Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 15, 1907, Image 8

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Forest Grove, Oregon
10.000 00
250 , 000.00
B an k in g
A G en eral
25 . 000.00
B usiness T ra n sa cte d
R. M. Dooly. J. E. Loomis, H. C. Wort man,
Frank E. Dooly, R- M. Dooly. Jr.
Earl Dennis who lived here for sev­
Work on the new front for Bailey’s
I store has begun. The steel support­ eral years with his parents, moving to
ers have arrived and everything is Pendkton in 1900, is visitng friends
in the Grove today. Earl says that
ready to finish up the job.
Pendleton has not the business that it
Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins of had when they first moved there. He
j Grants Pass have been visitiag their | has a good position with the Oregon
daughters, Mrs. M. Peterson, Mrs. I Lumber Company of that city.
Kelsey and Mrs. S. A. Moulton.
Pete Peterson received a letter the
The fixtures in the postoffice have other day from Mrs. Anderson of Den-1
been treated to a new coat of varnish. mark, the mother of the young man j
Miss Nellie Hughes, Mrs. Osburn, who died in this city a few weeks ago
j Arthur and Donald Osburn, who have | 0f diphtheria. In expressing her grief
been visiting at the home of John An she used a rather unique expression, j
“ All I had in this world was seven
derson left Mondny for California.
boys and now I have lost one-seventh
E. 'l . Chase, Mrs. Buffum and Miss
Anna Shogren of the Portland Hunt of my wealth.’’
(« • « M S IS m M S 4
; P a c ific A r t S tudio S 'O r e
J , Club passed through this city on their
H . H. Porter has disposed of his
• chargers last Saturday enroute to Till- residence in South Park to Prof. J. B.
Under new Management
Wilkerson, who will move in the la st'
1 1 amook.
High class work in all lines of photography at popular prices- •
Misses Esther Munson and Minnie of this week. This property will make
Views and amateur work finished with neatness and dispatch.
M. Wallace and Mrs. M. Munson of } the principal of our public school a
Tillamook spent the day here looking nice home. Mr. Porter will leave in
For a limited time we will make a Carbon Sepia Photo on Elegant
about three weeks for Minnesota to re­
Folder for 84 per dozen. Portland price for thi; w i k is 81 ) per dozen. * over the town and college buildings side near his mother who is quite ad­
vanced in years.
MISS KA TE L ILLY , Reception Lady.
Mr. Bowers, the expert wood turner
Charles Cox, who lives on the
of Hillsboro, is engaged to do all of
C. A. Hoyt’s turning. Mr. Bowers Spaulding place at Hillside, all but
; severed his left hand at the wrist last
The front of The News office is be-| did exhibition turning at the Lewis
Thursday while slashing. He was
; ing treated to a fresh coat of paint by and ^ 'ark *a'r-
holding the brush with his left hand
C. A. Brodersen.
J. C. Pitcock of Cornelius has bought when the ax glanced with the above
H. W. S p a r k s , local e d it o r .
Miss Edna Jensen will leave next from W. A. Bellinger what is known as result. Dr. Brown of this city was
week for Southern Oregon, where she the Pete Peterson place and now Pete summoned and dressed the wound and
John Heisler of Gales Creek was in | will teach this year.
says he expects he will have to go to the patient is getting along nicely.
t iwn Tuesday.
the poor house.
A big panther has been cutting up
Prof. Frank Dickson, who was vis­
Mr. Adkins of Gales City, was in the oranks out near Dilley and the Spring
Mr. Runyon of Dilley fell from a iting his mother Mrs. M. A. Dickson
c'ty yesterday.
shed he was building last week and in this city and his sisters Mrs. J. J.
Hill Farm this wtek.
1 fractured his wrist. The fracture was Baxter, Mrs. J. E. Bates and Mrs. A.
Miss Ina Freeman is visiting in
Mrs. John Dickson of Seattle, has j set
u r y ja an(j
pUtient is get­
Portland today.
C. Alexander last week, has left f( r
been visiting at the home of A. C. ting along nicely.
Winona Lake, Indiana, to sing at the
Mrs. Sam Moulton is in Portland Alexander at Oak Hill.
Mrs. A. N. Marsh and two daughters Bible Conference. He is one of the
visiting friends.
Hon. Alonzo Hinman was up town of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting at the three of the most prominent singers in
L. L. Hoi linger was in Portland : Tuesday shaking hands and swapping home of the former’s parents Capt. A. j the country to appear.
Friday on business.
j stories with old friends.
S. Barnes and wife. They will spend
Young Levy was waiting on a cou- :
Erroll Shepard was visiting friends
Mr. and Mrs H. J. Goff and son, two months here.
pie of ladies in the meat market the
in this city Sunday.
Willie, returned yesterday from a pleas-
Mr. and Mrs. Bates who sold their other day and for some reason his eyes
goods in the Congregational Church were drawn from the saw elsewhere and
Charlie Mertz was a visitor to the ant visit at San Francisco.
county seat Monday.
