— RO AD!» FACE C A R FA M IN E . Washington County News BAIL FOR M OYER. 0 « STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST President o f Western Federation o f Miners Out o f Jail. Boise, Idaho, July 30 .— Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Fed- ^ FOREST GROVE......... OREGON = eratlon of Miners and co-defendant C O U N T Y S E A T F iG H T O N . with W illiam D. Haywood, acquitted of the murder of ex-Governor Steun- Wallowa Anxious to Contest Honors enberg, was ordered released on With Town o f Enterprise. $25,000 bull yesterday by Judge W allowa— The W allow a Commer­ cial Club has voted unanimously fur the beginning of a county seat fight. trial. tion expected to have the bond ready John McDonald, S. T. Combs and Dr. for filing last night, but the arrange­ G. W. Gregg were appointed a com­ A Resume o f the Less Important but ments had not been wholly com- mittee on finance, while C. T. Mc­ Daniel, Mayor J. P. Morelock and Not Less In t e r e s tin g Events pleted at a late hour and re" 'councilman E dgar Marvin will ur o f the Past Week. j â r d H e nwlll^V °o b a “ l y b e released range for the circulation of petitions Issued Each Week MS OF THE WEEK K E E P D E P O T S W AR M . Commission Prepares Regulations for Roads Within State. Thousands Will Be Needed to Market Present Crop. Chicago, July 30.— The western railroads are facing the problem of assembling thousands of cars at var­ ious points during the next 30 days for the purpose of transporting the crops to market. Nearly every b ig railw ay system has received detailed reports from Its agents in every part o f the West, northwest and southwest regarding crop conditions, probable yield and the prospect for future bus­ iness. From these statements esti­ mates are made of the number of cars which will be needed to take care of the various crop movements along the line of each road. The agents are required to give some esti­ mate of the time when the different crops will begin to move and how great the early movement w ill be. This is done so that the railroads may avoid, if possible, taking cars out of other service and rushing them to the west, there to remain idle for days aw aiting loads. It is believed from the reports re­ ceived thus far that the early crop movement this year will be heavy and therefore an unusually large number of cars will have to be as­ sembled. Some idea of the task that confronts the railroads can be gath­ ered from the Northwestern's report of the situation. On a new line of that company in the west there will be needed 100 boxcars alone to transport a potato crop which w ill be shipped from three new towns. Officials of the Northwestern Insist that their road w ill be in better shape to handle this year's crop thau it was last year’s. A great amount of new equipment has been added and business in other directions promises to be less imperative than last year. The company is also m ak­ ing an effort to have a larger percen­ tage of its own cars upon its rails this year. W ith this purpose In view, few er Northw estern cars will be loaded to go off their own rails. Burlington officials stated that they have just now a surplus of box­ cars and are accordingly assembling many cars to take care of their share of the N ebraska crop. They expect the wheat to begin to move between July 2 5 and A ugust 1, and declare that before the first date arrives they will be in good shape to handle all that w ill be offered. It is probable that a conference of traffic officials w ill be held soon to talk over the crop movement and to make plans for co-operation of W est­ ern roads with respect to prompt handling of foreign cars and their prompt return to the home lines. The railroads desire to make this a record year for prompt and expedi­ tious handling of the western crop. M O O D GOES FREE Jury Deliberated 21 Hours, With Two for Conviciion. PRISONER QUIETLY DISCHARGED Salem— As a result of the heating conducted during the forenoon of Tues­ day, July 16, upon the subject of depot and station accommodations and facil­ Shakes Hands With Counsel, Thanks ities, the ruilroad commission lias an­ Each Juror, and G oes to See nounced the adoption of a full set of rules and regulations governing the His M other. sanitation, heating, lighting, etc., of cars and depots and prescribing the facilities to be supplied in the trans­ Boise, July 28.— Into the bright A revolt a few miles from San for his home in Denver. promise of support from Joseph was portation of paseengeas within the sunshine of a beautiful Sunday morn­ No application for ball was made tlago, Cuba, was quickly put down. state. officially announced. ing, into the stillness of a city drowsy The order is sweeping in effect, cov­ The county seat is now at Enter­ with the lazy slum ber of a summer T .. ering all of the railroads operating lines prise and much dissatisfaction has wood Is guilty but yielded to the ma­ Sunday, W illiam D. Haywood, the but a motion was made for a speedy been manifest for the past year. 