S TR IK E MAY SPREAD . OPERATORS ALL OUT I f Operators’ Demands Are Refused General Strike Will Follow Pennsylvania Citizens Are in Constant Chicago. Aug 1 1 — The strike of Dread of Assassination. HtU'd tKk * « k the union commercial telegraph op­ Pittsburg. Aug. 13.— The whole erators will be universal throughout OREGON mill district of Western Pennsylva­ FOREST GROVE the United States and Canada within FIRE BENEFITS C IT Y . nia has been roused to action by the GOOD PAY FOR H O P PIC KERS. hours, according to National Sec­ outrages charged to the murderous Black Hand Society. The streets of Largest Growers in State Will Pay Eugene to Have Better Buildings and retary Russell, of the telegraphers' organization. This statement was Cement Walks. New Castle and Hillsvllle are being S I.10 Per Hundred. made by Mr. Russell after he had patrolled by Troop D of the State Eugene— Aside from the loss of stock been Informed of the action taken Portland— Fifty-five cents a box is Constabulary. More than 40 sus­ the price that will be paid for picking and furniture suffered in the tire of Au­ by the men In New Y'ork, who. at a meeting there today, decided to hold pects, including four known leaders, hops in the Willamette valley this fall. gust 6, the general result has been and a walkout in abeyance until the lat­ Strike la Optional With Local Unions, are In jail at New Castle. The State Krebs Bros., the largest growers in the w ill be very beneficial to the property ter part o f the week. Constabulary was ordered out by slate, announce that they w ill pay but SactioneO by National O ffi­ holders along Willamette street, and 'This strike movement, said Mr. Rtiume Of the L e«* Important but Governor Edwin Stuart on petition »1.10 per hundred for picking on their Russell, "has come to a point where cers When Called. to the city. The council has definitely Net Lee» Interesting Event» of citizens, who are afraid to leave yards at Independence and Brooks. there can be no backing down. The decided to extend the fire limits and it o f the P »»t Week. telegraphers have been trodden on Other growers have not announced any their homes, fearing attack. Evidence is being securod by Pin­ fixed price, but as the competition for is likely that all future buildings put long enough by the companies, and Portland, Aug. 13.— The tele­ J now that we have the opportunity kerton detectives employed by the pickers is always strong, it is more up on North Willamette street w ill he Is • now general we are going to use all our strength graphers’ strike than probable that this price w ill have of brick or stone. • Germany is equipping a complete United States Steel Company. The to enforce our demands. For several Fallowing to he met in all the hop grow tig sec­ James Sanford, who lost about hall weeks President Small and myself throughout the country. ialloonjcorps for her regular army. detectives are working among the tions. the buildings destroyed by the recent have been holding the telegraphers Is a general summary o f the situa­ The French minister of war was in­ Itulluns and as fast as evidence is We have decided to pay »1.10 per fire, will erect a modern brick on his back, and have been advising concil­ tion today: tuited »nd then assaulted by an insane secured suspects are rounded up by hundred for picking our crop of hops,” property, the work to commence this iation; but they have taken matters Commercial operators-— Strike has the state troops. The police of A1 said Conrad Krebs. ‘ "We feel, notwith­ fcrorkimin. with great rapidity legheny City today made the most standing the prospects of a low market, fall. A brick building w ill be put up in their own hands and we are going extended ] Steamers of rival companies are rae- important captures during the cru­ on the Betman property and the bal to «tand by them. No union man will throughout the United States and .ng front Seattle to Alaska to get »25,- sade against the Black Hand, In that the pickers are entitled to a fair ance.of the block is too valuable to be be allowed to work with anyone not High allowed to lie idle. belonging to our organization, and telegraph business is everywhere 600 worth of business. which the officials of New York