tiNT Till L a d es’ S h irt W aists 7\nd W hite P e ttic o a ts Our entire stock of Shirt Waists has been REDUCED IN PRICE because we must move them. They are all high grade goods and worth more than we ask. The shirt waist season is now in full blast and the big reductions cannot be found elsewhere. Never before have you had such op­ portunities to buy Shirt Waists so Cheap. They can’t last long at such prices You had better se­ lect early while the line is full. 00 shirt w aists this sale 44 44 (4 - - 1.25 44 44 44 - - L50 44 44 44 - - 1.00 44 .4 .4 - - 3.00 44 44 44 - - 1.50 44 4. 44 - - 2.25 44 44 V 44 - - 2.50 44 44 44 - - 3.00 Ioti 7 5c White Petticoats, 57c; one lot 1.50, for^^jji 1.13; one lot* 3.25, for 2.44. Sale is now going on HOFFMAN ®, ALLEN COMPANY FOREST GROVE OREGON Mr. Case and family passed through Capt. Reimer has gone to Seaside Gales Creek Tuesday. rusticate. H e has just sold his plac Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lilly came out to a Mr. Shepard of Michigan, fc $7,800. Phrips-Fitch Land Co. mad,J]S£ from Portland Saturday. the sale. They have some choic There has been quite a bit of travel prope'ty on their list and those wishinj on the Tillamook road lately. homes would do well to see them be Walter Sargent has been spending a fore investing. Office next door to thi few days on the Wilson River All State Bank, Cornelius. Mr. Shorb had two of his sheep j killed by a dog Saturday night. NEWPORT. es VTERHSE Several parties of young people Harry Danforth came last week anc spent Sunday at the Soda Springs. went back Tuesday. Caroline Wescott and Carris Johnson Guy Motley came in last week and3n an >nd* All .mon inities of Gaston, are visiting the former’s re­ remained a few days. , ation latives on Gales Creek. Miss Belle Watts arrived last week' »ned John Wilson is quite sick. Dr. and is at the Irvin House. in fot­ Hines was called and pronounced it a Mr. and Mrs. McEldowney, parents one egonian light attack of appendicitis. of Wilbur, arrived last week. sued. , edition When traveling on the Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson . ., „ |. . , an aome- oitatjon road stop at the “ Ranch” for your daughter Golda came over last week. anfi antl ntained meals. Just this side of the toll-gate. C. O. Roe, and Dr. Boggess of the-nany inf0. _ university came in Saturday morninr »eker ly one a GASTON Mr. and Mrs. Mayne Abbott arri'.n ;verV issued. Mr. Neal Brown spent Sunday at last week and are enjoying a few • ize(1- honu- | home. by the sea. ¿ a :t and Grace Harding has been on the sick Mrs. Baber and daughter Josei arac* i many list for a few days. arrived Saturday to spend some an- nter-( seeker Miss Caroline Wescott is visiting at the beach. ’ every . vefl. her aunt at Gales Spur. Mrs. Will Hartrampf and sis; in ­ v its lizec, con- d in- Mr. Leon Koberstein of Portland is law Miss Minnie Hartrampf of Hill . , , . v •iol- who larac- visiting with his parents fora few weeks. arrived last week the they Mi. and Mrs. Wilbur McEldoi *n- nter- Misses Maggie and Mary Saunders eid the Mrs. Littlehales and family dep he spent Sunday and Monday in Portland. can r ils Saturday for home. °nr The Misses Hibbs, Clifton, Purdv cost con- . ,8*' Mr. McDonnell, who lived in trie, and Hal Hibbs returned from Newport hink who Grove the most of last winter, is spend­ where they have been for the past i 1 in thi y ing a couple of weeks by the sea. month. light Mrs. Levi Walker and two daugh­ izen, the Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hibbs left Tues­ ters Leva and Elda, and niece Miss gen- can day morning for Newport where they Mist Josephine Walker, arrived last week. egon ink will stay during the month of August. Carl Christian, who has been one of y or Miss Nellie Purdy and George N ew ­ the assistants at Walker Bros. Hall, ld a in man were married last Thursday at the departed for home Monday after spend- th a ïht ;n, 1 home of the bride’s aunt in Portland. ing a month at the beach. (ub- :n- 1 They wilt make their home in Portland. Among the Forest Grove arrivals, g be on who came over Saturday and back nan- or CORNELIUS Monday were: Will Haines, George only 1 a Mr. P. E Phelps went to Portland Hancock, Albert Dixon and Mr. ar.d t of Thursday on business. Mrs. Loren Porter. and Mr. J. B. McPherson, who has b^e. There is an immense amount of hay being stored here and a great deal is suffering witn heart trouble for several being sold before baling. Price 10 to months, died here Sunday morning at 5 o’clock. His remains were shipped 12 dollars per ton. out Monday to Forest Grove. H. S. Sturdivant and wife started The gasoline boat Gazelle, which the latter part of the week to visit their has been plying between Portland and old home and friends in Pensylvania. St. Johns, came around by Astoria