I Vainita My tm HAWLEY FINISHES ARGUMENT. Is Sure Haywood Had Hand in Steu- nenberg Murder. COLUMBIA IS BLAMED W O R ST OF CRIM INALS. Prosecution Declares Orchard’s Stor Fully Proven. STR. COLUMBIA SUNK L A W Y E R S HAVE INNING . Devote Enti-e Day to Argument» in Haywood Case. Boise, Idaho, July 19.— A day of ar- Boise, Idaho, July 20— The field for guiuent on the admissibility of points Boise, July 22.— James H. Hawley, argument both for the prosecution and of evidence followed the announcement leading counsel for the state of Idaho, from the defense that tiiey had no fur­ defense of W illiam D. Haywood has presenting the first of the arguments to ther witnesses to offer in behalf of Wil­ been limited by Judge YY'ood, who in a 1 the jury in the case against William D. liam D. Haywood. The jury was not ; Haywood, spoke for nearly eight hours, decision handed down yesterday remov­ brought into court, Judge Wood having I distributed over three sessions of court. ed from consideration by the jury all been informed by counsel of their de­ I Even when the forenoon session Satur­ evidence bearing on the alleged conspir­ cision to rest without offer of sur- d a y had extended far beyond the cus­ acy bv min «owners and others against rebuttal. Clurence Iturrow spoke for tomary time limit, every seat in the the Western F’ederution of Miners. an hour and a half of the morning ses­ courtroom was occupied and remained Judge YY'ood decided tliut the defense of sion. Senutor Botuli replied in the so until the last word was spoken. Collision Came at Midnight Without afternoon and was followed by E. F. None listened more attentively to the Seventy-Two Are Unaccounted for Haywood bad made no legal connection of the Mineownere’ association, the Warning—Vexsel Sank in Five Richardson. Judge Wood w ill prob­ R e s u m e o f the Lets Important but argument than Haywood, the defend­ and Chances o f Being Found Citizens’ alliunce, of Colorado, and the ably announce his decision today. ant, and none showed less emotion. Minute» After Struck. Not Lest Interesting Events Alive Are Small. Pinkerton agency with the crimes as The point argued was the proposition From time to time lie took copious o f the Past Week. laying a foundation for the evidence in­ to exclude from consideration by the notes in a small book and frequently troduced by the defense to show that jury the evidence offered by the de­ made suggestions to one or other of his San Francisco, July 2 2 .— In a colli­ fense to show, by proof of deportation the charge against Haywood and his co- counsel, seven of whom were in court Eureka, Cal., July 23.— Arrival yes­ Machinists are preparing to strike on defendants is the outcome of a conspir­ sion between the passenger steamer Co­ of minners from and the employment today. terday of the steamer George W. Elder II railroads. Throughout the day Mr. Hawley used with the battered steam schooner San acy to exterminate the Federation. lumbia and the steam schooner San of detectives in the Cripple Creek dis­ Two San Francisco boys are under an almost conversational tone. "immediately follow ing the announce­ The Pedro in tow, brought the first news of Pedro off the Mendocino coast 100 pas­ trict of Colorado, that a conspiracy was rrest for placing dynamite caps on analysis of testimony in contradiction ment of this decision, argument com­ for mod among the mine owners and the i marine disaster which will rank sengers last their lives Saturday night. .reet car tracks. menced. J. H . Hawley, leading coun­ of Orchard’s story concluded frequently v-iong the worst of the Pacific coast. citizens of the district to prevent the The Columbia was sunk and lies employments of members of the YVest- The Haywood trial at Boise will cost with the denunciation of witness after The San Pedro drove full speed into sel for the state, speke for two hours jive posi­ lose to 1260,000, including the ex- witness as a wilful perjurer or guilty of the stem of the steamer Columbia, and 15 minutes of the afternoon session, completely submerged in tbe deep ern Federation of Miners* unintentional falsehood. When he bound from San Francisco to Portland, the morning session having been ad­ waters of Shelter cove. tion taken by tii* llaywoo* f use was enses of both sides. journed to enable the judge to prepare had spoken five and a half hours, Mr. A Her, the Haywood witness charged Hawley readied Caldwell, where at the tearing a great gash in her side, and his decision. Captain Doran, master of the Colum­ that Harry Orchard was employed by the Mineowners’ association through causing her to sink within eight min­ ■dth perjury, has been bound over to close of the year 1906 the preparations bia, stayed with his vessel, and is detectives to commit crimes which were Counsel for the defense repeatedly utes near