had stood boldly confronting him unto tbs A N O T H E R N E W Y O R K C R IM E , last, sank into a chair, utterly overcome by hie emotions. Brutal M urder o f W om en and Girls Sir Launce had gone back to his »eat. __________ I in M etro p olis Continues. Suddenly he gave a sharp cry, sprang up N ew Y o rk , A u g. 2.— “ T h e grave- from his chair, pressed bis band upon his heart, staggered for an instant, and then y a rd ,” us the fo r e ig n populated fell forward across the table. Arthur neigh b orh ood on F irs t avenue, be- heard the cry, looked up, and perceiving tw een T h irte e n th and F ou rteen th bis father’s condition, ran to him and streets Is known loca lly , g a v e up to ­ raised him in his arms. A glance at the day a fresh crim e, r iv a lin g In a tro c ­ face made him frantically pull the bell and shout for help. One of the waiters ity the m ysterious butcheries o f lust ran for a doctor. When the doctor ar­ w eek. T h e latest d iscovered victim rived the countenance was of au ashen was an 8-year-old g irl, and, lik e the gray hue, the jaw had dropped, and the C H A P T E R X X V .— (Continued.) But she Is too much absorbed In her tw o youn g wom en m u rd ered , she had The whole of that day she passed in a own thoughts to heed or even hear his eyes were glazed. He raised the nerveless been sh ock in gly m istreated b e fo re hand and felt for the pulse— there was With Battleships in P acific Th ey Will •tate of great anxiety and suspense. Not words. death and the body m u tilated when Man W h o Fled B etors L osdad R e­ none; he shook his head, and let it fall until past nine that uight did Arthur re­ life was extinct. “ I f people cuts up rough, and gives B ecom e Bold and Japan Will v o lver Punished and M ads T e x t turn. The moment she saw his face she their selves such airs, let ’em take the again. Th e th ree m urders w ere s trik in g ly o f S p eech by C h ie f, Surely Retaliate. knew that the hope had failed. The ques­ consekevenees,” mutters the driver, as Sir Launce Penrhyddyn was dead. sim ilar. L ast T h u rsd ay n igh t a tion died upon her lips. He walked si­ he remounts the box. “ A fter all, why wom an was stran gled in a T w e n ty - lently into their sitting room ; she helped should I care? When I puts her down At the sound of Arthur's knock Eleo­ second street b oard in gh ou se; the him off with his overcoat. nore sprang up from the couch upon she’ll never set eyes on me again.” N ew Y o rk , Aug. 1.— A rem arkable W ashington, Aug. 3.— There was next m orning the body o f a s till un­ “ It was as I suspected,” he said at He puts her down at the corner of the which she had been lying, and ran to the much jubilation on the part o f naval id e n tifie d woman, who had been choked to death, was found la an ora b le one in P a ris length. “ My father called upon the law­ street in which Mr. W ylie’s office stands. door. It was a bitter night without: the when Cap­ yer*, and their answer was that they She pays the fare, then walks the rest whole air was filled with the falling officers toduy over the specific and un­ areaw ay in East N in eteen th street. tain A lfr e d D reyfu s was p u b licly dis- K a tie P rltsch ler, dau ghter o f a res­ had laccived instructions to take no fur­ of the way, goes up the stairs, and into snow, which lay like a white pall over the qualified announcement a t Oyster Bay ther steps in the business. They could the outer office. Mr. Fig and the junior earth. She would have thrown her arms that the battleships of the A tlan tic fieet taurant w aiter, disappeared a week ago ted a y and was k ille d th at night. heudquarters. gir* Do explanations whatever, as they clerk are there. Mr. W ylie is not in, round his neck : but be srirank from her, F o r th e firs t tim e In w ill be sent to the Pacific. U n til this A ribbon placed about the th ro at and m ore than 30 years a p atrolm an had wer* bound over to strict secrecy.” Mr. Fig inform, her— will not be there and by the light of the lamp that hung draw n so tig h tly th at it cut the in the passage, she saw that in his face statem ent was made