W ashington VO L. v county news FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, 1907. NO. 4 TO CLOSE THE NOTED IRON HOUSE’ under water but it seemed an age but ministry work for over twenty years and I was not afraid for I thought that if has held revival meetings in many lost, I would be with mother. And states and converted thousands of peo­ when I arose the cries and shrieks were ple. heart rending. Although I was not The town was considerably stirred afraid I could not help but feel for up over his sermon on baptism. those who had lost their friends and His denomination, the Christian j dodge some missies on or before the Illegal Liquor Selling Is Being Viger- Meeting tube Held Saturday, Aug­ loved ones. , .. r ,. , _ . . 1 following Saturday for he will be at the church maintains that immersion is the There was a man floating about sixty only form of baptism sanctioned by uusly Prosecuted same old stand every nighi this week. ust 3, at 4:30 P. M. feet from me who threw up his hands the bible and his sermon Monday night and shrieked, ‘Oh, don’t come near brought this out which was supported NOTES FROM PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. by quotations from Holy Writ. He me,’ I consoled him by saying I would ! not touch him and swam over near the | Virginia F. Yancey of Mirsouri has says that he is willing to meet any frightened man and told him that if we ] J been secured by President Ferrin as man on the platform on this or any j i assistant in the academy. She is a other subject that pertains to religion. Every Qualified Voter is Requested to sank we would both sink together,” The Invincible Dr. Large in the Toils and Miss Buxton smiled as she said graduate of Hardin college and re­ It would be very interesting and in- j and will Answer to the Court this. be Present and Help a Good ceived her A. B. degree from the Uni­ structive for men of other views to i “ I floated around in the water for Tomorrow Morning. meet Rev. Kellems on this subject. versity of Missouri at Columbia. Cause Along. about half an hour before I was picked Rev. Kellems is a teacher of Elocu- ' Miss Yancey domes from a family of up by a life boat. There were twenty- teachers, her father is a college presi­ tion in the Eugene Divinity School and It is a thirsty .'.nd swollen-tongued dent and she has had four years of ex­ will fill some Chatauqua dates in Indi- i On next Saturday, August 3, will be six on board and the boat almost dipped lot of people that paces nervously back held a meeting at the public school water from the load, but the cabin boy perience at teaching. She comes ana after he leaves here. He has and forth on the streets of Forest Grove highly recommended by the faculty of not thoroughly decided how long he , building in this city for the purpose of wanted to take every dead body on today for the lid is on this city with a voting on the proposition of introduc­ board as they floated around in the will remain here but will continue to her alma mater as a teacher and vengeance and the present council has “Save Funeral Expenses” Writes the woman. She will teach the same preach until a notification is given out J ing into the schools here a department water. He kept saying ‘suppose your determined from now on that no booze of Manual Labor. The meeting is set father or mother were floating around, Coward, hut Preacher Will Con­ branches as Mrs. Giace Wood Hill from the platform. shall seep through the edges of the The meetings that have been held for 4:30 and it is hoped by the board you would want to take them on board.’ cover. The “ blind pig” commonly > when she was here. tinue to Preach— Nut Work that all qualified voters will be present. Along about three or four o'clock a All of the faculty for next year is have been a great moral and spiritual There has been a great deal of work strong wind blew up and the water be­ known all over the state as "The Iron of Local Hoodlums. 1 now engaged since the vacancies of toner for the town. done by the board along this line and came rough so it looked for awhile as House” is prepared for the slaughur Prof. Marsh and Mr. Coons have been it is found that without much expense though we were going to be thrown and it, is thought that Municipal Judge EMIL HELD SHOWS UP. filed by Prof. Taylor and Miss Yancey. the department can be inaugurated into the sea again. But we were Hoge will stick him in the jugular vein Prof. Chambers who is at Newport con­ Too Much Notoriety Brings Heid to very satisfactorily. The board levied a picked up by the Elder about eight tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock when Mr. Kellems you must git out of ducting the only biological experiment a tax for the purpose a year ago but o’clock and there was mingled joy and the case of Dr. C. L Large versus the Surface in Portland. wn by Saturday night or there will be station in the Northwest wifi have city comes up for settlement. The bunco game exposed exclu­ found that it was necessary to put the grief.” truble, see, to save funeral expenses charge of the biological department. Councilman Sam Walker is the hero