Shelter cove about 12:30 iswer in the District court. interrupted Mr. Hawley with protests among tbose lost. for the murder of Steunenberg were then charged to the Federation, and o’clock Sunday morning. and objections, but these only seemed Chicago labor unions will not parade afoot. His voice now found a sympa­ The collision occurred at midnight, public opinion aroused against the un­ The fiist reports justified the belief his year on Labor day. This has been thetic note and, as lie told of the last that at least half of the 250 persons on to stir him to greater efforts. when all on board save the lookout and ion workers, and it therefore followed Mr Hawley concluded with the state­ moments of the ex-governor the court­ board the Columbia had perished, but me of the features heretofore. thut, if Colorado evidence for the state officers on the bridge were asleep in room was hushed and the jury leaned ment that already he had shown enough was admitted, the defense had the hourly the total shrinks. The best ad­ Leaders in a Ccrean conspiracy have forward to catch the speaker’ s every to convict and that any juryman not their berths. The Columbia was steam­ right to show a counter-conspiracy. vices now are that 177 escaped death reen arrested. The ex-emperor is said willing to convict on the evidence con­ ing north at an easy rate, having left The reply of the state was that the de­ word. « be behind many of the plots. when the vessel went to the bottom. Mr. Hawley’s peroration was impres fense had failed legally to connect its One hundred and seven of the Colutn necting the conspirators with the blow here at noon Saturday. The attorney general is to begin suit sive. There was no attempt at any ing up of the Bunker H ill A Sullivan Suddenly out of the fog loomed the case in these particulars and therefore n New York to annul the charters of flight of oratory, but only a strong bia’s passengers and 37 of her crew concentrator in 1899 and the explosion its evidence merely contused that issue. die Western Union and Postal tele note of deep sincerity and great ear have been brought to this port by the iaat the Y'indicator mine in 1903 alone dark hulk of the steam schooner San In the absence of the jury the argu­ steamer Geo. YV. Elder, which towed graph companies. Illegal combination nestness when he pleaded for an honest the colliding schooner San Pedro from "sought only to rid himself of an un­ Pedro, south hound, which was evident­ ment gave counsel an opporturiity to is the allegation. judgment from honest men of Idaho. pleasant duty to his state.” ly out of her course. Whistles were take a wide range in commenting on the scene of the disaster to Eureka. A Mr. Hawley said he did not charge Mr. Hawley w ill continue his argu­ The steamer Columbia, juHt wrecked late message from Shelter cove says blown and frantic efforts made by the the methods employed on both sides. that a majority or even that many of Delow Eureka, came to the coast in that three more lifeboats have been ment today. Mr. DaTtow was impassioned .and vitu­ Judge Wood has notified counsel for helmsman of each vessel to avert the 1880 from Chester, Pa., where she was the Western Federation of Miners were picked up, one of them containing 18 perative. He bitterly assailed Orchard built for the O. R. & N., which com­ criminals, but that the evil deeds of persons, another 15 and the third not the defense that he expects argument collision, but they were of no avail. and the Pinkertons. for their side to commence on Monday. pany transferred the vessel to the Kan the officers and of the ecum of the or­ reported. The San Pedro struck the steamer on Mr. Borah confined himself largely ganization had brought discredit on Francisco & Portland Steamship co Two hours after the wreck the fog the port bow, tearing an immense hole to the legality of the queetion of admis­ the rank and tile. The time had in­ READY T O F IG H l PA C K E R S. pany. lifted and a cold wind commenced to in her side, through which the water sibility. He spoke for an hoiy. deed come, he said, when right think­ fully reviewing the evidence »!.