V W ashington VOL. V ONT county news FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY. AUGUST IS. 1907. RTISE «Ol H .6 *esA" VERT Narrow Escape the town papers stating that the meet­ J. J. Marshall, who lives north of ings were the most successful ever held town on the Thatcher road, was badly in Forest Grove, the incident* as al­ Ionian )n bruised up and came near losing his ready related in the Guard were very edition in life last Friday by being thrown head­ annoying to say the least. long from a load of wood beneath the However, such an attack reminds i tat ion horses feet with the wood coming down many of the minister’s admirers of the tained on top of him and the back wheel of prosecutions of the first preachers and infor- County Court Made City Pruposltiun Ball Here Last Sunday the wagon crossing his leg. He was One M r « l and Six Additions to apostles, and they are congratulating Portland Market Stronger Than Ever Good Game - one e, hauling wood from what is known as the preacher upon his work in Forest Tuesday Afternoon Before the Church sued. e the Charlie Anderson place and had Grove.— Eugene Guard. put on a good load and started down tome- Q] Liviug Together Again. hill when the wood slipped with him. and n! He threw out his foot to catch himself All’s well that ends well. The re­ many and was hurled under the falling wood. cent notoriety given this city by the eeker ,y He held onto the lines until they broke restaurant keepers is fast wanning. All every ¡, and the hind wheel of the wagon which hearts that were pricked are healed— was locked with a chain passed over except one perhaps. W. T. Ander lized, h Brother Kellums Did Wonderful Work son, “ the man in the case,” is spend­ More Cows Needed in Oregon to Sup­ Both Sides Play Good Ball Before his left leg badly mashing his ankle Work on Permanent Road Will Begin d in- « Good Sized Crowd— Score at Once— City Council to Give ing a few months with the state and bruising the member from the ply Demand— State Law Protects in Religious Circles Here Dur­ larac- , authorities at Salem, while his consort knee down. The horses had not gone Aid. 10 - 9 . Oregon Butter. inter- .. ing His Stay. far when they fell in a heap by the was let out on bail. But all the past is pushed aside and the real husband roadside and Mr. Marshall had a hard time in getting them loosened. Dr. of Mrs. Kate Bradley, “ the woman in w With the sermon Sunday evening the case” has won back the heart he In a ten inning game of baseball in­ Via attenbed him and he is getting Parties who have been watching and Dairy products are advancing rapidly upon 'T h e Unpardonable Sin” Rev. yearned for so long and now has a quit in this state and there seems to be no terspersed with sky rockets, pin wheels, along nicely and thanking his stars that waiting and praying for good roads in Kcllemi assisted by Prof. Davis, vocal­ claim deed to the organ that caused so immediate indication that prices will red and blue flames, the Greenville nothing more serious than a badly in­ this city may well rejoice and be gl?d ist ended one of the most successful much trouble. bunch of Spaulding followers walloped jured leg and a few sore ribs resulted over the proposition which was mae’e fall. revival meetings that has ever been by the County Court and accepted by A letter from George Bradley, “ the The Pacific Coast Condenser will the Cornelius aggregation by the score from the narrow escane from death. held in this city. Under their work other man in the case,” or rather from announce a big increase in price to-1 of 10 to 9 on the local grounds last the Council at its regular session Tues­ Mrs. Taylor arrived from Nebraska day. 106 people were united to the church his attorney, at Portland, to Sheriff morrow, probably a ten per cent raise, | Sunday, The County, represented by and a general enthusiam for religious Connell, explains all, and states that making the price per hundred pounds When Cornelius was clouting the last week and the Professor is expected Judge Goodin and Commissioner Bu­ work was stimulated over the county, i Bradlev was laboring under a “ misap- $1.45. ball to beat the band in the last of the any day this week with the car of goods chanan of Cornelius, proposed to the There was not an evening when Mr. prehension” and