by authority of Oboia >re sank almost fainting into a again this week. been adju d ged g u ilty o f cow ardice. H e r H e Is Stephen S. W alsh , who, accord­ chair. Arthur also seemed to he com­ She takes another cab, and ia driven which made her draw back and let him President R ocsevelt there was a g row ­ flesh, showed how she died. body was found today. ing to the ch arge m ade again st him pletely prostrated by the destruction of home. When she arrives there she has pass. He went into tbe parlor and she in g feelin g on the part of naval officers I f the b ru ta lity o f the m urders last w eek, fled from an arm ed man thin hast rope. Unknowingly to himself, scarcely sufficient strength to walk up followed him. that these vessels would not be sent can be q u a lified , t h a t ^ f the P rltsch - who had shot and k illed a woman. he had clung to It as a last resource; the steps. She lies down upon the conch, “ For heaven's sake, tell me what is the around-Cape H orn. ler g irl ranks first ^ S h e was as­ T h e keen Interest w ith which th * until this bad failed, he had not realized dressed as she is. and falls into a state matter?” she cried, timidly approaching One of the m ost substantial officers saulted, m urdered id then h er lif e ­ unusual case was fo llo w e d rose to a despair. of semi-consciousness, until she is aroused him. “ You have seen Stafford” — her sus­ of the navy believes that the sending of less form was.-"' ,bly m utilated. point o f dram atic Intensity when P o­ “ Then all hope of saving Penrhyddyn by a knock at the door. picions immediately taking that direc­ these battleship^ to the C aliforn ia coast lice C om m issioner B ingham , who hud Is gone?” she said at last, in a hollow “ It is Arthur !” she cries, starting up. tion. w ill cause so much irritation that war presided p erson ally at the tria l, an­ voice. " I have seen no Stafford!” he answer­ between the U n ited States and Japan Ni N CHOSEN. nounced that the ch arge against the “ A l l !” he answered. “ It will be my ed, sternly. “ I have seen a man who— C H A P T E R X X V I. w ill be the result. T h ey are already un fortu n ate man had been proved. father's death blow !” When Arthur arrived at the hotel at do you know a wretch called W ylie?” figuring on promotions, as history has Goor* --'t M ade in S electing Then the Com m issioner turned to In ­ W ylie, then, had deceived her. Oh, which Sir Launce was staying, a waiter A t that name, a cry broke from her spector R ich ard W alsh , in whose dis­ A to T ry Halsey. what a torrent of evil rushed through her informed him that a gentleman of the lips, and she fell cowering into a chair. shown that advancement in the naval tric t Stephen W a lsh whs a p atrol­ heart at that thought! But revenge name of Mr. W ylie had just been shown She knew now that she was lost— that service is much more rapid during war San F r a f f s c o . Aug. 2.— C om para­ man, but who Is no re la tiv e o f the than in peace. could 1 wuit. Could she conceive any up to his father’s room. This news set all was over between them. tiv e ly rap id progress was m ade yes­ dismissed man, nnd directed the In­ A ll naval officers are forbidden to means to obtain delay? “ I need not ask for an answer In his heart beating as he hastened up the terd a y in the tria l o f T h e o d o re V. spector to strip W a lsh o f his shield “ W b " .re the mortgagee*?’ she asked. stairs. words, Eleonore; your face has told me discuss international questions fer pub­ and u n iform buttons so th at he Suddenly struck by the thought that she “ I am delighted that your son has ar- all,” he said, mournfully; “ but I would lication, but privately they do not hesi­ H alsey fo r the a lle g ed b rib ery o f m ight not even leave the tr ia l room Lon ergan . H alsey, as herself would go to them and implore tate to declare that they believe that as S u pervisor w ith the em blem s o f his fo rm e r posi­ fo rm e r a gen t o f th e P a c ific States delay. Her powers of fascination had soon as the A lla n tic fleet starts on its Ji-V.kftíW tion as a policem an in good stand­ never