are DOING BUSINESS R0NT Since opening our st»ore in Forest» Grove we have sold more Buggies, Wagons and Harness than all the dealers in this section put» to­ gether. We have at all times a Large and Complete Stock o f the famous Studebaker vehicles guarantee every sale we make. that convinces him in advance that NEW- their particular spot on this great earth is the one in which he should live. P r i n c . i l A p p liq u . a . a T r im m in g Yfe have only one month left before N e v er b e fo S u re m m h a e s r th G o e w re n s. b e e n su c h the sale begins. d e m a n d fo r h a n d m a d e la c e a s a n Rates to Oregon from Kansas City, c esso ry to th e to ile t, b u t It Is v ery e x . ^ , Omaha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and all p e n siv e a n d o u t o f t h e re a c h of o f us. In th e e a s ily m a d e p rin ce # ^ . the great Missouri Valley and west of a p p liq u e th e w o m a n o f lim ite d m e a n « 11111 there, is $25, with a rednction of $2.50 h a s a n o p p o rtu n ity o f p ro v id in g h e r-.b e on each ticket east of Umatilla; from se lf w ith e v e ry th in g re q u is ite o r lu jth t St. Louis, $30; Chicago, $33; New a d d in g to a sle n d e r Incom e by m ak in g ; j j It fo r o th ers. York, $50, and a proportionate rate It Is a b so lu te ly n e c e ssa ry t h a t th e net! KRUSE from every other point, large or small, a n d m a te ria ls u se d l>e o f th e very best, but this ticket must be bought to your a n d ev en th e n th e y w ill c o st v e ry Ut- nc tie. station, and not to Portland or some T h e re a re tw o k in d s o f n e t sold fo r other city, if you expect them to come th e p u rp o se — tin e fo r perso n al u se a n d ntfcn >nds All j 1 to you, and it devolves upon the read-! c o a rse r fo r h o u seh o ld a rticle s. nities T h e b ra id s a fe m a d e In v a rio u s ers of this paper to see that every letter w id th s a n d d e g re e s o f O neness to s u l t e l p n that goes out of the post office carries In d iv id u a l ta s te . O f c o u rse fo r dell- ed with it correct information relative to ^ c a te d e sig n s v e ry fine b ra id w ill b e used, w hile fo r th e b o ld er d e sig n s a ,s3 these rates. Get all the facts from your c o a rs e r a n d w id e r o n e w ill be em ploy- ne egonian local agent. «1. T h e lace th re a d m a tc h e s th e b ra id (jd . edition In fineness, w h ile all c a n b e o b ta in e d Get together from 10 to 25 active In e ith e r w h ite o r c rea m color. oitation citizens, raise a little fund for the pub- i W h en ta c k in g th e n e t o v e r th e p a t- .Ml ntained lication of a small leaflet giving the te rn b e c a re fu l to h a v e It perfectly- j j y infoi- sm ooth a n d flat a n d w ith o u t c rea se s, ^ important facts relative to your com­ T a c k a ll a ro u n d th e ed g es a n d h e re iy one munity, along with these rates, and a n d th e re th ro u g h o u t, so t h a t th e n e t 'e ry issued, have the leaflet so light that it would w ill be k e p t In place over th e p a tte rn , e q f hortu- a n d keep th e long s titc h e s a t th e baejg». __ not add to the cost of postage of a let­ o f th e fo u n d a tio n . I f th e d e sig n con- t and rac- ter, and ha. e a* copy of it put in every many letter written by business man or citi­ seeker zen. every Several .ministers throughout the lizer, different parts of the state, realizing the .1 in- importance of these rates, are announ­ larac- ; cing the details about them to their nter- congregations and are asking that they write to their relatives and friends at a distance and tell them how cheaply S IM P Ia V P A T T E R N V O II P R IN C E S S I,A C E . they can come to Oregon. and Our new sealsroom will be ready this week—Goff Bros, old stand. B. F. WÄGLEY, OREGON FOREST GROVE, Oregon LAND CO. Real Estate Brokers Loans and Insurance Office Just West ol Post Office. Forest Grove, Ore. W. H. HOLLIS, LAWYER OFFICE over Hines’ Store Real Estate and Corpo­ ration Law a Specialty. Forest Grove, Oregon - HANCOCK &, GORDON FASH IO N S T A B L E S Pacific Ave. Forest Grove Neat Turnouts E. W. Haines Bank (ESTA BLISH ED ISVg.) Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted Interest paid on time deposits. Accounts invited. Gty Shaving Parlors For the Best. Up-to-date Work. Baths. Pacific Ave, Forest Grove. A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor S. A. Moulton Tkm L e a d in g T o n s o r ia lis t of F o re st d ro v e R. INIXOÌN, Dentist Forest Grove, Oregon O fTJC* d*v»rt b o u t s < mm > « A ol »»•ler's w ort. M. m • t Oftloo M Holding Milk and Cream What is now needed is a satisfactory method of holding the milk and cream in good condition up to the time of delivery. The length of time which milk and cream can be held in good condition is determined by two things, the cleanliness with which it is handled and the temperature at which it is held. We would not like to admit that re­ frigeration is more essential than clean­ liness, but we know this to be true. By using the greatest precaution- in milking and handling milk and cream, | it is practically impossible to obtain it absolutely free from bacteria. When we think of the rapidity with which bacteria multiply, conditions being favorable, a single bacterium reproduc­ ing itself in from fifteen to forty min­ utes; we realize that milk held at or­ dinary temperatures, in the course of twenty-four hours will contain many | million per cubic centimeter. One of \ the easiest methods of arresting the I development of bacteria is by subject- j ing them to cold. What the producer needs is refrigeration. Nothing could j do more toward the producing of good butter and good cheese than the hold- | ing of the milk and cream at low tem- ! perature from the time of milking up to the time of delivery at the creamery or cheese factory. Knowing this, the dairy division of the United States De­ partment of agriculture, also the dairy sections of the various experiment sta­ tions ^id colleges, are doing what they can to induce the farmers and dairy­ men to use water and natural ice for cooling. The dairy division has been sending out plans for building ice-houses and giving any information they can regard­ ing the benefits to be derived from the Dr. J. H. Knox, D. V. S. Veternary Surgeon. Office at Hancock it Gordon's livery stable. Calls promptly attended to Day or Night. T ry use of ice. In some sections of tne country, where the possibilities for pro­ ducing milk are greatest, natural ice is nearly unknown. The producer in these sections is almost wholly dependent upon artificial refrigeration, and at the present time has very little. Let us review briefly the relations of refrigeration to butter and cheese: To obtain the best finished products we ought to have it for preserving the raw materials (milk and cream). To obtain a uniform grade of butter we are dependent upon definite tempera­ ture during the process of manufacture. We have cold storage to keep butter from the period of gieatest production until time of shortage. The value of cold curing of cheese is each year be­ ing better understood. The manifold relations between refrigeration and dairy products make us aware of what we owe the refrigerating engineers.— Kans. Farmer. spray the cows before you let them out to pasture. As it is they spend a good share of their time fighting flies or standing in the shade where they will be free from the pests. When they are doing that they are not eating or chewing the cud with any degree of comfort, and when they are not doing that they are not making much milk for you. Don’t mark your butter “ fancy” un­ less it really is fancy. If you do, it will not be long before your customers will tell you that they have different ideas about what fancy butter is from what you have and you will nave to hunt up new markets. Brindle cows are usually good onps, but not all good cows are brindle.— E. L. Vincent. STATE ACTIVITY NOTES. ta in s flow er s p ra y s th e s te in s m ay bo w o rk e d In d a rn in g , co m m en cin g w ell up to th e flow er p a tte rn , so th a t th> e n d s w ill he c o n cealed b e n ea th b ra id , a n d w o rk in g d o w n w a rd to th e e n d o f th e ste m a n d th e n up a g a in to th e b eginning. f a r e m u st b e ta k e n to h a v e th e sterna g ra c e fu lly c u rv ed . TTie b ra id c a n be The work of advertising these colo­ c u t w h e re n e c e ssa ry fo r th e n e a tn e s s nist rates is up to each community and '< of th e w ork a n d th e e n d s tu rn e d In a n d se w e d d o w n In place. each individual. If we could add a T h e Illu s tra tio n sh o w s a v e ry sim ple hundred thousand to the population o f; d e sig n fo r th e b e g in n e r, w o rk e d o n th e Oregon in the next year it would mean n e w sh a p e cuff, a n d th e m a te ria ls used. T h e d e sig n Is so sim p le t h a t th e m e re st many millions of dollars of additional ty ro w ill find no difficu lty In d rn w ln g wealth to the state. It w ith pen a n d Ink on a p ie c e o f w hite, so m e w h a t to u g h , b u t p lia b le p a p e r c u t The school population of one district to th e sh a p e . in Tillamook County was doubled in \ T u ck th e n e t c a re fu lly o v e r th e lines six months through the correspondence as Illu s tra te d . T h e n re m o v e th e n e t and d a rn In th e c e n te rs w ith e m b ro id ­ of the pupils. Corvallis caused the e ry cotto n . sale of $600,000 worth of land through Tln> little rin g s can be b o u g h t OP a d v e rtis in g in w e ll-know n a g iic u ltu ra l m ,,de by w in d in g c o tto n ro u