'I he in the state. The regulations, viola­ jority. defendant In one of the most uotid trial and his case was ordered set county owns no public buildings and tions of which are subject to a forfeit­ Governor Folk has removed a down for Tuesday, October 1. trials Involving conspiracy and mur­ is practically In the position of a new ure of from $100 to $1 000, follow: Kansas City police commissioner to der that the country has ever known, Consel Intimated that they might county. The vote to he taken next A ll passenger waiting rooms and pas­ stop grafting. apply for bonds for Pettibone later, walked yesterday a free man, acquit­ June will decide the location of the ted of the m urder of Former Gov­ Great Britain and Germany have but it is not believed that the state’s county seat definitely, and every ef­ senger cars used in this state shall be It has been ernor Frank S teun en be^. clean and supplied with pure drinking agreed on an International prize attorneys will consent. generally stated that there is more fort possible will be put forth ou water and so lighted, heated, ventilated The probability of a verdict of ac­ court at The Hague. each side. incriminating evidence against Petti- quittal In the case of the secretary- The aspirations of W allowa have and eiptipped as to render the occu­ Heney Is confident of convicting bone than any of the others, while treasurer and acknowledged leader pants of the same reasonably comfort­ Glass on the second trial and will not it has been generally conceded that long been growing and have at of the W estern Federation of Miners length taken form. The struggle able. depend upon Zimmer at all. the case against Moyer Is the weak­ had been freely predicted since Sat­ was provoked by tile action of resi­ Suitable toilet rooms or buildings urday, when Judge Fremont Wood Demonstrations are being held In est of the three. The defense in the dents of Enterprise a week ago in shall be provided and kept clean at Haywood case admitted that there read his charge, many places in Haywood’s honor and attempting to gel the county court each regular station where an agent is were a number of things for Petti- it was also freely predicted that In already there Is talk of running him Their offer maintained, a separate toilet room or bone to explain as to his association to build a courthouse. the event of H ayw ood's acquittal (he for president. with Harry Orchard and the sending was a site and $5,000 cash bonus building shall he kept for the use of state would abandon the prosecution a $25,000 courthouse. The A crazy man wrecked a Great of money to him. but they said U for women, which shall be marked as such, of his associates, Charles H. Moyer, Northern passenger train near Harve, would be time enough to deal with county court tabled the proposal in­ and which shall be unlocked at all the president o f the Federation, and Mont., because the Almighty told him these matters when Pettibone him­ definitely, pending the action of the George A. Pettibone, of Denver. voters at the next election. The times when, by these rules, the waiting to do It. One man was killed and self was placed on trial. Statements from counsel and from strength of the two towns is almost room is required to be o;>en. Toilet several Injured. Governor Gooding Issued today dis­ evenly divided with a large element rooms on all cars carrying passengers pel this view of the situation. The Royal Insurance Company has in the county as yet very uncertain. sliall be kept clean and supplied with HAWSE B E C O M E S IN SA NE . saved the assets of the German In­ It was after being out for 21 hours toilet paper. surance Company from luwyers for that the ju ry , which at first had been W aiting rooms and ticket offices hav­ GRAIN W HERE S A G E B R U S H W AS. San Francisco people by buying the Brain Suddenly Unhinged by Storm divided eight for acquittal, two for ing an agent shall he open for the ac­ o f Criticism. defunct company. conviction and two blank, and then commodation of the traveling public at seemed deadlocked at 10 for acquit­ San Francisco, July 30.