MANY GOING TO BIG CIRCUS Another Carload of BUGGIES has Arrived! We buy in large quantities which enables us to sell vehicles at less than do others; And we DO Sell for less Will Be Well Represented at Exhibi­ tion in Portland. PUSH OREGON TO THE FRONT The people of this vicinity will have but one opportunity of seeing Ring- ling Brothers World’ s Greatest Shows AN EASY W A Y TO ADVERTISE on this year, the exhibition at Portland, THE STATE August 26 and 27, being the only one to be presented near here. It is an opportunity that all lovers of good And Tell Our Eastern Friends All amusement should avail themselves of, About the Superior Opportunities as the Ringling Brothers have organ­ We Possess. nr- ized a circus so excellent, so large and so full of novelty that it is above com ­ parison with any other show. On April 29th last the Oregonian Foreign agents stationed in Europe published a special industrial edition and Asia were instructed last winter to devoted exclusively to the exploitation for engage every act of prominence regard­ of Oregon. It probably contained his less of cost, and the result is a per- I formance absolutely monopolizing all more special and miscellaneous infoi- :rs the world’ s best talent. What these mation about Oregon than any one ;h- agents left for other shows to engage publication that has ever been issued. of ) was not considered good enough for It is peculiarly valuable to the homt- en seeker, because it gives the latest and n. 3 the Ringling Brothers to bother with. most reliable information about so many ■re tl There are over 300 performers with different subjects that the homeseeker d- e the circus and 100 big acts, not one of is naturally interested in. Almost every :rs * which any other show could afford to i- pay for. The Riccobono horses which department of industry is specialize?, :S and both descriptive and statistical in­ wear trowsers, coats and boots, and is- >t formation of a highly valuable charac­ stand and walk on their hind feet all in ie ter is given exclusively and in enter­ iis the time they are in the ring, are the d taining form. greatest trained animal acts the world >e- II Residents of Oregon who know its has ever seen. ie advantages as compared with the con­ Other attractions are Alexander Patty, gested and depleted East, and who rk the only man on earth who can walk still have friends back there whom thi y a l - on his head as others walk on their H would like to see here enjoying the feet; De K ock’ s wonderful dog that 12 good things of this favored state, can iat walks around the ring on its hind feet, 17 aid in a splendid work now without cost on balancing a man on its head; the won­ >0 and very little effort. If you tKThk es derful five Bedinis, from Italy, who SO your friend would be interested in »n- jump simultaneously to the back of a >4 knowing more about Oregon and might he single horse; the great Kaufmans, who S3 eventually become a valuable citizen, Oit ride unicycles on a high wire with the send his name and address to the gen­ handle bars removed; the Holloways of 49 eral passenger agent of the Oregon he London; the Marnello-Marnites, aero- I 50 Railway and Navigation Company or n- 53 batic bell ringers; Daisy Hodgini, the the Southern Pacific at Portland, and a celebrated Italian rider and only wo­ 41 copy of this special edition, with a man who can turn a somersault while complete summary of the several sul - 1 on horseback, and the Mirze Golem jects treated, carefully indexed, will l e troupe, loaned to the Ringling Broth­ so mailed to him promptly. In this mai - ers by the Shah of Persia. ner you may De the means of not o n l^ If the space were to spare 100 more S in doing your friend a good turn, but of acts, better than ever before seen in • 1 elping to stimulate the growth and this country, could be mentioned. "Stoi * ■ prosperity of Oregon. Suffice it to say that Ringling Brothers 1 lo­ iln, Don’ t forget that commencing 1 have an organization so wonderful as to in ,hil September 1st and continuing daily for | stand on a phne by itself high above thil ! any other kind of amusement. And two months, tickets will be on sale at .hir there will be but one opportunity for almost every railroad station in the rcc eei the people of this vicinity to see it. East to all points in Oregon and the cat ha Northwest at what has com e to be USi ( Matrix