fnih.nl y e t; they could not, should long voyage to the Pacific the Japanese T elep h on e & T e leg ra p h Com pany, Is ing on his person. T h e arow d looked not, now. in this the most momentous governm ent w ill send one of its fleets the second o f the public u tilities cor on in w onder and excitem en t as the poratlon men to be b rou gh t to the crisis of tier life. The thought filled her to the coast of C aliforn ia or to the A t­ bar by the b rib ery g r a ft prosecution inspector advanced to p erform his with hope. She rose from her chair with unpleasant work. lantic coast. * and the in d ictm en t on which he went Bushed cheeks nnd sparkling eyes. T h e dism issed man stood still and They declare that the presence of the to tr ia l is the firs t o f 13 sim ila r ones “ Infreality, it is Miss Grierson who liattleehips of A d m iral Evans on the that have been retu rn ed against him. offered no resistance as the shield holds the mortgage; but the affair is, of Pacific w ill cause the people in that F o rty -e ig h t ven irem en w pre ex was unpinned from his breast, but course, in the hands of the trustees— her part o f the country to become more am lned d u rin g th e day, and o f these when the Inspector started to detach uncle and Mr. Wylie.” the buttons o f the un iform Stephen bold in th eir attacks on the Japanese. nine w ith stood th e q u a lific a tio n tests "W hat— who?” shrieked Eleonore. W a lsh stepped back and appealed to This, they say, w ill cause irritation , and w ere accepted, su b ject to per­ his attorn ey against any fu rth er hu­ “ Her uncle and M*. W y lie ! Great w hich they fear w ill lead to serious em p tory ch allen ge by e ith e r side, ten m iliation b ein g put upon him In th * heavens! what Is the matter?” p erem ptories restin g w ith the de­ consequences. A J ^ a - ly look—a cry— and she drops fense and fiv e w ith the prosecution. presence o f his fo rm e r com rade*. npon the ground. In a fit. Arthur calls C om m ission er B ingham , w h o was D istrict A ttorn e y L an gd on con ­ loudly) for help. ‘Mrs. Freeman and the la b o rin g under g re a t excitem en t, A D D N E W T R A IN . ducted the exam ination s fo r the p ros­ servant rush in. Then a fearful scene ecution. H e is supported by Special then Interposed and d irected th e In­ ensues. This revelation coming upon the Counsel H ira m Johnson and Assist­ spector to conduct his fo rm e r sub­ Southern Pacific Will Inaugurate N ew mental agonies of the last few days is too ant D istrict A tto rn e y W illia m HufT ord in a te to th e steps o f th e pollca E xp ress S e rv ice . Stephen much ’.f°r the overwrought brain. She Cook. B ert Sch lessinger exam ined bu ild in g and e je c t him . sobs, ahricks, tears and beats herself. W ith him at the W alsh offered no resistance nnd went Portland, Aug. 3.— H arrim an offi­ fo r the defense. w ith the Inspector to the ou ter d oo r­ Wild, pncitierent self-accusations burst cials, both in Portland and San Fran­ counsel ta b le in H a ls e y ’ s b eh alf are way, w h ere he was fo rm a lly d irected from her lips. One moment she calls upon cisco, are seriously considering placing D elphin M. D elm as and H en ry H. to leave the building. T h rou gh o u t her husband in terms of passionate en­ A B T H C B C H A S T IS E S I1B. W Y L IE . M cPik e. I f Judge L a w lo r overru les a special m ail and express train on the unusual p ro ceed in g Stephen dearment ; the next, shrieks forth the the ob je c tio n o f the d efen se to the the Portland-San Francisco tun. I t ie e x ­ most awful threats of vengeance against rived,” said Mr. Wylie, with a malicious not condemn you unheard, and in being com m encem ent o f L ou is G lass’ new W alsh m aintained his com posure. pected that a decision w ill be reached Wylie. grin, as the young man entered the room ; here now, I am neglecting the most sacred tria l next M onday and req u ires It to Through :t the night she recovers from “ as I have certain things to say which and solemn duties. Oh, woman, woman !” in a few days. Railroad officials are go on at th at tim e, M r. D elm as w