D O O M ED By WILLARD MacKENZIE •'Ton will ntrer ffcat day, M r* Stafford,” he answered, brusquely. “I •hall never marry again.” * When they were alone, he asked Staf* i ford if he knew what had become of her. j The answer was that nothing had ever | been heard of her from the time of his departure. lie did not speak for more than an hour afterwards, but lapsed into gloomy silence. lie was somewhat reticent in regard to his adventures since his departure from F.m:land. britfiv stating that, immediately. after his father’s funeral he had started for Australia, where he had made a uvingp— by bodily labor; that he had gone to the diggings, but had met with but moderate success. “ I felt that hard work was the O fficial General O rd er by P resid en t only way to restore the equilibrium of my Sm all M akes no M aterial D if­ brain,” he said, “and so I did it with a will. Had it not been for that I should fere n ce in Situ ation. have died long ago.” He remained at the Hall until after the New' Year. They found him much chang­ Chicago, Aug. 17.— Despite th e issu­ ed in mind as well as body. There was but little left of the gentle, dreamy youth ance of the general strike order by Pres­ whom they had known, but in his place ident Sm all the situation in th is city was a stern and somewhat hard man, in­ was not m aterially changed yesterday. clined to gloominess and taciturnity. But, All of the men who were disposed to as time wore on, and they knew him bet­ strik e were alteady out. I t was believ­ ter, they discovered that this was only ed by the officials ol the union th a t the the outward crust, and that a kind, gentle order would paralyze a number of brok­ heart still beat beneath. erage and com m ission houses, but no Towards the end of January he put I d additional strikes were reported. his claim for Penrhyddyn, and, his iden­ B oth th e Postal and W estern Union in- tity being beyond all doubt, it was at created forces on the board. They both once admitted. reported the situ ation as steadily im ­ “ I do not believe I could settle down to the monotony of an Euglish country proving and occasional applications gentleman’s life, after the bustle of the from the strik ers for th eir old positions. The improvem ent in the Associated last six years,” he said ; “besides, amidst A num ber the turmoil of London, one can alw’aya Press service was m arked. shake off black thoughts when they of towns on the W eet, North and South circu its received a full report yesterday, come.” One day, In the Strand, he met Je ­ and the volume of news handled was rome, who was most cordially rejoiced to much greater than at any tim e since see him. Fortune had recently smiled the walkout on Monday n igh t. upon the gay a rtis t; he had had several The otlicials of the Telegraphers’ pictures hung upon the Academy walls, union late yesterday changed front on which had found liberal purchasers, and the proposition to arb itrate and an ­ he was rising into fame. nounced th a t they would accept the In the course of conversation the name offices of the general lioard of a rb itra t­ of Parsons was mentioned, and Arthur learned that that gentleman, having been ors cf tbe A m erican Federation of La­ found out in a disgraceful betting trans­ bor in settlin g th eir differences with action at the last Derby, had carried him- th e com panies. This board consists of Jo h n M itch ell, c f the M ine W o rk ers; Daniel J . K eefe, of the Longshorem en, and President Sam uel Gom pers. Gom ­ pers made the above announcem ent. MAV VET M BITM TE' P resid en t G om pers M akes O iler (or Striking T elegrap h ers. FEW MORE LEAVE THEIR KEYS TU RN IN G P O IN T REA C H ED . B oth S id e s in S trik e E xp ect They Can Win Fight. Chicago, Aug. 1 9 .— Im portant devel­ opments in th e strik e ot the Commer­ cial Telegraphers are looked for today by both disputants. Confident that the strik e has spent its force, and that the turning point has been reached, the telegraph com panies look for a stam ­ pede of the s tiik e rs to regain their for mer positions. Cheered by th e reports they have re­ ceived from the various cities affected, the strik e leaders on the other hand are prepared to prosecute the fight more vigorously than ever. Aaccording to advices received at union headquarters, the messenger boys and check clerks in ,N e w York are scheduled to go out today. B roker firms throughout the country have been given until noon today to sign contracts with th e ir operators or suffer the conse­ quence« of a w alkout. T h ree hundred operators employer! by th e Ameiroan Telephone A Telegraph oompany throughout the Southwest may be called out before night, unless a 10 per cent increase in wages is grant­ ed. This is one of the trum p cards which President Sm all expects to play. If th e order is issued it w ill isolate Chicago from the rest of the country, so far as telephonic com m unication is concerned. 