I of the Choice Dress Goods Shown at this Store? W. H. Stratton has one of the finest I orchards in the county and has shipped out over $3000 worth of cherries from I the county this year. He is a strong advocate of a local cannery for the ! shipping loss, freight rates and the I loss by perishable fruits, consumes half of the profit. Mr. Stratton ships J apples besides cherries and all kinds of fruits and has the Col. Haynes place leased for five years. He says that where he got three hundred boxes last year off his orchard he will only get fifty this year. Largest Stock to Choose From Persian Lawn, French Lawn, Cobweb Checks, Printed Silk Chiffon, Madras, Dotted Swiss, Muslin, Picarlie, Vassar Batistes, Mercerline Silks and many others. Good line of Summer ginghams in Toile du Nord and the A F C’s. M e n ’s F u r n is h in g Goods Old grandpa, George Graham, cele­ brated his ninety-fourth birthday last Thursday. He is hale and hearty yet and his only drawback is his eyes which went back on him last Spring. Up to that time he read the daily pa­ pers and was always posted on national affairs. He has always taken an inter­ est in the city and has lived here for the past fifteen years. Before coming here he lived on his claim in the mountains south of Cornelius. He was born in the state of New Jersey and spent some time in New York as a cabinet maker. H ^ is bright and able to carry on a good conversation and no doubt has a lease on life for many years to come. BUXTON The dance at Hannan’ s hall was well attended. A ll the way from head to foot E. E. Lytle took a trip to Buxton and the tunnel last week. The men too all always looking for something cool. W e have it. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Quick started on a trip to Washington Monday. Anything for A water tank is being constructed near Buxton by the railroad company, <* MAN, BOY, •*. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knutsen of Asto­ ria, have been visiting with E. G Shanahan. Summer vesLs all patterns all prices from $1.50 to $3.00. Negligee shirts all sizes from 50c Lo 2.25. Hats all kinds, sizes and prices, good but cheap. Sox, un- derwear. Neckwear. HOFFMAN ®> ALLEN COMPANY OREGON FOREST GROVE * Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY FINE WORK DONE CHEAP — PRICES W hite shirt - Soft “ - W hite Skirt* Undershirt* - Handkerchief* - - 10c Drawers - - 8 to 15c - 10c White W a i»« - 10 to 20c 10 to 50 Underskirt* - 15 to 25c - - 8c Stockings - - - 2Vfcc - - 2c C o l l a r s ....................... 2c Men’* White Vest* 10 15c P a n t * ....................... 25c Coat* - - - - 10 20c Dusters - - 15 20c Towel* - - - 20c Do*. Napkin* - - 20c Do*. The following articles 50 c per doz. Pillow Cases, Bed Sheet*, Table Cloth*. Night Gown*. Women’ s Drawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corset Covers. pacific Avenue Forest Grove c. F. MILLER Druggist We compound our prescriptions from PROPERTY g PEOPLE Large or Small Tracts Dairy, fruit and hay farms, hop yards. List your place with me and have it sold. M. L. Noble Real Estate Office Main street, one dcor north Russell's Shoe Store Forest Grove - - Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Forest Grove Time Table No. No. No. No. — ISO Goats for sale— Must reduce number. In lots of 10— Wethers $1.65, nannies $2.40 per head— In lots of 30 to SO, wethers $1.55, nannies $2.25 per head. At Walnut Grove Farm, 5 j miles southeast from Gaston, 10j miles south from Forest Grove.— Bar­ nett Y. Roe. Atty. J. M. Wall went to Forest Grove Wednesday to assist in the case of the City vs. Dr. Large. The County Surveyor’ s office has been removed to the room upstairs formerly used for a jury room. This gives more space for desks and tables so essential to proper transaction of FOR R e n t — 40 acres là miles south of Dilley. Inquire Geo. Buck- business. The downstairs office will ingham at Dilley. l-4t soon be ready for occupancy by the County Treasurer. — Wanted— A guitar instructor to teach a young girl.— M. H. Dixon, CORNELIUS South Park. tf Mr. Thomas, the hotel man, is For Sale— 500 sacks A 1 White building a new house. Oats in ton or half-ton lots. Edward Mrs. Miles Sischo and daughter L Naylor, Forest Grove, Ore. tf were visitors at the county seat last week. FOR SALE— A fine dairy ranch of 80 Leo Peterson who has been traveling j acres. Half under cultivation, balance good pasture. Fair buildings, good all over the United States is visiting at orchard, water; 5J miles northwest of his father’ s home in Cornelius. Forest Grove, on milk route, mail route Mrs. C. H. Lion and children of ahd telephone line. For prices and Whitby Island, are visiting at the home terms inquire of H. G. King, guardian, of her mother, Mrs. L. C. Hartman. adjoining place. tf : NORTH BOUND. .and 8:00 a. m. 6:45 a. m ., arrives at I 10:20 a. m. 8:47 a. m., 2:50 p. m. 1 :3 0 p .m ., 5:50 p. m . i 4:16 p. m., SOUTH BOUND. 