Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 01, 1907, Image 8

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    D O O M E D .
Is 8 ®©*' ^ec-eeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeesy
B o rah
H of W ords B etw een O ffic e rs of
C olum bia and San P ed ro .
Sir Launce bad come to town to en­
she la. from the registers; and here are deavor to raise the uiouey to pay off the
The meeting between father C a p ta in T e lls W h y H e R e fu s e d M o r e
the copies.” cried Wylie, triumphantly.
In much agitation, the old man put on aud son was a gloomy one.
P a s s e n g e r s — L ife P r e s e r v e r s
For a time Arthur’s absorbing passion
his spectacles and minutely examined the
S t a n d H a r d T e st.
paper; then fell back in bis chair, with
other things. But now* a reaction set in,
a groan.
A look of intense hatred sparkled in
"B u t you will not. surely. Insist upon and the future was before his eyes in
her eyes a l that name. “Oh, it is Miss that cruel, unnatural will being carried all its darkness. What would his father
San F ran cisco , Ju ly 2 7.— T h e in­
Constance [Grierson who has set you on out to the letter?’! he said, after a pause. say to the marriage he had contracted?
vestigation into the s in k in g o f the
Eleonore did uot see him for two whole
to make fhC accusation against me,” she
"M y dear Mr. Grierson. I thought you
said, bet*«*" her teeth. "Tlae young lady too good a man of business to talk such days. It was a great relief to her when steam er C o lu m b ia , w h e re b y , accord-
who eloped.'
uonsense. The young lady has had every he did return, to find no change iu him in g to the latest fig u re s, 81 lives
She also had w e re lost, w a s resu m ed tod ay by
“Before I leave this house, you must opportunity of keeping her fortune, aud I beyond a deeper sadness.
five me j »rii'i-n confession of your share think to lose it is a just punishment beeu very anxious during those two days. C a p tain John
B irm in g h a m , U n ited
in the abdaciion of Miss Grierson, which for her folly. I shall not forego a farth­ She eagerly inquired how matters stood, States S u p e rv isin g Inspector.
for Arthur had now confided to her his cers an d m em bers o f the cre w o f
shall completely exonerate her.”
ing of my just claim.”
"Anythin;.- else?”
"Then,” cried the old man, “you are true position. “ All hope is over,” he said; both vessels w ere exam in ed und the
"Y ou have, by your arts, entrapped Mr. a villainous scoundrel, and if you ever “every effort my father could be induced depositions o f C a p tain H an sen o f the
Arthur Penrhyddyn into an alliance. If dare to set foot in this house again. I ’ll to make has failed, and it wants now San P e d r o an d his first officer read.
Th e testim ony b ro u g h t out the
but four days to the thirtieth/’
you desire! that he should not know the kick you down the stairs."
Instead of seeing her face fall, as he statem ent fro m C a p tain B e rm in g h a m
woman you are, leave him now at once,
"You are not polite, sir; but the house
and never, let him look upon your face will not long be yours to lord over. Good expected, he was greatly surprised to see that it w as the first tim e he h ad ever
day. I shall have the pleasure of seeing it break out into siniles. “ AH hope is k n o w n that life -p re s e rv e rs had ac­
uot over,” she said, kissing him; *T have tu a lly been effective in s a v in g life,
A burst of mocking laughter was her you again on the first.”
q u a lify in g it by a d d in g that people
“To think of this!” muttered Mr. Grier­ the means of saving Penrhyddyn yet!”
w ere u s u a lly too frig h te n e d to dou
“ You?” he cried, awazedly.
“ Now, listen to me. Mr. Stafford,” she son, as soou as his visitor had gone.
“ Yes, I ! I have a paper in my pos­ them correctly.
said, calmly ; but her glittering eyes, and "H o w could such a mistake have occur
C aptain H an sen , in his repo rt, de­
white, quivering face greatly belied her red? l ’erhaps it is only a forgery of the session ; but I forgot— before I tell you
nied that he h a d been un n ecessarily
voice. “ I will make a bargain with you. scoundrel’s. I ’ll go and examine the reg­ I must make certain conditions; you must
cru el In r e fu s in g to tuke an y m ore
not ask me how l became possessed of it.
I will give you a paper that shall fully isters for myself.”
su rv iv o rs on b o a rd a fte r he h a d res­
exonerate Miss Grierson on condition that
He did go, and found that W ylie had W ill you trust me so far?”
cued 75, g iv in g as a rea so n fo r his
Arthur having assented in much aston­
you make no public use of i t ; that you, spoken the truth.
action that his o w n vessel w a s in
use it only among her relatives; and.
