recipient of the telegram
wishes to know whether the train is
on time before he starts to the station,
he can learn in a moment over the tel­
ephone by nsklng aliout No. 5, and iri
the query he will have the readier re­
sponse for the reason that Ids Inform­
ant will lie grateful for the Inquirer's
succinct knowledge of train operations.
—II. W. Field in Chicago Tribune.
of the sheep usually pass a portion of form. Probably those that do the
Pins were introduced In the stx-
! their lives in land snails. T he blfdder most harm are the lung and stomach teenth century.
Then they were costly nnd highly
; worm passes its larval stage in sheep. worms of calves and lambs. The lung
prized as gifts.
Other parasites, such as those that pro­ worms are most harmful to calves and
Real Estate and Corpo- OFFICE over
A paper of pins was more acceptable
~ Under this heading we invite cor­ duce gid, pass their mature stage in the stomach worms to lambs. While
-ation Law a Specialty. Hines' Store
than a bouquet.
it has not been demonstrated that lung
An act was passed In 1543 making It
Oregon respondence from the dairymen, many the intestines of the dog.
Forest Grove, -
of whom have bright ideas and good
Illegal to charge more than elghtpence
Such worms as the lung worms of worms can be conveyed from calves to
a thousand for metal pins.
suggestions that would be helpful to
calves, lambs »nd pigs, the stomach lambs, stomach worms can be trans­
Persons of quality often used pins
others if they knew them. Confine
worms of calves and lambs, and a ma­ ferred in that manner, which probably made of boxwood, lioue and silver,
F A S HI O N S T A B L E S your correspondence strictly to dairying jority of the many round intestinal accounts for the great prevalency of while the poor put up with wooden
telling of your herd, your stables, feed,
Pacific Avs.
F o re st Grove
worms pass directly from one animal to the latter. While these worms seldom
In those day husbands were often
or whatever subject you choose. L et­
another. Some of these worms bring trouble mature cattle, they often cause surprised at the great amount of mon-
N eat T u rn o u ts
ters for this column should be in hand
forth young, that is the eggs are sheep to become infested, because j ey that went for pins; hence the term
Monday morning early to insure pub­
' “pin money.”
hatched in the uterus of the female, nearly all mature cattle have more or
Not so many yenrs ngo the frugul
lication that week.
while others lay eggs. The eggs pass less of these worms in the fourth sto­ American housewife was wont to tpneh
out with the feces, where they hatch mach. They are a small thread-like pin economy by teaching her children
Pasturing Stock.
Forest Grove, Oregon
I that canny couplet, “See a pin nnd
' when there is sufficient heat and mois­ worm from one-half to one and one I pick It up, all the day you’ll havo good
It will pay farmers to give more at­
A general banking business transacted
ture in the atmosphere, and the half inches long, and the females have hick.”—Philadelphia Itecord.
Interest paid on time deposits.
tention to pasturing their stock, or we
find their way back to their host a light brown stripe running around tne
Accounts invited.
might say to caring for their pastures.
T h e In direct Method.
animal throngh feed and water, and body in spirals somewhat like the stripes
Homemade Ice cream was a regular
Although few farmers are aware of the
! one of the most common places for
Item on the bill of fare at Willie’s
fact, parasites and parssitic deseases,
these parasites to spread s the pasture. pasturing with or after cattle are, there­ | house, and while be liked the cream he
that is, deseases that are due to para-
I drew the line at turning the freezer
The eggs are dropped to the ground fore, very apt to become infested.
For the Best. Up to-date Work.