2 lv. Portland 7:30 a. m. lv. Forest Grove 9:00 a. m. 8 " “ 11:00 a. m.. ar. “ “ 12:20p.m . 4 " 4.10 p. m.. I t . ** ] &40 p. m. 10 ** ** 5:20 p. m .t ar. “ " 6:40 p. m. 7 drparts 3 “ 9 ** 1 “ Miss Edna Rash left Thursday for McMinnville where she intends to make a short stay. W anted «ONT Farms to be listed with W H Y ? Because we can sell them. Because we advertise extensivel FERTISE Because we have inquiries fre Eastern people who are coming an( Oregon. Because we have the custome and want to locate them in Was andm !nds ington County.________ nn OREGON LAND COT** «entor­ ne egonian »ndd - edition Miss Emma Busch of Davids H* t. - oitation is numbered among the valley Peoi ad ntained the this summer. my info:- Ruel Bisbee started up his hay ba^eker ly 0J,e at D. B. Adams’ , Monday. Chevery ¡ssi]e(j Williams is engineer. '¡zed, homt- Mrs. Etta Dilley of Forest Groi^«** t and helping Mrs. Ernest Berk with fa rac* many tnter- housework for a few weeks. leeker every Mrs. Piser of Cornelius, visited w its lizcC, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. con- .1 in- Mont, several days last week. who larac- If the weather man would only tu they nter- the key towards cooler weather the would please the men in the hay fiel gau r its very much. rcost con- » Mrs. M. Bisbee and Mrs. Florenc,^,^ who I Ranes spent last Tuesday with th ¡n th< y / friend, Mrs. Wheeler of Forest G r o v ^ ,, t t * n !•»_ * the 0 who expects io leave for Californ a «“ . Can 0 soon. en- 4 Mr. Williams left Saturday for H .¡on 3 ink quiam, Wash., to spend a week w if or in his younger son, who is employed t. 9 ibt an engineer in an electric light plant i .0 m, that place. |ub- 13 :n- Mrs. Allan Rice and Mrs. Ruel Bi. be on II 48 bee, who have been quite sick, aian- cr 49 improving at the present writinpnly 50 Allan Dilley is not improving as we) of WATT DISTRICT. lost A great many families have been up in the hills near Cape Horn after black­ berries, which they found in great as thought for since his accident. abundance. • and Mrs. Anderson, Maude and Harold Not many of the friends of Uncljng Anderson and Leslie Wicke all of Port Donald McKenzie of Cornelius woul for land, spent a week with the family ol take him to be over sixty years of ag at Charlie Brown. at the most to see him hop, step anlke jump around and dance the Highlan^g NEWPORT. fling. Yet he is a score and six yeai jje Mr. and Mrs. Markee and daughter, more than that and a few days O'- s >> Luella, left for home last week. for only last Thursday he celebr * Mr. and Mrs. McPherson came over his eighty-sixth birthday. He ,edi last week and will remain about wood for several hours just for the sak^ni month. of amusement on that day and says tha a Ira Hampton and sister-in-law Miss he can put up a cord of oak wood an-,ey Sophia Logan arrived Saturday evening day in the week. Uncle is ScotclM_ and will remain some time and proud of it. He was born in th« 0f Mr. and Mrs. Underwood and province of Quebec and the n eigh b or^ daughter came last week but will not did riot know whether he was bijHe remain as long as they expected. enough to save or not for he was on!ty,e a little package of human flesh weigh.d They will leave,soon. Some of the Forest Grove people ing a pound and a half. But one ot,0 who came Saturday were Mrs. Oscar the good men of the neighborhood Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kert- suggested that it would be a good ideros_ son, Miss Kopple and Anna Cornelius. to save him and that he would always,,,! act independent of others. Ai a KO Herbert Wirtz of Marshal Wells Uncle says he was born with a va'^0 Hardware Co., of Portland, son of over his face. He has lived in se g a Councilman Wirtz arrived Saturday eral states and says that Iowa is 1 [jn^ evening expecting to stay about a choice of the whole lot. But thé month. blustery weather and cyclones of that n. Gordon Brown is enjoying himself state are too muen for him. “ Corn is very much at the Walker Brothers king,” says the old man with a >„jng camp and incidentally taking on weight look “ and I love to raise it.” He in record time having annexed 10 claims himself thrice blest as he in n s, pounds in two weeks. The^only com ­ been wedded that many times. V •• plaints he has