ill M AY FACE M URDER CHARGE. •ne fit only to fall into another. Towards concern him. So. Sir Launce, you have he burst out, in a sterner voice! “ For inclined to think the additional service p robably w ith d raw te m p o ra rily from morning the paroxysms gradually decline, no hope of having the mortgage money by your sake, I forgot father, everything! is assured, althoughjthe train w ill have the H alsey case in o rd e r to tak e part S o ld ier Is A rrested fo r C om plicity in and at last she sinks into a deep and the thirtieth?” I knew nothing of you ; I trusted you im­ to lie officially ordered by General M an­ in the d efen se o f Glass. N orthern P acific R ob b ery. motionles- slumber. “ None whatever, sir,” answered Sir plicitly, and I married you, and this is ager C alvin fio m the San Francisco A storia, Ore., Aug. 1.— A n enlisted Mrs. F reeman and Arthur sat by the Launce coldly ; “ but I think common de my return!” office. T o r e a d o D estroys T ow n . man, g iv in g his nam e ns H en ry J. bedside, and after a rime he said, in a cency might have delayed your visit un “ I loved you so passionately,” she said, The proposed new train w ill Ire re­ V ic to ria , K an., Aug. 2— A ll efforts G ruber is under arrest at F o r t Ste­ whisper, “ What connection Is there be­ til that day. Besides, my lawyers are the “ that I could not lose you. You know served exclusively for handling m ail to reach M arqu ette, rep o rted to have vens on a ch arge o f b ein g im plicated tween Eleonore and this W ylie?” proper persons "for you to treat with. that I fled once. Intending never to look and express, and is being considered as been destroyed by a torn ad o Inst “ Ton must not ask me any questions, " I always like to take time by the fore­ upon your face again; but a strange fate an expedient for te lie v in g existing con night, h ave failed . T h e M issouri P a ­ In the rob b ery o f a N orth ern P a c ific Mr. Penrhyddyn,” she answered, quickly lock, and deal with principals. Sir brought us together once more. Do not gested conditions, which, it is said, are c ific R a ilw a y telegrap h o p erator at train In M ontana Inst M ay in which E ngineer C low was k illed . G ruber “ It Is not my place to tell your wife’s Launce,” sneered W y lie ; “ and, after all, believe that I yielded passively to my responsible largely for the unsatisfac M arqu ette was n o tify in g the agent at is lint 2 0 years o f nge and cam e to forty-eight hours do not make much dif­ selfish love. I struggled with it many a •ecrets.” G eneseo, west o f th ere, that the de­ tory passenger service on this branch Fort Stevens on July 2 2, fro m B utte, weary hour, but it was too strong for my Town; 11 o’clock Eleonore awoke ference.” of the Southern P acific. This special pot was alm ost destroyed by wind, Mont., w h ere he had en listed a fe w “ I f I were to ask you for forty-eight weak will to conquer.” but in such a feeble, exhausted condition and th at th ree Inches o f w ater stood days b efore. "Y ou are now my wife, and as such, w ill carry no passengers. J that she could scarcely move. At the hours’ grace, you would think they made In the depot, when the w ire failed . T h at G ru b er is th e m an's correct The express business on this line has t w ill be possible to operate its passen­ “ I cannot,” he answered, sternly. “ 1 i ' In * low, faint voice, “ Stoop down, dear­ C hicago, Aug. 2 — R edu ction s In until an officer a rriv e s fo r him . G ru­ Wylie, turning upon him with a hideous have done my duty to the living; I must ger trains on schedule tim e, since it is est, and let me look at you.” She took the discharging ar.d receiving o f e x ­ in terstate fares from a ll the p ro m i­ ber Is kept in the gu ardh ou se heav­ grin. now perform what I owe to the dead. The his f^ce between her weak, trembling nent places In th e East to the p rin ­ ily Ironed. Arthur staggered back as though he had discovery has cost my dear father his press that in variab ly delays trains. hands and looked into his eyes until the cipal points west o f C hicago and St. been shot, and Sir Launce looked up life.” tears pour, i down her cheeks like rain ; W ould M ove H ead C am p. Lou is w ill be m ade August 6 by the wonderingly. Eight Injured in E levator. (T o be continued.) Eastern railroads, special perm ission then she passionately kissed his lips. “ Put Seattle, W a sh ., A u g. 1.