Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 01, 1907, Image 7

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* a Heap of Happiness H
Would Bring to Forest
Grove Homes.
Up to Date Ways of Transform­
ing Last Summer’s Wardrobe.
rd 10 do housework with an ach
a*s you hours ol misery at leisurr
Ribbons H slp W o nd e rf u ll y In Freshen­
ing Up a F ro c k — T h e y Make Belt«
and T r i m Outing H a t » — Sleeves An-
women only knew the cause — tha
other Im p ort an t Matter.
»che pains come Iron) sick kid
This is the w ay one girl transformed
her last summer wardrobe and man- |
aged to appear stylish and well dress-
> ed on a small amount o f money. She i
I bought one good tailor suit of cheeked |
! mohair and one new tailored silk waist,
with plaited rutiles In front and on the
aid save much needless woe
's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys
l. Mary Bumeiidnfr. of *11 Wary* Street, Sa
Ore., aaya: " I hate tuund Doao'f Kidney
a remedy that la worthy ot all confidante and
leaaed to eodorae them ao that other aufferera
kidney complaint may know how to yet relief
cured Donn't Kidney Pula at a dm» atore and
al mm,he re of our family l*ave uaed ’hem with
root yralifyiny reaulta I look them ntyaclf for
•d achia» back and a dr.»»in * down feeltra»
cornea from Irreyular and deranged kidney»,
reaulta were of the heat rhe achm« and aore-
were hanlahed and the kldneya were rendered
ml My health became better In every way."
rr sale by all dealers.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
York, sole agents for the United
^nember the name -Doans— and
no other.
The Modesty o f Women
urally makes them shrink from t h e
•licato questions, the obnotious ei-
natlons, and unpleasant local treat-
its, which some physicians consider
intlal In the treatment of diseases of
nen. Yet, If help can be had, It Is
ter to submit to this ordeal than let
disease grow and spread. The trouble
hat bo often the woman undergoes all
a n n o y a n c e a n d s h a m e for nothing.
onaandsNtf women who have been
*1 by Dr. rHerce's Favorite Prescrlp-
n wrlut In ^hureclatlon of the cure
Ich disjV hiîV V H li the examinations
J local treatm entv^There la no other
dlelne so sure and safe, for delicate
men as "Favorite Prescription." ft
res debilitating drains. Irregularity and
n a le weakness.
I t always helps. It
nost always cures. It Is strictly non-
rohollc, non - secret, all Its Ingredients
ng printed on Its bottle-wrapper; con-
ins no deleterious or habit-forming
ugs, and every native medicinal root
tcrlng Into its composition has the full
dorsement of those most eminent in the
veral schools of medical practice. Some
these numeiuiii and strongest of pro-
sstoual endorsements of Its Ingredients,
ill be found in a pamphlet wrapped
ound the bottle, also In a booklet mailed
on request, by Dr. R. V. Fierce, of
alfalo, N. Y. These professional en-
»rsements should have far more weight
tan any amount of the ordinary lay, or
yn-professionul testimonials.
The most Intelligent women now-a-days
iklkf on knowing what they take as med-
lnn instead of opening their mouths like
lot of young birds and gulping down
'hatever Is offered them. "Favorite Fro-
criptlon" is of k n o w n c o m p o s i t i o n . It
lakes weak women strong and sick
■•nen well.
jr. r Pierce’s
iffren 9 ahmiicb
d v is e r is
Medical I A Adviser
Is seni
sent free
ense of
icelpt of stamps to pay expeus
hang Imlu. Semi to Dr. R. V. Pf<
i’ lerce,
lo, N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps i foi
for pa-
er-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound.
If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge
ry letter. All such communications are
icld sacredly contidentlsl.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets Invigorate
and regulate stomach, liver and trowels.
appointed a member of the Cabinet •
(Mat by courtesy of Portland Journal.)
j Aroi>.*l the block there’s sense o f woe;
W here next w ill fall the sickening blow
W e dread to think, we fear to know,
Since Mabel got her skates.