vas harsh in accusing ninth and sending many men around and stock. They have two girls who city fathers that the county would rock The Oregonian of Monday in speak­ Kellems did not have overflowing aud- his better half of anything wrong. They ing of the butter market announced tthe paths, Shoals, their captain, was will enter the academy. Prof. Taylor Pacific Avenue and Fifth Street to the iences notwithstanding the fact that are living happily together again, and butter ____ ______ _________ Monday w _________ at 80 cents , per roll and struck in the temple with a hot foul takes Prof. Marsh’s place as ancient Depot provided this city would furnifh |hey were held for six weeks begining the divorce court is thus robbed of an- the indications were favorable to an in- which knocked him unconscious for language instructor. the power to prepare the road for the the first of July, and many people were other case, rock and the Council accepted the crease before long to $1.00. several minutes. It took much fanning very «nx.ous for them to remain longer Speaking further on the subject that to revive the lad and had the ball not scheme. Theii| work in the Eugene Divinity paper said: “ Two weeks ago the Port­ hit the ground first it might have re­ Judge Goodin stated that it would Coltoge compelled them to leave this be necessary to put the road in good land market was raised 2£ cents to 3 2 i sulted seriously. week. cents a pound at wholesale. The offi­ condition for a solid rock bed and the Dooley scored for Greenville in the The evangelist was not born with a cials of the Hazelwood Cream Com first canto and from then on till the Council joined in an extended discus­ Bible in his hands but he grew up with pany, at a meeting yesterday, decided sixth the Cornelius bunch sent them to sion as to plans and methods of joint theEjbook and is an excellent scholar in work. A trench will be dug six inches on another 2$-cent advance to take ! the bench in one, two, three orde al- theBinterpretation of the scriptures. below the electric line road, twelve effect this morning, (Monday.) As all most, Unlike the most evangelists he used the city creamery companies are run-1 In the second Bernard and Cook feet wide and on the west side of Fifth fewt illustrations but solid argument ning shorter than last month, the new rapped out singles and came home on Street and the north side of Pacific- which s in keeping with the age of Avenue. Three layers of rock will be p.ice will probably be general today. | a nice long hit by Freeman H inder- hard facts. His discourses were elec­ Last year at this time the highest whole-j son brought the grandstand to its usep, that for the bed, coarse and the trified with keen humor which added sale price of butter in Portland was 24 feet in the third when he leaned onto the other two layers a finer grade of rock. much to the crowd drawing feature. It will be rolled with a seven ton roller. cm g cents and the 35 cent mark was not leather and sent it sailing over the It can not be said that an evangelist reached until December 6. Two years right fielder’s head for a home run. The County will begin work at the y for has ever made more friends in this city ago at this time butter was worth 30 Then Cornelius was on the cattle train quarry immediately crushing the rock : at than Rev. Kellems despite the fact cents and the highest price in that year as to runs until the awful carnage of »nd work will soon begin preparing the the that he received a couple of commun­ the ninth when Davis was almost was 32£ cents wholesale. roads. the ications to leave town or he might be “ The Portland market is going up knocked off the mountain and when all The county is to furnish the plow be aided out in a dead conveyance. of the Greenville outfit but Ireland and faster than the Eastern market, and which will probably be pulled by an w T h e Christian Church was filled to es.” some people may fear that the result Bullock went up into the aerial regions engine. Last winter Pacific Avenve the doors Monday evening, the occa- will be an influx of Eastern butter that and permitted Cornelius to score six was a disgrace to the community and retai »on being the recital of Rev. Kellems will hurt producers in this section runs while they were on their flight. macadamized road