— A t th l* "Oh, I perceive.” went on the wretch ; C incinn ati, A u g. 3.— A pecu liar your arms round me and hold me to your to do so h a vin g been gran ted by the m o rn in g ’s session o f the head camp " I have been indiscreet— I have betrayed acciden t on an e le v a to r in the In terstate H e l> l(ln *t K n o w . C om m erce Com m ission. con ven tion * heart, anu kiss me as you used in the old of W o o d m en of the a secret. Sir Launce, I presume, has not P o w e r b u ild in g, a t E igh th and Syca­ In « village In New Jersey the Because o f the reductions in in te r­ W o rld , C h arles A. R eyn old s, o f Se­ days.” been introduced to his daughter-in-law m ore streets, last even in g, seriou sly state fares made by the W estern a ttle, sprung a su rprise In the shap* schoolmistress saw one o f the little His own tears flowed fast as he took — a pleasure to come." in ju re d e ig h t persons. T h e car was railroad s, ow in g to the passage o f o f a m otion to ch an ge h eadqu arters her in his arms. Then came upou her a She culled him to her “ Arthur, what does this mean?” said boys crying. run n in g by e le c tric ity and a broken H e to id o f N sudden revulsion of feeling. “ No, n o !’’ and Inquired the reason. “ Some o f the connection in a sw itchboard e x tin ­ 2-cent fa re law s by m any states, pas­ fro m D en ver to S eattle. Sir Launce, wonderingly. sengers fro m Eastern and W estern th e d issa tisfa ction th at has been cur­ she cried, trying to push him a w a y ; big boys made me kiss a little girl out guished the lig h ts and to ok fro m th e “ I cannot speak before this man.” an­ points h ave been able to save fro m rent am on g m em bers on the C oast by “ curse1 me kill me rather— your kisses in the scliool yard,” was the reply. op e ra to r the p ow er to con tro l the $1 to $6 by buying a tic k e t o v e r swered the son. in a low voice. reason o f k eep in g the head cam p In are fire 1 Oh, it is I who have destroyed car. A s a resu lt the crow d reached Eastern roads on ly to th e ir W estern C olorad o, w h ile th e scene o f the "Oh, you need not fear speaking before ‘ Why, that Is outrageous! W hy did you 1 Go from me, if you do not wisli me,” cried Wylie, ironically. “ Y'our wife you not come right to me?” ” 1— I __ the bottom in s a fe ty, alth ou gh in term in als and then reb u y in g o v e r a g rea test a c tiv ity o f the W o od m en ie to drive me mad 1” was my client for some years before she didn’t know that you would let me darkness, and then, by a sudden re ­ W estern line to th eir destin ation . located on th e C oast. T h e state o f And she fell into a paroxysm of sob­ new al o f pow er, th e e le v a to r w ent to inveigled that battered old reprobate Cas- W a sh in gton , O regon and C a lifo rn ia kiss you,” he said. bing, that made them fear lest another th e top o f the sh aft so rap id ly th at tleton into marrying her. I knew her have n early tw o -th ird s o f th e en tire fit was .-oming on. But it subsided after Buy M eat in Australia. the balan cin g w e igh ts w ere th row n when she was a ballet girl.” m em bership o f the ord e r. O ff to S p e n d I t . a few moments into moans and sobs. V ic to ria , B. C., A u g. 2.— M a jo r O. o ff and in fa llin g struck several pas­ “ Leave the room, s ir !” Sir Launce When he is gone, she gives way to an Naybor— I saw your w ife leaving sengers. L on g, dispatched to A u s tra lia and said, firmly. / e k e Lim it to O a m s ge r. uncontrollable burst of tears. But it ex­ N ew Zealand by th e B ritish arm y “ Not till you have heard a l l !” cried home In something o f a burry this hausts itself in time. Then her mood San Fran cisco, A u g. 1.