$, Second Vice President Zimmer, of ing men should rise and make war upon blow. The people in the boats suffered rushed in great volume. Alarms were Livestock Exchange Convention to gations made by the defense, w the Pacific States Telephone company, the evil inflnences that were the curse much. sounded throughout the passenger ship, O. Swanson, a sailor of the San Ped­ he said, failed to show by the ir has again refused to testify in the Glass of all labor organizations. Consider Post Morten. and the terrified passengers scrambled ro, was at tbe wheel Saturday night of the alleged conspiracy betWTY ease and re-sentenced to one day’s im­ On tire adjournment of court until Kansas City, Mo., July 20. — L ive­ from their staterooms in an effort to es­ In mine-owners and the Pinkerton: prisonment. Notice was given that he Monday morning, Mr. Hawley was when the fatal collision occurred. his report to the sailots’ agent, John stock commission firms in the 15 prin­ cape from the doomed veesel, but the any such conspiracy existed. will be called each day and recommit­ showered with congratulations. Erickson, the blame is laid upon tbe cipal markets of the country, that do time was too short toaid the life savers. ted so long as he refuses to testify. The vessel sank within five minutes shoulders of the Columbia’s officers. an annual business estimated at $800,- TH IRTY-O NE DEAD. D IS S E N S IO N S IN TH E RANKS. Thren persons were killed in a wind Other members of the crew of the San 000,000, were represented here today of the time cf the collision. A life raft storm at Woonsocket, S. D. Pedro substantiate the story of Swan- at the opening ot the National Live­ was launched with a number of pas­ Striking Telegraph O perators Criti­ Bryan is said to have abandoned his Michigan Excursion Train Hits Freight Bon. He says that the order was given stock Exchange association. The live­ sengers on board. at High Speed. to him when the lookout sighted the stock centers represented included near­ government ownership policy. cise National Chiefs. ly every city of importance from Buf­ Eighty-Eight Saved. Salem, Mich., July 22.— 1 Thirty-one Columbia to put the wheel hard aport. falo to Denver and from St. Paul to San Francisco, July 19.— Yesterday New York Jews are planning an or­ San Francisco, July 22.— I t is now Three points aport carried the San was a busy day in the ranks o f the strik­ ganization to unite the Hebrews of all people are dead and more than 70 in­ F'ort YVorth. Twenty delegates came reported that 88 of the passengers and ing telegraphers at Oakland. ured, many of them seriously, as the Pedro seaward apparently out of the from Chicago. There * countries. way of the approaching vessel, whose result of a head-on colliBon Saturday be­ The National Exchange is practically crew of the Columbia were saved, and were committees appointed ami many Corey says he is to'remain president tween this village and Plymouth, when name at that time was not known impiomptu consultations held, and dur­ of the teel corporation despite reports a I’ere Marquette excursion train bound Short toots from the whistles of both the clearing house for the various local that 150 were drowned, including Cap­ ing the afternoon sevetal operators exchanges. James C. Swift, of Kansas tain Doran. to the contrary. from Ionia to Detroit crushed into a vessels warned the skippers. The Co­ City, the president, said this morning waited on the three members of ttie lumbia was on the ccast side, the San westbound freight train in a cut located Rioters In Seoul have burned the res­ that the mortem question, among other San Francisco, July 22.— According executive committee, M. J. Reidy, S. Pedro on the sea side. Apparently idences of several members of the em­ at a sharp curve of the Pere Marquette J. Konenkamp, and J. M. Sullivan, both vessels were proceeding at full things, w ill be discussed and said of it to J. C. Flynn, a rescued passenger of railroad about a mile east of Salem. peror’s cabinet. but absolutlito silence was maintained in his annual address: speed. If all had gone well, the San The passenger train of eleven cars, the Columbia, every woman passenger as to the meeting or the trend of the "W h ile we regret the passing of the Rioting has again occurred in San carrying the Pere Marquette shop em Pedro would have cleared the Colum­ 7-cent hog, we rejoice that his memory on the steamer was lost. discussions. Francisco in connection with the strike ployes of Ionia and their families to bia, but it is evident ttiat an order bears no taint of post mortem, and that It was evident from the bearing of of the streetcar men. the Michigan metropolis for their an­ "put the wheel hard a-starboard,” was he left with us the ever-welcome 7-cen San Francisco, July 22.— There were the conferees that the situation was given on the Columbia. This sent her Two storms coming from different nual excursion, was running at high considered serious and there were hints seers anil the lowly sheep, with his directions met at Cascad e, Mont. A speed, probably 50 miles an hour, down directly across the bow of the eteam high-priced fleece and strong-smelling about 300 passengers, a full list, on the of increasing friction among tiie leaders schooner. Whether or not the speed of Columbia. One-third of these went farm hand was killed and crops ruined a steep grade. It struck the lighter of the etrikers. The executive commit­ mutton. ” In the storm zone. down. locomotive of the freight train with