^H E N E W S population is naturally the place necessarily means that half its for it and that would necessarily pay roll is spent in that city ■ « t \r hv The mean that it should be located when it should be spent here. Washington County Publishing Co., eith er at C ornelius or this place. “ W e could tak e care of th irty Either city would give the insti- more families if they could only itered at the post-office at Forest tution good support and take find houses to live in” he said. Grove, Oregon, as second class ! good care of the students. This is the condition with our mail matter. largest industry not to say any­ From over the state comes thing about the smaller ones and ubscription $1.00 Per Year Advertising ratss mads known on : news to the effect that the hop if we permit it to continue, we application. 1-------------— crop is not up to what it was are the losers. Something itic iil Paper of City of Forest Grow |ast year From over Wash- should be done and that right * E. N o h r se .................... manager ington County somes news de- away. True, the town is grow­ ! F. W o o d s ............................. editor cidecJiy to the contrary. An- ing, but it is within our power 'n'HURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1907 other feather for Washington to grow faster. Who will make County. the move? Notice. I If Statement No. 1 is nothing H U W n OBStHVATIONS. Beginning October 1, 1907. the more than a farce it should be . . . hurt . . 1f people . say | man need . fee] subscription price of The Washing­ m u ic u iu i ton County News will be $1.50 per obliterated and something more js n0( g0od looking. year. This rise is due to the fact . . . that the cost of everything that i definite put in its place. If the i people are to elect United States When a girl says a young man is 1 1 1 goes into the making and publish­ ing a newspaper has so far advanced senators at the polls why mean’ she really thiaks him mher that the rise is absolutely neces­ sary. Print paper has advanced shouldn’t that end it? Why let nlce‘ from time to time until now it is the legislature paw over it after Nearly everyone imagines he is get- 4i cents per pound whereas it used -By j . y t . to be purchased for 2 cents. This the people have settled the mat- ting more than his share of hard knocks. | Brevity is to . be . commended, . and other rises cannot he met ter? Farce! ________________ but it * without materially lowering the standard of The News which we re­ frain from doing. That the News is one of the best country papers pub­ lished in this state goes without saying and we feel confident that our patrons will gladly a' ide by the rise in price which is imperative. From now until the above date The News can be had at $1 per year ar.d we trust that all will take ad­ vantage of the hour and secure it another year at the old price. A little moss there yet? Are you doing your best? * * The most convincing evi- is bfrd be civiI with a Plain “yes” dence that Washington . County j°‘ n0' * * * is the best in the state is the fact When a woman is making a fool of a that settlers are coming here man, she makes him think how smart from the highly lauded com- he is. munity of Hood River, and You often hear of a man of few buying farms. No less than words,” but never in connection with three such transactions can be pugilism or the life insurance business. found in other parts of this pa- * * * pes this week, which tells its You may praise one man to another without offence, provided the one who own tale. is praised is dead. 50c a W E E K B U Y S IT This high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low pnce. $60 machine for $25 W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station with freight prepaid for $ 3 .0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in­ stallments till $ 2 5 .0 0 is paid us. Why send east or to Portland when you can buy at home just as cheap. __________ G O F F B . R . O T . H E R S O regon Forest Grove Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in Washington County. Let Us Tell You About It Taft Is Coming. Ho Ho Ho Ho. Hon. William H. Taft. Secretary of War will spend all day in Portland, Ul Friday Sept. 6. He will speak at the ! Armory in the evening at 8 o’clock and seats will be reserved for every editor, for the officers of every com­ b - d g e t c t o j i . mercial and industrial body, for the If you need anything members and a limited number of del­ egates from all of the commercial in the line of Drugs, Jefferson 's greatest bodies thronghout Oregon, but these power was his opti­ names must be reported and reserva­ Chemicals, Kodaks or mistic faith in the tions made by Monday, September 2, Camera Supplies, you common people. by addressing Tom Richardson, Secre­ can get them at right tary of the Oregon Development League, Portland. Everybody in the MOM AS JEFFERSON, while the prices, at great Democrat of his era, was state will be welcome at this meeting, | of rather aristocratic parentage m addition to the reservations men- T and had the advantage of a lib- . . . eral education. lie was ¡»eculinrly, 1 tioned, and it is desired that the larger considering bis time and surroundings, portion of the audience be from out- of the type of the scholar lu politics. I side PorUand. A A rate 0f a fare and That he should have been this and yet the foremost American