is, that he can’ t keep McKenzie is-planning on going to th ___ enough grub in sight. Alberta country next Spring. He h. Mr. and Mrs. Connlee came in Sat­ a farm up there and intends to buy urday evening and joined the Forest couple of oxen and go to breaking u est Grove people who came in Satur­ the ground. day and left Monday were Mrs. John It was announce in The News last i Templeton and daughter, Will Haines of the Forest Grove National Bank, week that Prof. Chapman would only Mr. and Mrs. Stockman and daughter be at the college three days out of the week but he has since notified us that and Mrs. Geo. Paterson. he will be htre every day but one dur­ ing the school week, and will therefore DILLEY Mrs. Oliver Chowning is visiting teach four out of the five days. L. A. Duncan and family of Kansas, For Sale— Span of mules, wagon and moved to this city last week and have good chain harness. Wagon 3 i inch No. No. purchased property here. They have able. tire. No. No. just come from Scappoose. LOST— somewhere in west part of Willie Blake who has been visiting town, gold watch, open face, Elgin N. L. ATKINS, Agent. his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Blake of friends here. Rollo Peterson and Frank Fletcher movement, with nickel fob. Finder If you want TO ILE T ARTICLES W. E. C o m a n , General Freight and leave at NEWS office and receive re­ Cornelius, has returned to Wisconsin will start for Newport next Monday. - Passenger Agent, Portland. George Briggs made a quick trip to our stock will supply every need ward . tf where he is attending school. Vancouver, Tuesday. the purest and freshest drugs obtain­ Tooth Brushes, Powders and Pastes, Pens and Ink Liner Column Haycock intend to - - Emma Briggs spent Saturday and Portland or Eugene in the Sunday in the Rose City. It Is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad . j Fa!1 and Probably to the latter place as Krank Rice and Mi„ Haze, Cum_ in this column. A few words here will reach 5.000 readers and the result* are certain. 5c line 1st j they have two daughters living in the mi,,* were Pc)rtiand visit0„ for a HILLSBORO Insertion. 2 ^ cent* each subsequent insertion, j Minimum charge 10 ct*. I university town. They own property ^ day, the past week _____________ __ _____________________________ County Commissioners Court meets in the Rose City. I _ „ . . . . . next week. j ! Guy Hoover who is employed at the “ WANTED— Salesmen. Many make John Beal, who is with the Hender- rock quarTv near Fishers, Washington, $100 to $150 per month, some even j Hon. W. N. Barrett and family went son baler which is doing work in the \ spent Monday at home. more. Stock clean; grown on roserva- to Newport, Tuesday. North Plains reports that the .crops io | Mi„ Panna Peterson arjd Mr. Chas. [ tion, far from old orchards. Cash The evangelical tent meeting still ----------------------— i advanced weekly. Choice of territory. hat section of the county are excel- Cnrmby of Portland spent Sunday at Address Washington Nursery Company, continues, with good attendance. ! lent. The wheat and oat crops, which ! the home of Scott Smith near here, Toppenish, Washington.” The Sunday evening union service in other parts are not so heavy as in -------------------------- - will be held in the Christian church. previous years, is just as heavy as usual | ~ Archie Br*ant wiU ,ake Pho,os F or S a l e .— T horoughbred regis- in Dilley and Gaston next week— see Tuesday was the hottest day of the in the North Plains and will go 40 — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy I him. Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap- cattle which have the highest test in summer here, so far. Thermometers bushels to the acre. The potatoes and pliances in office. Calls answered the county. Address box 16 R. F. D registered from 103 to 105 in the corn are also fine and large c t o d s are j — Todies’ white canvas oxfords in the latest styles *t Bailey’s. tl expected. . . . . No. 1. Cornelius, shade. mght or day. MILLER. The Druggist t _ Mr. and Mrs. Correspondence. rnove to Some Good Homes A good 8 room house, fine loca­ tion, all ready to move in, just the, place for a nice home, only $1500 A large house and lot close to business, nice garden and plenty ( fruit, a choice place at $1875. -y One of the finest homes in For- ¿j e ;t Grove, entirely modern, furni- ^ ture to go with place at $3000. Many other bargains. THOMAS & HOG Real Estate, Phone 294, Forest Grove, Ore g tor In, ' hill hit I hin ;en has use of last ice tiim «^et. jbit I 1 c me .1 At i a l­ ivi- 5* aed j’ ere d led i sec