Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 25, 1907, Image 5

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Among the arrivals Monday from
j Forest Grove were Will Mills, Mr. and
Sheriff Connell is home from his
I Mrs. M. S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
I E'downey, Mrs. Littlehale and family hunting trip to Tillamook.
I and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baldwin.
Several parties have gone to New­
port for an outing, and there are more
fc I
to follow.
G. Hammock and wife visited at
j Circuit court closed for the term,
| Forest Grove Friday.
Monday. But little business was trans-
James Lee took some campers in to
I acted during the term.
j Lee Falls for their summer outing.
Bricklaying has commenced on the
\ Robt. Lockwood and his newly made
i wife will enjoy the mountain breezes walls of the new store rooms adjoining
the Shute Bank building.
this summer.
The Jap extra crew left a ,pile of old
The tents that are at the power
i house make one think they had struck j ties burning near the Zina Wood place,
Monday, and fire caught in the fencing
a gypsy camp.
did considerable damage before it
John Roberts who got hurt awhile
j back, had a narrow escape from having I was brought under control.
1 nckn (n
| his house burned down but with the
I an m
j assistance of Mrs. Miller, his sister and
Vernon Spaulding of Somers, Mon­
•¡t lpn
I his brother, they managed to subdue tana, arrived here last Friday and has
been visiting his father in this city. U ed
the flames with little damage.
Mrs. Mathew has been staying on H e went over to Tillamook the first of *.ti>r-
i her ranch above the power house. Mr. the week and spent a few days with 1 ne „
Lonegren took dinner with her last his sister, Mrs. Everett Hall, and will
d idd
i Friday and says she has one of the best leave for Montana tomorrow.
1 e
| improved claims he ever saw. Her
walnut trees are growing rapidly and it COUNTY SEAT NEWS LETTER. > le
j is good to see a large orchard of them
* *'
(C ontinued From P age One.*
i. :k
j in the hills, besides a big apple or-
! chard.
of the
Choice Dress Goods
Shown at this Store?
Largest Stock to Choose From
Persian Lawn, French Lawn, Cobweb Checks, Printed Silk Chiffon,
Madras, Dotted Swiss, Muslin, Picarlie, Vassar Batistes, Mercerline Silks
and many others.
Good line of Summer ginghams in Toile du Nord and the A F C’s.
M e n ’s
F u r n is h in g
All the way from head to foot
The men too all always looking for something cool.
We have it.
Anything for
y /
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ju b o
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a a a a a a a a fll
a i a .i a a iF
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Joe Schulmerick started for the coast
last Saturday.
I New buildings are going up fast
| around here. The tovn is booming.
Hay is reported very scarce out this
! way this season and will be worth its
I weight in gold.
The Banks baseball players defeated
the Cornelius nine last Sunday by a
score of 4 to 3.
Eugene Friday is working with John
| Herb and C. F. Brown’s baler crew.
H e is their water hauler.
Wm. Moore, postmaster, and John
M. Kessler have been talking of buy­
ing property in this place to move
their families on.
Quite a number from this place went
Carlton on the excursion last Sun­
m ë
day and report having had a good time.
They say it is a fine place.
The R. F. D. carrier John M. Kess­
ler is boarding at John W. Friday’s
about one-half mile above Banks now.
H e fays he likes his new boarding
place fine.
The new Banks band is making good
S f f 13J
progress with its new inrtruments and
is turning out all kinds of music. The
band consists of farmers, R. F. D. car­
riers, store keepers and to top it off
they got the leading blacksmith of the
city in it, Hon. J. J. Smith.
There are three rural routes from this
place now. John M. Kessler appoint­
ed carrier on route No. 1, with John
W. Friday as sub; Frank H. Herb ap­
pointed carrier on route No. 2, with
Chas. J. Herb as sub; and Frank T.
Vandomelen appointed carrier on route
No. 3, with Bert Vandomelen as sub.
Route No. 1 is now 2 4 j miles long,
route No. 2 a little over 17 miles and
route No. 3 a little over 19 miles long.