— The Splendid Crops In Harney— Women Ito plans to disband the Corean least 30 minutes before the schedule tal to two for conviction, finally came Work In Hayfields. at my. brain of Robert Hawse, third officer time of tlie arrival of all passenger to an agreem ent shortly after the’ Burns— Haying is now in full force trains scheduled to stop at such station, Railroads have surrendered to of the lost steamer Columbia, suc­ first faint streaks of the coming day North Carolina In the rate fight. cumbed last night to the abuse, ridi­ throughout Harney county, and the and shall be kept epen after the arrival showed gray above the giant hills which bound Boise to the north and Nine lives were lost on a burning cule and contempt which has been meadows are yielding heavy crops. of such passenger train tor such length east. The weary old bailiff, who had' heaped upon him ever since the in­ With few exceptions the alfalfa fields of time as will afford passengers a rea­ steamer on Cayuga lake, New York. kept an all-night vigil before » ’■fie vestigation of the disaster has been made an exceptional growth this year, sonable opportunity to transact their There Is a great famine of teach­ door of the jury-room , was in progress. Holding the newspaper while the native grasses are unusually business and leave the station. In the ers due to the strike agulnst state into action by an imperative fiock articles containing criticism of his good. Men are in strong demand for case of delayed tiains, such waiting examination. from within. Events m oved'yildly actions subsequent to the crash In this work at good wages, and even roems shall be kept open until the ac­ enough after this, and hard I /t last A Chicago mob tried to kill the his hands, a brain fiber snapped and women are making big money driving tual arrival of such delayed trains. the principal actors in the ®fal had assailant of a girl but were prevented he was mad. mowers, rakes and stackers. W aiting rooms at junctions shall be been gathered Into the courtroom at by the police. The Ignominy heaped upon him The grain crops are also showing up kept open when necessary for the ac­ few moments before 8 o’clock, was more than he could bear. After Senator Pettus, of Alabama Is when the white envelope was handed brooding for several days over the well. There was a favorable rainfall commodation of passengeis waiting to dead. He had recently celebrated by the forem an to the judge and was charges which had been made against during June and during the critical transfer from one line to the other. his 86th birthday. torn open and the verdict read. him, his Intellect lost that keen ad­ period there was no damaging frost, so Platforms shall be kept lighted at The farmers trust, with headquar­ justment that nature provides be­ the entire season has been encouraging night when the waiting room is by ters at Indianapolis, has decided on tween thought and act, and his mind for the farrner. The fall grain is well these rules required to be open. G L A S S J U R Y D IS A G R E E S . $1.25 wheat fur 1 1 * 0 7. along toward ripening and the spring reeled off into Insanity. t -------------- Hawse had spent the evening at grain— wheat, barley, rye, etc.— has a No Clerk Seen Yet at Burns. Washington lumbermen want ex- Vote Stood Seven to Five for Con­ Senatur Spooner to fight the pro­ his rooms, 188 Fair Oaks street, Sec­ strong growth, with a heavy head. Burns— The land department at viction— N ew Trial Soon. It is really a pleasing sight to see Washington notified the land office here posed raise of freight on lumber pro­ ond Officer Richard Agerup was with him. Hawse had spent an hour or fields wherein the sagebrush stood at ducts. San Francisco, July 28.— After 16 more reading the censures which had the opening of last spring that are now the latter part of June that a clerk and ballots, In which there was small stenographer had been assigned $o the Venezuela hns refused Root’s pro­ been printed against him. W ith a F O U R T E E N B U R N E D A L 'V E . variation from the original standing posals for setting the trouble exist­ cry like a wild animal he clenched undulating wavee of bending grain office to relieve the congestion of busi­ of the body— seven fo r conviction ing and relations may be severed by the clippings In his hands and leaped promising a rich harvest. ness and that he would report for duty The fruit has all done well this year July 1, but he has not shown up yet Mysterious Explosion Shatters New and five for acquittal, the jury in the United States. to his feet. Agerup looked at him the Louis Glass bribery case was dis­ and here will be more berries, apples nor has the office heard anything more York Tenement House. A scout cruiser has just, been and Hawse looked at his friend, but charged this afternoon by Judge His eyes were pears and apricots than ever before in from him, and in the meantime a large launched at Quincy, Mass. It Is ex­ did not see hint. N ew York, July 30.