The children all have ceased their play.
On doorsteps now they sit all day.
; T h eir playmate doggies sneak aw ay
Since M abel got her skates.
Portland, Oregon, May 11, |90?
At - o'clock the next Saturday nftcr
Notice 1« bereby giveo that in coenpUance wlth thè
provisions of Ih/ a et o f Congrega of June 3, |»78. enti
Notice for Publication.
tled " A a act for thè sale of ttmber landa in thè States of
California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri
United Surra Land OBtee Por land. Or.«on,
tory, ss erte nòrd to all thè public land States by act of
Notier la hereby ylvet, that in r u i p ü « / » » ! ! « ',L
4ug. 4, 1892, Geo. E. Cooper of Portland, county
proylalotu of ihr art
ivn»rraa of June ) m ,
Muitnomah. state of Oregon, has this day flled in this ■ H IM An «et fot Ihr mir of timbra Ulula m ihr S t..L
ce bis sworn statement No. 7412. for thè purrhase of «* California, Orrrron. Nrrad. am, w Ab o .m . £ 2 *
« ; • " “ '■ ” -> -1
«Il rhr n.bhc M
s u '„ bL , f ,
i o * M a » M H of S m
IO. In Toernahlp No of
UNI, Orni,,, W U n ™ ,
ro < U M
I f l . Sanyo * W and arili offa» proni to thow that th» < »»m » of Mul nomali a,«ir of Oregon, haa HUa day A ed
* 4 aouyhl la mora valtaahlv tot Ila llatbaa or Hook tkaa j In thi* office hi« sworn «tatemen' No. 7167 for the nur
«W ot nw V* «nd swl % of nw l * of Section
Aayrlr ultttral purp.no«, and lo «alaOliali Ma clama lo ***•■•
11 and se1« of nel« of Section No. 10, tn Town
a land Safnra Ih« Reyiatar and Racatvvr al Portland
•hip No 1 N R«nge No 5 W. and will offer pnx»f to
E r o n . on Thuramr. Ika IMS dai of Scpinakri. I W ( «how that the land «ought is more valuable fur its timber
or «tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
J f l r namaa aa min ama« W arma 1 Lockn.vd ol foci
l* nd
the register and receiver of
H E | Ovayon. Chaa H. OaSaran of Portland O o p .
thia office at PurtUnd, Oregon, on Thursday, the 19th
Hoarhklaa of Ratrooa. Orayon, laoiaa I lipptny ! «•y of September, 1907.
He names as witnesses C H Osborn o f Portland Or
James Miller of Portland. O r . W J lock wood of
* ** * •**
datatine a lr t r w l) th« «bove dr
Portland. Or , A. G Lefler of Portland. Oregon.
. f V and 1,1 Persons claiming adversely the above
U n * SM requeared to « lo thet. claim « tm , h „
«^ e n h e j anda are requeued tu « le their claim« in this
• o. before M id 12th day ot September. I«07
office on or before Mid 19th day of September. 1907
I F * * *•»*•< «tum
IMte of First Publication July 18, 1907.
For, running like an engine wild.
She's bowled down many a hapless child
And ’ midst her havoc beamed and smiled.
Rash M abel on her skates.
H er outset I can hear afar,
L.lke loosing o f the dogs o f war,
L.lke flying squadron, clattering car,
W hen M abel’ s donned her skates.
W ith fa r less fea r I think I ’ d see
Sweep round the corner down on me
A charge of Cossack cavalry
Than Mabel on her skates.
noon the door to I.arned’s private o f­
fice opened, and Cummings walked In.
cuffs. This took all her ready cash, ! The danger great to shun and flee,
His hand had not le ft the doorknob
with the exception o f $ 10 . and she knew I leave her all the sidewalk free.
when he noticed that in the room with
The center o f tho street for me
only too w ell that $10 could never be
When M abel wears her skates.
Lam ed was a lady. He started. He
made to buy three or four other gowns
knew her well.
| and their trimmings, to say nothing of-r But yet fhe takes me unaware,
“ This Indy,” said Lamed, “ Is inter­
TUI I, with shriek o f wild despair.
the making.