Willard Wirtz will take his vacaiion square a couple of weeks ago, started as a consequeuce he lipped his hand
quite badly. But failing to profit" by
W. S. Cone and wife of Bay City, 1 ,rom the Por,land Journal Monday and for Kansas Tuesday, after spending a
this lesson he made another sly glance
were in the city Saturday.
* ° t0 NewP°rt lor a week-
the next moment and received another j
W. G. Woods went to Portland yes-
Mrs' Hunter rtturned Tuesday from
rip in his hand. The way of the trans­
terday where he will reside.
1 Alaska> where she has been v,sltlnK her card from the Royal Arcanum lodge of gressor is hard.
i son for a couple of months.
Concord, North Carolina to the Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Markee went
_ ,,
Chapter. He was a member in the
Ice Price List.
over to the coast last week.
' Rollo Peterson returned 7 uesday
j from Newport where he has been rus­ East for over 20 years.
10 lbs and under, l i cts per lb;
Miss Bertha Jacobson of Gates City, ticating for the past two weeks.
Rev. C. F. Clapp will preach next IS lbs 20 cts; 20 lbs 25 cts; 25 to 40
was a Portland visitor Tuesday.
Lair Gregory and Harry Davis of Sunday morning at the Congregational lbs 1 ct per lb; 50 lbs 45 cts; 60 lbs
Mrs. George Hancock and children Portland, spent the day Sunday with Church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. 50 cts; 75 lbs 60 cts; 100 lbs 75 cts;
treturned Tuesday from Newport.
1 Endeavor Society at 7 p. m. No cake lots 8 1 .2 0 per cake. Ice de­
John and Frank Peters of Hillsboro.
livered every morning but Sunday, for
1 preaching in the evening.
Miss Ina Freeman, The News’ head
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and
sale at all times at the Ice-house.
typo is taking a week’s vacation.
little daughter, Aeline are spending
The J. B. Scott property
Phone your orders not later than 8 a. m.
Mrs. J. C. Wilson has returned from their vacation at the Newport beach. j twenty acres has been sold to an Ohio Both phones. WalterRoswurm
a visit with friends in Tillamook.
George L. White of Cornelius, made ™a" for 8 5 2 ;L° by “ « Oregon Land
I he party will probably be
Time for Closing Mails.
Maud and Norman Lilly of Gales this office a pleasant call Tuesday and Company.
here some time in October.
Following are hours for closing
Creek, made this office a pleasant call renewed his subscription to The News.
Little Miss Carolyne Wagner who mails:
Charles Boggess who has been visit­
been visiting in Gresham returned Eastbound
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caples spent a ing his brother, Dr. Boggess for several
8 a. m.
few days in Portland the first of the weeks letf for his home in Illiuois to­ home the first of the week accompanied 8 a. m.
p m.
3 .3 0 p. m.
will spend several weeks in this city.
Rev. Allen J. Hoar, who is stopping
Mrs. Henry Wirtz returned to Port­
Greenville and Buxton, 9 a. m.
Mrs. Margaret Holloway, a sister to Gales Creek, 12:50 p. m.
land yesterday after a visit with the in Portland temporiarily, came out to
this city Tuesday and visited with Rev. S. L. Carlyle, and her five children
H . C. ATWELL, P. M.
j came up last week from Grants Pass in
S. A. Walker and family went over Folsom.
Hamil- . S°uthern Oregon and are living in South
— Hoffman & Allen Co. will pay
to Newport, Saturday and stayed over ] Misses Lela Wagner, Edna ..........
ton, Mrs. Latta. Foscoe and others r'ark' ™rs- H. s husband died last the highest price for Mohair and Wool.
from town spent Suuday at the Spring wmter-
— List your property for sale with
Misses Belle and Annie Johnson will
Hill farm.
H. H. Porter sold his beautiful home Staehr & Verhoeven at the Bazaar,
attend St. Mary's Academy in Portland,
this year.
Miss Liberta Brown, who is instruct­ in South Park to E. Burton last week
— Groceries— Hoffman & Allen.
or in Whitworth college, Tacoma, has through Stahr & Verhoeven, considera­
Dt. T . P. Wise and wife of Portland
— Brick at Peterson’s yard 87 per
been visiting her lather, Alvin Brown
passed through the city for Tillamook
property was purchased by Prof. Wil­ thousand.
of this city.
— Money to loan on farm security, j
Jesse Caples who was recently oper­
Mrs. R. M. Dooly returned Friday
Mrs. Daniel Keen of this city has W. H . Hollis,
ated on in Portland for the appendici­
from a visit to Seaside of two weeks
tis, came out to the Grove yesterday growing in her yard a full sized fig tree
— Ladies’ white canvas oxfords in the !
heavily loaded with fruit. She brought
to recuperate.
latest styles at Bailey’s.
several figs to this office Friday and
The pressed brick work on the For­
— Money to loan on farm security I
est Grove National Bank building is
Mrs- W- N- Ferrin who has been en they are about twice the size of the
under way.
joying the pleasures of the beach at California fig.
W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove.