'UND FRAUD TRIAI OTES. ,ent delega- M illion aire P errin M akes M w (°d C g T Em phaflc D enial. i n d e n t of l them will n Irrigation SAYS CHARGE IS ENTIRELY FALSE' s ' p'ra b " 1 , Oregon is C H A PTER X X V I I I .— (Continued.) — was thus destined to be the last that Mr. Wylie, In the meanwhile, sat writ- should cover her upon earth. Testim ony o f S ta r W itness Stricken-dion. All fag at hla desk Had he no thought, at Out— A ccused E x p re s se s G raat j •ddress at that moment, of the dead man who had, Constance regained one considerable through #■> many years of his life, sat portion of her fortune— that which Wylie Hatred fo r W itness. »» Septen- day by day at that table, the man whom had inherited, and which Mrs. Wylie re­ _____ m m. where morally, If not legally, he had murdered? funded in her will, dying a month after No such thoughts troubled his seared her husband. The remainder, however, ople. His S an F ra n c isco , Aug. 15.— T b e gov-f , ronaeience. No atom of superstition or had passed away to other inheritors. Both , , .. „ * , e largest in Imagination titered into the composition the house in Harley street and Hillbor- e m in e n t yesterd ay in th e U n ited : of that scheining brain. ough Hall were among Constance’s re­ S ta te s C ircu it C ourt closed its c a s e , Had ther* been would he not hare felt covered possessions. a g a in st M illio n aires Jo h n E . B en so n • , tha deadly praseti te that was about him? and Dr. D. P e rrin , ch arg ed with c o n -l P e or The white, gh astly face, with gleaming spiracy to o b tain 1 2 ,0 0 0 a cre s o f , , and this C H A PTE R X X IX . black eyes, that was looking in upon him land In Tehum u cou nty by frau d . * _ - n. ner« It was a happy family group that sat through the half-opened door at his back? round the blazing fire in the drawing T h e g re a te r p art o f th e m o rn in g y c session was consum ed In a rg u m en ts jin d Wash- There was 4 double door to the library ; room of Hillborough Hall towards dusk It was In at the inner green bailed one on Christmas eve. Mr. Grierson snoozed over th e ad m issibility o f th e t e s t l - , citizen of mony of W ilfo rd B. H arlan , fo rm e r-h that swung noiselessly upon its hinges, in an easy chair upon one side, while ly cle rk of th e G en eral Land Office ¡1 forgotten that the face peered. Stafford, with his arm'clasping his wife’s at W ashington, who in answ ering (0 wm With her eyes fixed immovable on the waist, occupied the other. question s by cou nsel fo r th e g o v e rn -e one object, ahe closes it behind her; then “ Why are you so thoughtful to-night, m ent, confessed th a t he accepted there advances, crouehi ig like a tiger, towards darling?” he asked, pressing her towards $2 00 from B enson as a b rib e to keep lderstand- her prey.x Her steps are noiseless; the him. him Inform ed In ad van ce o f th e soft material of her dress makes no rus­ “I was thinking of poor Arthur Pen- prospective opening o f th e P lu m ae íe letters tle ; bgt If it did. the noise of the ele­ rhyddyn,” she answered, thoughtfully. and o th e r fo re st reserv es, th is m oney ments would drown it. “ How strange it is that no tidings have being le ft fo r him in u bathroom by Bhe is behind the chair; then she raises ever been received of him ! I wonder if Benson. advertis- her right hand, armed .v'.th the short, he is still living?” K E E P S C O R P S E S L IK E L IF E . A fter a determ ined stru g g le by th e thick stick, and atrik' .s him a heavy blow will be in “ I fear not,” answered her husband. “ I a tto rn e y s fo r the d efense, Ju d g e Do upon the head. With a groan he falls am sometimes almost inclined to believe ordered th is testim on y i of this Young Italian B lacksm ith Finds New H aven from hie chair, atunnod. Quick as light­ that, driven to despair, the poor fellow stric k e n out because it anted ated 0 never S e ­ ning she takes from her dress the two laid violent hands upon himself.” Method o f P reserv atio n . ttle period of the alleg ed con sp iracy q cords, each provided with a running “Oh, do not say that, Edward; it is too P aris, Aug. 1 9 .