— An explosion Lawlor. the valley pected to prove the fastest boat In glazed. amount of land business is hanging in accompanied by fire, shattered an There was no disagreement as to The police were called and Hawse the American navy the air, with settlers very anxious to East Side tenement late Sunday the payment of a bribe, but it was was taken to the detention ward at Tw o Acres Yield Him $1,250. make final proofs, settle contests and contended by the men who voted for Striking coal miners la Minnesota the Central Emergency Hospital. night, and within the crum bling acquittal that the crime had not been Eugene— Mahlon Harlow is doing otherwise complete their entries. are to return to work. w alls 14 persons went down to death, positively fastened upon Glass. fairly well with his small cherry orch Salt Lake messenger boys have ard, in spite of the prophecy of some The retrial of the case has been w h ile twlse as many were probably H O W L IN PAIN. Delay in Fruit Shipments. won their Btrlke for alternate Sun­ set for August 5. who maintained that the crop of Royal Salem— Following closely upon fatally injured. days off. Tom orrow morning, Theodore V . Anns would be very light this year. the investigation of the delay In the The wrecked building was at 222 Government Wounds Railroads S e ­ Halsey, who acted as the bribery Mayor Taylor, of San Franclseo Mr. Harlow, who has a scant two acres passenger train service, on the Christie street, where a six-story verely in Pocketbook. agent of the Pacific Telephone Com­ has appointed a new board of sup­ in cnerries, raised 12)* tons from his Southern Pacific lines in Oregon T he ervisors. Chicago, July 30.— Western rail little orchard. He received an average comes a complaint to the Railroad tenement rose above the grocery pany, will be placed on trial. store basement. The explosion Is as prosecution anticipates no trouble In roads are near an open break with of & cents a pound for the cherries, thus Commission from H. S. Gile, a com­ Valuable historical papers have yet unaccounted for and tore out the convicting Halsey, and has openly been stolen from their archives In the Postofflce Department over the making ftom the two acre piece $1,250. mission merchant, of this city, who front of the building, and the fire stated that if necessary he w ill be asks that an Investigation be made Havana. transportation of malls, owing to a This is a young orchard which last year that followed caught the 20 families, granted immunity if hd w ill take the of the delay in the> operation of The government says there Is no number of recent orders. The latest yielded $900, the year before $800 and numbering 100 persons, while most stand and tell tho truth. freight trains on the Southern Paci­ The prosecution w ill lose no time danger of a coal famine this winter cause of grievance Is the Imposition with conditions next year equal to what of them were sound asleep. fic, which, he says, affects fruit ship­ If like that of last. F'ourteen dead bodies have been in placing Glass on trial again. of heavy fines on nearly all the roads they were this year a more remarkable pers much more than the delay in recovered. O f the injured, many Zimmer, whose testimony would con­ North Carolina ticket agents have for delay in delivering the malls. To story will be chronicled. Mr. llarlow the passenger train service. jumped from the windows, others vict Glass in two minutes, persists in been indicted for violating the state consider the situation rnilroad men takes care oi his orchard. were caught by falling timbers, his refusal to answ er questions on held an important conference today. railroad rate law. PO R TLAN D M ARKETS. many, half suffocated by smoke, the witness stand, he will be pun­ One of them declared that the Railroad Not to Blame. The approaching election In the fines levied by the were dragged from the hallways, ished to the extent of the California government Wheat— Club, 80c; bluestem, 82c; Salem— According to the reply of Philippines is arousing but little In­ against his rond In one quarter while others received their wounds law, which allow s imprisonment for Superintendent L. R. Fields, Inclos­ valley, 80c; red, 78c. terest among the natives. amounted to $40.000. A similar during the panic and mad fight six months for each such refusal. By Oats— No. 1 white, $25; gray, among each other for an exit. this process Zim m er can be given a New York Is terrified by the con­ condition on other roads was re­ ing a statement from Station Agent tinued assaults on young girls which ported. The fines were assessed un­ W illiam Merriman, of Portland, an­ nominal. The tenement was occupied chiefly total of nearly five years in prison. swering the complaint of J. A. Mc­ the police seem unable to stop. Barley— Feed, $21.50(3)22 per ton; by Italians. A passerby was attracted der a new rule which went Into ef­ Donald, of McMinnville, who repre­ brewing, nominal; rolleJ, $23.60(3 by the explosion which apparently A Chicago woman has been ar­ fect in July, 1906. Denies He Attacked Hansen. sented to the Railroad Commission 24.50. The roads are amazed to find that occurred In the basement. As he rested who has for years been secur­ that he was unable to get a carload San Francisco, July 29.