Instinctive Jump three feet in air
ested with me In the matter we were
It Is a long way around to Robin
From M abel and her skates.
discussing the other day.”
Hood’s barn, but now w e are back to
“ W hat’s she got to do with It?” asked
Last eve she nearly broke her knee,
the starting point—ribbon accessories— And thus a ray o f hope we see
Cummings uneasily.
w’ hleh was surely a clever idea lu the And coming sweet delivery
“ She Is my betrothed.”
From Mabel and her skates.
case o f the practical girl. She hoarder I
“ Mr. Lam ed ," said the lady, “ has
—Chicago News.
her $10 until “ ribbon bargain d a y "
placed these negotiations In my hands.
came around. Then she w ent shopping,
He will do w hatever I desire him to
with a careful list o f the items needed
do. W hat Is the least sum you will
before her.
take to guarantee silence?”
For the tailored suit she purchased
“ I ’ m not used to dealing with w o­
tw o yards and a quarter o f Roman silk
ribbon, and o f this she made a crush
“ You'll have to deal with me or no
gird le (using her last year’s belt
She looked nt Lam ed, who confirmed buckle), a severe bow tie and a grace­
ful scarf for her old panama, which,
he. words.
by the w ay. had been carefully cleaned
“ 1 said $50.000," said Cummings.
with oxalic acid and warm water.
‘‘I'U give you $ 1 , 000 .”
H er last year's silk shirt waist stilt
Cummings turned to go. The lady
looked quite good with the exception
stopped him.
" I would advise you to take what I o f the sleeves, which she remodeled In­
offer you, and I will g ive you five min­ to puffs, finishing with three narrow
utes to decide. I f you refuse. I ’ ll give plaited ruffles. Fortunately there were
tw o yards o f the silk le ft over for a
you nothing."
“ You do as you like.
I'll put the new waist, but as this was not needed
she split the silk lengthwise, cutting
bank In a way to recover the loss.”
"T h e loss Is recovered fo r the bank one and one-fourth Inches o f the sel­
f'entlped- Hei
One o f the persons who stole the mon­ vage edges fo r ruffles on one side only.
shoes shined.
ey returned his share.
Mr. Lam ed
B oy—lien y e'll have t' go t' de
has offered me my choice o f a wedding
blnokin’ fnet’ ry; I don’t do no w hole­
present. I have chosen the remalndei
sale Jobs.—Kansas C ity Times.
due. I shall turn It In to the hank.”
Cummings looked nt her with anx
Ions Inquiry. “ I don't like your com
Charged Up to Him.
ing Into this case.” he said. “ Maybe
The proprietor o f the celebrated
you know more than I think you do.
mountain Inn w i n show ing the new
Maybe you’ re Interested more than as
ffue.Nt the Irenutiful surroun,lings.
the betrothed o f Frank Elrod.”
“ Ah. these c liffs !” said the proprle
“ I am. I am Interested as the sister
tor rapturously.
“ In an electrical
o f the lioy you made your tool when
storm they are a w e Inspiring.
you robbed the bank.”
next time a storm rises see that you
Cummings staggered.
ire standing on the porch o f the inn
“ It's hard for me to enter upon my
Why. sir, the air Is alw ays heavily
own affairs to such ns you.” she con­
tinued, “ hut It Is necessary. Mr. Elrod
“ I don’t doubt It,” laughed the new
proposed to me Just before your rob­
guest, winking at another late arrival
I declined him, and be went
“ and if I don’t hnp|>en to 1 «* standing
Refore news o f the robbery
on the porch I can feci assured that it
reached him my brother confessed to
w ill l>e heavily charged an yw a y—on
me. I wrote Mr. Elrod asking him to
my hill.” —D etroit Tribune.
make no appearjince or denial till I
could discover what 1 might do to
The London Lancet remarks: “ M any
save Ren
Mr. Klrod has borne the
people do not know how easily they
burden ns Mr. Lam ed ever since.”
