r i_. C 1 I I tH i l i l - t Joaquin Miller has declared fN 1 4 W ^ , V1 , Mr. Fairbanks managed to get into ^ the spotlight as a lifesaving hero just _____ ___ that there is too much George ____u when some people thought W E E K w. his boom The Chamberlain in the state for him had gone down for the third time. blished every Thursday by Washington County Publishing Co., to try for the United States sen- W ashington Herald. Incorporated. ___ atorship, but thinks there is a In the matter of the T oba cco Trust •ered at the post-office at Forest better opening for him for the [he Department of Justice is going to Grove, Oregon, as second class presidency of the good old U. prove that it hasn’ t been neglecting it3 ì mail matter. S. A . ■ubscription $1.00 Per Year Advtrtiilng ratal mad* known on ' ; application. licial Paper of City of Forest 6ro»e . E. NOTTRSE.......................MANAGER $60 machine for $25 t r a v - business bv smoking up at a great rate. — Washington Times. W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in­ stallments till $ 2 5 . 0 0 is paid us. W h y send east or to Portland when you can buy at home 1 sia at the same time, so he has decided fact, too much Roosevelt. just as cheap. to please himself and let the people If Japan and the United States can’ t ment between the German g o v ­ be forced to fight, a scrap j betw een ; rians. Banks and Cornelius are two jf W ashington County’s grow- ng and hustling towns. This is because they have within t'aeir limits hustling and enter­ prising people. May they grow more. We thought so. After all Sole Agents for the White Sewing M achine in W ashington County. the excited surmise and debate over Gen era! Beil’ s statement that there i something wrong in the army” it turns out that the general didn’ t say it.— “ ““ “ ,c Kc“ c'a MARRIAGE LICENSES. to handle a pitchfork as weh as they William G K opple and H ettie K rit- can a cigarette. der. A very pleasant scene on a Sunday Colts Met Their Waterloo, morning is a man turning an ice cream Milwaukee Sentinel, Oregon Forest Grove ernment and the United States Loeb and Metcalf would probably be Is Cake, Fulton and Cake which went into effect July 1, is the next best thing for a midsummer | he combination? causing the manufacturers whose diversion.— New York Commercial. W hat’s the matter with W ash­ goods have had the benefit of high tariff, to complain severely, ington County having a fair? Everyone admits that the tariff * Fast bicycle riding on the needs revising but no one seems idewalks should be prohibited c>- willing to make the start, except & , or two reasons. First because in the case between the govern­ *■ is dangerous and second, one ments above mentioned when lying bicycle will tear up more the president took the step dank than a hundred pedes- __________ GOFF BROTHERS make the most of it.— Buffalo Times. The recent reciprocity agree­ It gives us great pain and mental Fairbanks has the freezer on tne back porch, with the anguish, but we must say it: The consolation of thinking that there are children sitting around watching him. Colts met their Waterloo last Sunday . probably more voters in this country when they met the M cM innville con ­ o p e n e d for h im b y th e a c t o f who wouldn’ t refuse a proffered cock- COUNTY SEAT NEWS LETTER. tingent for the last game of the series tail than there ere voters who would.— Congress, July 24, 1897. of three, score 13 to 2. Thus the Boston Globe. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. series goes to the visitors as it makes County School Supt. Case’s The clamor over the Fairbanks Robina L Boardman et al to J W two matinees we have dropped. annual report which was pub­ cocktail is likely to continue until a Hughes part of Andrew Harper d i e t Up to the seventh it was a nerve* lished in T h e News last week package of cigarettes, a plug of to­ 1 s 4 w $1. racking exhibition and the strings of ! shows a healthy condition of the bacco or a poker deck is discovered in J W Shute et ux to the Bagley every fan were stretched to the limit, j schools in this county, and it ; the pockets of one of the other presi Company 157 a in James Burston d 1 but in the fatal seventh the visitors i dential aspirants.— Washingtan Post. and others land SI i brings to mind the necescity of opened up the ginger jar, filled the J H Shields et ux to C H Spencer bases and “ Maud” Holm an pounded a county high school. There Vice President HOWE’S OBSERVATIONS. part of section 1 t 2 s 2 w $2752. T h ose who believed Harry were 151 students turned out of Warren Barnum to John S Clem ent What is home without home cook- Orchard’s story which he gave the eighth grade schools this sw i uf ne i sec 25 t 1 s 1 w $2100. in the H ayw ood trial, a-e disap- spring, who have no higher inK? J C Aldrich et ux to Jacob R Reeher p minted in the verdict acquitting branch in which to secure a i Drifting is the motive power of part of blk 16 Forest Grove $100. t ie latter. But those who dis­ public education and for this loafers. G eo L W hite et ux to Base Line J believed it, and there are com ­ paratively few— are also equally surprised that there wasn’ t a dis­ agreement. reason a large percentage of j this class will stop their learning About all some men are good for is