— Third Of­ Corn— Whole, $28; cracked, $29 per turned toward the building the whole ficer Hawse, of the wrecked steamer ing babies from so called "hospitals" they nre In danger of losing 15 per of sand shipped from Portland to Mc­ front with its flimsy fire escapes fell and, then selling them around town. cent of their mail pay unless they re­ Minnville, the blante for the non-ar­ ton. Columbia., has made a statement In vise schedules and place their mail Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $17® into the street, and from the sagging which he denies the charges made rival of the car was due to the Cen­ W hile the czar was reviewing trains upon running time which they floors a score of the half awakened R eferrin g to Captain troops near the palace one regiment know they can maintain In all sea­ tral Sand Company, of Portland, 18 per Ion; Eastern Oregon timothy, persons dropped Into the street. against him. who failed to load the car delivered $21@23; clover, $9; cheat, $9@10; Hansen, he says: “ I never did crit­ of his guard mutinied and refused to sons and In all kinds of weather. Many of these were badly hurt, but icize his conduct, but simply made take part In maneuvers unless a cer­ The new rule, the roads say. Is them for the sand, which, at last re­ grain bay, $9®10; alfalfa, $13(3,14. they proved to be the more fortunate Butter— Fancy creamery, 2 7 )$ ® 30c of the tenants for another moment my report to the United States in­ tain commander was removed. oppressive and unjust. It provides ports, was standing empty on the spectors o f hulls and hollers. In ac­ per pound. that If the malls are late ten times on siding. and the building was wrapped in Salvador lias asked Mexico to act as any route during a period of 90 days, Poultry— Average old hens, 12)$® flames, and the cries of persons burn­ cordance with the facts, and ven­ mediator with Nicaragua. In the Schools o f Umatilla. tured the opinion that had the San the road shall be assessed 15 per 13c per pound; mixed chickens, 121*0; ing to death rent the air. In the Pendleton— County Superintend­ spring chickens, 16@16c; old roosters, wild excitement that followed many Pedro allow ed me to discharge the W . J. Btyan has saved a woman cent of the pay of that route for the survivors from the boat, I would ent Frank K. Welles has filed his an­ quarter. from being run over by an auto. 8@9c; dressed chickens, 16@17c; tur­ were Injured. have had a chance to rescue more.’’ nual report for the year ending June keys, live, 12@15c; turkeys, dressed, Heat records throughout the Middle 17. The report shows that a total Wrecks Due to Owners. All Will Resign. states have broken all former records of 1390 pupils are enrolled In the choice, nominal; geese, live, 8 @ llc ; Fire At Coney Island. San Francisco, July 30. The re­ county, and 175 teachers employed. ducks, 8(30 4c. for thiB summer. San Francisco, July 30.— It Is be­ New York, July 2 9.— Coney Island Eggs— French ranch, candled, i 2 @ sponsibility of the companies which One hundred and six teachers were lieved that by tom orrow night the 16 was visited by a disastrous fire yes­ New Edinburgh, a suburb of Ottawa, by Iron-dad schedules, compel their examined during the year for certi­ 23c per dozen. supervisors appointed by M ayor Tav- terday and seven block^ in the Ont., has been swept by dre. Esti­ masters of ships to go at a speed ficates, 16 of whom failed. Four Fruits.— Cherries, 8 @ 1 2 i*c a pound; lor will be form ally seated. Tlie amusement zone were destroyed. The mated loes, $300,000. their own consciences tell them Is hundred and eighty-four pupils are apples, $1.50(312.25 per box; Spitzen- present plan is to have one member loss estimated by the shows is. about unsafe, was the feature of the Co­ attending private schools in the bergs, $3.50 per box; cantaloupes. The famine in St Elisabeth district, of the boodling board resign at a $1,000,000. Tilyou's Steeplechase lumbia wreck testimony, taken be­ county and 1231 are not attending $2.50®3.60 per crate; {reaches, 60c® Jamaica, i* growing worse. Ten thou­ time in order that there may be a Park and nearly a score of sms I' fore Captain Rermlnghant yesterday. any school. $1.25 per crate; raspberries, $1.25(3 m ajority to pass the resolution of hotels were wiped out, and for a time sand people are said to be starving. Second Officer Agent p’s testimony 1.50 per crate; blackberries, 5@7c form al recognition of each of the the flames threatened the destnif' Tramps Infest LaGrande. The efforts of the Wabash railroad to established more clearly than hail new members as he takes his seat. tlon of Luna Park and Dreamland, done before the that eap- La Grande— The town Is overrun per pound; loganberries, $1 per crate; establish passenger a in rates all rninuiiBii 2-cent tra n u been » . ............ fact ............... ..