remuneration for their services Both this means that tomorrow morning, paralyzed or badly crippled. wages are being paid for all kinds of Cement sidewalks are being put in Sacramento is being completely cov- Philadelphia, Rochester and other when the business of the week be­ Western Union and Postal Telegraph labor, consequently the price paid for along Willamette street, with one cities are co-operating. — « tad with electric lights and displays Uiatana Hacco Is In jail, accused picking should be in proportion. Fur­ two exceptions, as far as the depot, and gins, the Btrlke will become unlver Companies appear to be equally af­ lor the irrigation ■ of slashing the throat of Mrs. Mary thermore. the hoppiekets have nothing every foot of sidewalk in the front of sal. W e cannot go half way iu this fected. A member of the New York Black B. Uazusko at her home, when she to do with the market. They did not the tire line has been taken up to giv matter now. The strike has been Press Operators— A t 7:30 p. m.. ___ Hand society has given the police all refused to give up money demanded receive any more on a 30-cent market p ace to cement walks. The council precipitated by the men themselves, New York time. Associated Press without the sanction of the national by hint and another Italian, for when the growers were piling up a for­ fh e details of his initiation. w ill likely order all the board walk officers, but we are now working in operators left their keys over the en­ whom the police are looking. The tire system, refusing to give General unison and anything that the offi­ — One of the Korean delegates to The woman has positively Identified Rac- tune, therefore they are entitled to supplanted by cement. Manager Stone tim e to refer to the cials of the various unions through­ Jiague has teen sentenced to death and co as the man who slashed her good pay now regardless of the market. board of directors o f the Associated ‘ ‘The crop of the state looks as well out the country have done In calling 'the other two to life imprisonment throat with a razor, while his ac County Aids Fair Project Press their demand for higher wages as could te expected. There is not strikes meets with our hearty co­ complice held a cap over her face. Fendleton — The County court has and limitation o f hours. • It Is reported that there will he much foliage, which will make it very operation.” Hacco was identified as one o f the Railway Telegraphers — L. W. instructed the clerk to draw a warrant todetrong opposition in congress to the assassins of Domlnib Marattlo, This announcement was made by- profitable for pickers. We have never sending of a Heat of warships to the wealthy Italian lured from home at had a finer crop than this year in our in favor of the Umatilla-Morrow Die Mr. Russell at a mass meeting of the Quick, grand secretary and treasurer trict fair in the sum of »1,000, this striking telegraphers held In Brand's of the Order o f R ailw ay Telegraph­ Pacific. night anil shot to death, after re­ own yards.” he being the amount the Fair board re' hall Sunday afternoon. The hall ers, Issues order directing railroad A United States marshal recently re­ ceiving Black Hand letters that quested the countfy to give. The fair seated 1,500 persons, and so great telegraphers not to handle commer­ threatened death unless he gave up B U TTE R BRICES SOARING turned from Alaska says rich pay dirt is to be held in this city this year, dur was the demand for accommodations cial messages. $5,000. Hacco was Identified by pOis being found on the third beach at a Practically the entire telegraphic that several hundred of the striking Samuel McKee, who witnessed the ing the last week in September, and depth of from 60 to 100 feet. murder from his home. Hacco lived Now 80 Cents a Roll, and Will Reach is expected that it will greatly surpass operators were unable to gain admit­ business of the country is tied up as the result Qf the strike inaugurated $1 by End of Year. of Boilermakers on the Southern Pacific in New York, from where the threat­ the one held last year, which was the tance to the building and remained In most of the large cities by the ening letters came to Marattlo. The Portland— Butter is going to be