— T lie M et­ m ornin g. council to inspect th e p a ck in g houses N ew C ru iser in C om m ission . Wylie, exultingiy. “ That woman is a chan? all that Is soft and gentle has o f th e an tipodes w ith a v ie w to se­ rop olita n R edw ood L u m b er C om ­ M arrynt— Y e s ; she’s going into the forger, and a th ief; and, before to-morrow V a lle jo , Cal., Aug. 3.— W ith ap­ towed away, and her face grows set and morning I'll lodge her in a goal as a shopping district to contract about $50 p rop riate cerem onies, th e new cru is­ cu rin g supplies o f tin ned m eats fo r pany, ow n er o f th e ste a m er San P e ­ rigid. “ Good-bye to love,” she mutters; the B ritish arm y, a rriv e d by the dro, which c o llid e d w ith th e steam er felon !" worth o f debts. er C a lifo rn ia , rec e n tly com pleted, steam er M anuka to d a y, on his way C olu m b ia, has file d In th e United "now (or revenge!’’ A blow from A-thur, who had loosed Naybor— M y ! did sire tell y o iy th a t' was placed in com m ission sh o rtly be- to E ngland, via C h icago, w h ere he States D istrict C ou rt a p etition ask­ Mrs Freeman brings her some roast himself from his father’s bold. laid tbe _______ _ told ___ ''>re "n on T h ocsd av Cantain Thom as M arryat— No, but I foolishly 111 look o v e r th e p ack in g houses. in g A lc k f She forces herself to eat. She th at th e lia b ility fo r libel calumniator prostrate upon the floor. her last night that I had that" much S’ p h e IP8’ w ho w ill com m and the H e said th e supplies in fu tu re w ould again st th e vessel be lim ited to the feela atronger after that, and rises and With a yell of passion, W ylie sprang up cruiser, m ade a b r ie f speech and be taken in g re a te r qu a n tities from valu e o f th e b oat and th e amount diasa The fierce fire in her soul re­ le ft in bank.— Philadelphia Press. again, and grappled with h im : but A r­ then read the o rd ers to th e c rew as­ A u stralia. M a jo r L o n g said th e bus­ p en d in g fo r fre ig h t. In th e same vived her; she begius to attir herslf for thur had learned to use his fists too well sem bled on the decks. T h is was f o l ­ iness In A u stra lia was conducted court C. P. D oe, o w n e r o f the G eorge J the Mr. ct. W h a t I t In d ic a te * . at Eton to be in danger from such an low ed by the ra is in g o f the flag o v e r W . E ld er, w hich tow pd the San P e ­ T h e Woman— When a man goes te the w orship, w hich Is the fin est v es­ under w h olesale conditions. ^ ^ f r u are surely not going out !” ex- opponent, and a heavy blow in the face d ro to E u rek a a fte r the n ed d en t, has Mrs. Freeman. church It usually indicates a change of again felled him. sel that e v er cam e to this yard. T h e T o o Youn g to B ecom e *n Am erican file d a lib e l on the San P ed ro, ask­ “ I f I remained here another hour In- C a lifo rn ia waa b u ilt by the Union Sir Launce threw his arms round his h ea rt San Francisco, A u g. 2.— W h e n the in g the cou rt to determ in e salvage. I should be carried out raving son and withheld him from repeating the The Man— And when a woman goes Iron w orks, but was turned o v e r to f she answers. "N ow do not ex- attack. Dizzy, and half stunned. W ylie steam er C uracao reached p ort this to church it usually Indicates a n e« th e g overn m en t and com p leted French S le p t O rd e re d Out. aftern oon fro m G uaym as, one o f her with me; you aught to know rose to his feet, wiping his livid face. bonnet 22 firs t cabin passengers was held W th ■ time how useless It is to oppose Paris, Aug. 1 T h e M inister o f “ This is a pitiful, paltry revenge,” he H einzs B oy* M ine and S m elter. my kumor.” by U nited States Im m ig r a tio n In ­ M arin e has Instructed the com mand­ safd, lowly and quietly, but with a look A F w o tl.h Q u e s tio n . Basin, M ont., A u g. 3.