One duy when his mother returned
! sites, cause as much loss as do diseases
Baths. Pacific Ave. Forest Grove.
where they hatch; later the parasites Much more could be written along iiome she was agreeably surprised to
that are due to other causes. While
crawl up on the grass blades, and as these lines, all illustrating the same j find him working at the crank ns if his
A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor
I parasites in small numbers do not, as
tlepen»Io*i on It.
the grass is eaten the parasites are principles. It has been demonstrated j
I don t see how you got him to turn
a rule, cause much trouble; when they
taken in with it.
cream freezer,” she said to her
S . A . M o u lto n
j become numerous they cause more or
”1 offered him a dime to do
Where the same land is pastured year
j less loss of flesh, and in bad cases, fre­
It, and he Just laughed at me.”
after year, as is done by many far­ or three years in succession for best re­
“Toil didn’t go about It tlie right
L e a d in g T n n s o r ia l is t quently death. But probably the
sults. Therefore, in planning a farm way, my dear,” replied her husband.
| greatest danger due to parasites is ob­ mers, the ground becomes permeated,
so to speak, with the eggs of various it should be laid out so that the pas­ “I l>et him n nickel he couldn't turn It
Forest d rove
served in loss of flesh. Parasites may
for half an hour.”—Hariier’s Weekly.
ture can be plowed up every three or
not be sufficiently numerous to cause parasites, which frequently prevents
the land cropped for
" S e t t i n g ” ■ Sleeve.
R . INIXOiNi, D e n t i s t an animal to get thin, but worry inci- young animals, especially colts and *0UT years an<3 the land cropped
To set the sleeve In the laxly pin the
lambs, from doing well. They do not tw0 or three years, other ground being
| dent to parasites means greater food re­
outer Benin to the curved side of the
Forest Grove, Oregon
| grow, become weak and thin in flesh, use<* meantime for pasture,
back about two Inches below the shoul­
quirements to get the animal to a cer
some of them may die and the owner ¡ All ponds and places where water der seam. Slip on the waist lining and
Hdilev‘1 vor«,
n«t r
bouts finn* v A
to » F M.
wonders at the cause. If he would collects should be drained. Most make any adjustments that are neces­
I rule parasites produce much more trou­
sary. Gather the top part of the S le e v e ,
destroy one of his sick animals a n d : farmers are of the opinion that there being careful to distribute the gathers
ble in young animals than in old; this
make a close examination of the Lungs, j should be a stream of running water in evenly. When hasting and sewing the
it especially true of internal parasites,
the stomach and the intestines, he every pasture, but as a m a tte of fact sleeve In be sure to hold It toward
generally termed worms
Some of
you. One will be well repaid for time
V e t e r n a r y S u r g e o n . | these worms pass directly from one an- would frequently find large quantities , such streams are often the means of »pent on this part of the work, as nn
of small round worms. Lung worms conveying parasites, bacteria and other Imperfectly setting sleeve will spctl tr.«
Office at Hancock & Gordon’s livery j imal to another, while others pass a
are frequently found in the stnall desease-producing organisms.
Good effect of a w ait»
J portion of their lives in some other
branches of the windpipe, and stomach i wells and properly arranged watering
Calls promptly attended to Day o r 1 animal or insect. For example, the
Still H i t Dau g hter.
and intestinal worms in the mucous troughs are safer and answer the pur-
Old Gotrox — But if my daughter
tapeworm, which at times causes so
II the
attached to the membranes. Most of pose equally as well as running water, marries you, will she have
much trouble in sheep, passes a por­
comforts to which she has b e e n ac­
these worms are small, being less than Land along the creeks that cannot be
tion of its life in some other animal.
customed? Young IieHroque Well, I*
two inches long; they are threAd-like in I tilled may be burned over once in four will lie your fault If she hasn’t, »’hi
Parasites that mature in the intestines
Dairymen's Corner
E . VV. H a in e s B a n k
City Shaving Parlors
vicinity, is the colonist rates whichcltlzen °f
begin September 1 and continue until forgotten
October 31 and should by this time be to win.
but there
familiar to our readers.
To Forest Grove
te letters
From Kansas City. St. Joseph,
Leavenworth, Atchison,Coun­
advertis- ît
cil Btuffs, Omaha, Sioux City,
will be in
St. Pani, Minneapolis, Du­
e of this
luth and W innipeg.................. $25 00
never be-
Des Moines, la ........................... 29
00 ties.
