AT CLOSE OF THE GREAT REBELLION are DOING BUSINESS Since opening our store in Forest Grove we have sold more Harness than all the dealers in this section put» to- gather. We have at all times a Complete Stock of the famous Studebaker vehicles and guarantee every sale we make. Our new sealsroom will be ready this week—Goff Bros, old stand. W ÄG LEY, FOREST GROVE, I Oregon Office Just West of Post Office. Forest Grove, Ore. H. HOLLIS, LAWYER P eal Estate and Corpo­ OFFICE over ration Law a Specialty. Hines’ Store Oregon Forest Grove, I HANCOCK & GORDON FASH/OX S T A B L F S Pacific Avo. Forest Grave Neat Turnouts . . . W . H a in e s (ItSTABLISHID , O G IL .k > Forest Grove, Oregon A general banking business transacted Interest pant on time deposits. Accounts invited. City Shaving Parlors For the Best. Up to-date Work. Baths. Pacific Ave. Forest Grove. A. I. Wirtz, Proprietor S . A . iW o u lto n The Leading T n n s o ria list or F o rest G ro v e '— R . M lX O iS , D e n t i s t Forest Grove, Oregon OFFICI T h 'r f iVwst« • v i m ho«m ' im r. e ¿ >e lls?t- Dilley is prosperous and on the grow. Many new families have moved in and they all speak of the place as “ the best I have ever lived in” no matter | whether they came from Majne, Illi- [ nois, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, : or the much spoken of sunny Califor- nia. Dilley has two general merchan- | \ dise stores and a blacksmith shop and they are doing a fine business. What they lack, however, is a hotel, j And they need one bad. Formerly Mrs. Wolf ran a hostelry there and did | a good business but she moved to Cor­ nel us. Now when a person stops in | Dilley he has to purchase sardines and stuff from the store and eat a cold lunch when the place is plenty big enough I for a paying hotel if it is run upon the right kind of a basis. Here is a chance for someone to do Dilley a service and make some money himself. The people of Dilley are sociable and hospitable. They have good schools 1 1 and a couple of churches, the Metho­ dist and Free Methodist. The town is fortunate in having the depot right in the city instead of being built a mile ! or so away. And a beautiful vista of the country is had from the town. % • OREGON e ; ’* ! LAND Liner Column CO. Real Estate Brokers Loans and Insurance W. IN SERVICE 42 LONG MONTHS Our good friend, Mr. N. J. Walker, a the other day handed us a letter to read r d egoimn which was from his cousin who resided id dd - edition >d e- oitation in Illinois, and who had just come out ad ntained of the Army ol the North. The letter t- it y dl y I infoi- was received while Mr. Walker was a ■ :ker iy one resident of Douglas county, this state, _ and with but few exceptions, is as fol­ rt ery issued. e0’ homi- lows: ¡t and Mulberry Grove, 111., Jan. 29, 1866. rac- many “ Dear Cousin:—We received yours ter- seeker today addressed to father. We were I.’ every quite glad to hear from you and glad to its lizee, know you were still alive and in a land on- J in- where freedom and liberty is the battle vho larac- ■ cry of freedom. Ike was in the service "hey nter- for over four years and through several the very hard fights and was with Sherman :an r its on his celebrated campaign through the ‘OSt con- Carolinas. Emery was out nearly one who year but was in no fights. I was out 42 months. I served part of the time •e j ,n tht y i 11 ;ht the a as first sergent and the remainder of the ÎD, Can 0 time as first lieutenant. I had a very en- lost 4 good time after my promotion. I was • 0 ;on ink 3 in the following fights: Siege and cap­ or in ture of Vicksburg, fight at Boza Lost, ■ I l a ïht 9 Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill, Crave t a *n C River. Marksville, Yellow Boza. two D ta­ in- ii tights at Chafulia river, all in Loujsana; be on 11 siege and capture of Spanish Fort, e e n- cr II charge on Fort Blakely, capture of Mo­ L After Better Stock. * V ily 1 a bile, Charge at Whistler, Alabama. of a 5i Ed and B B. Goff of Hillside, who Whistler was my last fight, that being * and | last week received a registered Hol- April 18, 1865. I was at Port Gibson, I stein bull, are going into the dairying Royman Jackson, Champion Hill, Big • ‘K | business right as will be seen by the Black River, Mississippi; then again at t or following letter to The News. “ The the s’ege and capture of Jackson in • at ^ f e l< 1. bull, Don Carlos,' of Riverside, Cal., July '63. But in all my fights I never r 1 V» bred by the Pierce Land Stock Co., had the misfortune of seeing our army 1 re h owners of the best stock in California. whipped but once, and that was at Sa­ t % re h This bull is from some of the best bine Cross Roads, La., under old Banks. STATE ACTIVITY NOTES. For Sale—500 sacks A 1 W hite! blood in their herd, his pedigree traces I did not spill much blood but got Oats in ton or half-ton lots. Edward » al h The top-notchers are becoming bet­ him back to cows that gave as high as some holes put through my clothing tf : L Naylor, Forest Grove, Ore. a It is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad ter acquainted with Oregon’s resources 26 lbs. of butter fat in seven days. and got the hair cut on the back of my d> in this column. A few words here w ill reach 5,000 I u readers and the results are certain. 