to wear a campaign button. at this degree. Some, or many • tt « we hope, will enter Tualatin! Nearly every man complains of be­ , Academ y and finish up, but this ing greatly annoyed by fools. If the $20,000,000 fine— or * • • is not likely as the cost begins whatever the amount is— was If you don’ t look carefully after your too early in their rise. If there actually paid by the Standard own affairs, who do you imagine will? was a high school to prepare the * * * Oil Company, instead of oil con­ student for the University, in­ A woman doesn’ t think a man cares sumers, there would be some stead of the academ y there for children if he refuses to let them justice in the fine. But as it is would be more finished product impose on him. a slight advancement in oil— than there is now. There are lots of happy people but over which no one seems to they are unnoticed in the noise the have any control except the EDITORIAL COMMENT. company itself— the fine will A Philadelphia man is building soon be paid by the people. own coffin. A man must have some • • out a sizzling drive in and trotted around the left veil $ 1 . Summer Specialties C old Creams M assage Creams, F oot Powders After I Dr. Hines’ Grace H Robinson to Gore part of section $2500. Samuel S Sutter t 2 et ux s 35 t to Leon For certainly Mizen et $ 2200 . I like be was making sauer kraut 1 Most Grooers Sell OLYMPIC, FLOUk> Every sack guaranteed Made ol selected Eastern Oregon Hard Wheat, it produces more loaves of bread than any other flour and the loaves Me lighter and whiter> fie_ cause of the increased quantity of bread produced the cost is no higher than for other flours. Ask >our Grocer tor It. THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS LOW Here is your chance to get a good SUMMER SUIT in sizes from 36 to 39. All good goods, this lot. C om e in and see them. W e must move W e have econom y and Mason fruit jars the best in the market. L NELSON B. LA COURSE • Forest Grove . . . O r& on THE BIG ECONOMICAL STORE * * * When people long for “ a congenial R oasts and Stews, and Sausage and Bacon ux to Lottie ; bit the dust at the end of the firing 18 t 2 n 3 w line. Generally Betties doesn’ t warm ; up good till the last three innings but Washington Câbler et al to Helma Sunday he was at a fine temperature 13 and 16 West during the introduction and up to the Portland H eights $100. The “ well enough” that some peo­ j sixth. M oore has a pretty keen wing diversion in a town like that.— Wash­ ple are willing to leave alone doesn’ t L A Cam pbell to EmtnaR.McCreary himself and could have made good as Senator Foraker of Ohio, ington Post. part of blk 35 Forest Grove $175. have to be very good. a relief. * * * A Pittsburg judge has decided that wants to be told by Secretary Paul W eigand et ux to Adam Muel- But it is no use crying over spilled You often hear of a gambler win­ ltr lot 1 blk 27 Cornelius, Or., $1000. Taft who is to make a speech suicide is not a crim e. II not, it is j milk especially when we have a Con­ Paul Reimers to Alfred Shepard wè denser right here in town. M cM inn­ in that state in September, where u,ually a great " ^ “»‘«•-Philadelphia ning large sums, but you never hear of * ’ i T n n m ru r Inquirer. him saving anything. of n w j sec 21 t 1 s 3 w $7500. ville had a corking good team and one i he intends to start to revise the Scientists have discovered that pigs E W Haines et ux to J P Forbes se which nothing but errorless ball could tariff which Foraker says Taft have souls, but probably they mean If the salary is large enough, there i sec 11 t 2 n 5 w $1. have beaten. They did not make a Hands for. If neither of these I only the pigs that have four le g s — I is no position so difficult that the aver­ Em ma R McCreary et al to Saman- j cost)y error age man isn’ t sure he can fill it. men know where to begin let j Philadelphia Press. tha W . Colem an part of blk 35 Forest Maud the kicker didn’ t hardly open The latest Kentucky feud fight was them ask the man who buys ( Grove $175. "h e r ” head but certainly made hay There are many indications of brav­ at church. farm machinery; the man who at church' Some feudists were killed, Estella A . Atterbury to Western while the sun shone. H e pelted out ery, but carrying a pistol in a peaceful l , n i _ n i l r m r l \rr\r*‘ . ,,ut l^e ,eri ° us thing was the disturb­ Tim ber Co 160 a in sec 13 t 3 n 5 w a home run, three two-sackers, and io y . 1 iron, th e man who ing o( the congregation.-Philadelphia j ^ «im u n ity isn’ t one of them auys shoes— ask any consum er. 1 Ledger T en der, Juicy, Steaks knoll, not a man saw first and Tober to Anthony Stawny I one of the lobsters chopped the ozone part of sec 17 t 3 n 4 w $600. Edward Davis insures the best tale to record. made good in 1 n 2 w charming style after he was placed on I the Davies n w j of s e i sec Re triga tor itors began to land on Betties and 1 w Davis put in the box it might have been a more pleasant Gitod 21.50 a in sec $1500. Heinrich If there had been some shifting of positions after the vis­ Frances L. 27 d r STORE st < Our new die and the ball was thrown away on J C Schulmerich et ux to D P H op­ several occasions. etc. men. a | in this canto and a like number in the eighth, kins part of sec 36 t 2 n 4 w $150. Powders, paths for home run, bringing in the other Five scores were made T a lcu m J Kodaks and Supplies at the swatfest in the seventh the Colts Tualatin River didn’ t seem to give a rap if they did Lumber C o 1.40 a on wretched make. * his IT T his high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low els over the states as he has Czar Nicholas has been unable to over Oregon there will be too , , i please himself and the people of RuS' matter o f / . . , _ _____ much Bryan, or, as a F. W o o d s ................................ e d i t o r TH U R SD AY, AUGUST 1, 1907 P e r h a p s w h en h e B U Y S A ll kinds ol Fresh Rowe part of blk $ 1 . two three-pillow bingles. W m R eidt to Mary Trautman part of Swan and Rooper, both O. A. C. soul,” they mean some one who gives blk 32 West Portland Haights $1 players, put up capital ball especially Wm H M cE ldow ney et ux to C b* | little Swan; he did his work on third i them the impression that they are Large part of blk 1 Walkers add For­ pietty smart. station like a duck and had a beautiful . . . est G r o w $3000. ! wing to first. But he did not have J F S choch to N C Hodges lot 5 the advantage of our own Willie Schultz The real young can never see how and 6 blk 14 Forest Grove $2050. anyone who is old could once have much. Carey who got badly corked been good looking. Em ma Fletcher et al to H E H igby in the last half put up professional ball * • • tract in sec 31 t 1 n 3 w $10. during the entire matinee. There would be more good com ­ H. E H ighby et al to Mary I Shaw Getter caught a fine game and loot­ plexions if women used more care in tract in sec 31 t e n 3 w $1. ed bases charmingly. One of our putting it on even. R B Bates et ux to John Allen 49a scores was made by him and the other • • • in sec 36 t 1 n 4 w 11. by Wirtz. Listen to any man long enough and G eo H Baldwin et ux to F W Em­ T h e crowd was one of the largest you will hear him say: "T h e y depend erson 5 a near Forest Grove $1600. that has gathered to see baseball serv-1 on me to do everything.*• F W Barnhart to Cora S McEUiott 4 ¡c „ ¡n the Grove this year and ^ year • • t acres in sec 14 t 1 n 4 w $375. almost entirely free from all ragging, a Most people adopt popular clamor* M L Berdan et ux to Will E Purdy feature which was entirely unlooked ! in order to appear intelligent, rather 16 acres in sec 18 t 1 n 3 w $1. than because they !eel abused. for. Not a fault could be found with • • • James Fullerton to Minnie Fitzger­ the umpire’ s decisions. Line up: [ The average man is a great deal ald part of blk 6 Highland Park add F. G. Colts M cM inville more apt to let hi* pleasure than hi* Hillsboro $1 000. D*yis ........................ r f................... Holman ; Edgar A Robinson to Grace H Rob­ M oo re .......................c f .......................... King I religion interfere with his business. j V e g e ta b le s Groceries W. F . SC H U L T Z Good Eatables at Low Prices Everybody knows that we keep the best Meats to be had, ’put this is to remind you to give us a call. Saelens & Co. FOREST (ROVE WE SELL T H E - N A T IO N A L C O L U M B IA RACYCLE RAM BLER P R IN C E T O N Bicycles For cash and on the instal- G etter....................... c ......................... Rodes j 'Virtz ......................If ........................ Pool | ment plan. Lambert Talk with almost any man long K o p p le ..................... s s ......................... Terry I enough, and he will tell you of a good lots 3 and 4 blk 6 amended plat of R. Schultz...............2 b ........................Olds Repairing of all kinds position he has been offered in another Purdy’ s add Dilley 160. W . Schultz............. 3 b .......................Swan town. Toni Sinay to R A Peterson n i of Britton ................... l b ..................... Carey • • • n e j sec 30 t 1 s 3 w 12000. Betties......................p ..................... Rooper • L. J. COR L & SON Louis Koberstein to Wm Martin part * The man long ago gave up carrying Oregon The people over the connty are Forest G rove, a carpet bag, but you will »till o c c a ­ ol Donald M cL eod d 1 c t 1 s 4 w thoroughly awake to the popular Liner 1400. sionally see on a train a woman with a • • • inson tract in fe e 24 t 2 s 1 w $10. B F Purdy to PROBATE COURT bird cage. *ve you ever »topped to admire the sell-control oi Robert H News. Every week Guardianship of Myron and Gladys there *PPears interesting news of losts. Get in the Sale of real property founds, for sale, etc. Hnest minois. the man who can confirmed. Pick up a lead p e n d ! without m a rk iof on something? Column in The Guardianship of John minors. habit of reading the notes and better Luther et al still when you want something, use it. — M oney to loan on farm security. W. H . Hollis, — Try Schultz’ s ground bone your hens. for It will make them lay. Petition to sell timber filed. Prof. Boggess’ brother of Illinois has — Groceries— Hoffman & Alien- Estate of John N Fisher deceased. been visiting here and has been gTeat- I here would be n o scarcity of har- 1 Bond of administratrix filed and a p -, ly pleased with Oregon and its big t — M oney to loan on farm security. ' e t funJs if more ;>oung men earned p roved . D C Fisher ¡dministratrix. trees. W. H . Hollis Forest G rov*.