Sat­ I They will visit other places in the East urday to take the place of the steamer j before their return. T. M. Richardson which has been laid The new residence of Henry Challa- up for a week with a broken propeller I combe is completed and will soon be shaft. occupied by the family. The build­ HILLSBORO ing is a tasty cottage, hard finished E. I. Kuratli aad wife are home j with wood filler and is a desirable addi­ from a few days outing. tion to our city. The brick work on 1 )r. Woods’ new The new residence of C. C. Han- has son has taken a fresh start since Char- building is about completed. I FOR SALE— A fine dairy ranch of 80 Mrs. Geo. Buckingham, who acres. Half under cultivation, balance been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. ley has changed his occupation and good pasture. Fair buildings, good It is .nil sm ooth s a ilin g w h en y o u p lac e a L in er Ad , , . Pi . Burchell in Portland, returned home turned “ wood butcher.” The work is in th is colum n. A few words h e re w ill reach 5.ooo orchard, water; 54 miles northwest of read ers and th e r e s u lt, a re c e rta in . 5c lin e 1st Forest QrOVe, On milk rOtlte, mail TOUte Sunday evening. being carried on under the supervision In sertio n , 2Vfc c en ts each su b seq u e n t in sertio n . ! M inim um c h a rg e 10 cts. ahd telephone line. For prices and The Ice Cream social given by the of E. Frank Sias of Forest Grove. FINE WORK DONE CHEAP — PRICES -------------- = I terms inquire of H. G. King, guardian, United Artisans, in their hall Wednes H. G. Fitch has just received the White shirt - - - 10c Drawers - - 8 to 15c tf WANTED—Salesmen. Many make adj°inin* day night, was well attended and was | sad intelligence of the death of his Soft " . . . 10c White Waists - 10 to 20c $100 to 8150 per month, some even financially a success. White Skirts - 10 to 50 Underskirts - 15 to 25c I granddaughter, a child of four years, : more. Stock clean; grown on reserva- For Sale— Span of mules, wagon and Undershirts - - - 8c Stockings - - - 2Mic WATT DISTRICT. j accidentally killed by a revolver in the tion, far from old orchards. Cash good chain harness. Wagon 3 j inch Handkerchiefs - - 2c C W la r s ...........................2c Men’s White Vests 10 15c Pants - - - - - 25c ! advanced weekly. Choice of territory, tire. Inquire at this office. hands of her brother aged 7 years. A. T. Buxton is at Salem this week. Coats - - - - 10 20c Dusters - - 15 20c I Address Washington Nursery Company, I____________________________________ Have not received the particulars as Towels - - - 20c Dor. Napkins - - 20c Dor. Mrs. Rogers of Cornelius visited her LoST-som ew here in The following articles 50 c per dor. Pillow Cases. | Toppenish, Washington.” tn west west part of yet. Bed Sheets, Table cloths, Night Gowns, Women's ~ j t o w n , gold watch, open face, Elgin son’s family one day last week. Messrs Kafer & Son, our meat men, Drawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corset Covers. FOR SALE. -Thoroughbred regis- movement, with nickel fob. Finder Mrs. M. Bisbee and Mrs. Nora are taking an outing at the coast and Forest Grove tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy ieave at n ew s office and receive re­ Pacific Avenue Rice called on Mrs. D. B. Adams Sun­ cattle which have the highest test in ward. tf ■ our amiable City Marshal, M. M. Otis, the county. Address box 16 R. F. D . ___________________________________ day afternoon. ; presides at the block always in readi- No. 1. Cornelius. tf | , Harvey Rogers finlshfed hi's work at ness t0 cut you a steak from one ex- ___________________________________ [ For Sale— A three and a quarter A. T. Buxton’s last week and began treme t0 anolher 16 ounces to the FOR RENT— 40 acres lè miles wagon practically new. Inquire at this working for Mr. Reuter, Monday. ! p0l;ri(i 2t south of Dilley. Inquire Geo. Buck- office. The baling season lasted but four | Elder Chas Bennett of the Eastern l-4t j ingham at Dilley. days in this neighborhood. Messrs. Oregon A c Conference, and Elder Rice, Adams, Bisbee and Johnson be­ C. A. Meade, formerly of Carlton, will — Wanted— A guitar instructor to Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY Liner Column PROPERTY Z PEOPLE Large or Small Tracts Dairy, fruit and hay farms, hop yards. List your place with me and have it sold. M. L. N oble Real Estate Office Miin street, one door north Russell's Shoe Store Forest Grove Oregon Correspondence. teach a young girl.