either vessel was slackened is imma tee came in for severe criticism on ac­ Mr. 8wift said that livestock ex­ ferial, for the crash of the vessels was such terrible force as to turn the freight The steamer Roanoke brought the count of its reported remarks deprecat­ changes for years had been the butt for The Tennessee Federal court has de­ terrific. The Columbia, an iron vessel, cided that Standard Oil officials of In­ engine completely around. shafts of cheap ridicule and the basis first survivors and a number of the dead ing the calling of the strike and its ap- Only a few of the freight train’s cars bore the brunt of the impact, and her diana can bo brought to the former for criticism born either of malice or to San Francisco this morning. The paient lack of sympathy for the local iron plates cracked, and a gash seven operators. * state to answer indictments returned were smashed, and it took only a few feet across the forward hatch allowed ignorance. dead were taken to morgues. hours’ work to remove all traces of by a grand jury. It lias been rumored persistently for them from the scene. But behind the the water free ingress at great velocity. More survivors are on board a life the past few days that there was a ser­ Canada at Irrigation Fair. Hlxteen thousand men employed by two wrecked locomotives six cars of the Among the survivors rescued and car­ raft in tow of the Daisy Mitchell, ious split between President Small and Sacramento, Cal., July 20.— Canada tbe United States Steel corporation passenger train lay piled in a hopeless ried north to this port by the George his executive committeemen. YV. Elder are men and women from a will send an exhibit of irrigation pro­ routte to this port. and independent tnineowners in Minne­ wreck. The San Pedro, which rammed the sota have gone on strike for an increase Four of the passenger coaches re­ score of slates, not a few from the At­ ducts to the Interstate Exposition to lie Mayor Taylor Takes Office. in wages. The iron ore industry is mained on the track but slightly dam lantic seaboard and the Middle West. held in this city next September in Columbia, is being towed to Eureka by paralzyed. San Francisco, July 19.— Dr. Edward aged, and were used to convey the dead Among these are a number of school connection with the National Irrigation the Geo. W . Elder. teachers, who were varying with a sea congress. A representative of Alberta R. Taylor, dean of Hastings Law col­ A steamer has just sailed from New’ and injured to Ionia; one coach was Shelter Cove is 179 miles north of province called at headquarters to ar­ lege and acting president of Cooper York carrying railroad material for entirely undamaged, xvith only its for­ voyage their home trip from the an­ range for the installation of a big dig here. Medical college, today received his Japanese use in Manchuria. Forty car­ ward trucks off tbe rails. Tire two nual convention of the National Educa­ play. The outlook points to the larg tional association at Log Angeles. The steamer Roanoke spoke the commission as mayor of the city and goes have been purchased and will be coaches next ahead of this were tele­ A segregation of the Columbia’s pas­ est and most important exposition of the steamer Geo. W. Elder, and the latter county of San Francisco. Regarding moved inside of 12 months. The sup­ scoped. The next car forward stood al­ senger list shows ttiat in tier cabins she kind ever held in the YY'est. Twenty had on board 88 passengers and crew his plans for reforming the city govern­ plies involve an expenditure of $10,- most on end after the wreck. Responsibility is put square upon carried 78 men and 90 women and thousand dollars in trophies and prizes of the Columbia, which were taken off ment, Mr. Taylor said: " I have no 01X1,000. the crew of the freight train by officials girls; in her steerage 20 men and one are to lie offered for the best collective the steamer San Pedro. plans at present. In .fa c t, the whole A tornado and tremendous rain storm of the road. Those who arrived at the woman, a total of 189. Discrepancies, and individual entries. The San Pedro had her qtem gone thing has come on me so suddenly that did heavy damage in St. Joseph, Mo., seene of the wreck soon after the acci­ however, between the full list furnished and was considerably damaged for I have not had time to think about it and vicinity. Government to Take Job. dent secured from ttie crew of the the purser on sailing and some of the ward. Her mainmast was gone and as yet. I intend to conduct the govern­ The Elks national convention is con­ freight the orders under which it was names given try the survivors who have San Antonio, Tex., July 21.