The blacksmith shop is much im­ proved since receiving a coat of paint. ) Mr. Gus Syverson of Glyndon, has i been the guest of Lew Crawford for a few days. Tommy McParland and Fred Cald­ well went on a few hours’ hunt Sunday, returning with a fine deer. AU Lades’ Shirt Waists And White Petticoats Our entire stock of Shirt Waists has been. REDUCED IN PRICE b e c E u s e w e them. They are all high grade goods and w o r t h m o r e t h a n w e ask. The season is now in 1full blast and the big reductions cannot be found elsewhere They can’t last long at such prices You had better se­ lect early while the line is full. Never before have you had such op­ portunities to buy Shirt Waists so Cheap. it tt it tt it tt tt tt 00 shirt waists this sale 1 .2 5 L50 1 .0 0 3 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .2 5 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 n a a o a tt •i .4 a it t. tt tt a a a tt tt tt tt tt ti ti tt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - One l o t 75c White Petticoats, 57c; one lot 1.50, i . 13; one lo t 3.25, for 2.44. Sale is now going on! HOFFMAN ®> ALLEN FINE WORK DONE CHEAP — PRICES White shirt - _ *- 10c Drawers - * 8 to 15c Soft *' - - - 10c White Waists - 10 to 20c White Skirts - 10 to 50 Underskirts - 15 to 25c 2M»c Undershirts - - - 8c Stockings - .......... ........... . - - 2c C o lla r s ......................2c Handkerchiefs Men’s White Vests 10 15c P a n t s ......................25c Coats - - - - 10 20c Dusters - - 15 20c Towels - - - 20c Doz. Napkins - - 20c Doz. The following articles 50 c per doz. Pillow Cases, Bed Sheets, Table Cloths, Night Gowns, Women’s Drawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corset Covers, Liner Column It is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad ; in this column. A few words here will reach 5,000 ; readers and the results are certain. 5c line 1st | Insertion, 2Vi cents each subsequent insertion. Minimum charge 10 cts. Correspondence. WATT DISTRICT. FOR SALE.— Thoroughbred regis­ Grove Saturday. D. B. Adams and Allan Rice fin­ Forest Grove tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy Pacific Avenue cattle which have the highest test in ished hauling their hay to Albers Bros, the county. Address box 16 R. F. D. hay barn Saturday. No. 1. Cornelius. tf Othel Maddle and family drove out FOR RENT— 40 acres l j miles from town and spent Friday afternoon j south of Dilley. Inquire Geo. Buck­ at the Adams home. ingham at Dilley. l-4t _ An old gentleman from the Grove canvassed part of this district, Friday, — Wanted— A guitar instructor to teach a voung girl.— M. H . Dixon, for knitted goods and hosiery. South Park. tf H. W. Sparks of the Washington Dairy', fruit and hay farms, hop County News staff, was in our neigh­ Lost— Left silk, ivory handle um- yards. 1 brella or Forest Grove Local August borhood last week, adding to the sub­ List your place with me and have 7th. If finder will return to this of- scription list of The News. it sold. | fice a reward will be paid. 6t6 Large or Small Tracts M. L. Noble Real Estate Office Main street, one dcor north Russell's Shoe Store Oregon Forest Grove For Sale— Pure bred Poland China boar 16 months old. O. C. Schofield, 2 miles west of Forest Grove. 6 tf For Sale— Span of mules, wagon and good chain harness. Wagon 3 i inch tire. Inquire at this office. 144. A 6- room house, barn, large lot, plenty of fruit close in, a big bargain at $1350. 258. An 8-room house, entirely modern, largo lot, beautiful grounds, good location, just the place for a tine home, only $2600. 269. A comfortable house on a good lot in a good location, $750. 118. 