will be received bed, (M at by c o u rte sy o the P o rtlan d J o u rn a l.) and as a result $56.25 or one half of In fact both teams had wings and Some outside butter will be necessary with applause. (M a t by c o u rte s y o f P or la n d J o u r n a l .) rom Emerson Baker. the proceeds have gone into the treas­ were prone to try them. In the sixth to make up the deficiency in Portland’s Richard Crouse is a made in Oregon it a ury of the church to defray general ex­ needs, but there is a local prejudice Cornelius honked and put out for the The popular College student who Big Dance at C reenville. penses. H e recited comic and dra- boy and was born at Cornelius where he against the Eastern product that will land of the clouds. Bullock and Willie died in Honolulu, July 25, of typhoid 'hey The Maccabee Harvest Moon dance natic selections for an hour and a half attended school. H e graduated from prevent it from crowding out the home Schultz laid down single bingles and j fever and whose parents reside at Hill- liza- will be given Saturday evening, Aug. and elicited much applause and laugh Concordia College, Milwaukee, this article or inte.fering with Portland- Babe Britton slugged a torrid one to ! side. ; of 17 in the Maccabee hall at that place. ter over the rendition of the different I year and was Captain of the Champion made prices. The Hazelwood com­ center veldt. The Dutch thought it ess, work at i Basket Ball Team of that institution pany in one of its latest circulars says was too much for one man to handle so Bob Wethered of Hillsboro, attend­ Good music and good order. All wel­ pieces. H e also did some which won 15 straight games. Mr. on this subject: *de come. impersonation. a couple went after it and collided with ed the baseball game here Sunday. Crouse will attend Theological school “ Oregon and Washington butter now full speed on. Bullock and Schultz ' he “ Two Rivals,” is a laugh getter. in St. Louis. commands a premium on the markets came home and Babe trotted around the It is a comic reading of a couple of fel­ red, west of the Cascade mountains because paths to the third cushion. In the lows who got smitten on the same girl. Dr. Via’s Bill is Allowed. ; to the consumer has at last learned to ap­ seventh Dooley scored and in the One of the fellows wins out on a cer­ The balance of Dr. Via’s original preciate the home article as one of de­ eighth Ireland, Dooley, Kopple and tain evening and takes the maid to gos- church only to be bounced after the : bill of $60.00 rendered in the case of pendable merit—this knowledge has Davis added a bunch to the score sheet. meeting by his rival. A scrap ensues ■ diphtheria at the brick yard, was al- only come to him since it became un­ In the ninth Cornelius tied and the eard L 1 Corl, sal. and co m .. .. 27.46 The city council met in regular and in the meanwhile a black horse 1 lowed by the county commissioners lawful to use Oregon labels as a mask score was 9 to 9. But in the tenth monthly session Tuesday evening with Wash Co Pub Co, printing Ko 4.65 appears and takes the girl home. \ last week. The court cut the Dr’s for Eastern butter. This law acts as a the affair was settled by Greenville all members present but Councilman F G Times, “ 3.85 wo, bill in two in the middle when it was ‘double-header,’ first in preventing a ringing the bell for one. This and “ Three Preachers,” Three Harris. The minutes of the meetings E W Haines, water and lights K a Lovers,” “ The Spelling Bee,” and first presented for which action the deception to the consumers, and sec­ LINE UP. of July 9, 12 and 22 were read and for June and July............... 511.00 doctor went “ straight up.” He came ling ond in insuring to the farmer an honest “ His Best Girl,” were the strongest Greenville. Cornelius 598.64 approved with slight corrections. Nat Wood Pipe Co, less d is.. numbers on the program and called down in time, however, to appear be­ return for his product by putting out of Ireland ear- If Cook The special committee to whom A G Moore, labor.................... .50 fore that body with a bill for “ balance commission unfair competition. Up forth round after round of laughter. Dooley cf Bernard was referred the trust deed by Mrs. 0 P Eldredge, labor on s ts. . 