— The scientific and betw een B en son and l ’errln . des. noose; one she slips over his body and dreadful to think of.” 0 m edical world is greatly interested in T h e case fo r the governm ent fastens his arms down to his sides, with Ju st then a servant entered the room to the discovery of a young blacksm ith, of closed by th e testim on y o f W illia m Q^ew York the other she eecur* - his legs; then she announce that a gentleman desired to see ue went Rom e, to preserve corpses fresh and in­ E. V a lk , fo rm erly exam in er o f con - puts a gag m nls mouth. This done, she Mr. Stafford. , ta ct. The system is the injection of tra c ts in the G eneral Land Office a t ^ dashes some water out of a carafe, that “What name?” serum which k ills the micro-organisim s W ash in gto n , who stated th a t he m et 0 stands upon the table, Into bis face, raises “ He would not give it, sir. He told me B enson a t th e W illard house, talkod of pu trefaction. his head, props it up by means of some 0 ago that big foil« volumes from the shelves, takes I t is said to be th e secret of the in­ with him about the B enson and Hyde land frau d p rosecu tion s and accep t­ g chair, and, sitting opposite to him, waits vention many years ago ,fo r the same ed from him “ as a lo an ,” $ 75. T h e 5 sociation until ahe shall revive. purpose of Gerolam o Segato, which had m otion o f th e d efense to s trik e th is 0 ist rates r . , i1 .mf since been lost. T h e inventor is a testim on y from record was denied. At last his eyes open, nml fall upon 0 to con­ the livid, vindictive face that fronta him. young man named P ig n o tti, 23 years of Dr. P e rrin , aged m illio n aire from B O T H S ID E S FIR M . ti that the He not Mnognizv her; but there is age, and his hope is th a t from th is d is­ A rizona, took the stand late In th e K K lS r fa fa r lu efa! He shivere. and H e 0 the most covery he may push on h is researches a fte rn o o n In his own b eh alf. S tr ik e r s and C om panies in F ig h t to and succeed in curing certain diseases stro n g ly denied th e testim o n y o f tries to rise, but he is helpless. 5 “ I am much changed since last we met, Finish at P ortlan d. by injecting his serum into the living C h arles P. S n ell, the Btar w itness fo r •0 James Wylie, am I not?” she says, after the p rosecu tion . Dr. P e rrin seem ed Portland, Aug. 17. — L o cally , the su bject. of the gloating for some moments over the agony I t has already been injected into In d ig n an t a g a in st B en so n , and when 0 strik in g telegraphers and the telegraph :gon in- nf hie silent terror. re fe rrin g to th e land d eals w ith him , com panies are organizing th e ir forces living unim als w ithout causing them lost co n tro l o f h im se lf and had to be 5 At that voles he starts, and shudders for a finish fight. There were two de­ any inconvenience, or disorder of the called to order. H e te stifie d th a t he 0 ictivities. more violently; he knows now that he is oragnism , w hile a corpse which was was ow ner of 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 acres o f land fections from the union yesterday. 3Ug doomed. I f ever a prayer Is In his heart. inoculated with the concoction was In A rizona and at one tim e had 1 6 0 ,- 0 th Otherwise the situation in Portland IS It le there now. Dr. P e rrin rem ains unchanged, and the sending found ten days la ter in exactly the 0 0 0 a c re s n ear F re sn o . “This meeting is an unexpected pleas­ ar.d and receiving of telegram s continues same condition as at the m om ent of said th e re was no tru th in th e te s ti­ ure, la it not? You hugged yourself with mony o f S n e ll re g a rd in g th e T e ­ seriously interrupted. The issuance of death. the thought, doubtless, that you were rid S j ham a cou nty land deal. a general strik e order by N ational P res­ of m e! Do you remember the words I ident S m all, of th e Com mercial Tele­ once spoke to you, in your office? I told 5 I 1S m PLA GU E IN F R IS C O . M ILLIO N A IRE C O M P A N Y F A IL 8 graphers’ union, has served only to you that if you played me false, I would 0 D * 2 £ ,d hunt you down, if you tied *o the further m agnify the seriousness of the situ ation B o ard o f Health T a k e s D rastic M eas­ 5 a p rie* ''i most extremity of the world, and kill you ! outside of Portland, since operators who Unable to M eet O bligations It G o ss T H E T I1 B E A T V U L F IIX E B . u res to Isolate P atients. I have come to keep thy word!” and she ¡S if colo- had before hesitated to jo in th e ranks Into R eceiv ership . drew the long, glittering knife from her San Francisco, Aug. 1 9 .