Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 15, 1907, Image 7

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C H A P T U li X X V I.— (Continued.)
She pies.sed her hands upon her head,
and there was Incipient madness in her
eyes, as abc muttered, “ Ob, thou who hath
ray (ate in thy hands, spare my reason,
that I Bii> have vengeance upon that
w retd »!”
•There was not a crime that the villain
did not lay to your charge.”
“A n t you could listen to it all?” she
said, sadly
"Not without twice strikiug him to the
“Bless I you— bless you (or th at!” she
cried, fcven tly. "Oh, that you had kill­
ed him! But n o ; I would not have had
that, (or then you would have robbed me
©( my ■sngeance.”
"Unhappy woman! Do not talk of
vengaaao ' he answered,
"This « a : said that but (or your machi-
nationd-..the mortgage money would have
been forthcoming.
Oh, Eleonore, this
cannot be true!”
" I would have laid down my life to
n r e Pen,!, yddyn,” she cried.
“ Oh, do
not think me such a wretch as th a t! But
I (eel that he has woven such a mesh
round me that I know not what I may
have done unwittingly. The anonymous
letter I gave you I obtained from him.
I now see it was a snare— I saw it the
instant you told me he was Interested in
the mortgage; and it was that which
threw me into the fits last night. I have
been to his >fflce this morning, trying to
see him. I can (eel that he has made me
a tool infringing about this ruin; but I
do not know how— hnt, oh, do not think
me knowingly guilty 1”
“ I do not.'' he answered, solemnly.
“ I must make one more coutession. I
am the child you saved (rom the wreck.
But I did not know it until I heard the
story (rom your lip s ; and it was the
a w fu l-fatality that was enshrouding ub
that made me fly (rom you. I am Eleo­
nore de Boissons, the namesake of that
“ I have (elt that it was ho all along"
he answered, sadly; “ but I never dared
to ask of yo u a confirmation. Poor child,
why should I blame you? You have been
no free agent ; you have been but an in­
strument In the bands o ( a resistless des­
tiny. When
n John Trevethick's cot­
tage, we were plighted to each other, and
I pronounced the words, 'Death alone can
separate us,’ Death was at our side. As
we left the altar, Death was the first
object our eyes fell upon; and Death
la about us now in this our last meeting.
Before I go,” he went on, “ let me warn
you that this W ylie has threatened to
have you arrest.d ipon some charge. You
had better at once seek some other
“Have me (arrested!— (or what?” she
cried. "But you are right, and I will
act upon this caution; Tor there Is no
extremity he would not go to take away
my liberty.”
“Seek no revenge upon him, for my
sake; avoid everything that may lead to
expos lire. My lawyer, Mr. Briggs, will
have Instructions to pay over to you on
application such sums as I can send you
out of my earnings abroad; and here are
(our five pound notes.”
“ I shall never go to him for m o n e y -
do not leave me a n y !” she answered
through her sobs.
But he placed the notes upon the table,
and once more moved towards the door.
“ Let me kiss your hand,” she said, en-
He held out his hand. She took it,
gased upon It for a moment, kissed It
passionately, end bedewed it with tears.
Even then, spite o f all, so powerful
was the old love within him. that he
could scarcely refrain from raising and
pressing her to his heart, in one last
wild embrace.
But he conquered the
His hand elides from her clasp— one
lingering look— their eyes meet for the
last time on earth— and then he is gone,
and she lies senseless upon the floor!
“Freeman,” said Eleonore, after she
had revived, “ I must not sleep in this
bouse to-night. W ylie nas threatened to
have me arrested upon some trumped-up
charge, and he dare not let me be loose,
If he can help it, after what has passed.
W e must go to our old home until morn­
ing, and then think of some bitter place
of conoealmeir
The servants must be
discharged, and this house shut up.”
Mr. Wylie did take out a warrant", as
he had threatened. The charge being the
abduction of Miss Constance Grierson;
the proof‘produced by him the very letter
which had been written In his office un­
der bis d ie .r on. But the policeman who
enmo to execute it found the bird had
almost the same day that blighted my life
blighted hers to o !”
“ Do not be so malicious, Eleonore! Be­
sides, you have no reason to be in this
case, for Miss Grierson would have lent
Sir Launce the money to pay off the
mortgage if she had not been carried off
just at the time. She had arranged it
all with some luwyers. But as soon as
she was out of the way, W.vlie went to
them, and said that Miss Grierson had
changed her mind, and the money was not
to be paid.”