[W ill Banks cor. please sign his
Miss Minne McLeod of the Oregon­ name so we can send stationery. E d ]
ian staff, is spending her vacation at
her home in Dilley.
Summer vesLs all patterns all A
prices from $ 1.50 to $3.00.
Negligee shirks all sizes from 50c
to 2.25. Haks ail kinds, sizes and prices, good b u t cheap. Sox, un-
Quong Lee’s
- - 8 to 15c
W h ite s h ir t - - - 10c D raw ers
" - • - 10c W h ite W a ists - 10 to 20c
W h ite S k irts - 10 to 50 U n d e rsk irts - 15 to 25c
8c S to ck in g s - - - 2Y jc
U ndershirts
H an d k erch ief» - - 2c C o l l . r . .......................... 2c
M en’» W h ite V e rt, 10 15c P a n « - - - - -
C o a ti - - - - 10 20c D u ste rs
- - 15 20c
T ow els - - - 20c D os. N a p k in s - - 20c Dos.
T h e follo w in g a rticle s 50 c p e r doz. P illo w C ases.
Bed S heets, T able c lo th s . N ig h t G ow ns. W o m en 's
P ra w e rs, U nderw ear, A prons a n d C orset C overs.
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
— Groceries— Hoffman & Allen.
— Ladies' white canvas oxfords in the
latest styles at Bailey’s.
Paul and Robert Brown of Amity,
who visited relatives here last week
— Money to loan on farm security.
Quite a number went from Buxton have returned home.
W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove.
to the Grove to see the ball game
Mrs. Temple of Tacoma, Wash., is
spending a few days at the home of
— Hoffman & Allen for good goods i
Miss Marian Crawford was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hubbert.
and lowest prices.
in Portland for the past week at the
In a base ball game between Dilley
— We have always paid the high- home of E. Lorenz,
est for wool and mohair.— Bailey’s.
and Fern Hill, Sunday, at the Ball
, ,
, .
, ,
The family of Mr. Geo. W. Evans Grounds in Wolf’s field, Dilley iron,
a les hand turned patent leather have move(i t0 their summer home a t the score being 14 to 11.
oxfords, plain toe. Bailey s Big Store. the Donald Lumber Ca>s sawmill>
Mrs. Chas. LaChapelle who has been
— Hoffman & Allen Co. will pay
Clarke and Dixon of Forest Grove,
the highest price for Mohair and Wool. j have been doing som e work on Lew spending a couple of weeks with her
mother, Mrs. M. McLeod, at her place
here, returned to her home in Portlimd
— Bring your wool and mohair to us. I Crawford’s barn, raising it eight feet.
We will give you the most for it.—
Salvanus McHargue, the eleven
j year old son of John McHargue, was
(Too L a te fo r L ast W e ek .)
run over by a wagon and bruised pretty
badly one day this week.
Mrs. C. L. Large and baby arrived
last week.
Allan Dilley does not believe in re­
maining idle though he is disabled, for
Friday he pitched five loads of hay.
Mr. John Wilson has severed his
connection with the Base Line Lumber
Company and is now with a surveying
party in the mountains.
The young people of the Watt Sun­
day School have bean invited to spend
Wednesday with Mrs. Van Kirk.
They all anticipate a fine time.
F Breske to Sherman Murphy et al V e'
part of sec 1 and 2 t 2 n 4 w and oth-
er land $9500.
John A Foote to A C Shute part of
lot 7 blk 1 Hillsboro $1.
Investment Co to John Nelsen et al
50 acres in sec 35 t 1 s 2 w $1.
Charles E Bradley et ux to Frank C
Orth lots 15 and 16 blk 14 South
Park add Forest Grove $1500.
William D Hare et al to F M Hei-
del se J of sec 32 t 3 n 3 w $1.
Wm A Miltenberger to J P John­
son 50 acres in sec 4 ;2 s 1 w $2500.
Wrn Reidt et ux to Mary E Adams
lots 17 and 18 blk 15 West Portland
Heights $1.