project to a vote of the people before “ What was the most pathetic sight better go,” this letter virtually threat­ Prof. Ben Kori who has been spending sively in The News last week, is bring­ they could institute the department. of the hour and the man that picked you witnessed?” she was asked. ening the life of Rev. Mr. Kellems who the summer at Berkley attending the ing explanations from one E. Held, There has been numerous donations to up the onerous lid which has been ajar “ Well I hardly know, there were so has been conducting revival meetings summer school and translating “ The which are failing to explain in the least this fund by individuals which amounts many pathetic and heart rending scenes. for the last thirty years and with the here for several weeks past and who History and Religion of the Samaratin his actions towards the people of this to 835 besides The Woman’s Club has One family was on a pleasure trip. A assistance of Marshal Joe Lenneville has had phenominal success with his Sect” has returned to this city and will city. He admits practically all The given 830.10. An entertainment was silvery headed old man and woman and shoved it tight on and sat on top. And Prof News charged but is seeking justifica­ work, was received by him yesterday teach modern languages. given last winter which netted the fund ^pvo daughters. The family ate at our Walker was elected on the wet ticket morning along with another letter stit- Orr who is spending the vacation at his tion of his deed, through sickness, j 860.10 making a total on hand for the I table. After the wreck I saw the two and the dry citizens of the Grove trem­ ing that if he d ii not leave town ‘‘we home at Detroit. Michigan, will be back People here are of the opinion that he purpose of 8125.20. At this time girls and the old man who seemed bled greatly in fear that he would be at the commencement of school, Sep­ had no intention of carrying out his will help you out— with eggs.” Prof. Stanley of the Portland schools stricken with grief for his wife was not instrumental in licensing a saloon. agreements, and that had not this pa­ “ No child wrote this,” says the tember 18, to take charge of the public came out and made a talk on the sub­ with them. When we arrived at Eu­ But instead “ Sam” has been the first preacher, “ nor was it necessary for speaking and dramatic classes. All per taken the matter up, nothing would ject, and on numerous occasions the reka the old man went ashore and re­ one of the city fathers either wet of dry the party to use simplified spelling. the other professors of last year will be have been heard from him. The fol­ board has visited that city for the pur­ ceived a telegram from Shelter Cove to make a move to put a stop to the They are grown people and are trying to back. “ Never before,” says President lowing denial of our charge, which was pose of acquainting themselves in the that his wife had been saved. Rushing illegal selling of liquor. Last week he run a bluff on me. But you know the Ferrin, has such a lot of inquiries of the published in the Journal, appeared in new departure. They found a wonder­ down to the ship he danced around girded himself with faith and determin­ American people are Dot to be called by college come in as this sum m er.'There the Oregonian of Tuesday: ation and walked into the Iron House “ Emil Held, an advertising man of j ful system of learning in this department frantic with joy.” a bluff. This is a land where free is not a day that passes but that the run by Dr. C. L. Large and called 4or which will be of much good to the “ Wouldn’t you like to go swimming this city, takes exceptions to a dis­ speech is guaranteed and I shall stay.” mails bring a bunch of cards from the a glass of beer but he was refused. schools here. With a little rearranging today” she was asked as the perspira­ Rev. Kellems regards this threat on people wanting to know of the advan­ patch from Forest Grove, published in in the big basement at the school house, tion ran down the face of the reporter However he secured evidence which his life as a serious matter and says he tages and opportunities offered bvj Pa­ an evening newspaper, in which he is which is practically unused now, it can and Miss Buxton smiled and said she led to the •'rrest of W. A. Bellinger for may make an investigation. In all of cific University. And there is no rea­ denounced as an advertising faker and be made into an ideal work room for selling beer to A1 Dilley contrary to undoubtedly would. his experience duripg the past twenty son why the college should not have a a bunco artist. Mr. Held considers the students. The necessary tools the city ordinance. She went back to Portland Tuesday years he has never received through bumper attendance this coming year. that a gross injustice has been done and benches would cost in the neigh­ Saturday morning Bellinger plead evening to put in her claims, as yes­ the mails such a vile communication All these letters are coming as the re­ him and in explanation of his dealings borhood of 8300 thus giving the For­ guilty before Judge Hoge and stated terday