“ And it was I — I who contrived her
abduction— who was the means of pre­
venting this; and he made me the tool to
work my own destruction. From whom
did you hear all this?”
"From Mr. Stafford. As soon as Miss
Grierson was released and came home
and told how your letter had led her luto
the ambuscade, he rushed down to Bromp-
ton in a terrible rage, and I happened
to be in the house.”
There was a long silence, and then
Eleonore said, “ I shall sell off my furni­
ture— everything at Brompton— turn It
all into money ; and I want you to see to
it at once for me.”
She was naturally very exhausted after
this conversation, and fell, soon after she
had spoken those last words, into a deep
“ Where can the nurse be?" muttered
Mrs. Freeman to herself. “ She ought to
have been back long ago. I must go out
before the shops shut, and I shall have to
go at once. She seems very sound asleep;
I think I might venture to leave her.”
She had not left the room more than
ten minutes when Eleonor* awoke. All
was still, the nurse had not returned, and
the patient was alone. The room was very
dim and shadowy, illumined ss It was
only by a rushlight.
She called “ Freeman,” and when no
answer came, she raised herself upon her
elbow, and looked round the room. Even
that effort was too much for her.
How strange her face fe lt ! She put
her hand across it. A thrill shot through
her. Was she in a dream, or had her
sense of touch deceived her? The skin
was no longer smooth and soft, but rug­
ged and uneven. She looked at hsr bauds ;
they were reduced to skin and bona ; and.
by the dim light, she could just paroeive
some si>ots upon them. What sickness
had she been attacked with?
“ A h ! great heavens, could It be that?”
Excitement gave her strength, and she
struggled out of bed and staggered to the
dressing table.
There was no looking
glass upon it— none to be seen anywhere.
Trembling and nervelese, she eauk
upon a chair. She looked at her hands
There was no mistaking
marks this time. Oh, for a mirror of
some kind, that she might know the
w orst!
The toilette glass must be h'dden some­
where. Holding on to the walls and fur­
niture, she looks about the room.
last she finds it concealed beneath the
bed. She drags It out, and sets it upon
the table.
W ith trembling hands, she swings the
face o f the glass towards her. One look
— a shriek of horror— an unearthly cry—
a horror more than human upou her quiv­
ering face— and shuddering from bead to
foot, she gazes upon her own reflection.
The fell disease has concentrated all its
ravages in her face, which it blotched,
seamed, scarred and ploughed by It.
It cannot be her face— the face that
was the god of her idolatry— the face
whose fascination no man ever could re­
sist— this hideous thing fill* her soul with
terror! She strikes at the fearfal reflec­
tion, and the glass falls shivered upon
the floor.
A fter this she is seized with delirium ;
has to be watched night and day, and
held down forcibly, to prevent her dashing
her head against the wall, or rending
herself with her nails.
There is one name ever upon her lips
— Wylie. He is omnipresent to her mad­
ness— ever standing at the foot of the bed
mocking her; and then she shrieks, and
struggles to seize npon him, until ex­
haustion paralyzes h er: but she still mut­
ters threats as she lies back upon her
A ll this time her life hangs upon a
thread. The doctor says that It is Impos­
sible for her to recover. After a while
the delirium exhausts Itself, and then she
lies for upwards of a week in s state of
A fter this she slowly begins to ra lly ;
the crisis is past. She will live. But no
shadow of her former self remains. She
Is gloomy, morose, seldom speaks, never
looks in a glass, seem to bo ever brood-
<ng upon some one thing.
Mr. W ylie had attained the summit of
F ‘ C H A P T E R X X V II .
all his hopes; he had Inhsrltsd hla por­
Bl • ■ im ly lit bed chamber in a remote
tion of Constance’s fortune, and he was
fltetrictlof London, towards the close of
Lord of Penrhyddyn.
Tha eatata had
a dark (December day, sits a woman at
been put up to auction; bat he gave so
aw fllffc ork —a middle-aged, placid-looking
short a notice, and so little publicity,
woman. Upon a table near at hand are
that there was scarcely a bidder, and he
msdidne bottles, cups, glasses and other
bought it In for himself at his own price.
parapher lia of a sick chamber. After
And just at this time the Griersons were
a time here Is a movement within the
too much occupied with their own diffi­
elosslfrdrawn curtains of the bod, and
culties to think of thwarting him.