radical of his a third for the round trip has been day marks him as an odd combination made for the occasion from Pendleton D r. H in e s ’ DRs? < STORE in our history. The turning point in and all points west on the O. F. & his career was his appointment to draft the Declaration of Independence. This N., and from Roseburg and all points Our new came about from a double cause—Jef­ north on the Southern Pacific. ferson's reputation as a writer of polit­ ical documents and the jealousy felt The meat and bread of Oregon ad­ by certain member* of congress toward vertising is the colonist rates. The Richard Henry I.ee, who had intro­ duced the Independence resolution. people of Oregon are not neglecting insures the best Volumes have been written to disprove this opportunity and there will be Jefferson's authorship of the Declara­ thousands of people come to this state tion. and a widespread belief has per­ to find homes between September 1 sisted even to the present that most of it. if not all. was really w ritten by and October 31. However, do your Tender, Juicy, Steaks Thomas Paine. However that may j ponion, and write another letter just as Thomas Jefferson. | We are doing well, but we Tact is so much like prevarication; can do more. The building of the clever woman always tells her fat Don’t write home for money, the two brick buildings and the friend sh is looking thinner. write for the folks. modernizing of another is good, R e fri£ a to r It is odd, but the women are less but there are yet a few shacks J he Eastern capitalist is not that ought to be razed and new hospitable than their grandmothers ✓ isting the Beaver’s tail this were, and have three times as many I structures put in their places, table dishes and are always collecting year. j The demand for business rooms more. The Jamestown Exposition is is not yet satisfied nor will it be parting doesn’t have to be very have been, the fact that Jefferson was 1 , , , . thus far reported a financial fail- until these eye sores are re- j sad The to make a woman cry; she regards appointed to prepare the document, the S00n aS y0U lay down lhls PaPer Roasts and Stews, ure and it is a n question w hether I I placed. ________________ «, . .. weeping as is a necessary incident to go- consequent Inference thut It was his some friend in the older states who work and the reputation resultant should get the advantage of the low Uncle Sam will g get et his money . . . . D Board of _ Trade? , _ ! ing away, like a suit case, or a ticket. therefrom Sausage and Bacon operated powerfully to make „ Where is our i back. “A fool and his money him a political leader. In addition to one'way rates ,0 Oregon, j Just at this time when every- “ How poor are they who have no this, the unquestioned products of his The different organizations compos- A n k in d s o{ soon part.” pen, breathing the spirit of advanced ! ,, n n i . t thing is the most opportune patience! What wound did ever heal democracy and the doctrines of the lng ,he 0regon Development League The agitation of a high Forest Grove is without head or but by degrees!” Who is the author French revolution, tended to place him have now had printed 112,000 of the the head of the growing democratic official letter heads. That looks like school for this county is taking tail. There is not the slightest ol the above? It is not important at sentiment country. Vegetables root. The matter of expense is mov ebeing made collectively, to 'v ,cther yp" can remember the author. Jefferson's in this greatest power was his ! K° lng some' soberly accept the lesson optimistic faith in the people. He Mr. Albert Phenis, staff correspon- being figured and it is estimated do anything for the good of the 'tal|°Jjt Can trusted them, and they returned the j on, ___, . , D , ,, G ro ce rie s compliment Herein is to be found dent ° ' ,he Manufap‘^ r s R ecord,” that $6,000 annually goes out- town and community. W e are the secret of his success. He was not ! Baltimore, and one of the country’s EU1T0KIAL COMMENT. side this county for educational not taking advantage of the col- a speaker. He belonged to the school i best posted correspondents on indus- Ohio’s republican committee might of the Idealists rather than to that of • „ . . „ . purposes.. If this is true it onist rate like most towns in the politicians. He Inclined tr a subjects, is making a study of would more than maintain such state neither are we taking care compromise by indorsing Philander C. to the be practical a freethinker in religion. All Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, in Knox for president.— Pittsburg Dis­ these tilings were handicaps rather connection wiih a trip including all ol Q q Q (J E S t S b l O S an institution as is needed of opportur ities right in town, patch. than helps toward It was ,,, _ D c , „ and thus save more inconven- In conversation with the super- A Pittsburg man talked himself to Jefferson's persistent popularity. advocacy of the tde * acl^c Loist. The report of Mr. of the people and his Implicit Phenis will be decidedly complimen at iences than needs be . enumer- . intendent of the condenser re- I death. Now will Senator Beveridge rights , .___ trust In their Judgment that made him tary to Oregon ated here, lh e question also cently we learned that the insti- tike warning and be good?