7m. 27.12 to the passage of this necessary law Kopple His wife is an elocutionist and Rev. of account,” which was allowed. ss Shoals Adeline F. Rogers conveying block of W R Tucker, 6.25 ent, Oregon butter was looked on with sus­ Barrett Kellems promised the audience that lb Henderson ground to city for library and park pur­ 1 F McGill, blacksmithing.. . 16.00 A Successful Sale picion because of its uneven quality, Bullock they would both give a recital here 3b Vanblaricombe poses reported that they believed that j Ciatie & Co, pipe fittings.. . . 22.23 Web Hughes, the popular auctioneer, due to the consumer being supplied Moore next winter. His many friends are rf Jasper the deed protected the rights of all S E Todd, W and L Com. . . 35.15 with Eastern stock shipped a thousand conducted a big successful auction glad that he intends to visit Forest Schultz 3b T Jasper parties and that it should be accepted J E Showers, labor.................. 1.00 Grove occasionally this winter when sale on the premises of Hugh Brannen miles when he thought he was buying Britton c Bernard as given. Deed was recorded on page | J N Boldrick, labor on p 1.. . 16.50 he makes his trips to Vancouver where west of Dilley, last Saturday. The home churned, the label being his Davis p Freeman 197 of the Book of Ordinances. C Van Doran “ 6.25 he will preach this year besides his crowd was large and ah articles went guide. Umpire, Roy Cook. Treasurer Corl’s report covering the Ed R Wirtz, “ “ 28 90 for good figures. A lunch was served Oregon and Washington farmers,| duties at the achool. month of July was reported correct by | Weitzel Bros, labor and mat. 6 10 The sermon Saturday night or more at noon to everybody. The ability of now that you can depend upon a square Public Library Rules. the Finance committee. It showed: 1.50 Otto Wilson, witness fees. . . proper the address on “ The Seven De­ Mr. Hughes as a public salesman is deal in that your product will bring its Despite the warm weather and the I L L Hollinger, “ "... 1.50 GENERAL FUND well established in this county. ‘merit worth’ to you, do you not think | drain upon the town by people going vils of Forest Grove” called forth a 3.00 A L Dilley “ " . . . $138.24 a few more cows added to your herds to the mountains and seashore, the On hand July 1 ...................... large crowd and while he did not point 25.00 Will Leave Doors Open. Receipts, W ater.................. . 316.20 Pub Library rent, Lib fund. . will be a good investment?” out the seven devils individually as Public Library had a larger patronage 245.03 L ig h ts.................. many expected, he described vividly The outer doors of the post office for July than June. 249-198 was the 3.85 Total........................................ $1425.52 Sales etc............... Births and Deaths. the classes to which they belong and will be left open all day on Sundays circulation for the two months. Peo­ The Street Committee reports the 25.00 Fines...................... as he said they could be easily ascer­ and holidays. In the absence of a Twenty-three births, 15 boys and 8 ple are taking more interest in the in­ following amounts as due for special tained. He passed up the little devils night watchman, permission of the girls, were reported to county physi­ stitution and the Rest Room is gaining with but few words but the big devils department must be secured to keep cian during July and also seven deaths. much favorabie comment. The new T otal....................................... . 1928.32 street work and warants were ordered irawn on street fund: he hit right from the shoulder. And the open all night; such permission not This does not mean that all these births lot of books will be received from the . 171.67 0 P Eldridge,........................ 17.90 Paid warrants........................ liquor devil received a hard blow. received. ] and deaths occurred during July, for traveling library this week a list of 42.07 1 H Streams, hauling gravel.. His sermon Sunday night upon the Patrons are requested to keep their some of them occurred as far back as which will be later published. People 4.95 B alance................................. .81756.65 Wm Van Low, “ unpardonable sin explained this offence boxes locked. H. C. Atwell, P. M. February, and for that reason Dr. Wood interested in solid reading may find 3 1 .8 0 A L Sexton, st work and grav against the Diety as a resistance against wishes us to state that the laws govern­ some excellent works. 