was the last day of grace. She with the Forest Grove people, makes or threat. It is a cowardly act and as sult of the Push Club organized by the est Grove schools a department not lost a fine coat and many other valua­ that he had been the agent of Dr. he states, is only used when a person students of the college who went forth the following statement: found in any of the schools in the ble things. Many friends called on Large. He was fined $25. This led “ Last November I organized Held’s is without authority, argument or words from the institution to get more stu­ county, or this part of the state except Miss Buxton while she was here to to the arrest of the doctor whose case and unable to prove the position he dents. Architect Whidden who draft­ Tourist Bureau and began publishing Portland. The manual training would congiatulate her on her escape from a was up yesterday. Burt Tongue ap­ ed the plans of the ladies dormitory Held’s Tourist Bulletin, a weekly pub­ may take on a subject. peared for defendant and Judge Hollis be taught to pupils in the Fifth grade watery grave. These letters have not been sent by was out from Portland yesterday and lication. It was issued regularly until and higher such as is done in other for city. She will return to this city for a visit the hoodlum element maintains Mr. says that the hall will be ready for oc­ last April, when it suspended, owing places. The expense of a teacher in Tongue offered a demurrer on the after her claim is adjusted in Portland. to a lack of support. In the meantime Kellems for " I have not been in a town cupation by the first of September. grouuds that the complaint charged the this department would be less than where the e has been better order. I Five carpenters are at work on the I visited Forest Grove and solicited 835 per month as the demonstrations The county exhibits at the Oregon defendant with more than one offense subscriptions for the Bulletin at 81 a have had no occasion to say harsh wood work of the interior and are rush­ are not made oftener than once each State Fair in Salem are always interest­ in that it charged Large with selling things and have not. Nor have they ing the work as fast as possible. year, agreeing to publish pictures of week and that would be done by a ing, and a big advertising feature for and giving away beer to Allen Dilley come from the better element. But President Ferrin was in Portland Tues­ the scenery of that city, together with teacher from Portland. The meeting the sections represented. This year both of which are offenses according to from some fellow or fellows who have day looking after furniture for the build­ the photographs of prominent people. is called for next Saturday and if the six counties will exhibit, as follows: the ordinance of this city. Hoge an idea crossed in their head that has ing. It will be well equipped and each But the Bulletin suspended publication overruled the demurrer stating that he room will be oiled and large rugs put on before these illustrations could be used. proposition carries, which undoubtedly Marion, Benton, Lane, Linn, Clatsop believed that it was the intention of been hit in the sermons.” and Multnomah. The last two have it will, the new department will be at “ If I could pin that on the back of the floors. The reception room will As evidence of my good faith in this never been represented before. The the council in framing the ordinance the fellow who wrote and sent it,” said probably be furnished with mission fur­ connection, I can show bills contracted once installed and be ready for the fall county courts of Multnomah and to read “ Selling or giving away” to term of school. The schools in this he, “ he would go behind the bars in a niture as a friend has volunteered to in local photograph galleries for taking Clatsop counties have each appro­ mean one offense and upon the sug­ city have in the past few years been the pictures of Forest Grove people. equip this room, the taste ol the hurry. For it is a serious matter ‘fun­ “ Shortly alter my visit to Forest wonderfully improved and this last ac­ priated 81000 to provide for an gestion of the counsels the case was donor will be considered of course. eral expenses.” Grove I was taken ill and and only last quisition is looked upon by the board adequate display. Marion county will continued till tomorrow at 10 o’clock. The reporter joshed and said that it Prisident Ferrin’s family and Miss week recovered sufficiently to attend and many others as being one of the exhibit but will not compete for the Ever since the city was founded by would be working a hell game on him Sarah Eo'drick are spending their va­ the educators who built Pacific Univer­ prize. The outside counties say that most important. if they should use eggs, to which he cation at Gearhart. Miss Livia Fer­ to my business. I then made arrange­ Marion has an advantage in being sity there has been a fierce war be­ ments with the Spectator Publishing made reply, ,,Yes, and eggs are pretty rin gave the Pacific boys, who are nearer the fair. Accordingly she will tween the whiskey and prohibition ele­ expensive, too. It was suggested that working at the Gearheart hotel, a Company to forward the Spectator to /Hiss B u xto n Tells Talc withdraw and the other contestants will ment and at every election this has all subscribers at Forest Grove and some of his hard shelled Baptist friends party recently. of Ill-F a te d Colum bia! all have an equal chance. Individual been the all-important issue. Blind elsewhere whose money I had received might have sent the letters but he put farm disDlays will also be a prominent pigs have always flourished although Sam Lawrence’s mother, Mrs. S. for subscriptions. But for my sickness the negative emphatically to this ans­ Miss Minnie Buxton, the girl for feature in the pavilion. Two entries their tenders have been frequently at- this matter would have received earlier B. Lawrence and her fout sons and wer. whom so much anxiety was felt because have already been made: Mrs. F. A. rested and fined only to start up their Both envelopes are addressed by the Miss Nettie Fisk have rented the attention. Persons who subscribed to she was a passenger on the ill-fated Wolf of Falls City and W. H. Hulburt booze emporiums again. the Bulletin will this week begin re­ Marsh cottage and will live there same hand apparently for the writing Columbia and still more because it was la st January Mayor Laughlin and of Albany. The first prize in this di­ ceiving the Spectator.” indicates much similarity. The "M r.” during the school year. reported that there were no women vision is 8100 in cash and a 875 Stude- Councilmen Walker and Hinman, sup­ The above alleged agreement does and the “ F” in Forest are written with saved, was in this city, her old home, Winifred Marsh Whittelsy is in Daker wagon, donated by that house, posedly liquor men were elected on a stiong, steady hand which indicates Portland visiting friends and relatives not seem to hold good with the pub­ the first of the week visiting her sister, But their administra­ while the second premium will be $50 the wet ticket lishers of the Spectator, as the follow­ Mrs. George Sloan and Miss Nora that some grown person has done the and will be in this city before return­ tion has proved far otherwise. Before in cash $65 Iowa Cream Separator, ing interview which appeared in the Smith and her many other friends. work. While there was a desperate ing to her home in Evanston, Illinois, their advent it was mostly all talk and While here she was the recipient of donated by the Mitchell, Lewis & no action, but they have united with attempt to disguise the similarity of the where Mr. Whittiesy is Professor in Tuesday evening’s Journal will show: Staver Company. “ Emil Held, an advertising man of hundreds of congratulations and told two hands the individual did not suc­ chemistry in Northwestern University. the dry holdovers and the city bids fair this city, denied in the columns of a many thrilling experiences of the awful ceed. One of the letters was written For lack of evidence Judge Hoge to be dryer than it has been for years. Dr. Henry D. Porter formerly of the : morning paper a news article published sea tragedy. Miss Buxton stated to on a money order blank and the other dismissed the case of the city vs. Bill The Iron House has been running on a common piece of ruled tablet pa­ China Mission has written Preside!* | in yesterday’s Journal with reference to The News reporter that she was asleep Morley who was charged with throwing tor several years with Dr. C. L. Large Ferrin for data on Henry D. Smith, the ! his actions in Forest Grove. It was when the San Pedro ran into the Col­ per. In each instance the individual brilliant young man who was drowned ! stated in the Journal from Forest Grove umbia and that one of her room mates, stones at the Chinaman’s domicile and as its entrepreneur and other men as tried very hard to mispell words but as in New York last summer. Mr. Smith that he had collected subscriptions a lady from California, had a hard time caving the door in last Monday even­ his salesmen. But the council main­ he twisted the simplest and got the will be remembered as the tireless to his Held’s Tourist Bulletin at Forest to wake her which almost resulted in ing, in which several other boys were tain that they intend to keep hammer­ hardest words right it would lead one worker and debating coach who was | Grove and had failed to send the paper. her going down with the ill fated ship. implicated. The final hearing was held ing away until the joint is closed for to infer that the work was that of a Saturday when Otto Wilson was the good. instrumental in several of Pacific’s ora Held claims to have been done a Before going to bed she had inhaled only witness to testify. His testimony person of maturity who got “ sore” over People of this city are taking a great torical and debating victories. gTeat injustice. the invigorating sea air deep and long did not clear up the case and the some of the things Rev. Kellems has interest in the affair, both wet and dry Hugh Hume, one of the publishers said'. and it seemed to have a soothing effect Judge dismissed the boys saying that The Revival Meetings. of