hy courtesy Portltnd f o ur m i.) popularly known as ‘ ‘colonist rates.” ind ( These rates are the cheapest general ip- lai long distance rates ever established, red t nC and enable one to reach Oregon from any part of the United States at but a cle / tel trifle more than one cent a mile. They rn- «hi all are the greatest incentive to coloniza­ ✓ tion and progressive home building of any known agency, and if the restless, 'tc and m dissatisfied resident of the East is made 9r. to know beforehand the advantages ha À can enjoy here, the problem is solved, - ?h- it. and the star of empire will continue to m !V move steadily westward. r Now is the time to spread the gos­ ing A. pel of Oregon, so that it may be heard and heeded by the time the rates go nd t* into effect. Send one name or two, m. i or a dozen, and you will be exerting a m d« worthy influence toward the upbuilding ir«i of our state. Send them to your near­ est Southern Pacific agent or to Wm. McMurtay, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. £ r B. F. W Ä G L E Y , FOREST GROVE, W . H. HOLLIS, OFFICE over Hines' Store Oregon Forest Grove, ________________________________ U l t n i P V p p n n n r iu h ftrljU iM Oli UJlidU N F 7 IS H / O X S T A B L E S Pacific A « . Forest Grove Feat Turnauis EL. W . H aines Bank iE S T A B I ISH EL) ’.Sw8.) Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted laieiest paiu on time deposits. Accounts invited. City Shaving Parlors For the Best. Up to-da’ e Work. Baths Pacific Ave. Forest Gro-’e. A . I. W irtz, Proprietor S . A . M o u lt o n Leading Tnnsnrialist ol d rove R . iM X O .N , D e n t is t Forest Grove, Th»-< houi» Oregon H .i’ry'4 »tore. M feed, or whatever subject you choose. Letters for this column should be in hand Mondy morning early to insure publication that week. u> » F M. Dr. J. H. Knox, D, V. S. Veternary Surgeon. n0 injurious effect upon the udder. Some cows do exceedingly well upon the milking machine, while others do not. It is, however, only a small pro­ portion of cows that do not take kind- The dairy was an indispensable a d -; ly tQ the railkinK machine. This sma), jnnet to the Manor house of the thir-' per cent will not give down their milk teenth and fourteenth centuries, and readily and one is compelled to milk was under the management of a deya them by hand. They seem to be no­ or dairy woman. The farm accounts j tional about this. They make no re- j of those days show that the cheese and sistance. They do not seem in any I butter, though an important source of ’ way tQ be jnjured by jt They stand income, was the cheapest part of agri- ( p„ fectly still and chew their cud and ; cultural produce, as measured by mod- ern experience. The furniture of the dairy was then composed of milk pan, pail, churn, cheese press, cheese shape, butter mold and straining cloth. The f - 'o r e " l igan in Michigan Farmer. I have 1 talked with a number of people who have used the milking macnine for a . , longer period than this and I find the Under this heading we invite corres- same to be true in every instance. Pon rtsul1- “y* Colon C. Lillie, country. A splendid program of pub- — We buy wool and mohair at the assistant dairy commissioner of Mich-1 lie and private entertainments for visit- highest prices. — Bailey. Knowing what it is to suffer, I will gfre FR RK or CHABGB, to any afflict* a posi­ tive cure for Rcxema, Sal: Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer Write F. W. Williams, 400 Manhattan Arenue, Hem York, enclose nr Ice Price List. 10 lbs and under, cts per lb; IS lbs 20 cts; 20 lbs 25 cts; 25 to 40 lbs l ct per lb; 50 lbs 45 cts; 60 lbs 50 cts; 75 lbs 60 cts; 100 lbs 75 cts; cik e lots S I. 20 per cake. Ice d e­ livered every morning but Sunday, for sale at all times at the Ice-house Phone your orders not later than 8 a. m Both phones. Walter Roswurin lm Time for Closing Mails Following are hours for closing mails: Eastbound Southbound 8 a. m. 8 a. m. 12.50 p. m. 5 p. m. 3.30 p. m. Greenville and Buxton, 9 a. m. Gales Creek, 12:50 p. m. H. C. ATWELL, P. M. THE NEW VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. It is a dc-foit for Rat* and * • !« .,T*»T crave it. bti* it w .he lart they ever e a t -. i i. the IN-let.t, eealeup the pneMofthejkin ,„.| .h.rvKvllc frem a.«. t V h - l | . • A^ ; f i i w n t e e d i<’ " * * * £ L 1 H ines, »irmtr l.«k. EOR SALE BY