St. Louis, M o ................................ 30 U0
Oklahoma City, O k ...................... 30 00 Tew York
Peoria, 111....................................... 31 00 ue weni_
Chicago, I I I ..................................... 33 00
Evansville, In d .............................. 35 00 ago that
Indianapolis, In d .......................... 35 85 sociation
Memphis, T e n n ........................... 37 50 ist rates 50
Louisville, K y ................................ 38 CO to con-
Cincinnati, 0 .................................. 38 C0 that the
Detroit, M ich ................................ 39 30 the most
Cleveland, O ................................ 39 75
Nashville, T e n n ............................ 40 00
of the 51
Pittsburgh, P a ................................ 41 00
:gon in- 5.
Toronto, Ont ............................... 41 95
Buffalo, N. Y .................................. 42 50 ,ctlv)lleV 4
Ollghyri .4
Birmingham, A la........................... 44 50
tht fß is U
Atlanta, G a ..................................... 46 75
’/ e and
Asheville, N. C ............................. 46
Mobile, A la..................................... 46 85 I
Washington, D. C ........................ 48 25 I i
Montteal, Q u e ............................... 48 60 t V ' w i i
Philadelphia, P a ........................... 49 75 a price’ ^ t
Baltimore, M d ................................ 49 25 >f colo- il
Boston, M ass.................................. 49 90 ime in I ih
New York City, N Y .................. 50 00
Ice Price List.
i thiee
10 lbs and under, l i cts per 11 1 neat
15 lbs 20 cts; 20 lbs 25 cts; 25 to 40
lbs 1 ct per lb; 50 lbs 45 cts; 60 lbs n and
50 cts; 75 lbs 60 cts; 100 lbs 75 cts; al ap-
n k e lots $ 1 .2 0 per cake. Ic e de­
livered every morning but Sunday, ler
sale at all times at the Ice-house. »¡cycle
Phone your orders not later than 8 a. m. Coni­
lo all
Both phones. Walter Roswurir.
Time for Closing Mails.
Following are hours for closing
East bound
8 a. m.
8 a. m.
5 p. m
12.50 p. m.
3 .3 0 p. in.
Greenville and Buxton, 9 a. m.
Gales Creek, 12:50 p. m.
H . C. A t w e l l , P. M.
»uv?« V ;{
high- j,
— Brick for sale at Peterson’s $7 per *. m.
3. m
— Bring your wool and mohair to us.
We will give you the most for it.—
Dr. J. H. Knox, D. V. S.
Eczema and Pile Cure
tro p e
K n r v iB i vhaf It la » n f f c f . t win ft* «
i I M -i-
o r CH A S G S , 10 any »SUcteS • * w t-
» T . c a n for t c i e m , t e a t b r a a . S frattelaa. m a t
and Skin D u n n i . I n u u rtll« f. Doa'l n lT e t loo*«a
W rite V. W . w m i u a , « 0 « S n u n i i » m i s . Maw
Vark. Socloaa t e r n
— See Hoffman & Allen’s windows.
They contain new creations in skirts
of all kinds.
K — M en’s gun metal, Blucher cut
oxfords, medium high heel the latest
at Baileys.
Everyone should »ubacriha for
hla home paper, In order to get all
the local news, but to keep In touch
with the world’■ dally event»
should also read
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
The leading evening newspaper of
the Pacific Ooaat, which has com­
plete Aaeociated Press reports and
special leased wire service, with
correspondents In important newi
centers and In all the cities and
principal towns ef the Northwest.
Portland and suhnrhs are covered
hy a bright staff of reporters, and
editorial, dramatic, society end
special writers. Saturday s edl
tlon consists • f 26 ts 26 psges, and
has colored comic pages, ss well ss
s department for children, colored
fashion page, an interesting aerial
story and other attractive features
in addition to ail tho nows s i the
Subscription Rates: One mentn.
60 cents; three months. $1.M ; tlx
months, $2.60; twelve months, W
Sample copies msllsd frss.
Goldenrod flour Guaranteed 5