Mrs. Roe::-.an rises and pulls them aside.
Before he had reaided at the Carat!« a
“ la that you, Freeman?" asks a faint
month, there was not a man npoo tha
estate whom be had not mads suffer by
heaven, you are conscious once some act of oppression or petty tyranny.
more, Eleonore! I never thought I should Notices were served upon the tenantry
hear gnu speak again.”
that renta would be raised ; laborers and
• ■ t h u r — what of him?”
fishermen were expelled from cottages
**B' la supposed to hart left the coun­ that they and their ancestors had inhab­
try. Nothing has been heard c f him. that ; ited for scores of years. All was con­
I can learn, since the day of his father’s fusion and discontent.
Poor old Daniel, from the time of his
(tided sob came from the bed.
expulsion from the Castle had gradually
ld that ells wretch. Wylie, Is now broken; but be still continued to bonnt
aster of Penrhyddyn, where I had the precincts, and on tha very day that
stojt hoped to bo queen.”
It passed away from the old family, he
' over a man sold himself to th~
was found lying dead In tha shrubbery—
On- to obtain all his wishes, that fnan is ! most probably he had fallen down in a flf,
I" said Mrs. Freeman, emphatically. | and no help being at hand, had thus as­
pr every one of hia vile achemes have pired. From hla childhood every thought
ied up trumps.”
and feeling had been devoted to the
How about Constance’s fortune?”
Penrhyddyn*. and he did not survive their
She has lost every penny of It."
downfall, even b ya day.
I am glad of that. 1 am glad that
About tha end of February, just before
the time appointed by Mr. W ylie for the
scheme, a strange female might have been
seen loitering about the woods and
grounds of Penrhyddyn, and. as often
as she could do so unobserved, reconnoiter-
ing the Castle upou all sides. It would
have been difficult to guess her age by her
face, it was so terribly pitted and seam­
ed. She might have been twenty or for­
ty, but the glossy black hair, worn in
the plain, old-fashioned oands, and the
light, graceful hgure, would have inclined
the observer iu favor of her youth— more
especially as her face was usually covered
with a thick black veil.
This woman had arrived in Bodmin
from London on the sixteenth of Febru­
ary, and had taken up her quarters at a
small inn on the road betweeD Bodmin
and Penrhyddyn. She never rose until
midday, and then, having partaken of a
substantial breakfast, left ‘.be house and
did not return until long after dark.
This went on without interruption or
variation for upwards of a fortnight. One
night— it was the first of March, and it
had been rough and tempestuous through­
out the day— she did not return at the
usual hour. The landlady sat up until
midnight, and still she did not return.
The tiext morning came— mid day— and
still no news.
Weeks, months, years
passed away, but Miss Freeman was
never seen again within the walls of the
“ Pilchard Inn,” and to this day her mys­
terious disappearance is a subject of con­
versation over the winter fire.
The first of March. A t about half­
past 5 on the evening of that day, one
of the side doors of Penrhyddyn Castle
stood wide open. It was an unusual cir­
cumstance for any outward door to be
open eince Mr. W ylie had b en master,
for bringing his cockney suspicions down
to that remote district, he "feared in ev­
ery bush a thief,” and had visions of area
sneaks stealing the skins and mats out
of the hall as acutely as though he were
living in Belgravia instead of Cornwall.
It was the wind, however, and not a
servant, who was to blame for the open
Through this entrance, after looking
carefully trouud her, stole the woman
of the "Pilchard Inn,” and closed it after
her. It was quite dark in the long stone
passage in which she now stood. It was
a disused part of the Castle, and there
was little fear at present of her encoun­
tering any of the inhabitants. Pausing
every moment to listen, she crept along
until she came to a narrow window. By
the dim light she perceived a little in ad­
vance of her on her left hand a winding
staircase; she considered for a moment,
and then crept up the stone steps in the
same noiseless manner as before.
At the head of these steps was a spa­
cious corridor, lit, at the end at which
•he stood, by a large window; there
were doors on each side opening into dif­
ferent chambers.
A fter a little consideration and hesita­
tion. she entered a chamber on the right
hand. There in the great, old-fushioned
armchair, in which she had brooded over
the fire scarcely more than three months
back, in all her youth and glorious beau­
ty. she sat herself down, with her scarred
and hideous face; her life a wreck, shat­
tered and hopeless; not to dream of love,
but to brood over one awful purpose, for
which alone she consented to live.