5c line 1st . , , , . , and necessities. The Hon. Oscar C. His ancestors on both sides had an head once. So you see I was very Insertion, 2VSt cents each subsequent insertion. — Men s patent leather button three I _ „ . _ a Minimum charge 10 cts. quarters boxing cloth top, very neat IStraus- Secretary of Commerce and average test of over 4-5 per cent but­ lucky in all my trials and fights. 1 . y j Labor, was giyen an informal reception ter fat, which is high for a Holstein. Nearly all the connection here were “ WANTED —Salesmen. Many make Oxfords at Bailey’s. * i- at the Commercial Club Saturday night, I have four registered Holsteins. One $100 to $150 per month, some even in the army. — Emory grinding done at the Miles and as is now well known, was imme­ of them gave an average of 50 lbs of more. Stock clean; grown on reserva­ Purdin Shop, First avenue. Well, “ Jack” (M r. Walker’s nick tion, far from old orchards. Cash diately preceded by Secretary Garfield milk ail winter and is now running bet­ name) you wanted to know how times e advanced weekly. Choice of territory, i —Take your Mohair and Wool to and Vice-President Fairbanks, and ter than 30 lbs a day. Her best day were here. I think times are pretty Address Washington Nursery Company, Hoffman and Allen Co.’s for highest your correspondent has yet in store was 60 lbs. Her milk for one month good. Work per month is from $30,'to prices. Toppenish, Washington.” news to announce of the most interest­ at the Condenser brought $21.75. $40, horses from $125 to $200, milch —See Hoffman & Allen’s windows. ing visit of them all. FOR SALE.—Thoroughbred regis­ We intend to raise more ¿ood stock. cows from $40 to $75, sheep from They contain new creations in skirts tered heifers. Out of the herd of dairy During this dog-day period, when One good cow is worth ten poor ones $2.50 to $8.00 per head, pork from 8c cattle which have the highest test in of all kinds. the atmosphere is laden with a spirit of as I’ve found to my satisfaction—and to 10c per lb. Cattle are high. the county. Address box 16 R. F. D. —Men’s gun metal, Blucher cut resistance to corporation oppression, the Holstein takes the cake.” No. 1. Cornelius. tf I.and here is worth from $30 to $50 oxfords, medium high heel the latest don’t let the fellow who never contrb- per acre, wheat $1.75 per bushel, corn at Baileys. Mrs. M. McLeod, who lived in Dil­ — 150 Goats for sale—Must reduce utes a dollar towards the advertising 30c per bushel. ley for several years with her family but number. In lots of 10— Wethers $1.65, and advancement of his community be There is some talk of a railroad run­ who now resides in Portland, is out to nannies $2.40 per head—In lots of 30 excused from making such contribu- ning through here soon but I fear that to 50, wethers $1.55, nannies $2.25 her Dilley farm where she is taking a ! tion because he can talk louder and is all talk. per head. At Walnut Grove Farm, .i vacation and canning fruits for the win­ oftener than the busy man and good 5 i miles southeast from Gaston, 10j Jim Blundell was in the rebel army ter. Mrs. Charles La Chapelle and miles south from Forest Grove.— Bar­ citizen who believes that a “ square all the time and got a bullet put through ! Miss Minnie McLeod are out from nett Y. Roe. him but did not get killed. deal” includes himself and that he ! Portland also. Your cousin should do his duty towards his fellow F or R ent — 40 acres lh miles SAMUEL G. ENLOE. citizens—if “ broke” or too stingy to Notice for Publication. south of DiHey. Inquire Geo. Buck­ - it United States Land Office at Portland, Oregon, make giving a pleasure, he can do his ingham at Dilley. l-4t An Auto Road to Tillamook. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the i section soma good by writing a few provisions of 1 he act of congress of June A, 1878, en­ The proposition to build and main­ e FOR SALE—A light hack and cart titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States | letters to relatives, acquaintances and of California, cl Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tain an automobile road between Port­ in good condition. Corner Third St. as extended to a ll the Public Land States by act friends in the East, telling them of the tory,” of August 4, 1892, Oeorge W. Lo:kwood of Portland, land and Tillamook, which the Cnarr.- and Fourth Ave. J. W. Sherwood. 2t j county of Mul’ nomah. state of Oregon, has this day filed low rates to, and the glorious oppor­ in this office his sworn statement No. 7167 for the pur ber of Commerce has been promoting chase of the nMt of nw x / \ and sw'-i of nw H of Section tunities presented by Oregon. 