the Spectator, declares that Mr. for the jar of the two vessels coming it was evident that some one or more and the license people are arguing that It is needless to attempt to frighten the city might far rather have an in­ The revival that is being held in the Held and the Spectator company failed together did not awaken her. the man away for he is Irish and is not of the boys were guilty but the evi­ come from a legitimate place than made of that kind of stuff. Once he tent on the Christian Chu-ch grounds to reach an agreement. "After my room mate had awakened dence was not sufficient for conviction. nothing from a blind pig. “ Mr. Held talked with Mr. Tyler, me,” said Miss Buxton, “ I dressed was holding meetings in Des Moines is meeting with great success and He admonished the boys that it was a and having many conversions when the forty-five people have been added to my partner, about the matter,” said Mr. hurriedly and fastened on my life pre­ very serious matter and that if they Woman's Club Meeting wife of a certain hard character joined the church roll. Despite the warm Hume, “ and Mr. Tyler and myself server and then I rushed for the hurri­ were ever brought up in court for a sim America will be the general subject the church. He made his threats that weather which has prevailed ever since talked it over. We failed to reach an cane deck, but remembering I had ilar matter again the penalty would be for the Woman’s Club for the coming if Rev. Kellems attempted to baptize the inception of the meetings there agreement, however, and did not agree forgotten my watch I went back and severe. year. The committee on program. his wife he would shoot him, but the have been large and entnusiastic crowds to send our pap jr to Mr. Held’s sub­ got it and made my way back to the Miss Farnham, Mrs. A. G. Hoflmar, Have you any idea how many people preacher notified the police on the day which have followed carefully the dis- scribers. Mr. Held came to me about deck. Captain Doran, the matchless said to you Tuesday, “ Purty warm, Mrs. John Abbott, and Miss Elio’t for immersion and the department sent courses of Rev. Kellems. Prof. Davis it and offered an explanation which I hero, who went down with the ship, ain't it?” If you had stopped to put met Tuesday and fotmulated the pro­ a representative who stood right by the a vocalist of the Eugene school and is did not nnderstand.” shouted to me ‘This is the Captian, ' down a tally for each similar assertion gram in part and are meeting thi* after - fellow while his wife was baptized. assisting in the work. don’t be afraid,’ and he helped me to j the marks would have been legion and noon to work out other details. Amei- Struck by Lightening. Never has an evangelist drawn such For a week or more Rev. Kellems mount the ladder to the hurricane deck. then some. Some crank has said that ican Literature, and the Typical large crowds and got more resits. It did not get many additions to the During the electrical storm last The Captain said ‘she is lost’ and I ! great minds run in the same channel American will be studied. The pro­ is said by some that Sunday night’s church but drew big audiences and night Clyde Lincoln's barn at Glencoe thought for the moment he had refer­ but the most dimunitive sort of an in grams for the past year have been on crowd was the tyggest that has ever preached interesting sermons using was struck and burned down with all ence to me but then I knew he meant tellect could run along the ditch that Shakespeare and have been »specially gathered for church services here and plenty of good wit in his discourses, j its contents. The bolt struck about his beloved ship. And then I was was plowed by the awful heat of the ! instructive and interesting. The open many were turned away for want of But he uses this method to advantage 9:30 during the electrical display swept into the sea and was carried , day in question. Linen collars wilted | meeting and production of “ The Mei- seats. and has got more additions to the | which was prevalent all over Wash­ down and down and down by the aw­ before the effects of the heat like ten- j chant of Venice” by the women cl If the scribe carries out his threat church here than any exhorter has for ington County. The telephone lines ful swirl of the ship. At last I began j der cabbage plants before the blazing j the club called forth much favorable Mr. Kellems will probably have to a long time. He has been in the I out Glencoe way are all burned out. to rise. I don't know how long I was * rays df an August sol. comment. KELLEMS THREATENED! MANUAL TRAINING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Christian evangelist Uiuered to Leave City by Saturday Evening. * AIDED BY CONTRIBUTIONS BELLINGER PAYS A GOOD FINE GOT ANONYMOUS LETTER for nd “ dm u .* » " •it- ed bo lls3r- a ne ,y' dd A - iid ed e- it- ic atl :ly- *ny w :ker 'ery let n , ®d, ejia in- ,n- rac- ter- I. 9 I J j f its on- vho ®hey the 2an *ost ,ri8k n . } ln »II ?ht to on or . a a b- Ie be le n- d- By I St . ig 01 e and it • » ‘K *t or '■ at * e II ie % ie e • tt al d, fr­ n i a ;y i- >f e e t, o . 'A (