Albert A Mead to J VV Shute 40
acres in sec 1 t 2 s 4 w $10.
Waller H Purdin et ux to Jacob Bu-
chele lots 43 and 44 Cornelius Envi­
rons $2400.
A Carstens to Dillie C Carstens part
of blk 4 6 and 8 West Portland
Heights $1500.
L Lyel McCarthy to Bertha S Mc­
Carthy 15 acres in Sam J Scott d 1 c
t 1 s 1 w $1.
Carrie C Hir.es et al to Ira H Craw­
ford 7 acres near Buxton $1.
Delos P Hopkins et ux to J W
Shute 50 acres in sec 18 t 2 n 3 w
J W Shute et ux to G W Barnes
lots 1 and 2 blk 5 Fairview add Hills­
boro $1.
Anna B Connell et al to Samuel
Gowen et al 1 acre in sec 36 t 1 n 3 w
Walter Hannan et ux to A J Perkins
tract in sec 4 t 2 n 4 w $75.
Ernest Haberstroh to Leon K Fiske
part of blk 9 Cornelius $900.
Richard H Mason et ux to Peregrin
Totzauerpart of sec 2 t 2 s 1 w $3000
Alice Woolf to Alexander J Sell sw
I of se 4, se 4 of sw 4 and w J of sw
4 sec 24 t 3 n 3 w $1100.
Catharine Larsen et al to Geo Johan-
| sen et al i acre in lot E Fairview add
Hillsboro $1.
Anna H Bailey to Jacob R Reeher
1 acre in sec * t 2 s 3 w $100.
W E Davies et al to M J Kinney
part of sec 13 and other land t 2 n 4
w (398.25 acres) $20000.
Harriet R Davis to Fred S Oleson
part of blk 12 Simmons add Hillsboro
Lily M Buxton et al to Mary R
Miller part of blk 7 Forest Grove
John Boyd et ux to August Lovc-
gren n 4 of ne 4 sec 52 1 1 s 5 w $100,
F E Southard et ux to G F Sanborn
Co sw 4 of sec 4 t l s 5 w $ l .
Wm Boucsein to J w Shute ne 4 of
sw 4 and sw 4 of sw 4 sec 32 t 3 n 3 w
It keeps people wondering whether
its an automobile or M. Patton with his
new delivery outfit that is passing.
They both go by at the same high
$ 1 .
rate ofspeed.
, I Merchants Investment Co to W H
Mr. Keagy, who recently purchased 1 n
. . .
, ,
• «
Green tract in Alvin T Smith d 1 c t 1
N. Wiberg s farm, had a severe attack . $ w m i 500
of appendicitis last week, at Mr. Peter­
Jas Bell to H F Hoecker lot 15
son’s where he was boarding. H e is
Garden Home $1250
now better, due to the excellent care
W D Hare to A W Walker 50 acres
given him by Mr. and Mrs. Peterson
in Jas E Rice d i e t 1 n 3 w
and the nurse, Miss Helen Rueter of
Charles E Craven et al to Charles
Portland. Mr. Keagy left Monday for
Hall ne 4 sec 12 t 2 n 6 w and other
Astoria where he will soon undergo an
I land $6081
E A Large et al to M H Groesbeck
5 amended plat of Fairview add
j Hillsboro $1300
Mr. Carlson started for Finland last
L B McFarland et al to Mark T
Cox 56 acres sec 6 t 1 s 4 w $1.
E D Curtis to S A Moulton lot 7
Miss Josie Kyle is visiting friends on
Curtis subdivision Wm Stokes d i e t 1
Gales Creek.
n 3 w $1100.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Johnston Thursday last.
Mrs. Em m et Quick and Mr. T.
Mrs. L a Hartrampf and Oran La
Eagan, the engineer at the tunnel,
were injured quite severely in a runa­ Course arrived last week.
way last Sunday a week ago.
George Best and wife of Gaston
David O’Donnell Jr., who is working arrived Saturday evening.