— Five cases of th eir strik in g associates cheerfully i0 Jme in self and his talents over to the Continent that I was merely to say that he was an B o sto n , Aug. 1 5 .— T h e Pop e M an­ belt. " I could have killed vou from be­ le ft the keys yesterday. The resu lt was of bubonic plague, four of w hich have for the benefit of foreign nationa u fa ctu rin g Com pany, one o f th e lead­ hind, some minutes back, but 1 would not old friend.” 0 to more com pletely paralyze tire tele­ resulted in death, have been reported ing m an u factu re rs o f au to m o biles, “Tell him I cannot see any one this have you die Ignorant of the hand that to th e H ealth departm ent w ithin the went in to th e hands o f a receiv er to ­ It was the first of March. A glorious graphic business of the country. •truck the blow, nor suddenly and untor­ evening; he must call again.” I t was expected th at a crisis might past w eek. The p atients, with one ex­ day. l th ree “No, no, Edward ; do not .end such a fresh, mild morning, the sky a bright, T h e receiv ersh ip , It Is s ta te d , tured. I f I had you away from this cep tio n , were of the poorer class of be reached yesterday, but the p o ssib ili­ r neat is th e outcom e o f th e tig h te n e d place, I would kill you Inch by inch. message," interrupted Constance, rising cloudless, sunDy blue, the sea a mirror in t; There ia not a tortur - that the Ingenuity hastily. “You do not know who it may which was reflected another heaven. At ty of a settlem ent seems even farther foreigners dw elling in the neighbor­ m oney con ditions. I t Is added, how ­ hood of the old Chinatow n. The ex­ 10 ever, th a t th e assets o f th e com pany of cruelty could invent, that I would not be. Show the gentleman up, Jam es; we the window of the western turret of removed. No sooner had the order for ju n and Penrhyddyn Castle, where we first saw a general strik e been issued by P resi­ ception was a foreign sailor taken from am ou nt to many tim es Its lia b ilitie s . Inflict upon you; and even then, I could will see him here.” The door again opened, and an athletic him as a boy, sixteen years ago, sat dent Sm all than tbe W estern U nion a coastw ise steam er. A lb e rt I. Pope, son o f C olonel A. not pay you back all that you have made c. al ap- P op e, was appointed re ce iv e r Tor Prom pt and active measures were me suffer! You tricked me well, did you looking man, apparently of some thirty Arthur Penrhyddyn, gazing thoughtfully officials issued instructions to a ll local iwered Ju d g e not? B ut when you gloated over your years of age, with a bronzed complexion, upon the landscape. But his thoughts managers to refuse to rein state any taken by the local, state and Federal the com pany by F e d e ra l e- cleverness, you forgot to calculate the apd dark blue eyes, entered the room. Con were not with the objects before him, more of the strik in g telegraphers. au th o rities, and spread of the disease Dodge fo r th e d istrict o f M assach u ­ or setts. T h e M cM nnus-K elly Com pany retribution! They laugh best who laugh stance turned away her eager face, with hat with the dark, melancholy past, with is not feared. Both President Ju le s A. o f T oled o, wero ap p lican ts fo r th e re - e. '¡cycle/ la s t ! The last laugh shall be mine, quite a disappointed look at the sight of the shadows of the grave. He had in his Sim on, of the health board, and H ealth celvorshlp . S e a ttle W ires C le are d . him. hand a miniature of Eleonore, and his n. Coni­ •voked by your dying agonies!” S eattle, Aug. 17 — Superintendent Officer Jam es T. W atkins stated today T h e la te s t fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n t o f “ May 1 inquire to what I am Indebted eyes were dim with tears. He knows lo all • • • • • • « R. T. Reid, of the W estern U nion, to­ that the situation is well in hand and the Pope M an u factu rin g C om pany, for the honor of this visit, and whom I f Mrs. Wylie awoke from her slumber have the pleasure of addressing?” asked nothing of the strange retributive disease no occasion exists for alarm . The in ­ published In Ju n e , places th e c u rre n t night went to Bellingham to appoint with a start— a cry In her ears, and a Stafford, somewhat curtly, for he was that had disfigured h e r; nothing of her fected steam er was ordered into quar­ lia b ilitie s a t $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , w ith a s se ts anvs.r.y! horror upon her soul. She started u p ; annoyed at being disturbed by a strange last awful crim e; nothing of her death. Edward Parland, of D allas, T e x ., m an­ an tin e with her passengers and w ill so a t $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . Through the softening haze of time she ager of the B ellin gham otfice, to succeed and the wind was still raging, the fir.