The Castle clock struck eleven. That
was the hour, she had ascertained, at
which the servants and all, save Wylie,
retired to rest. She lit a dark lantern
which she took from about her person.
After which she divested herself of bon­
net and cloak and boots.
From larg«
pockets in her cloak she produced, first,
a short, thick, heavy looking stick; sec­
ondly, two small colls of thin but strong
cord, a gag, and, lastly, a long, glittering
knife. A ll these various objects she trans­
ferred to other large pockets about her
dress ; except the knife, which she stuck
in her waist belt.
She stole along the corridor, and. at a
certain point, branched into a narrower
passage, that led into the picture gallery.
She threw the rays of the lantern upon
the pictures, until they fell upon the
stern beauty of Eleonore de Solssons. Be­
fore that she paused, and gazed for a
moment in deep thought, then again pur­
sued her way with redoubled caution.
(T o be continued.)
C harm o f I'n c e r ta ln tf.
“ There Is a lot o f
excitement In
running an automobile," said the cheer­
ful citizen.
“ Yea,” answered the man who smells
o f gasoline, “ it gives life the charm o f
uncertainty. You never know whether
you are going to be late for dinner or
early at the emergency hospital." —
Washington Star.
They were talking about choice o f
“ W h at would you be, M ike," said
the foreman, “ i f you weren’t an Irish­
“ B eg o rra !” said Mike.
"O i'll tell
yes pbw at Ol'd b e ; O i’d be sore on me
m other."— Boston T ran ­
scrip t
F a irly
C onjurer— Now, then, ladles and gen­
tlemen, I w ill tell you bow many hairs
there are on the head o f any one in
the audience who cares to ssk. Vole«
— W ell, bow many have I? Conjurer
— E xactly 50.327,42«. sir, and if yon
w ill count them and find I am mistaken
I w ill pay you 500 franca.— Bon VI-
van t
H la B e lie f.
Mrs. Peck < rea d in g )—This magazine
w rite r says that men have more brains
than women. Do you believe such non
sense as that, Henry?
Mr. Peck— W e ll— i r__i I K»!|.Tp
believe single
men have, my dear.
T h e Keaaon.
“These autooioblle speeders seem to
be very easily caught.“
’"That's because In the case o f the
gasoline motors it Is easy to get on
thsir scent.” — B altim ore American.
O perators Refuse to W ork With Non­
union Men at L os Angeles.
Employes of Both Western Union
and Postal Oo Out.
Most o f Large
o f West Are
N ow Idle and Balance Await
O rd er to Walk Out.
A ll op erators o f both com panies
a t C h icago strike.
A lm ost e v ery op era tor ou t at K a n ­
sas C ity, D enver, Salt L a k e , N ew O r­
leans, T op ek a, D allas, F o r t W orth.
H elena.
O p erators at St. L ou is, St. P aul,
Omaha, P o rtla n d and In dianapolis
a w a it o r d e fs fro m P re s id e n t Sm all
b e fo re strik in g.
N ew Y o r k op erators, num bering
3,000, m eet Sunday to decide on ac­
O p erators accuse W e s te rn Union
o f v io la tin g a g reem en t fo r settle­
m ent o f San F ran cisco s trik e. They
dem and 2 5 per cent increase in sal­
ary- e ig h t hour day fo r day w ork,
seven and on e-h a lf hours fo r night
w ork and rec o gn ition o f union.
B oth com panies d ecla re purpose
to fig h t to a fin ish and deny th ere is
grievan ce.
P re s id e n t S m all o f union says
com panies have v io la te d a greem en t
and prom ises sensational exposures
C hicago, A u g. 9.— T h e telegrap h
op era tors w ho a re em p loyed by the
W estern Union T e le g ra p h Com pany
in C h icago w en t on s trik e to n ig h t at
12 o ’clock. T h e tro u b le was p recip i­
tated by th e L o s A n g e le s strike,
which was started tw o days ago.
T o n ig h t th e local e xecu tive board
the C om m ercia l
T e le g r a p h e rs ’
Union m et and discussed the rem o v ­
in g o f the m en w h o refu sed to w ork
w ith th e non-union o p e ra to rs em ­
p loyed in L o s A n geles.