The Baldwin brothers have started ? Msidew io1r several weeks returned
Lon Chidden of Fresno, Cal., spent | — Try Schultz’s ground bone for
the erection of Dr. Wood’s brick in h° me Monda>’-
a few hours Friday with Hute Johnson. your hens. It will make them lay.
Mrs. Maud St. Clair came out Sun- Mr. Chidden recently sold his fruit
— Men’s canvas oxfords also canvas
Mrs. Stephen Morgan returned last1 dav bom Portland for a two week’s ! ranch and is looking for a location in shoes the latest styles swing and
Mr. and Mrs. | this state. He is favorably impressed straight lasts, Blucher cut.
week from a three weeks’ visit up in visit with her parent
At Bailey’s.
j with this vicinity.
Ambrose Porter.
I — For all kinds of bicycle wo k and
Ed Seymour, of the Oregon Land
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, parents of Dr.
}j or^ e bornas, assistant city editor suncj rjes try Watkins’ Bicycle Shop.
Co., was transacting busines in Port- Brown of this city, are visiting at the j ° f the ^ K o m a n , returned to his duties Back of the Oregon Land Company, tl
land Friday.
latter’s home for a few days. Their on . * PaPer Monday after a few day s
home is at Ottawa, Kan
I vacation. Horace has a good “ nose for
Brown, Physician and
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas went
news” which accounts for the good Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap-
over to Newport yesterday (or a two
Miss Josephine Baber came back position he holds.
pliances in office.
Calls answered
weeks outing.
from Newport Tuesday but will return
r . „ ; v -,
. .
, night or day.
Junior Hoonon who moved with his to the seashore Saturday accompanied I
If A T
' .<*“Ujfh*
— Roy Watkins has opened a bicycle
Marian, of Anoka, Minn., visited a
parents to Aberdeen, is expected here by Miss Edna Hamilton
back of the Oregon Land Com­
soon for a visit.
The bridge spanning Gales Creek at ! A- F . Nourse the first of the week. pany’s office and is prepared to do all
The brick work on the Paterson Watt s school house is in bad condition She has been visiting relatives
and kinds of work.
building is finished and the plastering is and if not soon repaired serious acci- friends in Portland and Seattle.
87 per
now in progress
I dents are liable to occur.
O. W. Lloyd of Fall City, Polk thousand.
County, one of The News’ first sub­
— Dr. J . D. Knox, D. V. S. has r e - '
scribers, was in the city last week and turned to Forest Grove and will con­
found time to call at this office. Mr. tinue his practice as veternary surgeon, j
Ll°yd '* engineer for a big lumber con- Office at Hancock & Gordon’s livery!
Iron-Tone increases the activity of all the vital organs. It cern
in that place and is ilu ed em. barn.
drives away that tired, all-gone feeling
I ploye.
In c re a se s V ita l E n e rg y
Arthur J. Prideaux is in town today,
For Sale by all Druggists. Price 50
booklet, “ Renew Your Vitality," which tells you ^what'* IRON- TONF ^ is and the guest of friends. He has just re
what it will do. You can have it for the asking.
turned from Newport where he has
been one of the instructors in the
Address G R O V E R M ED IC IN E CO., Woodburn, Ore.
summer school conducted by Willam­
ette University. Willamette opens
Sept. 24.
President Ferrin has just received
from the printer a neat lot of booklets
advertising Pacific University. It is
very neailv gotten up in colors and
illustrated with pictures of the build­
ings, scenes on the campus, and differ­
ent Classes.
B U M I I N H U C O I . I . I ;()■ ;
T l.« » « re tr i to n i tor burines« In a b u tin e » like • « » .
Plieerl M l oupila into lue ralle«
o dv ' io m
d u tln t tael re a r .
W b » not enroll in a reRutable «rhool ih «, p U . „ all of
1 M W 4 1 K S R . F t
Mr. Devlin has left for North Da­
kota, his former home, to take charge
ot hu threshing outfit for the season.
He furnishes all the teams and help
and has an expense of about $100 a
day. He will be gone from six wtek«
to two months.
It W ill P ay You
T o g o and see John A n­
derson for
We have them greatly re­
A nderson,
Nice Cool Dress Goods
Dimity and lawns of all kinds.
A new shipment of trimmings, the very best that money
will buy. Laces and embroideries.
Big stock of
Also the finest line of groceries in town.
Everything guaranteed or your money refunded.
Get your fruit jars— Mason and Econom y— from us.
F o r e s t G ro v e
O re g o n
Y ou will never be
you buy a
from us.
W e give not only the best
goods made but a guarantee.
been in
business here long
enough to insure the public of our
reliability and are willing and we
always do, stand back of our repre­
Our floor is covered with
a choice line of vehicles at all times
and we can sell them at right prices.
You will make a mistake if you don’t
see us before you buy
Well we have the largest stock in
Washington county.
Wanted! GOFF BROS.
Farm s to be listed with us
W H Y?
Because we can sell them.
Because we advertise extensively.
Because we have inquiries from
Eastern people who are coming to
Because we have the customers
and want to locate them in Wash­
ington County,