— M. H. Dixon, South Park. tf ing the only one having hay to bale. DILLEY KONT Editor Bath and wile of »he Inde pendent, were Searide visitors Sunday The P. R. & N. has a new locomo-' tive while the old one is being re­ paired. County Commissioners court met for its_ regular session Wednesday morning. The telephone people have been very busy with repair work since the storm last week. J. B. Wilkes and family leave this week for a visit with relatives near Goldendale, Wash. The frogs for the crossing of the Electric line and the Tillamook R. R. have been unloaded here. Mrs. Anna P. White, wife of E. G. White, was buried last Saturday. She died in a Portland hospital. Considerable baled hay is being com m emce a series of meetings in shipped from here new. Some farm­ the A. C. Church at Cornelius, Friday ers are storing in warehouses. evening, August 2nd. All are invited The second hand store has removed to attend. from Second street to a location on L. A. Duncan and wife from Scap- south side of Main, nearly opposite poose, have purchased a portion of the the Tualatin Hotel. Bennett farm but are now living in the Dr. Bailev and J. W. Shute are pre­ Wilcox house. Mr. Duncan’s family paring ground for a cement walk along consists of an even dozen children the west side of the Morgan-Bailey which will be a desirable addition to block. our school. Rev. Hall and wife were at Portland the past two weeks attending a camp A. Briggs and son Wilford, were For Sale— 500 sacks A 1 White meeting of the Oregon Holiness Asso- Oats in ton or half-ton lots. Eld ward Portland visitors Tuesday. ciation. 1 hey report a spleneid time. tf L Naylor, Forest Grove, Ore. Mrs. J. B. Kuhns and daughter Mrs. DeMoss and three children left Mary attended church in Forest Grove, Public Sale— I will ofler at Public Tuesday for her home at De Moss Sale at my farm 1 mile due west of | -3Un“ay- Springs. They have been spending Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Porter and Mr. Dilley, on Saturday, Aug. 10, 1907, the following described property to-wit: and Mrs. P. J. Ward spent Sunday at the past month at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Hall. 1 horse, weight 1300 lbs. 10 years old; Newport. J 1 mare, 1250 lbs. 9 years old; 10 milk Mrs. John Wilson with her little son Mrs. W. C. Gray and Judge Ste­ j cows in milk, 4 yearling heifers. 3 Wayne, and her daughter, Miss Alice, There are many of the residences in calves, 1 yearling steer, 1 shorthorn phens were doing business in Forest arrived on the stage Monday evening, Cornelius that are coming out in a bull 4 years old, 2 wagons, 1 buggy, Grove Saturday. after having spent the past week visit- new dress suit administered by the 1 McCormick mower, 1 hay rake, 30 Mrs. L. Groendyke visited her grand- ing re|atives #t Tillamook tons hay, 24 tons baled, hay fork, lopes, hands of E. -J. Wilkins and Fred Wal­ carrier and slings, 1 12 in plow. 1 side daughter, Mrs. Wm. Muir, in Portland, Thursday, Mrs. A. T. Buxton was ton. What a difference a good coat hill plow, new cultivator. 60-tooth iron Sunday and Monday. !agreeably surprised by an uexpected of paint apolied by skillful hands will I harrow, 25 gallon kettle, spray pump, frQm hef Miss Merle Maury left Tuesday | ^ father, Mr. Rollins oi make in the general appearance of a i No. 1 U. S cream separator new, set for Montana, where she will morning 1 double breeching harness, single har­ Molalla, and her niece, Miss Edna town. ness, cross cut saws, knives and tools visit her brothers for a few months. Adams, also of the samt place. Mr. j One breath of air now is worth two of all kinds, pitchforks, shovels etc. Mrs. Chas. La Chapelle of Portland, Rollins and Miss Adams returned to under the conditions existing before Ml household furniture and other arti- came out Tuesday to spend a few their homes, Monday. the display of fire-works on July 31st. :s too numerous to mention. Terms Mc- _ ~ The locks of many of our citizens are of S a le-O n e years time on approved day* *nth her m0,heT- Mrs- notes bearing 7 per cent interest on Leod. ____ G S CREEK somewhat silvered under the strain. sums over $10, under $10 cash. Dis­ Eva Fletcher was on the Creek Sun- But just think what a grand thing it is Mr. Will French, who has been in count of 5 per cent cash on all sums to be able to take in a good supply of the East for the past two years, is vis­ day- over $10. Free lunch at noon. Hugh Mr. Heisler’s thrasher is beginning pure, cool air. Count your blessings, j iting his father, Philip French, near Brannan, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auc­ to get busy. I neighbors. here. tioneer. Frank Knight, Clerk. \ GET A HOME NOW S e e 144 o f fr u it, «O la r g ph i T h e s e : 6 m o m h o m e . barn, la r g e lof, p le n ty . in , a h i g b a r g a in at $ IJ $ 0 . 25<», ' A n 8 ro o m h o m e , e n t ir e ly m o d ern , | b.M b e a u t ifu l g r o u n d s g o o d lo c atio n , juat the hom e, n ly $2oOO £ m f o r t a b le h o u se o n a £o o d lot !• * I U f f , g o o d lo c a tio n , $650. o o e o f th e best ya rt » ,MAS & H0GE Real Estati, phone 294. Forest Grove, Oregon