W h e n the
men w ere n o tifie d o f th is step all
op erators em p lo yed In the o verla n d
d ivision o f th e local office refu sed to
w ork any lo n g e r w ith th e non-union
W h en th is action was taken,
N igh t C h ie f H a rry P ric e o rd e re d all
w ho refu sed to w o rk to lea ve th e o f ­
H e th en w ent Into o th e r d iv i­
sions and requ ested the m en to go
into the o verla n d d ivision. In every
case he was m et w ith a refu sa l, un­
til o v e r 70 m en w ere sent hom e.
T h e g rieva n ce c om m ittee o f the
union called on Mr. P ric e and n o ti­
fie d him th at unless e v e ry m an was
rein stated by m id n igh t e v e ry union
man in the office w ou ld bo called
out. T h is was refu sed and p rom p tly
at m idn igh t, by a p rearran gem eu t, a
w h istle was b low n and e v ery o p era ­
tor em ployed in the m ain office, with
the exception o f six w ire loop chiefs,
Including M r. P ric e and his tw o as­
sistants, le ft th e ir keys and w ith a
round o f cheers file d ou t o f th e o f ­
fice. T h e m en em p loyed by th e com ­
pany at the variou s m orn in g new s­
papers had been n o tifie d o f the con­
tem plated strik e and they also quit
w ork.
T h e local officials o f the union to ­
n igh t stated th a t th e day op erators
em p loyed by th e com pany, m ost of
w hom b elon g to the union, w ou ld re ­
fuse to go to w ork In th e m orn in g
T h is w ill Include a ll branch offices
th rou gh ou t th e city.
C h icago, A u g . 10.— F o llo w in g the
lead o f the te le gra p h op era tors em
ployed by th e W e s te rn U n ion T e le ­
graph C om pany in C hicago, the te le ­
grap h ers In nine o th e r citie s th ro u gh ­
ou t the U n ited States q u it w ork yes­
terd a y.
T h e 500 men em p lo yed by
the P osta l in C hicago, w h o b elon g to
th e sam e local o f th e C om m ercial
T e le g ra p h e rs ’ Union as the W estern Native T ribes o f M orocco Bent on
Extermination o f Foreigners.
Union op erators, and w h o d ecla re
th at th eir w o rk in g con dition s w ith
L on don, A u g . 9.— T h e h o rrors o f
the com pany are un satisfactory, took the lo o tin g o f Casa R lanca by n ative
ad van tage o f the situ ation and qu it tribesm en are becom in g know n and
a t R n ’p ln c k
th e ir recita l Is In flam in g th e minds
W ith th e w alk ou t o f the P osta l o f th e natives again st a ll Europeans.
em ployes, C h icago last n igh t was le ft T h e situation In variou s coast towns
w ith abou t 3 5 op erators en d e a v o rin g is worse. T h e n atives a re excited. A
to tran sm it th e business o f both te le ­ h o ly war is b e in g preached a t Rabat.
graph com panies, w h ere, under n o r­
A n ti-fo re ig n sen tim en t Is g ro w in g
m al con ditions, fu lly 1,500 m en are as a result o f th e a c tiv itie s o f fa n a t­
necessary to do the w ork .
ical a g itato rs. T h e re Is fe a r o f a gen ­
T h e o th e r W estern U n ion offices era l ou tb reak .
A num ber o f E u ro­
becam e
in v o lve d
the pean fa m ilies are p rep arin g to flee
trou b le to g e th er, to g e th e r w ith the fro m T a n g ier.
T h e A n g e ra trib es­
num ber o f m en w ho qu it w ork, are: men In the im m ed iate v ic in ity of
Salt L a k e C ity, 36; H elen a, 40; K a n ­ T a n g ie r are restless and m ay break
sas C ity, 330;
D allas, 105;
F o rt ou t soon.
T h e M oorish au th orities
W o rth , 40; C olora d o Springs, 10, have pra ctica lly no con tro l o v e r the
and D en ver, 83.
In N ew O rleans the m en em ployed
T h e re are m any com p lain ts am ong
by th e P osta l T e le g ra p h Com pany the Europeans th at F ran ce acted in ­
le ft th e ir k eys to e n fo rc e demands a d vised ly at Casa B lanca In bom ­
m ade on the com pany several weeks b ard in g the tow n b e fo re protection
could be arra n ged fo r the Jews and
E u ropeans th ere and e lsew h ere on
the coast and In the In terior.
France May Have to Stay.