! can protect them selves and their chil­
The rest Is too pitiful to dwell upon.
dren against the bites o f gnats and
Cummings, once a trusted clerk In the
other Insects.
W a lk carbolic acid
bank, had ruined not only himself, hut
I sponged In the skin and hair and In
a boy o f nineteen.
Cummings had
' some cases clothing w ill d rive aw ay
spent his, the lion's share o f the money
the whole tribe.
W e have no doubt
stolen, and had been reduced by pov­
that horses and cattle could be protect­
erty and drink to attempt to black­
ed In the same w a y from files, which
mail the Innocent man who for love
sometimes nenrly madden them.”
had home the burden. Cummings left
the office with the promise o f a small
Contest Notice.
stipend. It was thought better to keep
United St.it es Land Office,
him from harm lest he betray tb*
Portland. Or. July 27, 1907 ;
boy he had led Into error.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this
T T R N E R C. H O Y I.a
Notice of Final Settlement
and this silk she made Into a long,
" - r r . “ ’ " ',rhT ' ” ' n ,h* ' t. <*» und.raignad. ha»e
Bird In ,h. cmmly onirl ,>f WaihmgTnn nnamjr. Orayon graceful surplice sash, which cloned at
my linai « p o r , as .a.cur ria of th,
„V John a,
the waist line In the back.
*m,th. d,.,a.m l. and tha, .aid onrn hr? a n L m i ? w *
Torchon lace Is used a great deal for
.-av Ih, dnd da, of S „ „ m b ,r . 1 W . . . T T S S k i T
of taid day as Ih » dat, for hearing Urial pn W , hereof' trlmm'.ug heavy linen dresses this sea­
Therefore all petaon. oh e, tm» to Bald tenon ,„ V e „
The model seen In the tllnstrs-
poatrrm thereof .,11
,h „ , o!)Ut,on
me Clark of son.
- ¡d e o u ,, on « M o re Ihe dale . « fo, h e i £ ¿ ‘S L I
tlon Is let in In quite a novel fashion.
I-Ittle strips o f It at alternate Intervals
. ,
... —
Xaecnrrta of the estate of John B Smith dr,-eased
on the w aist are Joined together by a
Langley « Son. Attorneys.
straggling design o f embroidered dal
1 First publication July 1« *07)
ales. One band o f It forms a square
yoke. The collar, girdle and neckband
At Bailey’ *, tor Udie*’ hand sewed i are trimmed w ith a double row. and
goodyear welt, patent leather oxford*. I the armholes are trimmed w ith a shape
piece, with row s o f the Insertion to
Cuban heel, Blucher cut.
simulate the kimono style.
AM Y V A R M ’lf.
Hoffman & Allen tor good Rood*
and lowest price*.
(Mat by courtesy'o the Portland Journal.)
W h o visited Oregon recently, and the only Jew who was ever
Hubert Larne.!, aiuiiouaire, sat In
private office. A clerk opened the d o c
and said:
“ A,man wishes to see you, sir.”
“ Let him give his name."
“ I asked him for It and he refused."
“ What Is his business?”
“ He would not give that either.”
“ What kind of a looking man Is he7"
“ Shnbby and dissipated. H e says he
knew you when you lived In Avon­
Lam ed paled and directed the clerk
to show the man In. The person had
about him marks o f a past refinement,
though scarcely recognizable In his
threadbare garb and that complexion
which indicates Immoderate use of
"Y ou don’t remember me. do you?”
"N o ; I don’ t.”
’’ Anil I don’t remeinlier you as Rob­
ert Lamed, but 1 do reuiemtrer you ns
Frank Elrod. Pin Steve Cummings.”
Lam ed turned a shade paler.
took up n pencil oil bis desk, and a
tremor in his hand was very notice­
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wish
“ W ell, what can I do fo r you?”
igton County.
In the matter of the estate of Persia W. Chandler, de
" I ’m In great need o f funds.”