an first since the district was created, and on the streets In the vicinity until operators of the W estern Union Tele­ lines are on strike. police believe he was sent here as some of the early arrivals had left graph Company and the Postal Tele­ Negroes in Cuba have organized an the agent of the society to assassi­ expensive luxury in the Portland mar­ which was a success from every stand­ the hall. 13, ket in the coming fall and winter. A point. The pavilion is being improved "independent party for their own benefit nate the wealthy Italians. The Order o f Railway Telegraph­ graph Copipany, and one or two dollar a roll or more will before long be and the number of stalls and stables Mtchaelo Govlnite, a wealthy own­ ers was represented at the meeting other telegraph companies o£ minor Ten jurors’ liave now been secured in /{"N \ er of fruit stands iu Pittsburg and the price charged at the retail stores. for the stock exhibits is to be nearly by National Secretary Quick. Mr. Importance. the Halsey bribery case at San Fian- Allegheny markets, has appealed to The price is now 80 cents, and during doubled. The strike' now Involve' ,ioT.>4^y Quick informed the strikers that his ciaoo. tho police for protection. During the remainder of the year the advance organization was at their disposal, the commercial telegr h en i v ik also the- operators of the Associated both morally and financially. "W e Hops Early in Dallas t> Hevetal pers ns were killed and much the last week he has received letters is certain to be steady. Press in aJl the large rides of the Butter prices are rising all over the Dallas— Hops in the Dallas district have »1,000,000 in our own treas­ countrv, save a few in New England propetty destroyed by tornadoes in from New York, London, Philadel­ phia and Rochester, demanding *5,- ury,” said he, "and It is at your dis country. The consumption, taken as a promise an early crop. Verm in have Iowa and Minnesota, 000. under threats of death. All were whole, exceeds the production, and for appeared in nearly all of the yards, posal. a Your fight Is ours, and we and the Middle West. The strike of the Associated Press men came at Beats driven from cover by forest written In red ink and signed "M ag- this reason but little surplus butter has but are being held In check by the will stand with you until the end.” the end of a day of negotiations be­ fires terroiized the town of Standish, hlflro.” He Is living in constant fear been put into cold storage during the hot weather and vigorous spraying Before the mass meeting the 320 tween General Manager M elville E. of assassination. t Michigan, for several hours. flush season in the big butter centers of Prospects o f low prices early In the union telegraphers employed by com­ Stone and officials of the telegraph­ the United States. The current make, season caused many of the growers panies using leased wires was held ers' union In New York. Peary starts for the North pole and Owing to At this gathering brokers, news ROADS N O T TO BLAME. until next spring, w ill have to satisfy to cultivate lightly In order to save . his wife and chi dren take up their expense, nnd as a consequence the agencies and commercial organiza­ the radical demands o f the operators. all requirements, and as the produc­ crop will he light. No trouble Is an­ tions, Including the big packing­ General Manager Stone asked for 24 residence on Kaglc island, off the coast Harriman Talks About the Threatened tion naturally lessens at this time of of Maine, to await his return. ticipated in securing pickers for the houses, were represented. A resolu­ hours In which to advise with the year, the natural result is a rise in yards iu this district as many have tion was adopted declaring that this members of the Board o f Directors Coal Shortage. Emil J. Zimmer, of the Pacific States signified their Intentions ofplcking class of labor was underpaid and that o f the association. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 13.