T h e news fro m Casa B lanca as to
P aris, A u g. 10.— In spite o f the
firm inten tion o f the F ren ch g o v e rn ­ the situ ation th ere to d a y unites In
ment to keep w ith in th e term s o f the s h o w in g th at th e bom bardm ent was
A lg e clra s con ven tion in its d ealings con tinued fo r lo n ge r than was first
w ith
M orocco, th e
Fren ch
press supposed and th at the lack o f an
c le a rly foresees th at F ran ce, unless ad equate F ren ch fo rc e to afford p ro­
the s itu ation ra p id ly im proves, has tection resu lted in an opportu n ity
en tered upon a lon g and heavy task. fo i barbarous lootin g, rapine and
T h e new spapers express th e opinion p illa g e, w ith all the accom panim ents
T h e French
th at F ran ce, upon w hich th e c h ie f o f m urder and h orror.
burden o f res to rin g secu rity In the lan d in g p arties could not c o n tro l the
M oorish
a u th ority
disturbed cou n try w ill fa ll, m ay be situation.
forced to occupy in turn a ll M oroc­ ished w ith the first F ren ch gunshot
can p orts and then p ro b ab ly be co m ­ and lawlessness reigned.
It is now rep o rted , h o w ever, that
p elled to un dertake a p u n itive exp e­
d ition to F ez, a fte r w hich it w ould betw een 2,000 and 3,000 Fren ch and
he im possible to w ith d ra w , as was Spanish m arines and b lu ejack ets are
the case w ith the B ritish in E gypt. ashore at Casa B lanca and th at o r ­
T h e E u ro­
As the B ritish b om b ard m en t o f A le x ­ der has been restored .
an dria ensured the p re s tig e o f G rea t peans th ere a re a ll safe. T h e loss o f
B rita in in E gyp t, so, it Is argu ed, the life am ong th e M oors resu ltin g from
Fren ch b om bardm ent o f Casa Blanca the b om bardm ent appears to
w ill have a sim ila r e ffe c t in M orocco. much g re a te r than was firs t in d i­
A n e x p ed ition to F ez, th e newspapers cated.
point out, would, lik e th e B ritish v ic ­
to ry at T e l e l K e b ir com p lete the
T w o W arships for Salvador.
p arallel.
San F ran cisco, A u g. 9.— P r o v i­
sioned fo r th ree months w ith a la rg e
Strike Making Fuel Scarce.
supply o f am m u nition and a c a rg o o f
D en ver, A u g. 10.— V ic e P resid en t q u ic k -firin g m achine guns o f the la t­
A. D. P a r k e r , o f the C olora d o & est and m ost d eadly type, th e S a lva ­
Southern R a ilw a y , says th e com pany d or w arship A re a ta was rea d y to sail
put to w o rk 25 m ore m en yesterd ay last night. T h e oth er S a lva d o r w a r­
and th at In a fe w days he w ill have ship, the P resid en t, Is nlso in re a d i­
She Is
th e road in n orm al con dition . Grand ness to fo llo w th e A re a ta .
M aster P. H .
M orrissey, o f the p rovisioned fo r six m onths and Is
B roth erh ood o f R a ilw a y T ra in m en , also said to be h e a v ily arm ed. Both
says th a t th e s trik e rs are m ak ing the P resid en t and A r e a ta h a ve been
heavy inroads on th e ranks o f the painted a g ra y w ar colo r. T h e y have
s trik e-b rea k ers and th at m ost o f the been stren gth en ed in th e con stru c­
im ported men leave as soon as th ey tio n o f a d d itio n a l a rm o r
learn o f th e strike.
T h is the com ­
pany denies.
T o d a y 's d evelopm en ts
Rem arkable Meteor.
show a serious sh o rta ge o f coal
E l P aso, A u g . 9.— A rem a rk a b le
m eteo r was seen h ere at 4 :1 5 this
Railroad Goes Behind.
m orn in g and was v is ib le s lo w ly m o v ­
N ew Y o r k , Aug. 10.— T h e N ew in g across th e heavens fro m the
Y o r k C en tral & H udson R iv e r R a il­ southw est sk ies to th e n orth east at 5
road C om pany has not earn ed Us o ’clock. I t p resented the appearance
o f a com et abou t th e size o f a fo o t­
d ivid en d fo r th e six m onths ended b all w ith a ta ll a p p aren tly 50 fe e t
June 30, as shown by th e com p an y’s lon g, fro m w h ich sh ow ers o f m eteo rs
statem ent, Issued toda y.