“ I would sooner have seen her married ishment, she produced that anonymous such a condition that It w a s d a n g e r ­
above all.f that you breathe no word to the greatest rascal unhanged than that letter which had been so frequently men­
ous to ap p roa ch her, an d th e re fo re
against me to Arthur.”
villain should have got hold
her tioned, and which she had procured from o rd ered the o th er bo ats to keep off.
“ I refuse iuch conditions. Do you sup­ money,” he thought. "B u t where is the Wylie on the previous day.
C h ie f E n g in e e r A r t h u r
W il­
pose that 1 would leave my friend In your poor child? Here am 1, groaning over the
“ Why, this was enclosed in a letter of liam s testified that the San P e d ro
hands, ignoi iu it of whom you are?”
loss of bei money, when I am ignorant ifiine that was lost in its passage through d id not lo w e r a ll h er bo ats because
“ And I defy you !” she cr'frW rising, of what might have befallen her.”
the post,” he cried.
the vessel w a s u n der-m an n ed.
and hissing out her passion b^twoen her
“ What do you gay?” she exclaimed,
From the first he had had a suspicion
T h e a lle g e d action o f T h ir d Offi­
“ Beware *iow you drive that she had eloped with Stafford, and he flushing.
cer H a w s e , o f the C o lu m b ia , in r e ­
me toH prem ities.
I have resources at resolved to at once pay a visit to the art­
He told her how he had received this fu s in g to give his coat to a w om an
my backithnt you little dream o f ; I have ist's studio.
communication, and had forwarded it on w as b ro u g h t out in the testim ony o f
*’ lt in niy power to crush that yellow-haired
T h e latter
Stafford was at home. He had written to his father, whom it had never reached. Q u arte rm a ste r C u rra n .
to Constance to tell her of the extraor­ This set her thinking. How. then, came testified that th e re w e re u ncloth ed
“ v p n !” interrupted Stafford, contmp-
dinary success that had crowned his ef­ it into W ylie’s possession? She felt un­ w om en in the b o at, and w h en H a w s e
there was something suspicious w as ask ed to give his coat to one of
forts to clear up the mystery, nnd was easy ;
t iB y o ii that your denunciation of surprised that he had not received a reply about this circumstance.
them he h ad refu sed , s a y in g that
me will not only crush this woman, but that morning.
The wo­
“At present,” she said, after a few the coat b e lo n g e d to him.
the friend whom you fancy you are pre­
Imagine his consternation and terror moments’ reflection, “ I cannot tell you men, said C u rra n , had been exposed
serving. ; Ho is encompassed by embar­ upon hearing that she had disappeared. how it came into my possession. But do fo r an h o u r b e fo re H a w s e covered
rassments from which I alone can save His suspicions instantly reverted to Eleo- not lose a moment in putting it into your them up w ith a piece o f sail.
H a w s e in te rru p te d
the p ro ceed­
nore. But he could trace no motive for father’s hands, and impressing upon him
in gs by In terp osin g an In d ign an t de­
Her vehc nence and intensity began to such an act.
to see to it instantly.”
•tagger his firmness. Would It, after all,
He w en t; and. after some difficulty, nial, and fo r a fe w m om ents counter-
Mr. Grierson at once perceived that his
be politic to drive this woman to extrem­ suspicions had wronged the young artist, prevailed upon Sir Launce to promise den ials flew back an d fo rth betw een
the tw o officers.
H a w s e w a s placed
ities without some further reflection?
who, in his terror and agitation, disclosed that he would see the lawyers in Bed­
“ But what an idiot I am to plead to that Constance was his affianced wife. ford R ow next morning, and to inquire on the stan d a n d testified that he
had offered his coat to M iss M a y b e lle
y ou !” she went on, perceiving him begin The old gentleman received the tidings into the particulars.
W a ts o n , the plu c k y B e rk e le y g irl,
to w av e r; “ what would your word weigh in a very different spirit to what he would
Eleonore'* mind "became wracked with
fcrith Arthur against mine? Do you sup­ have manifested a few hours back, and fears and suspicion lest Wylie should bu t she re fu s e d It an d a sk ed him to
pose that he would be ready to swallow Stafford was quite surprised at his warm have deceived her. “ But he would not give it to an oth er w o m an m o re des­
the first calumny that could be brought congratulations. But there was no time dare,” she thought; “he would be afraid titute than h erself.
against the woman he adores?