19 90 SPECIAL F U N D Eld Thomas, he striving of the Holv Spirit. Many The Squiie and Harve strolled into Following are the rules of the library: fjn hand July 1 .................... ing the reporting of births and deaths 23.62 hauling gravel, F Saunders, $ 80.05 leople he said feel that they should be the spacious grounds of the asylum lor Books may be drawn any day except Collections............................. . . 709.09 j \ A Gardner, 46.28 Christians and are not only by resistance. the "automobile craze.” It was pur­ will be rigidly enforced. He says 42.00 Sunday between the hours of 9 a. m. there are some physicians in the coun- F Ramsey, This he called the unpardonable sin. ported that this institution contained and 6 p. m. 35.05 T otal....................................... . 789.14 P Jasper, Seventeen people were received into hundreds of patients but they seemed * ty who never report a birth thus ren­ 37.62 Any responsible citizen is entitled to dering the records incomplete. f F Haynie Paid warrants........................ 5.96 the church on this occasion. to doubt the assertion for they only 49.00 draw books by signing the application ! Fred Milne, saw one inmate strolling through the 40.50 provided by the librarian. Children Balance................................... . . 783.18 0 A Ahstiom, All-Day Picnic. grounds. Coming up to the guard Arrives Home. 20.53 must obtain signiture of parent or 1 E Loomis, A rip roaring big time »rill occur Harve ventured the question: " I 25.66 ) Rev. D. C. Kellems, who has been thought this institution contained hun­ Saturday August 24 at Watts Grove on guardian. I Smith, LIBRARY FUND 34 87 * Any non-res'det may draw books by holding revival meetings at Forest dreds of patients, but I only see one; the Gales Creek road when the Grange I -I D Ott. $228.03 K. 52.50 Grove, where threats were made against where are all the rest?” "O h,” said will give an all-day picnic and dinner. the payment of $1 00 a year, or a de­ On hand July 1 .................... . 52.50 F Parr, Paid warrant.......................... 47.03 posit of 5c. for each book drawn. his life, has returned home sound of the guard, “ they are all up under their ieo McKibbin, “ 7t Conveyances will be at the Grange 17.50 in limb without any of his bones being cots hammering the springs with mon­ One or more books at a time may be H Haynie, Hall and «rill take parties who have no B alance......................................$175.53 18.56 fr- E Baldwin, broken or any real attempt being made key wrenches.” “ Let’s go,” said the c- way to go out. The festival will last drawn at tne discretion of the librarian Total on hand August 1 . . . . $2715.36 5.5 6 Frank Bernard, upon his life. Squire. 28.17 Report was accepted and placed on all day and a big dinner will be served and kept two weeks. Books can be E I) Bogan. “ Mr. Kellems believes he knows 2 1 .CO at noon. All grangers and people in­ drawn but once a day on the same file. ________ D B Adams, something of the person who wrote the Sam Lawrence who has been work­ terested are invited to attend. Austin card. 2.CO The Finance Committee reported Hall, 20 yds gravel. letters, and thinks that it was someone ing at the Gearhart Hotel at Seaside, A fine of or,e cent a day shall be Buxton, L. J. Corl and Dr. Bishop are st com, 40.40 L L Hollinger. acting favorable on the follawing bills: who was affected by his sermons, either this summer was compelled to go home paid for each book kept over time on the committee for arrangements. 3.80 ' without renewal. Books lost or dam- M C Purdin, labor and sup. $ directly or indirectly. the first of the week from a threatened W H Lyda, lum ber............... 69.12 Total....................................... * 704-26 While he had tb« greatest of success, attack of the pneumonia. 1 aged atust be paid for or replaced. Subscribe for The News now. SUCCESSFUL MEETINGS CLOSED SUNDAY GREENVILLE WINS DAIRY PRODUCTS FROM CORNELIUS ARE SOARING WILL BUILD A MACADAMIZED ROAD LASTED SIX SOLID WEEKS CONDENSER WILL ROSE PRICE TEN INNINGS TO TELL TALE PACIFIC AVE. ANO 5TH ST. R EG U LA R M E E TIN G O F T H E C IT Y C O U N C ILM EN • U ff « / I