T h e sum fe ll con tinuously. T h e ball was o f a
earned and a v a ila b le fo r dividends, greenish y e llo w c o lo r w h ile th e ta ll
a fte r a ll ch arges fo r th e h a lf-y ea r, was w h ite.
I t did n ot ap p ear to be
was 32,947,361, w h ile th e sum r e ­ descending.
quired fo r th e h a lf-y e a r at 3 per cent
is $5,358,960, o r $2,411,592 m ore
Texans Amend Constitution.
than was earned.
A ustin , T exas, A u g. 9 .— E a r ly r e ­
turn rec e iv e d fro m to d a y ’s special
Columbia Life Raft Picked Up.
election held th ro u g h o u t th e state to
San Francisco. Aug. 10— A life r a ft pass
s e ve ra l
c o n stitu tio n al
from the Colum bia was picked up to- am endm en ts In d icate th a t th e am end ­
o f thp 0 oW (jn G a, p 0 n ^
wpr# m en t p ro v id in g fo r a c o n fe d e ra te
w o m en ’s h om e, an a g ric u ltu ra l bu­
found an oar and an undergarm ent reau , and f o r a road tax. w ill be car
b ea rin g the initials ” G. T. 8..” P re ­ ried , w h ile th ose p ro v id in g fo r an In­
sum ably it belonged to George T. crease In th e pay o f m em bers o f the
Sparks, the hanker of Fort Sm ith, le g is la tu re and fo r a state p rin tin g
A rk ., who was am on g the drow ned.
p lan t w ill p ro b a b ly be d efeated .
Mysterious Plague in Arizona.
P h o en ix,
A rlz.,
Aug. 10.— N ew s
com es from W ic k e n b u rg , a m in in g
On t h e S u r f a c e .
“ Do you think be can float
this tow n 60 m iles n o rth w est o f P h oen ix,
[th a t som e s o rt o f a p lagu e has b roken
lo u t th ere w h ich local doctors a re un-
“ C erta in ly ; « r e n t
financier, I ab , e T o d iagn ose T n d ^ a i “
yon want to Interest tryin g to get in fu lly .
S evera l death s h a ve occurred
the swim ?” — B altim ore American.
d u rin g th e past fe w days.
Russia Will Rebuild Navy.
St. P e te rs b u rg , Aug. 9.— T h e N a v y
D ep artm en t intends, in the course o f
th e cu rren t year, to lay dow n tw o
b attleship s o f a low type. T h e ir dis­
placem ent is to be 19,970 tons, a r m ^
am ent ten 12-Inch guns and m in o r!
b atteries,
tu rb in e engines, and a !
speed o f 12 knots an hour.
Bonaparte Will Gel Officials of ON
Harriman Lines.
•0 A D V E R ]
P ro p oses to Proceed Against P rin ci­
pals in Violations o f Anti-
i Trust Laws.
N e w Y o rk , A u g . 8.— A special dis­
patch to the N e w Y o r k T im es fro m
L eu ox, Mass., sent under to d a y's date
T h a t c rim in a l p rosecutions w ill be
taken in the near fu tu re as a resu lt
o f th e In tersta te C om m erce in v e s ti­
g a tio n o f th e H a rrim a n ra ilro a d sys­
tem was the In fo rm a tio n ob ta in ed
here upon a u th ority this afte rn o o n on
the v irtu a l e ve o f th e retu rn o f A t ­
to rn ey G eneral B on aparte to W a sh ­
M r. B onaparte was asked I f action,
p erson ally, again st in d ivid u als w ould
be included in th e prosecutions. H e
rep lied som ew hat em p h atically: " I
have noticed a good many com plaints
th at c rim in a l prosecutions again st
trust m agnates and sentences o f Im ­
prisonm ent fo r them have been v e ry
in frequ en t and. In fact, fo r practical
purposes unknown.
I t is p e rfe c tly
tru e that, In m y opinion a t least, a
b etter m oral e ffe c t w ou ld be p ro­
duced by send ing a fe w prom in en t
men to ja il than by a g re a t deal o f
litig a tio n , h o w ever successful, against
the corp oration s th ey con trolled.
"S o m e tim e since tw o corp oration s
and th eir resp ective presidents w ere
indicted Jointly fo r v io la tio n o f the
an ti-trust law.