*.......... ....f In this manner It is planned to pro­ great homes of summer amusement, apricots, $1.50(3 2 per crate. with hoboes and many thefts, sonic through the East has been blocked by at fül* ,0 run ,h,' tr *hl|,!’ ceed until each of the 16 resignations and the scores of sm aller plaices ft foU speed along a dangerous coast Vegetables— Turnips, $1.75 per sack; of considerable magnitude, have been other roads. have been form ally accepted and which fringe the w ater’s edge for a In foggy weather tn a course navi­ committed. Nineteen tramps were carrots, $2 per sack; beets, $2 per Mayor Taylor's list has been form al­ mile. A lucky shift of the wind to Japan has completed a treaty taking gated by many vessels. run out a couple of days ago. among sack; asparagus, 10c per pound: beans, ly appointed, and recognized. seaward aided the firemen full control of Corea and the minister whom was C. J. Dent, locally known 3(35c per pound; cabbage, 2)$c per of foreign affairs says China may share Alfaro Kill* Off Enemies. as "the Portland Prince." " He hns pound; celery, $1.25 per doxen; corn, Mexico Will Conduct Horse Races. the aame fate. Guayaquil. Ecuador. July 3 0 . A often been In the city Jail and boasts 25(av35o pet dozen; cucumbers. 50c@$l Reported Plot in Cuba. Mexico City, July 30.— Backed by H avana, July 2 9.— Senator Morna H . H. Rogers, head of the Standard court martial has sentenced 15 sol­ of having "done up" a Portland o f­ per b^x; lettuce, bead, 25c per dozen: ficer. diers Implicated In the recent noli- OU, has been struck down by heat and onions, 15(3) 20c per dozen; peas, 4@5c the federal government the Mexican del Gado, a prominent Liberal, who his doctors have ordered complete rest Mral plot against the President of per pound; radishes, 20c per dozen; derby will be run each year for ten participated in last year's revolt, has Survey Route to Lakeview the Republic, General Alfaro to as the only hope of recovery. years, beginning in 1910. The sum written a sensational letter, which Is Klamath Fails— A crew of survey­ tomatoes, $1(311.25 perorate. death by shooting. Eight o f ’ •>— published In L a Lucha, In which he Potato«»— New, 1 l*(3l2c per pound. of $100,000 will be given by the gov­ ors under Chief Engineer Journey charges that Masso Pa rra , once a Three Indian glrl. ars guarding the Veal— Pressed, 5V*(S,8i*c per pound. ernment for the purpose o f raising Spanish ally. Is planning to w ork up has pitched camp just east of this Beef— Dressed bulls, 3tt® 4c per the breed of horses b rod In Mexico the Cuban people and Induce them to Th ,ft' nH at" v *’<• * o t this k f t c r n J n . ^ : city and has begun work on a rail­ Clty, Kan. The government has or- era I others have been sentenced to road survey to Lnkevtew. The en- pound; cows, 6(3)6(gC; country steers, A purse of $20,000 w ill be hung at vote against the provisional govern­ dered the bodies removed and the land penal servitude for life on the same glneers say th^e purpose of the sur- 6V*@7c. the running o f the race. The first ment. Del Gado. says Parra, is to •old. charges The government has dis ¡ v, y '* ,0 determine a route from this . „ . „ u u - i Pressed, in w ii fancy, 8(3 9c per race w ill be run over the new track show the W ashington government Mutton— which Is to be built in Condesa on and; ordinaty, ■ * that the Cubans wish a speedy end A steamer has just arri veil st Van­ the present grounds of the Polo Club. of Am erican supervision Pad- v*e per pound couver, B. C., with 1,177 Japanese Japanese Garrison in Corea. f " ComP *B>' | Potk — Pressed, 6(38V*c per pound. from Honolulu. The Canadian Pacific Again Enlisting Negroes. ,New Assassination Plot Found. Houston. Texas, July 30.— The . 8t. Petersburg. July 27.— The po- ■It net ion work. landed Tho regarrleontng of Corea, to be held tn Claeksmas county *” ' Eastern Oregon, average best, army recruiting station here today,lice today unearthed a plot to assas- W ool— . I>r Japanese « r ^ . ‘ ^ c o rd in g to th.J a k "p la c e at GUd.'ton” p T k V e iT 16(i“,22e per pound, according to shrink­ received Instructions to enlist for the dnate the Minister of W a r, General The Corean emperor has con V new p an of organization, will bo n. T h u r s d a y .n ï Friday £ £ Several members of the “ Oiwport that he lia« atdlcatedl • • • W d (Completed age; valley, 2P(322e, according to flne- colored cavalry especially d esira b le, Koedlger. by tomorrow evening. ber 9. 10 and 11. 7 negroes, the first enlistment o f ne- military organization o f the Social j mohair choice, 29@30c a pound groes since the Brownsville affair. I Revolutionists were arrested. In a Condensed Form lor Our wood, who presided at the Haywood *■ • Busy liidB rs« trlal The attorneys for the federa' « y i t ó Ì S i U S S : ** « H f f Ä Ä r a ÄTws: 5 * - .. . . . . . - .... -, '• *■- ,“£- 0,~ Z r r J S , A ^ V