— R e p r e ­ spector de la T o rre . T h is was See- er o f t t ) M editerran ean squadron to day, although very cold, is wonder- of Intense hatred in his eyes: “ this is all Dreamer— Do you think environment sentin g F. Augustus H eln ze, W. A fertna A lv a ra d o , a M e x lc jg lad o f hold tw o cru isers In read'ness to de- nRyf bright for the time of year, and she the revenge you can wreak upon me. I K id n ey purchased at s h e riff’s sale 16, who was you n g e n o u fn Just to has much o f an effect on a person? for M orocco, lie t le o t 'le - fcela a much stronger that the walks on do not begrudge it >ou. Everything you Blunt— Tliu nd eration! W ere you here the p ro p erty o f th e Basin Bay com e w ith in the acope o f th e new im ­ ^ ■ a p h e d to the captain o f the cruiser for pearly a mile. Then aha calls the have in the world '.rill, in a few days, S tate M in in g C om pany. Inclu d in g m igration law , w hich lorhids landing i urbin, com m issioned to the Azores, meets. The coachman stops past into my hands, and I, whom your •ver surrounded by a swarm o f bees? the fam ous K a tie m ine, his m illio n - o f any fo r e ig n e r under 16 years old to rem ain th ere until fu rth er Instruc­ ^^Hhtingly, and does not dismount from father did not think worthy to ait at his — D etroit Free Press. d o lla r con cen tra tor, a sm elter, v a ­ w ho is not accom panied by his fa th er tion*. Special dlspatchPB from Tan g­ iB h o i. table, will be master of Penrhyddyn. Not rious oth er m in in g claim s and placer o r m other. ier received here late tonight express T h e Reaeon. ^ ■ ’d rather yon got another cab, miss,” only have you lost ail your worldly pos­ locations along th e B ou ld er R iv e r the fe a r th at the number o f E uro­ M says. "W h ere does that w riter get the time fo r sessions, but you have disgraced your an­ $392,864.71. T h is waa the peans m urdered exceeds that flre t re­ Trunk With M oney Lost. ^ W h a t do yon mean, fellow?" she cient name by your alliance. And. aa to w rite as fu lly and beautifully as she sm elter used by M r. H ein ze under X* W a te rto w n . W ls ., Aug. 2 - -A p orted . imperiously; for, in the present a parting consolation to you, know that does shout bringing up children?” lease a fte r the destru ction o f his trunk c o n ta in in g secu rities to the vrought condition o f her nerves, she tbe money wonld have been forthcoming B u tte plant by fire . “ She hasn’t got sny.” — Baltimore M urdered by M oor*. valu e o f $200,000 has been found °< endure to be opposed. “ I f you at Groom and F ry ’s had not she, your American. e nrefext T a n g ie r, Aug. 1 -— On the here and Is now on Its way to the Hfnse to get down nad open the door, wife, contrived the abduction of tbe party Bind M c G ss O v s r fo r P srju ry. r ig h tfu l ow ner. An expreesm an at th at they were displeased with th# ■ shall take your number and report who had arranged to pay it In. Now, A F allare. harbor w ork*, ________ th ree tribe# today at- Boise, Idaho. A u ... g 3.— D L. C h icago shipped fo r O tto H elnecken , _______________ ------ — _. _ . r I. ........ having afforded you so much pleasant la- " I hate hfcn ! H e tried to kiss m et" M cGee, o f W a lla c e was bound o v e r a teacher o f this city, the trunk e o n -¡ta c k ed Casa Blanca, o » e o f th# chief )h. very well, mise; If you Insist, formation I will leave yon to settle ac­ “ But I tried to kiss you and you do by P ro b a te Judge L eon a rd Thure- i taln ln g the bonds and le ft M r H ein - seaport* o f Morocco, snd msseaeren is nothin* move to be eaid. But if counts with youT father." day to answ er th e c h arge o f p a r - ’ ecken'e trunk at C hicago. M r H e in - ¡th e native ruards and seven Euro- • r h : n * happens, it ain’t my fau lt; I So saying, the wretcti, with a glance not hate me?" 1 ' i r v lod ged against him because o f ecken n otified t h e e x p r e s s com pany , peen* T h e ,,n(j s cition nitres tation ained infot- one egoni sued. editi tome- 0¡tat¡( anl^ ntain' many ink eeker |y 0) every jssue< lized, homi i! in- t an larac- man ;nter- teeke ever w its lized con- J in who tarac i they nter- ; the can r ils t cost con­ think 1 c ilo in iht y night thè ;izen, cm gen- JOst ■egon y ink or in nd a fht th a :n, seb- ;n- 11 be on man- or only ' a it of a and e cing V for ^ s at f the a l the be es.” letal hed, rom it a ’hey jliza- ; of less, »d e he fe d , ! tO gos- eard go wo, K a ling ear- ifm. ent, J ) » K. z in o- c-