I f the corp oration s
w ere g u ilty o f Buch, It w ould be hard
fo r th e lay m ind, at least, to see how
th eir presidents could be Innocent.
N everth eless th e ju r y con victed the
corp oration s
acqu itted
th eir
“ I t is the a v o w ed purpose o f the
departm en t o f ju s tic e to prosecute
c rim in a lly any on e w h o Is r e a lly re­
sponsible fo r v io la tio n s o f the a n ti­
trust law , w h ere v er It can d o so w ith
any reason ab le p ro b a b ility o f suc­
It does not care to prosecute
m ere u n derlin gs w ho are kn ow n to
e v ery on e to h a ve acted un der th e d i­
rect a u th o rity o f th e ir superiors.
" I f it can g et a case again st any o f
the superiors such as ju s tifie s a rea ­
sonable hope on th e p art o f e xp e r­
ienced law yers th a t he can be pun­
ished p erson ally th e d ep a rtm en t w ill
un doubtedly ta k e a d van tage o f th e
op p ortu n ity as soon as It Is p re­
But M orocco Must A lso G rant O th er
Demands ot France.
T a n g ie r, A u g. 8.— U pon th e de­
mand o f the Fren ch C h arge, M oh am ­
m ed el T o rre s , th e rep re se n ta tiv e o f
the Sultan h ere, has re ite r a te d the
Instructions he had p re v io u sly issued
to assure the s a fe ty o f the E uropeans
at T a n g ie r and oth er p orts and
F ren ch
steam er
A n atole,
which brought the news o f th e b om ­
b ardm ent o f Casa B lanca, has been
req u isition ed by th e F ren ch C harge,
who w ill use h e r as a dispatch-boat.
A guard to p ro tect th e F ren ch
C onsulate w ill Im m ed ia tely be landed
at R abat.
T h e French C h a rge d ’ A ffa lre s has
m ade the fo llo w in g fo rm a l dem ands
upon the M oroccan g overn m en t:
“ F irs t— T h a t th e M oroccan auth­
o ritie s at Casa B lan ca place th em ­
selves under th e ord ers o f the com ­
m ander o f th e F rench forces.
"S ec o n d —-T h a t the secu rity o f th e
F ren ch c itizen s at F ez and oth er
places In tho in te r io r be guaranteed.
" T h ir d — T h a t th e M oroccan auth­
o ritie s hasten th e rep a ra tio n fo r the
m u rd er o f Dr. M aucham p.
" F o u r t h — T h a t the M oroccan au­
th o ritie s ex p e d ite th e p rep aration fo r
th e a p p lication o f th e r e fo rm s agreed
upon by th e A lg e c lr a s c o n ve n tio n .”
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Has C ure fo r Meningitis.
C h icago, A u g. 8.— A special dis­
patch to the T rib u n e fro m C levelan d
says: A c c o rd in g to p riv a te advices re­
ce ive d last n ig h t fro m N e w Y o r k and
C astalia, O hio, th e w ealth o f John D.
R o c k e fe lle r has m ade possible a cure
fo r m en in g itis.
Dr. Sim on Flexner
has d isco vered a serum which will
cu re th e h e r e to fo r e fa ta l disease. E x­
p erim en ts
m ad e at C astalia have
d em on strated
th e efficacy o f the
serum .
D r. F le x n e r Is head o f the
R o c k e fe lle r In s titu te fo r M edical R e­
search in N e w Y o r k .
Japan Cooling Down.
V ic to ria , B. C., Aug. 8.— Tatsuya,
e d ito r o f th e Japanese T ra d e Journal
o f T o k lo , a rriv e d here today fo study
th e con dition o f Japanese on the
H e Raid little fu rth er diffi­
c u lty was expected with regard to the
com p lain ts fro m San Francisco, Yam -
o a k a and H a tto rt, from Seattle, who
w en t to Japan to represent real con­
d ition s to th e Japanese had beea
v e r y successful, and Japanese who
had not known th e real state o f a f­
fa ir s w ere less prone to com plain.
Disarming Moorish Troop«-
P aris, Aug. 8.— A special dispatch
from T a n g ie r this afternoon says that
the M oorish troops com posing t o *
garrison o f Casa Illanca have >
disarm ed and that th eir arnJ*
am m unition have been i|*P0^ ‘ ®d . 8h
the French consulate. T h e M o o rtrt
officials have con fided the
o f the city to the Franco Spanish