I back now for conjectures.
With his usual of my revenge.”
tny love and his against your puny friend­ promptitude, he started at once for W a t ­
Arthur returned that evening and told
ship— do your w orst!”
erloo station. When he arrived at Guild­ her that Sir Launce had yielded to his
There was too great a probability in ford it was too late to proceed to Lindon persuasions.
Although the intelligence
all this; he must decidedly temporize with Grange that night. But he did not pass somewhat relieved her, she felt feverishly C o n s u m e d F o u rte e n D a y s o f A ctu a l
this womn:
T r ia l B e s id e s A rg u m e n ts .
the time id ly ; he at once put himself In anxious for the result.
“ I will accept your confession on the communication with the police, and made
After an almost sleepless night, she
San F ran cisco , Ju ly 27.— T h e case
terms you named/’ he said, after a pause. searching inquiries into all that they had rose next morning, pale, ill and dispirit­ again st L o u is G luss, first v ic e -p re s­
“ I How require another condition,” she done and proposed to do.
ed. As the fatal day drew’ nearer and ident an d g e n e ra l m a n a g e r o f the
•aid, haughtily.
“The paper must be
nearer, her hopes began to falter, and a P ac ific States T elep h o n e an d T e le ­
•hown to no person except Miss Grierson
To avoid unnecessary mystery and fu ­ feeling of despair to sink into her heart. gra p h C o m pan y, ch a rg e d w ith the
until after the first of December/*
ture explanations, we will at once put the But love was purifying her nature. Never crim e o f b r ib in g S u p erv iso r C h arles
“W hy?”
reader in possession of the facts of Con­ before had she been brought into contact Boxton In the sum o f $5,000 to vote
“ Becaur there is now a crisis in the stance's disappearence.
It will be re­ with so noble a nature as that of Arthur ag ain st an o rd in an ce g r a n t in g the
affairs of my husband, and I must be membered that Eleonore and Wylie were Penrhyddyn, and she began
cling to H om e T elep h o n e C o m p an y a r iv a l
fran ch ise in San Fran cisco , w en t to
fully H su re d that it shall not be used concocting a scheme to preventlthe heiress him with an almost unselfish affection.
In any way detrimental to me or him from drawing the sum of money she had
“This is a sad beginning to your mar­ the ju r y last e v e n in g a ft e r 14 days
previous to that time.
Give me your intended to use for the
of ried life, my darling,” he said, looking at o f actual tria l an d a day an d a h a lf
o f arg u m e n ts by A ssistan t D istrict
word, and I will be yitlsfied, for I heileve Pennrhyddyn. The plot proposed was to her pallid face and sunken eyes
you to'be a man -vjm i I can trust.”
the following effect: Eleonore was to
“Oh, if we can hut save Penrhyddyn,” A tto rn ey H en ey fo r the p eople and
M . D e l-
Arthur had hi. Y 1 more than once at write a letter to Constance to say that she murmured, “ I care not what I suffer.” T. C. C o o g an an d D e lp h in
m as fo r the defen se.
some impending crisis. Sir Launce was if the young lady would meet her quon­
(T o be continued. (
T h e re a d in g o f J u d g e
L a w lo r ’s
coming to tow n ; perhaps she spoke truly. dam friend, Ellen Jenkins, on a certain
ch arge to the ju r y consu m ed one
A fter ail, what could he do?
Arthur dny, with a certain sum. Bhe should be
1‘ r e r o ^ a . t i A e « o f l i a u k .
w a s ' Married , to provoke Ihis woman furnished with certain written confes­
A t its conclusion th e co u rt­
The Bm uiblevrlle postmaster looked hou r.
would Only lead to exposure.
sions, signed by her, Ellen, and by P ar­ out w ith a trow n Horn his burred win­ room w a s cleare d ,
c h a rg e
tw o
”1 eons.: t to this second condition.” sons.
dow ut the returned traveler who was
sheriffs and by them conveyed In a
he said.
Being thus decoyed to an appointed questioning him.
"1 can't get out o’ ta lly -h o to the F a lrm o u n t hotel.
She minutely repeated the conditions,
spot, she was to be carried off and kept tlris pen o' mine till the mail s distrib­
and made him solemnly pledge his word
in a place of confinement until after the uted, he said, witn reseutmeuL
"T he
o f honor to observe them.