— E. H. prices. Telephone company, pleads not guilty This request apparently was ac­ Two weeks ago the Portland market the various firms would be asked to to the charge of contempt of couit in Harriman and his two sons attended sign a wage schedule and also to ceptable to General Secretary Rus­ See Their First Autos. refusing to testify against Louis Glass. church at Trinity Episcopal Cathe- was raised 2 '4 cents, to 32'.. cents a employ none but union telegraphers. sell, o f the Telegraphers’ Union, and pound at wholesale. The officials of McKenzie Bridge— This place had i's It was decided to let the private- to a large number o f Associated A temporary injunction has been drnl here Sunday during a break In the Hazelwood Cream company, at its first experience with automobiles the wire men prepare and present their Press operators who realized its rea­ granted by the Federal contt restrain­ the Westward vacation trip which last meeting, decided on another 2 '.. other night when two motor cars ar­ own schedules to their employers. sonableness, but a number o f radi­ ing the labor unions fiom boycotting the railroad magnate Is making In cent advance. As all the city creamery rived on their wav to Belknap Springs. The broker-men will present their cals on the Texas circuit would not the telephone company in Helena, his special train. companies are running shorter than The Harriman The trip was made from Eugene in less schedule at 10 o'clock Monday morn­ consent to a postponement o f action Montana, where a strike is on. party was accompanied from Chi­ last month, the new price will prob­ than eight hours with no accidents. ing. The broker-men will ask for a on the part of the Associated Press Last and quit th d r keys. This action was Four anarchists were wounded by cago to Omaha by President Hara- ably be general immediately. minimum of »30 a week. year at this time the highest wholesale the the accidental eiploeion of a bomb at han, of the Illinois Central. The men employed by the press as­ followed largely throughout Fish Traps Removed. Mr. Harriman gave out a long In­ price of butter in Portland was 32 sociations presented their request at country. Lisbon. terview Sunday afternoon. Many of cents, and the 35-cent mark was not Astoria— The fish traps at Point El­ 7:30 o ’clock Sunday night, and the A serious phase o f the Strike de­ Ambassador Rosen, from Russia, his statements had, however, been reached until December 6. Two years lice, which were condemned recently employers w ill be given 2 4 hours to veloped yesterday afternoon and dur­ revels in American humor and reads made before. He declined to com ago at this time butter was worth 30 by the W ar department as be ng a comply with It. The schedule pre ing the night when It was discovered tnent upon recent court actions cents, anil the highest price in that menace to navigation, have been re­ sented calls for »35 a week for six that railroad telegraphers In many every funny paper he can get. against corporations. moved by the owners in accordance nights' work, and 70 cents an hour places were tampering with the wires year was 32'.. cents wholesale. Eleven Chinese who had just been In answer to questions, Mr. Har By withdrawing with the orders of the United States overtime, eight hours to constitute a at relay points. smuggled across the Rio Grande rivet rlman said: day's work, with half an hour for "plugs” from the switchboards and engineers. wete captured at K1 Paso, Texas. Teat New Prison Dogs. " I think we shall have a coal lunch. The operators employed by grounding the wires communication Salem— The youngest two of the trio the news companies and newspapers on a number of circuits was inter­ A Salvador warship fully armed and shortage this winter, duo to the gen­ State's Forestry Apportionment. In the day timo w ill ask for »30 a rupted and In some instances entire­ provisioned has sailed fr»m San Fran­ eral Increase In tho consumption of of thoroughbred bloodhounds recently Astoria— Senator Fulton has received week and 60 cents an hour overtim e, ly shut off. coal by reason o f the great expan­ added to the state penitentiary equip­ cisco and another will soon follow. sion of all lines o f Industries all ment were given a practical test by a letter from Associate Forester Price eight hours to constitute a day's From the developments o f yester­ Many employes on the Panama canal over the country, and also to the fHCt Warden Curtis, and