"W ould $50 lie o f any service to
No* 1 st 1 s hereby given that we, the undersigned, ex
you ?”
utors of the estate of Persia W. Chandler, deceased,
"F ifty thousand would."
ave filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon,
Lam ed sat looking at the man in­
i t Washington County, our final account as such ex-
tutors, and that said court has set Friday, the 2nd day
” 1 suppose you remember the miss­
' Aug. 1907, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon
s the time, and the court room in the Court House at ing funds o f the Arlington bank.” said
the visitor.
.illsboro, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections
) said final account and final settlement of said estate.
A pained look pnssed over Larued’s
Doted June 20, 1907.
face, but he had evidently been pre­
pared for the question.
” 1 do."
xecutors of the estate of Persis W. Chandler, de
“ And your flight at the same tim e."
W H. lfOI.I.IS.
" I left Arlington Just before the rob­
Attorney for the Executors.
bery was discovered.”
"And didn’ t see fit to show up when
It was discovered.”
“ Well, go on!"
United States Und Office,
" A few years ago you came here
Portland. Oreg., Mav 24. 1907
with money and went into business.
1 Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
Dishonesty has paid you better thun
’ L isl ens of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
W hat do you
n *‘ An act for the sale of Umber lands In the states honesty hqs paid me.
say to a divide?”
Jallfornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
i,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act
“ You mean you must be paid to re­
August 4, 1892, Harry E. Meserve of Rainier, county main silent. ?"
Columbia. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this
"That’s about It. I don’t like such a
ke his sworn statement No. 7435, for the purchase of
game, but I ’ m desperate.”
• w k of section No. 10 in township No t north.
“ And you ask 150,000? How long
.tge No. 5 west, and will offer proof to show that the
before you’ ll want (50.000 more?”
and sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than
"H ive me the money, and I ’ll put It
for agricultural purposes, and to estxbl sh his claim to
out o f my power to ask more.”
said land before the register end receiver at Po.tland,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th day of September.
Lam ed sat thinking for awhile, then
| said:
He names as witnesses Angus Maclettan of Portland.
"There’s another person Interested lu
Oregon, Harry W. Rand of Portland, Oregon. Josh Ad
I this matter whom I must consult."
kina of Gales City, Oregon, Guss A. Lovegren of Port
Cummings looked at him anxiously.
land, Oregon.
"This Is Tuesday" — looking at a
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
before him.
described lands are requested to file their claims in this calendar on the desk
j l ome In on Saturday afternoon at 2.
office on or before said 11th day of September, 1907.
The clerks nil leave the office at noon
First Publication June 27.
j on Saturday
W e ll have a better
chance to talk business "
Cummings assented and withdrew
Notice for Publication.
Lsm ed sat looking gloomily at the desk
United States l and Office.
before him.
We have always paid the high­
est for wool and mohair. — Bailey's.
M. E. Church
Regular preaching services at the Methodist church
every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p m. Sunda
school at 10 a. m.; Epworth League 7:00 p. m.; Mid-week
Service, Thursday, 8:00 p. m.
REV. H. GOULD, Pastor.
German Lutheran Church
The German Lutherans hold services on the 2nd and
4th Sundays of each month at 2:30 p. m.
H. C. EBELING, Pastor.
Christian Church.
Bible School, Sunday.................................. 10:00 a. m.
Communion and preaching........................... 11:00 a. m.
Junior Mission Band...................................... 3:00 p. n .
Christian Endeavor....................................... 6:30 p. m.
Preaching..................................................... 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Thursday night.
REV. SIAS, Pastor.
Congregational Church
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Preaching Ser­
vice at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
Yvung People’s Meeting held at 6:30 p. m. Mid-week
service on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m.
REV. H. W. BOYD. Pastor.
Free Methodist
There will be preaching services in the Free Metho­
dist Church every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
REV. H. K. BOW MAN. Pastor.