Then she
1st of December. Means, time and place
H a y w o o d C a s e F in ish e d .
new rules utiil feg'lutious don't hardly
wrote a brief, but particular, narrative of
were all fixed.
B oise, Id a h o , Ju ly 27.— E vid en ce
thoaa events with which the reader was
1*1 a ui’utl'Srfcuthe.
W h at w as it you
Mr. Wylie, knowing how eagerly Con­
an d arg u m e n t is at an end nnd this
made acquainted is the last chapter, but
stance had always desired that mystery asked me about tiie tire department? m o rn in g the Jury w ill be le ft to de­
In a well disguised handwriting, and sign
of her girlhood to be cleared up, never
cide w h at penalty, if any, W illia m D.
ed the name of “ Ellen Jenkins.”
doubted that she would fall into the trap. all ow in g to the city folks that come H a y w o o d sh all pay fo r participatio n
When he was gone, she sank Into a
The place of appointment was the Guild­ here now and try to run our w hole vil­ in a c rim in a l conspiracy re s u ltin g in
chair, utterly exhausted by the scene she
ford railway station, at 5 o'clock the next lage.
assassin atio n
ex-G o v e rn o r
had gone through.
"T h ere w as a little spark o f a fird F ra n k S teu n e n b e rg , with w hich he
paper in no way compromises day.
U n ite d States S en ator
Constance might not so readily have down in one o’ their cottages, an' be­ is ch arge d .
me,” she thought. "Even Were he to show
W illia m E. B o ra h , en g a g e d by the
It to,Arthur, the handwriting is not mine, fallen into the snare had not her recent cause our fire department didn't get
State o f Id a h o as special counsel fo r
neither s the name. Y'ou were merciless conversation with Stafford, which had re­ there quite as quick us they expected
the prosecution, spok e the last w o rd
to me.|Mr. Stafford,” she went on. bitter- vealed to her how her resemblance to they 'instituted inquiries,’— I ’m giving
last night. T h is m o rn in g J u d g e F r e ­
it was not mercy, but the knowl­ Ellen Jenkins had compromised her in a
you their ow u words,— aud when they mont W o o d w ill c h a rg e an d Instruct
edge ; t you were defeated, that made manner she had never dreamed, rendered
found the two ladders had been in the ju ry , w hich. It Is expected, w ill
you Bon e to my terms. I will be equally her doubly anxious to clear up the mys­
Jed's orchard, an’ that had made a retire to co n sider its verdict at abou t
iner<|]es.s to the woman you love.
I tery.
11 « ’clock.
The plan as arranged by W ylie for her little delay, they raised such a lot o'
thank you for removing my last scruple
abduction was as follow s; Lindon Grange talk that Jed resigned.
of-Jins ience.”
S a v e $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Y e a rly on M a ilt .
was scarcely more than a mile from the
“A s he said, if the chief o’ the fire
Chicago, July 27.— The revenue de­
Guildford station. It lay off the Farn- department hasn't got the right to bor­
Or. it was the consternation in Harley ham road, which, passing over a hill, ter­ row a couple o’ ladders from the en­ rived from hauling the U n ite d States
m ails by the railroads ru n n in g west
street upon the receipt of a telegram minates just at the entrance to the sta­
gine house when be needs ’em to pick
from Chicago, Ft. Louis, 8t. Paul and
wMc! announced the disappearance of tion, and preserves its character of a
M inneapolis and the M igonri river is to
,nce from Lindon Grange
Mr. country road, with houses only here and
“ B u t you can't reason much with tie further reduced approxim ately $1,-
repaired thither at one«, The there, almost unto that point.
Now, it was calculated that, as Con­ these city folks. They're a kind of a 000,000 a year as the im m ediate result
police were set to work, detectives brought
down from London, inquiries started in stance would certainly be desirous of high-handed ioL”
of the report* of 125 inspectors, w h o
•«art direction : but not one atom of in­ keeping such an appointment a secret
have been at w ork for the last six
P e r h a p s H e M e a n t It.
from her friends, the probabilities were
fant ttion could be gleaned.
p ------- is usually a self-possessed months determ ining whether the spare
* 1-
css compelled Mr. Grierson to
young m a n ; but the other day when used in ra ilw a y postal cars by the gov­
leave again on the next morning, and he the bye-road debouched a brougham was
dining out be wa9 unexpectedly called ernm ent w as in excess of space suffi­
:o Ixmdon in a frame of mind
upon to say grace, nnd the liest he could cient to accom plish the work.
that «a a be easily imagined. To add to
railroads have been notified.
his'annoyance, Mr. Wylie paid him a seize, gag, put hep into the carriage and do w as to deliver himself of the fol­
drive her to a house on the outskirts of
»Mit if pretended condolence in the even
lowing :
G e ttin g A ft e r O p iu m T r a d e .