11 and sc1 /» of neV* of Section No. 10, in Town during the past few weeks is likely to — Wanted—A guitar instructor to No. 1 N Range No. 5 W, and w ill offer preof to During the past three weeks the ship show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber be undertaken in the near future. teach a voung girl.—M. H. Dixon, or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish South Park. tf travel into Oregon from the East has nis claim to said land before the register and receiver ol The Portland Automobile Club is tis office at Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the 19th j been as large as at any time during t day of September, 1907. working toward that end and three in­ He names as witnesses C. H. Osborn of Portland, Or., WANTS TO B uy —A small place in 1 the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and James Miller of Portland, Or., W. J. Lockwood of dividual owners of automobiles have Or., A. G. Lefler of Portland, Oregon. Washington or Yamhill county. Will many of the visitois are becoming Portland, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- agreed to subscribe $500 each provid­ A,t AAnn A A r, . K n»A, pay cash. Din Place must be a bargain; no 1 described lands are re q u ited to file their claims in this | familiar with the opportunities afforded office on or before said 19th day of September, 1907. ing the present plans are carried out. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. by the State, a large number of tourists only with bona fide owners. Send full The people of Tillamook are also deeply Date of Firtt Publication Ju ly 18, 1907. particulars in first letter to E—care of 1 having made stops at five or six points interested in the undertaking and it is The News. 2t p Notice of Final Settlement ! in different parts of the State. understood a considerable amount of THE NEW VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have Mr. Kruttschnitt, Director of Main­ filed in the county court of Washington county, Oregon money is available there for the pur­ It i.i a dessert for Rats and Mice. They FOR SALE—A fine dairy ranch of 80 my final report as execut rix of the estate of John B crave it, but it is the last they ever eat. It tenance and Operation of the entire J ] Smith, deceased, and that said court has appointed Mnn- pose of improving the highways which ] acres. Half under cultivation, balance kills t|- e Rodent, seals up the pores of the skin M _____ 1:.y toe 2nd day of September. 1907. at l o'clock p. m. j good pasture. Fa;r buildings, good and C jem ically Cremates the body. Abso­ Ham man bystem, VjCneral \ Manager of said day as the date for hearing final proof t hereof. will form a part of the road. lutely no smell. Guaranteed if not satisfac­ T D r v R r i . n or,A n , | . f I T T h e r e f o r e all persons objecting to said report or any orchard, water; 5 i miles northwest of! tory, Two routes are proposed, one by J* * • Adrien ano umei llingineer portion thereof w ill file their objection with the clerk of ;rour money back. FOR S A LE BY Forest Grove, on milk route, mail route : way of the Wilson River and the other Boschke, of the O. R. it N. Co., and £ *,25?on or b'"m' ,h' d,,r **•,or “ ,bo" 7)r. G h a s. H in es , ahd telephone line. For prices an d ! the officials of the Corvallis it Eastern, z.ecutrii nr th. .„»t. of John b . smith, dr..»»«,, by way of Dolph and Sheridan.—Ore­ terms inquire of H. G. King, guardian, Sole Sellin i A ient gonian. adjoining place. * tf | F O R E S T U R O VE, O R E O O S left the latter part of the week for an ’ ani!l' T * *T f ’ j « ’S S , io « j „ iv is w j Buggies, Wagons Large , automobile trip through Central Oregon. , Let us hope they have with them a I pole long enough to get the persim­ mon,—its^ ji»ii hanging a long time. If tb people of Oregon fail to take j advantage of the colonist rates begin- | ning September 1st and continuing J. Walker Received Letter In until October 31st, it will not be the January 1866 (rum Cousin | fault of the newspapers, for both in ¡news, editorial and local columns the press of the State has kept the facts I before its readers. Remember this is PERUSE the one-way rate, the tickets are only 1 to Oregon and not round-trip, and J good for any point in the State, but Relates Many Fights and Reports I the ticket must read to your station ut n<*n mds All Times are Good— Railroad I when it is purchased of the agent back on inities Talk all Wind in the other States. ‘•rlpn U cd [ Dilley is Prosperous but Needs a Hotel. 5 i Hatley's store, to ♦ P M it 1 : I ,s : j a a a a — Dr. C. L. Large reports a daugh­ ter weighing 8 j pounds, borr. to the wife of Harry Whitney in South Park, last Saturday. Parties desiring the at­ tendance of Dr. Large in thi* class cases, will greatly oblige him, if con venient, by engaging his services two or three months prior to the expected event. Dr. J, H. Knox, D. V. S, Vetemary Surgeon. Office at Hancock Sr Gordon’s livery stable. o k le n r o *»