- was >K visitor at such a cozy time. appears to him, craving forgiveness for Manager Tucker, who went out with rem ain until released by the H ealth burned down to ashes, and the candle all iley’r. "Then you have forgotten me, S ta f­ the sake of love. Deep down in the re­ the strikers. departm ent. The two shacks inhab­ P L E N T Y O F E V ID E N C E . but extinguished. A feeling that some­ ford?” said a voice, whose accents were cesses of his heart lingers the passion of id high- The Postal com pany says business ited by the other patients were fum i­ thing had happened to her husband seiz­ still the same, however much the face his youth, and no woman has ever yet n. s. ed upon her, and, taking up the flicker­ has fallen off more than 50 per cent, gated, locked up and sealed. Haney C an Now C onvict Glaaa With­ and form were altered. superseded the image of the beautiful but th a t w ith seven day operators in The bodies of the two M exicans, I ta l­ ing candle, she hurried out of the room, out Aid o f Zim m erm an. The next instant Stafford had seized creature to whom he first gave his love. and, spite of her fears, ran trembling to­ the place of 12, they are handling all ian and Russian Pole, who succumbed, one hand and Constance the other, and Ran F ra n c is c o , Aug. 1 5 — T h e tr ia l Will It ever be otherwise? Will the were destroyed in quicklim e. wards the library. Uncle Robert, starting out of his doze, portals of his heart ever open to the pure, the business accepted. Both offices say o f V ice P re sid e n t and G eneral M an­ As she neared the spot she heard peals looked on In amazement. ag er L o u is G lass, o f th e P aclflo osing ennobling affection of a true worffah? Or less than half th e usual volume of bus­ •f horrible laughter that curdled her Pinkerton Dies at S e a . ”My dear Arthur, is it Indeed you?" is the ancient race of Penrhyddyn Indeed iness is now offered, but both com pan­ S ta te s T elep h o n e Com pany, charged blood. She dared not proceed, but. al New Y ork, Aug. 19.— Robert P in k ­ with b rib in g Su p erv iso r Thom as F . “Doomed” to extinction? Deep In the ies claim to be keeping up fa irly well, most dead with terror, ran end pulled the was the cry from both. cund “A rthur! W h at! yon don’t mean to bosom of the future lies that problem, especially to Pacific coast p oints. erto n , head of the detective agency L onergu n to vote n g aln st th e H om e rope that rang the alarm bell, and which I. m . say it’s Arthur I ’enrhyddyu ?” cried the which no mortal prescience can fore­ T elep h o n e C om pany's ap plication fo r Superintendent Reid, of th e W est­ bearing th at nam e, died at sea Monday was situated not many yards from the ?. m ern U nion, says trouble on tb e coast on the steam ship Brem en. He was en a riv al fra n ch is e , w as begun b e fo re a shadow. library door. Holding on to the rope, old gentleman. "B u t it is, Mr. Grierson,” was the an­ lines is in Cow Creek canyon, Oregon, route to Germ any in the pursuit nf ju r y th is m o rning in Ju d g e L a w lo r’e (T n e E s d .) she pulled with all the frantic power of is. swer, with a warm grasp of the hand. where railroad operators open the c ir ­ health . The cause of death was fatty d ep artm en t o f th e R u perlor C ou rt. terror, until the dang, clang reverberated A ssista n t D istric t A tto rn ey F r a n c is "W ell, there isn’t a man upon the E volution. cu its. Reid has Pinkertons out pa­ degeneration of the heart. through the Castle, and was heard, even R obert face of the earth that I should be so re­ “Don’t you believe In evolution Y' ask­ tro llin g all railroad lines in special en­ Pinkerton was c n e o f the two principals .1. H eney, In h is op en in g state m e n t, above the roar of the wind and the water. In tim ated th a t sin ce th e tr ia l of joiced to see as I am you,” answered ed the scientific man. In the village below— making men start gines to locate breaks in the N orthw est. of the Pinkerton Detective agency, th is G lass on th e c h a rg e o f b rib in g Su­ Uncle Robert, cordially returning the pres- from their bade, hurry