London— in short, to the residence of
“O Lord, bless our sing and forgive
Pekin, Ju ly 27.— The Chinese gov­
^^■After all, it is no more than we might
this food.
Amen.”— Llpplncott’s.
Mr. Fig's residence was situated In a
have expected," said that gentleman, with
ernment has fo rm ally annonneed its
of the shoulders. " A great pity lonely wayside place. Every precaution
absent to the proposal m ade by the
A S fp o n * T ip .
f«ti did not insiat upon her accepting one was taken to prevent her forming any
Th e B ay M are— Say, Sorrel, don’t United States for a joint investigation
• f the many offers made her.
Depend *dea of the neighborhoods that she paased you sometimes get aw fu l weary of our b y the pow eas, Including C h in a, into
it, it’s an elopement. A penniless through; the blinds of the carriage being
the whole question of the opinrn trade
kept up the whole way, and the horses bard w a y o f living?
*»r must be glad to get any husband.”
Sorrel— No. Indeed; In fact, I can and of the production of opium .
« * ' A penniless girl 1
What do you driven at a furious pace, without once
stopping until they reached their destina­ say that since I got my new harness I tails of the procedure w ill lie arranged
am more strongly than ever attached to later. C h in a ’s delay in acceptance was
"Come, come, Grierson, put aside all tion.
due to a m isunderstanding on her part
When, half dead with terror, one of the my work.— Toledo Blade.
“ting— it does not go down with me.
that six independent com m issions com ­
men carried her into the house and re­
Id Wylie, with a hideous attempt
S o m e s *h a t G a r r n lo n * .
prehended such an inqniry.
moved the gag from her mouth, be told
leneaa. "Y ou know as well a - I
"T h e more dollars you get together
at on the 1st day of December, to w
vhirh her in a firm but respectful tone not to be
under any apprehension of !II treatment; the louder they talk,” remarked the
wanta only four days, the will, accord
Butte P lu m b e r s W a n t M o r e .
ig to the stipulations of her mother's that her confinement would be only for thoughtful thinker.
Jfiitte, M ont., July 27.— Th e local
il. forfeit her fortune.”
a few days. To her indignant demands
"S am e way with women." rejoined
Plu m bers’ union struck today for $8
“The 1st of December twelvemonth, you to be told the name of the author of the man who had been m arried three
per day of eight hours. Th e men now
this outrage, no answer was re'urned. times.
receive $7. B uildings aggregating $ 1
“W hat ! do you mean to say that you But the sight of a respectable looking,
N o thoroughly occupied man
« aa 000,900 in value under construction are
do not know that Constance is middle aged woman somewhat reassured
tied up.
ever m iserable.— Italian.
next birthday ! I o n prova that j hec.
C H A P T E It X X I V .— (Continued.)
“ It is ¡useless for you to attempt to
brave it out," he s aid ; “ I have too strong
proofs, aU'i could produce witnesses to
Identify you. Miss Constance Grierson
Oh the evening of the 1st of December
she received the joyful intelligence that
she would be restored to her friends on
that night. She was again placed in tha
brougham; the same precautions
taken as before, and In less than an hour
she found herself standing free in the
Uegent's Circus.
The whole affair was
now more strange to her than ever, as
she could not form the slightest idea of
what motive it could have served.
great delight, however, at her happy de­
liverance, ahe engaged a cab aud drove to
Harley atreet.
F e rv e n tly D is c la im s
o f Im m u nity.
Boiee, Idaho, July 20 — The ease of
't h e State of Id ah o against W illia m D.
H ayw ood, charged with the m urder of
' Frank Steuuenlierg, a former governor
of the state, w ill test with judge and
ju ry by tonight.
Clarence H arrow ,
after speaking for 11 hours, concluded
the final plea for H a y w o o d '« life at
4:20 p. in ., and at 7 o ’clock last even­
ing United States Senator Botah opened
the closing urgum ent for the prosecu­
H e w ill speak for three sessions,
or about seven hours.