n d a sm a ll m esh a n d th e n w o rk in g o v e r th is rin g papers in the older states. The Ore­ a close ro w o f o rd in a ry b u tto n h o le gon Development League received s titc h a n d th e n se w e d In to place. B e over 16,000 inquiries from people c a re fu l to se w th e b ra id ou th e o u ts id e of th e c u rv e s first. W h en th e se w in g wanting to know about Oregon farming Is co m p leted p re ss th e w o rk o n th e re ­ v erse sid e w ith a h o t Iron. lands. Get your ccs=r-aercial body, or some one of your business men to offer a prize to the boys and girls who will write the greatest number of letters, or who will get actual results in bringing another family into the community. a tor In, A» f * i ' ta hill his hin ten hat e e » il i» a i use 0 las SCI tlilt «yet There is an intense desire to come o n d srfu l C ollection of C h in ese V ases. V to the Pacific Northwest on the part of W In o ld en d a y s th e s e m a n te l o r n a ­ the people of the United States and m e n ts c a m e in se ts. T h e se a re u n iq u e • this is particularly true of Oregon. th ro u g h th e f a c t o f th e ir b e in g th re e f 1 « Make it intensely true of our commun­ t " L ity. See your local agent and find out J? a - the exact rate. Get more particulars — post others— put up attractive notices b m mt i in the post office and in other public »1 « places— get the new-comers to write i to their old home papers, and as an in­ - ng i ducement to do this, let them under­ »w! i stand that they can compete for the eighty prizes, or a total of $5000, off­ - ered by the Portland Commercial Club. > Nothing means so much to Oregon 1 as the colonist rates, and when you di read this remember that there is only led one month in which to get in advance work. T à T he supreme need of all Oregon and particularly our community is more homemakers. The opportunity Never mind the heat. Don’t allow to secure them under the most advan­ that lazy feeling to keep you from do­ GOOD DAIRY POINTERS tageous conditions is now at hand. ing your duty. The new home-maker Pastures beginning to drop off? Several cities, towns and villages in may buy something you want to sell. Now is the time to start in on the soil­ this State will make a material addition ing crops. If the cows begin to fall — Men’s patent leather button three to their population as a result of ener­ quarters boxing cloth top, very neat off in yield it will be hard work to biing getic work done collectively through Oxfords at Bailey’s. them up again this season. the commercial bodies and individually — Emory grinding done at the Miles For, keeping up the flow of milk we by the citizens in advising thousands Purdin Shop, First avenue. like to have some oats and peas to feed of people back East of the low priced —Take your Mohair and Wool to first. We try to make two or three one-way colonist rates which will be Hoffman and Allen Co.’s for highest sowings of oats and peas, so that they put on sale September 1st and continue prices. come on at differeut times. until October 31st, to Oregon, from all —See Hoffman & Allen’s windows. It is not always the cows that give points in the United States. They contain new creations in skirts the richest milk that are the most prof­ These rates are agreed upon by all of ail kinds. itable. We want quantity as well as — Men’s gun metal, Blucher cut the railroads in the United States and quality. Canada and are controlled by the Trans­ oxfords, medium high heel the latest at Baileys. The more there is ot the small white continental Passenger Association, and —Hoffman & Allen Co. will pay clover there is in your pasture the bet­ Oregonians must bear in mind that the the highest price for Mohair and Wool. ter the cows will hold out in their milk. home-maker is being invited on similar — Bring your wool and mohair to us. Nothing is nicer for the pasture than rates to Canada, California, Washington, that. Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma and other We will give you the most for it.— Bailey’s. It does seem as if it would pay you States, and the state and community — Ladies’ hand turned patent leather to spend the time every morning to to which he buys his ticket is the one oxfords, plain toe. Bailey’s Big Store. lenro s ir it lour p iec es a n il a p a ir. O rie n ta l In shape, th e y a re K n g llsh In d e c o ra tio n , the Chi- n e se d o g w h ic h Is seen on eac h iv v e r — s h o w in g th e ir orig in . THE NEW VERMIN EXTERMINATOR, It is a dessert for Rats and Mice. crave it, hut it is the last ithey .ic kills the Rodent, seals up the !» « • of and Chemieally 1 'r e i n a t M the b«ly. Ab« ^ . lutely no smelL SAL* BY tory, your money N*k. FOR 5ALL. p i Guaranteed D r. G h a s . H in e s ,< S n lr S e llln i S tem ! f o r e s t UROVE. J| ORE ft i