death to the innocent Since J u n e 27th, The News sleeping passengers. has enrolled ninety-two new M ¡ 7 ^ ! W e l d it not have been bet- subscribers to whom we w,sh to Vashington County Publishing Co., ter that every ship on the waters extend our gratitude, w e are ncorpo rated. ____________ ________ j anchor in times of fog, th a n endeavoring to make The News ered at the post-office at Forest ta k e chance on the loss of a win on its merits and we appre- Grove, Oregon, as second class single life! Would it not have ciate the fact that our efforts are HE i\ T p \ \ f Q 1 rp rtain mail matter. bscriptlon $1.00 Per Year Advertising rates made known on application. ¿jal Paper of City of Forest Grove E . N O IIR S E ........................ MANAGER ? . W OODS................................... EDITOR W EEK BUYS IT This high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low $60 machine for $25 been better for that freight train not all in vain. to have been sidetracked forever and averted the awful results! Every day we take the W e will send this machine to your nearest railroad station with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in­ stallments till $ 2 5 . 0 0 is paid us. W hy send east or to Portland when you can buy at home just as cheap. ____________ E[)|TUKIAL COMMENT. ---------- Colonel Graves i. the only man m I the world who can ride in three differ- chance, suffer the results, but j ent band wagons at the same tim e.— heed them not. 1 Houston Post. OOFF BROTHERS Forest Grove Just as we thought. The theory How long does it take to be- that Mr. Rockeleller was in six towns come a i citizen of Hillsboro any- and three states at once will have to THURSDAY, JU LY 25, 1907 TAKING THE CHANCE. wav /? . . It matters not— so much — where a man comes from as ¡t does as to where are his heart ancj sympathies after becoming a citizen of that place. There be abandoned.— Milwaukee Sentinel. Whoever it was that predict- that this year 1907 would be “ of disasters, has certainly d his forecasts fulfilled. With- the most deplorable catastro- es in the annals of history ve occurred— one on sea and e on land. The first was the lision of the steamer Colum- l with a lumber schooner near n Francisco, Saturday mom- county offices where the holder has not been there less than, at ieast) seven years, and in some cases the deputy has succeeded to the office. While it is true that Forest Grove has the state senatorship we would like to ft ft * this afternoon: YounK Roo'ev":t si" Some people trv very hard to have a Little Rose Bud W a ltz ................ Marcus yeh would doubt!ess like t0 do tbe Joy Adelott good time, and fail; it isn’t a good sarae in a SOmewhat different case.— time when too much of an effort is re­ Strawberry F e stiv a l...........................Mack Wanted— A bullet that can be stop- ped by a soldier without injury to his anatomy. F o r anything but poetical purposes, Musical Recital, Inventors please commui- there never seems any great need of The following musical program was cate with riie Hague.— Atlanta Con- referring to the twilight as "th e gloam-1 rendered by the pupils of Miss Dee seven hours of each other two are but few exceptions in the stltutl0n- Darling, at her home on First Avenue, ing. Boston Journal, Letta Chowning Clear the W ay.....................Chas Kinkel ft ft ft Hazel Hughes Some houses are so prim and orderly they remind one of the systematic ar­ Springtime G reetings.................. Baldwin Bella Taylor rangement of the tombstones in a well V alse...................................... L. Streabbog kept graveyard. Dora Susbaur Summer Specialties quired to gain it. Colonel Watterson insists that if Bryan is going to be a candidate he shall quit talking. Does Colonel Wat- Urson think Bryan would take anything and the knew what bearing that office | on such terms?— Philadelphia Press. ; about 2 o’clock, ler only a few hours later, has on the county government; When the republicans suggest a bi- en a freight train on the Pere what has it to do with road , . i . oartisan commission to revise the tariff irquette railroad in Michigan, | building in this county or any | j, looks very m uch lik e the y are afraid iided with a heavily laden other phase of county govem- of the issue and prefer to surrender be­ rursion train. ment? That office is as foreign fore the battle.— St. Louis Republic. In both disasters many lives to this part of the county govem- If Mark Twain succeeds in educat- re lost and many homes are j ment as the governor. catiug his British friends into an appre­ idened. ciation of the American joke his com­ In the railroad wreck, the in- A democratic news p a p e r patriots will readily forgive him for ac­ nsiderate conductor of the which is supported by the repub- cepting a “ doctor’s” degree at Oxford. ight thought he could make bean administration o f this — New Orleans Times-Democrat. A Sunday school teacher in Stafford ; next station, although hold- county to the exclusion of other asked the pupils what became of the republican papers, would natur­ y in his hands orders to wait, swine that had evil spirits in them, jk the chance, little heeding ally stand pat for the acts of said and a little boy ventured the opinion administration, against the inter- that they were made into deviled ham. lat might follow. _ . . . . . , Holiday M arch.............................. Kimball The sun is shining for a great many Margaret Curtis who don’ t know it, and who are waiting , My Mama w>Uz...................... Streabbog for what they regard as a more favorable Margaret Doan time for making hay. Mosquito W altz................... W. T . Griffe Edna Hundley The girl who practices on the piano Loretta Schottisch............................Lewis Ivan Curtis four hours every day is entitled to a Talcum Powders, Cold Creams Massage Creams, Foot Powders etc. Kodaks and Supplies at great deal of credit which she does not Bee M arch...........................................Mack Nellie Smith Ray of Sunshine Mazurka...........Marcus # * * Maggie Hartry Selecting an automobile is a good deal like selecting a wife; you look, Crown P rin ce......................................Mack Our new Maggie Weston and look, and think, and think, and Orvetta W altz.................................Spencer then frequently get the wrong one. Mabel Lambert Dr. Hines’ receive from the neighbors. Refrigator insures the best A country woman is as proud of the ®as,cet Rose^ j . ...................... , . , , Lamb and Darling number of young chickens she has to _ ... , ests of voters in this section of — Kansas City Journal , , ! Moonlight Reverie................ Viola Allen care for as a town woman is of the j Marvel King the county, which at this time, If John A. Johnson should be nom­ number of parties given her out-of-town Long;n(f.................. A. Jungman, Op 96 and before this, are being inated by the democrats, the Repub­ guest. Ida Schwanke ft ft ft lican campaign managers will know slighted._______________ Storm Mazurka.............. Wm. F . Keefer If you mutt abuse a man abuse him enough not to try to injure his cause Domima Sinclair The News suggested some by reminding him that his father was him to his enemies, not to his friends. A Pleasant D ay.......................... Holsinger time ago that a coal yard would ! once an inmate of a poorhouse. That A thoroughbred would rather be abused Lola Bird himself than have his friends aoused in Little Tot Waltz............................Sanders little I was sprung in a slate campaign one pay in this city, and the Roy Schiedel time and it elected him governor.— his presence. How many are there who ev- / day take the chance, with- t considering what the total m might be? This is a care- .s world to say the least, and those who are sure they are jht and then go ahead, be- igs the security and happi- item has hit the spot. The pro­ ss that is so dear to mankind. position is being investigated by The deplorable sea tragedy parties who have been in that made all the more lament- business before, and all condi­ >le, when, seemingly, the tions considered, it looks favor­ ean is wide enough that two able. ips that are as mere specks on A stcltc e surface, ought to be able to Wanted to Trade tss without plowing into each senator for a county c o m m is s -l her’s sides bringing almost1 ioner. Oregon . Sole Agents for the White Sewing Machine in Washington County. Portland Oregonian. The man who drinks beer is reason­ ably sure to have something to say of the unhealthful effect of ice cream. ft Roasts and Stews, Sausage and Bacon Chapel Chim es................................. Murry Car! Peterson Two former Forest Grove people j Purple Pansies................................. Fearis have been occupying the boards in the Emily Young divorce courts in Portland for several Warblings at E v e .. . .Richard’sOp. 71 j Mamie Susbaur months past. They are Emery Wil­ son and his now ex-wife, Mabel C. Evening Reverie............Wilson Op. 47 , Claud Patton Wilson. Robins’ Return............................... Tisher Some months ago Mrs. Wilson sued Grace Patton her husband for separation papers al­ Kathleen Mavourneen.Richard’s Op.96 ■ leging broken vows and cruelty. The Edith Kinton divorce was granted as he did not ap­ Parlor Queen March. .Sampard Op. 61 pear against her because he said that I Edith Lamb she would not cook his meals and take Song— Forgotten............ care of the children. The root of the Hazel Aldrich whole evil seems to be Rose M. H u ff,! ________________ one of those individuals who is born They Will Move to Portland. with a veil over her lace and bilks the ! Professor and Mrs. Frank T . Chap­ poor ignorant people who do not know man will conduct a branch of the Pa- any more than to trust t. eir fortunes to cific University Conservatory in Port- fakirs and believe that clairvoyants j ]and and iive ¡„ that c jty> They wdl All kinds of Fresh Wants Divorce Proceedings Annulled. HUWE’S OBSERVATIONS. ft Tender, Juicy, Steaks ft Some children are so ungrateful they feei they have cause for complaint b e­ cause they did not inherit an education- Vegetables Groceries W. F. SCHULTZ Good Eatables at Low Prices 5il Reduction Summer Suits In Sizes From 36 to 39 inclusive Big Reductions 10 and 25 per cent off; 10 per cent* olf one lot* Ladies* "waists; 25 per cent off on a i S p a r g e stockj/Un’s and Chil- ren’s straw hats. the Way Our Prices Run Ladies & Gents al. Shoes and O xfords A full assortment of the best and ^ " U U X IO rO S styles oxfords with welts and light _ ght so1” Military or Cuban heels. B u y Y< hh Patent colt, vici kid and gun metal j >Uin or tipped toes; all new lasts. ( ountry Produce NELSON B. Forest Grove Oregon TH E BIG ECONOMICAL STORE know more about the future than his- move down about the first of Septem- torians do about the past. btr. Three days out of the week they Wilson testified that this woman had will be at the College here. broken up his home and had completely Mrs. Chapman has been engaged by hipnotized his wife into her belief. c, . , the First Congregational Church of I She was given «5 a week alimony and Portland t0 direct and , rain the chufch the custody of the two children. \ choir. That church was corresponding ( This was several months ago and with Mrs. Chapman several months b e - ! Wilson was apparantly satisfied. Then I, . '' , ' .............. J lore her return from abroad and was I later she attempted to show in court | very anxious to secure her services as that he was not giving her the 85 and the musical committee had been fol- j tried to have it increased from 85 to | lowing her excellent work and heard 810, and title to a lot now in her for- ; her sing in Portland. Mrs. Chapman | mer husband’s name worth 81600. having sung there before on special | Wilson’s acquiescing attitude was occasions. She will also be soloist of changed to wrath on the excessive de- | the Congregational Church in that city mands of his wife and now in order to She takes the place of Mrs. Rose Bloch nullify the alimony and to regain the Bauer. Mrs. Chapman has been possession of the children he has filed a petition in the Circuit Court to an- nul the divorce decree and asks to be made the owner of all the property. This case h-