on their clothes, “Certainly,” answered Miss Cayenne. He said tonight he would prosecute organization having never incorporated. p erv iso r B o xto n , w hich resu lted in a and speed towards the Castle, expecting sure. “No change th at centuries bring about raí Iroad operators who prevent reopen­ During the last 25 years, he has been d isag reem en t, the s ta te h as obtained “ I have only Just arrived in England; every moment to see jets of flame spring in natural history can be more rem ark­ ing of lines by grounding th e wires. in charge of the New Y ork agency, new and con v in cin g ev id ence, which you are the only friends I have here, and up from it, for what else but fire could able than th at which a woman under­ w hile his brother, W illia m A P in k e r­ will bn sufficient to co n v ict w ithout I came to see you first. How happy and aend forth such a summons? th e testim o n y o f S eco n d V ice P re si­ ton, resided in Chicago. goes in a single day as she progresses B en son Trial Is R esum ed . cozy yon look!” As two of the fishermen ran up the font dent E m il J . Z im m er He sighed as he spoke. Every eye from curl papers to evening gown.”— San Francisco, Aug. 17.— The trial path through the woods, a something R esen t V isit o f Haywood. was fixed upon him, with one thought— Washington Star. of Jo h n A . Benson and E . B . P errin, rushed past them, with a thriek of ma­ R o o sev elt K eep s O ut o f It. how changed ! Unguided by the voice, it Chicago, Aug. lfb — W illiam I). H a j- indicted for fraud in connection with niac laughter but it was gone before W h a t Did H e M e a n t O yster B a y , Aug. 1 5 .— P re sid en t would have been impossible to have rec­ securing land in the Plum as reserve, wood, secretary of the W estern Federa­ they could tell what It was. They pur­ Doctor— You must be very careful. ognized in the determined face and stal­ was reeumed before Judge De H aven, tion of M iners, visited the Chicago R o o sev elt w ill n o t co n cern him self sued tha rest of their way with blanched wart figure before them the pale, melan­ W ith her throat trouble your wife will cheeks and trembling limbs, wirh the be­ yesterday afternoon. P errin was on Press clu b today and som e of the mem­ p erso n ally w ith th e te le g ra p h e rs’ choly looking, fragile figured Arthur not be able to speak above a whisper lief in their carts that they had encottn the stand and continued h is story for ber are much wrought np about it . An s tr ik e , acco rd in g to th e best Infor­ Penrhyddyn of their memory. for two o r three week». fared an $vll spirit from the other world the defense. Argument will commence em ph atic protest, addressed to the m atio n o b ta in a b le h e re , alth o u g h "Have you not seen any of the adver­ Husband— Oh, doctor, la there any today. The m ain feature was th e ex- board of directors, was prepared a t once I t was in awful sight that awaited tisements that have for so long a time co m m e rcia l bodies all over th e cou n­ them upon the floor of the library, upon been Inserted in the leading papers of posslbillty of her disease becoming am ination of character w itnesses, first and circulated for signatures. A vote try h av e ask ed him to do so. W ith which the white-faced, shuddering ser­ almost all nations for you?” inquired chronic?— Translated for Transatlantic by the prosecution to establish the in­ of censure is asked for the m em bers L a b o r C o m m ission er N eill In C hicago vants looked down. A huddled mass of T ales from II Motto per Riders. tegrity of Snell and on the part of the who brought Haywood into the clu b. th e g o v ern m en t con sid ers th a t th e Sta fford. Wood satn d clothes, torn an rent as "None. Why was I advertised for?” defense to show the good reputation of T h is will be considered a t th e board 's lim it o f Its fu n ctio n s and a u th o rity though by the talons of a wild beaat. X o t h l n y Se rlonn, In th e m a tte r is bein g exercised . m eeting Friday n ig h t. Stafford then briefly related to him the D r. P errin. ^mtalnlnz what had once been a human “Then there's another thing, Miss Shou ld m a tte rs becom e serio u s, how­ murder of Wylie, the death of his wife, I n k hat ■ shapeless Hayho. You know— what was that cu- Live 0 v e r Y e o ld an Day, ev er, th e presid ent In tim ates th a t he and a will she bad made in his favor. R eco rd P ric e fo r R ents. mass of t would not h e s ita te to take a hand. “And Wylie, then, was murdered ! He I,os Angeles, Aug. 17.