they worked fully stating that the amount which Oregon work, and the regular lunch. These day and last night It seems certain are getting married, localise the gov­ that some mines are not able to turn up to the guarantee and the expecta­ w ill receive from th" forestry service requests were presented to every that the Order of nailw ay T ele­ for the fiscal voar 1907 will approxi­ nowsgatherlng organization In the graphers will support the commercial ernment provides separate homes for out as much as they might because tions of the prison officials. o f a lack of labor, and then there is mate »18,980.89. United States and Canada Sunday telegraphers In their strike, and It is married men. Two trusty convicts were turned out, the shortage o f freight cars to be evening, and 2 4 hours will be al­ not improbable that the railway tele­ one at a time, and each resorted to all A Chiae-e laundryman of 1’. ttsvllle, reckoned with. And to this car lowed for an answer. If at the end graphers' organization w ill become P O R T LA N D M ARKETS. Pa., has legally adopted a white boy, shortage I want to say a word In the tricks known and practiced by fugi­ of the time the demands have not more deeply Involved In the strike with the consent of the boy's mother reply to the general charge that the tives to evade man-hunting dogs, such met with a favorable response, the shotild It he o f lengthy duration. Win'st— Club, 80c; blnestem, 82c; railroads are wholly to blame for as hack-tracking, wading through W hile the strike at this tim e has and grandmother. men will report to the union officials, valley, 80o; red, 78c car shortage. The charge Is unjust streams, climbing trees, and each was and they say a strike will be ordered. the appearance nnd to some extent Turkish troops are devastating Per­ In many respects. Numerous causes Oats— No. I white, »25; tray, given an hour start, but the doge, In regard to the newspaper end of the effect o f a general strike, such Is nominal. v sian villages and killing and enslaving conspire to bring about a shortage A large number of the controversy Secretary Russel Is­ not the case. which were lashed together, followed the inhabitants. Twelve girls were or congestion in cars where tho peo­ Barley— Feed, »21.60(5152 per ton; sued the follow ing statement: commercial operators are still at the scent unfailingly and treed both carried away from one village'. ple know nothing, and they are brewing, nominal; rolled, »23.60® To all publishers. United States their keys and w ill not go out until men in short order. causes for which the railroads are 24.50. and Canada: The Commercial T ele­ Instructed to do so by President The United (States amlassador to not responsible and cannot avoid." Corn— Whole, »28; marked, »29 per graphers' Union does not desire in Small, Austria, Charles S. Francis, and K.r- County Court Alda Fair. In Portland th e-operators of the ton. any way whatever to hamper the nest Hamlin Abbott, of New York, Oregon City — Permanent organiza­ A. P. Strike Not General. Hay— Valley timothy, No. I, »17(3 newspapers o f the country. We are Western Union nnd F’ ostal Telegraph were entertained at luncheon by Preai Chicago. Aug. 13.— The Associated tion of the Clackamas County Fair as­ 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, fighting for our rights, however, nnd Companies struck last night. The dent Roosevelt. Press operators In Chicago. New sociation is now complete and the pro­ »21@23; Clover, »9; cheat, »9 ® 10; believing that the telegraph opera-' Western Union men were called out tors employed in this service are un­ by President Ilranln o f the local The American Tobacco company has York and other leased wire points In moters of the scheme for an annual grain hay, »9 3 1 0 ; alfalfa, $13®14. union at 7:21 o'clock. The Postal deviated on it* common st.ok the regu­ the West and South struck at 7:30 county fair are encouraged by the ac­ Butter— Faury creamery, 271*3306 derpaid, wo have authorized our men to present a schedule to their em­ operators left their keys at 7:44 lar quarterly dividend of J 1, |>er cent last night The operators In Minne­ tion of the county court, which has per pound. ployers nsking for what we consider