We compound our prescriptions from
with the surveyors on the Astoria
the purest and freshest drugs obtain-1
Misses Lyda and Ella Staehr arrived
Dairy, fruit and hay farms, hop
branch of the P. R. & N. line, is
last week to remain some time.
spending a week’s vacation with his j
i Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McNutt and
List your place with me and have
it sold.
The fourth Saturday of this month, | son Floyd left for home Monday.
Hannans’ will have another dance in
Raleigh Walker and friends made a
the new hall, the best in the county. very enjoyable trip to the Punch Bowl
Walker and Barrett will furnish the last week.
our stock will supply every need
Mr. and Mrs. Markee and daughter
Mrs. A. Playfair, her daughters, Mrs. Luella came over last week to spend a
Tooth Brushes»
John and Chas. Lilly started for the I
Austen and Miss Florence Erickson, few days.
Office Main street, one dcor north Russell's
former’s claim near Buxton Tuesday. (
all of Bellingham, Wash., were recent
Shoe Store
Powders and
Dr. and Mrs. Brown came over last
Miss Mattie Clark has gone over to I
visitors at the homes of L. L. Crawford
Forest Grove
week and returned after a few pleasant Wilson River to stay with Mrs. Rheer. |
and W. Hines.
days by the sea.
Mrs. Prosser’s father, mother and
Mr. Wade Everst of Cornelius, and sister of Forest Grove attended Sun­
Pens and
uncle A. Saterlee of Portland, arrived day School here Sunday.
Oscar Kuhns spent Thursday irr the : last week for the summer.
Forest Grove Time Table
Rose City.
. ... ,
. ,
Fear of the measles causes many
Miss Laura Jackson of Hillsboro aijd people to stay close at home. Mrs.
Miss Merle Maury was
Portland» ! Miss Mabel Matison are spending the Will Lee and two children, Walter Sar­
N o . 7 depart« 6:45 a. m ., a rriv e s at P o rtla n d 8:00 a. m. visitor Fiiday and Saturday.
^ eek at the Hibbs cottag,*.
N o. 3
’* 8:47 a. m .?
10:20 a. m .
gent and Cecil Lillv have had them
N o. 9
1:30 p . m . ,
2:50 p . m .
Mr. John Hardebeck made a busi-
N o. 1
4:16 p. m .,
5:50 p. m .
About two hundred m<:rry dancers and many others have been exposed.
ness trip to the Grove Saturday.
tripped the light fantastic at Walker
Quite an accident befell Fred Wilson
No. 2 I t . P o rtlan d 7:30 a. m. lv . F o rest G rove 9:00 a. m .
No. 8 "
11:00 a. m ., a r.
12:20 p .m . Mr. G. H. Briggs has returned from Bros, pew ball Saturday even in g.
while he and his brother, Dennie, were
N o. 4 m **
4:10 p . m ., lv .
5:40 p. m .
Amon.7 the Groveites w he1 came barking logs for Mr. Brimrhorer. His
5:20 p . m ., a r.
6:40 p. m. a short business trip to Camas,
— Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and N o. 10 ' *'
who over Satunday and went back I londay brother’s ax slipped out of his hand and
Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­
N. L. ATKINS, Agent.
have been spending a week at the were: Mr. and Mrs. Miles ’‘Purdin. struck Fred just above the knees and
pliances in office.
Calls answered W. E. COMAN, General freight and home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Van Meter, Mr. and Mrs Willie Prichett of Banks quite a gash w as cut. Dr. Via w a s ,
was called.
night or day.
Passenger Agent, Portland.
have returned to their hom e <n Portland. and Victor Fiwjua.
Large or Small Tracts
M. L. N o b le
Real Estate
LIER, The D r u g g i s t .
Some Good Homes
A good 8-room house, fine loca­
tion, all ready to move in, just the
place for a nice home, only $1500
A large house and lot close to
business, nice garden and plenty of
fruit, a choice place at $1875.
One of the finest homes in For­
est Grove, entirely modem, furni­
ture to go with place at $3000.
Many other bargains.
Real Estata,
Phone 294, Forest Grove. Oregon