— A foremast Bprung, her cargo was gone ment on a nonpartisan basis, but fur­ sidering plans to stop the slaguther of running, and which clearly showed the reached here indicate that the total special to the Express from Mazatian and she was in a water logged condi­ ther than that I have no plans.” elk to get teeth. position of the passenger train, and number of passengers may have been says: Authoritative information has tion. The Elder was trying to tow her greater. Sixteen of the names given been received here that the Durango- to Eureka, but was making slow pro­ Equal Pay fo r the Sexes. The Corean delegate at The Hague that the freight bad encroached upon here are not found on the steamship Mazatian railroad w ill be built by the gress. St. Joseph, Mo , July 19.— The thir­ denounces Japanese, but the other dele­ the other train's running time. The company’s certified list. Adding to the Mexican government. It w ill be the collision occurred at 9:13 o’clock, and gatee favor Japan. teenth biennial convention of the Retail the freight train should have reached 189 accredited passengers the 59 or 60 first piece of construction since the na­ Eureka, Cal., July 22.— The San Clerks’ International union today elect­ Rioting in Seoul results from abdi­ Salem at 9:10 to be within their orders. members of the Columbia’s crew gives tional merger was definitely effected Pedro and Geo. YV. Elder brought 88 ed F. H. Conway, of Chicago, presi­ a total of 249 lives jeopardized in the It is expected work w ill be started at survivors into Eureka this morning. cation of the Corean emperor. At least dent. Resolutions were adopted de­ 25 Japanese were killed. midnight collision. It is known that the end of this year. This line is 365 A ll members of the crew except Cap­ Riotirg in Seoul. claring that women clerks should be at least 40 women were saved. miles long, and the estimated cost is tain Doran were among the saved. Tokio, July 22.— Late advices from In the Glass trial the court has ruled paid the same wages as male clerks $25,000,000 Mexican currency. It w ill that evidence showing similar offenses Seoul say that the rioting is growing in where they do the same work. The require several million more to com­ Plot Against Czar Is Nipped. Attempts to burn the may be Introduced, a decided victory magnitude. Will Be Memphis' Guest. convention also w ill declare for an railway station and police building (or Heney. St. Petersburg, July 23.— The police plete the line. St. Louis, July 23.— Final details for eight-hour day. President Conway de­ were frustrated by prompt action. today arrested on the street a student the reception of President Roosevelt at nounced department stores as a curt» Connellaville, a town of .100 inhabi­ The powder magazine of the Corean long suspected of belonging to the m ili­ Telegraphers Will Arbitrate. the conventtion of tbe Lakes-to-the- to humanity, paying only starvation tants near Zanesville, has been a I must government is strongly guarded by Jap­ tary organization of the Social Revo­ San Francisco, July 20.— After being Gulf Deepwaterway association, to be wages to women employes. wiped off the map by flood. No lives anese troops at the request of tire min­ lutionists. On searching them, the po­ on just a month, the strike of the tele­ held at Memphis, Tenn., October 4, are reported loat. The property loss ister of’ war. Rioters are shooting lice found plans of both the Tsarskoe- were adopted today at a meeting held Call for Death o f Japanese*«, w ill be large. wildly out of windows and two Japan­ Kelo and Peterhof palaces, maps of the graph operators in the Oakland and San Seoul, via Tokio, July 19.— Plscsrf* A Chinaman is on trial In I/ie Ange­ ese ate reported to have been killed. St. Peter and St. Paul fortress, and the Francisco offices of the Western Union at the home of W . K . Kavanangh, president of the association. The iall were poeted tixlay in one of the th<*- les for practicing medieine without Murderous assaults are frequent and fortress at Cronstadt, and a paper and Postal Telegraph companies was license. So far 340 talesrnen have been the city is verging almost on a reign of showing the disposition of the ttoops settled this afternoon. The operators for the convention w ill be sent out in onghfares calling for the death of a few days. Governor Folk, of Mis­ Japanese officials in Seoul. The minis­ summoned and but five have qualified, terror. in the 8t. Petersburg bar racks. The almost unanimously voted to return to souri, and the governors of other states ters are strongly guarded and every pre­ all others being biased on aivount of police believe that they have nipped in work under the same conditions and will accompany President Roosevelt to caution has been taken to prevent riots defendant being a Chinese. Mob It After Negroes. the bud another attempt ou the life of salaries as prevailed when they went Memphis. The party w ill be met at and attacks upon officials. The emper­ Guthrie, Okla, July 22 - A mob of the emperor. F. M. Holbrook, E. E. lonabaugh on srike and to arbitrate their griev­ some point above Memphis. or is reported to be too worried to take and Rotswt McPhiHaney, prominent heavily armed men and bovs was or­ ances as provided for in the compro­ food or sleep, but this report is consid­ Europe Dependent on America. men of Wyoming, have been found ganized last night at Y’amnoee I T ., mise offer contained in the letter from Blown From Home. ered to be one cf his usual maneuvers and lias left town headed for a negro guilty of conspiracy to defraud the gov­ Buenos Ayres, July 23.