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m .
at the Christian Science Hall, 115 South Fifth Street
The Publisher’s
Claims Sustained
U n i t e d S t a t e s C o u r t o f C l a im s
The Publishers o f Webster’« International
Dictionary aileKethat it “ is, in fiut.the popu­
lar I nahridffed thoroughly re-edited in every
detail, ami vastly enriched in every part, with
the purpose o f adapting it to meet the larger
and severer requirement« o f another genera­
We are o f the opinion that this allegation
most clearly and accurately deacribes the
work that, lias lieen accomplished and the
result that has been reached. The Dictionary,
as it now stands, has been thoroughly re-
edited in every detail, has lieen corrected In
every part, and is admirably adapted to meet
tiie larger and severer requirements o f a
generation which demands more o f popular
philological knowledge than any generation
that tlie world hasevercontained.
It is perhaps needless to add that we refer
to the dictionary In our judicial work as o f
the highest authority in accuracy o f defini­
tion : and that in the fu tu re «s in the past it
will be the source o f constant reference.
CHARLES C. NOTT, Chief Juxttce.
L aw
r en ce w eld o r
The abort refers to WEBSTER'S
ithrhiKhi st award) w « j given to the Interna­
tional at the W orld’s Fair, Nt. Louts.
You will be interested in our
specimen page«, sent free.
G . 8 c C . M E R R I A M C O „
60 Y E A R «'
T rade M a r e s
D e s ig n *
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may
quickly Ascertain our opinion free whether an
volition ts prohnbly patentable. ( omtnunlcs-
tloiisalrictlf cmifillcntlnL HANDBOOK on P »t e «U
sent I ree.
Oldest nueticy fo r securing patent«.
j . Oiliest
Patent! * taken through Munn A Co. re ceive
notice, w
ithout charge, lu
pretal notice,
iu the
Scientific American.
office by Soren Jeppesen contestant, against Home
stead entry No. 15512. made August 2. 1004, for E’ a
and lots 1 and 2. section 30. township J n, r J w
A handsomely lllnstm ted weekly. Largest eif-
by Ernest L. Perone contestee. in which it is alleged
cnlntion o f nnv scientific journal. Ternia. M A
year: four m onth«,
that he is well acquainted with the tract of land em­
S o ld i by ell newsde
braced in the homstead entry, and knows the present
condition of the same; also that said Ernest L. Perone
has wholly abandoned said tract of land from the date ;
Branch Offlr«. « X F S t . W aahlnylon. D. C.
of said entry to the present time; that said entry man
never lived and made his home on said land at any
time after making said entry ; that he never cultivated
any portion of said land af ter the date of said entry;
tha* he never made any improvemen s on said land
after making said entry save and except erecting a
small uninhabitable log shack and fe'Ln g a few
Knowing what It Is to suffer, t will give
trees around said shack pnor to November. 1904, F R F F
1 4V1-A-
FREE OF CHARGE, to any afflicted a poet-
since which time he has been without the Slate of Ore
live cure for Ecsema, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, fllg g
gon; and that the said alleged absence from the said ■nd Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don’t suffer long«*
land was not due to his employment in the Armv, Navy
Write F. W. Williams, «00 Manhattan Avenue, New
or Marine Corps of the United S»ates as a private sol
Enclose S u m
dier. officer, seaman or marine, during the war with
Spain ot during any other war in which the U. S. may
be engaged said parties are hereby notified to appear. \
respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at
When you travel the Wilson River Road stop at
t o’clock p. m. on Sept 17. 1907. before the register
aul receiver at the United States Land Office ,n Port
land. Ore.,
The said contestant having it a proper affidavit, filed
July 9, 1907. set forth facts which shew that after dur
32 rri’ les from Forest Grove. Rates: meals 25c,
diligence personal service of this notice can not be
lodging. 25c. Board with mom per «veek 56.00
made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice
Horses, teem over night, hay and grain $1.50.
be given by due and proper publication.
H»y ’ lone. 75c. Hot and cold warns piped
through hnote
Modem bath etc. Telepfcj*a
lU t Puff. Ang I, 1907)
the proprietor, J. f . Rceber. W-lgoo, Oregon.
MUNN & Co.38"5'«*"’- New York
Eczema and Pile Cure
Th e W hite \ louse