Judge Frem ont
W o o d w ill instruct and charge the jury
on Satuiduy m orning.
M r. B orah ’s speech’was a sensation.
From time to tim e he turned on coun­
sel for the defense, fierce denunciation
pouring from his lips, and at times
brought protests iroui M r. Richardson
and M r. H arrow , but w ith blazing eyes
and hot words he silenced every effort
to break the rush of words.
The c li­
m ax was reached, when in behalf of
the state of Idaho, its i>eople, its gover­
nor and h im self he disclaimed a ll in­
tention or desire to give im m unity to
F in ally , his face pale and
voice quiverin g w ith emotion, the sen­
ator raises! his arm and said;
“ If I should ever join in or give a p ­
proval to im m unity to this man 1
hope the gteat G o d m ay wither my
right arm in the socket.”
M r . Borah declared the state did not
want lla yw o o d convicted of any crim e
for w hich Orchard or Pcttibone or
M oyer or Sim pkins or anybody else was
responsible, and desired a verdict of
gu ilty only if the evidence w as deemed
sufficient to warrant such a conclusion.
Th e senator denounced Clarence H ar­
r o w ’s statement ttiat the jurors’ minds
had been poisoned against the defend­
ants in this case.
Now here, he de­
clared, could a fairer trial have been
held than in Boiee.
A tto rn e y s
M a k e A rgu m e n ts
in S a n F r a n c is c o .
D arrow A b u se s M ln e o w n e rs a n ishin* r p Q j
C onstitution.
j otbhe(
H a y w o o d ’s I a w y e r O c c u p ie s
Day b
T o r r e n t o f Invective — C h a r g e s
A tte m p t to K ill U n io n s.
aiitan mn’s
B oise, Idaho, Ju ly 25.— Th e career •enta>r"
o f F r a n k S teu n e n b e rg , the m urdered*
ne eKOn]
e x -g o v e rn o r o f Iduho, w a s discussed
at som e le u g th by C la ren c e D a r ro w an a
yesterday in the co u rse o f his p le a In fc. <" oitatic
be h a lf o f W illia m D. H a y w o o d J u sti-
ly in g the articles p u b lish ed In the the
M in ers' M a gazin e, the official o rg a n s,, Aiy
o f the W e ste rn F e d era tio n o f M in e r s ,’ ,, eker
iy or.
the C h ic ag o la w y e r said the a c tio n i
of S teu n e n b e rg iu a s k in g fo r U n ite d ever^ issued
States troops to q u e ll riot an d the tlizeO, l
establishm ent o f m a rtia l law in 1 8 9 9 _ j ¡„_
iv:.s u n ju stifiab le a n d had p r o p e r ly ’ *
t am
stirred up im m en se fe e lin g in la b o r harac- m an,
circles ag ain st the go vern or.
D a r r o w ’*
arg u m e n t, u n fin ­
ished w h en cou rt ad jo u rn e d , d e v e l­
oped into an ap p ea l fo r
la b o r a s ,w ¡ts
ag ain st cap ital, and a denunciation
con- .1
of a ll opposed to the unions. H e held
au dien ce
an d
o p e n -’j who
i m
r t v outhed
/ iii u t u
u us
i one
x ir c
u a fte
n c i r
i an
i i i u oth
i . u er
c i
u io ,
sentim ents p o u re d fro m his lips. m g ’ ? they nter-
attack on O rc h a rd w a s expected, a n d "{ the
in this respect he fu lfille d an d s u r - *
passed the lim it o f sensation. T h re e .
’ its
h ou rs w ere given to O rch ard , an d It «thcost
w as only w h e n vitup eration , ph ysi-
cal force au d w o rd s w ere spent that j
Mr. D a r ro w now tu rn ed to Jam es H .
/ >n ;hi y
H a w le y ,
T h e State o f Id a h o cam e In fo r a '
la rg e sh are o f M r. H a r r o w 's den u n - is*sn> can
d a t io n fo r the p a rt It has played In
the prosecution.
C u ltu re , education
to J u r y an d w ea lth each in tu rn
w ere de­
scribed as consti: u tln g a com bination
ag ain st w hich tho w o rk in g m e n , tbe
unedu cated an d the p o or m ust ever
be opposed.
M r. D a r r o w sneered at
the u n iversities us p u rv e y o rs o f c u l­
ture. " A u d w h a t Is a c u ltu re d m an ,”
he cried , “ b u t a c ru e l
tyra n t a l­
w ays?”