— In com­ Colonel R. C. Clowry of June 20. W illiston, N. D., July 23.— A terri­ to enlist the sympathy of his people for ernment of coal lamls in that state. The settlement, determined to avenge the menting on a recent speech of Dr. fic wind, hail and rain storm last night him. death of Deputy Marshal Morris and maximum penalty is two years in the l>rago, one of Argentine's delegates at Treat Japanese Like Others. destroyed 15 dwelling houses, injured S[Hvial Officer Dickson, who were killed The Hague, the Premia laments that penitentiary and a fine of $10,000. Kan Francisco, July 20.— The board 25 people, two of them probably fatal­ while trying to arreet two negroes he has not set forth the financial point Acq lifted o f Land Fraud. of directors of the Merchants' Exchange The Indian Territory Democratic con charged with robbing * bank ^ Eureka, CM1., July 19.— A jury in of view that Europe cannot do without of San Francisco has announced that it ly, and did much other damage tc vention ended in a riot. property in this city and the surround­ the Federal court this afternoon after sawka, I. T. Feeling has been tense America as a market for manufactured loes not favor any immigration law ing country. Those believed to be fa- lees than 10 minutes deliberation and The Poetal Telegraph company has all day, and white* have armed them goods, capital and labor thus establish- that will discriminate against the peo made an offer to its former employes in « ‘ lyes in anticipation of a race war. ing impottant relations of mutual con­ pie of Japan or that will permit them ttally hurt are a man named Holmes on the first ballot found George W. Mrs. Collinson Brace,¡formerly of Eureka, new of Oak­ Han Francisco to return to their work. venience. Financial operations would to be treated any differently from the and Mrs. Collinson. Russia Begins New Reilroad. be profoundly altered by suppression of people of any other foreign country. It and her baby were blown out of theii land, not guilty of conspiring to defraud Thousands were prostrated by the house for a distance of about 100 yards, the government out of valuable public Nertchinak. Asiatic Rnssia, July 22. r’ *ht of military intervention. heat during the Elks’ |«rade at Phila­ is regarded as desirable, the board con­ landing against a wire fence. — Work was formally begun today on timber land in Trinity county. delphia. The emergency hooepitals tends, that the Japanese people enjoy the construction ol the first section of Takas Sting Out o f Rats Law. ttTat.-l 1,600 and other hospitals 1,000. the same privileges in our country that the Amur la railnad, which is destined Tornado Near Lacroaae, Wla. Hundred Jackies Desert. Asheville. Tenn., July 23.__Federal The Northwestern railroad is prepar to give Russia a line to Y’ iadivuetok en­ Judge Pritchard today discharged Tick­ are accorded our people in theirs] La Crosse. W is.. July 23.— A torna­ Norfolk, Va., July 19 .— During the lag to » t e n d its lines to the coast. tirely through Russian territory. The et Agents Wood and Wilson, of the do visited the section north of here in past few weeks 100 desertion» have Express Money Package Stolen. purpose of this line at present is purely So'iohem railway, on ha I «as corpus the vicinity of Yiroqua. Communica­ been Heted and advertised from the Foreign Minister Hayashi, of Japan, strategical. It is admitted that it ran Columbia, 8 C., July 20— It is re- tion in all directions is cut off and battleship Minnesota, one of the war­ pnv^edings and declared the ■ay» hit Country will trust in Ameri­ wires are down. Serious washouts oc- ■ ships in Hampton Roads. The local fío f ln ik * *I Prw* »I can justice u> prevent war. $10 000 has been loet at the Florence, curred on all five railroads entering Lai police were notified of 15 deeertiens 8. C., office. Crease and traffic is at a standstill. yesterday. m OF THE WEEK i a.Jjurifensed Form tor Our Busy Readers. San Pedro Officers Say Disaster Could Have Been Averted. Rammed bv the San Pedro Off Shelter Cove, California. HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN SAVED 100 LIVES ARE REPORTED LOST / I ‘I1** è » 1 S Í