o'clock. Both strikers were vefy or­ and an ext-a dividend of 7*, per cent, apolis. Duluth. Milwaukee. Indian­ offered to appropriate »4.50 as soon as Poultry— Average old hens, 1 2 ^ 0 Tho messenger boys struck their derly. agaiii't St, regular and 6 pet cent ex apolis, Detroit and Cleveland re­ organization is complete. The legisla­ 13c per pound; mixed chickens, lS j*e ; reasonable recompense for labors. If these demands are not Inst night at 11 o'clock after holding The strike tive of 1(H)5 authorized county courts to tra at tire last previous declaration. mained at their posts. spring chickens, 16® 16c; old roosters, met by the various news gathering a meeting at which they formulated The dividend is payable Sep'etnrer 2 was against the wishes of General expend »500 annually for advertising S@9o; dressed chickens, 16® 17c; tur­ organizations within a specified time a demand for a considerable increase Secretary Russell, of the Telegraph­ Hall Caine is believed to be the ers' Union, who, with a majority o f the county, and it is this fund that the keys, live, 12®t6c; turkeys, dressed, fhe men w ill be ordered to quit In pay. vicheet novelist in the world. the operators desired 2 4 hours as Fair association will utilise. The fair choice, nominal; geese, live, 8 ® lie ; work. An exploaion of fire.lamp in a Prus­ Mr Stone had expressed his w illin g­ will be held this year October 9, 10 and ducks, 8®14c. Fatal Floods in Japan. sian mine killed 16 men and injured 11 ness to endeavor to arrive at an un­ 11, on the Chautauqua grounds, in Eggs— French ranch, candled, 22® Hiss Roosevelt's Name. Victoria, B. C., Aug. 13.— Heavy Gladstone Park. derstanding. others. 23c per dozen. Chicago, Aug. 12.— The name of loss of life is reorted from Central Fruits— Cherries, 8®12>*e a pound; President Roosevelt was greeted Japan because o f floods. According Pacific Coast lumbermen will fight New Porttand-Frisco Train. Foolish Girl Awaken». apples, »1.6002.25 per box; Spitxen- with jeers nnd hisses and the aims of to advices received by the steamer the proposed advance In lumber rape San Francisco— General Manager bergs, »3.50 per box; cantaloupes. the Western Federation of Miners Athenian New York, Aug. IS — According to o Miaaleaipt valley points. several hundred * er® E E. Calvin Issued orders today to reports that have reached Hemp­ »2.50(83.60 pbr crate; peach«. 6(V-«t cheered to the echo at the reception killed in all and many injured. A One hundred nnruly memlters of the put express train service on all lines stead. the awakening has speedily Belfast, Ireland, police force have teen come to Miss Floretta Whaley, the out o f San Francisco and within a »1.25 per crate; raspberries, »1.25® tendered W illiam D. Flaywood, the score of lives were also lost on Koz- 1.50 per crate; blackberries, 5 ® 7c central figure In the recent Boise ushlna. an island o f Zu. by an earth­ exiled and 160 more w ill follow. 17-yoar-old girl who eloped on April week this will be Installed to Port­ per pound; loganberries. »1 per crate; trial by the Moyer-Haywood defense quake which destroyed many houses A German princess who systematic- *® with her guardian, the Rev. J. land, to El Paso and to Los Angeles. committee at Luna Park today. Self- and sent tho i- hill« l* J apricot*. »1 .50®2 per crate. ally stole sliver piste from European Knode Cooke, then rector o f St. There Is a train already lu operation styled "undesirable citizens" cried a panic. Ar Takignwa the ground J Vegetables— Turnips, »1.T5 per sack; between here and Ogden that has Georg* Episcopal Church at Hemp­ hotels lias been exonerated on the for Haywood .Pettibone and Moyer subsided 20 feet and a large number stead Miss Whaley tt Is reported. brought such good results that the carrots, »2 per sack beets, »2 per and hooted nnd hissed the names of | were killed and Injured. ground of insanity. The J*F" has been deserted by the unfrocked Renerai manager has decided that the rack; aapaiagtts, 10c per pound: beans, Roosevelt. Governor Henry A .Buch­ nneso government sent reliefs sup* Five hundred brakemen and a num­ minister and u reported to be In a service be extended. It is expected the 3®5c per ponod; cabbage, 2»*e per tel and the Colorado state offlctaU plte*. ber of conductors on the Colorado sanitarium Iu Canada, a nervous ►'■'In will carry only express and pound; celery. »1.26 per dosen; com, and mlneowners. gout hern railroad have struck for an wreck ________ I mail, but may take some baggag* 25®36c pet dozen; cncnmbers. 