— Atlanta so strong with the masses. It was this that made him the most commanding One hundred prominent business j would be raised: “Where locate ; tution was compelled to go to Constitution. figure at the beginning of the nine­ of Brooklyn, New York, compos- such a school? I he center of Portland for half its labor which The Filipinos who say they prefer teenth century and an influential fac­ j men Everybody knows that ing the Brooklyn League, will spend that day to the present. *' " Japanese rule can get what they want tor In from Mr. Jefferson was tall and all of August 28th in Portland. we keep the best Meats at once by moving over to Formosa or bony, person with light eyes, ruddy complex­ These gentlemen are visiting the dif- ion and red hatr. | Korea. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. to be had, but this is to Most Groctrs Sell ______________ _ ferent cities of the country studying Prof. Starr's "back to nature” re- Couldn't Stand Cry of the Cat. municipal conditions everywhere. remind you to give us OLYMPIC FLOUR I commendations for children are pro­ Floyd Lynch and Victor Hibbard Mr. W. E. Shaffer visited Portland a call. mulgated at a time when they will ap­ of Portland, came out last Saturday for 'ast week in the interest of the Tilla- * * * * * • W. P. SCHULTZ Low Prices Every suck guaranteed Made of selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, it produces more loaves of bread than any other flour and the loaves are lighter and whiter. Be­ cause of the increased quantity of bread produced the cost is no higher than for other flours. Ask your Grocer for It. THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. AS LOW AS Her© is your chañe© to get a good SUMMER SUIT in sizes from 36 to 39 All good goods. We must move this lot. Lome in and see them. W e have economy and Mason fruit jars the best in the attract. NELSON B. LA COURSE Forest G rove Oregon T H E BIG ECONOMICAL STORE peal to grown-ups as well.—New York an over Sunday visit at the Spring Hi'l ! World. Farm and had a little spooky experi- Taft charges the newspapers with ence with a cougar which has been j making him a candidate. When Cor- prowling around the neighborhood, telyou can say that it will be time for that was not altogether pleasant. They everybody not to subscribe.— Nashville spread their little beds in the tent near American. the house and when warned that the A prisoner has escaped from the wild cat might molest them during Tombs prison Wouldn’t it be fine if the night made reply “ Oh we ain’t j '< wer' Harry Thaw? Then we would­ afraid; it couldn’t hurt us any.” But n ’t have to listen to that dreadful trial this statement was made before they all over again.—Chicago Post. had ever heard the awful human cry of Governor Hughes of New York, is a wildcat, especially at night and that still pursuing a course of com mon sense, too near the bedside. . The boys from straightforward honesty which is puz­ the Rose City went to bed and slept zling his antagonists as the subtlest of the sleep of the just and did not even policies.—Baltimore American. _ or . lions ___ until ___ __ in the __ dream of tigers middle of the night they were sudden- The Australian lead magnate, who has been in the United States for thjee ly awakened by the wailing cry of the weeks and says he has not seen a cat. It is needless to sav that they pretty American woman yet, is proba­ took a sprint to the house with break- bly accompanied by his wife.— Buffalo neck speed and shot into the door like Express. a piece of lead out of David’s catapult. Lieutenant Colonel Ayies has been The Johnson family had heard the put on the retired list. All army wo­ noise and had also gotten up and dis­ men who are not ready to have their covered the boys as they came breath­ husbands retired will take notice and less into the house. “ We won’t sleep Kovern themselves accordingly.— Phil­ in that tent the rest of the night” they argued, and they went back shaking adelphia Record. direfully at the knees, got their blank­ The Auction House curies the ets and slept the rest of the night un­ Rockwell Corner Dust Shield and the der cover of the house. Stair Carpet fasteners, ^hese are the The Forest Grove Real Estate Co. best dust shields made and are a. jprai St Verhoeven, with office at The saving of labor in sweeping stairs. 2i Staehr Bazaar, are doing a land office business. ________ N , moolc County Fair and street Carnival, t0 be held in Tillamook August 22, 23 and 24 and wants delegations from all over the state. Saelens & Co. FOREST MOVE Men s patent leather button three quartets boxing cloth top, very neat W E S E L L T H E - Oxfords at Bailey’s. NATIO NAL Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and COLUMBIA Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap-1 RACYCLE Bicycles pliances in office. Calls answered RAMBLER night or day. PB IN CE TON — Roy Watkins has opened a bicycle shop back of the Oregon Land Com­ For cash and on the install­ pany’s office and is prepared to do all kinds of work. tf ment plan. Men’s canvas oxfords also canvas Repairing of all kinds ,hoes the latest styles swing and stra'*b' 'asts' Blucher cut. At Bailey’s, ^or a** hinds of bicycle wo k and L. J. CORL & SON ^ ”dr'efs ,)JryriV''^h in s’ Bicycle Shop. tf ’ Forest Grove, O reg o n FIRE IP n ’S U R A IN C E in t u b BAILERS A N D MERCHANTS M L T C A L I ’IK K W K IJ K P A Of F o re s t G rove, O r e g o n ' I Í