R e a c h in g the clim a x o f his d e n u n ­
ciation in sym pathy fo r the w o rk in g
class a n d h a tre d fo r th e rich, he a s - "
sailed the C o n stitu tion o f the co u n ­
try, an d cried :
“ T h e C o n stitu tion ! T h e C o n stitu ­
It is h ere o n ly to d estroy the
la w s m ade fo r the b e n e fit o f the
p o o r.”
M r. D a r r o w ’s d e fen se o f la b o r
unions an d o f union m en w a s p as­
sionate an d his e u lo g y o f the W e s t ­
ern F e d e ra tio n eloq u en t.
L o v in g ly
he touched on the be a u ty o f s e lf-s a c ­
rifice fo u n d in the " s t r u g g le fo r h u ­
m anity w h e re only the w o rk in g m a n
is fo u n d ,” an d then, w ith the b itte r­
est sarcasm ’ is voice pitched to the
highest note an d a rm s u u ra lse d , he
heaped ab u se upon th e s e lfish rich
an d upon the a d m in istra tio n o f the
Stute o f idu h o.
San Francisco, Ju ly 26.— The Louis
G lass bribery case should be in the
hands of the ju ry by 1 o ’clock this after­
Francis J. H eney, for the peo­
ple, and T . C. Coogan, for the defense,
yesterday m ade each h is opening arg u ­
At 10 o ’clock tins m orning Del­
ph in M . Delm as w ill iregin the closing
address for G lass
Popular prophecy is
divided between a conviction and a d is ­
agreem ent.
N o one affects to forecast
an acquittal.
Th e chief sensation of the trial came
at 1 :20 o ’clock, when the prosecution
having closed its case M r. Delm as crisp
ly announced:
“ So have w e .”
determ ination to offer no evidence in
contradiction of the circum stantial web
woven around G lass was a sudden and
com plete surprise to everyone, most of
a ll to the prosecution, for the previous
day D elm as had casually, or so it
seemed, mentioned Rudolph Spree kies
aa “ one of the witnesses we shall call.
H eney, after stating frankly to the
ju ry that the declination of Second Vice
President Z im m er, the most important
in dividu al witness for the state, to tes­
tify had put it beyond the pewer of the S U R V I V O R S
prosecution to establish definitely the
connection of Glass with the crim e of S ix t y -F iv e C o m p le te V o y a g e o n E ld er
b rib in g Supervisor C harles Boxton, de­
F r o m Sc e n e o f W re ck .
voted him self to a vigorous exposition
n d , Ju ly 25.— W it h 65 s u r ­
of tire circum stantial case made out.
v ivors
(h e
ill-fa t e d
C o lu m b ia
a b o a rd , the steam er G e o r g e W . E ld e r
S U M M A R Y O F T H E S U R V I V O R S . reach ed port at 6 :3 0 o'clo ck y e s te r­
day aftern o o n , a fte r a slo w an d u n ­
R e v is e d R e tu rn s S h o w a T o ta l o f 9 3 ev e n tfu l vo yage fro m the scene o f
this g rim trage d y o f the sea o f last
L iv e s L o s t .
S u n day
m o rn in g.
thou sand
Kan Francisco,
July 26.— A recast people th ro n ged the n a r ro w la n d in g
of the returns from the work of rescue place at M a rt in ’s dock to meet these
shows that of the 245 person on the fo rtu n ates w h o w e re snatched fro m
M a n y w ere there
steamer C o lu m bia, 152
have been the Jaws o f death.
saved, w h ile five bodies have been re- on the happy m ission o f g re etin g r e l­
atives w h o h ad escaped. O thers went
overed and 88 are reported lost.
O f the entire num ber of lest, 39 were to m ak e in q u iry fo r som e loved one
unaccounted for.
men, 49 women and five were children.
T h a t th e w rec k w a s attended by
Of the 191 passengers, 114 have been
many scenes o f b r a v e ry an d th a t the
saved. S ixty-eight of these have been loss o f life w a s red u c ed to a m in i­
taken to Astoria, eight have arrived m um co n s id e rin g the ra p id ity with
here and the rem ainder are at Eureka which th e C o lu m b ia settled, is the
or on their way to this city. O f the 98 g e n e ra l verdict,
in the fact o f the
men, 70 were saved am i of the 91 w o­ en dless n u m b e r o f m ira c u lo u s es­
men 42 w ere saved.