5-room houie, good location, $C50. : FRON' Other good bargains. Wanted, hop pickers for one of the best yart’s in the county. ADVERTIS] E THOMAS & HOGE Work was begun on the new school Real Estate, house last week. The building is be­ Phone 294, Forest Grove. Oregon ing done under the superintendence o f . Chris Reiben. as far as Portland. She has been suf­ Messrs. John Stewart and James fering from throat trouble for over two Breiden, accompanied by their wives, years and can get no relief and it is have been spending the past week hoped that the lighter atmosphere of with the O’Donnell family. Malheur valley will benefit her. Charlie Storm, a Swede stayed over Our Cornelius boys think it is most night with Mr. McPherson and the too bad to take the money of the pick next morning $10.25 was found miss­ up team of the game that was called ing. It is believed that the Swede at 10 o’clock Sunday, four of Forest took it but it is not known for certain. Grove first team players with Moore in the box and Britton to receive, with a GALES CREEK score of 7 to 9 in favor of Cornelius. Kate Jackson visited Mrs. Parson Robison pitched his usual good game last week. and Shorty received in good style. A Fred Wilson is able to work again general shut out game from the first since he cut his knee. and Shorty took the cake with his James Loving is building a small usual good sweeps to second which Roy fruit dryer on his place. Heater received on the sack. Krause Rev. Bartly of Illinois, preached at p’ayed his usual good game at first caching Moore stealing to second, the Baptist church Sunday. Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. Baterman Henderling played third and Fisk short, Nelson right field and J. Behrman cen­ started for the coast Monday. ter field, Ingraham left field. Heater Mrs. Pratt of Salem visited her one home rup scoring, 2 followed by daughter Mrs. J. J. Adkins, a few days Shorty’s two bagger scoring,2 following t tis week. by Ingraham knocking a three bagger Mrs. Wilson and daughter Mrs. scoring, while the other scores were Sarah York, are visiting relatives at too easy to mention. Gales Creek. — The new Forest Grove Real Es­ The Gypsy camp proved quite a tate Co., Staehr & Verhoeven at the center of attraction for the young folks Bazaar, have some very choice bargains last Thursday. in Forest Grove homes. Mr. Patton had his donkey engine HILLSBORO moved from the upper logging camp to the lower one. County Treasurer Jackson has moved Howard Lily took a load of provis­ into his new office across the hall. ions over to the railroad camp for N. Mayor Dennis is having his residence C. Lilly Thursday. remodeled and another story added. The “ Y” on the P. R. & N. has been completed this week so that lo­ comotives can be turned. CORNELIUS J. C. Pidcock of this place has pur chased the Place of Wm Bellinger, I Editor Bath of the Independent, northwest from Forest Grove. It is a expects to go to Bandon, Ore., the last nobby little home for a man and can of this week for a short visit. soon be put in better shape with little Timber Valuations expense. Phelps-Fitch Land Co. made the sale. Assessor Wilcox ha; about finished The meeting at the A. C. Church the tax roll of timber and timber land was not well attended on account of in this county and the total cruise amounts to 4,618,080,'/ 50 feet. The The Forest Grove people who were the busy time and those conducting it assessed valuation is about $4,50t\000. over Saturday were Samuel Todd, Mr. have gone to Fall City, trusting un­ The maximum valuation is $1.25 per doubtedly that the minds of the peo­ and Mrs. S. A. Walker and Fred and ma_ thousand feet of timber and $5.00 per ple there may not be so fixed on Bell Moore. acre, while the minimum is $1.00 per terial things. R. W. McNutt and wife have re­ thousand feet of timber and $2.00 per DILLEY acre. Miss Eva Bryan is spending a few turned from the Hot Springs near — Ladies’ hand turned patent leather White Salmon, Wash. Me can recom- days at home. mend the springs as a remedy for the oxl°rclsi pl*in toe. Bailey s Big Store, Mrs. M. McLeod and daughter, Mrs. rheumatism and the further advantage | Chas. LaChapelle are visiting relatives of laying in a fresh supply of hot air FO FC S t G rO V C at Amity. OREGON Mrs. Sam Short and children of Gales Creek visited Mrs. Adams Tuesday “ WANTED — Salesmen. Many make of last week. $100 to $150 per month, some even Willie Monner came out from Port­ more. Stock clean; grown on reserva­ land Saturday for a visit with Mr. Bis- tion, far from old orchards. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. bee’s people. Address Washington Nursery Company, Mrs. B. E. LaMont and Mrs. Frank Toppenish, Washington.” Johnson and baby daughter were at the PROPERTY ™ PEOPLE S e e Theses COMPANY FOREST GROVE Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY Edgar Hannan’s new house is near- j ing completion and adds greatly to the appearance of the town. The people of Buxton thought they were experiencing a cloud burst last Thursday as the rain fell in sheets. GET A HOME NOW itade. REAL ESTA TE Mrs. A. P. Tupper is visiting her Miss Ethel Fitch left Tuesday morn mother, Mrs. William Boots, at Mon­ ing for Vale, Malheur county, where Company mouth, for a few days. two of her brothers are engaged in , K. N. Staehr Felix Verhoeven Mrs. Riley Boyd and Mrs. Ora Van farming. Her father accompanied her OFFICE AT BAZAAR Orsdel spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Van Meter of Portland, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Van Meter. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Schoolcraft, Donald and Miss Pearl Bradley started for Netarts Wednesday where they in ­ tend to spend a fortnight. Mr. A. Runion who has been building i woodshed at his home here, attemped NEWPORT. to shingle it the other day but when he Rollo Peterson returned home Tues­ climbed to the roof the thing collapsed day. and Mr. Runion separated himself from Mrs. W. B. Haines has been ill for the debris with a broken arm and sev­ eral bruises as a result. a few days past. Several Forest Grove people took a ! Mr. J. F. Forbes and niece, Miss LOST—somewhere in west part of trip over the bar Sunday on the Ga- j Frances Russell, started for Butte, town, gold watch, open face, Elgin Mont. Friday morning after spending a zelle. movement, with nickel fob. Finder few weeks at Mr. Forbes’ summer home leave at NEWS office and receive re­ Will Haines came over again last SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY ward near here. M-s. Forbes and Miss tf week and returned home Tuesday with Marjorie accompanied them as far as Forest Grove Time Table For Sale— A three and a quarter his wife and daughter. Portland, returning home the same wagon practically new. Inquire at this Rollo Peterson came in last week evening. 2t office. NORTH BOCND. for a few days to listen to what the No. Î departs 6:45 a. in., artirea at Portland 8:00 a BUXTON — I am ready to do all kinds of well wild waves are saying. No I " 8:47 a. ra., “ ” 10:20 i 2 SO N o.» “ 1:30 p „ „ work. Digging, cleaning, etc. Joe 5:10 Mr. Perkins is building a barn. No. 1 ' 4:16 p. m., Among those registered at the Bay Fairchild. 4 4t SOUTH BOCND. Mr. A. H. Scofied made a flying trip View Sunday were Mrs. C. A. Sias and No 2 lv. Portland 7:J0«. m. W. Forrtt O w e 9 « a. m. “ 11:00 a. m .ar. 12:20 p. m. No § ** LOST—Horseshoe pin at tent meet­ daughter Gertrude and W. E. Pegg. to Hillsboro Friday. p. m. 4:10 p. ra.. I t . No. 4 Leave pin at 5.20 p. a?. *«0 p. m. ings about a week ago. No. 10 ** Will Weston of Forest Grove, is visit­ this office Quite a large school of whale have ing Henry Hannan. been feeding along the coast off Nve — If you want to sell vour property N. L. ATKINS. Agent. Large crowds still continue to visit Beach and may be seen most any time W. E. C o m a n . General freight and right away, list it with Staehr & Ver- i the tunnel each Sunday. spouting. hoeven at The Bazaar. Passenger Agent, Portland. O r . L o rig a » . . W W J 1 ' A ttw n U In g tnrnv*.. Friends All »ortunifies Oregon« rial editio exploitatio containei eous infoi i any om sn issued, he home- latest and it so many imeseeker aost every ecializco, stical in- 1 charac- n enter- :now its ie con- id who 3m tin y ng the e, can >ut cost think ed in might itizen, gen- regon iy or and a th a sc! - II le nai - onlv% : of and