50e®»l increase of 2 cents an hour. Bonds Go Begging. per box; lettuce, bead, 26c per dosen; Walla o f Jsricho Are Found New York. Aug. 13 For the sec; Qompsrs Will Take a Hand. Three-fifths of the output of the gtiMit Hops Bring Good Price onions, 15®20c per dosen; peas. 4®Sc Berlin, Aug. 12.— The walls of ond time within six weeks the City ef He Beers diamond mines in South Af­ Detroit. Aug 1* — Presidenti Oregon City- Fifteen cents Is the per pound; radishes, 20c per dosen; Jericho, famous In the Old Testa- 1 York failed today to obtain bids rica is taken by American dealers and Samuel, Gompera spoke at the Kr ruling contract price for hops and tomatoes, »1 ® 1 .25 per crate. ment. hare been discovered bv P ro -| i°r anf ‘»M M o ra b lo amount o f th# prices are steadily rising. tVoP*.n'TT.rn* Ch*5t\, , *a ** Colfax three contracts have been filed In Potatoes— New, 1 '*® 2 c per pound. f-«™ - — « . large issues o f 50-year. 4 per ceni ' eal— Pressed, 5v*®8t^p par pound. fessor Sellln. who has been excavat- gold bonds offered at public bidding. . th* ° fflf* of County Recorder C. E Rota, the fighting leader cf the Pnla- i l r t n « ¡n d t V “ ,t.-h?rr!Bd. ,° , i f for Chi- Ram,by The contractor Is Ed. C. Beef— Dressed bulls, 3>*34c per ing on the site o f the ancient Canaa- Issues amounting to » 15.000.90S jancs in the Island of leyte, has been ,“ aào d e c lin i to dlftfDM th*|l - ■'•■ H A and ____ _______ pound; cows, 6 ® fi'*c ; country steers. nite city with more than a hundred were offered today, and the total sentenced to death. One companion 40 rtC' ' pt ,h ,t s»n w W elter, of Needy, laborers The professor reports t o 1 amount o f the bids was less than ‘ bales * " '« ‘l was sentsneed to imprisonment for life would bo in ib le a {co »overa! days. from a 10-acre tract; B Merr. Mutton— Pressed, fancy, »® 9c per the Vienna Academy o f Science on *3.000,000. No premium was offered and four othera were given 36 years. ' * f Macksburg. m a t n r u u ifi, «I 6,000 pounds from a 1 •even-acre tract pound; ordinary, *® 7e; spring iambs. his interesting finds. The city wall, he except on four or five bids fo r Tor* The trial of Faustino Ablen, the chief write«, is built of burnt lime bricks, small amounts. Further efforts will * ® * V per peund. of the Pula janes, w ill Uke place this K1 Reno. T e x , Aug 13.— The It rises from a stone foundation, and be made to dispose o f the bonds. Potk— Dressed. fi®> V per pound. wsek. McArthur 1» Reappointed. Southern Pacific has delivered an ■ is for the most part ten feet thick. ------------------------ Ucys— 6071*6 per peund, according ultimatum to the rhelps-Dodge In­ Olympia— Announcement ts made NatloralisU have a safe majoritv in terests that If Its proposition to buy at the executive office of the reap­ to quality. American Boat Win a. Bathing Season in New York. Rochester. N. Y .. Aug. 13-— Tha jk«, new1 y elected Phtliplne assembly. 1 the Nao,.-art road from Naco za rl to pointment of J W McArthur, o f Wool— Kaeterc Oregon, average brat New York. Aug. 12.— Eleven American defender o f the Canadian _# I Douglas. Arts.. Is not accepted by i Spokane. as s meraber e f the átate 16®23c par pound a,-iv\sdir,« Haywood «u s given a great reception s -r t the s - a Pacific ' Board « « s ' f o w " - - - cy. " ... drowning» were were reported reported m In the the tm- tm- cup cup Seneca Seneca dereated defeated tne the Canadist i . „ n* f t o _ » i' rlck- . — uiu-uiugs Fharn to * 1 U .1 k * . effect see *allev P f ^ o l r * cot'rvi U Bait Lake. I will construct a parallel line. nera mniw’ir , l ra*diate vicinity of Nsw York yeeter- challenger Adele today in the second I November X. ness monair ettok», 29®30c a pound day. 0f the races Washington County News OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Telegraph Systems o( Country Almost Paralyzed. JEWS OF J E WEEK HAS BEEN NO GENERAL ORDER o a Condensed form lor Our Busy Readers. J T là