T w o of the seven capes fro m d r o w n in g . It Is clear that
children survive.
O f the 54 memliers c o u ra g e w as at hau d In plenty am on g
p a ssen gers an d crew .
W o m e n and
of the crew , 38 are a liv e .
c h ild ren d isp lay ed a d m ir a b le co u rage
us w e ll as the m en, a n d there w ere
G la s s C a s e U n fin ish e d .
fe w instances o f ra n k co w ardice.
San F ran cisco , J u ly 26.— C o n tra ry
to expectations, th e prosecu tion did
not fin ish y este rd ay its case ag ain st
L o u is G lass, c h a rg e d w ith the b r i­
b e ry o f su p erv iso rs. T h e most In ter­
estin g w itness w a s M rs. A n n ie B o x-
ton, w ife o f S u p e rv iso r C h a rle s B ox-
ton, w hose te m p o ra ry Incum bency o f
the M q y o r’s c h air u nder the do m i­
nation o f the “ B ig S tick ,” w a s ter­
m inated recently by the succession
o f D r. E d w a r d R. T a y lo r.
M rs. B ox-
ton testified that the $5,000 which
her h u sban d confessed w a s accepted
aa a b rib e fro m T . V . H a ls e y .
o f;on
d- 1 a
i a
s ub"
rn -
:k be
:e d mly
* f
* the
«d e
s to
K a
M u st N ot E n fo rc e La w s.
N a s h v ille ,
T en n .,
J u ly
25.— F o r
the first tim e In T en n e ssee the p o w ­
ers o f the U n ite d S tates C o u rts have
been In vo k ed in an attem pt to re­
s tra in the In s u ra n c e C om m issioner
from c o m p e llin g an insurance co m ­
pany c o n fo r m in g to the la w s enacted
fo r Its re g u la t io n by the state of
Ten n essee.
T h is Is the n ature o f an
In ju n ction b ill file d by the State M u ­
tu a l
L ife
In su ran c e
C om pan y, o f
R o m e , in w hich It is sough t to p re ­
vent C o m m ission er F o lk from re v o k ­
in g the license o f the insurance co m ­
C u b a W a n t s C iv il E n g in e e r s .
Y o rk .
J u ly
26.— C o lo n el pany
W illia m B la c k , U . 3. A ., a c tin g as
H e ir e s s e s to $ 4 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .
ad v iser to the S e c re ta ry o f P u b lic
W o r k s o f the C u b a n p ro v in c ia l g o v ­
H e le n a , M ont., Ju ly 25.- Three
ern m ent, w h o h a s ju s t a r r iv e d from y o u n g w om en o f this city, the Misses
H a v a n a , sp ok e e n c o u ra g in g ly o f C u ­ B erth a an d K red o rlk a
V olk er and
ban a ffa irs , p a rt ic u la r ly o f the r a il­ M rs. K en ton K ep n er, have ju st been
ro a d b u ild in g
sin ce
S p a n ls h - a p p rised that, a ft e r h earin gs lasting
A m erican w a r.
H e said the g o v e rn ­ three years in German courts, they
declared the legal
ment has a p p ro p ria te d $12,000,000 have
fo r this w o rk done.
H e said that in heiresses to the estate o f their g ra n d -
earn ed
his o p in ion th e re w a s in C u b a a good fa th e r,
amounts to $40,000,000. They ex­
fie ld fo r civil e n gin e ers
pect to go to G e rm an y sh o rtly ,, to
claim their fortune. They are w ell-
P r e d ic t s R a io n ji’t D efeat.
known residents o f this city.
V ic to ria , B. C ., July 26.— C o u n t
Y a n a g is a w a , o f the Japan ese H ou se
Rem ove A m e ric a n F la g
o f P ee rs, says h is govern m en t w ill
O ttaw a.
T ™?
be defeated soon by the attitu d e o f
P r e m ie r S a to n jl on the difficulties A m erican flags yesterday were used
with the U n ite d States.
H e expects with the Union Jack an d other deco­
the new g o vern m en t to be fo rm ed rations In connection w ith a carnival.
w hen the Diet m eets in Decem ber. A com m ittee o f citizens ordered the
The r e ­
A d m ira l Y am a m o to w ill be at its stars an d stripes rem oved.
H e Baid th a t the Japanese ception com m ittee thought It best to
t r o u b le
a re much excited o v er the S an F ra n -i
cisco riots.
| over the m atter.
i y