— L iving again New York, Aug. 1 9 .— Nine leading Elen note’s vengeance oad been wolf was a bad man. And was it never sus­ rious noise/ It was only the clock. It always in , he ,, of the ¡» d re s , where com panies affiliated w ith th e S teel cor Hke; but the work of hl<>od had Tenderer' 1 pected who did the deed?” G et T h re e M ore O p erato rs. makes a sound like that when the cal- th# wild snrroundin(ffl of „ gim ple In . poration ha» leased four floors of a ous. and before her dreadful task “Never,” answered Stafford, quickly, P o rtla n d , Aug. 1 5 .— T h ree addi­ knpllshd she had become a raving for he fancied that he detected an anxious endar hand moves to the next figure, j dj an village gave no suggestion ol the great office structure w hich th e Hudson tio n a l te le g ra p h e rs went to work in look in Arthur's face. "So. you see, you W hat were you about to aay, Mr. Lin- bustling city w hich was in a few years Tunnel com pany is erecting a t the P o rtla n d yesterd ay In the capacity o f to supplant it, parishioners of the Church street te rm in a l, for which they strik e b re a k e rs . it night the wind raged fiercely, | have not returned to England for noth­ gerlong?” Tw o o f these o per­ n upon the coast the mighty wat-1 ing. Penrhyddyn is only waiting for its Church of Our Lady of th e Angeles Di­ will pay a record ren tal of $0 0 ,0 0 0 for a to rs w ere assigned to keys In the In K an Ha*. led and boomed as though a bat-1 owner. Of course, you will at once as vine, today celebtated the founding of each floor, or $ 2 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 for 10 years’ W estern Union office early last night, Stranger— How's corn? re being fired beneath them. A sert you identity?” K ansas F arm er— Say. the ears have 1-0* Angeles, and me Men ta lly the estah- lease. T h is is s a :d to be the largest w hile th e th ird , C h arles H u m p h re y , n who was oat with the first gray of A sto ria, was pressed Into th e s e r­ He paused for a moment, thoughtfully, : lishm ent of th e ir historic house of wor­ ren tal paid anyw here on earth . dawn Bound, huddled among the rocks, a j and then snwered, "Yes. I shall. It is a grown so high above the ground th at vice o f the P ostal. W ith the excep­ sh ip . The rfay began with a cannon ’• body, that the waves had cast I dnty I owe to my father’s memory; but I they have to use trumpets to hear tion o f those additions the W estern salute fired by General Jo se A gu ilar. D ouble T r a c k G re a t N orthern. lug the night. An hour afterwards j could never take dp my residence in the what's going on.— New York Sun. Union and the P ostal offices were S e a ttle , W a s h ., Aug. 1 9 .— N. H. o p eratin g yesterday with the sam e borne to what had once been John Castle. I t hse too many painful asso- E x p e n siv e Charitable W ork. | M a n M is tin g , S o Is 8 1 3 ,0 0 0 . Hogeland, ch ief engineer of the G reat fo rces th a t were w orking Tuesday. tick’s hot—now an empty shed— Hetione. The last of the Penrhyddyna I t I* stated th at the distribution o f j Omaha, Aug. 17.— Theodore Olsen, N orthern, announced here tonight th at d there until such time as It could will be the only one who has ever desert­ ied. TafY Rushes Business. $32.283 among the unemployed o f Don- ex-D anish vice consul here, and once th e lin e on the west slope of tfie R ock­ ed Its w alla" W a s h i n g t o n , Aug. 15 re had the ocean rejected Eleonore “Do not say the last.” said Constance, don was dor at an expense of $74,730k c ity com ptroller of O m aha, is m issing. ies, between W hltefish and Hummit, ; and, by a strange fatality, gently. " I hope one day to see you as ——----------------------------- j It is alleged hie accounts with th e Dan- would I * double tracked and a large o f W a r T a f t a rr iv e d hpr* t h l * ” of Mr. Ing a n d plun ged Info th e mass his We ought to lead onr child to tb e i*h government are short $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 , on , portion of it en tirely rebu ilt. roof beneath which she had happy In a wife as I am in a husband, dead as a child— where Arthur and with little children to lift the gloom right path, not by severity, but by par- account of estates he handled as trustee [ Hogeland has ju st completed an inspec- b u sin e s s to be handled before d ep arture W estw ard, Sunday. ddya had plighted his troth to her off tha old Castle.” suaaiuo.— Menander. 1 for the governm ent of D enm ark. i tion trip over th a t te r r ito r y <1 ' SS J